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The Promises of God

God wants to bless you now!

By Rodolfo Morales M.

table of contents


NOW..................................................................................................................................................4 NEW YORK BLACK MORNING........................................................................................................7 BODY AGAINST BODY 9





THE FULFILLMENT OF THE PROMISES OF GOD...........................................................................13 THE GOLDEN PROMISE: THE SALVATION..................................................................................24 PART TWO 3



THE MINISTRIES OF GOD..............................................................................................................37 THE FUTURE...................................................................................................................................!4 THE SOUL.......................................................................................................................................!" DIVINITY........................................................................................................................................."2 EVERY DAY PROMISES................................................................................................................1 3

Alfa and Omega

The hour has come. I am into a personal celebration with God. I heard His Voice giving me the signal I had asked. In II hronicles !"# 2" He promises to me# $ And in every work that he began in the service of the house of God, and in the law, and in the commandments, to seek his God, he did it with all his heart, and prospered%. &rom twenty years to this point I have been feeling a strong attraction toward The 'romises of God. I am not able to e(plain it# I )ust mean that I had so many e(periences in His Holiest and my life had changed in so many ways. Based on my own e(perience* I want to enlighten you that God really wants to bless you now* right now+ He is tough* but He is also so tender. It is ,- to reach His &ace for blessing+ It takes a lot of guts to get near His Holy 'resence to ask for His &avor+ .ou also need faith* confidence* hope* love* humbleness of heart and many other things He does like. This is very spiritual. / &ather fulfilling His 0ons or His 1aughters needs. His 0ons and His 1aughters asking for His &avor. 2e will always need of Him* our life grows on this hundred percent dependence basis. I will always approach 3y 1ad this way 4 with problems and needs. He always had and will make me feel comfortable with my smallness. Here is an opportunity God had been sharing with me* that you will not loose. I had compiled 2*56! bible verses with promises from 3y 1addy for you. It took me over three years. In His 3ercy* He had raised me with a writing gift. /fter also twenty five years as a born again hristian* for the last years he fueled my tank with 2ord of God. I had been giving out and teaching to His hurch at a tiny* little country in entral /merica named Guatemala. But for The 'romises of God I felt something different. There was special revelation concerning His 'romises. He mark me at Is 57#2" $ Tell, you, and bring them near; yea, let them take counsel together: who have declared this from ancient time who have told it from that time have I not the !ord And there is no God else beside me; a "ust God and a #avior; there is none beside me$% &ay ' (ather )ow may ' serve *ou +hat can ' do for the suffering ones me for a long time. 0omebody has to prepare the sheep for the day of struggle. 0omebody has to mark the day of the beginning of these last times. God is not moving a finger without his prophets. He is waiting for theirs awakenings. The whole answer deals with The 'romises of God. I found that every promise take in account three foundations# I. The Holy 2ord of God These 8uestions had been my daily bread for years. I asked God for guidance* whatever He wants from

II. The 0alvation and III. The 9iving :esus I have to make this clear from the very beginning* because these three points are in The ;ame of The 9ord. :esus is The 2ord* His ;ame means 3y God is 3y 0alvation and He is alive right now. Through His Holy 0pirit* His 'resence fills every place that any hristian 4 His Temple 4 occupies. 2hat a victory+ 0o* please test with The Holy 0pirit every word you hear in the name of God. 2ith these three guidelines you will be far from error and the coming apostasy. 2hile I worked* I resisted suggestions to change the Bible verses of The 'romises to show them out in a more commercial presentation. I re)ect the summaries* changing of words or skip some letters. I am a fearful and trembling hristian who is not going to e(pose of breaking the admonition in the last words of The <evelation Book. 0ome people dispose that the material failed in accuracy. I disagree with them* by The Holy 0pirit I include as promises some commandments* statutes and ordinances. I believe these te(ts run in the direction of blessings to the believers. 3y sole purpose is to follow the 2ill of God. 0ome time ago I asked Him* $(ather ' "ust want *our ,resence with me %. /nd He agreed and replied $you will need prayer and sub"ection, then%. 3y life changed as I follow His Instructions. ;owadays I am asking )ust for His 2ill. /nd He had revealed me that His 2ill is to fulfill my calling. I want you to be fully bless with The 'romises of God. 9et=s give all The Glory to God. I want to thank -I;G :/3>0 V><0I,; for the use of their bible for all the verses in The 'romises of God. /nyway if there is a mistake of any kind* the only responsible is this author. <emember that all the 'romises of God are for the persons who )oined Him in His 3ystical Body and to prepare the Bride. /round this message* it is necessary to let the &ather minister in the Holiest 'lace and in the three mountains of God ? @ion of the &ather* alvary of the 0on and Tabor 3ount of the Holy 0piritA. 2e will be introduce in the process of the 3eeting Tabernacle* 0alomon Temple and :esus Temple. Here God Himself will tithe us !*B76 promises taken from the !B*762 verses from His 2ord in His blessed lemency* Grace and 3ercy. How many richness He wants to tithe to us* thank you 9ord* 3aranatha+

This is the time of God* now* right now. If He wants to bless you in His 3ighty 2ays* He had already done. .ou can feel it now* right now. The greatest blessing of all is described at I or 6#"B* the -etuvah with GodC the marriage* the union* the sharing* the absorption of our spirit by HisC the change of nature* the new purpose of 9ife* the infusion of His haracter. 2ords are

vain* the gift of God is too good* impossible to e(plain with words* designed to be felt and savored )ust with the heart. It is a feeling that everything is )ust fine and beyond it* all God is giving like a wild river born inside the belly ?:ohn B#!DA. /n impetuous stream fulfilling every day with His 0anctity* His 2ork and His /nnoiting. 'romises of God are the future of the sons and daughters of the 9ord. 2e are talking about a secure hope. The applying of the 'romises is a techni8ue* compromises knowledge* effort and time. There are some tools that are needed to be learned like the lifetime promise and the Eero pointing balance. The lifetime promise is a gift of God for your hristian <oad. It is very easy to understand in the life of ministers and Bible men and women. I know a man of God who received 3t "B#B for his minister and certainly his work had been to rise shepherds* evangelists and teacher for God* touch their lives* fear liberation from people and close in depth teaching and writing from God. The threesome power of God leads every person who comes to Him to a sound verse of His 2ord* rarely* to a passage where there is 9ife* Truth and the <oad. The balance pointing Eero is a self evaluation when something is wrong. .ou stop for a while and review if you are united to God* if living in koinonia. If you find yourself with a good relationship with Him* you may ask Him what is going onF But if you feel separated then you may check your lifetime promise. If nothing is there* you may look at the flesh* the world and 0atan. /gain* if you did not find anything wrong* a calm look at hidden* secret sins could restore you. /nyway* the daily use of your lifetime promise and the instant balance pointing Eero would demonstrate you again that the blessing is now. ;ow is the time* God is ready to act* the choice is yours. /ll you need is freedom or in other terms awakening. &reedom to give love* to give life. /wakening to Gods reality* the -ingdom of the Heavens and Gods -ingdom. The benefit of this balance tool is that you see the point where you stand. /s >E "#" affirms a vision and open heavens are provided to fulfill the 2ill. 2hen you turn back to the close link with God you may be able to see if you are on the top of a mountain* a valley* a city* or anywhere. The sense of elevation is needed to advance and accomplish your mission. It is crucial to receive from God the time* the space and the dimension we are moving. The point in my life is a whole process and it is in the Hands of the /lmighty. To establish if at the moment I am in the half or third or a 8uarter of my life could be useful to mark a rhythm or a pace to my walking* but the criteria would be of obedience and discipline to what is been revealed to me. In most of the cases* irreparable mistakes are not in the past of the hristian* since corrections are still possible and the best is yet to come. Then base Eero balance* makes me come from a death point to a godly point. The Eero value comes out from a negation of myself* means Eero me* nothing of the egoC but is focused to be filled* ordered and in action. It implies an instant recuperation of peace* )oy* love and all the fruits of the spirit at Gal 7#"".

The country where I am located* Guatemala* is full of volcanoes and abyss. I had repaired on this many times* the full picture produce a great beauty. I know God wants to make it out of my lifeC the set of e(plosions* downs* hurries* valleys* mountains* the threats of climbing* all together is unified by His Blood. 2hat a wonderful God we have+ It is so easy to e(periment the peace in the mountain and the valley. But I am living here to learn how the answer is immersed at the conte(t. >verything is useful to Him* we have to take advantage even of the wrong* even the pain. To me* without Guatemala* there is no love* there are not people. This is the soul of the earth* it is founded in the 2ord of God as -yriat :earim* a deposit of The /lliance /rk. However you find God in your tough timeC this is your way to balance pointing Eero. <epeating it will make power blossom out from you* but the power is not yours. /nd then comes the fre8uent use of your lifetime verse. This will remember God has a 2ord for you and it is able to create out of nothing ?:ohn "#!A. Isn=t it gloriousF Grasping a touch of what means the now to God is part of reality. God is against religiosity* He does want real adorers* real sons* real hristians. He does not reap any fruit from religious* or people who wants to have any relation with Him. He need spirit and true worshipers* persons who knows how to access to Him now* how to be blessed now and how to make His 2ill now* before is to late. 'romises thinking is not a religion* a relationship* it is reality. 3ost teachings* then* will be practical* se8uential* logical* e(periential. The 2ord of God is nowadays very understable* a lot of preaching had been imparted* we are very wise in many ways. But the need of a sound 2ordC the strength* the energy and the inspiration that comes with a great lifetime* balanced* Eero pointed Gods 2ord is almost forgotten of today hristianity. 0ometimes is because of preachers* sometimes because of the brides ears. But the need is overwhelming* the temporal and eternal influence of The 2ord is on and nothing* nobody will put it off. 2hen God is with you* the moment now is a mirror image of eternity. God wants to reveal Himself in a complete* total way. He had done His Volcanoes* his /byss* His Giants* /ngels and 1emons are part of His 'lan. They are our servants* our servers. 2ith them we may be doors and roads to the eternal life* to His -ingdoms* to beautiful realities. ,ur )ob is to build mountains and valleys. I found the first acknowledgement of this high vision in the >nglish hurch of the GIG entury* with the 3ethodism. They wanted to reach God step by step* day by day. 2hat a wonderful* unending )ourney they aspire+ Indeed at the famous Belle >po8ue* 3ethodists began the e(ploration of a new reality. &amous figures like >. 2. Bullinger* 0purgeon* <ev. Thomas and many more* discovery many graceful ways to get close* in contact* in touch with the 3aster. This generation* at GGI entury transformed everything. / big shift was made in society* work* family and social life* se( and intimacy* education and health* couple and masses. 2ith

computers and Internet came systems and new ways of thinking. ,pen mentalities bring front line cultures and gods strange to past times people. The revolution takes place in years* formerly it took decades and even centuries to change. /nd God remains talking* He had never 8uit man. The 9ord do not ever forget His creatures neither His reation. He had raised a nation and a hidden nation for Him. He had kept the sacred and the saint for Him. /s always he had preserve the beautiful* the sublime* the transcendent for His Glory. He had kept a remnant of adorers* liberators and intercessors for Him. The higher purpose of promises is to e(alt the prophetic ministry. ;o prophecy could be out of the 'romises of God* like a testing tool* if prophecy is far away from promises* it is not godly given. The prophets around all ages have an uttermost mission to burn adoration cycles. To fight and win against satanic efforts to steal the power. The Eero base balance and the lifetime promise is given by a loving God to affirm your destiny and create an adorer inside you. /doration drives you to a relationshipC this link guides you to power and with godly power you are enable to give life ?>c !#2A. 2ith the power of giving life arrives the skill to build mountains. /s our Heavenly &ather constructed @ion as His 3ountainC The alvary* the mountain of the 0on and Tabor 3ount* the Holy 0pirit 3ountain. /nd The 3ost High chose to establish 0olomon Temple at @ion* :esus Temple at alvary and at Tabor* the Tabernacle of 3eeting. In his image we will build tree mountains# one for the fellow brothers* the other for the self and the last one* our adoration building for the 3erciful and /ll knowing God. This is the work of God in these very last times* the full promise for our life and the narrow path we are walking right now. God had been preparing everything to honor him in this very present time. /nd we want to help in every possible way.

New York Black Morning

""th of 0eptember morning events deal with the prophecy ministry. The reason is 8uite easyC it is the signal of the beginning of the apocalyptic era. /t these very times prophetic ministry was asleep or death. 9ike in the ,ld Testament* a godly servant tried to awaked us* )ust 1avid 2ilkerson from the very ;ew .ork told us. The rest* )ust e(planations. I heard Bishop larence 3c lendon* 'rayer &orce 2HH" leader in Harvest &ire hurch at e(planation afterwards. :ohn Hagee from a catastrophe* but generalities diffuse his predictions. .ou can tell me many things about the prophetic ministry* but the main signal is the occurrence of what they predicted. 'rophets are invaluable people* they know the futureC not )ust a piece but all. 0cience had always tried to predict through models* scenarios* pro)ectionsI<eal alifornia a great ornerstone hurch at 0an /ntonio Te(as anticipated

prophets are not interested in world eventsC current things are not their matter. They are looking for the Voice of God. 2hen something happens and there is a lack of prophecy* the action of satanic forces grow wild. This was not the case at 2HH"* 1avid 2ilkerson rescued the ministry. 0ince that very moment 2ilkerson word and ministry had been fructified. How a great and loyal God we have+ :esus said I must be about my &ather=s businesses ?9uke 2#5JA. This is the key orientation of a prophet* they guide us through end times. The key is the ear as in The 0hema ?1eut 6#5A. 3any of us are waiting for the trumpets at Tabernacle &east for the second coming of the 3essiah ?9ev 2!#!JK5!A. 'rophets hear and speak* it re8uires a lot of discipline* none a drop of their will* only 2ord of God ?I 0am !#"A. The reward is great for the people who hears* cause God warranty prosperity ?II hron 2H#2HA and for the servant* because God=s love for the prophets is overwhelming ?Is 5!#"HA. 0ince ""th 0eptember worldly systems are getting stronger. True faith had been trapped by resteligions* nations and culture. These trilogy is getting ready for the advent of the ;ew >conomic ,rder. ulture through institutions ?mesa sectorA is brightly e(planained by 'eter 1rucker. ,ur world must be reached first inside us and ne(t in our families* by humiliation. Then we can move to the ;ations. But events seemed to illustrate our lowliness. ;ew >conomic ,rder will fight against ;ew ,rder of 3elkisedek. ;owadays the world is very strong* it is no more another distractor* certainly the plenitude of the gentiles is as near as ever. The first nation in God=s plan is Israel and ;ew .ork is the world capital of :udaism. This is the reason why ""th 0eptember the attack was against :ews and God because it happened a week before .om -ippur* e(piation dayC forgiveness day was spotted. >gyptians and /ssyrians K /l Laeda K ruined celebration of a Holy &east in a key moment. God loves his people* the :ews* but they get apart. That &east could mark the separation from -abala and @ohar* and the return to Torah and the God of Israel. The genetic code would mark G.@* impositions like Babilone and <ome to :ews adoration was near to an end* but then came two airplanes to destroy 2HH" .om -ippur. GentiliEation of the :ews was on the track and in 2ashington

athedral an >cumenical

0erviced was officiated on Thursday "! of 0eptember 2HH" like a satanic seal. In the 'salms D2 we read about it when /saf describes The /ssembly of the Gods as a turning point at history* when God intervenes to keep His 1irection* the 3essiah Times* /pocalypses had begun. 1emonic activity had grown since then* especially around Israel and :ewish ulture. 9ike trying to avoid The 3ahanaim and the unity of hristians* :ews and Gentiles around The 3essiah. The territories under siege had e(tended to the whole planet and corruption had covered up everywhere but there are special places for 0atan=s hostilities# Israel* Guatemala ity* ordoba* /rgentina and ;ew .ork. &or me there is some secrets about this four ;ations and cities that I still have to find in order to establish their key importance at final times. /nd the main target of destruction and annihilation is the prophet. /gainst this places and men of God* the

1evil is directing his four hierarchies of demons# two territorial ones* princes and governorsC one inner* powersC and one of action* demonic hostages. /ll of them persecuted* oppressed and attempt to posses godly servants and places chosen for God=s destiny. ""th of 0eptember for ;ew .ork was a very hard lesson to assimilate. It hides a message about His <edemption and His Government. It deals with His ;ature* His haracter and His 'urpose. In the very walls of :erusalem there is a 'oem of 9ove and a Temple of Mnity* ""th of 0eptember is part of those words. :esus The 3essiah is coming back and nobody could deviate Gods 2ill for humanity. 'rophets will guide His 'eople* their voice will sound like a lightning awaking hundreds and even thousands. 'romises are the restoration of the prophetic ministry. The Bride might arise for The 9ord clean and bright* without blemish nor spot. The fulfilling of The 'romises of God will e(ecute this overwhelming struggle. 'rophets may look confirmation for the Voice of God at The 'romises* where all the gifts and the future is revealed. /t /pocalypses "#J we receive the last minister as -ings and 'riests of The &ather. 9ike in the ,ld Testament* when 0amuel walked in defense of -ing 0aulC ;athan looked for 1avid and Isaiah told :ehovah=s 2ord to -ing HeEekiah. ;owadays /postles and 'rophets work together for the 9ord or both anointing rest in the same person. But prophetic ministry is crucial to survive and that is why 0atan is enraged against it. The 'romises of God are a mysterious an inscrutable way to reach all who need a 2ord for his life and clarify his destiny.

Body against body

2hen preparing for The 9ords 1inner I realiEed that there is a great change in the adoration of these times. 2ith much restlessness I have been observing as ""th of 0eptember of the 2HH" moved the prophetic ministry in the world and as this 2" of 1ecember 2HHD was damaged the apostolic ministry in the world. ;ow we are living a stage between the church of &iladelfia* ministries of love and communityC and the hurch of 9aodicea* gospel of prosperity and appearances. This sign marks the principle of the Great 1eceit* 'ersecution and /postasy. The main cause of apostasy is the 0MB ,; I,M0 possession of the fear spirit# treasons* retirement from a denomination to another one and so on. In effect* individual or personal deliverance is overC today churches leaded with apostolic prophets and teachers like 'aul* 'eter and :ames will have to introduce into liberation ministries* )ust as it is done by the primitive church in /cts. In the Bible there are four passages of handKtoK hand combat* body against body that mark the self deliverance to us that we are forced to minister us in these very last times#

"oA 1avid killed Goliath ?I 0am "BA 2oA :esus runed out 0atan ? 9k 5# " to "HA !oA /ngels powerlessness against 0atan?:ude JA 5oA 9ords 1inner ?Gen "5# "B to 25A 2e may not lose occasion to invite another minister* moved against us or perhaps offended with us* to share together the bread and the wine. 'erhaps it is the last opportunity that we must see him in this life. The 9ords 1inner is a ministry for these last days and an opportunity to recover the inner integrity and peace with all mankind. The 9ords 1inner is the seal to territorial liberation. It is also necessary to restore angels ministry* because they need of us to battle in the airs. <etirement* fast and The 2ord would help us in the liberation of our personal service for God. &inally* intervention of the whole hurch in marches* massive prayer and overall* the union of ;ational hurches are warfare weapons we are beginning to comprehend. The moment approaches for completing the 'rotestant <eformation# the restoration of the Tabernacle of 1avid* the reestablishment of the GuatemalaA. /ll these completes the 'riesthood of the ;ew ,rder of 3el8uisedec ?Heb 7 and Heb BA. &or that reason the life of /braham is protected of the earth kings with bread and wine and came to party with the -ing of 'eace. Here is what we need for The 9ords 1inner and to complete the reform. 2e know that 0atan falls by the mi(ture of the spirits of pride* rebellion and contradiction. 0atan is tormented as -ing 0aul by the spirits meant to serve him. These characteristics marked the antichrist and its churches* missions and works. In our support will came an spirit named -ohelet ?>c "#"A. This entity is very near to Gabriel* the Voice or /nnouncer of God. -ohelet is the helper of preachers* he administers the secrets of God ?1eut 2J#2JA and wisdom* advice* understanding and alike spirits ?Is ""#2A are close to him. 0alomon used the name of this spirit to include all of his wisdom and richness in God. -ohelet and 3el8uisedec are servers of the men of God of the last times. The beginning of /pocalyses is signaled by 3el8uisedec appearance* like the messages to the 0even God. 9ooking at The 'romises of God my best wishes are that you find these wonderful* e(treme beautiful and strong creatures of the 9ord standing with you to face the terrible times hurches point -ohelet times. :ehovah=s /ngel is the seal of the adoration and the e(ecution of the will of ommunity of the 'rimitive hurch of /cts of the /postles and the Territorial 9iberation in the ;ations of God ?the M0/* /rgentina* Israel and


ahead. 2ith these company I am sure your lifetime promises and all The 'romises of God are becoming reality in you.


PART ONE The Beginning of the Late Dew


The f lfillment of The Promises of God

In <omans J#5 The 'romises of God are placed in their proper position. $ +ho are 'sraelites; to whom pertained the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises;%. Imagine the level of The 'romises of God* their relevance* to what are compared* their use in the design of Israel. /nd we are not aware of these Holy instruments+ But there is someone who is using them* 0atan. /ccording to Isaiah and >Eekiel* when he was dropped to the abyss* he took a third of the angels with him. He also brought secrets and treasures. 0ome of these are The promises of God. 2hen we face ,ur &ather in Heaven* He will provide us with new garments of white linen. But in the old clothes we will have some promises adorning. These promises will be secrets and treasures that we take away from 0atan in our daily hristian life. ,ur &ather will be delighted of their sons that as good warriors rescue his riches. 3y calling deals with hanging in these people garments the treasures they were send to recover. The 0econd oming of :esus is not possible without the diffusion of The 'romises of God. ;ow I see many hristians* sincere and dynamics* surrounded by fear* an(iety* poverty and sinning. 2hen The 9ord comes back his people are going to share His Glory. <emember that His bride will be spotless and without blemish. /nd the only way this could happen is through The 'romises of God. The 'romises of God will be a key resource for the millennium and the prime material to build the ;ew :erusalem. The church worldwide has been fighting the good battle* the restoration of the soul. But for the upcoming events it is necessary to put aside $the ego% and beginning to master The 2ill of God. Thorough the scriptures we find an event that will ruin all religions. It is mentioned a few times* but the impact it would cause is enormous. The <estoration of 1avid Tabernacle. <eligious persons hate 1avid figure. He takes them out of business. 1avid took all the furniture out of his tabernacle* but he kept the /rk. 2ell* modern 1avies will look with desperation for The 'resence of The 9ord* abandoning all forms of religiosity. The natural appearance of dance* )oy* e(ultation and worship that comes with 1avid <evival* will receive a natural* spontaneous* free and enthusiastic answer of all his e(cluded children. The new church will not need any temple* no furniture* no formulas* no rites* no ceremonies. :ust God and we. /nd when that happens* this will be the opening of the Great :esus era. / very different 3essiah* not The Humble 0ervant that we already know* but the Victorious 2arrior hristians and :ews await.


This revolution of religion had to be preceded by a tender* soft* appealing message# The 'romises of God. Before somebody changes his comfort and passive e(perience The 'ower of God through His Blessing. The Blessing of God is much more abundant than any promise or set of promises. It is very important not to limit The 'ower of God. /sk Him for his whole blessing# The 2ill of God. But you have to know that there is a way to obtain whatever you need from Him. 2e do have a wonderful God. He will not deny anything to us. hristian style* he might

H#$ %&'( $#)*

The 'romises of God are not a free lunch. /s :ohn Hagee* pastor of 'roblem and 'rovision. The ''' rule. This means that whenever a promise is given to you* problems arise. /nd when the problems finish to test you* the provision comes. This pattern may be reviewed in the life of the men of God thorough the Bible. 0ometimes* the suffering comes first* but the rule gets fulfilled anyway* '''. The 'romises of God are )ust for the $inward man%* $the new creature%. In <om B#22 we find the delight in the law of God as a condition. 2 or 5#"6 e(plain how $problem% makes the outward man perish while inward man is renewed day by day% The 'romises of God do not consent demons. The liberation and the gift of sanity function as the very first promises to e(perience in the life of a hristian. ''' se8uence starts when anybody falls down to the feet of :esus. 0ince The 0alvation begins many of the graces* gifts and ministers of The 9amb through His Holy 0pirit. There are no promises in contradiction with The 2ord* The 0alvation and The 9iving :esus. <ight now* the intercession of ,ur 0avior gives the spiritual basis of all our blessings. The 0alvation that He gained for us at alvary opened the door to victory and to a promising future* the eternal life. /nd The 2ord* from Genesis to <evelation* enable us to grasp His 3ercy and touch with our little portion of faith the significance and benefits of every promise in our daily life. 'romise The 'romises of God set in motion the restoration of the soul. In the 'arable of the 9ost 0on* we have a dramatic reflection of our own life. The son who looses all his fortune and comes back K defeated and destroyed to his parental home is a figure of how we dilapidate our spiritual wealth in the world. ornerstone hurch at 0an /ntonio Te(as* sustains* they follow an order* a patron* a se8uence. 'romise*


But the response of the father is splendid+ In 9k "7# 2H he restores his child with love. It is amaEing how $his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him%. ;o words are necessary. He does not know the intention of his son. He was )ust happy to see again his rebellious boy. &or scholars like Thompson the robe* the ring and the shoes of 9k "7# 22 are compared to <om 7# "K 7 $faith, peace, grace, hope, patience and love %. This is what <estoration of the 0oul 3inistry is about. /lthough glorious* this ministry has its limits. .ou cannot stop in there. .ou have to surpass it. If you do not* your congregation is always going to be looking inside for God=s blessings. /nd the most and greatest promises are outside. In The Great anything related to The 2ill of God. The <estoration of the 0oul is necessary but it holds dangers. .ou can become selfish* over trained* indulgent hristian. The point is not how you feel* but what are you. /s soon as you are ready* you have to flight. /s soon as you are strong* you have to fight. /s soon as your nature has enriched with the traits of a warrior* a priest and a prince ?or princessA is time to go on. 'romises are the key to this change. In <om J# 5K 7* The 'romises of God are compared to the adoption, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the service of God and the fathers . The 'romises of God are a crucial element of the identity of Israel according to this verses. 2ithout them* the church will not attain its mission. The 'romises* and the ''' patron are a preparation for the 'lan of God. The 2ill of God will be achieved if His 'eople use wisely His 'romises. ;owadays I see everything is ready for the <estoration of the Tabernacle of 1avid announced in /m J#"". &or the feeling good hristians* for the :ewish* for the world this are grieving times. But for us* servants of the 9ord we are established at His 3ercy. 2e are waiting for this big time. 2e are counting the days to e(periment more and more and more of Him. In >Eek 2D# !K 5* the devil steals treasures from heaven. ;ow is time to take back them and adorn the garments of the people. The priest ephod with the breastplate will shine again* as soon as the ministries focus on their real purpose. These )ewels are The 'romises of God. 2hen all this movements come along* we will discern. In <ev "#D* The 9ord is named as the first step and the last* revealing us that the spiritual realm causes everything and define the results. /nd the hour of The 'romises of God is right now. .ou can observe many kinds of promises. &or your convenience I divided them in two categories* for people and for ministers. I classifieds the 'romises for the 'eople in i. 3inistries of God ommission* or in


ii. iii. iv. v.

The future The 0oul 1ivinity >veryday 'romises

I classified the 'romises for 3inisters of God* based on >ph 5 ! ""* in i. ii. iii. iv. v. /postles 'rophets 'astors Teachers >vangelists

'roblem There is a whole theology of suffering. It proclaims that the cross is the very great point

in :esus and His &ollowers life. It is not true. 2e are still waiting for the best and anyway* the peak point of ,ur 9ord is His <esurrection. 0uffering is )ust a temporal reality. It is not in The ;ame of God. 'ain is part 4 a brick K of the hristian process* not the cornerstone. I do prefer the term problem* because it insinuates something to be solved. /s hristians we know that everything works out for our good and the burden is never heavier than our strength. In two words* suffering is a condition* not a cause. The 0alvation has opened the doors of The -ingdom of God to us. 2e are 0ons of The -ing. 2e have word and vote. 2e are cause in the spiritual realm* through :esus and The 2ill of God. 2e will be persecuted* oppressed and hurt but our enemies will lay under our feet. This earthly road is going to be victorious too. ;o curse* no weapon* no man* no woman will prevail against us. 2hen a promise is given to us* the forces of evil stand with all its machinery to stop provision. 'roblem begins to treat us. 2e will demonstrate if we are going to sustain in The 'ower of God or not. This is the only way to growth. ;o pain* no suffering is supposed to outcome. 'roblems ask for solution. 'roblems ask for attention. 'roblems ask for effort. 'roblems ask for His ommunion. If other way out is chosen* human pride may appear and the lesson is missed. Then come our enemy and his servants* to infringe us torment and emotional sorrow. The natural route is first* to receive the promise. Then face the problems. &inally* the provision is given to us. Israel should not wander for forty years in the desert. They were after the promised land. &orty years were needed to take out >gypt from their spirits.


This happens with us today. 2e need the desert to wipe out the old creature* the world and the flesh. /fter we get our personal promise* the lifetime promise* it is wartime. If we face the difficulties with God* the provision is closer. But if we need more training* problems will multiply. The enemy to our devastation will manipulate any signal of selfK sufficiency. But we have access to a definitive resource* The /nointing of God. 2hen God spills $ fresh oil% ?'s. J2#"HA on our head* problems )ust fade away. There are occasions in which a problem comes to teach us how to manage time. / wise hristian knows how to manage time. The &ather uses and strategy named parsimony to handle time. ,n scriptures you discover an incredible synchronicity. >verything happens on The &ather appointed time. The &easts are vital for the accomplishment of The 2ill of God. :esus was born in a feastC died in a feastC sanctify His 'eople in a feast* resurrected in a feastC sent The Holy 0pirit in a feastC He will return in a feastC He will redeem Israel in a feast and He will establish The >ternal -ingdom in another feast. The problems that come after a promise are a training. 2e will need several tests to achieve the abilities to sustain the provision. The promises are not wasted on us* they are given with a purpose* both temporal and eternal. 0ometimes problems take place because we need to make choices between the world and God. 2e will develop a sharper taste for the treasures of The -ingdom. If in the heart of a hristian still occupies a high place riches* fame and pleasures* the consecution of a promise may await until the godly fire lights again. /nother big obstacle to receive the reward of a promise is the flesh. The flesh is an enemy of our spirit. It opposes to the realiEation of a higher power. The flesh is chained to the earth. It is the basis to any addiction and e(cess. It is defeated through prayer* vigil and fast. The stress* depression* immaturity and sickness of the soul are barriers to en)oy the blessings. The whole process of restoration of the soul must take place before a personal promise is send. 2hoever wants to feel peace* have to put his home in order first. In The 0alvation come the initial steps through the eternal and abundant life of :esus. It is necessary that every born again liberation. /s The 'romises of God are of great value* a reason for delay is to ensure that the hristian will do good use of them. 0ome problems present as a reminder that promises must be used according to The 2ill of God. 2e never might forget that before The 9ord rescued us* we were vile and underestimated creatures. Today our struggle is to keep the promises alive and to get stronger for these very late days. hristian get submitted to a servant of God for all the process of inner


2hen The 'romises of God are introduced to hristians* there is always a group that thinks that God has an obligation to bless them. 2rong+ God is with me* God is not for me. If they see The &ather as a good old man* they are never going to obtain anything. God is no servant of anybody. 1o not get confused with His Grace and 3ercy* big boy+ Better change your mind* cause you might be attracting )udgment. 'romises will not concrete until you are walking in The 'lan of God. In these latter days* your plan and God=s one will coincide. .ou are free* but do not get surprised if you have to take action against the antichrist* or the false prophet or the great whore. .ou will have to endure the apostasy and the mark of the beast. Then* it will come your provision. 'rovision The 'rovision of God to people who accept their personal promise and overcome the problems is ensured. In >ph 7# 2B* 'aul mentions that The 9ord is coming back for a bride without spot* nor blemishC $a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, - holy and without blemish%. This means that the church in the last days will be over provided. 3any of the modern hristians must consider 3tt 22# 2K "5* the 'arable of the 3arriage &east. In these times* I believe the wanderers and outcasts are going to take the place of distracted church members. I think that through missions we will reach the remaining countries and a burning fire for souls is going to move the compassion for the elder* the woman* the young* the poor* the alcoholic* the drug addicted* the criminal* the foreignerI 3any confused preachers are going to understand where The Temple of The 9ord stands in today world. They will discover the Holiest 'lace in the heart of every hristianC the Holy 'lace* in the familyC and the /trium* in the ;ation of The 9ord* Israel* and nations. /ccording to <ev 22# "6 :esus is ,ur <oot. 2e have to share :esus Vision. The <oot and the tree cannot live apart. To the world* the root is invisible* but the tree is manifested. God promised to send a 3essiah who would connect us to His >ternal 9ove and save from the hands of 0atan. :esus is The 'romise of 'romises* The 3essiah* The /nointed of God. He is the guarantee of present and the perpetual provision. He concludes God=s work in this earth and in the heavenly parts. Hallelu)ah to The 9amb of God+

T&' B+,-' ./0 T&' P)#1+2'2 #3 G#0

,ur &ather is very serious about His 'romises. He is The Hope and The 'romises are the food of people who waits in Him. .ou can see how resolute He is in <om J#5K 7* $ +ho are 'sraelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of


the law, and the service of God, and the promises$; .+hose are the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh /hrist came, who is over all, God blessed for ever% Amen$. :ust imagine that 'aul place The 'romises at the same level than the adoption and the glory+ Imagine that 'aul identifies The 'romises as a trait that forms Israelis identity+ That is why I want you to check how God treats His 'romises in His Very ,wn 2ords# "ames "!"B >very good gift and every perfect gift is from above* and com down from the &ather of lights* with whom is no variableness* neither shadow of turning. ;um "5!!5 /fter the number of the days in which you searched the land* even forty days* each day for a year* shall you bear your ini8uities* even forty years* and you shall know my breach of promise. " #ing D!76 Blessed be the 9,<1* that hath given peace unto his people Israel* according to all that he promised# there hath not failed one word of all his good promise* which he promised by the hand of 3oses his servant. 2 hr "!J ;ow* , 9,<1 God* let your promise unto 1avid my father be established# for you hast made me king over a people like the dust of the earth in multitude. ;eh 7!"2K "! Then say they* 2e will restore them* and will re8uest nothing of themC so will we do as you say to us. Then I called the priest* and took an oath of them* that they should do according to this promise. /lso I shook my lap* and say* 0o God shake out every man from his house* and from his labor* that performed not this promise* even thus be he shaken out* and emptied. /nd all the congregation say* /men* and praised the 9,<1. /nd the people did according to this promise. 's BB!D Is his mercy clean gone foreverF doth his promise fail for evermoreF 's "H7!52 &or he remembered his holy promise* and /braham his servant. 9uke 25!5J /nd* behold* I send the promise of my &ather upon you# but tarry you in the city of :erusalem* until you be endued with power from on high. /cts "!5 /nd* being assembled together with them* commanded them that they should not depart from :erusalem* but wait for the promise of the &ather* which* say he* you have heard of me. /cts 2!!! Therefore being by the right hand of God e(alted* and having received of the &ather the promise of the Holy Ghost* he hath shed forth this* which you now see and hear. /cts 2!!J &or the promise is unto you* and to your children* and to all that are afar off* even as many as the 9ord our God shall call. /cts B!"B But when the time of the promise drew nigh* which God had sworn to /braham* the people grew and multiplied in >gypt* /cts "!!2! ,f this man=s seed hath God according to his promise raised unto Israel a 0avior* :esus! /cts "!!!2 /nd we declare unto you glad tidings* how that the promise which was made unto the fathers*


/cts 2!!2" But do not you yield unto them# for there lie in wait for him of them more than forty men* which have bound themselves with an oath* that they will neither eat nor drink till they have killed him! and now are they ready* looking for a promise from you. /cts 26!6K B /nd now I stand and am )udgeed for the hope of the promise made of God unto our fathers! Mnto which promise our twelve tribes* instantly serving God day and night* hope to come. &or which hope=s sake* king /grippa* I am accused of the :ews. <omans 5!"!K "5 &or the promise* that he should be the heir of the world* was not to /braham* or to his seed* through the law* but through the righteousness of faith. &or if they which are of the law be heirs* faith is made void* and the promise made of none effect# <omans 5!"6 Therefore it is of faith* that it might be by graceC to the end the promise might be sure to all the seedC not to that only which is of the law* but to that also which is of the faith of /brahamC who is the father of us all* <omans 5!2H He staggered not at the promise of God through unbeliefC but was strong in faith* giving glory to GodC <omans J!D That is* They which are the children of the flesh* these are not the children of God# but the children of the promise are counted for the seed. <omans J!J &or this is the word of promise* /t this time will I come* and 0arah shall have a son. Gal !!"5 That the blessing of /braham might come on the Gentiles through :esus hristC that we might receive the promise of the 0pirit through faith. Gal !!"B /nd this I say* that the covenant* that was confirmed before of God in hrist* the law* which was four hundred and thirty years after* cannot disannul* that it should make the promise of none effect. Gal !!"D &or if the inheritance be of the law* it is no more of promise# but God gave it to /braham by promise. Gal !!"J 2herefore then serve the lawF It was added because of transgressions* till the seed should come to whom the promise was madeC and it was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator. Gal !!22 But the scripture hath concluded all under sin* that the promise by faith of :esus hrist might be given to them that believe. Gal !!2J /nd if you be promise. Gal 5!2! But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the fleshC but he of the freewoman was by promise. Gal 5!2D ;ow we* brethren* as Isaac was* are the children of promise. >ph "!"! In whom you also trusted* after that you heard the word of truth* the gospel of your salvation# in whom also after that you believed* you were sealed with that holy 0pirit of promise* hrist=s* then are you /braham=s seed* and heirs according to the


>ph 2!"2 That at that time you were without hrist* being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel* and strangers from the covenants of promise* having no hope* and without God in the world# >ph !!6 That the Gentiles should be fellowheirs* and of the same body* and partakers of his promise in hrist by the gospel# >ph 6!2 Honor your father and motherC ?which is the first commandment with promiseCA " Tim 5!D &or bodily e(ercise profited little# but godliness is profitable unto all things* having promise of the life that now is* and of that which is to come. 2 Tim "!" 'aul* an apostle of :esus hrist by the will of God* according to the promise of life which is in hrist :esus* Heb 5!" 9et us therefore fear* lie* a promise being left us of entering into his rest* any of you should esteem to come short of it. Heb 6!"! &or when God made promise to /braham* because he could swear by no greater* he swore by himself* Heb 6!"7 /nd so* after he had patiently endured* he obtained the promise. Heb 6!"B 2herein God* willing more abundantly to show unto the heirs of promise the immutability of his counsel* confirmed it by an oath# Heb J!"7 /nd for this cause he is the mediator of the new testament* that by means of death* for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first testament* they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance. Heb "H!!6 &or you have need of patience* that* after you have done the will of God* you might receive the promise. Heb ""!J By faith he so)ourned in the land of promise* as in a strange country* dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and :acob* the heirs with him of the same promise# Heb ""!!J /nd these all* having obtained a good report through faith* received not the promise# 2 'et 2!"J 2hile they promise them liberty* they themselves are the servants of corruption# for of whom a man is overcome* of the same is he brought in bondage. 2 'et !!5 /nd saying* 2here is the promise of his comingF for since the fathers fell asleep* all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. 2 'et !!J The 9ord is not slack concerning his promise* as some men count slacknessC but is longsuffering to usKward* not willing that any should perish* but that all should come to repentance. 2 'et !!"! ;evertheless we* according to his promise* look for new heavens and a new earth* wherein dwelled righteousness. " :ohn 2!27 /nd this is the promise that he hath promised us* even eternal life. 'rov !!!! The curse of the 9,<1 is in the house of the wicked# but he bless the habitation of the )ust.


