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Home of the Great Ziggurat Made of mud and brick

Agriculture encouraged permanent seNlement First urban metropolis:

Catal Huyuk

Mud-brick houses

Due to the rhythmiv ooding of the Nile, the land became fer@le Created civiliza@on Lead to advancements in architecture Sun-baked mud brick (royal palaces) Stone (tombs)

Neolithic Period
7500 BC
Great builders in Neolithic period Used brick with limestone in construc@on 2 major ci@es: Uruk and Ur

4000 BC

3000 BC

2000 BC


2100 BC

First architect Credited for crea@ng the rst pyramid: the Ziggurath

Egyp0an Pyramids
Used column and lintel system Believed in life aJer death Pyramids were built as tombs for the King


Greek values revolved around Man Polycleitos: propor@ons = ideal beauty. Doric Order: Sturdy Form Greek Parthenon= Classical building, structural integrity

Corinthan Order: Hellenis@c Period Temple of Apollo Epicurius: ornament and theatrical eect Rich in pictorial appeal

Dome: arch rotated 360 Hadrians Roman Pantheon: Oculus allowing daylight and rain. Basilica: public assembly: ini@ally at then vaulted ceilings

447 BC

421 BC
Ionic Order : Slender Form Erechtheion by Pericles example of Unity Temple of Athena: Delicate

420 BC

100 BC

18-128 AD

80 AD

Roman Arch and Concrete: Allowed daring forms Roads, aaqueducts, public buildings allowed development of civilisa@on.

Roman Baths: Fed by gravity operated aqueducts. Provided sense of community Colosseum:circular amphitheater, brick, stone , concrete, pillars connected to big arches

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