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George Washington (1789-1797)Unaffiliated

Victories:-Judiciary Act of 1789 (created federal court system, allow president to create federal courts and appoint judges)-Funding at par (brought unity since federal gov't. assumes debts of states)-Neutrality Proclamation-Pinckney's Treaty-Farewell Address (warn against foreign entanglements and political parties) Defeats:-Whiskey Rebellion (in response to hated excise tax, however, was first example of federal government's new power to react swiftly and effectively to problem)-Jay's Treaty Victories: Avoids war with France, Capitol moved to Washington DC (first to live in the White House) Defeats: Alien and Sedition Acts XYZ Affair Midnight judge appointments Victories: Louisiana Purchase (1803)Did away with the excise tax with election, federalism began to fall Established precedent of Executive Privilege Failures: Victim of one of America's first "whispering campaigns" - accused of being naughty with one of his slaves Embargo Act (1807) - Banned exportation of goods to any country Victories: hailed as the "Father of the Constitution" for being instrumental in drafting the United States Constitution and a key author of the Bill of Rights. Became a leader in ratifying it after drafting the Constitution. Collaborated with John Jay and Alexander Hamilton to produce the Federalist Papers. Supervised the Louisiana Purchase. Helped form the first party system. Defeats: Planned an invasion to Canada and cut off food supply to the West Indies; however, the invasion failed. governors in the Northeast failed to cooperate with him. Madison also left office a poorer man than when he entered. Victories: -Goodwill tour in 1817 after winning presidency, dubbed the Era of Good FeelingsSigned Missouri Compromise (1820), settled debate over Missouri entering Union as slave stateNegotiated Treaty of 1818 with Britain, eased relations between Americans and British-1818, sent General Andrew Jackson to Spanish Florida, pressured Spain into selling Florida to US-Monroe Doctrine (1823) - declared that America would resist European intervention in Western Hemisphere Defeats:-Panic of 1819 - financial paralysis, high unemployment and increased foreclosures and bankruptcies. First panic since Washington Victories:-As Secretary of State, he formulated the Monroe Doctrine, arranged with England the occupation of Oregon, and obtained Florida from Spain-improved the highways and canals in order to reduce sectionalism Defeats:-Although winning the election of 1824, he faced accusations of "corrupt bargain" from Jackson for the way Henry Clay influenced the House (in return for the position of Secretary of State).-Was not reelected for the next term. The election of 1828 was the campaign of personalities and he was accused of being a "pimp"-Was in office with an uncooperative Congress and was unable to get his national economic plan passed through Victories/successful in: National war hero of War of 1812 (New Orleans), Age of the Common Man, destroyed the national bank Defeats/bad: Spoils System, Kitchen cabinet, Tariff of Abominations, nullification crisis, Trail of Tears (Indian relocation) Victories: the acquisition of California, the settlement of the Oregon question, the reduction of the tariff, and the establishment of the independent treasury. He also enlarged the Monroe Doctrine: the United States grew by more than a million square miles, adding territory that now composes the states of Arizona, Utah, Nevada, California, Oregon, Idaho, Washington, much of New Mexico, and portions of Wyoming, Montana, and Colorado. Defeats: Polk believed that Mexican leaders would much rather sell off large parcels of the national domain than undertake a costly war, and thats one of the biggest mistakes that he made during this[US-Mexican War] conflict. Victories: Held a reputation as a war hero. He led American troops to victory in Battle of Palo

2. John Adams (17971801)Federalist

3. Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809)DemocraticRepublican

4. James Madison (18091817) DemocraticRepublican

5. James Monroe (18171825)DemocraticRepublican

6. John Quincy Adams (1825-1829)DemocraticRepublican

7. Andrew Jackson (18291837)Democrat

11. James K. Polk (18451849)Democrat

12. Zachary Taylor


Alto and Battle of Monterrey during the Mexican-American War. Defeats: Died while in office while eating cherries and drinking milk.

15. James Buchanan(18571861)Democratic 16. Abraham Lincoln (18091865)Republican

Victories: Managed to keep Union intact over the issue of slavery Defeats: Attempted to expel Mormons from Utah, Fought for Kansas to be a slave state, but failed. Victories:-started the Civil War-ended slavery-gave the Emancipation Proclamation which began the process of freedom for America's slaves-passed the Homestead Act, Morrill Act, National Banking Act, and a bill that chartered the first transcontinental railroad-gave important speeches like the House Divided Speech, Cooper Union Address, Gettysburg Address Defeats:-suspended the writ of habeas corpus-ordered the arbitrary arrest of more than 15,000 Northern civilians, often with little or no cause Victories: -The United States purchased Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million upon Secretary of State William Seward's advice. The land later proved to be very resourceful and rich. Defeats -The Radicals in the House of Representatives impeached him in 1868, charging him for violating the Tenure of Office Act, but the Senate acquitted him by a single vote.-Johnson was the first U.S. President to undergo an impeachment trial.-Johnson's reconstruction policies failed to promote the rights of the Freedmen, and he came under vigorous political attack from Republicans.-His opposition to the Freedmen's Bureau Bill, the Civil Rights Act of 1866, and the Fourteenth Amendment. Adoption of 15th amendment (suffrage throughout the US should not be based on race) Treaty of Washington Known for political corruption Credit Mobilier Scandal Veto of Inflation Bill and passage of the Resumption Act Panic of 1873 Victories: Through compromise of 1877, the southern democrats accepted Hayes' presidency and last remaining Union troops were withdrawn from the Old Confederacy and the country was finally reunified as a modern nation-state led by corporate and industrial interests. He used federal troops to restore order during the railroad strike of 1877.He recognized the government of dictator Porfirio Diaz in Mexico, which encouraged not only trade expansion, but U.S. investment in railroads, mines, agriculture, and oil. Defeats: Hayes feared that the Bland-Allison Act would cause inflation that would be ruinous to business, so he vetoed the bill but congress overrode his veto.