'rov 5!"D But the path of the )ust is as the shining light* that shine more and more unto the perfect day. 'rov D!!5 Blessed is the man that hear me* watching daily at my gates* waiting at the posts of my doors. 'rov "H!22 The blessing of the 9,<1* it make s rich* and he adds no sorrow with it. 'rov "H!25 The fear of the wicked* it shall come upon him# but the desire of the righteous shall be granted. 'rov ""!2D He that trust in his riches shall fall# but the righteous shall flourish as a branch. 'rov "2!! / man shall not be established by wickedness# but the root of the righteous shall not be moved. 'rov "2!25 The hand of the diligent shall bear rule# but the slothful shall be under tribute. 'rov "5!"5 The backslider in heart shall be filled with his own ways# and a good man shall be satisfied from himself. 'rov "5!!5 <ighteousness e(alts a nation# but sin is a reproach to any people. 'rov "7!"6K "B Better is little with the fear of the 9,<1 than great treasure and trouble therewith. Better is a dinner of herbs where love is* than a stalled o( and hatred therewith. 'rov "6!2H He that handle a matter wisely shall find good# and whoso trust in the 9,<1* happy is he. 'rov 22!5 By humility and the fear of the 9,<1 are riches* and Honor* and life. 'rov 2D!2H / faithful man shall abound with blessings# but he that make haste to be rich shall not be innocent. 'rov 2D!2B He that give unto the poor shall not lack# but he that hide his eyes shall have many a curse. >cc D!"2 /lthough a sinner do evil an hundred times* and his days be prolonged* with all surely I know that it shall be well with them that fear God* which fear before him# Is 7D!"" /nd the 9,<1 shall guide you continually* and satisfy your soul in drought* and make fat your bones# and you shall be like a watered garden* and like a spring of water* whose waters fail not. :er "B!BK D Blessed is the man that trust in the 9,<1* and whose hope the 9,<1 is. &or he shall be as a tree planted by the waters* and that spread out her roots by the river* and shall not see when heat com* but her leaf shall be greenC and shall not be careful in the year of drought* neither shall cease from yielding fruit. 3att 7!"K "2 /nd seeing the multitudes* he went up into a mountain# and when he was set* his disciples came unto him# /nd he opened his mouth* and taught them* saying* Blessed are the poor in spirit# for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they that mourn# for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek# for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness# for they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful# for they


shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart# for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers# for they shall be called the children of God. Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness= sake# for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you* when men shall revile you* and persecute you* and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely* for my sake. <e)oice* and be e(ceeding glad# for great is your reward in heaven# for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you. >ph "!! Blessed be the God and &ather of our 9ord :esus hrist* who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in hrist#

T&' P)#1+2' #3 T&' M'22+.&

:esus is the cornerstone of God. He begins to build on Him. He is The 'romise of 'romises* The 3essiah. /ll the anointing of God was* is and will be poured on Him. /s <ev "#D declares He is $Alfa and 0megaC the beginning and the endingC the !ord which is, and which was, and which is to comeC the Almighty%. ;ow that the second coming is at hand* we have to realiEe that the likeness between the :ewish and the hristian 3essiah is growing. In fact both are seen as The Victorious 2arrior. This is a signal of the last times* the ground in which 3ahanaim ?the reunion of two campsA will take place. ;ow you attend 0ukkoth &estivals in :erusalem with people from all the nations of the earth. In all the books of The Bible* The 9amb is the protagonist. >very step in the direction of The 2ill of God is done through The 9amb. His Holy 0acrifice and his first coming as a -ing of 'ain is a signal to His Temple* to His hurch. 0uffering is needed* to serve is a must of the hristian. But suffering has an orientation# 'romise* 'roblem and 'rovision. The role of :esus is crucial for our salvation. In the moment of His <esurrection an awesome miracle happened as is registered in 3t 2B#72K 7!* $ And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, and came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many %. 2atch out* the beginning and the endingC He opened the door to eternal life for usC He will always be the first+ This is God=s plan# &irst The 3essiah. That=s why He had to e(perience pain and sorrow and persecution and re)ection. He had to show us how to live in these last day as 0ons of God. /s Him* we have to humble first and then* He will e(alt us. 2e will never forget that without :esus The 3essiah we are lost. 9ost to the world. 9ost to the flesh. 9ost to the demonic powers. 9ost to sin. 9ost to death. 2e need a 0avior* and The 0avior is with us every second here and for eternity. Glory to >mmanuel* God with us+ Glory to The 3essiah+


The Golden Promise# The $al%ation

The Bible states only one way to Heaven. In the own words of :esus* 1' am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the (ather but by me%1 :ohn "5#6 2e cannot save ourselves* neither good works. 1(or by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 2ot of works, lest any man should boast%1 >phesians 2#DKJ Trust :esus hrist today+ Here is what you must do# ". /dmit you are a sinner. 1(or all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;1 <omans !#2!. 1+herefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:1 <omans 7#"2 1'f we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us%1 " :ohn "#"H 2. Be willing to turn from sin. <>'>;T+ In :esusN words* 1' tell you, 2ay: but, e3cept ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish%1 9uke "!#7 1And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:1 /cts "B#!H !. Believe that :esus hrist died for you* was buried* and rose from the dead. 1(or God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten #on, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life%1 :ohn !#"6 14ut God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners% /hrist died for us%1 <omans 7#D 1That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the !ord 5esus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved%1 <omans "H#J 5. &ollow prayer to invite :esus into your life to become your personal 0avior. 1(or with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation%1 <omans "H#"H 1(or whosoever shall call upon the name of the !ord shall be saved%1 <omans "H#"!. 'ray this way# Dear God& ' am a sinner and need forgi%eness. ' belie%e that "es s (hrist shed )is precious blood and died for my sin. ' am willing to t rn from sin. ' now in%ite (hrist to *ome into my heart and life as my +ersonal $a%io r. Hear the great news. 14ut as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:1 :ohn "#"2 1Therefore if any man be in /hrist, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new%1 2 orinthians 7#"B. 0alvation is The 'romise of 'romises because it works everyday here and in eternity. The 0alvation 'romise includes# o o <epentance 0alvation


o o

>ternal 9ife /bundant 9ife

3att "2!5" The men of ;ineveh shall rise in )udgemnt with this generation* and shall condemn it# because they repented at the preaching of :onasC and* behold* a greater than :onas is here. 3att "!!"7 &or this people=s heart is wa(ed gross* and their ears are dull of hearing* and their eyes they have closedC l at any time they should see with their eyes* and hear with their ears* and should understand with their heart* and should be converted* and I should heal them. 3ark "!"7 /nd saying* The time is fulfilled* and the kingdom of God is at hand# repent you* and believe the gospel. 9uke "!"7K "B &or he shall be great in the sight of the 9ord* and shall drink neither wine nor strong drinkC and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost* even from his mother=s womb. /nd many of the children of Israel shall he turn to the 9ord their God. /nd he shall go before him in the spirit and power of >lias* to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children* and the disobedient to the wisdom of the )ustC to make ready a people prepared for the 9ord. 9uke "!!7 I tell you* ;ay# but* e(cept you repent* you shall all likewise perish. 9uke "6!!" /nd he say unto him* If they hear not 3oses and the prophets* neither will they be persuaded* /lthough one rose from the dead. 9uke 22!!2 But I have pray for you* that your faith fail not# and when you are converted* strengthen your brethren. /cts 2!!D Then 'eter say unto them* <epent* and be baptiEed every one of you in the name of :esus hrist for the remission of sins* and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. /cts !!"J <epent you therefore* and be converted* that your sins may be blotted out* when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the 9ordC /cts D!22 <epent therefore of this your wickedness* and pray God* if perhaps the thought of your heart may be forgiven you. /cts ""!2" /nd the hand of the 9ord was with them# and a great number believed* and turned unto the 9ord. /cts "B!!H /nd the times of this ignorance God winked atC but now commanded all men every where to repent# /cts 26!2H But showed first unto them of 1amascus* and at :erusalem* and throughout all the coasts of :udea* and then to the Gentiles* that they should repent and turn to God* and do works meet for repentance. 2 or !!"6 ;evertheless when it shall turn to the 9ord* the vail shall be taken away.


2 or "2!2" /nd l* when I come again* my God will humble me among you* and that I shall bewail many which have sinned already* and have not repented of the uncleanness and fornication and lasciviousness which they have committed. " Thes "!J &or they themselves show of us what manner of entering in we had unto you* and how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true GodC :ames 7!"JK 2H Brethren* if any of you do err from the truth* and one convert himC let him know* that he which convert the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death* and shall hide a multitude of sins. 2 'et 2!2"K 22 &or it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness* than* after they have known it* to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them. But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb* The dog is turned to his own vomit againC and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire. <ev 2!7 <emember therefore from whence you are fallen* and repent* and do the first worksC or else I will come unto you 8uickly* and will remove your candlestick out of his place* e(cept you repent. <ev 2!"6 <epentC or else I will come unto you 8uickly* and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth. <ev 2!2"K 22 /nd I gave her space to repent of her fornicationC and she repented not. Behold* I will cast her into a bed* and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation* e(cept they repent of their deeds. <ev !!! <emember therefore how you hast received and heard* and hold fast* and repent. If therefore you shall not watch* I will come on you as a thief* and you shall not know what hour I will come upon you. <ev !!"J /s many as I love* I rebuke and chasten# be Eealous therefore* and repent.

Is "!"D $ ome now* and let us reason together*% says the 9,<1* $/lthough your sins are like scarlet* they shall be as white as snowC /lthough they are red like crimson* they shall be as wool. <om !!2! for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God* <om 6!2! &or the wages of sin is death* but the gift of God is eternal life in times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the 9ordC 2 hr B!"5 If my people* which are called by my name* shall humble themselves* and pray* and seek my face* and turn from their wicked waysC then will I hear from heaven* and will forgive their sin* and will heal their land. <om "H!J That if you shall confess with your mouth the 9ord :esus* and shall believe in your heart that God hath raiseed him from the dead* you shall be saved. hrist :esus our 9ord. /cts !!"J <epent you therefore* and be converted* that your sins may be blotted out* when the


:ohn !!!6 He that believe on the 0on hath everlasting life# and he that believe not the 0on shall not see lifeC but the wrath of God abide on him. :ohn 7!25 Verily* verily* I say unto you* He that hear my word* and believe on him that sent me* hath everlasting life* and shall not come into condemnationC but is passed from death unto life. :ohn ""!27K 26 :esus say unto her* I am the resurrection* and the life# he that believe in me* /lthough he were dead* with all shall he live# /nd whosoever live and believe in me shall never die. Believe you thisF <ev !!2H Behold* I stand at the door* and knock# if any man hear my voice* and open the door* I will come in to him* and will sup with him* and he with me. :ohn "!"2 But as many as received him* to them gave he power to become the sons of God* even to them that believe on his name# <om "H!"! &or whosoever shall call upon the name of the 9ord shall be saved. <om D!"6 The 0pirit itself bear witness with our spirit* that we are the children of God# " :ohn 7!""K "2 /nd this is the record* that God hath given to us eternal life* and this life is in his 0on. He that hath the 0on hath lifeC and he that hath not the 0on of God hath not life. >ph 2!5K 7 But God* who is rich in mercy* for his great love wherewith he loved us* even when we were dead in sins* hath 8uickened us together with hrist* ?by grace you are savedCA 2 or D!J &or you know the grace of our 9ord :esus hrist* that* /lthough he was rich* with all for your sakes he became poor* that you through his poverty might be rich. 'hil 5!"! I can do all things through hrist which strengthen me. 'hil 5!"J But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by hrist :esus. 2 or 7!"B Therefore if any man be in hrist* he is a new creature# old things are passed awayC behold* all things are become new. 2 or J!D /nd God is able to make all grace abound toward youC that you* always having all sufficiency in all things* may abound to every good work#

Eternal life
:ohn !!"5K "6 /nd as 3oses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness* even so must the 0on of man be lifted up# That whosoever believe in him should not perish* but have eternal life. &or God so loved the world* that he gave his only begotten 0on* that whosoever believe in him should not perish* but have everlasting life. :ohn !!!6 He that believe on the 0on hath everlasting life# and he that believe not the 0on shall not see lifeC but the wrath of God abide on him. :ohn 7!25 Verily* verily* I say unto you* He that hear my word* and believe on him that sent me* hath everlasting life* and shall not come into condemnationC but is passed from death unto life. :ohn 6!5H /nd this is the will of him that sent me* that every one which see the 0on* and believe on him* may have everlasting life# and I will raise him up at the last day. :ohn 6!5B Verily* verily* I say unto you* He that believe on me hath everlasting life.


:ohn D!7" Verily* verily* I say unto you* If a man keep my saying* he shall never see death. :ohn "H!2BK 2D 3y sheep hear my voice* and I know them* and they follow me# /nd I give unto them eternal lifeC and they shall never perish* neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. :ohn "B!"K ! These words spoke :esus* and lifted up his eyes to heaven* and say* &ather* the hour is comeC glorify your 0on* that your 0on also may glorify you# /s you hast given him power over all flesh* that he should give eternal life to as many as you hast given him. /nd this is life eternal* that they might know you the only true God* and :esus hrist* whom you hast sent. <om 6!2! &or the wages of sin is deathC but the gift of God is eternal life through :esus hrist our 9ord. "Tim 6!"DK "J That they do good* that they be rich in good works* ready to distribute* willing to communicateC laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come* that they may lay hold on eternal life. 2Tim "!"H But is now made manifest by the appearing of our 0avior :esus hrist* who hath abolished death* and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel# Tit "!"K 2 'aul* a servant of God* and an apostle of :esus hrist* according to the faith of God=s elect* and the acknowledging of the truth which is after godlinessC in hope of eternal life* which God* that cannot lie* promised before the world beganC " :ohn 2!27 /nd this is the promise that he hath promised us* even eternal life. " :ohn 7!""K "2 /nd this is the record* that God hath given to us eternal life* and this life is in his 0on. He that hath the 0on hath lifeC and he that hath not the 0on of God hath not life. :ude "!2" -eep yourselves in the love of God* looking for the mercy of our 9ord :esus hrist unto eternal life.

Ab ndant life
3att B!"5 Because strait is the gate* and narrow is the way* which lead unto life* and few there be that find it. 3att "D!DK J 2herefore if your hand or your foot offend you* cut them off* and cast them from you# it is better for you to enter into life halt or maimed* rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire. /nd if your eyes offend you* pluck it out* and cast it from you# it is better for you to enter into life with one eyes* rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire. 3att "J!"6 /nd* behold* one came and say unto him* Good 3aster* what good thing shall I do* that I may have eternal lifeF 3att "J!"B /nd he say unto him* 2hy do you call me goodF there is none good but one* that is* God# but if you wilt enter into life* keep the commandments. 3att "J!2J /nd every one that hath forsaken houses* or brethren* or sisters* or father* or mother* or wife* or children* or lands* for my name=s sake* shall receive an hundredfold* and shall inherit everlasting life.


3att 27!56 /nd these shall go away into everlasting punishment# but the righteous into life eternal. 3ark J!5! /nd if your hand offend you* cut it off# it is better for you to enter into life maimed* than having two hands to go into hell* into the fire that never shall be 8uenched# 3ark J!57 /nd if your foot offend you* cut it off# it is better for you to enter halt into life* than having two feet to be cast into hell* into the fire that never shall be 8uenched# 3ark "H!"B /nd when he was gone forth into the way* there came one running * and kneeled to him* and asked him* Good 3aster* what shall I do that I may inherit eternal lifeF 3ark "H!!H But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time* houses* and brethren* and sisters* and mothers* and children* and lands* with persecutionsC and in the world to come eternal life. 9uke "!B7 In holiness and righteousness before him* all the days of our life. 9uke "H!27 /nd* behold* a certain lawyer stood up* and tempted him* saying* 3aster* what shall I do to inherit eternal lifeF 9uke "2!"7 /nd he say unto them* Take heed* and beware of covetousness# for a man=s life consist not in the abundance of the things which he possess. 9uke "6!27 But /braham say* 0on* remember that you in your lifetime received your good things* and likewise 9aEarus evil things# but now he is comforted* and you are tormented. 9uke "D!"D /nd a certain ruler asked him* saying* Good 3aster* what shall I do to inherit eternal lifeF 9uke "D!!H 2ho shall not receive manifest old more in this present time* and in the world to come life everlasting. :ohn "!5 In him was lifeC and the life was the light of men. :ohn !!"7K "6 That whosoever believe in him should not perish* but have eternal life. &or God so loved the world* that he gave his only begotten 0on* that whosoever believe in him should not perish* but have everlasting life. :ohn !!!6 He that believe on the 0on hath everlasting life# and he that believe not the 0on shall not see lifeC but the wrath of God abide on him. :ohn 5!"5 But whosoever drink of the water that I shall give him shall never thirstC but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life. :ohn 5!!6 /nd he that reap receive wages* and gather fruit unto life eternal# that both he that sow and he that reap may re)oice together. :ohn 7!25 Verily* verily* I say unto you* He that hear my word* and believe on him that sent me* hath everlasting life* and shall not come into condemnationC but is passed from death unto life. :ohn 7!26 &or as the &ather hath life in himselfC so hath he given to the 0on to have life in himselfC


:ohn 7!2J /nd shall come forthC they that have done good* unto the resurrection of lifeC and they that have done evil* unto the resurrection of damnation. :ohn 7!!JK 5H 0earch the scripturesC for in them you think you have eternal life# and they are they which testify of me. /nd you will not come to me* that you might have life. :ohn 6!2B 9abor not for the meat which perish* but for that meat which endure unto everlasting life* which the 0on of man shall give unto you# for him hath God the &ather sealed. :ohn 6!!! &or the bread of God is he which com down from heaven* and give life unto the world. :ohn 6!!7 /nd :esus say unto them* I am the bread of life# he that com to me shall never hungerC and he that believe on me shall never thirst. :ohn 6!5H /nd this is the will of him that sent me* that every one which see the 0on* and believe on him* may have everlasting life# and I will raisee him up at the last day. :ohn 6!5BK 5D Verily* verily* I say unto you* He that believe on me hath everlasting life. I am that bread of life. :ohn 6!7" I am the living bread which came down from heaven# if any man eat of this bread* he shall live for ever# and the bread that I will give is my flesh* which I will give for the life of the world. :ohn 6!7!K 75 Then :esus say unto them* Verily* verily* I say unto you* >(cept you eat the flesh of the 0on of man* and drink his blood* you have no life in you. 2hoso eat my flesh* and drink my blood* hath eternal lifeC and I will raise him up at the last day. :ohn 6!6! It is the spirit that 8uickenC the flesh profited nothing# the words that I speak unto you* they are spirit* and they are life. :ohn 6!6D Then 0imon 'eter answered him* 9ord* to whom shall we goF you hast the words of eternal life. :ohn D!"2 Then spoke :esus again unto them* saying* I am the light of the world# he that follow me shall not walk in darkness* but shall have the light of life. :ohn "H!"H The thief com not* but for to steal* and to kill* and to destroy# I am come that they might have life* and that they might have it more abundantly. :ohn "H!2D /nd I give unto them eternal lifeC and they shall never perish* neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. :ohn ""!27 :esus say unto her* I am the resurrection* and the life# he that believe in me* /lthough he were dead* with all shall he live# :ohn "2!27 He that love his life shall lose itC and he that hate his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal. :ohn "2!7H /nd I know that his commandment is life everlasting# whatsoever I speak therefore* even as the &ather say unto me* so I speak. :ohn "5!6 :esus say unto him* I am the way* the truth* and the life# no man com unto the &ather* but by me.


:ohn "B!2K ! /s you hast given him power over all flesh* that he should give eternal life to as many as you hast given him. /nd this is life eternal* that they might know you the only true God* and :esus hrist* whom you hast sent. :ohn 2H!!" But these are written* that you might believe that :esus is the hrist* the 0on of GodC and that believing you might have life through his name. /cts 2!2D .ou hast made known to me the ways of lifeC you shall make me full of )oy with your countenance. /cts !!"7 /nd killed the 'rince of life* whom God hath raised from the deadC whereof we are witnesses. /cts 7!2H Go* stand and speak in the temple to the people all the words of this life. /cts D!!! In his humiliation his )udgemnt was taken away# and who shall declare his generationF for his life is taken from the earth. /cts ""!"D 2hen they heard these things* they held their peace* and glorified God* saying* Then hath God also to the Gentiles granted repentance unto life. /cts "!!56 Then 'aul and Barnabas wa(ed bold* and say* It was necessary that the word of God should first have been spoken to you# but seeing you put it from you* and )udgee yourselves unworried of everlasting life* lo* we turn to the Gentiles. /cts "!!5D /nd when the Gentiles heard this* they were glad* and glorified the word of the 9ord# and as many as were ordained to eternal life believed. /cts "B!27 ;either is worshipped with men=s hands* as /lthough he needed any thing* seeing he give to all life* and breath* and all thingsC <omans 2!B To them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and Honor and immortality* eternal life# <omans 7!"H &or if* when we were enemies* we were reconciled to God by the death of his 0on* much more* being reconciled* we shall be saved by his life. <omans 7!"B &or if by one man=s offence death reigned by oneC much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one* :esus hrist.A <omans 7!"D Therefore as by the offence of one )udgemnt came upon all men to condemnationC even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto )ustification of life. <omans 7!2" That as sin hath reigned unto death* even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by :esus hrist our 9ord. <omans 6!5 Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death# that like as hrist was raised up from the dead by the glory of the &ather* even so we also should walk in newness of life. <omans 6!22K 2! But now being made free from sin* and become servants to God* you have your fruit unto holiness* and the end everlasting life. &or the wages of sin is deathC but the gift of God is eternal life through :esus hrist our 9ord.


<omans B!"H /nd the commandment* which was ordained to life* I found to be unto death. <omans D!2 &or the law of the 0pirit of life in and death. <omans D!6 &or to be carnally minded is deathC but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. <omans D!"H /nd if hrist be in you* the body is dead because of sinC but the 0pirit is life because of righteousness. <omans D!!D &or I am persuaded* that neither death* nor life* nor angels* nor principalities* nor powers* nor things present* nor things to come* <omans ""!"7 &or if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world* what shall the receiving of them be* but life from the deadF " or !!22 2hether 'aul* or /pollos* or ephas* or the world* or life* or death* or things present* or things to comeC all are yoursC " or "7!"J If in this life only we have hope in hrist* we are of all men most miserable. 2 or 2!"6 To the one we are the savior of death unto deathC and to the other the savior of life unto life. /nd who is sufficient for these thingsF 2 or 5!"HK "2 /lways bearing about in the body the dying of the 9ord :esus* that the life also of :esus might be made manifest in our body. &or we which live are always delivered unto death for :esus= sake* that the life also of :esus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh. 0o then death work in us* but life in you. 2 or 7!5 &or we that are in this tabernacle do groan* being burdened# not for that we would be unclothed* but clothed upon* that mortality might be swallowed up of life. Gal 6!D &or he that sow to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruptionC but he that sow to the 0pirit shall of the 0pirit reap life everlasting. >ph 5!"D Having the understanding darkened* being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them* because of the blindness of their heart# 'hil "!2H /ccording to my earn e(pectation and my hope* that in nothing I shall be ashamed* but that with all boldness* as always* so now also hrist shall be magnified in my body* whether it be by life* or by death. 'hil 2!"6 Holding forth the word of lifeC that I may re)oice in the day of vain* neither labored in vain. 'hil 5!! /nd I plead you also* true yokefellow* help those women which labored with me in the gospel* with lement also* and with other my fellow laborers* whose names are in the book of life. hrist in God. 2hen hrist* who is our life* ol !!!K 5 &or you are dead* and your life is hid with hrist* that I have not run in hrist :esus hath made me free from the law of sin

shall appear* then shall you also appear with him in glory. " Tim "!"6 Howbeit for this cause I obtained mercy* that in me first :esus hrist might show forth all longsuffering* for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting.


" Tim 5!D &or bodily e(ercise profited little# but godliness is profitable unto all things* having promise of the life that now is* and of that which is to come. " Tim 6!"2 &ight the good fight of faith* lay hold on eternal life* whereunto you are also called* and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses. " Tim 6!"J 9aying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come* that they may lay hold on eternal life. 2 Tim "!" 'aul* an apostle of :esus hrist by the will of God* according to the promise of life which is in hrist :esus* 2 Tim "!"H But is now made manifest by the appearing of our 0avior :esus hrist* who hath abolished death* and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel# Titus "!2 In hope of eternal life* which God* that cannot lie* promised before the world beganC Titus !!B That being )ustified by his grace* we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life. Heb B!! 2ithout father* without mother* without descent* having neither beginning of days* nor end of lifeC but made like unto the 0on of GodC abide a pri continually. Heb B!"6 2ho is made* not after the law of a carnal commandment* but after the power of an endless life. :ames "!"2 Blessed is the man that endure temptation# for when he is tried* he shall receive the crown of life* which the 9ord hath promised to them that love him. :ames 5!"5 2hereas you know not what shall be on the morrow. &or what is your lifeF It is even a vapor* that appear for a little time* and then vanish away. " 'et !!B 9ikewise* you husbands* dwell with them according to knowledge* giving Honor unto the wife* as unto the weaker vessel* and as being heirs together of the grace of lifeC that your prayers be not hindered. " 'et !!"H &or he that will love life* and see good days* let him refrain his tongue from evil* and his lips that they speak no guile# 2 'et "!! /ccording as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness* through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue# " :ohn "!"K 2 That which was from the beginning* which we have heard* which we have seen with our eyes* which we have looked upon* and our hands have handled* of the 2ord of lifeC ?for the life was manifested* and we have seen it* and bear witness* and show unto you that eternal life* which was with the &ather* and was manifest ed unto usCA " :ohn 2!27 /nd this is the promise that he hath promised us* even eternal life. " :ohn !!"5 2e know that we have passed from death unto life* because we love the brethren. He that love not his brother abide in death. " :ohn !!"7 2hosoever hate his brother is a murderer# and you know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.


" :ohn 7!""K "! /nd this is the record* that God hath given to us eternal life* and this life is in his 0on. He that hath the 0on hath lifeC and he that hath not the 0on of God hath not life. These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the 0on of GodC that you may know that you have eternal life* and that you may believe on the name of the 0on of God. " :ohn 7!"6 If any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death* he shall ask* and he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death. There is a sin unto death# I do not say that he shall pray for it. " :ohn 7!2H /nd we know that the 0on of God is come* and hath given us an understanding* that we may know him that is true* and we are in him that is true* even in his 0on :esus hrist. This is the true God* and eternal life. :ude "!2" -eep yourselves in the love of God* looking for the mercy of our 9ord :esus hrist unto eternal life. <ev 2!B He that hath an ear* let him hear what the 0pirit say unto the churchesC To him that overcome will I give to eat of the tree of life* which is in the midst of the paradise of God. <ev 2!"H &ear none of those things which you shall suffer# behold* the devil shall cast some of you into prison* that you may be triedC and with all shall have tribulation ten days# be you faithful unto death* and I will give you a crown of life. <ev !!7 He that overcome* the same shall be clothed in white raimentC and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life* but I will confess his name before my &ather* and before his angels. <ev ""!"" /nd after three days and an half the 0pirit of life from God entered into them* and they stood upon their feetC and great fear fell upon them which saw them. <ev "!!D /nd all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him* whose names are not written in the book of life of the 9amb slain from the foundation of the world. <ev "B!D The beast that you saw was* and is notC and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit* and go into perdition# and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder* whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world* when they behold the beast that was* and is not* and with all is. <ev 2H!"2 /nd I saw the dead* small and great* stand before GodC and the books were opened# and another book was opened* which is the book of life# and the dead were )udgeed out of those things which were written in the books* according to their works. <ev 2H!"7 /nd whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. <ev 2"!6 /nd he say unto me* It is done. I am /lpha and ,mega* the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. <ev 2"!2B /nd there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defile* neither whatsoever work abomination* or make a lie# but they which are written in the 9amb=s book of life. <ev 22!"K 2 /nd he showed me a pure river of water of life* clear as crystal* proceeding out of the throne of God and of the 9amb. In the midst of the street of it* and on either side of the river* was


there the tree of life* which bare twelve manner of fruits* and yielded her fruit every month# and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. <ev 22!"5 Blessed are they that do his commandments* that they may have right to the tree of life* and may enter in through the gates into the city. <ev 22!"B /nd the 0pirit and the bride say* ome. /nd let him that hear say* ome. /nd let him that is athirst come. /nd whosoever will* let him take the water of life freely. <ev 22!"J /nd if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy* God shall take away his pare out of the book of life* and out of the holy city* and from the things which are written in this book. :ohn "H!"H The thief com not* but for to steal* and to kill* and to destroy# I am come that they might have life* and that they might have it more abundantly. :ohn "5!2" He that hath my commandments* and keep them* he it is that love me# and he that love me shall be loved of my &ather* and I will love him* and will manifest myself to him. :ohn "7!7 I am the vine* you are the branches# He that abide in me* and I in him* the same bring forth much fruit# for without me you can do nothing. :ohn "7!BK D If you abide in me* and my words abide in you* you shall ask what you will* and it shall be done unto you. Herein is my &ather glorified* that you bear much fruitC so shall you be my disciples. <om "7!"5 /nd I myself also am persuaded of you* my brethren* that you also are full of goodness* filled with all knowledge* able also to admonish one another. <om "7!2J /nd I am sure that* when I come unto you* I shall come in the fullness of the blessing of the gospel of hrist. 2 or 5!"H /lways bearing about in the body the dying of the 9ord :esus* that the life also of :esus might be made manifest in our body. Gal 7!22K 2! But the fruit of the 0pirit is love* )oy* peace* longsuffering* gentleness* goodness* faith* meekness* temperance# against such there is no law. >ph !!"J /nd to know the love of hrist* which pass knowledge* that you might be filled with all the fullness of God. ol 2!6K B /s you have therefore received thanksgiving. "Th "!7 &or our gospel came not unto you in word only* but also in power* and in the Holy Ghost* and in much assuranceC as you know what manner of men we were among you for your sake. 2Tim 2!2" If a man therefore purge himself from these* he shall be a vessel unto Honor* sanctified* and meet for the master=s use* and prepared unto every good work. hrist :esus the 9ord* so walk you in him# <ooted and built up in him* and established in the faith* as you have been taught* abounding therein with


PART T,O The Promises of God Bible -erses



3inistries have a great responsibility. 2hat they have in their hands is the same than :esus had. They are men of sorrows* e(perts in pains. But they will be lifted to the highest. 'eople in churches have to be very careful with their ministers. 2hatever apostles* pastors* prophets* evangelists or teachersC must be taken care by their congregations. They are the ma)or source of blessing. In the other hand* ministers have to fight* confront and defeat the devil in their territory. In the following Bible Verses* The God of 9oyalty shows us how He supports his servants and all the wonders He plans to achieve through their tears and struggles.

$o ls
'rov ""!!H The fruit of the righteous is a tree of lifeC and he that win souls is wise. Is 6"!" The 0pirit of the 9ord G,1 is upon meC because the 9,<1 hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meekC he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted* to proclaim liberty to the captives* and the opening of the prison to them that are boundC Is 6"!2K ! To proclaim the acceptable year of the 9,<1* and the day of vengeance of our GodC to comfort all that mournC to appoint unto them that mourn in @ion* to give unto them beauty for ashes* the oil of )oy for mourning* the garment of praise for the spirit of heavinessC that they might be called trees of righteousness* the planting of the 9,<1* that he might be glorified. 1an 5!2 I Thought it good to show the signs and wonders that the high God hath wrought toward me. 3tt "H!!2K !! 2hosoever therefore shall confess me before men* him will I confess also before my &ather which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men* him will I also deny before my &ather which is in heaven. 3rk "!"B /nd :esus say unto them* ome you after me* and I will make you to become fishers of men. 9k D!!J <eturn to your own house* and show how great things God hath done unto you. /nd he went his way* and published throughout the whole city how great things :esus had done unto him. :ohn "H!"6 /nd other sheep I have* which are not of this fold# them also I must bring* and they shall hear my voiceC and there shall be one fold* and one shepherd. /cts "!D But you shall receive power* after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you# and you shall be witnesses unto me both in :erusalem* and in all :udaea* and in 0amaria* and unto the uttermost pare of the earth.


/cts "D!JK "H Then spoke the 9ord to 'aul in the night by a vision* Be not afraid* but speak* and hold not your peace# &or I am with you* and no man shall set on you to hurt you# for I have much people in this city.

'salms 6B!"K 2 God be merciful unto us* and bless usC and cause his face to shine upon usC 0elah. That your way may be known upon earth* your saving health among all nations. 'salms 6D!JK "" .ou* , God* didst send a plentiful rain* whereby you didst confirm your inheritance* when it was weary. .our congregation hath dwelt therein# you* , God* hast prepared of your goodness for the poor. The 9ord gave the word# great was the company of those that published it. 'salms "26!7 They that sow in tears shall reap in )oy. He that go forth and weep* bearing precious seed* shall doubtless come again with re)oicing* bringing his sheaves with him. 'salms "5B!"7K "D He send forth his commandment upon earth# his word run very swiftly. He give snow like wool# he scatter the hoarfrost like ashes. He cast forth his ice like morsels# who can stand before his coldF He send out his word* and melt them# he cause his wind to blow* and the waters flow. 'rov "5!2! In all labor there is profit# but the talk of the lips tend only to penury. Isaiah 52!" Behold my servant* whom I upholdC mine elect* in whom my soul delightC I have put my spirit upon him# he shall bring forth )udgemnt to the Gentiles. Isaiah 52!6K B I the 9,<1 have called you in righteousness* and will hold your hand* and will keep you* and give you for a covenant of the people* for a light of the GentilesC to open the blind eyes* to bring out the prisoners from the prison* and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house. Isaiah 5!!2 2hen you pass through the waters* I will be with youC and through the rivers* they shall not overflow you# when you walk through the fire* you shall not be burnedC neither shall the flame kindle upon you. Isaiah 57!" Thus say the 9,<1 to his anointed* to gatesC and the gates shall not be shutC Isaiah 57!6 That they may know from the rising of the sun* and from the w* that there is none beside me. I am the 9,<1* and there is none else. Isaiah 5J!" 9isten* , isles* unto meC and hearken* you people* from farC The 9,<1 hath called me from the wombC from the bowels of my mother hath he made mention of my name. Isaiah 5J!6 /nd he say* It is a light thing that you should be my servant to raise up the tribes of :acob* and to restore the preserved of Israel# I will also give you for a light to the Gentiles* that you may be my salvation unto the end of the earth. yrus* whose right hand I have hold* to subdue nations before himC and I will loose the loins of kings* to open before him the two leaved


Isaiah 7H!5 The 9ord G,1 hath given me the tongue of the learned* that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary# he waken morning by morning* he waken mine ear to hear as the learned. Isaiah 7"!7 3y righteousness is nearC my salvation is gone forth* and mine arms shall )udgee the peopleC the isles shall wait upon me* and on mine arm shall they trust. Isaiah 72!B How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bring good tidings* that publish peaceC that bring good tidings of good* that publish salvationC that say unto @ion* .our God reign+ Isaiah 75!2K ! >nlarge the place of your tent* and let them stretch forth the curtains of your habitations# spare not* lengthen your cords* and strengthen your stakesC for you shall break forth on the right hand and on the leftC and your seed shall inherit the Gentiles* and make the desolate cities to be inhabited. Isaiah 77!7 Behold* you shall call a nation that you know not* and nations that knew not you shall run unto you because of the 9,<1 your God* and for the Holy ,ne of IsraelC for he hath glorified you. Isaiah 77!""K "2 0o shall my word be that go forth out of my mouth# it shall not return unto me void* but it shall accomplish that which I please* and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. &or you shall go out with )oy* and be led forth with peace# the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing* and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. Isaiah 6H!"K ! /rise* shineC for your light is come* and the glory of the 9,<1 is risen upon you. &or* behold* the darkness shall cover the earth* and gross darkness the people# but the 9,<1 shall arise upon you* and his glory shall be seen upon you. /nd the Gentiles shall come to your light* and kings to the brightness of your rising. Isaiah 6"!"HK "" I will greatly re)oice in the 9,<1* my soul shall be )oyful in my GodC for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation* he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness* as a bridegroom deck himself with ornaments* and as a bride adorn herself with her )ewels. &or as the earth bring forth her bud* and as the garden cause the things that are sown in it to spring forthC so the 9ord G,1 will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations. Isaiah 67!" I am sought of them that asked not for meC I am found of them that sought me not# I say* Behold me* behold me* unto a nation that was not called by my name. :er "!J Then the 9,<1 put forth his hand* and touched my mouth. /nd the 9,<1 say unto me* Behold* I have put my words in your mouth. 3att 2D!"JK 2H Go you therefore* and teach all nations* baptiEing them in the name of the &ather* and of the 0on* and of the Holy Ghost# Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you# and* lo* I am with you always* even unto the end of the world. /men. 3ark "6!"7 /nd he say unto them* Go you into all the world* and preach the gospel to every creature.


