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Euclids Proof of the Pythagorean Theorem

Brad Thompson 753789

Eudoxus of Cnidos
approx. 400 B.C.E. Studied under Plato in Athens Also studied in Egypt. Eudoxus had two major contributuions 1. Theory of Proportion. This theory and proof dealth with classical Greek problems of incommensurable ratios. This was covered in Book V of Euclids Elements 2. Created the method of exhaustion This was a method used to determine areas and volumes of sophisticated geometric figures. Strategy was to approach an irregular figure by using a succession of known figures. This process is similar to, and inspired Archimedes approach to finding the area of a circle through the exhaustion of inscribed polygons. This process was also a forsight to the eventual utilizations of limits

approx 300 B.C.E. Studied in Alexandria Author of the Elements The Elements is regarding as the most successful and influential math text ever written. While it was not mathematically perfect, Euclids axiomatic methods for proof became the standard for future mathematical development. The Elements The mathematics is founded on 23 definitions, 5 postulates, and 5 common notions which Euclid created. This axiomatic approach avoided circular logic which can be a fundamental flaw to a math proof. The first definitions: Definition 1: A point is that which has no part Definition 2: A line is breadthless length Definition 3: A straight line is a line which lies evenly with the points on itself While these definitions can arise some suspicion regarding their mathematical soundness, it is generally accepted that some concessions must be made when constructing an axiomatic system, as not all terms can be exactly defined, as terms require terms to be defined. Tools used within the text are a blank straightedge, and collapsible compass. Interseting Note* Nowhere in the Elements does Euclid mention degrees of an angle. Just that angles can be right or straight Euclid wanted to remove the idea that you could rely on the picture of geometry to suffice a mathematical proof. But was not always successful in this pursuit.

Journey Through Genius lists a number of postulates, definitions, and propositions which can be found in the Elements itself
Definitions: Common Notions: Postulates: Propositions: 1, 2, 4, 10, 15, 23, 15 15 I.1, I.15, I.16, I.26, I.27, I.29, I.32, I.41 I.47, I.48

Great Theorem: Euclids Proof of the Pythagorean Theorem Proposition I.47 In right-angled triangles, the square on the side subtending the right angle is equal to the square on the sides containing the right angle. Let ABC be a right triangle Propose square BC equal to squares BA + AC Construct squares on all three sides Draw AL parallel to BD to get point L on DE Connect FC,DA DBC and FBA are both right Add ABC to both, so that whole FBC = ABD Since DB = BC & FB = BA ABD = FBC

[I.46] [I.31]

[post 4] [CN 2] [I.4]

Parallelogram BL is double ABD [I.41] Square GB is double FBC so BL = square GB With doubles of equals being equal Similarily, if AE, BK joined, the parallelogram CL can be shown to equal square HC. Therefore, the whole square BDEC is equal to the two squares GB, HC. [CN 2] which are described on the sides of the triangle. Hence, the square on the side BC is equal to the squares on the sides BA, AC.

Epilogue Non-Euclidean Geometry [orthe death of the 5th Postulate]

Throughout history, the parallel postulate [postulate 5] has been controversial to mathematicians who claimed that it was more of a theorem. There have been many attempts at rewriting the parallel postulate: Proclus axiom: If a line intersects one of the two parallels, it must also intersect the other. equidistance postulate: parallel lines are everywhere equidistant Playfairs postulate: Through a point not on a given line, there exists only one line which can be drawn which is parallel to the given line. (often confused with the parallel postulate) the triangle postulate: The sum of the angles of a triangle is two right angles. Carl Friedrich Gauss began to study what would happen if triangles contained more or less than 180. Through this work, Gauss effectively created non-Euclidean Geometry. But as he didnt publish his findings, Johann Bolyai and Nikolai Lobachevski later published similar findings. Georg Reimann then extended the findings of the previous three by working under the assumption of unbounded, but finite lines.

Guass 1824

Bolyai 1832

Lobachevski 1829

Reimann 1846

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