17. Andrew Johnson (1865-1869)Democrat

18. Ulysses S Grant (18691877) Republican

19. Rutherford B. Hayes (1877-1881)Republican

20. James A. Garfield (1863-1881) Republican

Victories-he played a crucial role in maintaining peace between different factions within the Republican Party. On the diplomatic front, he tried his best to foster closer relations with countries in Latin American region Defeats- He was only in office for 6 months, two of which he was bed ridden so his weakness was his lack of time in office Victories: Passed Sherman Antitrust Act, first measure to prohibit trusts

23. Benjamin Harrison (1889-1893)Republican

Defeats: McKinley Tariff was widely unpopular.*Served between two terms of Grover Cleveland

25. William McKinley (1897-1901)Republican

Victories: Dingley Tariff, protected US from foreign competition. Led US to victory in SpanishAmerican War, US becomes imperialist world power. Gold Standard Act. Defeat: Shot by an anarchist in Buffalo, NY, claiming McKinley was an enemy of the working people. ~Founder of the Progressive (Bull Moose) Party of 1912. For his aggressive attacks on trusts, he has been known to be called a trust-buster. He issued a corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, which stated the US would intervene in conflicts between European and Latin American countries. After his presidency, he chose William Taft to carry on his policies. VictoriesTaft easily won the election in 1908 by riding on Roosevelt's popularity. He busted more trusts than Roosevelt did, bringing down Standard Oil Company in 1911. He also strengthened the Interstate Commerce Commission The Sixteenth Amendment (income taxes) was passed with Taft's support. Taft used Dollar Diplomacy in Latin America and Asia to help further economic development. DefeatsTaft was not nearly as charismatic as Roosevelt, and would shun the presses. Often, he alienated his own advocacy groups. In the election of 1912, Roosevelt ran as the Bull Moose Party candidate, Taft was overwhelmingly defeated (with 25% of the popular vote but carrying only two states), and Wilson won the presidency. Victory:A leading progressive, argued for a stronger central government and fought for anti-trust legislation, and labor rights.1. Federal Reserve Act2. Federal Trade Commission Act3. Clayton Antitrust Act Defeat: 1. Treaty of Versailles2. League of Nations3. 14 Points4. Was a racist Victories: An influential newspaper publisher and signed peace treaties that built on the Treaty of Versailles Defeats: The Teapot Dome affair involved his members of the Presidential Cabinet Victories Embodied virtues of honesty, morality, and frugality which the nation needed having just had a President faced with scandal (Teapot Dome) The Bonus Bill was passed Indian Citizenship Act Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928 Withdrew troops from Dominican Republic in 1924 Defeats The McNary-Haugen Farm Relief Bill was passed by Congress two times, but vetoed by him and so farm prices stayed down Did not advocate joining the League of Nations Dawes Plan: rescheduled German reparations payments and opened the way for further American private loans to Germany. (However, the US ended up not getting the money) The US had loaned $10 billion to the Allies but never did get it back Victories:-Set aside money for national park land, prison reforms, and better education on American Indian reservations.-Helped pass the Agricultural Marketing Act to help farmers. Defeats:-Failed to use substantial federal money for aid during the Great Depression.-Sent federal troops to use force on the Bonus March. Victory: 1. New Deal program (relief, recover and reform) for the Great Depression2. Good Neighbor Policy in Latin America3. Leadership during WW2 to support the allies and defend US includes Four Freedom speech, Atlantic Conference, Casablanca Conference4. post war planning to ensure democracy includes Yalta Conference, Cairo Conference and Teheran Conference Defeat: 1. Court-packing - lose support of congress2. Japanese relocation camp Victories:Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, Integration of armed forces, Truman-MacArthur conflict, Berlin Airlift, NATO, recognition of Israel Failures:Internal corruption in the Truman Administration, failed attempt to nationalize steel mills during Korean War Victories - Supreme Allied Commander of WWII (D-Day)Signed the armistice that "ended" the