9uke 25!5B /nd that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations* beginning at :erusalem. :ohn 5!!7 0ay not you* There are with all four months* and then come harvestF behold* I say unto you* 9ift up your eyes* and look on the fieldsC for they are white already to harvest. :ohn "2!!2 /nd I* if I be lifted up from the earth* will draw all men unto me. :ohn 2H!2" Then say :esus to them again* 'eace be unto you# as my &ather hath sent me* even so send I you. /cts "!D But you shall receive power* after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you# and you shall be witnesses unto me both in :erusalem* and in all :udaea* and in 0amaria* and unto the uttermost pare of the earth. /cts "!!5B &or so hath the 9ord commanded us* saying* I have set you to be a light of the Gentiles* that you should be for salvation unto the ends of the earth. /cts 26!"6K "D But rise* and stand upon your feet# for I have appeared unto you for this purpose* to make you a minister and a witness both of these things which you hast seen* and of those things in the which I will appear unto youC delivering you from the people* and from the Gentiles* unto whom now I send you* to open their eyes* and to turn them from darkness to light* and from the power of 0atan unto God* that they may receive forgiveness of sins* and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me. <omans "H!"7 /nd how shall they preach* e(cept they be sentF as it is written* How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace* and bring glad tidings of good things+ <ev !!D I know your works# behold* I have set before you an open door* and no man can shut it# for you hast a little strength* and hast kept my word* and hast not denied my name.

3tt 5!"J /nd he say unto them* &ollow me* and I will make you fishers of men. 'rov ""!!H The fruit of the righteous is a tree of lifeC and he that win souls is wise. 1an "2!! /nd they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmamentC and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever. /cts "!D But you shall receive power* after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you# and you shall be witnesses unto me both in :erusalem* and in all :udaea* and in 0amaria* and unto the uttermost pare of the earth. 9k "2!"2 &or the Holy Ghost shall teach you in the same hour what you ought to say. :ohn "5!26 But the omforter* which is the Holy Ghost* whom the &ather will send in my name* he shall teach you all things* and bring all things to your remembrance* whatsoever I have say unto you. 9k 2"!"! /nd it shall turn to you for a testimony. 9k 2"!"7 &or I will give you a mouth and wisdom* which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist.


>( 5!"2 ;ow therefore go* and I will be with your mouth* and teach you what you shall say. Is 7H!5 The 9ord G,1 hath given me the tongue of the learned* that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary# he waken morning by morning* he waken mine ear to hear as the learned. :er 7!"5 2herefore thus say the 9,<1 God of hosts* Because you speak this word* behold* I will make my words in your mouth fire* and this people wood* and it shall devour them. 3tt 7!"6 9et your light so shine before men* that they may see your good works* and glorify your &ather which is in heaven. :ames 7!2H 9et him know* that he which convert the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death* and shall hide a multitude of sins. <om 2!"H But glory* Honor* and peace* to every man that work good* to the :ew first* and also to the Gentile# " Tim 5!"6 Take heed unto yourself* and unto the doctrineC continue in them# for in doing this you shall both save yourself* and them that hear you. Heb 6!"H &or God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labor of love* which you have showed toward his name* in that you have ministered to the saints* and do minister. :ohn 5!!6 /nd he that reap receive wages* and gather fruit unto life eternal# that both he that sow and he that reap may re)oice together. " or "7!7D Therefore* my beloved brethren* be you steadfast* unmovable* always abounding in the work of the 9ord* forasmuch as you know that your labor is not in vain in the 9ord. Gal 6!J /nd let us not be weary in well doing# for in due season we shall reap* if we faint not.

's J7!6K B , come* let us worship and bow down# let us kneel before the 9,<1 our make rest. &or he is our GodC and we are the people of his pasture* and the sheep of his hand. To day if you will hear his voice* 's "!!!"K 2 Behold* how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity+ It is like the precious ointment upon the head* that ran down upon the beard* even /aron=s beard# that went down to the skirts of his garmentsC 's "!!!! /s the dew of Hermon* and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of @ion# for there the 9,<1 commanded the blessing* even life for evermore. 3tt "D!2H &or where two or three are gathered together in my name* there am I in the midst of them. "Thes 7!"" 2herefore comfort yourselves together* and edify one another* even as also you do. Heb "H!25K 27 /nd let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works# ;ot forsaking the assembling of ourselves together* as the manner of some isC but e(horting one another# and so much the more* as you see the day approaching.


Heb "!!"B ,bey them that have the rule over you* and submit yourselves# for they watch for your souls* as they that must give account* that they may do it with )oy* and not with grief# for that is unprofitable for you.

:osh "H!"5 /nd there was no day like that before it or after it* that the 9,<1 hearkened unto the voice of a man# for the 9,<1 fought for Israel. 2 hron B!"5 If my people* which are called by my name* shall humble themselves* and pray* and seek my face* and turn from their wicked waysC then will I hear from heaven* and will forgive their sin* and will heal their land. 2 hron !H!2B Then the priest the 9evites arose and blessed the people# and their voice was heard* and their prayer came up to his holy dwelling place* even unto heaven. 's "D!6 In my distress I called upon the 9,<1* and cried unto my God# he heard my voice out of his temple* and my cry came before him* even into his ears. 's 2"!2 .ou hast given him his heart=s desire* and hast not withhold the re8uest of his lips. 0elah. 's 2D!6 Blessed be the 9,<1* because he hath heard the voice of my supplications. 's !5!5K 6 I sought the 9,<1* and he heard me* and delivered me from all my fears. They looked unto him* and were lightened# and their faces were not ashamed. This poor man cried* and the 9,<1 heard him* and saved him out of all his troubles. 's !5!"7 The eyes of the 9,<1 are upon the righteous* and his ears are open unto their cry. 's !5!"B The righteous cry* and the 9,<1 hear* and deliver them out of all their troubles. 's !B!5K 7 1elight yourself also in the 9,<1C and he shall give you the desires of your heart. ommit your way unto the 9,<1C trust also in himC and he shall bring it to pass. 's !D!"7 &or in you* , 9,<1* do I hope# you wilt hear* , 9ord my God. 's 7H!"7 /nd call upon me in the day of trouble# I will deliver you* and you shall glorify me. 's 77!"6K "B /s for me* I will call upon GodC and the 9,<1 shall save me. >vening* and morning* and at noon* will I pray* and cry aloud# and he shall hear my voice. 's 67!2 , you that hear prayer* unto you shall all flesh come. 's 67!7 By terrible things in righteousness wilt you answer us* , God of our salvationC who are the confidence of all the ends of the earth* and of them that are afar off upon the sea# 's D"!"H I am the 9,<1 your God* which brought you out of the land of >gypt# open your mouth wide* and I will fill it. 's D6!B In the day of my trouble I will call upon you# for you wilt answer me. 's J"!"7 He shall call upon me* and I will answer him# I will be with him in troubleC I will deliver him* and Honor him. 's "H2!"B He will regard the prayer of the destitute* and not despise their prayer. 's ""6!" I love the 9,<1* because he hath heard my voice and my supplications.


's ""D!7 I called upon the 9,<1 in distress# the 9,<1 answered me* and set me in a large place. 's "57!"DK "J The 9,<1 is nigh unto all them that call upon him* to all that call upon him in truth. He will fulfill the desire of them that fear him# he also will hear their cry* and will save them. Is 7D!J Then shall you call* and the 9,<1 shall answerC you shall cry* and he shall say* Here I am. If you take away from the midst of you the yoke* the putting forth of the finger* and speaking vanityC Is 7J!"K 2 Behold* the 9,<1=s hand is not shortened* that it cannot saveC neither his ear heavy* that it cannot hear# But your ini8uities have separated between you and your God* and your sins have hid his face from you* that he will not hear. :er 2J!"2K "5 Then shall you call upon me* and you shall go and pray unto me* and I will hearken unto you. /nd you shall seek me* and find me* when you shall search for me with all your heart. /nd I will be found of you* say the 9,<1# and I will turn away your captivity* and I will gather you from all the nations* and from all the places whither I have driven you* say the 9,<1C and I will bring you again into the place whence I caused you to be carried away captive. :er !!!! all unto me* and I will answer you* and show you great and mighty things* which you know not. 3tt B!BK "" /sk* and it shall be given youC seek* and you shall findC knock* and it shall be opened unto you# &or every one that ask receiveC and he that seek findC and to him that knock it shall be opened. ,r what man is there of you* whom if his son ask bread* will he give him a stoneF ,r if he ask a fish* will he give him a serpentF If you then* being evil* know how to give good gifts unto your children* how much more shall your &ather which is in heaven give good things to them that ask himF 3tt "D!"J /gain I say unto you* That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask* it shall be done for them of my &ather which is in heaven. 3tt 2"!22 /nd all things* whatsoever you shall ask in prayer* believing* you shall receive. 9k 6!2D Bless them that curse you* and pray for them which despitefully use you. 3rk ""!22K 25 /nd :esus answering say unto them* Have faith in God. &or verily I say unto you* That whosoever shall say unto this mountain* Be you removed* and be you cast into the seaC and shall not doubt in his heart* but shall believe that those things which he say shall come to passC he shall have whatsoever he say. Therefore I say unto you* 2hat things soever you desire* when you pray* believe that you receive them* and you shall have them. :ohn "5!"!K "5 /nd whatsoever you shall ask in my name* that will I do* that the &ather may be glorified in the 0on. If you shall ask any thing in my name* I will do it. :ohn "B!J I pray for them# I pray not for the world* but for them which you hast given meC for they are your.


/cts "2!7 'eter therefore was kept in prison# but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him. <om D!26 9ikewise the 0pirit also help our infirmities# for we know not what we should pray for as we ought# but the 0pirit itself make intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. <om D!!2 He that spared not his own 0on* but delivered him up for us all* how shall he not with him also freely give us all thingsF <om "2!"2 <e)oicing in hopeC patient in tribulationC continuing instant in prayerC >ph !!"6 That he would grant you* according to the riches of his glory* to be strengthened with might by his 0pirit in the inner manC >ph !!2H ;ow unto him that is able to do e(ceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think* according to the power that work in us* ol 5!2 ontinue in prayer* and watch in the same with thanksgivingC Heb 7!B 2ho in the days of his flesh* when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death* and was heard in that he fearedC :ames 7!"! Is any among you afflictedF let him pray. Is any merryF let him sing psalms. "'et !!"2 &or the eyes of the 9ord are over the righteous* and his ears are open unto their prayers# but the face of the 9ord is against them that do evil. ":o !!22 /nd whatsoever we ask* we receive of him* because we keep his commandments* and do those things that are pleasing in his sight. ":o 7!"5K "7 /nd this is the confidence that we have in him* that* if we ask any thing according to his will* he hear us# /nd if we know that he hear us* whatsoever we ask* we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him. <ev D!5 /nd the smoke of the incense* which came with the prayers of the saints* ascended up before God out of the angel=s hand. :ohn "7!B If you abide in me* and my words abide in you* you shall ask what you will* and it shall be done unto you. 's 2"!2 .ou hast given him his heart=s desire* and hast not withhold the re8uest of his lips. 0elah. <om D!2D /nd we know that all things work together for good to them that love God* to them who are the called according to his purpose. Is 67!25 /nd it shall come to pass* that before they call* I will answerC and while they are with all speaking* I will hear. 3tt "D!"J /gain I say unto you* That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask* it shall be done for them of my &ather which is in heaven.


2 hr B!"5 If my people* which are called by my name* shall humble themselves* and pray* and seek my face* and turn from their wicked waysC then will I hear from heaven* and will forgive their sin* and will heal their land. 3tt 2"!22 /nd all things* whatsoever you shall ask in prayer* believing* you shall receive. 9k ""!"H &or every one that ask receiveC and he that seek findC and to him that knock it shall be opened. ":o 7!5 &or whatsoever is born of God overcome the world# and this is the victory that overcome the world* even our faith. <om D!!2 He that spared not his own 0on* but delivered him up for us all* how shall he not with him also freely give us all thingsF Heb ""!6 But without faith it is impossible to please him# for he that com to God must believe that he is* and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

'rov !!JK "H Honor the 9,<1 with your substance* and with the firstfruits of all your increase# 0o shall your barns be filled with plenty* and your presses shall burst out with new wine. 'rov ""!25K 27 There is that scatter* and with all increaseC and there is that withhold more than is meet* but it tend to poverty. The liberal soul shall be made fat# and he that water shall be watered also himself. 'rov "!!B There is that make himself rich* with all hath nothing# there is that make himself poor* with all hath great riches. >cc ""!"K 2 ast your bread upon the waters# for you shall find it after many days. Give a portion to seven* and also to eightC for you know not what evil shall be upon the earth. 3al "!"H 2ho is there even among you that would shut the doors for nothingF neither do you kindle fire on mine altar for nothing. I have no pleasure in you* say the 9,<1 of hosts* neither will I accept an offering at your hand. 3al !!"HK "" Bring the full tithes into the storehouse* that there may be food in my houseC and thereby put me to the t* says the 9,<1 of hosts* if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you an overflowing blessing. I will rebuke the devourer for you* so that it will not destroy the fruits of your soilC and your vine in the field shall not fail to bear* says the 9,<1 of hosts. 2 or J!6K D The point is this# he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly* and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. >ach one must do as he has made up his mind* not reluctantly or under compulsion* for God loves a cheerful giver. /nd God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance* so that you may always have enough of everything and may provide in abundance for every good work.


>cc "2!"" The words of the wise are as goads* and as nails fastened by the masters of assemblies* which are given from one shepherd. Is !H!2H /nd /lthough the 9ord give you the bread of adversity* and the water of affliction* with all shall not your teachers be removed into a corner any more* but your eyes shall see your teachers# Is 77!5 Behold* I have given him for a witness to the people* a leader and commander to the people. 1an "2!! /nd they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmamentC and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever. 3att 7!"J 2hosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments* and shall teach men so* he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven# but whosoever shall do and teach them* the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. " or "2!2D /nd God hath set some in the church* first apostles* secondarily prophets* thirdly teachers* after that miracles* then gifts of healings* helps* governments* diversities of tongues. >ph 5!"" /nd he gave some* apostlesC and some* prophetsC and some* evangelistsC and some* pastors and teachersC 's !2!D I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you shall go# I will guide you with mine eyes. Is 2D!26 &or his God doth instruct him to discretion* and doth teach him. 2 or 5!6 &or God* who commanded the light to shine out of darkness* hath shined in our hearts* to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of :esus hrist. Is 2!! /nd many people shall go and say* ome you* and let us go up to the mountain of the 9,<1* to the house of the God of :acobC and he will teach us of his ways* and we will walk in his paths# for out of @ion shall go forth the law* and the word of the 9,<1 from :erusalem. 's 27!"2 2hat man is he that fear the 9,<1F him shall he teach in the way that he shall choose. :ohn B!"B If any man will do his will* he shall know of the doctrine* whether it be of God* or whether I speak of myself. 1eut !2!"H He found him in a desert land* and in the howling wildernessC he led him about* he instructed him* he kept him as the apple of his eyes. >ph "!"B That the God of our 9ord :esus hrist* the &ather of glory* may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him# :ohn "6!"! Howbeit when he* the 0pirit of truth* is come* he will guide you into all truth ! for he shall not speak of himselfC but whatsoever he shall hear* that shall he speak# and he will show you things to come. 1eut 2J!2J The secret things belong unto the 9,<1 our God# but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever* that we may do all the words of this law.


" or 2!JK "H But as it is written* >yes hath not seen* nor ear heard* neither have entered into the heart of man* the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. But God hath revealed them unto us by his 0pirit# for the 0pirit search all things* yea* the deep things of God. 1an 2!22 He reveal the deep and secret things# he know what is in the darkness* and the light dwelled with him. Is 52!J Behold* the former things are come to pass* and new things do I declare# before they spring forth I tell you of them. " or "!!"2 &or now we see through a glass* darklyC but then face to face# now I know in pareC but then shall I know even as also I am known. :ohn 6!57 It is written in the prophets* /nd they shall be all taught of God. >very man therefore that hath heard* and hath learned of the &ather* com unto me. :ohn "5!26 But the omforter* which is the Holy Ghost* whom the &ather will send in my name* he shall teach you all things* and bring all things to your remembrance* whatsoever I have say unto you. 'rov "6!2! The heart of the wise teach his mouth* and add learning to his lips. 's 27!J The meek will he guide in )udgemnt# and the meek will he teach his way.

'rov 2D!2! He that rebuke a man afterwards shall find more favor than he that flatter with the tongue. 'rov 2J!"D 2here there is no vision* the people perish# but he that keep the law* happy is he. :er !!"7 /nd I will give you pastors according to mine heart* which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding. >Ee !!!B 0o you* , son of man* I have set you a watchman unto the house of IsraelC therefore you shall hear the word at my mouth* and warn them from me. :ohn 2"!"6 He say to him again the second time* 0imon* son of :onas* love you meF He say unto him* .ea* 9ordC you know that I love you. He say unto him* &eed my sheep. "Tim !!" This is a true saying* If a man desire the office of a bishop* he desire a good work. "Tim 5!"!K "6 Till I come* give attendance to reading* to e(hortation* to doctrine. ;eglect not the gift that is in you* which was given you by prophecy* with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery. 3editate upon these thingsC give yourself wholly to themC that your profiting may appear to all. Take heed unto yourself* and unto the doctrineC continue in them ! for in doing this you shall both save yourself* and them that hear you. "Tim 7!"K 2 <ebuke not an elder* but e(hort him as a fatherC and the younger men as brethrenC the elder women as mothersC the younger as sisters* with all purity. "'et 7!5 /nd when the chief 0hepherd shall appear* you shall receive a crown of glory that fad not away.


'rov 7!"DK "J 9et your fountain be blessed# and re)oice with the wife of your youth. 9et her be as the loving hind and pleasant roeC let her breasts satisfy you at all timesC and be you ravished always with her love. 'rov "D!22 2hoso find a wife find a good thing* and obtain favor of the 9,<1. 3al 2!"6 &or the 9,<1* the God of Israel* say that he hate putting away# for one cover violence with his garment* say the 9,<1 of hosts# therefore take heed to your spirit* that you deal not treacherously. 3tt "J!7K 6 /nd say* &or this cause shall a man leave father and mother* and shall cleave to his wife# and they twain shall be one fleshF 2herefore they are no more twain* but one flesh. 2hat therefore God hath )oined together* let not man put asunder. <om "2!JK "" 9et love be without dissimulation. /bhor that which is evilC cleave to that which is good. Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly loveC in Honor preferring one anotherC not slothful in businessC fervent in spiritC serving the 9ordC " or B!"HK "5 /nd unto the married I command* with all not I* but the 9ord* 9et not the wife depart from her husband# But and if she depare* let her remain unmarried* or be reconciled to her husband# and let not the husband put away his wife. But to the r speak I* not the 9ord# If any brother hath a wife that believe not* and she be pleased to dwell with him* let him not put her away. /nd the woman which hath an husband that believe not* and if he be pleased to dwell with her* let her not leave him. &or the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife* and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband# else were your children uncleanC but now are they holy. " or "!!5K D harity suffer long* and is kindC charity envy notC charity vaunt not itself* is not puffed up* doth not behave itself unsteemly* seek not her own* is not easily provoked* think no evilC re)oice not in ini8uity* but re)oice in the truthC bear all things* believe all things* hop all things* endure all things. harity never fail# but whether there be prophecies* they shall failC whether there be tongues* they shall ceaseC whether there be knowledge* it shall vanish away. >ph 7!"DK 27 /nd be not drunk with wine* wherein is e(cessC but be filled with the 0piritC 0peaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs* singing and making melody in your heart to the 9ordC giving thanks always for all things unto God and the &ather in the name of our 9ord :esus hristC submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God. 2ives* submit yourselves unto your own husbands* as unto the 9ord. &or the husband is the head of the wife* even as hrist is the head of the church# and he is the 0avior of the body. Therefore as the church is sub)ect unto hrist* so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing. Husbands* love your wives* even as hrist also loved the church* and gave himself for itC >ph 7!2D 0o ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that love his wife love himself.


>ph 7!!! ;evertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himselfC and the wife see that she reverence her husband. 'hil 2!!K 5 9et nothing be done through strife or vaingloryC but in lowliness of mind let each steem other better than themselves. 9ook not every man on his own things* but every man also on the things of others. ol !!"2K "5 'ut on therefore* as the elect of God* holy and beloved* bowels of mercies* kindness* humbleness of mind* meekness* longsufferingC forbearing one another* and forgiving one another* if any man have a 8uarrel against any# even as hrist forgave you* so also do you. /nd above all these things put on charity* which is the bond of perfectness. ol !!"DK "J 2ives* submit yourselves unto your own husbands* as it is fit in the 9ord. Husbands* love your wives* and be not bitter against them. Heb "!!5 3arriage is Honorable in all* and the bed undefiled# but whoremongers and adulterers God will )udgee. "'et 2!2! 2ho* when he was reviled* reviled not againC when he suffered* he threatened notC but committed himself to him that )udgee righteously# "'et !!" 9ikewise* you wives* be in sub)ection to your own husbandsC that* if any obey not the word* they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wivesC ":n 5!D He that love not know not GodC for God is love. ":n 5!"D There is no fear in loveC but perfect love cast out fear# because fear hath torment. He that fear is not made perfect in love. :ude "!2" -eep yourselves in the love of God* looking for the mercy of our 9ord :esus hrist unto eternal life.

1eut 5!5H .ou shall keep therefore his statutes* and his commandments* which I command you this day* that it may go well with you* and with your children after you* and that you may prolong your days upon the earth* which the 9,<1 your God give you* for ever. 's BD!5 2e will not hide them from their children* showing to the generation to come the praises of the 9,<1* and his strength* and his wonderful works that he hath done. 's "H!!"BK "D But the mercy of the 9,<1 is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him* and his righteousness unto children=s childrenC to such as keep his covenant* and to those that remember his commandments to do them. 's "2B!!K 7 9o* children are an heritage of the 9,<1# and the fruit of the womb is his reward. /s arrows are in the hand of a mighty manC so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his 8uiver full of them# they shall not be ashamed* but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate. 's "2D!!K 5 .our wife shall be as a fruitful vine by the sides of your house# your children like olive plants round about your table. Behold* that thus shall the man be blessed that fear the 9,<1.


'rov 5!"5K "7>nter not into the path of the wicked* and go not in the way of evil men. /void it* pass not by it* turn from it* and pass away. 'rov "!!25 He that spar his rod hate his son# but he that love him chasten him betimes. 'rov "5!26 In the fear of the 9,<1 is strong confidence# and his children shall have a place of refuge. 'rov 2H!B The )ust man walk in his integrity# his children are blessed after him. 'rov 25!2"K 25 3y son* fear you the 9,<1 and the king# and meddle not with them that are given to change# &or their calamity shall rise suddenlyC and who know the ruin of them bothF These things also belong to the wise. It is not good to have respect of persons in )udgemnt. He that say unto the wicked* .ou are righteousC him shall the people curse* nations shall abhor him# 'rov 2J!"7 The rod and reproof give wisdom# but a child left to himself bring his mother to shame. 'rov 2J!"B orrect your son* and he shall give you rC yea* he shall give delight unto your soul. " or "7!!! Be not deceived# evil communications corrupt good manners. >ph 6!5 /nd* you fathers* provoke not your children to wrath# but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the 9ord. 'hil 2!"5K "6 1o all things without murmurings and disputings# That you may be blameless and harmless* the sons of God* without rebuke* in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation* among whom you shine as lights in the worldC holding forth the word of lifeC that I may re)oice in the day of hrist* that I have not run in vain* neither labored in vain. ol !!2" &athers* provoke not your children to anger* l they be discouraged. "Tim 7!"5 I will therefore that the younger women marry* bear children* guide the house* give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully. :er !2!!J /nd I will give them one heart* and one way* that they may fear me for ever* for the good of them* and of their children after them# 's ""7!"5 The 9,<1 shall increase you more and more* you and your children. 1eut 5!5H .ou shall keep therefore his statutes* and his commandments* which I command you this day* that it may go well with you* and with your children after you* and that you may prolong your days upon the earth* which the 9,<1 your God give you* for ever. 'rov 2H!B The )ust man walk in his integrity# his children are blessed after him. 'rov "5!26 In the fear of the 9,<1 is strong confidence# and his children shall have a place of refuge. 1eut 26!"" /nd you shall re)oice in every good thing which the 9,<1 your God hath given unto you* and unto your house* you* and the 9evite* and the stranger that is among you. 's ""!!J He make the barren woman to keep house* and to be a )oyful mother of children. 'raise you the 9,<1. 'rov 2!!25 The father of the righteous shall greatly re)oice# and he that beget a wise child shall have )oy of him.


ol !!2H hildren* obey your parents in all things# for this is well pleasing unto the 9ord. >ph 6!2K ! Honor your father and motherC ?which is the first commandment with promiseCA that it may be well with you* and you may live long on the earth. 'rov 22!6 Train up a child in the way he should go# and when he is old* he will not depart from it.

's BD!7K B &or he established a testimony in :acob* and appointed a law in Israel* which he commanded our fathers* that they should make them known to their children# That the generation to come might know them* even the children which should be bornC who should arise and declare them to their children# That they might set their hope in God* and not forget the works of God* but keep his commandments# 's "H!!"B But the mercy of the 9,<1 is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him* and his righteousness unto children=s childrenC 's "2B!" >(cept the 9,<1 build the house* they labor in vain that build it# e(cept the 9,<1 keep the city* the watchman wake but in vain. 'rov !!!! The curse of the 9,<1 is in the house of the wicked# but he bless the habitation of the )ust. 'rov "2!B The wicked are overthrown* and are not# but the house of the righteous shall stand. 'rov "5!26 In the fear of the 9,<1 is strong confidence# and his children shall have a place of refuge. 'rov 2H!B The )ust man walk in his integrity# his children are blessed after him. 'rov 22!6 Train up a child in the way he should go# and when he is old* he will not depart from it. 'rov 2!!"!K "5 2ithhold not correction from the child# for if you beat him with the rod* he shall not die. .ou shall beat him with the rod* and shall deliver his soul from hell. 'rov 25!! Through wisdom is an house buildedC and by understanding it is established# and by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches. 'rov 2J!"B orrect your son* and he shall give you rC yea* he shall give delight unto your soul. Is 75!"! /nd all your children shall be taught of the 9,<1C and great shall be the peace of your children.

3tt "D!5 2hosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child* the same is great in the kingdom of heaven. 3tt "D!"H Take heed that you despise not one of these little onesC for I say unto you* That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my &ather which is in heaven. 3tt "J!"5 But :esus say* 0uffer little children* and forbid them not* to come unto me# for of such is the kingdom of heaven. 3tt 2"!"6 /nd say unto him* Hear you what these sayF /nd :esus say unto them* .eaC have you never read* ,ut of the mouth of babes and sucklings you hast perfected praiseF


3rk "H!"7 Verily I say unto you* 2hosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child* he shall not enter therein. 9k 2!5H /nd the child grew* and wa(ed strong in spirit* filled with wisdom# and the grace of God was upon him. >ph 6!2K ! Honor your father and motherC ?which is the first commandment with promiseCA that it may be well with you* and you may live long on the earth. 2Tim !!"7 /nd that from a child you hast known the holy scriptures* which are able to make you wise unto salvation through faith which is in hrist :esus. "'et 2!2 /s newborn babes* desire the sincere milk of the word* that you may grow thereby#

/o ngsters
's ""J!J 2herewithal shall a young man cleanse his wayF by taking heed thereto according to your word. 'rov 2!!22 Hearken unto your father that begat you* and despise not your mother when she is old. 9am !!2B It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth. "Tim 5!"2 9et no man despise your youthC but be you an e(ample of the believers* in word* in conversation* in charity* in spirit* in faith* in purity. 2Tim 2!22 &lee also youthful lusts# but follow righteousness* faith* charity* peace* with them that call on the 9ord out of a pure heart. "'et 7!7K B 9ikewise* you younger* submit yourselves unto the elder. .ea* all of you be sub)ect one to another* and be clothed with humility# for God resist the proud* and give grace to the humble. Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God* that he may e(alt you in due time# asting all your care upon himC for he car for you.

'rov ""!"6 / gracious woman retain Honor# and strong men retain riches. 'rov "2!5 / virtuous woman is a crown to her husband# but she that make ashamed is as rottenness in his bones. 'rov "5!" >very wise woman build her house# but the foolish pluck it down with her hands. 'rov "J!"5 House and riches are the inheritance of fathers# and a prudent wife is from the 9,<1. 'rov !"!"H 2ho can find a virtuous womanF for her price is far above rubies. 'rov !"!2D Her children arise up* and call her blessedC her husband also* and he praise her. 'rov !"!!HK !" &avor is deceitful* and beauty is vain# but a woman that fear the 9,<1* she shall be praised. Give her of the fruit of her handsC and let her own works praise her in the gates. " 'et !!"K B 9ikewise* you wives* be in sub)ection to your own husbandsC that* if any obey not the word* they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wivesC while they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear. 2hose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair* and of wearing of gold* or of putting on of apparelC but let it be the hidden man


of the heart* in that which is not corruptible* even the ornament of a meek and 8uiet spirit* which is in the sight of God of great price. &or after this manner in the old time the holy women also* who trusted in God* adorned themselves* being in sub)ection unto their own husbands# >ven as 0ara obeyed /braham* calling him lord# whose daughters you are* as long as you do well* and are not afraid with any amaEement. 9ikewise* you husbands* dwell with them according to knowledge* giving Honor unto the wife* as unto the weaker vessel* and as being heirs together of the grace of lifeC that your prayers be not hindered.

>( 22!2" .ou shall neither ve( a stranger* nor oppress him# for you were strangers in the land of >gypt. 9k "5!"2K "5 Then say he also to him that bade him* 2hen you make a dinner or a supper* call not your friends* nor your brethren* neither your kinsmen* nor your rich neighborsC l they also bid you again* and a recompense be made you. But when you make a feast* call the poor* the maimed* the lame* the blind# and you shall be blessedC for they cannot recompense you# for you shall be recompensed at the resurrection of the )ust. <om "2!"! 1istributing to the necessity of saintsC given to hospitality. "Tim 7!"H 2ell reported of for good worksC if she have brought up children* if she have lodged strangers* if she have washed the saints= feet* if she have relieved the afflicted* if she have diligently followed every good work. Titus "!D But a lover of hospitality* a lover of good men* sober* )ust* holy* temperateC Heb "!!2 Be not forgetful to entertain strangers# for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. "'et 5!J Mse hospitality one to another without grudging. !:n "!D 2e therefore ought to receive such* that we might be fellowhelpers to the truth.

9ev "J!!2 O.ou shall rise before the gray headed and honor the presence of an old man* and fear your God# I am the 9,<1. 's B"!"BK "D , God* .ou have taught me from my youthC and to this day I declare .our wondrous works. ;ow also when I am old and grayheaded* , God* do not forsake me* until I declare .our strength to this generation* your power to everyone who is to come. 's J2!"5 They shall still bear fruit in old ageC they shall be fresh and flourishing* 's "2D!7K 6 The 9,<1 bless you out of @ion* and may you see the good of :erusalem all the days of your life. .ou* may you see your children=s children. 'eace be upon Israel+ 'rov "6!!" The silverKhaired head is a crown of glory* if it is found in the way of righteousness. 'rov 2H!2J The glory of young men is their strength* and the splendor of old men is their gray head.


Is 56!5 >ven to your old age* I am He* and even to gray hairs I will carry you+ I have made* and I will bearC even I will carry* and will deliver you. 1eut 5!5 But you that did cleave unto the 9,<1 your God are alive every one of you this day. "- !!"5 /nd if you wilt walk in my ways* to keep my statutes and my commandments* as your father 1avid did walk* then I will lengthen your days. :ob 7!26 .ou shall come to your grave in a full age* like as a shock of corn com in his season. 's J"!"7K "6 He shall call upon me* and I will answer him# I will be with him in troubleC I will deliver him* and Honor him. 2ith long life will I satisfy him* and show him my salvation. >ph 6!2K ! Honor your father and motherC ?which is the first commandment with promiseCA that it may be well with you* and you may live long on the earth.

hristians have a very detailed promise no other group of persons have concerning the future. God have sent a 0avior for us. He is coming with power as a Triumphant 2arrior for us and He is going to establish a 3essianic -ingdom where we can live together for eternity. In the subse8uently Bible Verses you will find a shining future. .ou will feel astonished when you discover in these passages the whole plan* the main details* all the persons involved and The 3ighty 'ower of God to make it happen. But before all* you will discover how powerful is The 9ove. It did not take in account any sacrifice to )oin his people forever and ever.

The Messiah
Gen !!"7 /nd I will put enmity between you and the woman* and between your seed and her seedC it shall bruise your head* and you shall bruise his heel. Isaiah B!"5 Therefore the 9ord himself shall give you a signC Behold* a virgin shall conceive* and bear a son* and shall call his name Immanuel. Isaiah J!6 &or unto us a child is born* unto us a son is given# and the government shall be upon his shoulder# and his name shall be called 2onderful* ounselor* The mighty God* The everlasting &ather* The 'rince of 'eace. Isaiah ""!"K 2 /nd there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of :esse* and a Branch shall grow out of his roots# and the spirit of the 9,<1 shall r upon him* the spirit of wisdom and understanding* the spirit of counsel and might* the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the 9,<1C 3icah 7!2 But you* Betlhem >phratah* /lthough you be little among the thousands of :udah* with all out of you shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in IsraelC whose goings forth have been from of old* from everlasting. @ech J!J <e)oice greatly* , daughter of @ionC shout* , daughter of :erusalem# behold* your -ing com unto you# he is )ust* and having salvationC lowly* and riding upon an ass* and upon a colt the foal of an ass.


3al !!"K ! Behold* I will send my messenger* and he shall prepare the way before me# and the 9ord* whom you seek* shall suddenly come to his temple* even the messenger of the covenant* whom you delight in# behold* he shall come* say the 9,<1 of hosts. But who may abide the day of his comingF and who shall stand when he appearF for he is like a refiner=s fire* and like fullers= soap# /nd he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver# and he shall purify the sons of 9evi* and purge them as gold and silver* that they may offer unto the 9,<1 an offering in righteousness. 3att "!2" /nd she shall bring forth a son* and you shall call his name :>0M0# for he shall save his people from their sins.

The (arrying Away

Tit 2!"! 9ooking for that blessed hope* and the glorious appearing of the great God and our 0avior :esus hristC " Thes 5!"6 &or the 9ord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout* with the voice of the archangel* and with the trump of God# and the dead in hrist shall rise first# 3tt 25!!H /nd then shall appear the sign of the 0on of man in heaven# and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn* and they shall see the 0on of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. :ohn "5!2D .ou have heard how I say unto you* I go away* and come again unto you. If you loved me* you would re)oice* because I say* I go unto the &ather# for my &ather is greater than I. 3tt 25!52 2atch therefore# for you know not what hour your 9ord doth come. :ob "J!27 &or I know that my redeemer live* and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth# @ec "5!5 /nd his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of ,lives* which is before :erusalem on the east* and the mount of ,lives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the w* and there shall be a very great valleyC and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north* and half of it toward the south. <ev "!B Behold* he com with cloudsC and every eyes shall see him* and they also which pierced him# and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. >ven so* /men. 2Thes !!7 /nd the 9ord direct your hearts into the love of God* and into the patient waiting for hrist. ol !!5 2hen hrist* who is our life* shall appear* then shall you also appear with him in glory. " :ohn !!2 Beloved* now are we the sons of God* and it doth not with all appear what we shall be# but we know that* when he shall appear* we shall be like himC for we shall see him as he is. 3rk "5!62 /nd :esus say* I am# and you shall see the 0on of man sitting on the right hand of power* and coming in the clouds of heaven. Heb J!2D 0o hrist was once offered to bear the sins of manyC and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.


" or "!BK D 0o that you come behind in no giftC waiting for the coming of our 9ord :esus hrist# who shall also confirm you unto the end* that you may be blameless in the day of our 9ord :esus hrist. " or 5!7 Therefore )udgee nothing before the time* until the 9ord come* who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness* and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts# and then shall every man have praise of God. @ec "2!"H /nd I will pour upon the house of 1avid* and upon the inhabitants of :erusalem* the spirit of grace and of supplications# and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced* and they shall mourn for him* as one mourn for his only son* and shall be in bitterness for him* as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn. " or ""!26 &or as often as you eat this bread* and drink this cup* you do show the 9ord=s death till he come. 9k "2!5H Be you therefore ready also# for the 0on of man com at an hour when you think not. 2 'et !!!K 5 -nowing this first* that there shall come in the last days scoffers* walking after their own lusts* and saying* 2here is the promise of his comingF for since the fathers fell asleep* all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. 2 'et !!"H But the day of the 9ord will come as a thief in the nightC in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise* and the elements shall melt with fervent heat* the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. 9k "2!!B Blessed are those servants* whom the lord when he com shall find watching# verily I say unto you* that he shall gird himself* and make them to sit down to meat* and will come forth and serve them. 3tt 25!2B &or as the lightning com out of the east* and shine even unto the wC so shall also the coming of the 0on of man be. /cts "!"" 2hich also say* .ou men of Galilee* why stand you gaEing up into heavenF this same :esus* which is taken up from you into heaven* shall so come in like manner as you have seen him go into heaven.

