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Who Is Your God?

Poeta Ricardo Sal LaRosa A philosophical problematic

Monotheism versus polytheism No contest test Monotheism is victorious! And the three Abrahamic religions Do they all worship the same God? Do the Jews recognize Jesus as the Messiah? Do the Jews and Christians recognize Mohammed as a prophet? Do the Muslims recognize Jesus as the Son of God; a divine entity? Then God said, Let us make man in our image, in our likeness Genesis 1:26 In the Hebrew text the word for God is Elohim Is this word a singular or plural noun for god or gods? Is god a noun? Is god a common noun or proper noun? Do some Jews consider god to be a verb? To this poet god seems to be a verb in its esoteric essence And a common noun in its literal meaning It is not the proper name of the Supreme Being but a title Such as king or lord or commander Is Elohim and Jehovah the same being? Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Exodus 20:3 By his own admission the god of the Jews acknowledges other gods exist And what about the sacred Sanskrit texts and their gods?

The Hindu Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are they not gods too? The Egyptian Trinity of Isis, Osiris and Horus are they not gods too? And the Greek Zeus, Apollo, Athena are they not gods too? The Prince of this world cometh: and he hath nothing in me. John 14:30 According to the New Testament, Jesus faced three great temptations by Satan When Satan offered Jesus all the Empires of this world, Jesus did not deny that he, Satan, did not own them Thus, Satan was already here on earth and met and spoke with Jesus Then who is this Prince of this world, that Jesus spoke mentioned? Are Satan, the Devil, and Lucifer the same beings? This poet believes that they are not Ancient Irish folklore believe that there was more than two factions in the great war in heaven Within all these rhetorical questions is the philosophical problematic We have to be very careful when we claim that our god is the only true god My final question to all of you and all your gods Every five seconds an innocent child dies of hunger, or lack of clean water or basic medical needs; not because of scarcity of resources, but, of indifference Where is your god? Why doesnt your holy, righteous, omnipotent god stop this suffering on earth! Where are your gods, nowhere, but, in greed, and hatred and evilness!
XIV MAIUS MMXII Long Island, New York

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