26. Teddy Roosevelt (1901-1909) Republican

27. William Howard Taft(1909-1913)Republican

28. Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921)Democratic

29. Warren G. Harding (1921~1923)Republican

30. Calvin Coolidge (19231929)Republican

31. Herbert Hoover (19291933)Republican

32. FDR (19331945)Democratic

33. Harry S Truman (1945-1953)Democrat

34. Dwight D. Eisenhower


Korean WarNASA Defeats - Failed to stop the spread of McCarthyism,Did not do much about civil rights Victories: - Cuban Missile Crisis- Peace Corps- Foreign policies- Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Defeats:- Bay of Pigs- Civil Rights (couldn't do much because of the Republican & Southern Democrat Barrier)- Too much of an idealist (not so much action)- Assassinated in 1963 Victories:Passed measures that Kennedy wanted before death: Civil Rights Act of 1964, tax cutsto Great Society: Aid to education, Medicare, Attack on disease, Urban renewal/beautification, Conservation, Development of depressed regions, War On Poverty (Economic Opportunities Act: established Office of Economic Opportunity), Control & prevention of crime and delinquency, Civil rights/Enfranchisement (Voting Rights Act), Promotion of arts, Consumer protection of Election of 1964: Very popular during first term, Won 61% of popular vote, the highest ever attained by a presidential candidate, Space exploration: 1968: 3 astronauts successfully orbited moon Defeats: Racial unrest: Despite his work against segregation and on behalf of law and order, tension and riots occurred across the nation (Harlem riots 1964, Watts 1965, Biggest wave of riots occurred in 1968 following MLKs assassination) Vietnam: Enlarged US involvement in war, committed US to major combat; Media sensed credibility gap between what Johnson told the public was occurring in Vietnam and what was really occurring there; Walter Cronkite, trusted by public, reported the war as unwinnable after Tet Offensive; War became extremely unpopular with public; Led to Johnsons withdrawal from Election of 1968 Victories: Space Race (first man on moon), SALT I, China visit, EPA created Defeats: Lost to JFK b/c of looks on TV (first debates on TV), Watergate scandal, Vietnam War (Pentagon papers), impeachment (resigned) Victories:-1978 Camp David Accords, mediated peace agreement between Israel and Egypt Defeats:-Tried to free nation from dependency on foreign oil by encouraging alternate energy sources and deregulating domestic oil pricing-OPEC sent oil prices soaring, caused inflation and recession-Public scandals involving his family, mysterious $250,000 payment by Libyan government to his brother Billy-Plans to relinquish Panama Canal and response to Soviet aggression in Afghanistan by pulling out of Olympics were seen as weak.-Republicans criticized his recognition of communist China and negotiation of arms control agreements with SovietsAyatollah Khomeini seized power in Iran, Iranian students stormed American embassy and took over 50 Americans hostage. Disastrous failed attempt to rescue them in 1980 doomed Carters presidency Victories: his summits with Gorbachev led to the INF Treaty and essentially to the end of the Cold War; he championed modern conservatism (neoconservatism) and led an economic "Revolution" grounded in supply-side economics; despite numerous incidents (see below), nothing bad really seemed to "stick" to Reagan, earning him his nickname, "the Teflon president" Defeats: had some foreign policy fiascos, including the Iran-Contra affair and a botched coup in Granada; his economic policy made the national debt skyrocket, and the middle class and poor often accused him of being helpful only to the rich (e.g. with regards to tax breaks); under Reagan, U.S. military expenditures were extremely high, due to the arms race (Reagan was mocked for the Strategic Defense Initiative, derisively nicknamed "Star Wars"); some blamed him for the 1982 recession

35. John F. Kennedy (1961-1963) Democrat

36. Lyndon B. Johnson (1963-1969) Democrat

37. Richard Nixon (19691974)Republican

39. Jimmy Carter (19771981)Democrat

40. Ronald Reagan (19811989)Republican

41. George H.W. Bush (1989-1993)Republican

Victories : He was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for bravery in actionwins. called for a "kinder, gentler America". Signs the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. Defeats: economic problems at home did not allow him to get re-elected. Victories Led nation to period of strong economic prosperity: lowest unemployment rate in recent times, lowest inflation rate in decades, highest homeownership rate ever, improving economic equality, Foreign policy achievements: Presided over 1993 signing of Oslo Accords between Israel and Palestine Liberation Organization, Stabilized war-torn Bosnia, Helped to end Serbias

42. William J. Clinton (1993-2001)Democrat

ethnic cleansing of Albanians in Kosovo, Dont Ask Dont Tell Policy Ratification of North American Free trade Agreement (NAFTA) Increased minimum wage Brady Bill: imposed waiting period on gun purchases Defeats Endorsed massive health care reform act designed to provide universal health coverage, but the bill was blocked by Congress and became a political disaster; Led to Republicans regaining control of both houses of Congress Foreign policy failures: Failure of American military in Somalia, Inaction to Rwanda genocide, Monica Lewinsky scandal: At first denied, then admitted to extra-marital relations with a White House intern; Impeached by Republican-dominated House for perjury and obstruction of justice; Later acquitted by Senate on all charges, remained in office Victories: planned a 1.35 trillion tax cut program, reforms to social security program Defeats: Florida Supreme Court took him to court (many of the presidential ballots were miscounted)- illegitimate president, massive military campaign against Afghanistan after 9/11

43. George W Bush (20012009) Republican

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