The Messiani* #ingdom

's B2!BK D In his days shall the righteous flourishC and abundance of peace so long as the moon endure. He shall have dominion also from sea to sea* and from the river unto the ends of the earth. 's B2!"6K "J There shall be an handful of corn in the earth upon the top of the mountainsC the fruit thereof shall shake like 9ebanon# and they of the city shall flourish like grass of the earth. His name shall endure for ever# his name shall be continued as long as the sun# and men shall be blessed in him# all nations shall call him blessed. Blessed be the 9,<1 God* the God of Israel* who only do wondrous things. /nd blessed be his glorious name for ever# and let the whole earth be filled with his gloryC /men* and /men.


Is J!6K B &or unto us a child is born* unto us a son is given# and the government shall be upon his shoulder# and his name shall be called 2onderful* ounselor* The mighty God* The everlasting &ather* The 'rince of 'eace. ,f the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end* upon the throne of 1avid* and upon his kingdom* to order it* and to establish it with )udgemnt and with )ustice from henceforth even for ever. The Eeal of the 9,<1 of hosts will perform this. Is ""!6K J The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb* and the leopard shall lie down with the kidC and the calf and the young lion and the fatling togetherC and a little child shall lead them. /nd the cow and the bear shall feedC their young ones shall lie down together# and the lion shall eat straw like the o(. /nd the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp* and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice= den. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain# for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the 9,<1* as the waters cover the sea. Is !2!"K ! Behold* a king shall reign in righteousness* and princes shall rule in )udgemnt. /nd a man shall be as an hiding place from the wind* and a covert from the tempC as rivers of water in a dry place* as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land. Is !!!6 /nd wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of your times* and strength of salvation# the fear of the 9,<1 is his treasure. Is !!!"B .our eyes shall see the king in his beauty# they shall behold the land that is very far off. Is 7J!2H /nd the <edeemer shall come to @ion* and unto them that turn from transgression in :acob* say the 9,<1. Is 6H!"K ! /rise* shineC for your light is come* and the glory of the 9,<1 is risen upon you. &or* behold* the darkness shall cover the earth* and gross darkness the people# but the 9,<1 shall arise upon you* and his glory shall be seen upon you. /nd the Gentiles shall come to your light* and kings to the brightness of your rising. Is 67!2H There shall be no more thence an infant of days* nor an old man that hath not filled his days# for the child shall die an hundred years oldC but the sinner being an hundred years old shall be accursed. 1an 5!! How great are his signs+ and how mighty are his wonders+ his kingdom is an everlasting kingdom* and his dominion is from generation to generation. 1an B!"D But the saints of the most High shall take the kingdom* and possess the kingdom for ever* even for ever and ever. Hab 2!"5 &or the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the 9,<1* as the waters cover the sea. @ec J!"H /nd I will cut off the chariot from >phraim* and the horse from :erusalem* and the battle bow shall be cut off# and he shall speak peace unto the heathen# and his dominion shall be from sea even to sea* and from the river even to the ends of the earth. @ec "5!J /nd the 9,<1 shall be king over all the earth# in that day shall there be one 9,<1* and his name one.


@ec "5!"6 /nd it shall come to pass* that every one that is left of all the nations which came against :erusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the -ing* the 9,<1 of hosts* and to keep the feast of tabernacles. <ev "!6 /nd hath made us kings and priest unto God and his &atherC to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. /men. <ev 7!JK "H /nd they sung a new song* saying* .ou are worthy to take the book* and to open the seals thereof# for you were slain* and hast redeemed us to God by your blood out of every kindred* and tongue* and people* and nationC and hast made us unto our God kings and priest# and we shall reign on the earth. <ev 2H!5 /nd I saw thrones* and they sat upon them* and )udgemnt was given unto them# and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of :esus* and for the word of God* and which had not worshipped the beast* neither his image* neither had received his mark upon their foreheads* or in their handsC and they lived and reigned with hrist a thousand years.

The main battlefield of every human being is in the soul. But* this war is yet to end. In this last times the hristian will learn to incrust himself in the 'lan of God. The 9ord is demanding people able to forget themselves and willing to travel overseas to reach the lost souls. The soul is thirsty for )ustice* but in first place selfK)ustice. This is not sovereignty* but the control God gives to His hildren when you give all up to His 2ill. 2hen the government of your life is far away from you* in The Hands of God* peace appears to your life. Give up your life and God will bring the greatest to you. 0acrifice is worth to make# crucifi(ion then resurrection. This is the kind of soul God is e8uipping you. / strong one. /n only God dependant soul. .ou can be sure* God never fails. In the ne(t Bible Verses* you will find your ne(t battlefields and some of the rewards God is willing to provide.

3tt 6!"! /nd lead us not into temptation* but deliver us from evil# &or your is the kingdom* and the power* and the glory* for ever. /men. 3tt 26!5" 2atch and pray* that you enter not into temptation# the spirit indeed is willing* but the flesh is weak. 9k 22!5H /nd when he was at the place* he say unto them* 'ray that you enter not into temptation. 9k 22!56 /nd say unto them* 2hy sleep youF rise and pray* l you enter into temptation. :ohn "B!"7 I pray not that you should take them out of the world* but that you should keep them from the evil.


" or "H!"! There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man# but God is faithful* who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are ableC but will with the temptation also make a way to escape* that you may be able to bear it. Heb 2!"D &or in that he himself hath suffered being tempted* he is able to succor them that are tempted. Heb 5!"7K "6 &or we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmitiesC but was in all points tempted like as we are* with all without sin. 9et us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace* that we may obtain mercy* and find grace to help in time of need. :ames "!"!K "5 9et no man say when he is tempted* I am tempted of God# for God cannot be tempted with evil* neither tempt he any man# But every man is tempted* when he is drawn away of his own lust* and enticed. :ames 5!BK D 0ubmit yourselves therefore to God. <esist the devil* and he will flee from you. 1raw nigh to God* and he will draw nigh to you. leanse your hands* you sinnersC and purify your hearts* you double minded. 2'et "!"H 2herefore the rather* brethren* give diligence to make your calling and election sure# for if you do these things* you shall never fall# 2'et 2!J The 9ord know how to deliver the godly out of temptations* and to reserve the un)ust unto the day of )udgemnt to be punished# :ude "!25K 27 ;ow unto him that is able to keep you from falling* and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with e(ceeding )oy* to the only wise God our 0avior* be glory and ma)esty* dominion and power* both now and ever. /men. <om D!!B ;ay* in all these things we are more than con8uerors through him that loved us. " or "H!"! There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man# but God is faithful* who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are ableC but will with the temptation also make a way to escape* that you may be able to bear it. 2'et 2!J The 9ord know how to deliver the godly out of temptations* and to reserve the un)ust unto the day of )udgemnt to be punished# Heb 2!"D &or in that he himself hath suffered being tempted* he is able to succor them that are tempted. 2 or "2!J /nd he say unto me* 3y grace is sufficient for you# for my strength is made perfect in weakness. 3ost gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities* that the power of upon me. 9k 22!!2 But I have pray for you* that your faith fail not# and when you are converted* strengthen your brethren. :ohn "B!"7 I pray not that you should take them out of the world* but that you should keep them from the evil. hrist may r


:ohn "6!!! These things I have spoken unto you* that in me you might have peace. In the world you shall have tribulation# but be of good cheerC I have overcome the world. " :ohn 7!5 &or whatsoever is born of God overcome the world# and this is the victory that overcome the world* even our faith. :ames 5!B 0ubmit yourselves therefore to God. <esist the devil* and he will flee from you. <om "6!2H /nd the God of peace shall bruise 0atan under your feet shortly. The grace of our 9ord :esus hrist be with you. /men. 's J"!! 0urely he shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler* and from the noisome pestilence. <om "2!2" Be not overcome of evil* but overcome evil with good. Heb "H!2! 9et us hold fast the profession of our faith without waveringC ?for he is faithful that promisedCA :ob ""!"7 &or then shall you lift up your face without spotC yea* you shall be steadfast* and shall not fear# " or "7!7D Therefore* my beloved brethren* be you steadfast* unmovable* always abounding in the work of the 9ord* forasmuch as you know that your labor is not in vain in the 9ord. Gal "!5 2ho gave himself for our sins* that he might deliver us from this present evil world* according to the will of God and our &ather# <ev 2"!B He that overcome shall inherit all thingsC and I will be his God* and he shall be my son. :ames "!"2 Blessed is the man that endure temptation# for when he is tried* he shall receive the crown of life* which the 9ord hath promised to them that love him. <ev !!2" To him that overcome will I grant to sit with me in my throne* even as I also overcame* and am set down with my &ather in his throne. " :ohn 7!5 &or whatsoever is born of God overcome the world# and this is the victory that overcome the world* even our faith.

>( 6!B /nd I will take you to me for a people* and I will be to you a God# and you shall know that I am the 9,<1 your God* which bring you out from under the burdens of the >gyptians. 9ev 26!"2K "! /nd I will walk among you* and will be your God* and you shall be my people. I am the 9,<1 your God* which brought you forth out of the land of >gypt* that you should not be their bondmenC and I have broken the bands of your yoke* and made you go upright. 1eut 26!BK J /nd when we cried unto the 9,<1 God of our fathers* the 9,<1 heard our voice* and looked on our affliction* and our labor* and our oppression# /nd the 9,<1 brought us forth out of >gypt with a mighty hand* and with an outstretched arm* and with great terribleness* and with signs* and with wonders# /nd he hath brought us into this place* and hath given us this land* even a land that flow with milk and honey.


"0am 2!D He raise up the poor out of the dust* and lift up the beggar from the dunghill* to set them among princes* and to make them inherit the throne of glory# for the pillars of the earth are the 9,<1=s* and he hath set the world upon them. 2 hr B!"5K "7 If my people* which are called by my name* shall humble themselves* and pray* and seek my face* and turn from their wicked waysC then will I hear from heaven* and will forgive their sin* and will heal their land. ;ow mine eyes shall be open* and mine ears attend unto the prayer that is made in this place. 2 hr 2H!"2 , our God* wilt you not )udgee themF for we have no might against this great company that com against usC neither know we what to do# but our eyes are upon you. 2 hr 2H!"7 /nd he say* Hearken you* all :udah* and you inhabitants of :erusalem* and you king :ehoshaphat* Thus say the 9,<1 unto you* Be not afraid nor dismay by reason of this great multitudeC for the battle is not yours* but God=s. 2 hr 2H!"B .ou shall not need to fight in this battle# set yourselves* stand you still* and see the salvation of the 9,<1 with you* , :udah and :erusalem# fear not* nor be dismayC to morrow go out against them# for the 9,<1 will be with you. >E D!2"K 22 Then I proclaimed a fast there* at the river of /hava* that we might afflict ourselves before our God* to seek of him a right way for us* and for our little ones* and for all our substance. &or I was ashamed to re8uest of the king a band of soldiers and horsemen to help us against the enemy in the way# because we had spoken unto the king* saying* The hand of our God is upon all them for good that seek himC but his power and his wrath is against all them that forsake him. >E D!25 Then I separated twelve of the chief of the priest* 0herebiah* Hashabiah* and ten of their brethren with them* :ob 7!DK J I would seek unto God* and unto God would I commit my cause# which do great things and unsearchableC marvelous things without number# :ob 7!"7K "6 But he say the poor from the sword* from their mouth* and from the hand of the mighty. 0o the poor hath hope* and ini8uity stop her mouth. :ob 7!"JK 22 He shall deliver you in si( troubles# yea* in seven there shall no evil touch you. In famine he shall redeem you from death# and in war from the power of the sword. .ou shall be hid from the scourge of the tongue# neither shall you be afraid of destruction when it com. /t destruction and famine you shall laugh# neither shall you be afraid of the beasts of the earth. :ob 22!2"K 22 /c8uaint now yourself with him* and be at peace# thereby good shall come unto you. <eceive* I pray you* the law from his mouth* and lay up his words in your heart. :ob 52!"H /nd the 9,<1 turned the captivity of :ob* when he pray for his friends# also the 9,<1 gave :ob twice as much as he had before. 's 5!" Hear me when I call* , God of my righteousness# you hast enlarged me when I was in distressC have mercy upon me* and hear my prayer.


's J!JK "H The 9,<1 also will be a refuge for the oppressed* a refuge in times of trouble. /nd they that know your name will put their trust in you# for you* 9,<1* hast not forsaken them that seek you. 's "5!B ,h that the salvation of Israel were come out of @ion+ when the 9,<1 bring back the captivity of his people* :acob shall re)oice* and Israel shall be glad. 's "D!"6K "B He sent from above* he took me* he drew me out of many waters. He delivered me from my strong enemy* and from them which hated me# for they were too strong for me. 's "D!2D &or you wilt light my candle# the 9,<1 my God will enlighten my darkness. 's !"!B I will be glad and re)oice in your mercy# for you hast considered my troubleC you hast known my soul in adversitiesC 's !2!B .ou are my hiding placeC you shall preserve me from troubleC you shall compass me about with songs of deliverance. 0elah. 's !!!2H ,ur soul wait for the 9,<1# he is our help and our shield. 's !B!25 /lthough he fall* he shall not be utterly cast down# for the 9,<1 uphold him with his hand. 's 5H!"K ! I waited patiently for the 9,<1C and he inclined unto me* and heard my cry. He brought me up also out of an horrible pit* out of the miry clay* and set my feet upon a rock* and established my goings. /nd he hath put a new song in my mouth* even praise unto our God# many shall see it* and fear* and shall trust in the 9,<1. 's 5H!"B But I am poor and needyC with all the 9ord think upon me# you are my help and my delivererC make no tarrying* , my God. 's 52!"" 2hy are you cast down* , my soulF and why are you dis8uieted within meF hope you in God# for I shall with all praise him* who is the health of my countenance* and my God. 's 7B!2K ! I will cry unto God most highC unto God that performed all things for me. He shall send from heaven* and save me from the reproach of him that would swallow me up. 0elah. God shall send forth his mercy and his truth. 's 6J!" 0ave me* , GodC for the waters are come in unto my soul. 's "H6!"H /nd he saved them from the hand of him that hated them* and redeemed them from the hand of the enemy. 's ""D!7 I called upon the 9,<1 in distress# the 9,<1 answered me* and set me in a large place. 's "2H!" In my distress I cried unto the 9,<1* and he heard me. 's "52!B Bring my soul out of prison* that I may praise your name# the righteous shall compass me aboutC for you shall deal bountifully with me. 's "57!"5 The 9,<1 uphold all that fall* and raise up all those that be bowed down.


Is !H!2J .ou shall have a song* as in the night when a holy solemnity is keptC and gladness of heart* as when one go with a pipe to come into the mountain of the 9,<1* to the mighty ,ne of Israel. :er !"!"" &or the 9,<1 hath redeemed :acob* and ransomed him from the hand of him that was stronger than he. 3ic B!B Therefore I will look unto the 9,<1C I will wait for the God of my salvation# my God will hear me. :ohn D!!"K !2 Then say :esus to those :ews which believed on him* If you continue in my word* then are you my disciples indeedC and you shall know the truth* and the truth shall make you free. :ohn D!!6 If the 0on therefore shall make you free* you shall be free indeed. <om D!2" Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. ol "!"2K "! Giving thanks unto the &ather* which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light# 2ho hath delivered us from the power of darkness* and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear 0on# " :ohn !!D He that commit sin is of the devilC for the devil sin from the beginning. &or this purpose the 0on of God was manifest ed* that he might destroy the works of the devil. :ohn D!!"K !2 Then say :esus to those :ews which believed on him* If you continue in my word* then are you my disciples indeedC and you shall know the truth* and the truth shall make you free. Gal 5!B 2herefore you are no more a servant* but a sonC and if a son* then an heir of God through hrist. hrist hath made us free* and be not Gal 5!!" 0o then* brethren* we are not children of the bondwoman* but of the free. Gal 7!" 0tand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith entangled again with the yoke of bondage. Gal 7!"! &or* brethren* you have been called unto libertyC only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh* but by love serve one another. ol 2!"5K "6 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us* which was contrary to us* and took it out of the way* nailing it to his crossC and having spoiled principalities and powers* he made a show of them openly* triumphing over them in it. 9et no man therefore )udgee you in meat* or in drink* or in respect of an holyday* or of the new moon* or of the 0habbath days# :ohn D!!6 If the 0on therefore shall make you free* you shall be free indeed. :ohn "6!"! Howbeit when he* the 0pirit of truth* is come* he will guide you into all truth# for he shall not speak of himselfC but whatsoever he shall hear* that shall he speak# and he will show you things to come.


<om D!2 &or the law of the 0pirit of life in hrist :esus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. 2 or !!"B ;ow the 9ord is that 0pirit# and where the 0pirit of the 9ord is* there is liberty. Is J!5 &or you hast broken the yoke of his burden* and the staff of his shoulder* the rod of his oppressor* as in the day of 3idian. <om 6!22 But now being made free from sin* and become servants to God* you have your fruit unto holiness* and the end everlasting life. 's "2"!BK D The 9,<1 shall preserve you from all evil# he shall preserve your soul. The 9,<1 shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth* and even for evermore.

's "H!!7 2ho satisfies your mouth with good thingsC so that your youth is renewed like the eagle=s. :er !!!6K B Behold* I will bring it health and cure* and I will cure them* and will reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth. /nd I will cause the captivity of :udah and the captivity of Israel to return* and will build them* as at the first. 9am 7!2" Turn you us unto you* , 9,<1* and we shall be turnedC renew our days as of old. >Ee !6!25K 2D &or I will take you from among the heathen* and gather you out of all countries* and will bring you into your own land. Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you* and you shall be clean from all your filthiness* and from all your idols* will I cleanse you. / new heart also will I give you* and a new spirit will I put within you# and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh* and I will give you an heart of flesh. /nd I will put my spirit within you* and cause you to walk in my statutes* and you shall keep my )udgemnts* and do them. /nd you shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathersC and you shall be my people* and I will be your God. Hos 6!" ome* and let us return unto the 9,<1# for he hath torn* and he will heal usC he hath smitten* and he will bind us up. :oel 2!27 /nd I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten* the cankerworm* and the caterpillar* and the palmerworm* my great army which I sent among you. @ech "!! Therefore say you unto them* Thus say the 9,<1 of hostsC Turn you unto me* say the 9,<1 of hosts* and I will turn unto you* say the 9,<1 of hosts. @ech 2!"H 0ing and re)oice* , daughter of @ion# for* lo* I come* and I will dwell in the midst of you* say the 9,<1. 3att "2!"! Then say he to the man* 0tretch forth your hand. /nd he stretched it forthC and it was restored whole* like as the other. :ohn J!27 He answered and say* 2hether he be a sinner or no* I know not# one thing I know* that* whereas I was blind* now I see.


G iltiness
<om D!" There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in hrist :esus* who walk not after the flesh* but after the 0pirit. <om !!25 Being )ustified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in righteousness of God in him. <om D!!H 3oreover whom he did predestinate* them he also called# and whom he called* them he also )ustified# and whom he )ustified* them he also glorified. /cts "!!!J /nd by him all that believe are )ustified from all things* from which you could not be )ustified by the law of 3oses. <om 7!" Therefore being )ustified by faith* we have peace with God through our 9ord :esus hrist! Is 7!!"" He shall see of the travail of his soul* and shall be satisfied# by his knowledge shall my righteous servant )ustestify manyC for he shall bear their ini8uities. <om D!!!K !5 2ho shall lay any thing to the charge of God=s electF It is God that )ustifies. 2ho is he that condemnF It is hrist that died* yea rather* that is risen again* who is even at the right hand of God* who also make intercession for us. <om 7!J 3uch more then* being now )ustified by his blood* we shall be saved from wrath through him. <om 7!"D Therefore as by the offence of one )udgemnt came upon all men to condemnationC even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto )ustification of life. Is 5!!27 I* even I* am he that blot out your transgressions for mine own sake* and will not remember your sins. 's "H!!"2 /s far as the east is from the w* so far hath he removed our transgressions from us. Is 55!22 I have blotted out* as a thick cloud* your transgressions* and* as a cloud* your sins# return unto meC for I have redeemed you. Heb "H!"B /nd their sins and ini8uities will I remember no more. 3i B!"J He will turn again* he will have compassion upon usC he will subdue our ini8uitiesC and you wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea. :er !"!!5 /nd they shall teach no more every man his neighbor* and every man his brother* saying* -now the 9,<1# for they shall all know me* from the least of them unto the great of them* say the 9,<1# for I will forgive their ini8uity* and I will remember their sin no more. Heb D!"2 &or I will be merciful to their unrighteousness* and their sins and their ini8uities will I remember no more. 's "H!!! 2ho forgive all your ini8uitiesC who heal all your diseasesC >ph "!B In whom we have redemption through his blood* the forgiveness of sins* according to the riches of his graceC hrist :esus# 2 or 7!2" &or he hath made him to be sin for us* who knew no sinC that we might be made the


Is "!"D

ome now* and let us reason together* say the 9,<1# /lthough your sins be as scarlet*

they shall be as white as snowC /lthough they be red like crimson* they shall be as wool. :er !!!D /nd I will cleanse them from all their ini8uity* whereby they have sinned against meC and I will pardon all their ini8uities* whereby they have sinned* and whereby they have transgressed against me. " :ohn 2!" 3y little children* these things write I unto you* that you sin not. /nd if any man sin* we have an advocate with the &ather* :esus hrist the righteous# Is 7!!7 But he was wounded for our transgressions* he was bruised for our ini8uities# the chastisement of our peace was upon himC and with his stripes we are healed. " :ohn "!B But if we walk in the light* as he is in the light* we have fellowship one with another* and the blood of :esus hrist his 0on cleans us from all sin. Heb J!"5 How much more shall the blood of hrist* who through the eternal 0pirit offered himself without spot to God* purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living GodF 3tt "2!!"K !2 2herefore I say unto you* /ll manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men# but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. /nd whosoever speak a word against the 0on of man* it shall be forgiven him# but whosoever speak against the Holy Ghost* it shall not be forgiven him* neither in this world* neither in the world to come. 's !2!" Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven* whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man unto whom the 9,<1 impute not ini8uity* and in whose spirit there is no guile. Is 7!!6 /ll we like sheep have gone astrayC we have turned every one to his own wayC and the 9,<1 hath laid on him the ini8uity of us all. " :ohn "!J If we confess our sins* he is faithful and )ust to forgive us our sins* and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

'hil 5!"! I can do all things through sufficiency is of GodC <om 5!2" /nd being fully persuaded that* what he had promised* he was able also to perform. Heb "H!2! 9et us hold fast the profession of our faith without waveringC ?for he is faithful that promisedCA Is 5"!"H &ear you notC for I am with you# be not dismayC for I am your God# I will strengthen youC yea* I will help youC yea* I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness. 's DJ!!5 3y covenant will I not break* nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips. Is 56!"" alling a ravenous bird from the east* the man that e(ecute my counsel from a far country# yea* I have spoken it* I will also bring it to passC I have purposed it* I will also do it. 3al !!6 &or I am the 9,<1* I change notC therefore you sons of :acob are not consumed. hrist which strengthen me. 2 or !!7 ;ot that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselvesC but our


@ec "!!J /nd I will bring the third pare through the fire* and will refine them as silver is refined* and will try them as gold is tried# they shall call on my name* and I will hear them# I will say* It is my people# and they shall say* The 9,<1 is my God. 3tt B!BK D /sk* and it shall be given youC seek* and you shall findC knock* and it shall be opened unto you# &or every one that ask receiveC and he that seek findC and to him that knock it shall be opened. :ames 7!"6 onfess your faults one to another* and pray one for another* that you may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avail much. " Thes 7!25 &aithful is he that call you* who also will do it. 's ""J!"6H .our word is true from the beginning# and every one of your righteous )udgemnts endure for ever. 's ""2!B He shall not be afraid of evil tidings# his heart is fi(ed* trusting in the 9,<1. 2 'et !!J The 9ord is not slack concerning his promise* as some men count slacknessC but is longsuffering to usKward* not willing that any should perish* but that all should come to repentance. 2 or "!2H &or all the promises of God in him are yea* and in him /men* unto the glory of God by us. 's D5!"" &or the 9,<1 God is a sun and shield# the 9,<1 will give grace and glory# no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. :ob 22!2B .ou shall make your prayer unto him* and he shall hear you* and you shall pay your vows. "Tim "!"7 This is a faithful saying* and worthy of all acceptation* that hrist :esus came into the world to save sinnersC of whom I am chief. Is 7D!J Then shall you call* and the 9,<1 shall answerC you shall cry* and he shall say* Here I am. If you take away from the midst of you the yoke* the putting forth of the finger* and speaking vanityC 's !5!"B The righteous cry* and the 9,<1 hear* and deliver them out of all their troubles. >ph !!"2 In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him. 's 5!! But know that the 9,<1 hath set apart him that is godly for himself# the 9,<1 will hear when I call unto him. 's !5!"7 The eyes of the 9,<1 are upon the righteous* and his ears are open unto their cry. 9k "2!2J /nd seek not you what you shall eat* or what you shall drink* neither be you of doubtful mind. 9k "2!!" But rather seek you the kingdom of GodC and all these things shall be added unto you.

Heb "!!7 9et your conversation be without covetousnessC and be content with such things as you have# for he hath say* I will never leave you* nor forsake you.


Is 75!"H &or the mountains shall depare* and the hills be removedC but my kindness shall not depart from you* neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed* say the 9,<1 that hath mercy on you. " :ohn "!! That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you* that you also may have fellowship with us# and truly our fellowship is with the &ather* and with his 0on :esus hrist. 'rov "D!25 / man that hath friends must show himself friendly# and there is a friend that stick closer than a brother. <ev !!2H Behold* I stand at the door* and knock# if any man hear my voice* and open the door* I will come in to him* and will sup with him* and he with me. :ames 5!D 1raw nigh to God* and he will draw nigh to you. purify your hearts* you double minded. 's "6!D I have set the 9,<1 always before me# because he is at my right hand* I shall not be moved. >( !!!"5 /nd he say* 3y presence shall go with you* and I will give you r. :er !"!! The 9,<1 hath appeared of old unto me* saying* .ea* I have loved you with an everlasting love# therefore with loving kindness have I drawn you. 's J5!"5 &or the 9,<1 will not cast off his people* neither will he forsake his inheritance. Is 52!6 I the 9,<1 have called you in righteousness* and will hold your hand* and will keep you* and give you for a covenant of the people* for a light of the GentilesC Is 52!"6 /nd I will bring the blind by a way that they knew notC I will lead them in paths that they have not known# I will make darkness light before them* and crooked things straight. These things will I do unto them* and not forsake them. 's !B!2D &or the 9,<1 love )udgemnt* and forsake not his saintsC they are preserved for ever# but the seed of the wicked shall be cut off. :ohn "H!"H The thief com not* but for to steal* and to kill* and to destroy# I am come that they might have life* and that they might have it more abundantly. 's 2B!"H 2hen my father and my mother forsake me* then the 9,<1 will take me up. :ohn "5!"D I will not leave you comfortless# I will come to you. leanse your hands* you sinnersC and

's "HH!! -now you that the 9,<1 he is God# it is he that hath made us* and not we ourselvesC we are his people* and the sheep of his pasture. 3tt 6!27 Therefore I say unto you* Take no Thought for your life* what you shall eat* or what you shall drinkC nor with all for your body* what you shall put on. Is not the life more than meat* and the body than raimentF 3tt 6!2DK 2J /nd why take you Thought for raimentF onsider the lilies of the field* how they growC they toil not* neither do they spin# /nd with all I say unto you* That even 0olomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.


3tt 6!!"K !5 Therefore take no Thought* saying* 2hat shall we eatF or* 2hat shall we drinkF or* 2herewithal shall we be clothedF ?&or after all these things do the Gentiles seek#A for your heavenly &ather know that you have need of all these things. But seek you first the kingdom of God* and his righteousnessC and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no Thought for the morrow# for the morrow shall take Thought for the things of itself. 0ufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. 3tt D!26 /nd he say unto them* 2hy are you fearful* , you of little faithF Then he arose* and rebuked the winds and the seaC and there was a great calm. 3tt "H!2DK !" /nd fear not them which kill the body* but are not able to kill the soul# but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. /re not two sparrows sold for a farehingF and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your &ather. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. &ear you not therefore* you are of more value than many sparrows. 9k "H!5"K 52 /nd :esus answered and say unto her* 3artha* 3artha* you are careful and troubled about many things# but one thing is needful# and 3ary hath chosen that good pare* which shall not be taken away from her. 9k "2!22 /nd he say unto his disciples* Therefore I say unto you* Take no Thought for your life* what you shall eatC neither for the body* what you shall put on. 9k "2!27K 26 which of you with taking thought can add to his stature one cubitF If you then be not able to do that thing which is least* why take you thought for the restF "'et 7!B asting all your care upon himC for he car for you. 1eut !!!2B The eternal God is your refuge* and underneath are the everlasting arms# and he shall thrust out the enemy from before youC and shall say* 1estroy them. 's 56!" God is our refuge and strength* a very present help in trouble. 'rov "5!26 In the fear of the 9,<1 is strong confidence# and his children shall have a place of refuge. 's 2D!D The 9,<1 is their strength* and he is the saving strength of his anointed. 'hil 5!"! I can do all things through hrist which strengthen me. 'rov "D!"H The name of the 9,<1 is a strong tower# the righteous run into it* and is safe. Is 27!5 &or you hast been a strength to the poor* a strength to the needy in his distress* a refuge from the storm* a shadow from the heat* when the blast of the terrible ones is as a storm against the wall. 's !B!25 /lthough he fall* he shall not be utterly cast down# for the 9,<1 uphold him with his hand. 's !B!"D The 9,<1 know the days of the upright# and their inheritance shall be for ever. 's J!JK "H 9,<1 also will be a refuge for the oppressed* a refuge in times of trouble. /nd they that know your name will put their trust in you# for you* 9,<1* hast not forsaken them that seek you.


's D"!"5 I should soon have subdued their enemies* and turned my hand against their adversaries. <om D!!" 2hat shall we then say to these thingsF If God be for us* who can be against usF Heb "!!6 0o that we may boldly say* The 9ord is my helper* and I will not fear what man shall do unto me. Is 5"!"! &or I the 9,<1 your God will hold your right hand* saying unto you* fear notC I will help you. Heb "H!!6 &or you have need of patience* that* after you have done the will of God* you might receive the promise. 9k 2"!"J In your patience possess you your souls. Gal 6!J /nd let us not be weary in well doing# for in due season we shall reap* if we faint not. >cc !!" To every thing there is a season* and a time to every purpose under the heaven# 's !B!B < in the 9,<1* and wait patiently for him# fret not yourself because of him who prosper in his way* because of the man who bring wicked devices to pass. 's !B!J &or evildoers shall be cut off# but those that wait upon the 9,<1* they shall inherit the earth. :ames "!!K 5 -owing this* that the trying of your faith work patience. But let patience have her perfect work* that you may be perfect and entire* wanting nothing. <om "7!7 ;ow the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to hrist :esus# <ev 2!"H &ear none of those things which you shall suffer# behold* the devil shall cast some of you into prison* that you may be triedC and you shall have tribulation ten days# be you faithful unto death* and I will give you a crown of life. >cc B!D Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof# and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit. :ames "!"2 Blessed is the man that endure temptation# for when he is tried* he shall receive the crown of life* which the 9ord hath promised to them that love him. 3tt "H!22 /nd you shall be hated of all men for my name=s sake# but he that endure to the end shall be saved. :ames 7!"" Behold* we count them happy which endure. .ou have heard of the patience of :ob* and have seen the end of the 9ordC that the 9ord is very pitiful* and of tender mercy. 's 5H!" I waited patiently for the 9,<1C and he inclined unto me* and heard my cry. Heb "H!!7 ast not away therefore your confidence* which hath great recompense of reward. Heb "H!!B &or with all a little while* and he that shall come will come* and will not tarry. Is 27!J /nd it shall be say in that day* 9o* this is our GodC we have waited for him* and he will save us# this is the 9,<1C we have waited for him* we will be glad and re)oice in his salvation.


Heb ""!6 But without faith it is impossible to please him# for he that com to God must believe that he is* and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. <om 7!! /nd not only so* but we glory in tribulations also# knowing that tribulation work patienceC <om 7!7 /nd hope make not ashamedC because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. 's 2B!"5 2ait on the 9,<1# be of good courage* and he shall strengthen your heart ! wait* I say* on the 9,<1. 20am 2!!7 /lthough my house be not so with GodC with all he hath made with me an everlasting covenant* ordered in all things* and sure# for this is all my salvation* and all my desire* although he make it not to grow. :ames 7!"6 onfess your faults one to another* and pray one for another* that you may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avail much. Is 5H!!" But they that wait upon the 9,<1 shall renew their strengthC they shall mount up with wings as eaglesC they shall run* and not be wearyC and they shall walk* and not faint. Is 57!25 0urely* shall one say* in the 9,<1 have I righteousness and strength# even to him shall men comeC and all that are incensed against him shall be ashamed. :ohn "!"6K "B /nd of his fullness have all we received* and grace for grace. &or the law was given by 3oses* but grace and truth came by :esus hrist. " or "!!H But of him are you in hrist :esus* who of God is made unto us wisdom* and righteousness* and sanctification* and redemption# Is J!6 &or unto us a child is born* unto us a son is given# and the government shall be upon his shoulder# and his name shall be called 2onderful* &ather* The 'rince of 'eace. :ohn "5!"J 2ith all a little while* and the world see me no moreC but you see me# because I live* you shall live also. Gal 2!2H I am crucified with himself for me. 's !B!7 ommit your way unto the 9,<1C trust also in himC and he shall bring it to pass. Heb B!27 2herefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him* seeing he ever live to make intercession for them. 's "!! /nd he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water* that bring forth his fruit in his seasonC his leaf also shall not witherC and whatsoever he do shall prosper. ":n 7!"2 He that hath the 0on hath lifeC and he that hath not the 0on of God hath not life. <om D!!B ;ay* in all these things we are more than con8uerors through him that loved us. 0ong 2!5 He brought me to the ban8ueting house* and his banner over me was love. 0ong 2!6 His left hand is under my head* and his right hand doth embrace me. hrist# nevertheless I liveC with all not I* but hrist live in me# and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the 0on of God* who loved me* and gave ounselor* The mighty God* The everlasting


>ph 2!" /nd you hath he 8uickened* who were dead in trespasses and sinsC >ph 2!6 /nd hath raised us up together* and made us sit together in heavenly places in hrist :esus# :ames "!"! 9et no man say when he is tempted* I am tempted of God# for God cannot be tempted with evil* neither tempt he any man# Heb 5!"6 9et us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace* that we may obtain mercy* and find grace to help in time of need.

$e* rity
1eut 5!B &or what nation is there so great* who hath God so nigh unto them* as the 9,<1 our God is in all things that we call upon him forF 1eut !"!D /nd the 9,<1* he it is that doth go before youC he will be with you* he will not fail you* neither forsake you# fear not* neither be dismay. 's "6!D I have set the 9,<1 always before me# because he is at my right hand* I shall not be moved. 's 2"!B &or the king trust in the 9,<1* and through the mercy of the most High he shall not be moved. 's 2D!BK D The 9,<1 is my strength and my shieldC my heart trusted in him* and I am helped# therefore my heart greatly re)oiceC and with my song will I praise him. The 9,<1 is their strength* and he is the saving strength of his anointed. 's !5!B The angel of the 9,<1 encamp round about them that fear him* and deliver them. 's 56!"K ! God is our refuge and strength* a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear* /lthough the earth be removed* and /lthough the mountains be carried into the midst of the seaC although the waters thereof roar and be troubled* /lthough the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. 0elah. 's D5!""K "2 &or the 9,<1 God is a sun and shield# the 9,<1 will give grace and glory# no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. , 9,<1 of hosts* blessed is the man that trust in you. Is 7D!D Then shall your light break forth as the morning* and your health shall spring forth speedily# and your righteousness shall go before youC the glory of the 9,<1 shall be your reward. :ohn "H!2BK 2D 3y sheep hear my voice* and I know them* and they follow me# /nd I give unto them eternal lifeC and they shall never perish* neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. I or "!D 2ho shall also confirm you unto the end* that you may be blameless in the day of our 9ord :esus hrist. I or "!J God is faithful* by whom you were called unto the fellowship of his 0on :esus hrist our 9ord. 2 or "!2"K 22 ;ow he which establish us with you in hrist* and hath anointed us* is GodC who hath also sealed us* and given the earn of the 0pirit in our hearts.


>ph !!"2 In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him. "'et "!7 2ho are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.

2 or 7!"! &or whether we be beside ourselves* it is to God# or whether we be sober* it is for your cause. " Thes 7!6 Therefore let us not sleep* as do othersC but let us watch and be sober. " Thes 7!D But let us* who are of the day* be sober* putting on the breastplate of faith and loveC and for an helmet* the hope of salvation. " Tim !!2 / bishop then must be blameless* the husband of one wife* vigilant* sober* of good behavior* given to hospitality* apt to teachC " Tim !!"" >ven so must their wives be grave* not slanderers* sober* faithful in all things. Titus "!D But a lover of hospitality* a lover of good men* sober* )ust* holy* temperateC Titus 2!2 That the aged men be sober* grave* temperate* sound in faith* in charity* in patience. Titus 2!5 That they may teach the young women to be sober* to love their husbands* to love their children* Titus 2!6 .oung men likewise e(hort to be sober minded. " 'et "!"! 2herefore gird up the loins of your mind* be sober* and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of :esus hristC " 'et 5!B But the end of all things is at hand# be you therefore sober* and watch unto prayer. " 'et 7!D Be sober* be vigilantC because your adversary the devil* as a roaring lion* walk about* seeking whom he may devour# <omans "2!! &or I say* through the grace given unto me* to every man that is among you* not to think of himself more highly than he ought to thinkC but to think soberly* according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith. Titus 2!"2 Teaching us that* denying ungodliness and worldly lusts* we should live soberly* righteously* and godly* in this present worldC

1eut D!7 .ou shall also consider in your heart* that* as a man chasten his son* so the 9,<1 your God chasten you. 1eut D!"6 2ho fed you in the wilderness with manna* which your fathers knew not* that he might humble you* and that he might prove you* to do you good at your latter endC 20am B!"5K "7 I will be his father* and he shall be my son. If he commit ini8uity* I will chasten him with the rod of men* and with the stripes of the children of men# But my mercy shall not depart away from him* as I took it from 0aul* whom I put away before you.


