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The Human

Human Computer Interaction -Dix, Finlay, Abowd, BeatleAbowd, Beatle(Lecture Notes) Notes)

Vu, Thi Hong Nhan ( Faculty of Information Technology Vietnam National University, Hanoi

1. Introduction 2. Input-output channels Input3. Human Memory 4. Thinking: reasoning & problem solving 5. Emotion 6. Individual difference 7. Psychology and the design of interactive systems


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Information i/o

visual, auditory, haptic, movement

Information stored in memory

sensory, short-term, long-term

Information processed and applied

reasoning, problem solving, skill, error

Emotion influences human capabilities Each person is different


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Input-output channels
In interaction with a computer

The human input is the data output by the computer and vice verse In humans, input mainly occurs through the senses and output through the motor controls of the effectors
Input Humans Input Output Computer Output

The most important senses in HCI

Vision, hearing, and touch

The primary effectors

Eyes, ears, fingers, head and body position

Physical reception of the stimulus from the outside world The processing and interpretation of that stimulus
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Visual perception can be divided into 2 stages


Input-output channels

Eye: is a mechanism for receiving light and transforming it into electrical energy

Light is reflected from objects in the visual field and their image is focused on the back of the eye, where it is transformed into an electrical signal and passed to the brain

The most important components are the cornea (gic mc) and lens (thy tinh th/n t) and the retina (vng mc) with the blind spot and photoreceptors(cc t bo nhn kch thch nh sng): rods, cones located on the fovea (h vng mc)

Rods are highly sensitive to light and are usable under low illumination Cones are less sensitive to light and can distinguish color
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Input-output channels Vision: The signal interpretation

Size and depth

Visual angle indicates how much of view an object occupies

(relates to size and distance from eye)

Visual acuity (th lc) is ability to perceive detail Familiar objects perceived as constant size
(in spite of changes in visual angle when far away)


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Input-output channels Vision: The signal interpretation (contd)

Perception of brightness

is a subjective reaction to levels of light emitted by an object affected by luminance of object


The eye perceive color because the cones are sensitive to light of different wavelengths

3-4% of the fovea is sensitive to blue, making blue acuity lower In reality, about 8% males and 1% females are colour blind


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Input-output channels Vision: The signal interpretation (contd)

The visual system compensates for

Movements Changes in luminance

the human mind judges an object's size based on its

The context in which an object appears allows us to clearly disambiguate the interpretation of the object Optical illusions sometimes occur due to over compensation


the Ponzo illusion

the Muller Lyer illusion


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Input-output channels Vision: Reading

Consists of several stages

The visual patterns of the words are perceived Decoded with reference to an internal representation of language

The word is processed as part of the sentence or phrase using syntactic and semantic analysis

Reading involves saccades(c ng git git ca mt) and fixations

Perception occurs during fixation


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Input-output channels

Provide information about environment: distances, directions, objects, etc. The ear receives vibrations in the air and transmits them through various stages to the auditory nerves Physical sections

Outer ear: protects inner ear and amplifies sound Middle ear: transmit sound waves like vibrations to inner ear Inner ear: chemical transmitters are released and cause impulses in the auditory nerves (thn kinh thnh gic )

Features of sound

Pitch( cao thp): frequency of the sound Loudness(cng ): amplitude of the sound Timbre(m sc): type/quality of the sound Frequency


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Input-output channels

Hearing (cont.)
Humans can hear sound at frequencies from 20Hz to 15kHz Can perceive changes at low frequency about 1.5Hz The higher the frequency, the more difficult to distinguish Human auditory system has a filtering system which filter out the distracting noise to concentrate on important sounds

Cocktail party effect we still can concentrate on the conversation


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Input-output channels

Hearing withHCI
Currently sounds are still mainly used to inform some thing, e.g.,

When pressing a wrong button Welcoming to Windows when booting Low battery status

Sound research has been carried out

Synthesize speech: Listening to an audio material instead of reading, which is especially beneficial to blind people & those who have weak visual acuity

Use sounds to create effect in content displaying


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Input-output channels

Provides important feedback about environment Stimuli are received via the receptors (c quan nhn cm) in the skin

Thermoreceptors: hot and cold Nociceptors: pain Mechanoreceptors (c quan cm th c hc): pressure

Kinesthesis (cm gic v s vn ng ca t chi & c th)

Second aspect of haptic perception Awareness of the position of the body and limbs due to receptors in the joints


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Input-output channels

Touch with HCI

E.g., we can perceive when a button is being pressed New devices: haptic


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There are three types of memory function: Sensory memories Short-term memory or working memory

Long-term memory Selection of stimuli governed by level of arousal


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Sensory memory
Act as buffers for stimuli received via each of senses

iconic memory: visual stimuli echoic memory: aural stimuli haptic memory: tactile stimuli

These memories are constantly overwritten by new information coming in on these channels Information is passed to sensory memory into short-term memory by attention
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ShortShort-term memory
Is used to store information which is only required fleetingly Can be accessed rapidly: ~ 70ms Also decay rapidly: ~ 200ms Has a limited capacity

Humans can store 7 2 chunks of information E.g., 212348278493202 0121 414 2626 HEC ATR ANU PTH ETR EET


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LongLong-term memory
Has an unlimited capacity, a slow access time and forgetting occurs more slowly or not at all Information is stored here from the STM through rehearsal 2 types of LTM

Episodic (tnh tit) memory represents our memory of event & experiences in a serial form Semantic memory is a structured record of facts, concepts, skills that we have acquired, derived from the episodic memory

