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1 Superficie y Poblacin por Regin Natural, 2007/ Surface and Population by Natural Region, 2007
Amazonas Sierra/ Highlands Poblacin (miles) / Demographic ( thousands) Selva/ Forest Total/ Total Urbana/ Urban Rural / Rural

81.3 298.6 379.9 170.3 209.6 Superficie (km2)/ Surface 4,723 34,527 39,249 Fuente: Instituto Nacional de Estadstica e Informtica (INEI) - XI de Poblacin y VI de Vivienda./ Source: National Institute of Statistic & Informatic (INEI) - XI Population and VI Housing.

and Population by Natural Region, 2007

5.2 Poblacin por Sexo y Grupos de Edad, 2007/ Population by Sex and Ages, 2007
Amazonas Poblacin / Population 2007 Hombres/ Male Edades / Ages 0-14 15-29 30-44 45-59 60 a ms/ over

194,729 72,656 50,957 35,781 20,786 14,549 Mujeres/ Female 185,153 70,072 48,176 33,784 18,865 14,256 Total/ Total 379,882 142,728 99,133 69,565 39,651 28,805 Fuente: Instituto Nacional de Estadstica e Informtica (INEI) - XI de Poblacin y VI de Vivienda./ Source: National Institute of Statistic & Informatic (INEI) - XI Population and VI Housing.

x and Ages, 2007

5.3 Poblacin Analfabeta y Tasa de Analfabetismo por Sexo, 2007/ llliteracy Population and Illiteracy R
Amazonas Total/total Hombres / Male Poblacin de 15 aos a ms/population of age 15 or over 233,763 120,543 Poblacin Analfabeta/ illiteral population 27,965 7,766 Tasa de Analfabetismo (1)/ illiteral rate 12 6.4 (1)Datos Estimados /Estimated information Fuente: Instituto Nacional de Estadstica e Informtica (INEI) - XI de Poblacin y VI de Vivienda./ Source: National Institute of Statistic & Informatic (INEI) - XI Population and VI Housing.

or Sexo, 2007/ llliteracy Population and Illiteracy Rate by Sex, 2007

Mujeres / Female 113,220 20,199 17.8

e Poblacin y VI de Vivienda./ Source: VI Housing.

5.4 Tasa de Natalidad, Esperanza de Vida femenina y Tasa de Fecundidad, 1995-2015/ Birth Rate, Female life and Fertility rate, 1995- 2015.
Amazonas 1995 - 2000 Esperanza de vida al nacer de la Poblacin Femenina (Aos) / Life Expectancy at birth of Female Population ( Years). 2000 - 2005 2005 - 2010

68.4 70.2 71.8 Tasa Bruta de Natalidad (%)/Gross 32.4 29.0 26.9 Birthrate (%). Tasa Global de Fecundidad (%)/ Total 4.5 3.9 3.4 Fertility Rate(%) Fuente: Instituto Nacional de Estadstica e Informtica (INEI) - X de Poblacin y V de Vivienda./ Source: National Institute of Statistic & Informatic (INEI)- X Population and V Housing.

d, 1995-2015/ Birth Rate, Expectancy of

2010 - 2015

73.4 24.9

3.1 ./ Source: National Institute of

5.5.2 ndice de Desarrollo Humano./ Human Development Index Amazonas

Poblacin / Population Indice de DDHH / Index of Human Rigths Esperanza de vida al nacer / Life Expectancy at birth. Habitantes/ Inhabitants Ranking IDH Ranking Aos/ Years Ranking % Ranking % Ranking IDH / HDI 2007 375,993 19 1 18 72 10 88 16 79 23 205 22

Alfabetismo/ Literacy Escolaridad / schooling

Ingreso Familiar Per N.S Mes/ Months Cpita / Household Per Capita Income Ranking

Nota: IDH, ndice de Desarrollo Humano/ Note: HDI, Human Development Index. Fuente, Informe sobre Desarrollo Humano/ Per 2009. PNUD./ Source: Human Development Report/Peru 2009

elopment Report/Peru 2009

5.6. Nmero de Viviendas Particulares, por tipo de Abastecimiento de Agua, 2007/ Number of Private Homes, by type of Water Supply, 2007

Amazonas N de Viviendas Particulares/ N Private Houses 36,290 26,717 9,573 52,740 1,377 98 9,248

Por Red Pblica Dentro de la vivienda / Inside houses Fuera de la vivienda dentro del edificio/ Inside building Otras Fuentes/ other sources Piln Pblico / Public water fountain Camin, tanque u otro similar/ truck, tank or other similar Pozo/ Cesspool Ro, acequia, manantial/ River, irrigation ditch, water spring


vecino/neighbor 2,134 Otro / Other 2,014 Fuente: Instituto Nacional de Estadstica e Informtica (INEI) - XI de Poblacin y VI de Vivienda./ Source: National Institute of Statistic & Informatic (INEI) - XI Population and VI Housing.

nto de Agua, 2007/ Number of Private

5.7. Poblacin por Sexo, 2007/ Population by Sex, 2007

Amazonas 1993 2007 Hombre/ Male Mujer / Female Hombre / Male Mujer /Female (%) (%) (%) (%) 51.3 48.7 51.3 48.7

Poblacin / Population

Fuente: Instituto Nacional de Estadstica e Informtica (INEI) - XI de Poblacin y VI de Vivienda./ Source: National Institute of Statistic & Informatic (INEI) - XI Population and VI Housing.

5.8. Poblacin segn condicin de tenencia de un Seguro de Salud, 2007/ Population according H
Amazonas 2007 Total (Urbano y Rural)/ total (Urban and Rural) Total / Total Hombre / Male Mujer/Female Total/ Total Con Seguro de Salud/With Insurance Health 167,797 82,717 85,080 76,174


Sin Seguro de Salud/ Without 208,196 110,223 97,973 89,829 Insurance Health Fuente: INEI - Censos Nacionales 2007: XI de Poblacin y VI de Vivienda./ Source: INEI - National/ Source: INEI- National cen Population and VI of Housing.

07/ Population according Health Insurance, 2007

Urbana/Urban Hombre/Male Mujer/Female 37,184 38,990

46,134 43,695 ational/ Source: INEI- National census 2007:XI of

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