:ob 7!"BK "D Behold* happy is the man whom God correct# therefore despise not you the chastening of the /lmighty# for he make sore* and bind up# he wound* and his hands make whole. 's J5!"2K "! Blessed is the man whom you chasten* , 9,<1* and teach him out of your lawC that you may give him r from the days of adversity* until the pit be digged for the wicked. 's ""J!6B Before I was afflicted I went astray# but now have I kept your word. 's ""J!B" It is good for me that I have been afflictedC that I might learn your statutes. 'rov !!""K "2 3y son* despise not the chastening of the 9,<1C neither be weary of his correction# &or whom the 9,<1 love he correctC even as a father the son in whom he delight. 'rov 2H!!H The blueness of a wound cleans away evil# so do stripes the inward pares of the belly. 'rov 2B!7K 6 ,pen rebuke is better than secret love. &aithful are the wounds of a friendC but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful. Is 26!J 2ith my soul have I desired you in the nightC yea* with my spirit within me will I seek you early# for when your )udgemnts are in the earth* the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness. Is 26!"6 9,<1* in trouble have they visited you* they poured out a prayer when your chastening was upon them. :er 56!2D &ear you not* , :acob my servant* say the 9,<1# for I am with youC for I will make a full end of all the nations whither I have driven you ! but I will not make a full end of you* but correct you in measureC with all will I not leave you wholly unpunished. 9am !!!"K !! &or the 9ord will not cast off for ever# But although he cause grief* with all will he have compassion according to the multitude of his mercies. &or he doth not afflict willingly nor grieve the children of men. Hos 7!"7 I will go and return to my place* till they acknowledge their offence* and seek my face# in their affliction they will seek me early. " or ""!!HK !2 &or this cause many are weak and sickly among you* and many sleep. &or if we would )udgee ourselves* we should not be )udgeed. But when we are )udgeed* we are chastened of the 9ord* that we should not be condemned with the world. 2 or B!"H &or godly sorrow work for repentance to salvation not to be repented of# but the sorrow of the world work death. Heb "2!7K "2 /nd you have forgotten the e(hortation which speak unto you as unto children* 3y son* despise not you the chastening of the 9ord* nor faint when you are rebuked of him# &or whom the 9ord love he chasten* and scourge every son whom he receive. If you endure chastening* God deal with you as with sonsC for what son is he whom the father chasten notF But if you be without chastisement* whereof all are partakers* then are you bastards* and not sons. &urthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us* and we gave them reverence# shall we not much rather be in sub)ection unto the &ather of spirits* and liveF &or they verily for a


few days chastened us after their own pleasureC but he for our profit* that we might be partakers of his holiness. ;ow no chastening for the present esteem to be )oyous* but grievous# nevertheless afterward it yield the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are e(ercised thereby. 2herefore lift up the hands which hang down* and the feeble kneesC

's "B!"7 /s for me* I will behold your face in righteousness# I shall be satisfied* when I awake* with your likeness. 'rov "5!"5 The backslider in heart shall be filled with his own ways# and a good man shall be satisfied from himself. 'rov 22!5 By humility and the fear of the 9,<1 are riches* and Honor* and life. :ohn 5!"!K "5 :esus answered and say unto her* 2hosoever drink of this water shall thirst again# But whosoever drink of the water that I shall give him shall never thirstC but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life. :ohn 6!!7 /nd :esus say unto them* I am the bread of life# he that com to me shall never hungerC and he that believe on me shall never thirst.

3tt "2!7H &or whosoever shall do the will of my &ather which is in heaven* the same is my brother* and sister* and mother. 3tt 27!2" His lord say unto him* 2ell done* you good and faithful servant# you hast been faithful over a few things* I will make you ruler over many things# enter you into the )oy of your lord. Heb 2!"" &or both he that sanctifies and they who are sanctified are all of one# for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren* Heb !!"5 &or we are made partakers of hrist* if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast unto the endC

En*o ragement
:ob "6!7 But I would strengthen you with my mouth* and the comfort of my lips would relieve your grief. 's 2!!5 .ea* /lthough I walk through the valley of the shadow of death* I will fear no evilC for .ou are with meC your rod and .our staff* they comfort me. 's 6"!"K 5 H>/< my cry* , GodC attend to my prayer. &rom the end of the earth I will cry to .ou* when my heart is overwhelmedC lead me to the rock that is higher than I. &or .ou have been a shelter for me* a strong tower from the enemy. I will abide in .our tabernacle foreverC I will trust in the shelter of .our wings. 0elah Is "!"B 9earn to do goodC seek )ustice* rebuke the oppressorC defend the fatherless* plead for the widow.


Is 5!!"K 2 But now* thus says the 9,<1* who created you* , :acob* and He who formed you* , Israel# $&ear not* for I have redeemed youC I have called you by your nameC you are 3ine. 2hen you pass through the waters* I will be with youC and through the rivers* they shall not overflow you. 2hen you walk through the fire* you shall not be burned* nor shall the flame scorch you. 1eut 2!!7 ;evertheless the 9,<1 your God would not hearken unto BalaamC but the 9,<1 your God turned the curse into a blessing unto you* because the 9,<1 your God loved you. :osh "H!D /nd the 9,<1 say unto :oshua* &ear them not# for I have delivered them into your handC there shall not a man of them stand before you. " hr "6!2"K 22 He suffered no man to do them wrong# yea* he reproved kings for their sakes* saying* Touch not mine anointed* and do my prophets no harm. :ob 22!2! If you return to the /lmighty* you shall be built up* you shall put away ini8uity far from your tabernacles. 's 2!!! He comforts my soul# he lead me in the paths of righteousness for his name=s sake. 's 2B!"H 2hen my father and my mother forsake me* then the 9,<1 will take me up. 's !H!7 &or his anger endure but a momentC in his favor is life# weeping may endure for a night* but )oy com in the morning. 's !H!"" .ou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing# you hast put off my sackcloth* and girded me with gladnessC 's !5!"DK "J The 9,<1 is nigh unto them that are of a broken heartC and sav such as be of a contrite spirit. 3any are the afflictions of the righteous# but the 9,<1 deliver him out of them all. 's 75!B &or he hath delivered me out of all trouble# and mine eyes hath seen his desire upon mine enemies. 's 76!5 In God I will praise his word* in God I have put my trustC I will not fear what flesh can do unto me. 's 76!J 2hen I cry unto you* then shall mine enemies turn back# this I knowC for God is for me. 's 6D!7 / father of the fatherless* and a )udgee of the widows* is God in his holy habitation. 's B"!2HK 22 .ou* which hast showed me great and sore troubles* shall 8uicken me again* and shall bring me up again from the depths of the earth. .ou shall increase my greatness* and comfort me on every side. I will also praise you with the psaltery* even your truth* , my God# unto you will I sing with the harp* , you Holy ,ne of Israel. 's B"!25 3y tongue also shall talk of your righteousness all the day long# for they are confounded* for they are brought unto shame* that seek my hurt. 's "H!!"!K "5 9ike as a father pity his children* so the 9,<1 pity them that fear him. &or he know our frameC he remember that we are dust. 's "HJ!26K !" Help me* , 9,<1 my God# , save me according to your mercy# That they may know that this is your handC that you* 9,<1* hast done it. 9et them curse* but bless you# when they arise* let them be ashamedC but let your servant re)oice. 9et mine adversaries be clothed


with shame* and let them cover themselves with their own confusion* as with a mantle. I will greatly praise the 9,<1 with my mouthC yea* I will praise him among the multitude. &or he shall stand at the right hand of the poor* to save him from those that condemn his soul. 's ""D!6K B The 9,<1 is on my sideC I will not fear# what can man do unto meF The 9,<1 take my part with them that help me# therefore shall I see my desire upon them that hate me. 's ""J!72 I remembered your )udgemnts of old* , 9,<1C and have comforted myself. 's ""J!J2 Mnless your law had been my delights* I should then have perished in mine affliction. 's "25!"K ! If it had not been the 9,<1 who was on our side* now may Israel sayC if it had not been the 9,<1 who was on our side* when men rose up against us# then they had swallowed us up 8uick* when their wrath was kindled against us# 's "25!6K B Blessed be the 9,<1* who hath not given us as a prey to their teeth. ,ur soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers# the snare is broken* and we are escaped. ,ur help is in the name of the 9,<1* who made heaven and earth. 's "!D!6K B /lthough the 9,<1 be high* with all hath he respect unto the lowly# but the proud he know afar off. /lthough I walk in the midst of trouble* you wilt revive me# you shall stretch forth your hand against the wrath of mine enemies* and your right hand shall save me. 's "5B!! He heal the broken in heart* and bind up their wounds. Is "2!" /nd in that day you shall say* , 9,<1* I will praise you# /lthough you were angry with me* your anger is turned away* and you comforted me. Is 27!D He will swallow up death in victoryC and the 9ord G,1 will wipe away tears from off all facesC and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from off all the earth# for the 9,<1 hath spoken it. Is !7!"H /nd the ransomed of the 9,<1 shall return* and come to @ion with songs and everlasting )oy upon their heads# they shall obtain )oy and gladness* and sorrow and sighing shall flee away. Is 5H!" omfort you* comfort you my people* say your God. Is 7"!""K "2 Therefore the redeemed of the 9,<1 shall return* and come with singing unto @ionC and everlasting )oy shall be upon their head# they shall obtain gladness and )oyC and sorrow and mourning shall flee away. I* even I* am he that comfort you# who are you* that you should be afraid of a man that shall die* and of the son of man which shall be made as grassC Is 72!J Break forth into )oy* sing together* you were places of :erusalem# for the 9,<1 hath comforted his people* he hath redeemed :erusalem. Is 7B!"7 &or thus say the high and lofty ,ne that inhabit eternity* whose name is HolyC I dwell in the high and holy place* with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit* to revive the spirit of the humble* and to revive the heart of the contrite ones. Is 7B!"D I have seen his ways* and will heal him# I will lead him also* and restore comforts unto him and to his mourners.


Is 6"!"K ! The 0pirit of the 9ord G,1 is upon meC because the 9,<1 hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meekC he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted* to proclaim liberty to the captives* and the opening of the prison to them that are boundC to proclaim the acceptable year of the 9,<1* and the day of vengeance of our GodC to comfort all that mournC to appoint unto them that mourn in @ion* to give unto them beauty for ashes* the oil of )oy for mourning* the garment of praise for the spirit of heavinessC that they might be called trees of righteousness* the planting of the 9,<1* that he might be glorified. Is 67!"J /nd I will re)oice in :erusalem* and )oy in my people# and the voice of weeping shall be no more heard in her* nor the voice of crying. Is 66!"! /s one whom his mother comfort* so will I comfort youC and you shall be comforted in :erusalem. :er 2J!""K "! &or I know the Thoughts that I think toward you* say the 9,<1* Thoughts of peace* and not of evil* to give you an e(pected end. Then shall you call upon me* and you shall go and pray unto me* and I will hearken unto you. /nd you shall seek me* and find me* when you shall search for me with all your heart. :er D!"D 2hen I would comfort myself against sorrow* my heart is faint in me. :er !"!"! Then shall the virgin re)oice in the dance* both young men and old together# for I will turn their mourning into )oy* and will comfort them* and make them re)oice from their sorrow. 3tt 7!5 Blessed are they that mourn# for they shall be comforted. 9k B!"! /nd when the 9ord saw her* he had compassion on her* and say unto her* 2eep not. :ohn "6!2H Verily* verily* I say unto you* That you shall weep and lament* but the world shall re)oice# and you shall be sorrowful* but your sorrow shall be turned into )oy. 2 or "!! Blessed be God* even the &ather of our 9ord :esus hrist* the &ather of mercies* and the God of all comfortC 2 or "!5K B 2ho comfort us in all our tribulation* that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble* by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God. &or as the sufferings of hrist abound in us* so our consolation also abound by hrist. /nd whether we be afflicted* it is for your consolation and salvation* which is effectual in the enduring of the same sufferings which we also suffer# or whether we be comforted* it is for your consolation and salvation. /nd our hope of you is steadfast* knowing* that as you are partakers of the sufferings* so shall you be also of the consolation. 2 or B!6K B ;evertheless God* that comfort those that are cast down* comforted us by the coming of TitusC and not by his coming only* but by the consolation wherewith he was comforted in you* when he told us your earn desire* your mourning* your fervent mind toward meC so that I re)oiced the more. :ohn "6!2H Verily* verily* I say unto you* That you shall weep and lament* but the world shall re)oice# and you shall be sorrowful* but your sorrow shall be turned into )oy.


2Thes 2!"6K "B ;ow our 9ord :esus hrist himself* and God* even our &ather* which hath loved us* and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace* comfort your hearts* and establish you in every good word and work. Heb 6!"BK 2H 2herein God* willing more abundantly to show unto the heirs of promise the immutability of his counsel* confirmed it by an oath# that by two immutable things* in which it was impossible for God to lie* we might have a strong consolation* who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us# which hope we have as an anchor of the soul* both sure and steadfast* and which enter into that within the veilC whether the forerunner is for us entered* even :esus* made an high priest for ever after the order of 3elchisedec. :ames 7!"" Behold* we count them happy which endure. .ou have heard of the patience of :ob* and have seen the end of the 9ordC that the 9ord is very pitiful* and of tender mercy. <ev B!J /fter this I beheld* and* lo* a great multitude* which no man could number* of all nations* and kindreds* and people* and tongues* stood before the throne* and before the 9amb* clothed with white robes* and palms in their handsC <ev B!"5 /nd I say unto him* 0ir* you know. /nd he say to me* These are they which came out of great tribulation* and have washed their robes* and made them white in the blood of the 9amb. <ev B!"7K "B Therefore are they before the throne of God* and serve him day and night in his temple# and he that sit on the throne shall dwell among them. They shall hunger no more* neither thirst any moreC neither shall the sun light on them* nor any heat. &or the 9amb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them* and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters# and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. <ev 2"!5 /nd God shall wipe away all tears from their eyesC and there shall be no more death* neither sorrow* nor crying* neither shall there be any more pain# for the former things are passed away.

1eut B!2" .ou shall not be affrighted at them! for the 9,<1 your God is among you* a mighty God and terrible. II hr !2!BK D Be strong and courageous* be not afraid nor dismay for the king of /ssyria* nor for all the multitude that is with him# for there be more with us than with him# 2ith him is an arm of fleshC but with us is the 9,<1 our God to help us* and to fight our battles. /nd the people red themselves upon the words of HeEekiah king of :udah. 's ""!" In the 9,<1 put I my trust# how say you to my soul* &lee as a bird to your mountainF 's 56!"H Be still* and know that I am God# I will be e(alted among the heathen* I will be e(alted in the earth. 's 72!D But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God# I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever.


's 77!22 ast your burden upon the 9,<1* and he shall sustain you# he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved. 's 7B!" Be merciful unto me* , God* be merciful unto me# for my soul trust in you# yea* in the shadow of your wings will I make my refuge* until these calamities be overpass. 's J"!"K 2 He that dwelled in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the /lmighty. I will say of the 9,<1* He is my refuge and my fortress# my GodC in him will I trust. 's "56!7K J Happy is he that hath the God of :acob for his help* whose hope is in the 9,<1 his God# 2hich made heaven* and earth* the sea* and all that therein is# which keep truth for ever# 2hich e(ecute )udgemnt for the oppressed# which give food to the hungry. The 9,<1 free the prisoners# 's "56!D The 9,<1 open the eyes of the blind# the 9,<1 raise them that are bowed down# the 9,<1 love the righteous# 's "56!J The 9,<1 preserve the strangersC he relieve the fatherless and widow# but the way of the wicked he turn upside down. 'rov "5!26 In the fear of the 9,<1 is strong confidence# and his children shall have a place of refuge. 'rov 2D!" The wicked flee when no man pursue# but the righteous are bold as a lion. Is 26!5 Trust you in the 9,<1 for ever! for in the 9,<1 :>H,V/H is everlasting strength# Is !H!"7 &or thus say the 9ord G,1* the Holy ,ne of IsraelC In returning and r shall you be savedC in 8uietness and in confidence shall be your strength# and you would not. Is 5"!"H &ear you notC for I am with you# be not dismayC for I am your God# I will strengthen youC yea* I will help youC yea* I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness. Is 5!#"K ! But now thus say the 9,<1 that created you* , :acob* and he that formed you* , Israel* &ear not# for I have redeemed you* I have called you by your nameC you are mine. 2hen you pass through the waters* I will be with youC and through the rivers* they shall not overflow you# when you walk through the fire* you shall not be burnedC neither shall the flame kindle upon you. &or I am the 9,<1 your God* the Holy ,ne of Israel* your 0avior# I gave >gypt for your ransom* >thiopia and 0eba for you. :er "B!7 Thus say the 9,<1C ursed be the man that trust in man* and make flesh his arm* and whose heart depart from the 9,<1. :er "B!B Blessed is the man that trust in the 9,<1* and whose hope the 9,<1 is. 9k D!7H But when :esus heard it* he answered him* saying* &ear not# believe only* and she shall be made whole. 9k "2!!2 &ear not* little flockC for it is your &ather=s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. :ohn "5!"K ! 9et not your heart be troubled# you believe in God* believe also in me. In my &ather=s house are many mansions# if it were not so* I would have told you. I go to prepare a


place for you. /nd if I go and prepare a place for you* I will come again* and receive you unto myselfC that where I am* there you may be also. :ohn "6!!! These things I have spoken unto you* that in me you might have peace. In the world you shall have tribulation# but be of good cheerC I have overcome the world. <om D!!"K !2 2hat shall we then say to these thingsF If God be for us* who can be against usF He that spared not his own 0on* but delivered him up for us all* how shall he not with him also freely give us all thingsF 2Thes !!! But the 9ord is faithful* who shall establish you* and keep you from evil. 2Tim "!"2 &or the which cause I also suffer these things# nevertheless I am not ashamed# for I know whom I have believed* and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day. Heb 5!"6 9et us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace* that we may obtain mercy* and find grace to help in time of need. Heb "!!D :esus hrist the same yesterday* and today* and for ever. " :ohn 7!"5K "7 /nd this is the confidence that we have in him* that* if we ask any thing according to his will* he hear us# /nd if we know that he hear us* whatsoever we ask* we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.

Good Name
'rov 22!" / good name is rather to be chosen than great riches* and loving favor rather than silver and gold. >cc B!" / good name is better than precious ointmentC and the day of death than the day of one=s birth. 's !B!6 /nd he shall bring forth your righteousness as the light* and your )udgemnt as the noonday. " 'et 5!"5 If you be reproached for the name of hrist* happy are youC for the spirit of glory and of God r upon you# on their pare he is evil spoken of* but on your pare he is glorified. 'rov 2H!! It is an Honor for a man to cease from strife# but every fool will be meddling. :ob 7!2" .ou shall be hid from the scourge of the tongue# neither shall you be afraid of destruction when it com. 's 7B!! He shall send from heaven* and save me from the reproach of him that would swallow me up. 0elah. God shall send forth his mercy and his truth. Is 7"!B Hearken unto me* you that know righteousness* the people in whose heart is my lawC fear you not the reproach of men* neither be you afraid of their revilings. :ob ""!"7 &or then shall you lift up your face without spotC yea* you shall be steadfast* and shall not fear# 'rov "6!!2 He that is slow to anger is better than the mightyC and he that rule his spirit than he that take a city.


's !"!2H .ou shall hide them in the secret of your presence from the pride of man# you shall keep them secretly in a pavilion from the strife of tongues.

It is better to love God than His 'romises* but there are certain attributes of the Holy of Israel that can not be separated from Him. In your daily relationship He is going to give some of His Traits. /s soon as you receive these treasures* your authority to use them will be a sign of God=s 3ercy. 2hen you fulfill His 2ill applying the authority* power will flow in your life. In the following Bible Verses you will find some of the many riches we are supossed to inherit in :esus hrist.

The ,ord
1eut "H!"2K "! /nd now* Israel* what doth the 9,<1 your God re8uest of you* but to fear the 9,<1 your God* to walk in all his ways* and to love him* and to serve the 9,<1 your God with all your heart and with all your soul* to keep the commandments of the 9,<1* and his statutes* which I command you this day for your goodF :osh "!D This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouthC but you shall meditate therein day and night* that you may observe to do according to all that is written therein# for then you shall make your way prosperous* and then you shall have good success. 's "J!BK "" The law of the 9,<1 is perfect* converting the soul# the testimony of the 9,<1 is sure* making wise the simple. The statutes of the 9,<1 are right* re)oicing the heart# the commandment of the 9,<1 is pure* enlightening the eyes. The fear of the 9,<1 is clean* enduring for ever# the )udgemnts of the 9,<1 are true and righteous altogether. 3ore to be desired are they than gold* yea* than much fine gold# sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. 3oreover by them is your servant warned# and in keeping of them there is great reward. 's ""J!2D 3y soul melt for heaviness# strengthen you me according unto your word. 's ""J!7H This is my comfort in my affliction# for your word hath 8uickened me. 's ""J!6B Before I was afflicted I went astray# but now have I kept your word. 's ""J!J2 Mnless your law had been my delights* I should then have perished in mine affliction. 's ""J!"H7 .our word is a lamp unto my feet* and a light unto my path. 'rov 6!2! &or the commandment is a lampC and the law is lightC and reproofs of instruction are the way of life# 'rov !H!7K 6 >very word of God is pure# he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. /dd you not unto his words* l he reprove you* and you be found a liar. Is 5H!D The grass wither* the flower fad# but the word of our God shall stand for ever. :er "7!"6 .our words were found* and I did eat themC and your word was unto me the )oy and re)oicing of mine heart# for I am called by your name* , 9,<1 God of hosts.


3i 6!D He hath showed you* , man* what is goodC and what doth the 9,<1 re8uest of you* but to do )ustly* and to love mercy* and to walk humbly with your GodF 3tt 5!5 But he answered and say* It is written* 3an shall not live by bread alone* but by every word that proceed out of the mouth of God. 9k D!2" /nd he answered and say unto them* 3y mother and my brethren are these which hear the word of God* and do it. 9k 2"!!! Heaven and earth shall pass away# but my words shall not pass away. :ohn 6!6! It is the spirit that 8uickenC the flesh profited nothing# the words that I speak unto you* they are spirit* and they are life. :ohn B!"B If any man will do his will* he shall know of the doctrine* whether it be of God* or whether I speak of myself. :ohn "5!2! :esus answered and say unto him* If a man love me* he will keep my words# and my &ather will love him* and we will come unto him* and make our abode with him. :ohn "B!"B 0anctify them through your truth# your word is truth. <om "7!5 &or whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning* that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope. ol !!"6 9et the word of hrist dwell in you richly in all wisdomC teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs* singing with grace in your hearts to the 9ord. "Tim 5!"7K "6 3editate upon these thingsC give yourself wholly to themC that your profiting may appear to all. Take heed unto yourself* and unto the doctrineC continue in them# for in doing this you shall both save yourself* and them that hear you. 2Tim !!"5K "B But continue you in the things which you hast learned and hast been assured of* knowing of whom you hast learned themC and that from a child you hast known the holy scriptures* which are able to make you wise unto salvation through faith which is in hrist :esus. /ll scripture is given by inspiration of God* and is profitable for doctrine* for reproof* for correction* for instruction in righteousness# That the man of God may be perfect* thoroughly furnished unto all good works. Heb 5!"2 &or the word of God is 8uick* and powerful* and sharper than any twoedged sword* piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit* and of the )oints and marrow* and is a discerner of the Thoughts and intents of the heart. "'et "!2!K 27 Being born again* not of corruptible seed* but of incorruptible* by the word of God* which live and abide for ever. &or all flesh is as grass* and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass wither* and the flower thereof fall away# But the word of the 9ord endure for ever. /nd this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you. <ev "!! Blessed is he that read* and they that hear the words of this prophecy* and keep those things which are written therein# for the time is at hand.


<ev 22!B Behold* I come 8uickly# blessed is he that keep the sayings of the prophecy of this book. 3tt 25!!7 Heaven and earth shall pass away* but my words shall not pass away. Is 5H!D The grass wither* the flower fad# but the word of our God shall stand for ever. "'et "!27 But the word of the 9ord endure for ever. /nd this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you. 2Tim !!"6 /ll scripture is given by inspiration of God* and is profitable for doctrine* for reproof* for correction* for instruction in righteousness# 's ""J!"H7 .our word is a lamp unto my feet* and a light unto my path. <om "!"6 &or I am not ashamed of the gospel of hrist# for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeC to the :ew first* and also to the Greek. >ph 6!"B /nd take the helmet of salvation* and the sword of the 0pirit* which is the word of God# 1eut D!! /nd he humbled you* and suffered you to hunger* and fed you with manna* which you knew not* neither did your fathers knowC that he might make you know that man doth not live by bread only* but by every word that proceed out of the mouth of the 9,<1 doth man live. "'et 2!2K ! /s newborn babes* desire the sincere milk of the word* that you may grow thereby# If so be you have tasted that the 9ord is gracious. 2Tim 2!"7 0tudy to show yourself approved unto God* a workman that need not to be ashamed* rightly dividing the word of truth. :ohn 7!!J 0earch the scripturesC for in them you think you have eternal life# and they are they which testify of me. 's "J!BK D The law of the 9,<1 is perfect* converting the soul# the testimony of the 9,<1 is sure* making wise the simple. The statutes of the 9,<1 are right* re)oicing the heart# the commandment of the 9,<1 is pure* enlightening the eyes. 2Tim !!"7 /nd that from a child you hast known the holy scriptures* which are able to make you wise unto salvation through faith which is in the way of life# 's ""J!"67 Great peace have they which love your law# and nothing shall offend them. 's ""2!" 'raise you the 9,<1. Blessed is the man that fear the 9,<1* that delight greatly in his commandments. Is 77!"" 0o shall my word be that go forth out of my mouth# it shall not return unto me void* but it shall accomplish that which I please* and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. <om "H!"B 0o then faith com by hearing* and hearing by the word of God. <ev "!! Blessed is he that read* and they that hear the words of this prophecy* and keep those things which are written therein# for the time is at hand. hrist :esus. 'rov 6!2! &or the commandment is a lampC and the law is lightC and reproofs of instruction are


Gen "7!" /fter these things the word of the 9,<1 came unto /bram in a vision* saying* &ear not* /bram# I am your shield* and your e(ceeding great reward. ;um !6!7 /nd 3oses commanded the children of Israel according to the word of the 9,<1* saying* The tribe of the sons of :oseph hath say well. 2 0am B!5 /nd it came to pass that night* that the word of the 9,<1 came unto ;athan* saying* " -ing "!!26 /nd when the prophet that brought him back from the way heard thereof* he say* It is the man of God* who was disobedient unto the word of the 9,<1# therefore the 9,<1 hath delivered him unto the lion* which hath torn him* and slain him* according to the word of the 9,<1* which he spoke unto him. " -ing 22!7 /nd :ehoshaphat say unto the king of Israel* In8uire* I pray you* at the word of the 9,<1 to day. 2 -ing 2H!"J Then say HeEekiah unto Isaiah* Good is the word of the 9,<1 which you hast spoken. /nd he say* Is it not good* if peace and truth be in my daysF 2 hr !6!22 ;ow in the first year of yrus king of 'ersia* that the word of the 9,<1 spoken by the mouth of :eremiah might be accomplished* the 9,<1 stirred up the spirit of yrus king of 'ersia* that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom* and put it also in writing* saying* Isaiah 2!! /nd many people shall go and say* ome you* and let us go up to the mountain of the 9,<1* to the house of the God of :acobC and he will teach us of his ways* and we will walk in his paths# for out of @ion shall go forth the law* and the word of the 9,<1 from :erusalem. :er 2!5 Hear you the word of the 9,<1* , house of :acob* and all the families of the house of Israel# :er "D!7 Then the word of the 9,<1 came to me* saying* :er !2!6 /nd :eremiah say* The word of the 9,<1 came unto me* saying* :er 52!B /nd it came to pass after ten days* that the word of the 9,<1 came unto :eremiah. >Eek B!" 3oreover the word of the 9,<1 came unto me* saying* >Eek "B!"" 3oreover the word of the 9,<1 came unto me* saying* >Eek 2D!" The word of the 9,<1 came again unto me* saying* >Eek !6!5 Therefore* you mountains of Israel* hear the word of the 9ord G,1C thus say the 9ord G,1 to the mountains* and to the hills* to the rivers* and to the valleys* to the desolate places* and to the cities that are forsaken* which became a prey and derision to the residue of the heathen that are round aboutC @eph "!" The word of the 9,<1 which came unto @ephaniah the son of ushi* the son of Gedaliah* the son of /mariah* the son of HiEkiah* in the days of :osiah the son of /mon* king of :udah. @ech ""!"" /nd it was broken in that day# and so the poor of the flock that waited upon me knew that it was the word of the 9,<1.


3ark 5!!! /nd with many such parables spoke he the word unto them* as they were able to hear it. :ohn 5!7H :esus say unto him* Go your wayC your son live. /nd the man believed the word that :esus had spoken unto him* and he went his way. /cts ""!"J ;ow they which were scattered abroad upon the persecution that arose about 0tephen traveled as far as 'henice* and yprus* and /ntioch* preaching the word to none but unto the :ews only. /cts "J!"H /nd this continued by the space of two yearsC so that all they which dwelt in /sia heard the word of the 9ord :esus* both :ews and Greeks. 'hil "!"5 /nd many of the brethren in the 9ord* wa(ing confident by my bonds* are much more bold to speak the word without fear. Heb 2!2 &or if the word spoken by angels was steadfast* and every transgression and disobedience received a )ust recompense of rewardC 2 'et !!7 &or this they willingly are ignorant of* that by the word of God the heavens were of old* and the earth standing out of the water and in the water# :ohn "!" In the beginning was the 2ord* and the 2ord was with God* and the 2ord was God. :ohn "!"5 /nd the 2ord was made flesh* and dwelt among us* ?and we beheld his glory* the glory as of the only begotten of the &ather*A full of grace and truth. " :ohn 7!B &or there are three that bear record in heaven* the &ather* the 2ord* and the Holy Ghost! and these three are one. <ev "J!"! /nd he was clothed with a vestment dipped in blood# and his name is called The 2ord of God. 'salms 5H!B Then say I* 9o* I come# in the volume of the book it is written of me* <ev 22!"J /nd if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy* God shall take away his pare out of the book of life* and out of the holy city* and from the things which are written in this book. Isaiah !5!"6 0eek you out of the book of the 9,<1* and read# no one of these shall fail* none shall want her mate# for my mouth it hath commanded* and his spirit it hath gathered them. ;eh D!! /nd he read therein before the street that was before the water gate from the morning until midday* before the men and the women* and those that could understandC and the ears of all the people were attentive unto the book of the law. Gal !!"H &or as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse# for it is written* Heb 6!7 /nd have tasted the good word of God* and the powers of the world to come* <omans "!2 ?2hich he had promised afore by his prophets in the holy scriptures*A 2 Tim !!"7 /nd that from a child you hast known the holy scriptures* which are able to make you wise unto salvation through faith which is in hrist :esus. ursed is every one that continue not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them.


'salms "!2 But his delight is in the law of the 9,<1C and in his law doth he meditate day and night. Isaiah !H!J That this is a rebellious people* lying children* children that will not hear the law of the 9,<1# <omans !!2 3uch every way# chiefly* because that unto them were committed the oracles of God. " 'et 5!"" If any man speak* let him speak as the oracles of GodC if any man minister* let him do it as of the ability which God give# that God in all things may be glorified through :esus hrist* to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever. /men. " or "7!! &or I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received* how that hrist died for our sins according to the scripturesC 1aniel "H!2" But I will show you that which is noted in the scripture of truth# and there is none that hold with me in these things* but 3ichael your prince. >ph 6!"B /nd take the helmet of salvation* and the sword of the 0pirit* which is the word of God# :ames "!2"K 2! 2herefore lay apart all uncleanness and superfluity of naughtiness* and receive with meekness the engrafted word* which is able to save your souls. But be you doers of the word* and not hearers only* deceiving your own selves. &or if any be a hearer of the word* and not a doer* he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass# " 'et 2!2 /s newborn babes* desire the sincere milk of the word* that you may grow thereby# 9uke ""!2D But he say* .ea rather* blessed are they that hear the word of God* and keep it. Heb 5!"2 &or the word of God is 8uick* and powerful* and sharper than any twoedged sword* piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit* and of the )oints and marrow* and is a discerner of the Thoughts and intents of the heart. ol !!"6 9et the word of hrist dwell in you richly in all wisdomC teaching and admonishing one hrist* that I have not run in another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs* singing with grace in your hearts to the 9ord. 'hil 2!"6 Holding forth the word of lifeC that I may re)oice in the day of vain* neither labored in vain. 2 Tim 2!"7 0tudy to show yourself approved unto God* a workman that need not to be ashamed* rightly dividing the word of truth. :ames "!"D ,f his own will begat he us with the word of truth* that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures. 3att "!!!K D /nd he spoke many things unto them in parables* saying* Behold* a sower went forth to sowC and when he sowed* some seeds fell by the way side* and the fowls came and devoured them up# 0ome fell upon stony places* where they had not much earth# and forthwith they sprung up* because they had no deepness of earth# /nd when the sun was up* they were scorchedC and because they had no root* they withered away. /nd some fell among thornsC and the thorns


sprung up* and choked them# But other fell into good ground* and brought forth fruit* some an hundredfold* some si(tyfold* some thirtyfold. 3att "!!"DK 2! Hear you therefore the parable of the sewer. 2hen any one hear the word of the kingdom* and understand it not* then com the wicked one* and catch away that which was sown in his heart. This is he which received seed by the way side. But he that received the seed into stony places* the same is he that hear the word* and anon with )oy receive itC with all hath he not root in himself* but endure for a while# for when tribulation or persecution arise because of the word* by and by he is offended. He also that received seed among the thorns is he that hear the wordC and the care of this world* and the deceitfulness of riches* choke the word* and he become unfruitful. But he that received seed into the good ground is he that hear the word* and understand itC which also bear fruit* and bring forth* some an hundredfold* some si(ty* some thirty. 3att "!!!BK !D He answered and say unto them* He that sow the good seed is the 0on of manC the field is the worldC the good seed are the children of the kingdomC but the tares are the children of the wicked oneC 3ark 5!!K 2H HearkenC Behold* there went out a sewer to sow# /nd it came to pass* as he sowed* some fell by the way side* and the fowls of the air came and devoured it up. /nd some fell on stony ground* where it had not much earthC and immediately it sprang up* because it had no depth of earth# But when the sun was up* it was scorchedC and because it had no root* it withered away. /nd some fell among thorns* and the thorns grew up* and choked it* and it yielded no fruit. /nd other fell on good ground* and did yield fruit that sprang up and increasedC and brought forth* some thirty* and some si(ty* and some an hundred. /nd he say unto them* He that hath ears to hear* let him hear. /nd when he was alone* they that were about him with the twelve asked of him the parable. /nd he say unto them* Mnto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God# but unto them that are without* all these things are done in parables# That seeing they may see* and not perceiveC and hearing they may hear* and not understandC l at any time they should be converted* and their sins should be forgiven them. /nd he say unto them* -now you not this parableF and how then will you know all parablesF The sewer sowed the word. /nd these are they by the way side* where the word is sownC but when they have heard* 0atan com immediately* and take away the word that was sown in their hearts. /nd these are they likewise which are sown on stony groundC who* when they have heard the word* immediately receive it with gladnessC and have no root in themselves* and so endure but for a time# afterward* when affliction or persecution arise for the word=s sake* immediately they are offended. /nd these are they which are sown among thornsC such as hear the word* and the cares of this world* and the deceitfulness of riches* and the lusts of other things entering in* choke the word* and it become unfruitful. /nd these are they which are sown on good groundC such as hear the word* and receive it* and bring forth fruit* some thirtyfold* some si(ty* and some an hundred.