Semantic memory is structured as a network

The more general the information is, the higher is the level on which it is stored allows us to generalize about specific cases
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Memory LTM: example of semantic network model


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Memory LTM: Frames

Other models about the organization of LTM Frames

Information is organized in data structures Have slots to add attribute values

Fixed legs: 4 Default diet: carniverous sound: bark Variable size: colour

Fixed breed of: DOG type: sheepdog Default size: 65 cm Variable colour


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Memory LTM: Scripts

Comprise a number of elements (like slots) which can be filled with appropriate information
Script for a visit to the vet
Entry conditions: dog ill vet open owner has money Result: dog better owner poorer vet richer examination table medicine instruments Scenes: Roles: vet examines diagnoses treats owner brings dog in pays takes dog out arriving at reception waiting in room examination paying dog needs medicine dog needs operation
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Memory LTM: Production rules

IF-THEN rules If information coming into the STM matches one of the condition in the LTM, the appropriate action is executed
IF a dog is wagging tail THEN pat the dog

IF a dog is growling THEN run away


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Memory LTM: 3 main activities

Storage of information

Rehearsal of a piece of information from the STM (moved to LTM) Total time hypothesis (Ebbinghaus 1885)

If the total learning time is increased, information is remembered better (amount retained is proportional to rehearsal time)

Distribution of practice effect (Baddeley & Longman 1978)

Optimization: the learning time should be well spread over time

Repetition alone is enough?

To help learn efficiently, information should be meaningful & familiar

So that, it can be related to existing structures more easily incorporated into memory
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Memory LTM: 3 main activities

Forgetting: 2 main theories of forgetting


information held in the LTM is gradually lost but slowly


New information replaces old one (retroactive interference) The older information interferes with the newly acquired information (proactive inhibition)

Forgetting is affected by emotional factors too


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Memory LTM: 3 main activities

Retrieval: 2 types of retrieval


information reproduced from memory can be assisted by cues (e.g., the category in which information can be placed)


information gives knowledge that it has been seen before Less complex than Recall


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Require different amount of knowledge

Some thinking are very directed and the knowledge required is constrained

Others require vast amounts of knowledge from different domains

Thinking can be divided in

Reasoning : deductive(din dch), inductive(quy np), aductive(Truy kch)

Problem solving
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Is the process in which we use the knowledge to draw conclusion or infer something new about the domain of interest Deductive reasoning

Derive the logically necessary conclusion from the given premises E.g. If it is Friday then she will go to work It is Friday Therefore she will go to work Logical conclusion not necessarily true E.g. If it is raining then the ground is dry It is raining Therefore the ground is dry When the truth and logical validity clash E.g.Some people are babies Some babies cry Inference - Some people cry


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Inductive reasoning

generalizing from cases we have seen to infer information about cases we have not seen

E.g., all elephants weve been have trunks, therefore all elephants have trunks


Can only prove False not True


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Reasons from event to cause E.g., Sam drives fast when drunk

If I see him driving fast, assume drunk


Can lead to false explanation But still useful


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Problem solving
Is the process of finding a solution to unfamiliar task, using the knowledge we have There are different views on problem solving Gestalt theory

problem solving is both productive and reproductive productive draws on insight and restructuring of problem attractive but not enough evidence to explain `insight' etc. move away from behaviourism and lead towards information processing theories


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Problem solving (cont.)

Problem space theory

problem space comprises problem states problem solving involves generating states using legal operators People use these operators to move from the initial state to the goal state heuristics may be employed to select operators

Use of analogy

Problems solved by mapping knowledge relating to a similar known problem domain to the new problem

Analogical mapping


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Skill acquisition
Information structure is fine tuned at a deep level to enable efficient and accurate retrieval Skills acquired via 3 levels

The learners uses general-purpose rules to interpret facts about a problem

Develop rules specific to the task using proceduralization The rules are tuned to speed up performance, using generalization


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Thinking Errors & mental models

Types of errors slips

Right intention, but failed to do it right Causes: poor physical skill, inattention etc. Changes in context of skilled behaviour can cause error

Mistakes wrong intention

An incorrect understanding of a situation can cause errors because humans tend to create mental models , based on experience, which may differ from the actual situation


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Various theories of how emotion works

James-Lange: emotion is our interpretation of a physiological response to a stimuli

Cannon: emotion is a psychological response to a stimuli Schacter-Singer: emotion is the result of our evaluation of our physiological responses, in the light of the whole situation we are in

Emotion clearly involves both cognitive and physical responses to stimuli

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Emotion (cont.)
The biological response to physical stimuli is called affect Affect influences how we respond to situations

positive creative problem solving negative narrow thinking

Negative affect can make it harder to do even easy tasks; positive affect can make it easier to do difficult tasks
(Donald Norman)


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Emotion (cont.)
Implications for interface design

stress will increase the difficulty of problem solving relaxed users will be more forgiving of shortcomings in design

aesthetically pleasing and rewarding interfaces will increase positive affect


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Individual differences
The principles and properties discussed apply to the majority of people But humans are NOT the same at all Differences should be taken into account in the design

E.g., Divide the users into the target groups


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Psychology & the design of interactive systems

Some direct applications


blue acuity is poor blue should not be used for important detail

However, correct application generally requires understanding of context in psychology, and an understanding of particular experimental conditions A lot of knowledge has been distilled in

guidelines (chap 7) cognitive models (chap 12) experimental and analytic evaluation techniques (chap 9)
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Input-output channels Input Human Memory Thinking Emotion Individual difference Psychology and the design of interactive systems


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