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 October 21st, 2007 - 6:30-8:00

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I Samuel 18:1-4, 20:1-42
I. Jonathan + David
Flow-In 5min

A. Become Friends 18:1-4 Game

B. David Fears King Saul 20:1-8
Steal the Balloon
1. Danger vs. 1-3
2. Plan vs. 4-8 Wall Crash
C. Jonathan’s Plan vs. 9-23
D. Saul’s Response vs. 24-34 Announcements
1. Shame to parents vs. 30
2. Lose the Kingdom vs. 31
3. Threw Spear! vs. 33 Lesson
II. Qualities of a Good Friend Being a Good Friend
A. Love / Action
1. More than words Breakout
2. Not afraid to love 1. What is a good friend like?
B. Loyalty List the qualities of a good friend.
1. Not Ashamed – popularity 2. Which is better: friendship or
2. Not what you gain… popularity?
a. Choosing friends
who they are 3. Have you ever tried to be popular?
what they have Talk about true friendship vs. popularity.
what they do for you 4. Was Jesus a friend or was He
b. Keeping Friends popular?
3. To the point of death
a. Jesus
b. The Church Food
c. Elizabeth Chips + Sloppy Joe’s

The Fortress
The Fortress The Fortress
October 21st, 2007 - 6:30-8:00
October 21st, 2007 - 6:30-8:00
Flow-In 5min
Flow-In 5min
Steal the Balloon Game
Wall Crash Steal the Balloon
Wall Crash
Being a Good Friend Lesson
Breakout Being a Good Friend
1. What is a good friend like? Breakout
List the qualities of a good friend. 1. What is a good friend like?
2. Which is better: friendship or List the qualities of a good friend.
popularity? 2. Which is better: friendship or
3. Have you ever tried to be popular? popularity?
Talk about true friendship vs. popularity. 3. Have you ever tried to be popular?
4. Was Jesus a friend or was He Talk about true friendship vs. popularity.
popular? 4. Was Jesus a friend or was He
Chips + Sloppy Joe’s Food
Chips + Sloppy Joe’s
Steal the Balloon
Divide kids into 2 teams. Number the teams so everyone
Steal the Balloon
has a number. Line up the teams on opposite sides of the
Divide kids into 2 teams. Number the teams so everyone
gym. Fill each side of the gym with balloons. Call out a
has a number. Line up the teams on opposite sides of the
number, 2 kids - 1 from each team, should run out and
gym. Fill each side of the gym with balloons. Call out a
grab a balloon from the other side or tag the person who
number, 2 kids - 1 from each team, should run out and
is on their side. The object of the game steal the balloon
grab a balloon from the other side or tag the person who
from the other team. The team at the end of the game
is on their side. The object of the game steal the balloon
that has the most balloons wins. Also assign more points
from the other team. The team at the end of the game
to the "secret" balloon that has something in it.
that has the most balloons wins. Also assign more points
to the "secret" balloon that has something in it.

Wall Crash
Have the whole group form a line facing a wall, a few
Wall Crash
meters away.
Have the whole group form a line facing a wall, a few
The leader names two people to act as safety nets. They
meters away.
stand near the wall opposite the line. The person at the
The leader names two people to act as safety nets. They
front of the line walks, eyes closed, toward the wall. The
stand near the wall opposite the line. The person at the
“Safety nets” catch each person before he or she hits
front of the line walks, eyes closed, toward the wall. The
the wall. After each person has had a turn at a walking
“Safety nets” catch each person before he or she hits
pace, the pace is speeded up on each turn, until group
the wall. After each person has had a turn at a walking
members are running at full speed.
pace, the pace is speeded up on each turn, until group
members are running at full speed.

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