3ark 5!26K !2 /nd he say* 0o is the kingdom of God* as if a man should cast seed into the groundC and should sleep* and rise night and day* and the seed should spring and grow up* he know not how. &or the earth bring forth fruit of herselfC first the blade* then the ear* after that the full corn in the ear. But when the fruit is brought forth* immediately he putt in the sickle* because the harvest is come. /nd he say* 2hereunto shall we liken the kingdom of GodF or with what comparison shall we compare itF It is like a grain of mustard seed* which* when it is sown in the earth* is less than all the seeds that be in the earth# But when it is sown* it grow up* and become greater than all herbs* and shoot out great branchesC so that the fowls of the air may lodge under the shadow of it. 9uke D!7K "7 / sewer went out to sow his seed# and as he sowed* some fell by the way sideC and it was trodden down* and the fowls of the air devoured it. /nd some fell upon a rockC and as soon as it was sprung up* it withered away* because it lacked moisture. /nd some fell among thornsC and the thorns sprang up with it* and choked it. /nd other fell on good ground* and sprang up* and bare fruit an hundredfold. /nd when he had say these things* he cried* He that hath ears to hear* let him hear. /nd his disciples asked him* saying* 2hat might this parable beF /nd he say* Mnto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God# but to others in parablesC that seeing they might not see* and hearing they might not understand. ;ow the parable is this# The seed is the word of God. Those by the way side are they that hearC then com the devil* and take away the word out of their hearts* l they should believe and be saved. They on the rock are they* which* when they hear* receive the word with )oyC and these have no root* which for a while believe* and in time of temptation fall away. /nd that which fell among thorns are they* which* when they have heard* go forth* and are choked with cares and riches and pleasures of this life* and bring no fruit to perfection. But that on the good ground are they* which in an honorable and good heart* having heard the word* keep it* and bring forth fruit with patience. Heb 5!"2 &or the word of God is 8uick* and powerful* and sharper than any twoedged sword* piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit* and of the )oints and marrow* and is a discerner of the Thoughts and intents of the heart. 1eut !"!""K "! 2hen all Israel is come to appear before the 9,<1 your God in the place which he shall choose* you shall read this law before all Israel in their hearing. Gather the people together* men* and women* and children* and your stranger that is within your gates* that they may hear* and that they may learn* and fear the 9,<1 your God* and observe to do all the words of this law# /nd that their children* which have not known any thing* may hear* and learn to fear the 9,<1 your God* as long as you live in the land whither you go over :ordan to possess it. :oshua D!!!K !7 /nd all Israel* and their elders* and officers* and their )udgees* stood on this side the ark and on that side before the priest the 9evites* which bare the ark of the covenant of the 9,<1* as well the stranger* as he that was born among themC half of them over against mount GeriEim* and half of them over against mount >balC as 3oses the servant of the 9,<1 had


commanded before* that they should bless the people of Israel. /nd afterward he read all the words of the law* the blessings and cursings* according to all that is written in the book of the law. There was not a word of all that 3oses commanded* which :oshua read not before all the congregation of Israel* with the women* and the little ones* and the strangers that were conversant among them. 2 -ing 2!!2 /nd the king went up into the house of the 9,<1* and all the men of :udah and all the inhabitants of :erusalem with him* and the priest* and the prophets* and all the people* both small and great# and he read in their ears all the words of the book of the covenant which was found in the house of the 9,<1. 2 hr "B!BK J /lso in the third year of his reign he sent to his princes* even to Benhail* and to ,badiah* and to @echariah* and to ;aneel* and to 3ichaiah* to teach in the cities of :udah. /nd with them he sent 9evites* even 0hemaiah* and ;aniah* and @ebadiah* and /sahel* and 0hemiramoth* and :ehonathan* and /doni)ah* and Tobi)ah* and TobKadoni)ah* 9evitesC and with them >lishama and :ehoram* priest. /nd they taught in :udah* and had the book of the law of the 9,<1 with them* and went about throughout all the cities of :udah* and taught the people. ;eh D!"K D /nd all the people gathered themselves together as one man into the street that was before the water gateC and they spoke unto >Era the scribe to bring the book of the law of 3oses* which the 9,<1 had commanded to Israel. /nd >Era the priest brought the law before the congregation both of men and women* and all that could hear with understanding* upon the first day of the seventh month. /nd he read therein before the street that was before the water gate from the morning until midday* before the men and the women* and those that could understandC and the ears of all the people were attentive unto the book of the law. /nd >Era the scribe stood upon a pulpit of wood* which they had made for the purposeC and beside him stood 3attithiah* and 0hema* and /naiah* and Mri)ah* and Hilkiah* and 3aaseiah* on his right handC and on his left hand* 'edaiah* and 3ishael* and 3alchiah* and Hashum* and Hashbadana* @echariah* and 3eshullam. /nd >Era opened the book in the sight of all the peopleC ?for he was above all the peopleCA and when he opened it* all the people stood up# /nd >Era blessed the 9,<1* the great God. /nd all the people answered* /men* /men* with lifting up their hands# and they bowed their heads* and worshipped the 9,<1 with their faces to the ground. /lso :eshua* and Bani* and 0herebiah* :amin* /kkub* 0habbai* Hodi)ah* 3aaseiah* -elita* /Eariah* :oEabad* Hanan* 'elaiah* and the 9evites* caused the people to understand the law# and the people stood in their place. 0o they read in the book in the law of God distinctly* and gave the sense* and caused them to understand the reading. ;eh D!"! /nd on the second day were gathered together the chief of the fathers of all the people* the priest* and the 9evites* unto >Era the scribe* even to understand the words of the law.


;eh D!"D /lso day by day* from the first day unto the last day* he read in the book of the law of God. /nd they kept the feast seven daysC and on the eighth day was a solemn assembly* according unto the manner. :er !6!6 Therefore go you* and read in the roll* which you hast written from my mouth* the words of the 9,<1 in the ears of the people in the 9,<1=s house upon the fasting day# and also you shall read them in the ears of all :udah that come out of their cities. /cts "!!"7 /nd after the reading of the law and the prophets the rulers of the synagogue sent unto them* saying* .ou men and brethren* if you have any word of e(hortation for the people* say on. /cts "!!2B &or they that dwell at :erusalem* and their rulers* because they knew him not* nor with all the voices of the prophets which are read every 0habbath day* they have fulfilled them in condemning him. ol 5!"6 /nd when this epistle is read among you* cause that it be read also in the church of the 9aodiceansC and that you likewise read the epistle from 9aodicea. " Thes 7!2B I charge you by the 9ord that this epistle be read unto all the holy brethren. ;eh D!7K 6 /nd >Era opened the book in the sight of all the peopleC ?for he was above all the peopleCA and when he opened it* all the people stood up# /nd >Era blessed the 9,<1* the great God. /nd all the people answered* /men* /men* with lifting up their hands# and they bowed their heads* and worshipped the 9,<1 with their faces to the ground. >(odus 25!B /nd he took the book of the covenant* and read in the audience of the people# and they say* /ll that the 9,<1 hath say will we do* and be obedient. 1eut 2B!"2K 26 These shall stand upon mount GeriEim to bless the people* when you are come over :ordanC 0imeon* and 9evi* and :udah* and Issachar* and :oseph* and Ben)amin# /nd these shall stand upon mount >bal to curseC <euben* Gad* and /sher* and @ebulun* 1an* and ;aphtali. /nd the 9evites shall speak* and say unto all the men of Israel with a loud voice* cursed be the man that make any graven or molten image* an abomination unto the 9,<1* the work of the hands of the craftsman* and putt it in a secret place. /nd all the people shall answer and say* /men. ursed be he that set light by his father or his mother. /nd all the people shall say* /men. ursed ursed ursed be he that remove his neighbor=s landmark. /nd all the people shall say* /men. be he that make the blind to wander out of the way. /nd all the people shall say* /men. say* /men.

be he that pervert the )udgemnt of the stranger* fatherless* and widow. /nd all the people shall ursed be he that lie with his father=s wifeC because he uncover his father=s skirt. /nd ursed be he that laid with any manner of beast. /nd all the ursed be he that laid with his ursed be he that laid with his sister* the daughter of his father* or the ursed be he that wound his neighbor all the people shall say* /men. people shall say* /men.

daughter of his mother. /nd all the people shall say* /men. mother in law. /nd all the people shall say* /men. secretly. /nd all the people shall say* /men.

ursed be he that take reward to slay an innocent


person. /nd all the people shall say* /men.

ursed be he that confirm not all the words of this

law to do them. /nd all the people shall say* /men. ;eh D!D 0o they read in the book in the law of God distinctly* and gave the sense* and caused them to understand the reading. 9uke 5!"6K 2B /nd he came to ;ear* where he had been brought up# and* as his custom was* he went into the synagogue on the 0habbath day* and stood up for to read. /nd there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Isaiah and when he had opened the book* he found the place where it was written* the 0pirit of the 9ord is upon me* because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poorC he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted* to preach deliverance to the captives* and recovering of sight to the blind* to set at liberty them that are bruised* to preach the acceptable year of the 9ord. /nd he closed the book* and he gave it again to the minister* and sat down. /nd the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened on him. /nd he began to say unto them* This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears. /nd all bare him witness* and wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth. /nd they say* Is not this :oseph=s sonF /nd he say unto them* .ou will surely say unto me this proverb* 'hysician* heal yourself# whatsoever we have heard done in apernaum* do also here in your country. /nd he say* Verily I say unto you* ;o prophet is accepted in his own country. But I tell you of a truth* many widows were in Israel in the days of >lias* when the heaven was shut up three years and si( months* when great famine was throughout all the landC 26 But unto none of them was >lias sent* save unto 0arepta* a city of 0idon* unto a woman that was a widow. /nd many lepers were in Israel in the time of >liseus the prophetC and none of them was cleansed* saving ;aaman the 0yrian. 9uke 25!2B /nd beginning at 3oses and all the prophets* he e(pounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself. 9uke 25!57 Then opened he their understanding* that they might understand the scriptures* /cts "B!"" These were more noble than those in Thessalonica* in that they received the word with all readiness of mind* and searched the scriptures daily* whether those things were so. :ohn 7!!J 0earch the scripturesC for in them you think you have eternal life# and they are they which testify of me. :ohn B!72 They answered and say unto him* /re you also of GalileeF 0earch* and look# for out of Galilee arise no prophet. 1eut 6!J /nd you shall write them upon the posts of your house* and on your gates. 1eut ""!2H /nd you shall write them upon the door posts of your house* and upon your gates# 1eut 5!2 .ou shall not add unto the word which I command you* neither shall you diminish ought from it* that you may keep the commandments of the 9,<1 your God which I command you. 1eut "2!!2 2hat thing soever I command you* observe to do it# you shall not add thereto* nor diminish from it.


<ev 22!"DK "J &or I testify unto every man that hear the words of the prophecy of this book* If any man shall add unto these things* God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book# /nd if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy* God shall take away his pare out of the book of life* and out of the holy city* and from the things which are written in this book. 2 -ing 22!JK "! /nd 0haphan the scribe came to the king* and brought the king word again* and say* .our servants have gathered the money that was found in the house* and have delivered it into the hand of them that do the work* that have the oversight of the house of the 9,<1. /nd 0haphan the scribe showed the king* saying* Hilkiah the priest hath delivered me a book. /nd 0haphan read it before the king. /nd it came to pass* when the king had heard the words of the book of the law* that he rent his clothes. /nd the king commanded Hilkiah the priest* and /hikam the son of 0haphan* and /chbor the son of 3ichaiah* and 0haphan the scribe* and /sahiah a servant of the king=s* saying* go you* in8uire of the 9,<1 for me* and for the people* and for all :udah* concerning the words of this book that is found# for great is the wrath of the 9,<1 that is kindled against us* because our fathers have not hearkened unto the words of this book* to do according unto all that which is written concerning us. 2 hr "B!B B /lso in the third year of his reign he sent to his princes* even to Benhail* and to ,badiah* and to @echariah* and to ;aneel* and to 3ichaiah* to teach in the cities of :udah. /nd with them he sent 9evites* even 0hemaiah* and ;aniah* and @ebadiah* and /sahel* and 0hemiramoth* and :ehonathan* and /doni)ah* and Tobi)ah* and TobKadoni)ah* 9evitesC and with them >lishama and :ehoram* priest. /nd they taught in :udah* and had the book of the law of the 9,<1 with them* and went about throughout all the cities of :udah* and taught the people. /nd the fear of the 9,<1 fell upon all the kingdoms of the lands that were round about :udah* so that they made no war against :ehoshaphat. 2 hr !5!"K !! :osiah was eight years old when he began to reign* and he reigned in :erusalem one and thirty years. /nd he did that which was right in the sight of the 9,<1* and walked in the ways of 1avid his father* and declined neither to the right hand* nor to the left. &or in the eighth year of his reign* while he was with all young* he began to seek after the God of 1avid his father# and in the twelfth year he began to purge :udah and :erusalem from the high places* and the groves* and the carved images* and the molten images. /nd they brake down the altars of Baalim in his presenceC and the images* that were on high above them* he cut downC and the groves* and the carved images* and the molten images* he brake in pieces* and made dust of them* and strewed it upon the graves of them that had sacrificed unto them. /nd he burnt the bones of the priest upon their altars* and cleansed :udah and :erusalem. /nd so did he in the cities of 3anasseh* and >phraim* and 0imeon* even unto ;aphtali* with their mattocks round about. /nd when he had broken down the altars and the groves* and had beaten the graven images into powder* and cut down all the idols throughout all the land of Israel* he returned to


:erusalem. ;ow in the eighteenth year of his reign* when he had purged the land* and the house* he sent 0haphan the son of /Ealiah* and 3aaseiah the governor of the city* and :oah the son of :oahaE the recorder* to repair the house of the 9,<1 his God. /nd when they came to Hilkiah the high priest* they delivered the money that was brought into the house of God* which the 9evites that kept the doors had gathered of the hand of 3anasseh and >phraim* and of all the remnant of Israel* and of all :udah and Ben)aminC and they returned to :erusalem. /nd they put it in the hand of the workmen that had the oversight of the house of the 9,<1* and they gave it to the workmen that wrought in the house of the 9,<1* to repair and amend the house# >ven to the artificers and builders gave they it* to buy hewn stone* and timber for couplings* and to floor the houses which the kings of :udah had destroyed. /nd the men did the work faithfully# and the overseers of them were :ahath and ,badiah* the 9evites* of the sons of 3erariC and @echariah and 3eshullam* of the sons of the -ohathites* to set it forwardC and other of the 9evites* all that could skill of instruments of music. /lso they were over the bearers of burdens* and were overseers of all that wrought the work in any manner of service# and of the 9evites there were scribes* and officers* and porters. /nd when they brought out the money that was brought into the house of the 9,<1* Hilkiah the priest found a book of the law of the 9,<1 given by 3oses. /nd Hilkiah answered and say to 0haphan the scribe* I have found the book of the law in the house of the 9,<1. /nd Hilkiah delivered the book to 0haphan. /nd 0haphan carried the book to the king* and brought the king word back again* saying* /ll that was committed to your servants* they do it. /nd they have gathered together the money that was found in the house of the 9,<1* and have delivered it into the hand of the overseers* and to the hand of the workmen. Then 0haphan the scribe told the king* saying* Hilkiah the priest hath given me a book. /nd 0haphan read it before the king. /nd it came to pass* when the king had heard the words of the law* that he rent his clothes. /nd the king commanded Hilkiah* and /hikam the son of 0haphan* and /bdon the son of 3icah* and 0haphan the scribe* and /saiah a servant of the king=s* saying* go* in8uire of the 9,<1 for me* and for them that are left in Israel and in :udah* concerning the words of the book that is found# for great is the wrath of the 9,<1 that is poured out upon us* because our fathers have not kept the word of the 9,<1* to do after all that is written in this book. /nd Hilkiah* and they that the king had appointed* went to Huldah the prophetess* the wife of 0hallum the son of Tikvath* the son of Hasrah* keeper of the wardrobeC ?now she dwelt in :erusalem in the collegeA and they spoke to her to that effect. /nd she answered them* Thus say the 9,<1 God of Israel* Tell you the man that sent you to me* thus say the 9,<1* Behold* I will bring evil upon this place* and upon the inhabitants thereof* even all the curses that are written in the book which they have read before the king of :udah# Because they have forsaken me* and have burned incense unto other gods* that they might provoke me to anger with all the works of their handsC therefore my wrath shall be poured out upon this place* and shall not be 8uenched. /nd as for the king of :udah* who sent you to in8uire of the 9,<1* so shall you say unto him*


Thus say the 9,<1 God of Israel concerning the words which you hast heardC because your heart was tender* and you didst humble yourself before God* when you heard his words against this place* and against the inhabitants thereof* and humble yourself before me* and didst rend your clothes* and weep before meC I have even heard you also* say the 9,<1. Behold* I will gather you to your fathers* and you shall be gathered to your grave in peace* neither shall your eyes see all the evil that I will bring upon this place* and upon the inhabitants of the same. 0o they brought the king word again. Then the king sent and gathered together all the elders of :udah and :erusalem. /nd the king went up into the house of the 9,<1* and all the men of :udah* and the inhabitants of :erusalem* and the priest* and the 9evites* and all the people* great and small# and he read in their ears all the words of the book of the covenant that was found in the house of the 9,<1. /nd the king stood in his place* and made a covenant before the 9,<1* to walk after the 9,<1* and to keep his commandments* and his testimonies* and his statutes* with all his heart* and with all his soul* to perform the words of the covenant which are written in this book. /nd he caused all that were present in :erusalem and Ben)amin to stand to it. /nd the inhabitants of :erusalem did according to the covenant of God* the God of their fathers. /nd :osiah took away all the abominations out of all the countries that pertained to the children of Israel* and made all that were present in Israel to serve* even to serve the 9,<1 their God. /nd all his days they departed not from following the 9,<1* the God of their fathers. 3att 7!"B Think not that I am come to destroy the law* or the prophets# I am not come to destroy* but to fulfill. 9uke 25!2B /nd beginning at 3oses and all the prophets* he e(pounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself. :ohn "J!25 They say therefore among themselves* 9et us not rend it* but cast lots for it* whose it shall be# that the scripture might be fulfilled* which say* They parted my raiment among them* and for my vestment they did cast lots. These things therefore the soldiers did. :ohn 7!!J 0earch the scripturesC for in them you think you have eternal life# and they are they which testify of me. /cts "H!5! To him give all the prophets witness* that through his name whosoever believe in him shall receive remission of sins. /cts "D!2D &or he mightily convinced the :ews* and that publicly* showing by the scriptures that :esus was hrist. " or "7!! &or I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received* how that hrist died for our sins according to the scripturesC /cts 2!"K 5B /nd when the day of 'entecost was fully come* they were all with one accord in one place. /nd suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind* and it filled all the house where they were sitting. /nd there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire* and it sat upon each of them. /nd they were all filled with the Holy Ghost* and began to


speak with other tongues* as the 0pirit gave them utterance. /nd there were dwelling at :erusalem :ews* devout men* out of every nation under heaven. ;ow when this was noised abroad* the multitude came together* and were confounded* because that every man heard them speak in his own language. /nd they were all amaEed and marveled* saying one to another* behold* are not all these which speak GalilaeansF /nd how hear we every man in our own tongue* wherein we were bornF 'arehians* and 3edes* and >lamites* and the dwellers in 3esopotamia* and in :udaea* and appadocia* in 'ontus* and /sia* 'hrygia* and 'amphylia* in >gypt* and in the pares of 9ibya about yrene* and strangers of <ome* :ews and proselytes* retes and /rabians* we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God. /nd they were all amaEed* and were in doubt* saying one to another* 2hat mean thisF ,thers mocking say* These men are full of new wine. But 'eter* standing up with the eleven* lifted up his voice* and say unto them* .ou men of :udaea* and all you that dwell at :erusalem* be this known unto you* and hearken to my words# &or these are not drunken* as you suppose* seeing it is but the third hour of the day. But this is that which was spoken by the prophet :oelC and it shall come to pass in the last days* say God* I will pour out of my 0pirit upon all flesh# and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy* and your young men shall see visions* and your old men shall dream dreams# /nd on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my 0piritC and they shall prophesy# /nd I will show wonders in heaven above* and signs in the earth beneathC blood* and fire* and vapor of smoke# The sun shall be turned into darkness* and the moon into blood* before that great and notable day of the 9ord come# /nd it shall come to pass* that whosoever shall call on the name of the 9ord shall be saved. .ou men of Israel* hear these wordsC :esus of ;aEar* a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs* which God did by him in the midst of you* as you yourselves also know# Him* being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God* you have taken* and by wicked hands have crucified and slain# 2hom God hath raised up* having loosed the pains of death# because it was not possible that he should be hold of it. &or 1avid speak concerning him* I foresaw the 9ord always before my face* for he is on my right hand* that I should not be moved# Therefore did my heart re)oice* and my tongue was gladC moreover also my flesh shall r in hope# Because you wilt not leave my soul in hell* neither wilt you suffer your Holy ,ne to see corruption. .ou hast made known to me the ways of lifeC you shall make me full of )oy with your countenance. 3en and brethren* let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch 1avid* that he is both dead and buried* and his sepulcher is with us unto this day. Therefore being a prophet* and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him* that of the fruit of his loins* according to the flesh* he would raise up hrist to sit on his throneC he seeing this before spoke of the resurrection of hrist* that his soul was not left in hell* neither his flesh did see corruption. This :esus hath God raised up* whereof we all are witnesses. Therefore being by the right hand of God e(alted* and having received of the &ather the promise of the Holy Ghost* he hath shed forth this* which you now see and hear.


&or 1avid is not ascended into the heavens# but he say himself* the 9,<1 say unto my 9ord* 0it you on my right hand* until I make your foes your footstool. Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly* that God hath made that same :esus* whom you have crucified* both 9ord and hrist. ;ow when they heard this* they were pricked in their heart* and say unto 'eter and to the r of the apostles* 3en and brethren* what shall we doF Then 'eter say unto them* <epent* and be baptiEed every one of you in the name of :esus hrist for the remission of sins* and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. &or the promise is unto you* and to your children* and to all that are afar off* even as many as the 9ord our God shall call. /nd with many other words did he testify and e(hort* saying* 0ave yourselves from this untoward generation. Then they that gladly received his word were baptiEed# and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls. /nd they continued steadfastly in the apostles= doctrine and fellowship* and in breaking of bread* and in prayers. /nd fear came upon every soul# and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles. /nd all that believed were together* and had all things commonC and sold their possessions and goods* and parted them to all men* as every man had need. /nd they* continuing daily with one accord in the temple* and breaking bread from house to house* did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart* praising God* and having favor with all the people. /nd the 9ord added to the church daily such as should be saved. /cts !!"K 26 ;ow 'eter and :ohn went up together into the temple at the hour of prayer* being the ninth hour. /nd a certain man lame from his mother=s womb was carried* whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful* to ask alms of them that entered into the templeC who seeing 'eter and :ohn about to go into the temple asked an alms. /nd 'eter* fastening his eyes upon him with :ohn* say* 9ook on us. /nd he gave heed unto them* e(pecting to receive something of them. Then 'eter say* 0ilver and gold have I noneC but such as I have give I you# In the name of :esus hrist of ;aEar rise up and walk. /nd he took him by the right hand* and lifted him up# and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength. /nd he leaping up stood* and walked* and entered with them into the temple* walking* and leaping* and praising God. /nd all the people saw him walking and praising God# and they knew that it was he which sat for alms at the Beautiful gate of the temple# and they were filled with wonder and amaEement at that which had happened unto him. /nd as the lame man which was healed held 'eter and :ohn* all the people ran together unto them in the porch that is called 0olomon=s* greatly wondering. /nd when 'eter saw it* he answered unto the people* .ou men of Israel* why marvel you at thisF or why look you so earnly on us* as /lthough by our own power or holiness we had made this man to walkF The God of /braham* and of Isaac* and of :acob* the God of our fathers* hath glorified his 0on :esusC whom you delivered up* and denied him in the presence of 'ilate* when he was determined to let him go. But you denied the Holy ,ne and the :ust* and desired a murderer to be granted unto youC and killed the 'rince of life* whom God hath raised from the deadC whereof we are witnesses. /nd his name through faith in his name hath made


this man strong* whom you see and know# yea* the faith which is by him hath given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all. /nd now* brethren* I know that through ignorance you did it* as did also your rulers. But those things* which God before had showed by the mouth of all his prophets* that hrist should suffer* he hath so fulfilled. <epent you therefore* and be converted* that your sins may be blotted out* when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the 9ordC and he shall send :esus hrist* which before was preached unto you# whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things* which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began. &or 3oses truly say unto the fathers* / prophet shall the 9ord your God raise up unto you of your brethren* like unto meC him shall you hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you. /nd it shall come to pass* that every soul* which will not hear that prophet* shall be destroyed from among the people. .ea* and all the prophets from 0amuel and those that follow after* as many as have spoken* have likewise foretold of these days. .ou are the children of the prophets* and of the covenant which God made with our fathers* saying unto /braham* /nd in your seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed. Mnto you first God* having raised up his 0on :esus* sent him to bless you* in turning away every one of you from his ini8uities. /cts D!!2 The place of the scripture which he read was this* He was led as a sheep to the slaughterC and like a lamb dumb before his shearer* so opened he not his mouth# /cts D!!7 Then 'hilip opened his mouth* and began at the same scripture* and preached unto him :esus. /cts "!!2B &or they that dwell at :erusalem* and their rulers* because they knew him not* nor with all the voices of the prophets which are read every 0habbath day* they have fulfilled them in condemning him. /cts "B!2 /nd 'aul* as his manner was* went in unto them* and three 0habbath days reasoned with them out of the scriptures* /cts "D!25 /nd a certain :ew named /pollos* born at /le(andria* an elo8uent man* and mighty in the scriptures* came to >phesus. /cts 2D!2! /nd when they had appointed him a day* there came many to him into his lodgingC to whom he e(pounded and testified the kingdom of God* persuading them concerning :esus* both out of the law of 3oses* and out of the prophets* from morning till evening. :ohn "2!5D He that re)ect me* and receive not my words* hath one that )udgee him# the word that I have spoken* the same shall )udgee him in the last day. <omans 2!"6 In the day when God shall )udgee the secrets of men by :esus hrist according to my gospel. 2 or 5!2 But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty* not walking in craftiness* nor handling the word of God deceitfullyC but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man=s conscience in the sight of God.


>(odus "J!B /nd 3oses came and called for the elders of the people* and laid before their faces all these words which the 9,<1 commanded him. >(odus 25!5 /nd 3oses wrote all the words of the 9,<1* and rose up early in the morning* and builded an altar under the hill* and twelve pillars* according to the twelve tribes of Israel. >(odus 25!"2 /nd the 9,<1 say unto 3oses* teach them. >(odus 27!2" /nd you shall put the mercy seat above upon the arkC and in the ark you shall put the testimony that I shall give you. >(odus !"!"D /nd he gave unto 3oses* when he had made an end of communing with him upon mount 0inai* two tables of testimony* tables of stone* written with the finger of God. >(odus !2!"6 /nd the tables were the work of God* and the writing was the writing of God* graven upon the tables. >(odus !5!2B /nd the 9,<1 say unto 3oses* 2rite you these words# for after the tenor of these words I have made a covenant with you and with Israel. >(odus !5!!2 /nd afterward all the children of Israel came nigh# and he gave them in commandment all that the 9,<1 had spoken with him in mount 0inai. 9ev 26!56 These are the statutes and )udgemnts and laws* which the 9,<1 made between him and the children of Israel in mount 0inai by the hand of 3oses. 1eut 5!7 Behold* I have taught you statutes and )udgemnts* even as the 9,<1 my God commanded me* that you should do so in the land whither you go to possess it. 1eut 5!"5 /nd the 9,<1 commanded me at that time to teach you statutes and )udgemnts* that you might do them in the land whither you go over to possess it. 1eut ""!"D Therefore shall you lay up these my words in your heart and in your soul* and bind them for a sign upon your hand* that they may be as frontlets between your eyes. 1eut !"!"J ;ow therefore write you this song for you* and teach it the children of Israel# put it in their mouths* that this song may be a witness for me against the children of Israel. 1eut !"!22 3oses therefore wrote this song the same day* and taught it the children of Israel. 2 -ing "B!"! 2ith all the 9,<1 testified against Israel* and against :udah* by all the prophets* and by all the seers* saying* Turn you from your evil ways* and keep my commandments and my statutes* according to all the law which I commanded your fathers* and which I sent to you by my servants the prophets. 2 hr !!!"D ;ow the r of the acts of 3anasseh* and his prayer unto his God* and the words of the seers that spoke to him in the name of the 9,<1 God of Israel* behold* they are written in the book of the kings of Israel. :ob 2!!"2 ;either have I gone back from the commandment of his lipsC I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food. ome up to me into the mount* and be there# and I will give you tables of stone* and a law* and commandments which I have writtenC that you may


'salms BD!7 &or he established a testimony in :acob* and appointed a law in Israel* which he commanded our fathers* that they should make them known to their children# 'salms JJ!B He spoke unto them in the cloudy pillar# they kept his testimonies* and the ordinance that he gave them. 'salms "5B!"J He show his word unto :acob* his statutes and his )udgemnts unto Israel. >ccles "2!"" The words of the wise are as goads* and as nails fastened by the masters of assemblies* which are given from one shepherd. Isaiah !H!"2K "! 2herefore thus say the Holy ,ne of Israel* Because you despise this word* and trust in oppression and perverseness* and stay thereon# Therefore this ini8uity shall be to you as a breach ready to fall* swelling out in a high wall* whose breaking com suddenly at an instant. Isaiah !5!"6 0eek you out of the book of the 9,<1* and read# no one of these shall fail* none shall want her mate# for my mouth it hath commanded* and his spirit it hath gathered them. Isaiah 7J!2" /s for me* this is my covenant with them* say the 9,<1C 3y spirit that is upon you* and my words which I have put in your mouth* shall not depart out of your mouth* nor out of the mouth of your seed* nor out of the mouth of your seed=s seed* say the 9,<1* from henceforth and for ever. :er !H!2 Thus speak the 9,<1 God of Israel* saying* 2rite you all the words that I have spoken unto you in a book. :er !6!" " /nd it came to pass in the fourth year of :ehoiakim the son of :osiah king of :udah* that this word came unto :eremiah from the 9,<1* saying* take you a roll of a book* and write therein all the words that I have spoken unto you against Israel* and against :udah* and against all the nations* from the day I spoke unto you* from the days of :osiah* even unto this day. :er !6!2BK 2D Then the word of the 9,<1 came to :eremiah* after that the king had burned the roll* and the words which Baruch wrote at the mouth of :eremiah* saying* Take you again another roll* and write in it all the former words that were in the first roll* which :ehoiakim the king of :udah hath burned. :er !6!!2 Then took :eremiah another roll* and gave it to Baruch the scribe* the son of ;eriahC who wrote therein from the mouth of :eremiah all the words of the book which :ehoiakim king of :udah had burned in the fire# and there were added besides unto them many like words. :er 7"!7JK 65 The word which :eremiah the prophet commanded 0eraiah the son of ;eriah* the son of 3aaseiah* when he went with @edekiah the king of :udah into Babylon in the fourth year of his reign. /nd this 0eraiah was a 8uiet prince. 0o :eremiah wrote in a book all the evil that should come upon Babylon* even all these words that are written against Babylon. /nd :eremiah say to 0eraiah* 2hen you com to Babylon* and shall see* and shall read all these wordsC then shall you say* , 9,<1* you hast spoken against this place* to cut it off* that none shall remain in it* neither man nor beast* but that it shall be desolate for ever. /nd it shall be* when you hast


made an end of reading this book* that you shall bind a stone to it* and cast it into the midst of >uphrates# /nd you shall say* Thus shall Babylon sink* and shall not rise from the evil that I will bring upon her# and they shall be weary* thus far are the words of :eremiah. >Eek ""!27 Then I spoke unto them of the captivity all the things that the 9,<1 had showed me. 1aniel "H!2" But I will show you that which is noted in the scripture of truth and there is none that hold with me in these things* but 3ichael your prince. Hosea D!"2 I have written to him the great things of my law* but they were counted as a strange thing. @ech B!"2 .ea* they made their hearts as an adamant stone* l they should hear the law* and the words which the 9,<1 of hosts hath sent in his spirit by the former prophets# therefore came a great wrath from the 9,<1 of hosts. 3att 22!!"K !2 But as touching the resurrection of the dead* have you not read that which was spoken unto you by God* saying* I am the God of /braham* and the God of Isaac* and the God of :acobF God is not the God of the dead* but of the living. 9uke "!"K 5 &orasmuch as many have taken in hand to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely believed among us* even as they delivered them unto us* which from the beginning were eyeswitnesses* and ministers of the wordC it esteemed good to me also* having had perfect understanding of all things from the very first* to write unto you in order* most e(cellent Theophilus* that you might know the certainty of those things* wherein you hast been instructed. 9uke "!6DK B! Blessed be the 9ord God of IsraelC for he hath visited and redeemed his people* and hath raised up an horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant 1avidC as he spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets* which have been since the world began# That we should be saved from our enemies* and from the hand of all that hate usC to perform the mercy promised to our fathers* and to remember his holy covenantC the oath which he swore to our father /braham* /cts "!"6 3en and brethren* this scripture must needs have been fulfilled* which the Holy Ghost by the mouth of 1avid spoke before concerning :udas* which was guide to them that took :esus. <omans !!"K 2 2hat advantage then hath the :ewF or what profit is there of circumcisionF 3uch every way# chiefly* because that unto them were committed the oracles of God. " or 2!"2K "! ;ow we have received* not the spirit of the world* but the spirit which is of GodC that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. 2hich things also we speak* not in the words which man=s wisdom teach* but which the Holy Ghost teachC comparing spiritual things with spiritual. " or B!"H /nd unto the married I command* with all not I* but the 9ord* 9et not the wife depart from her husband#


" or "5!!B If any man think himself to be a prophet* or spiritual* let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the 9ord. >ph 6!"B /nd take the helmet of salvation* and the sword of the 0pirit* which is the word of God# ol !!"6 9et the word of hrist dwell in you richly in all wisdomC teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs* singing with grace in your hearts to the 9ord. " Thes 2!"! &or this cause also thank we God without ceasing* because* when you received the word of God which you heard of us* you received it not as the word of men* but as it is in truth* the word of God* which effectually work also in you that believe. " Thes 5!"K ! &urthermore then we beseech you* brethren* and e(hort you by the 9ord :esus* that as you have received of us how you ought to walk and to please God* so you would abound more and more. &or you know what commandments we gave you by the 9ord :esus. &or this is the will of God* even your sanctification* that you should abstain from fornication# " Tim 6!!K 7 If any man teach otherwise* and consent not to wholesome words* even the words of our 9ord :esus hrist* and to the doctrine which is according to godlinessC He is proud* knowing nothing* but doting about 8uestions and strives of words* whereof com envy* strife* railings* evil surmisings* perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds* and destitute of the truth* supposing that gain is godliness# from such withdraw yourself. 2 Tim !!"6K "B /ll scripture is given by inspiration of God* and is profitable for doctrine* for reproof* for correction* for instruction in righteousness# that the man of God may be perfect* thoroughly furnished unto all good works. Heb "!"K 2 God* who at sundry times and in divers manners spoke in time past unto the fathers by the prophets* hath in these last days spoken unto us by his 0on* whom he hath appointed heir of all things* by whom also he made the worldsC Heb !!BK D2herefore ?as the Holy Ghost say* To day if you will hear his voice* harden not your hearts* as in the provocation* in the day of temptation in the wilderness# Heb 5!"2 &or the word of God is 8uick* and powerful* and sharper than any twoedged sword* piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit* and of the )oints and marrow* and is a discerner of the Thoughts and intents of the heart. Heb 7!"2 &or when for the time you ought to be teachers* you have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of GodC and are become such as have need of milk* and not of strong meat. " 'et "!""K "2 0earching what* or what manner of time the 0pirit of hrist which was in them did signify* when it tified beforehand the sufferings of hrist* and the glory that should follow. Mnto whom it was revealed* that not unto themselves* but unto us they did minister the things* which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost sent down from heavenC which things the angels desire to look into.


2 'et "!2" &or the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man# but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. 2 'et !!2 That you may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets* and of the commandment of us the apostles of the 9ord and 0avior# 2 'et !!"7 /nd account that the longsuffering of our 9ord is salvationC even as our beloved brother 'aul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto youC " :ohn "!"K 7 That which was from the beginning* which we have heard* which we have seen with our eyes* which we have looked upon* and our hands have handled* of the 2ord of lifeC ?&or the life was manifest ed* and we have seen it* and bear witness* and show unto you that eternal life* which was with the &ather* and was manifest ed unto usCA. That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you* that you also may have fellowship with us# and truly our fellowship is with the &ather* and with his 0on :esus hrist. /nd these things write we unto you* that your )oy may be full. This then is the message which we have heard of him* and declare unto you* that God is light* and in him is no darkness at all. <ev "!"K 2 The <evelation of :esus hrist* which God gave unto him* to show unto his servants things which must shortly come to passC and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant :ohn# 2ho bare record of the word of God* and of the testimony of :esus hrist* and of all things that he saw. <ev "!"" 0aying* I am /lpha and ,mega* the first and the last# and* 2hat you se* write in a book* and send it unto the seven churches which are in /siaC unto >phesus* and unto 0myrna* and unto 'ergamos* and unto Tiatira* and unto 0ardis* and unto 'hiladelphia* and unto 9aodicea. <ev "!"BK "J /nd when I saw him* I fell at his feet as dead. /nd he laid his right hand upon me* saying unto me* &ear notC I am the first and the last# I am he that live* and was deadC and* behold* I am alive for evermore* /menC and have the keys of hell and of death. 2rite the things which you hast seen* and the things which are* and the things which shall be hereafterC <ev 2!B He that hath an ear* let him hear what the 0pirit say unto the churchesC To him that overcome will I give to eat of the tree of life* which is in the midst of the paradise of God. <ev "J!"H /nd I fell at his feet to worship him. /nd he say unto me* 0ee you do it not# I am your fellowservant* and of your brethren that have the testimony of :esus# worship God# for the testimony of :esus is the spirit of prophecy. <ev 22!6K D /nd he say unto me* These sayings are faithful and true# and the 9ord God of the holy prophets sent his angel to show unto his servants the things which must shortly be done. Behold* I come 8uickly# blessed is he that keep the sayings of the prophecy of this book. /nd I :ohn saw these things* and heard them. /nd when I had heard and seen* I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel which showed me these things.


