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Raluka Cantareata de doar 21 de ani este cu siguranta una dintre vocile ce aduc scenei muzicale un aer proaspat, cu o puternica

aroma de senzualitate dar si de o vitalitate si exuberanta cu adevarat impresionante. Alexandra Raluca Nistor, dupa ce a absolvit Liceul de Muzica, a decis sa se indrepte spre o cariera in media, urmand cursurile Facultatii de Jurnalism. Spirit activ, artista nu a renuntat niciodata la pasiunea sa cea mai mare, muzica, participand de cate ori a avut ocazia la concursuri si festivaluri iar odata cu lansarea in mainstream, la concerte si spectacole de amploare. Fire jucausa, Raluka imbina pasiunea pentru muzica, arta, cu cea pentru sport, in special pentru cele de echipa, pe care le poate practica impreuna cu prietenii. In anul 2008 a inceput prima sa colaborare in muzica, alcatuind un stage act de mare succes cu DJ Sava. Cele trei single-uri care au propulsat-o la nivel de preferata a cluburilor si a radiourilor romanesti sunt September, I Like the Trumpet si Love You. Momentul a venit insa pentru ca Raluka, acest adevarat simbol al femeii puternice, cu atitudine, sa se lanseze in cariera solo. Single-ul sau de debut, 'Out of your Business' este produs de catre celebrul duo format din Connect-R si Chris Mayer si arata o evolutie spre muzica internationala de club. Cantareata are o agenda de concerte foarte aglomerata, show-urile sale girl power, in compania a doua dansatoare senzuale dar foarte energice si un DJ de sex feminin fiind un eveniment ce nu trebuie ratat !

Raluka The 21 years old singer is certainly one of the voices that stands out from the crowd! With a very fresh attitude and act, she brings a special mixture of sensuality and an exuberant vitality. After graduating the Musical College, Alexandra Raluca Nistor decided to undertake a career in media and is currently a second year student at the Journalism Faculty. Being a very active spirit, the singer never gave up her strongest passion - music. Thus, she participated in all kinds of competitions and festivals and went on to have incredible concerts and shows after she hit mainstream. A very playful person, Raluka combines her passion for music with the one for sport, especially if there's a team involved, a team of friends that she so much loves to spend time with.

In 2008 she started her first musical collaboration, creating a stage act with DJ Sava. They released three singles, all of them huge hits that propagated her to instant stardom September, I Like the Trumpet and Love You. Now is the moment we've all been waiting for! Raluka, this true girl power symbol is on her own, starting a solo career, stronger and more charming than ever! Her debut single, 'Out of your Business' is produced by two of the most acclaimed Romanian producers Connect-R and Mayer. The songs represents a clear evolution from her previous tunes, being more upbeat and in keeping with the international club rhythms. The singer has a very busy concert agenda, her girl power infused shows being a super hot, unmissable issue.

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