'salms 7H!"6K "B But unto the wicked God say* 2hat hast you to do to declare my statutes* or that you should take my covenant in your mouthF 0eeing you hat instruction* and cast my words behind you. 'rov "!2JK !H &or that they hated knowledge* and did not choose the fear of the 9,<1# They would none of my counsel# they despised all my reproof. 'rov "!!"! 2hoso despise the word shall be destroyed# but he that fear the commandment shall be rewarded. Isaiah 7!25 Therefore as the fire devour the stubble* and the flame consume the chaff* so their root shall be as rottenness* and their blossom shall go up as dust# because they have cast away the law of the 9,<1 of hosts* and despised the word of the Holy ,ne of Israel. Isaiah 2D!JK "5 2hom shall he teach knowledgeF and whom shall he make to understand doctrineF them that are weaned from the milk* and drawn from the breasts. &or precept must be upon precept* precept upon preceptC line upon line* line upon lineC here a little* and there a little# &or with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people. To whom he say* This is the r wherewith you may cause the weary to rC and this is the refreshing# with all they would not hear. But the word of the 9,<1 was unto them precept upon precept* precept upon preceptC line upon line* line upon lineC here a little* and there a littleC that they might go* and fall backward* and be broken* and snared* and taken. 2herefore hear the word of the 9,<1* you scornful men* that rule this people which is in :erusalem. Isaiah !H!JK "" That this is a rebellious people* lying children* children that will not hear the law of the 9,<1# 2hich say to the seers* 0ee notC and to the prophets* 'rophesy not unto us right things* speak unto us smooth things* prophesy deceits# Get you out of the way* turn aside out of the path* cause the Holy ,ne of Israel to cease from before us. Isaiah 7!!" 2ho hath believed our reportF and to whom is the arm of the 9,<1 revealedF :er 6!"H To whom shall I speak* and give warning* that they may hearF behold* their ear is uncircumcised* and they cannot hearken# behold* the word of the 9,<1 is unto them a reproachC they have no delight in it. :er D!J The wise men are ashamed* they are dismay and taken# lo* they have re)ected the word of the 9,<1C and what wisdom is in themF Hosea D!"2 I have written to him the great things of my law* but they were counted as a strange thing. /mos 2!"2 But you gave the ;aEarites wine to drinkC and commanded the prophets* saying* 'rophesy not. 3icah 2!6 'rophesy you not* say they to them that prophesy# they shall not prophesy to them* that they shall not take shame. 9uke "6!!" /nd he say unto him* If they hear not 3oses and the prophets* neither will they be persuaded* /lthough one rose from the dead.


9uke 25!27 Then he say unto them* , fools* and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken# :ohn !!2H &or every one that do evil hate the light* neither com to the light* l his deeds should be reproved. :ohn 7!56K 5B &or had you believed 3oses* you would have believed me# for he wrote of me. But if you believe not his writings* how shall you believe my wordsF :ohn D!!B I know that you are /braham=s seedC but you seek to kill me* because my word hath no place in you. :ohn D!57 /nd because I tell you the truth* you believe me not. " or "!"D &or the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishnessC but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. " or "!22K 2! &or the :ews re8uest a sign* and the Greeks seek after wisdom# But we preach hrist crucified* unto the :ews a stumbling block* and unto the Greeks foolishnessC 2 Tim !!D ;ow as :annes and :ambres withstood 3oses* so do these also resist the truth# men of corrupt minds* reprobate concerning the faith. 2 Tim 5!!K 5 &or the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrineC but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers* having itching earsC and they shall turn away their ears from the truth* and shall be turned unto fables. " 'et 2!D /nd a stone of stumbling* and a rock of offence* even to them which stumble at the word* being disobedient# whereunto also they were appointed. 2 'et !!"7K "6 /nd account that the longsuffering of our 9ord is salvationC even as our beloved brother 'aul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto youC as also in all his epistles* speaking in them of these thingsC in which are some things hard to be understood* which they that are unlearned and unstable twist* as they do also the other scriptures* unto their own destruction. <ev 22!"J /nd if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy* God shall take away his pare out of the book of life* and out of the holy city* and from the things which are written in this book.

)oly $+irit
'rov "!2! Turn you at my reproof# behold* I will pour out my spirit unto you* I will make known my words unto you. @ec 5!6 Then he answered and spoke unto me* saying* This is the word of the 9,<1 unto @erubbabel* saying* ;ot by might* nor by power* but by my spirit* say the 9,<1 of hosts. 9k ""!"! If you then* being evil* know how to give good gifts unto your children# how much more shall your heavenly &ather give the Holy 0pirit to them that ask himF :ohn B!!BK !J In the last day* that great day of the feast* :esus stood and cried* saying* If any man thirst* let him come unto me* and drink. He that believe on me* as the scripture hath say* out


of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. ?But this spoke he of the 0pirit* which they that believe on him should receive# for the Holy Ghost was not with all givenC because that :esus was not with all glorified.A :ohn "5!"6K "B /nd I will pray the &ather* and he shall give you another omforter* that he may abide with you for everC even the 0pirit of truthC whom the world cannot receive* because it see him not* neither know him# but you know himC for he dwelled with you* and shall be in you. :ohn "5!26 But the omforter* which is the Holy Ghost* whom the &ather will send in my name* he shall teach you all things* and bring all things to your remembrance* whatsoever I have say unto you. :ohn "7!26K 2B But when the omforter is come* whom I will send unto you from the &ather* even the 0pirit of truth* which proceed from the &ather* he shall testify of me# /nd you also shall bear witness* because you have been with me from the beginning. :ohn "6!"!K "7 Howbeit when he* the 0pirit of truth* is come* he will guide you into all truth# for he shall not speak of himselfC but whatsoever he shall hear* that shall he speak# and he will show you things to come. He shall glorify me# for he shall receive of mine* and shall show it unto you. /ll things that the &ather hath are mine# therefore say I* that he shall take of mine* and shall show it unto you. /cts "!5 /nd* being assembled together with them* commanded them that they should not depart from :erusalem* but wait for the promise of the &ather* which* say he* you have heard of me. /cts "!D But you shall receive power* after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you# and you shall be witnesses unto me both in :erusalem* and in all :udaea* and in 0amaria* and unto the uttermost pare of the earth. /cts 2!!D Then 'eter say unto them* <epent* and be baptiEed every one of you in the name of :esus hrist for the remission of sins* and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. <om 7!7 /nd hope make not ashamedC because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. <om D!" There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in hrist :esus* who walk not after the flesh* but after the 0pirit. <om D!26 9ikewise the 0pirit also help our infirmities# for we know not what we should pray for as we ought# but the 0pirit itself make intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. " or !!"6 -now you not that you are the temple of God* and that the 0pirit of God dwelled in youF " or "2!B But the manifestation of the 0pirit is given to every man to profit withal. Gal 5!6K B /nd because you are sons* God hath sent forth the 0pirit of his 0on into your hearts* crying* /bba* &ather. 2herefore you are no more a servant* but a sonC and if a son* then an heir of God through hrist. Gal 7!7 &or we through the 0pirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith.


>ph "!"!K "5 In whom you also trusted* after that you heard the word of truth* the gospel of your salvation# in whom also after that you believed* you were sealed with that holy 0pirit of promise* which is the earn of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession* unto the praise of his glory. >ph !!"6 That he would grant you* according to the riches of his glory* to be strengthened with might by his 0pirit in the inner manC 3tt !!"" I indeed baptiEe you with water unto repentance# but he that com after me is mightier than I* whose shoes I am not worthy to bear# he shall baptiEe you with the Holy Ghost* and with fire# 3tt 7!6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness# for they shall be filled. >Ee !6!2B /nd I will put my spirit within you* and cause you to walk in my statutes* and you shall keep my )udgemnts* and do them. :ohn "5!"6K "B /nd I will pray the &ather* and he shall give you another omforter* that he may abide with you for everC even the 0pirit of truthC whom the world cannot receive* because it see him not* neither know him# but you know himC for he dwelled with you* and shall be in you. " or !!"6 -now you not that you are the temple of God* and that the 0pirit of God dwelled in youF /cts "!D But you shall receive power* after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you# and you shall be witnesses unto me both in :erusalem* and in all :udaea* and in 0amaria* and unto the uttermost pare of the earth. /cts 2!!D Then 'eter say unto them* <epent* and be baptiEed every one of you in the name of :esus hrist for the remission of sins* and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. 9k ""!"! If you then* being evil* know how to give good gifts unto your children# how much more shall your heavenly &ather give the Holy 0pirit to them that ask himF /cts 2!!J &or the promise is unto you* and to your children* and to all that are afar off* even as many as the 9ord our God shall call. :oel 2!2D /nd it shall come to pass afterward* that I will pour out my spirit upon all fleshC and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy* your old men shall dream dreams* your young men shall see visions# :ohn "5!26 But the omforter* which is the Holy Ghost* whom the &ather will send in my name* he shall teach you all things* and bring all things to your remembrance* whatsoever I have say unto you. " or "2!"! &or by one 0pirit are we all baptiEed into one body* whether we be :ews or Gentiles* whether we be bond or freeC and have been all made to drink into one 0pirit. :ohn "7!26 But when the omforter is come* whom I will send unto you from the &ather* even the 0pirit of truth* which proceed from the &ather* he shall testify of me#


:ohn "6!B ;evertheless I tell you the truthC It is e(pedient for you that I go away# for if I go not away* the omforter will not come unto youC but if I depare* I will send him unto you. " or 2!"2 ;ow we have received* not the spirit of the world* but the spirit which is of GodC that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. Gal !!"5 That the blessing of /braham might come on the Gentiles through :esus hristC that we might receive the promise of the 0pirit through faith. :ohn 5!"5 But whosoever drink of the water that I shall give him shall never thirstC but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life. 'rov "!2! Turn you at my reproof# behold* I will pour out my spirit unto you* I will make known my words unto you. 2 or "!22 2ho hath also sealed us* and given the earn of the 0pirit in our hearts. >ph "!"! In whom you also trusted* after that you heard the word of truth* the gospel of your salvation# in whom also after that you believed* you were sealed with that holy 0pirit of promise*

The Glory
:osh !!B /nd the 9,<1 say unto :oshua* This day will I begin to magnify you in the sight of all Israel* that they may know that* as I was with 3oses* so I will be with you. " hr "B!D /nd I have been with you whithersoever you hast walked* and have cut off all your enemies from before you* and have made you a name like the name of the great men that are in the earth. " hr 2J!27 /nd the 9,<1 magnified 0olomon e(ceedingly in the sight of all Israel* and bowed upon him such royal ma)esty as had not been on any king before him in Israel. 's B7!6K B &or promotion come neither from the east* nor from the w* nor from the south. But God is the )udgee# he putt down one* and set up another. 's ""!!BK J He raise up the poor out of the dust* and lift the needy out of the dunghillC that he may set him with princes* even with the princes of his people. He make the barren woman to keep house* and to be a )oyful mother of children. 'raise you the 9,<1. 's "5B!6 The 9,<1 lift up the meek# he cast the wicked down to the ground. 'rov !!!5K !7 0urely he scorn the scorners# but he give grace unto the lowly. The wise shall inherit glory# but shame shall be the promotion of fools. 'rov 22!2J 0e you a man diligent in his businessF he shall stand before kingsC he shall not stand before mean men. 'rov 2J!27 The fear of man bring a snare# but whoso putt his trust in the 9,<1 shall be safe. 9k "5!"" &or whosoever e(alt himself shall be abasedC and he that humble himself shall be e(alted. Heb 2!6K B But one in a certain place testified* saying* 2hat is man* that you are mindful of himF or the son of man* that you visit himF .ou mad him a little lower than the angelsC you crowned him with glory and Honor* and didst set him over the works of your hands#


Heb !!"! But e(hort one another daily* while it is called To dayC l any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. :ames 5!"H Humble yourselves in the sight of the 9ord* and he shall lift you up. "'et 7!6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God* that he may e(alt you in due time# Is 5H!5K 7 >very valley shall be e(alted* and every mountain and hill shall be made low# and the crooked shall be made straight* and the rough places plain# /nd the glory of the 9,<1 shall be revealed* and all flesh shall see it together# for the mouth of the 9,<1 hath spoken it. Is 62!! .ou shall also be a crown of glory in the hand of the 9,<1* and a royal diadem in the hand of your God. 3tt "!!5! Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their &ather. 2ho hath ears to hear* let him hear. <om D!"D &or I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. 2 or !!"D But we all* with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the 9ord* are changed into the same image from glory to glory* even as by the 0pirit of the 9ord. 2 or 5!"6K "D &or which cause we faint notC but /lthough our outward man perish* with all the inward man is renewed day by day. &or our light affliction* which is but for a moment* work for us a far more e(ceeding and eternal weight of gloryC while we look not at the things which are seen* but at the things which are not seen# for the things which are seen are temporalC but the things which are not seen are eternal. 'hil !!2HK 2" &or our conversation is in heavenC from whence also we look for the 0avior* the 9ord :esus hrist# who shall change our vile body* that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body* according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself. ol !!5 2hen hrist* who is our life* shall appear* then shall you also appear with him in glory. 2Tim 5!BK D I have fought a good fight* I have finished my course* I have kept the faith# Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness* which the 9ord* the righteous )udgee* shall give me at that day# and not to me only* but unto all them also that love his appearing. "'et 5!"! But re)oice* inasmuch as you are partakers of hrist=s sufferingsC that* when his glory shall be revealed* you may be glad also with e(ceeding )oy. <ev 7!JK "H /nd they sung a new song* saying* .ou are worthy to take the book* and to open the seals thereof# for you were slain* and hast redeemed us to God by your blood out of every kindred* and tongue* and people* and nationC and hast made us unto our God kings and priest# and we shall reign on the earth. <ev "J!J /nd he say unto me* 2rite* Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the 9amb. /nd he say unto me* These are the true sayings of God.


<ev 2"!"K ! /nd I saw a new heaven and a new earth# for the first heaven and the first earth were passed awayC and there was no more sea. /nd I :ohn saw the holy city* new :erusalem* coming down from God out of heaven* prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. /nd I heard a great voice out of heaven saying* Behold* the tabernacle of God is with men* and he will dwell with them* and they shall be his people* and God himself shall be with them* and be their God. <ev 2"!2! /nd the city had no need of the sun* neither of the moon* to shine in it# for the glory of God did lighten it* and the 9amb is the light thereof. 2 hr "7!B Be you strong therefore* and let not your hands be weak# for your work shall be rewarded. 's 5"!" Blessed is he that consider the poor# the 9,<1 will deliver him in time of trouble. 's 7D!"" 0o that a man shall say* Verily there is a reward for the righteous# verily he is a God that )udge in the earth. 'rov ""!"D The wicked work a deceitful work# but to him that sow righteousness shall be a sure reward. 'rov 22!J He that hath a bountiful eyes shall be blessedC for he give of his bread to the poor. 'rov 22!2J 0e you a man diligent in his businessF he shall stand before kingsC he shall not stand before mean men. Is 5H!"H Behold* the 9ord G,1 will come with strong hand* and his arm shall rule for him# behold* his reward is with him* and his work before him. 3al 5!2 But unto you that fear my name shall the 0un of righteousness arise with healing in his wingsC and you shall go forth* and grow up as calves of the stall. 3tt 6!6 But you* when you pray* enter into your closet* and when you hast shut your door* pray to your &ather which is in secretC and your &ather which see in secret shall reward you openly. 3rk "H!2JK !H /nd :esus answered and say* Verily I say unto you* There is no man that hath left house* or brethren* or sisters* or father* or mother* or wife* or children* or lands* for my sake* and the gospel=s* but he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time* houses* and brethren* and sisters* and mothers* and children* and lands* with persecutionsC and in the world to come eternal life. " or !!"5 If any man=s work abide which he hath built thereupon* he shall receive a reward. >ph 6!BK D 2ith good will doing service* as to the 9ord* and not to men# -nowing that whatsoever good thing any man do* the same shall he receive of the 9ord* whether he be bond or free. ol !!2!K 25 /nd whatsoever you do* do it heartily* as to the 9ord* and not unto menC knowing that of the 9ord you shall receive the reward of the inheritance# for you serve the 9ord promise of the life that now is* and of that which is to come. 2Tim 2!"2 If we suffer* we shall also reign with him# if we deny him* he also will deny us# hrist. "Tim 5!D &or bodily e(ercise profited little# but godliness is profitable unto all things* having


Heb 6!"2 That you be not slothful* but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises. Heb "H!!7 ast not away therefore your confidence* which hath great recompense of reward. Heb ""!6 But without faith it is impossible to please him# for he that com to God must believe that he is* and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. <ev 2!"H &ear none of those things which you shall suffer# behold* the devil shall cast some of you into prison* that you may be triedC and you shall have tribulation ten days# be you faithful unto death* and I will give you a crown of life. <ev "5!"! /nd I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me* 2rite* Blessed are the dead which die in the 9ord from henceforth# .ea* say the 0pirit* that they may r from their laborsC and their works do follow them. <ev 22!"2 /nd* behold* I come 8uicklyC and my reward is with me* to give every man according as his work shall be. :ohn "5!2K ! In my &ather=s house are many mansions# if it were not so* I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. /nd if I go and prepare a place for you* I will come again* and receive you unto myselfC that where I am* there you may be also. 2'et !!"! ;evertheless we* according to his promise* look for new heavens and a new earth* wherein dwelled righteousness. 2Tim 5!D Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness* which the 9ord* the righteous )udgee* shall give me at that day# and not to me only* but unto all them also that love his appearing. <ev 22!7 /nd there shall be no night thereC and they need no candle* neither light of the sunC for the 9ord God give them light# and they shall reign for ever and ever. Heb ""!"6 But now they desire a better country* that is* an heavenly# wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God# for he hath prepared for them a city. "Thes 5!"B Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds* to meet the 9ord in the air# and so shall we ever be with the 9ord. <ev B!"7K "B Therefore are they before the throne of God* and serve him day and night in his temple# and he that sit on the throne shall dwell among them. They shall hunger no more* neither thirst any moreC neither shall the sun light on them* nor any heat. &or the 9amb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them* and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters# and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. <ev 2!"H &ear none of those things which you shall suffer# behold* the devil shall cast some of you into prison* that you may be triedC and you shall have tribulation ten days# be you faithful unto death* and I will give you a crown of life. 's "B!"7 /s for me* I will behold your face in righteousness# I shall be satisfied* when I awake* with your likeness.


3tt "!!5! Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their &ather. 2ho hath ears to hear* let him hear. ol !!5 2hen hrist* who is our life* shall appear* then shall you also appear with him in glory. 3tt 27!2" His lord say unto him* 2ell done* you good and faithful servant# you hast been faithful over a few things* I will make you ruler over many things# enter you into the )oy of your lord. 3tt 27!!5 Then shall the -ing say unto them on his right hand* ome* you blessed of my &ather* inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world# 3tt 6!2H But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven* where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt* and where thieves do not break through nor steal# 9k 22!2JK !H /nd I appoint unto you a kingdom* as my &ather hath appointed unto meC that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom* and sit on thrones )udgeing the twelve tribes of Israel. "'et "!!K 5 Blessed be the God and &ather of our 9ord :esus hrist* which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of :esus hrist from the dead* to an inheritance incorruptible* and undefiled* and that fad not away* reserved in heaven for you* <om D!"D &or I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. 3tt "6!2B &or the 0on of man shall come in the glory of his &ather with his angelsC and then he shall reward every man according to his works. " or 2!J But as it is written* >yes hath not seen* nor ear heard* neither have entered into the heart of man* the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. "'et 7!5 /nd when the chief 0hepherd shall appear* you shall receive a crown of glory that fad not away. <ev 2"!B He that overcome shall inherit all thingsC and I will be his God* and he shall be my son. <ev 2"!5 /nd God shall wipe away all tears from their eyesC and there shall be no more death* neither sorrow* nor crying* neither shall there be any more pain# for the former things are passed away. <ev !!2" To him that overcome will I grant to sit with me in my throne* even as I also overcame* and am set down with my &ather in his throne. <ev B!J /fter this I beheld* and* lo* a great multitude* which no man could number* of all nations* and kindreds* and people* and tongues* stood before the throne* and before the 9amb* clothed with white robes* and palms in their handsC 3tt 27!2! His lord say unto him* 2ell done* good and faithful servantC you hast been faithful over a few things* I will make you ruler over many things# enter you into the )oy of your lord. <ev 22!"5 Blessed are they that do his commandments* that they may have right to the tree of life* and may enter in through the gates into the city.


<ev 22!"2 /nd* behold* I come 8uicklyC and my reward is with me* to give every man according as his work shall be. <ev 22!2H He which testifies these things say* 0urely I come 8uickly. /men. >ven so* come* 9ord :esus.

The $an*tity
"Tim 5!D &or bodily e(ercise profited little# but godliness is profitable unto all things* having promise of the life that now is* and of that which is to come. <om "2!2 /nd be not conformed to this world# but be you transformed by the renewing of your mind* that you may prove what is that good* and acceptable* and perfect* will of God. 'hil 5!B /nd the peace of God* which pass all understanding* shall keep your hearts and minds through hrist :esus. leanse your hands* you sinnersC and :ames 5!D 1raw nigh to God* and he will draw nigh to you. purify your hearts* you double minded. 's D7!"! <ighteousness shall go before himC and shall set us in the way of his steps. 'rov 2"!2" He that follow after righteousness and mercy find life* righteousness* and Honor. :er 6!"6 Thus say the 9,<1* 0tand you in the ways* and see* and ask for the old paths* where is the good way* and walk therein* and you shall find r for your souls. But they say* 2e will not walk therein. 'rov ""!"D The wicked work a deceitful work# but to him that sow righteousness shall be a sure reward. 's 7!"2 &or you* 9,<1* wilt bless the righteousC with favor wilt you compass him as with a shield. Is !7!D /nd an highway shall be there* and a way* and it shall be called The way of holinessC the unclean shall not pass over itC but it shall be for those# the wayfaring men* /lthough fools* shall not err therein. :ohn "2!56 I am come a light into the world* that whosoever believe on me should not abide in darkness. 's "7!"K 2 9,<1* who shall abide in your tabernacleF who shall dwell in your holy hillF He that walk uprightly* and work righteousness* and speak the truth in his heart. 's ""!B &or the righteous 9,<1 love righteousnessC his countenance doth behold the upright. 2 hr "6!J &or the eyes of the 9,<1 run to and fro throughout the whole earth* to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. Herein you hast done foolishly# therefore from henceforth you shall have wars. " :ohn !!2" Beloved* if our heart condemn us not* then have we confidence toward God. 's !B!"D The 9,<1 know the days of the upright# and their inheritance shall be for ever. <om D!6 &or to be carnally minded is deathC but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. 's ""J!" Blessed are the undefiled in the way* who walk in the law of the 9,<1.


'rov ""!2H They that are of a perverse heart are abomination to the 9,<1# but such as are upright in their way are his delight. 'rov 2!B He provides of sound wisdom for the righteous# he is a buckler to them that walk uprightly. " 0am 2!!H 2herefore the 9,<1 God of Israel say* I say indeed that your house* and the house of your father* should walk before me for ever# but now the 9,<1 say* Be it far from meC for them that Honor me I will Honor* and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed. " or 6!"" /nd such were some of you# but you are washed* but you are sanctified* but you are )ustified in the name of the 9ord :esus* and by the 0pirit of our God. :ude "!25 ;ow unto him that is able to keep you from falling* and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with e(ceeding )oy* 2 or 7!"B Therefore if any man be in hrist* he is a new creature# old things are passed awayC behold* all things are become new. :ohn "7!! ;ow you are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you. Is "!"D ome now* and let us reason together* say the 9,<1# /lthough your sins be as scarlet* they shall be as white as snowC /lthough they be red like crimson* they shall be as wool. Tit !!7K 6 ;ot by works of righteousness which we have done* but according to his mercy he saved us* by the washing of regeneration* and renewing of the Holy GhostC which he shed on us abundantly through :esus hrist our 0aviorC 's 67!! Ini8uities prevail against me# as for our transgressions* you shall purge them away. >ph 7!27 Husbands* love your wives* even as hrist also loved the church* and gave himself for itC that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word* " :ohn "!B But if we walk in the light* as he is in the light* we have fellowship one with another* and the blood of :esus hrist his 0on cleans us from all sin. Heb J!"5 How much more shall the blood of hrist* who through the eternal 0pirit offered himself without spot to God* purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living GodF 20am 22!2" The 9,<1 rewarded me according to my righteousness# according to the cleanness of my hands hath he recompensed me. Is !7!D /nd an highway shall be there* and a way* and it shall be called The way of holinessC the unclean shall not pass over itC but it shall be for those# the wayfaring men* /lthough fools* shall not err therein. Heb "H!22 9et us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith* having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience* and our bodies washed with pure water. 'rov "6!! ommit your works unto the 9,<1* and your Thoughts shall be established. Is 77!B 9et the wicked forsake his way* and the unrighteous man his Thoughts# and let him return unto the 9,<1* and he will have mercy upon himC and to our God* for he will abundantly pardon.


" Thes 7!2! /nd the very God of peace sanctify you whollyC and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our 9ord :esus hrist. 3tt 7!D Blessed are the pure in heart# for they shall see God.

The Presen*e
'hil 5!DK J &inally* brethren* whatever things are true* whatever things are noble* whatever things are )ust* whatever things are pure* whatever things are lovely* whatever things are of good report* if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthyPmeditate on these things. The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me* these do* and the God of peace will be with you. >( "7!"! .ou in your mercy hast led forth the people which you hast redeemed# you hast guided them in your strength unto your holy habitation. >( !!!"5 /nd he say* 3y presence shall go with you* and I will give you r. 1eu !"!D /nd the 9,<1* he it is that doth go before youC he will be with you* he will not fail you* neither forsake you# fear not* neither be dismay. :os "!J Have not I commanded youF Be strong and of a good courageC be not afraid* neither be you dismay# for the 9,<1 your God is with you whithersoever you go. 's 2!!5 .ea* /lthough I walk through the valley of the shadow of death* I will fear no evil# for you are with meC your rod and your staff they comfort me. 's 56!B The 9,<1 of hosts is with usC the God of :acob is our refuge. 0elah. 's "!J!BK"H 2hither shall I go from your spiritF or whither shall I flee from your presenceF If I ascend up into heaven* you are there# if I make my bed in hell* behold* you are there. If I take the wings of the morning* and dwell in the uttermost pares of the seaC even there shall your hand lead me* and your right hand shall hold me. Is 52!"6 /nd I will bring the blind by a way that they knew notC I will lead them in paths that they have not known# I will make darkness light before them* and crooked things straight. These things will I do unto them* and not forsake them. Is 5!!2 2hen you pass through the waters* I will be with youC and through the rivers* they shall not overflow you# when you walk through the fire* you shall not be burnedC neither shall the flame kindle upon you. Is 6!!J In all their affliction he was afflicted* and the angel of his presence saved them# in his love and in his pity he redeemed themC and he bare them* and carried them all the days of old. Is 7D!"" /nd the 9,<1 shall guide you continually* and satisfy your soul in drought* and make fat your bones# and you shall be like a watered garden* and like a spring of water* whose waters fail not. @eph !!"B The 9,<1 your God in the midst of you is mightyC he will save* he will re)oice over you with )oyC he will r in his love* he will )oy over you with singing.


3tt "!2! Behold* a virgin shall be with child* and shall bring forth a son* and they shall call his name >mmanuel* which being interpreted is* God with us. 3tt 2D!"JK 2H Go you therefore* and teach all nations* baptiEing them in the name of the &ather* and of the 0on* and of the Holy Ghost# Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you# and* lo* I am with you always* even unto the end of the world. /men. :ohn "5!"6K "B /nd I will pray the &ather* and he shall give you another omforter* that he may abide with you for everC even the 0pirit of truthC whom the world cannot receive* because it see him not* neither know him# but you know himC for he dwelled with you* and shall be in you. :ohn "5!2! :esus answered and say unto him* If a man love me* he will keep my words# and my &ather will love him* and we will come unto him* and make our abode with him. >( !!!"5 /nd he say* 3y presence shall go with you* and I will give you r. 's "5H!"! 0urely the righteous shall give thanks unto your name# the upright shall dwell in your presence. 2 hr "7!2 /nd he went out to meet /sa* and say unto him* Hear you me* /sa* and all :udah and Ben)aminC The 9,<1 is with you* while you be with himC and if you seek him* he will be found of youC but if you forsake him* he will forsake you. 1eut !"!D /nd the 9,<1* he it is that doth go before youC he will be with you* he will not fail you* neither forsake you# fear not* neither be dismay. 3tt 2D!2H Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you# and* lo* I am with you always* even unto the end of the world. /men. :ohn "7!7 I am the vine* you are the branches# He that abide in me* and I in him* the same bring forth much fruit# for without me you can do nothing. :ohn "5!2! :esus answered and say unto him* If a man love me* he will keep my words# and my &ather will love him* and we will come unto him* and make our abode with him. :oel 2!2B /nd you shall know that I am in the midst of Israel* and that I am the 9,<1 your God* and none else# and my people shall never be ashamed. 's 5!! But know that the 9,<1 hath set apart him that is godly for himself# the 9,<1 will hear when I call unto him. 's "56!D The 9,<1 open the eyes of the blind# the 9,<1 raise them that are bowed down# the 9,<1 love the righteous# <ev !!2H Behold* I stand at the door* and knock# if any man hear my voice* and open the door* I will come in to him* and will sup with him* and he with me. 's D5!"" &or the 9,<1 God is a sun and shield# the 9,<1 will give grace and glory# no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.

The Mer*y
>(odus 2H!6 /nd showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me* and keep my commandments.


'salms "!!7 But I have trusted in your mercyC my heart shall re)oice in your salvation. 'salms "D!27 2ith the merciful you wilt show yourself mercifulC with an upright man you wilt show yourself uprightC 'salms 2!!6 0urely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life# and I will dwell in the house of the 9,<1 for ever. 'salms !2!"H 3any sorrows shall be to the wicked# but he that trust in the 9,<1* mercy shall compass him about. 'salms !!!7 He love righteousness and )udgemnt# the earth is full of the goodness of the 9,<1. 'salms !6!B How e(cellent is your loving kindness* , God+ therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of your wings. 'salms 72!D But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God# I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever. 'salms D6!7 &or you* 9ord* are good* and ready to forgiveC and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon you. 'salms "H!!D The 9,<1 is merciful and gracious* slow to anger* and plenteous in mercy. 'salms "H!!"!K "5 9ike as a father pity his children* so the 9,<1 pity them that fear him. &or he know our frameC he remember that we are dust. 'salms ""6!" I love the 9,<1* because he hath heard my voice and my supplications. 'salms ""B!" , praise the 9,<1* all you nations# praise him* all you people. 'salms ""B!2 &or his merciful kindness is great toward us# and the truth of the 9,<1 endure for ever. 'raise you the 9,<1. 'salms ""J!B6 9et* I pray you* your merciful kindness be for my comfort* according to your word unto your servant. 'salms "57!DK "H The 9,<1 is gracious* and full of compassionC slow to anger* and of great mercy. 9,<1 is good to all# and his tender mercies are over all his works. He delight not in the strength of the horse# he take not pleasure in the legs of a man. 'salms "5B!"" The 9,<1 take pleasure in them that fear him* in those that hope in his mercy. 'rov 2D!"! He that cover his sins shall not prosper# but whoso confess and forsake them shall have mercy. Isaiah !H!"D /nd therefore will the 9,<1 wait* that he may be gracious unto you* and therefore will he be e(alted* that he may have mercy upon you# for the 9,<1 is a God of )udgemnt# blessed are all they that wait for him. Isaiah 5H!"" He shall feed his flock like a shepherd# he shall gather the lambs with his arm* and carry them in his bosom* and shall gently lead those that are with young. Isaiah 5J!"H They shall not hunger nor thirstC neither shall the heat nor sun smite them# for he that hath mercy on them shall lead them* even by the springs of water shall he guide them.


Isaiah 5J!"7 an a woman forget her sucking child* that she should not have compassion on the son of her wombF yea* they may forget* with all will I not forget you. Isaiah 75!"H &or the mountains shall depare* and the hills be removedC but my kindness shall not depart from you* neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed* say the 9,<1 that hath mercy on you. Isaiah 77!B 9et the wicked forsake his way* and the unrighteous man his Thoughts# and let him return unto the 9,<1* and he will have mercy upon himC and to our God* for he will abundantly pardon. Isaiah 6!!J In all their affliction he was afflicted* and the angel of his presence saved them# in his love and in his pity he redeemed themC and he bare them* and carried them all the days of old. :er !"!! The 9,<1 hath appeared of old unto me* saying* .ea* I have loved you with an everlasting love# therefore with loving kindness have I drawn you. :er !"!J They shall come with weeping* and with supplications will I lead them# I will cause them to walk by the rivers of waters in a straight way* wherein they shall not stumble# for I am a father to Israel* and >phraim is my firstborn. 9am !!22K 2! It is of the 9,<1=s mercies that we are not consumed* because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning# great is your faithfulness. 9am !!!" &or the 9ord will not cast off for ever# But /lthough he cause grief* with all will he have compassion according to the multitude of his mercies. 9am !!!! &or he doth not afflict willingly nor grieve the children of men. 3icah B!"D 2ho is a God like unto you* that pardon ini8uity* and pass by the transgression of the remnant of his heritageF he retain not his anger for ever* because he delight in mercy. 3att 7!B Blessed are the merciful# for they shall obtain mercy. 9uke "!7H /nd his mercy is on them that fear him from generation to generation. >ph 2!5K 7 But God* who is rich in mercy* for his great love wherewith he loved us* even when we were dead in sins* hath 8uickened us together with hrist* ?by grace you are savedCA " Tim "!"6 Howbeit for this cause I obtained mercy* that in me first :esus hrist might show forth all longsuffering* for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting. Titus !!7 ;ot by works of righteousness which we have done* but according to his mercy he saved us* by the washing of regeneration* and renewing of the Holy GhostC Heb 5!"7K "6 &or we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmitiesC but was in all points tempted like as we are* with all without sin. 9et us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace* that we may obtain mercy* and find grace to help in time of need. " 'et 2!"H 2hich in time past were not a people* but are now the people of God# which had not obtained mercy* but now have obtained mercy. :ude "!2" -eep yourselves in the love of God* looking for the mercy of our 9ord :esus hrist unto eternal life.


The Res rre*tion

's ""6!"7 'recious in the sight of the 9,<1 is the death of his saints. Is 7B!"K 2 The righteous perish* and no man lay it to heart# and merciful men are taken away* none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come. He shall enter into peace# they shall r in their beds* each one walking in his uprightness. Is 7B!"D I have seen his ways* and will heal him# I will lead him also* and restore comforts unto him and to his mourners. "Thes 5!"!K "5 But I would not have you to be ignorant* brethren* concerning them which are asleep* that you sorrow not* even as others which have no hope. &or if we believe that :esus died and rose again* even so them also which sleep in :esus will God bring with him. :ohn ""!2"K27 Then say 3areha unto :esus* 9ord* if you had been here* my brother had not died. But I know* that even now* whatsoever you wilt ask of God* God will give it you. :esus say unto her* .our brother shall rise again. 3areha say unto him* I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day. :esus say unto her* I am the resurrection* and the life# he that believe in me* /lthough he were dead* with all shall he live# " or "7!72 In a moment* in the twinkling of an eyes* at the last trump# for the trumpet shall sound* and the dead shall be raised incorruptible* and we shall be changed. "Thes 5!"6K "B &or the 9ord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout* with the voice of the archangel* and with the trump of God# and the dead in and so shall we ever be with the 9ord. :ohn 7!2DK 2J 3arvel not at this# for the hour is coming* in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice* and shall come forthC they that have done good* unto the resurrection of lifeC and they that have done evil* unto the resurrection of damnation. " or "7!75 0o when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption* and this mortal shall have put on immortality* then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written* 1eath is swallowed up in victory. " or "7!7B But thanks be to God* which give us the victory through our 9ord :esus hrist. :ohn 6!5H /nd this is the will of him that sent me* that every one which see the 0on* and believe on him* may have everlasting life# and I will raise him up at the last day. <om D!"" But if the 0pirit of him that raised up :esus from the dead dwell in you* he that raised up hrist from the dead shall also 8uicken your mortal bodies by his 0pirit that dwelled in you. " or "7!5J /nd as we have borne the image of the earthly* we shall also bear the image of the heavenly. " or "7!2"K 22 &or since by man came death* by man came also the resurrection of the dead. &or as in /dam all die* even so in hrist shall all be made alive. hrist shall rise first# then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds* to meet the 9ord in the air#


:ohn 6!!J /nd this is the &ather=s will which hath sent me* that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing* but should raise it up again at the last day. 2Ti "!"H But is now made manifest by the appearing of our 0avior :esus hrist* who hath abolished death* and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel# "Thes 5!"5 &or if we believe that :esus died and rose again* even so them also which sleep in :esus will God bring with him. 2 or 5!"5 -nowing that he which raised up the 9ord :esus shall raise up us also by :esus* and shall present us with you. :ob "J!27K 26 &or I know that my redeemer live* and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth# /nd /lthough after my skin worms destroy this body* with all in my flesh shall I see God# Is 27!D He will swallow up death in victoryC and the 9ord G,1 will wipe away tears from off all facesC and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from off all the earth# for the 9,<1 hath spoken it. Is 26!"J .our dead men shall live* together with my dead body shall they arise. /wake and sing* you that dwell in dust# for your dew is as the dew of herbs* and the earth shall cast out the dead. 1an "2!2 /nd many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake* some to everlasting life* and some to shame and everlasting contempt. Hos "!!"5 I will ransom them from the power of the graveC I will redeem them from death# , death* I will be your plaguesC , grave* I will be your destruction# repentance shall be hid from mine eyes. 9k 2H!!BK !D ;ow that the dead are raised* even 3oses showed at the bush* when he call the 9ord the God of /braham* and the God of Isaac* and the God of :acob. &or he is not a God of the dead* but of the living# for all live unto him. :ohn 7!2DK 2J 3arvel not at this# for the hour is coming* in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice* and shall come forthC they that have done good* unto the resurrection of lifeC and they that have done evil* unto the resurrection of damnation. :ohn 6!!J /nd this is the &ather=s will which hath sent me* that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing* but should raise it up again at the last day. :ohn ""!27K 26 :esus say unto her* I am the resurrection* and the life# he that believe in me* /lthough he were dead* with all shall he live# /nd whosoever live and believe in me shall never die. Believe you thisF " or "7!22K 2! &or as in /dam all die* even so in his own order# hrist shall all be made alive. But every man in hrist the firstfruitsC afterward they that are hrist=s at his coming.

" or "7!27K 26 &or he must reign* till he hath put all enemies under his feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.


" or "7!7"K 72 Behold* I show you a mysteryC 2e shall not all sleep* but we shall all be changed* In a moment* in the twinkling of an eyes* at the last trump# for the trumpet shall sound* and the dead shall be raised incorruptible* and we shall be changed. 2 or "!J But we had the sentence of death in ourselves* that we should not trust in ourselves* but in God which raise the dead# 2 or 7!" &or we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved* we have a building of God* an house not made with hands* eternal in the heavens. "'et "!! Blessed be the God and &ather of our 9ord :esus hrist* which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of :esus hrist from the dead*

The $trength
1eut !!!27 .our shoes shall be iron and brassC and as your days* so shall your strength be. 2 hr "6!J &or the eyes of the 9,<1 run to and fro throughout the whole earth* to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. Herein you hast done foolishly# therefore from henceforth you shall have wars. 's "D!!2K !! It is God that gird me with strength* and make my way perfect. He make my feet like hinds= feet* and set me upon my high places. 's 2J!"" The 9,<1 will give strength unto his peopleC the 9,<1 will bless his people with peace. 's !B!!J But the salvation of the righteous is of the 9,<1# he is their strength in the time of trouble. 's 62!"" God hath spoken onceC twice have I heard thisC that power belong unto God. 's 62!"2 /lso unto you* , 9ord* belong mercy# for you render to every man according to his work. 's 6D!2D .our God hath commanded your strength# strengthen* , God* that which you hast wrought for us. 's 6D!!7 , God* you are terrible out of your holy places# the God of Israel is he that give strength and power unto his people. Blessed be God. 's "2"!6 The sun shall not smite you by day* nor the moon by night. 's "!D!! In the day when I cried you answered me* and strengthened me with strength in my soul. 'rov "H!2J The way of the 9,<1 is strength to the upright# but destruction shall be to the workers of ini8uity. Is 26!5 Trust you in the 9,<1 for ever# for in the 9,<1 :>H,V/H is everlasting strength# Is 5H!2JK !" He give power to the faintC and to them that have no might he increase strength. >ven the youths shall faint and be weary* and the young men shall utterly fall# But they that wait


upon the 9,<1 shall renew their strengthC they shall mount up with wings as eaglesC they shall run* and not be wearyC and they shall walk* and not faint. ;ah "!B The 9,<1 is good* a strong hold in the day of troubleC and he know them that trust in him. Hab !!"BK "J /lthough the fig tree shall not blossom* neither shall fruit be in the vinesC the labor of the olive shall fail* and the fields shall yield no meatC the flock shall be cut off from the fold* and there shall be no herd in the stalls# 2ith all I will re)oice in the 9,<1* I will )oy in the God of my salvation. The 9,<1 God is my strength* and he will make my feet like hinds feet* and he will make me to walk upon mine high places. To the chief singer on my stringed instruments. @ec "H!"2 /nd I will strengthen them in the 9,<1C and they shall walk up and down in his name* say the 9,<1. 3tt "B!2H /nd :esus say unto them* Because of your unbelief# for verily I say unto you* If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed* you shall say unto this mountain* <emove hence to yonder placeC and it shall removeC and nothing shall be impossible unto you. :ohn "5!"2 Verily* verily* I say unto you* He that believe on me* the works that I do shall he do alsoC and greater works than these shall he doC because I go unto my &ather. /cts "!D But you shall receive power* after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you# and you shall be witnesses unto me both in :erusalem* and in all :udaea* and in 0amaria* and unto the uttermost pare of the earth. 2 or "2!JK "H /nd he say unto me* 3y grace is sufficient for you# for my strength is made perfect in weakness. 3ost gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities* that the power of hrist may r upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities* in reproaches* in necessities* in persecutions* in distresses for hrist=s sake# for when I am weak* then am I strong. >ph !!"6 That he would grant you* according to the riches of his glory* to be strengthened with might by his 0pirit in the inner manC 'hil 5!"! I can do all things through longsuffering with )oyfulnessC 2Tim "!B &or God hath not given us the spirit of fearC but of power* and of love* and of a sound mind. "'et 7!"H But the God of all grace* who hath called us unto his eternal glory by hrist :esus* after that you have suffered a while* make you perfect* establish* strengthen* settle you. @ec 5!6 Then he answered and spoke unto me* saying* This is the word of the 9,<1 unto @erubbabel* saying* ;ot by might* nor by power* but by my spirit* say the 9,<1 of hosts. 's 6D!!7 , God* you are terrible out of your holy places# the God of Israel is he that give strength and power unto his people. Blessed be God. hrist which strengthen me. ol "!"" 0trengthened with all might* according to his glorious power* unto all patience and


/cts "!D But you shall receive power* after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you# and you shall be witnesses unto me both in :erusalem* and in all :udaea* and in 0amaria* and unto the uttermost pare of the earth. Is 26!5 Trust you in the 9,<1 for ever# for in the 9,<1 :>H,V/H is everlasting strength# :ohn "!"2 But as many as received him* to them gave he power to become the sons of God* even to them that believe on his name# Is 5H!!" But they that wait upon the 9,<1 shall renew their strengthC they shall mount up with wings as eaglesC they shall run* and not be wearyC and they shall walk* and not faint. 2 or "2!J /nd he say unto me* 3y grace is sufficient for you# for my strength is made perfect in weakness. 3ost gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities* that the power of upon me. >ph 6!"! 2herefore take unto you the whole arm our of God* that you may be able to withstand in the evil day* and having done all* to stand. Is 5"!"H &ear you notC for I am with you# be not dismayC for I am your God# I will strengthen youC yea* I will help youC yea* I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness. 'hil 2!"! &or it is God which working you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. 's !B!!J But the salvation of the righteous is of the 9,<1# he is their strength in the time of trouble. >ph !!"6 That he would grant you* according to the riches of his glory* to be strengthened with might by his 0pirit in the inner manC 'hil 5!"! I can do all things through longsuffering with )oyfulnessC :ob "B!J The righteous also shall hold on his way* and he that hath clean hands shall be stronger and stronger. >ph 2!"H &or we are his workmanship* created in before ordained that we should walk in them. 's "2"!" I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills* from whence com my help. hrist :esus unto good works* which God hath hrist which strengthen me. ol "!"" 0trengthened with all might* according to his glorious power* unto all patience and hrist may r

The G idan*e
;um J!"D /t the commandment of the 9,<1 the children of Israel )ourneyed* and at the commandment of the 9,<1 they pitched# as long as the cloud abode upon the tabernacle they red in their tents. 1eut !2!"HK "2 He found him in a desert land* and in the howling wildernessC he led him about* he instructed him* he kept him as the apple of his eyes. /s an eagle stirred up her nest* flutter over her young* spread abroad her wings* take them* bear them on her wings# 0o the 9,<1 alone did lead him* and there was no strange god with him. 2 0am 2!!2 The 0pirit of the 9,<1 spoke by me* and his word was in my tongue.


:ob 2D!2D /nd unto man he say* Behold* the fear of the 9ord* that is wisdomC and to depart from evil is understanding. 's 7!D 9ead me* , 9,<1* in your righteousness because of mine enemiesC make your way straight before my face. 's 2!!! He ror my soul# he lead me in the paths of righteousness for his name=s sake. 's 27!"2 2hat man is he that fear the 9,<1F him shall he teach in the way that he shall choose. 's !2!D I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you shall go# I will guide you with mine eyes. 's !B!2! The steps of a good man are ordered by the 9,<1# and he delight in his way. 's !B!!" The law of his God is in his heartC none of his steps shall slide. 's 5D!"5 &or this God is our God for ever and ever# he will be our guide even unto death. 's B!!25 .ou shall guide me with your counsel* and afterward receive me to glory. 's "5!!"H Teach me to do your willC for you are my God# your spirit is goodC lead me into the land of uprightness. 'rov "!B The fear of the 9,<1 is the beginning of knowledge# but fools despise wisdom and instruction. 'rov 2!B He layout up sound wisdom for the righteous# he is a buckler to them that walk uprightly. 'rov !!7K B Trust in the 9,<1 with all your heartC and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him* and he shall direct your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes# fear the 9,<1* and depart from evil. Is !H!2" /nd your ears shall hear a word behind you* saying* This is the way* walk you in it* when you turn to the right hand* and when you turn to the left. Is 5D!"B Thus say the 9,<1* your <edeemer* the Holy ,ne of IsraelC I am the 9,<1 your God which teach you to profit* which lead you by the way that you should go. Is 7H!"H 2ho is among you that fear the 9,<1* that obey the voice of his servant* that walk in darkness* and hath no lightF let him trust in the name of the 9,<1* and stay upon his God. :er !!"7 /nd I will give you pastors according to mine heart* which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding. 3tt "H!"JK 2H But when they deliver you up* take no Thought how or what you shall speak# for it shall be given you in that same hour what you shall speak. &or it is not you that speak* but the 0pirit of your &ather which speak in you. 9k 2"!"5K "7 0ettle it therefore in your hearts* not to meditate before what you shall answer# &or I will give you a mouth and wisdom* which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist. >ph "!"BK "D That the God of our 9ord :esus hrist* the &ather of glory* may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him# The eyes of your understanding being


enlightenedC that you may know what is the hope of his calling* and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints* >ph !!"BK "J That hrist may dwell in your hearts by faithC that you* being rooted and grounded hrist* which pass knowledge* that you might be filled with all in love* may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth* and length* and depth* and heightC and to know the love of the fullness of God. Is 52!"6 /nd I will bring the blind by a way that they knew notC I will lead them in paths that they have not known# I will make darkness light before them* and crooked things straight. These things will I do unto them* and not forsake them. 's !2!D I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you shall go# I will guide you with mine eyes. Is !H!2" /nd your ears shall hear a word behind you* saying* This is the way* walk you in it* when you turn to the right hand* and when you turn to the left. 's !B!7 ommit your way unto the 9,<1C trust also in himC and he shall bring it to pass. 9k "!BJ To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death* to guide our feet into the way of peace. 's 27!J The meek will he guide in )udgemnt# and the meek will he teach his way. 's 5D!"5 &or this God is our God for ever and ever# he will be our guide even unto death. 's B!!25 .ou shall guide me with your counsel* and afterward receive me to glory. 'rov 2H!25 3an=s goings are of the 9,<1C how can a man then understand his own wayF 's "!J!J If I take the wings of the morning* and dwell in the uttermost pares of the seaC 's "!J!"H >ven there shall your hand lead me* and your right hand shall hold me. 's 2!!! He ror my soul# he lead me in the paths of righteousness for his name=s sake. Is 5J!"H They shall not hunger nor thirstC neither shall the heat nor sun smite them# for he that hath mercy on them shall lead them* even by the springs of water shall he guide them. 's 2!!2 He make me to lie down in green pastures# he lead me beside the still waters. :ohn "6!"! Howbeit when he* the 0pirit of truth* is come* he will guide you into all truth# for he shall not speak of himselfC but whatsoever he shall hear* that shall he speak# and he will show you things to come. 's ""J!"H7 .our word is a lamp unto my feet* and a light unto my path. Is 6"!D &or I the 9,<1 love )udgemnt* I hate robbery for burnt offeringC and I will direct their work in truth* and I will make an everlasting covenant with them. 'rov "6!J / man=s heart devise his way# but the 9,<1 direct his steps. Is 7D!"" /nd the 9,<1 shall guide you continually* and satisfy your soul in drought* and make fat your bones# and you shall be like a watered garden* and like a spring of water* whose waters fail not.


The )ealing
>( "7!26 and say* $If you diligently heed the voice of the 9,<1 your God and do what is right in His sight* give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes* I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the >gyptians. &or I am the 9,<1 who heals you.% 1eut !2!!J O;ow see that I* even I* am He* and there is no God besides 3eC I kill and I make aliveC I wound and I healC nor is there any who can deliver from 3y hand. 's !H!2 , 9,<1 my God* I cried out to .ou* and .ou healed me. 's 5"!!K 5 The 9,<1 will strengthen him on his bed of illnessC you will sustain him on his sickbed. I say* $9,<1* be merciful to meC heal my soul* for I have sinned against .ou.% 's "H!!2K 5 Bless the 9,<1* , my soul* and forget not all His benefits# 2ho forgives all your ini8uities* who heals all your diseases* who redeems your life from destruction* who crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercies* 's "H7!!B He also brought them out with silver and gold* and there was none feeble among His tribes. 's "5B!! He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Is 7!!7 But He was wounded for our transgressions* he was bruised for our ini8uitiesC the chastisement for our peace was upon Him* and by His stripes we are healed. :er "B!"5 Heal me* , 9,<1* and I shall be healedC save me* and I shall be saved* for .ou are my praise. :er !H!"B &or I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds*= says the 9,<1* OBecause they called you an outcast saying# $This is @ionC no one seeks her.% O Hos 6!" ome* and let us return to the 9,<1C for He has torn* but He will heal usC he has stricken* but He will bind us up. Hos "5!5 $I will heal their backsliding* I will love them freely* for 3y anger has turned away from him. 3tt "5!"5 /nd :esus went forth* and saw a great multitude* and was moved with compassion toward them* and he healed their sick. 3tt "7!!H /nd great multitudes came unto him* having with them those that were lame* blind* dumb* maimed* and many others* and cast them down at :esus= feetC and he healed them# :ames 7!"5K "6 Is any sick among youF let him call for the elders of the churchC and let them pray over him* anointing him with oil in the name of the 9ord# /nd the prayer of faith shall save the sick* and the 9ord shall raise him upC and if he have committed sins* they shall be forgiven him. onfess your faults one to another* and pray one for another* that you may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avail much. "'et 2!25 2ho his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree* that we* being dead to sins* should live unto righteousness# by whose stripes you were healed.


!:n "!2 Beloved* I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health* even as your soul prosper. :ames 7!"7 /nd the prayer of faith shall save the sick* and the 9ord shall raise him upC and if he have committed sins* they shall be forgiven him. 3rk "6!"BK "D /nd these signs shall follow them that believeC In my name shall they cast out devilsC they shall speak with new tonguesC they shall take up serpentsC and if they drink any deadly thing* it shall not hurt themC they shall lay hands on the sick* and they shall recover. :ames 7!"6 onfess your faults one to another* and pray one for another* that you may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avail much. Is 7!!7 But he was wounded for our transgressions* he was bruised for our ini8uities# the chastisement of our peace was upon himC and with his stripes we are healed. :er !H!"B &or I will restore health unto you* and I will heal you of your wounds* say the 9,<1C because they called you an ,utcast* saying* This is @ion* whom no man seek after. 1eut B!"7 /nd the 9,<1 will take away from you all sickness* and will put none of the evil diseases of >gypt* which you know* upon youC but will lay them upon all them that hate you. 's 5"!! The 9,<1 will strengthen him upon the bed of languishing# you wilt make all his bed in his sickness. 2 or "2!J /nd he say unto me* 3y grace is sufficient for you# for my strength is made perfect in weakness. 3ost gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities* that the power of upon me. 2 or 5!"B &or our light affliction* which is but for a moment* work for us a far more e(ceeding and eternal weight of gloryC Is 7D!D Then shall your light break forth as the morning* and your health shall spring forth speedily# and your righteousness shall go before youC the glory of the 9,<1 shall be your reward. 's "H!!2K ! Bless the 9,<1* , my soul* and forget not all his benefits# 2ho forgive all your ini8uitiesC who heal all your diseasesC >( 2!!27 /nd you shall serve the 9,<1 your God* and he shall bless your bread* and your waterC and I will take sickness away from the midst of you. :er !!!6 Behold* I will bring it health and cure* and I will cure them* and will reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth. 's 52!"" 2hy are you cast down* , my soulF and why are you dis8uieted within meF hope you in God# for I shall with all praise him* who is the health of my countenance* and my God. >( "7!26 /nd say* If you wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the 9,<1 your God* and wilt do that which is right in his sight* and wilt give ear to his commandments* and keep all his statutes* I will put none of these diseases upon you* which I have brought upon the >gyptians# for I am the 9,<1 that heal you. 3rk J!2! :esus say unto him* If you canst believe* all things are possible to him that believe. hrist may r


The Lo%e
1eut B!D But because the 9,<1 loved you* and because he would keep the oath which he had sworn unto your fathers* hath the 9,<1 brought you out with a mighty hand* and redeemed you out of the house of bondmen* from the hand of 'haraoh king of >gypt. 1eut 2!!7 ;evertheless the 9,<1 your God would not hearken unto BalaamC but the 9,<1 your God turned the curse into a blessing unto you* because the 9,<1 your God loved you. 's "56!D The 9,<1 open the eyes of the blind# the 9,<1 raise them that are bowed down# the 9,<1 love the righteous# Is 5!!5 0ince you were precious in my sight* you hast been Honorable* and I have loved you# therefore will I give men for you* and people for your life. Is 5J!"7 an a woman forget her sucking child* that she should not have compassion on the son of her wombF yea* they may forget* with all will I not forget you. :er !"!! The 9,<1 hath appeared of old unto me* saying* .ea* I have loved you with an everlasting love# therefore with loving kindness have I drawn you. Hos ""!5 I drew them with cords of a man* with bands of love# and I was to them as they that take off the yoke on their )aws* and I laid meat unto them. Hos "5!5 I will heal their backsliding* I will love them freely# for mine anger is turned away from him. :ohn !!"6 &or God so loved the world* that he gave his only begotten 0on* that whosoever believe in him should not perish* but have everlasting life. :ohn "7!J /s the &ather hath loved me* so have I loved you# continue you in my love. :ohn "6!2B &or the &ather himself love you* because you have loved me* and have believed that I came out from God. <om 7!7 /nd hope make not ashamedC because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. <om 7!D But God commend his love toward us* in that* while we were with all sinners* hrist died for us. <om D!!J ;or height* nor depth* nor any other creature* shall be able to separate us from the love of God* which is in hrist :esus our 9ord. hrist# nevertheless I liveC with all not I* but hrist live in me# and the Gal 2!2H I am crucified with himself for me. >ph 2!5K 7 But God* who is rich in mercy* for his great love wherewith he loved us* even when we were dead in sins* hath 8uickened us together with itC hrist* ?by grace you are savedCA >ph 7!27 Husbands* love your wives* even as hrist also loved the church* and gave himself for

life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the 0on of God* who loved me* and gave


2Th 2!"6K "B ;ow our 9ord :esus hrist himself* and God* even our &ather* which hath loved us* and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace* comfort your hearts* and establish you in every good word and work. " :ohn !!" Behold* what manner of love the &ather hath bowed upon us* that we should be called the sons of God# therefore the world know us not* because it knew him not. " :ohn 5!D He that love not know not GodC for God is love. " :ohn 5!"6 /nd we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is loveC and he that dwelled in love dwelled in God* and God in him. " :ohn 5!"H Herein is love* not that we loved God* but that he loved us* and sent his 0on to be the propitiation for our sins. " :ohn 5!"J 2e love him* because he first loved us. :ohn "7!"H If you keep my commandments* you shall abide in my loveC even as I have kept my &ather=s commandments* and abide in his love. 'rov "H!"2 Hatred stir up strives# but love cover all sins. 's "57!2H The 9,<1 preserve all them that love him# but all the wicked will he destroy. :ohn "5!2" He that hath my commandments* and keep them* he it is that love me# and he that love me shall be loved of my &ather* and I will love him* and will manifest myself to him. " or D!! But if any man love God* the same is known of him. :ohn "7!J /s the &ather hath loved me* so have I loved you# continue you in my love. 3ark "2!!! /nd to love him with all the heart* and with all the understanding* and with all the soul* and with all the strength* and to love his neighbor as himself* is more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices. " or 2!J But as it is written* >yes hath not seen* nor ear heard* neither have entered into the heart of man* the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. >ph !!"J /nd to know the love of hrist* which pass knowledge* that you might be filled with all the fullness of God. " :ohn 5!B Beloved* let us love one another# for love is of GodC and every one that love is born of God* and know God. " :ohn 5!"2 ;o man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another* God dwelled in us* and his love is perfected in us. " :ohn 5!"D There is no fear in loveC but perfect love cast out fear# because fear hath torment. He that fear is not made perfect in love. 'rov D!"B I love them that love meC and those that seek me early shall find me. " or "!!"! /nd now abide faith* hope* charity* these threeC but the great of these is charity.

The Pea*e
>( !!!"5 /nd he say* 3y presence shall go with you* and I will give you r.


"- 7!5 But now the 9,<1 my God hath given me rest on every side* so that there is neither adversary nor evil occurrence. "- D!76 Blessed be the 9,<1* that hath given rest unto his people Israel* according to all that he promised# there hath not failed one word of all his good promise* which he promised by the hand of 3oses his servant. 's !!7 I laid me down and sleptC I awakedC for the 9,<1 sustained me. 's 5!D I will both lay me down in peace* and sleep# for you* 9,<1* only make me dwell in safety. 's "6!J Therefore my heart is glad* and my glory re)oice# my flesh also shall r in hope. 's 2!!2 He make me to lie down in green pastures# he lead me beside the still waters. 's !B!7 ommit your way unto the 9,<1C trust also in himC and he shall bring it to pass. 's 77!22 ast your burden upon the 9,<1* and he shall sustain you# he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved. 's 62!7 3y soul* wait you only upon GodC for my e(pectation is from him. 's ""6!B <eturn unto your r* , my soulC for the 9,<1 hath dealt bountifully with you. 's "2B!2 It is vain for you to rise up early* to sit up late* to eat the bread of sorrows# for so he give his beloved sleep. 'rov "!!! But whoso hearken unto me shall dwell safely* and shall be 8uiet from fear of evil. 'rov !!25 2hen you lie down* you shall not be afraid# yea* you shall lie down* and your sleep shall be sweet. 'rov !!27K 26 Be not afraid of sudden fear* neither of the desolation of the wicked* when it com. &or the 9,<1 shall be your confidence* and shall keep your foot from being taken. 'rov "J!2! The fear of the 9,<1 tend to life# and he that hath it shall abide satisfiedC he shall not be visited with evil. Is !H!"7 &or thus say the 9ord G,1* the Holy ,ne of IsraelC In returning and r shall you be savedC in 8uietness and in confidence shall be your strength# and you would not. :er 6!"6 Thus say the 9,<1* 0tand you in the ways* and see* and ask for the old paths* where is the good way* and walk therein* and you shall find r for your souls. But they say* 2e will not walk therein. >Ee !5!"7 I will feed my flock* and I will cause them to lie down* say the 9ord G,1. 3tt ""!2DK !H ome unto me* all you that labor and are heavy laden* and I will give you r. Take my yoke upon you* and learn of meC for I am meek and lowly in heart# and you shall find r unto your souls. &or my yoke is easy* and my burden is light. 'hil 5!6K B Be careful for nothingC but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your re8uests be made known unto God. /nd the peace of God* which pass all understanding* shall keep your hearts and minds through hrist :esus.


2Thes 2!"6K "B ;ow our 9ord :esus hrist himself* and God* even our &ather* which hath loved us* and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace* comfort your hearts* and establish you in every good word and work. Heb 5!J There remain therefore a rest to the people of God. "'et 7!B asting all your care upon himC for he car for you. " hr 22!J Behold* a son shall be born to you* who shall be a man of rC and I will give him r from all his enemies round about# for his name shall be 0olomon* and I will give peace and 8uietness unto Israel in his days. 2 hr "5!6 /nd he built fenced cities in :udah# for the land had r* and he had no war in those yearsC because the 9,<1 had given him r. 's 2J!"" The 9,<1 will give strength unto his peopleC the 9,<1 will bless his people with peace. 's !7!2B 9et them shout for )oy* and be glad* that favor my righteous cause# yea* let them say continually* 9et the 9,<1 be magnified* which hath pleasure in the prosperity of his servant. 's ""J!"67 Great peace have they which love your law# and nothing shall offend them. Is J!6 &or unto us a child is born* unto us a son is given# and the government shall be upon his shoulder# and his name shall be called 2onderful* &ather* The 'rince of 'eace. Is 26!! .ou wilt keep him in perfect peace* whose mind is stayed on you# because he trust in you. Is 26!"2 9,<1* you wilt ordain peace for us# for you also hast wrought all our works in us. Is 5D!"D , that you had hearkened to my commandments+ then had your peace been as a river* and your righteousness as the waves of the sea# 3al 2!7K 6 3y covenant was with him of life and peaceC and I gave them to him for the fear wherewith he feared me* and was afraid before my name. The law of truth was in his mouth* and ini8uity was not found in his lips# he walked with me in peace and e8uity* and did turn many away from ini8uity. :ohn "6!!! These things I have spoken unto you* that in me you might have peace. In the world you shall have tribulation# but be of good cheerC I have overcome the world. 'hil !!B But what things were gain to me* those I counted loss for hrist. ol !!"7 /nd let the peace of God rule in your hearts* to the which also you are called in one bodyC and be you thankful. 2Thes !!"6 ;ow the 9ord of peace himself give you peace always by all means. The 9ord be with you all. Heb "2!"5 &ollow peace with all men* and holiness* without which no man shall see the 9ord# 2 or "!!"" &inally* brethren* farewell. Be perfect* be of good comfort* be of one mind* live in peaceC and the God of love and peace shall be with you. :ohn "!!!7 By this shall all men know that you are my disciples* if you have love one to another. ounselor* The mighty God* The everlasting


's "!!!" Behold* how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity+ ":o 2!"H He that love his brother abide in the light* and there is none occasion of stumbling in him. 3tt 7!J Blessed are the peacemakers# for they shall be called the children of God. ":o !!"5 2e know that we have passed from death unto life* because we love the brethren. He that love not his brother abide in death. 'rov "2!2H 1eceit is in the heart of them that imagine evil# but to the love is perfected in us. 'rov 27!2"K 22 If your enemy be hungry* give him bread to eatC and if he be thirsty* give him water to drink# &or you shall heap coals of fire upon his head* and the 9,<1 shall reward you. ":o !!"DK "J 3y little children* let us not love in word* neither in tongueC but in deed and in truth. /nd hereby we know that we are of the truth* and shall assure our hearts before him. "'et !!J ;ot rendering evil for evil* or railing for railing# but contrariwise blessingC knowing that you are thereunto called* that you should inherit a blessing. 9k 6!!7 But love you your enemies* and do good* and lend* hoping for nothing againC and your reward shall be great* and you shall be the children of the High# for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil. Is !2!"B /nd the work of righteousness shall be peaceC and the effect of righteousness 8uietness and assurance for ever. 's D7!D I will hear what God the 9,<1 will speak# for he will speak peace unto his people* and to his saints# but let them not turn again to folly. :ohn "5!2B 'eace I leave with you* my peace I give unto you# not as the world give* give I unto you. 9et not your heart be troubled* neither let it be afraid. 3tt ""!2D peace. 2Tim "!B &or God hath not given us the spirit of fearC but of power* and of love* and of a sound mind. 's ""J!67 .ou hast dealt well with your servant* , 9,<1* according unto your word. Is 26!! .ou wilt keep him in perfect peace* whose mind is stayed on you# because he trust in you. 's 2!!6 0urely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life# and I will dwell in the house of the 9,<1 for ever. :ob ""!"DK "J /nd you shall be secure* because there is hopeC yea* you shall dig about you* and you shall take your r in safety. /lso you shall lie down* and none shall make you afraidC yea* many shall make suit unto you. ome unto me* all you that labor and are heavy laden* and I will give you r. 's 2J!"" The 9,<1 will give strength unto his peopleC the 9,<1 will bless his people with ounselors of peace is )oy. ":o 5!"2 ;o man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another* God dwelled in us* and his


's J"!5 He shall cover you with his feathers* and under his wings shall you trust# his truth shall be your shield and buckler. 's J"!"H There shall no evil befall you* neither shall any plague come nigh your dwelling. Is 5!!7 &ear not# for I am with you# I will bring your seed from the east* and gather you from the wC 'rov !!25 2hen you lie down* you shall not be afraid# yea* you shall lie down* and your sleep shall be sweet. "Tim 6!6 But godliness with contentment is great gain. 9k B!7H /nd he say to the woman* .our faith hath saved youC go in peace. 2Thes !!"6 ;ow the 9ord of peace himself give you peace always by all means. The 9ord be with you all. Heb "!!7 9et your conversation be without covetousnessC and be content with such things as you have# for he hath say* I will never leave you* nor forsake you.

The Patien*e
1eut D!2 /nd you shall remember all the way which the 9,<1 your God led you these forty years in the wilderness* to humble you* and to prove you* to know what was in your heart* whether you would keep his commandments* or no. 1eut D!B &or the 9,<1 your God bring you into a good land* a land of brooks of water* of fountains and depths that spring out of valleys and hillsC "0am !!"D /nd 0amuel told him every whit* and hid nothing from him. /nd he say* It is the 9,<1# let him do what esteem him good. 's 5H!" I waited patiently for the 9,<1C and he inclined unto me* and heard my cry. >cc !!" To every thing there is a season* and a time to every purpose under the heaven# 9am !!27K 26 The 9,<1 is good unto them that wait for him* to the soul that seek him. It is good that a man should both hope and 8uietly wait for the salvation of the 9,<1. <om "2!"2 <e)oicing in hopeC patient in tribulationC continuing instant in prayerC <om "7!7 ;ow the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to hrist :esus# Gal 7!22 But the fruit of the 0pirit is love* )oy* peace* longsuffering* gentleness* goodness* faith* :ames "!2 3y brethren* count it all )oy when you fall into divers temptationsC :ames "!!K 5 -nowing this* that the trying of your faith work patience. But let patience have her perfect work* that you may be perfect and entire* wanting nothing. "'et 7!"H But the God of all grace* who hath called us unto his eternal glory by hrist :esus* after that you have suffered a while* make you perfect* establish* strengthen* settle you. 2'et !!J The 9ord is not slack concerning his promise* as some men count slacknessC but is longsuffering to usKward* not willing that any should perish* but that all should come to repentance.


<ev !!"H Because you hast kept the word of my patience* I also will keep you from the hour of temptation* which shall come upon all the world* to try them that dwell upon the earth.

The .orgi%eness
3att 6!"5K "7 &or if you forgive men their trespasses* your heavenly &ather will also forgive you# But if you forgive not men their trespasses* neither will your &ather forgive your trespasses. ;eh J!"B /nd refused to obey* neither were mindful of your wonders that you didst among themC but hardened their necks* and in their rebellion appointed a captain to return to their bondage# but you are a God ready to pardon* gracious and merciful* slow to anger* and of great kindness* and forsook them not. 's "H!!!K 5 2ho forgive all your ini8uitiesC who heal all your diseasesC who redeem your life from destructionC who crown you with loving kindness and tender merciesC Is "!"D ome now* and let us reason together* say the 9,<1# /lthough your sins be as scarlet* they shall be as white as snowC /lthough they be red like crimson* they shall be as wool. Is 55!22 I have blotted out* as a thick cloud* your transgressions* and* as a cloud* your sins# return unto meC for I have redeemed you. Is 77!6K B 0eek you the 9,<1 while he may be found* call you upon him while he is near# 9et the wicked forsake his way* and the unrighteous man his Thoughts# and let him return unto the 9,<1* and he will have mercy upon himC and to our God* for he will abundantly pardon. >Ek "D!!2 &or I have no pleasure in the death of him that die* say the 9ord G,1# wherefore turn yourselves* and live you. 3al !!"B /nd they shall be mine* say the 9,<1 of hosts* in that day when I make up my )ewelsC and I will spare them* as a man spar his own son that serve him. 3att 7!2!K 25 Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar* and there remember that your brother hath ought against youC 9eave there your gift before the altar* and go your wayC first be reconciled to your brother* and then come and offer your gift. 3att 7!55 But I say unto you* 9ove your enemies* bless them that curse you* do good to them that hate you* and pray for them which despitefully use you* and persecute youC 3att 6!"2 /nd forgive us our debts* as we forgive our debtors. 3att 6!"5K "7 &or if you forgive men their trespasses* your heavenly &ather will also forgive you# But if you forgive not men their trespasses* neither will your &ather forgive your trespasses. 3att 26!2D &or this is my blood of the new testament* which is shed for many for the remission of sins. 9uke 7!!2 I came not to call the righteous* but sinners to repentance. :ohn "!2J The ne(t day :ohn see :esus coming unto him* and say* Behold the 9amb of God* which take away the sin of the world. /cts !!"J <epent you therefore* and be converted* that your sins may be blotted out* when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the 9ordC


/cts "!!!D Be it known unto you therefore* men and brethren* that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins# 2 or 2!7K D But if any have caused grief* he hath not grieved me* but in pare# that I may not overcharge you all. 0ufficient to such a man is this punishment* which was inflicted of many. 0o that contrariwise you ought rather to forgive him* and comfort him* l perhaps such a one should be swallowed up with overmuch sorrow. 2herefore I beseech you that you would confirm your love toward him. >ph "!B In whom we have redemption through his blood* the forgiveness of sins* according to the riches of his graceC >ph 5!!2 /nd be you kind one to another* tenderhearted* forgiving one another* even as God for hrist=s sake hath forgiven you. ol "!"5 In whom we have redemption through his blood* even the forgiveness of sins# ol 2!"! /nd you* being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh* hath he 8uickened together with him* having forgiven you all trespassesC Heb J!"5 How much more shall the blood of hrist* who through the eternal 0pirit offered himself without spot to God* purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living GodF Heb J!22 /nd almost all things are by the law purged with bloodC and without shedding of blood is no remission. " :ohn "!J If we confess our sins* he is faithful and )ust to forgive us our sins* and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. " :ohn 2!"K 2 3y little children* these things write I unto you* that you sin not. /nd if any man sin* we have an advocate with the &ather* :esus hrist the righteous# /nd he is the propitiation for our sins# and not for ours only* but also for the sins of the whole world. " :ohn 2!"2 I write unto you* little children* because your sins are forgiven you for his name=s sake. <ev "!7K 6 /nd from :esus hrist* who is the faithful witness* and the first begotten of the dead* and the prince of the kings of the earth. Mnto him that loved us* and washed us from our sins in his own blood* and hath made us kings and priest unto God and his &atherC to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. /men. <ev !!"J /s many as I love* I rebuke and chasten# be Eealous therefore* and repent. " :ohn "!B But if we walk in the light* as he is in the light* we have fellowship one with another* and the blood of :esus hrist his 0on cleans us from all sin. ol "!"5 In whom we have redemption through his blood* even the forgiveness of sins# 3tt "!2" /nd she shall bring forth a son* and you shall call his name :>0M0# for he shall save his people from their sins. Gal "!5 2ho gave himself for our sins* that he might deliver us from this present evil world* according to the will of God and our &ather#


" :ohn "!J If we confess our sins* he is faith full )ust to forgive us our sins* and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 3tt 26!2D &or this is my blood of the new testament* which is shed for many for the remission of sins. :ohn "!2J The ne(t day :ohn see :esus coming unto him* and say* Behold the 9amb of God* which take away the sin of the world. Is 7!!7 But he was wounded for our transgressions* he was bruised for our ini8uities# the chastisement of our peace was upon himC and with his stripes we are healed. Heb J!22 /nd almost all things are by the law purged with bloodC and without shedding of blood is no remission. >ph "!B In whom we have redemption through his blood* the forgiveness of sins* according to the riches of his graceC " 'et 2!25 2ho his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree* that we* being dead to sins* should live unto righteousness# by whose stripes you were healed. Heb J!"2 ;either by the blood of goats and calves* but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place* having obtained eternal redemption for us. <ev "!7 /nd from :esus hrist* who is the faithful witness* and the first begotten of the dead* and the prince of the kings of the earth. Mnto him that loved us* and washed us from our sins in his own blood* Heb J!"5 How much more shall the blood of >ph 2!"! But now in hrist. " 'et "!"DK "J &orasmuch as you know that you were not redeemed with corruptible things* as silver and gold* from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathersC But with the precious blood of hrist* as of a lamb without blemish and without spot# <om 7!J 3uch more then* being now )ustified by his blood* we shall be saved from wrath through him. ol "!2H /nd* having made peace through the blood of his cross* by him to reconcile all things unto himselfC by him* I say* whether they be things in earth* or things in heaven. <om 7!6 &or when we were with all without strength* in due time for us. " :ohn 2!" 3y little children* these things write I unto you* that you sin not. /nd if any man sin* we have an advocate with the &ather* :esus hrist the righteous# " :ohn 2!"2 I write unto you* little children* because your sins are forgiven you for his name=s sake. hrist died for the ungodly. <om 7!D But God commend his love toward us* in that* while we were with all sinners* hrist died hrist* who through the eternal 0pirit offered himself without spot to God* purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living GodF hrist :esus you who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of


" :ohn "!J If we confess our sins* he is faithful and )ust to forgive us our sins* and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. :ohn "B!"B 0anctify them through your truth# your word is truth. "Th 7!2! /nd the very God of peace 0anctify you whollyC and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our 9ord :esus hrist. ol "!2"K 22 /nd you* that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works* with all now hath he reconciled in the body of his flesh through death* to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight# " or 6!"" /nd such were some of you# but you are washed* but you are sanctified* but you are )ustified in the name of the 9ord :esus* and by the 0pirit of our God. Titus 2!"5 2ho gave himself for us* that he might redeem us from all ini8uity* and purify unto himself a peculiar people* Eealous of good works. Is "!27 /nd I will turn my hand upon you* and purely purge away your dross* and take away all your tin# /cts "H!5! To him give all the prophets witness* that through his name whosoever believe in him shall receive remission of sins. 2 or 7!2" &or he hath made him to be sin for us* who knew no sinC that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. /cts "!!!J /nd by him all that believe are )ustified from all things* from which you could not be )ustified by the law of 3oses. 's "H!!"HK "" He hath not dealt with us after our sinsC nor rewarded us according to our ini8uities. &or as the heaven is high above the earth* so great is his mercy toward them that fear him. <om !!2!K 26 &or all have sinned* and come short of the glory of GodC being )ustified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in hrist :esus# 2hom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood* to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past* through the forbearance of GodC to declare* I say* at this time his righteousness# that he might be )ust* and the )ustifier of him which believe in :esus. <om 5!5K 7 ;ow to him that works the reward not reckoned of grace* but of debt. But to him that work not* but believe on him that )ustify the ungodly* his faith is counted for righteousness. <om 7!" Therefore being )ustified by faith* we have peace with God through our 9ord :esus hrist! <om 7!DK J But God commend his love toward us* in that* while we were with all sinners* through him. <om D!" There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in hrist :esus* who walk not after the flesh* but after the 0pirit. hrist died for us. 3uch more then* being now )ustified by his blood* we shall be saved from wrath


<om D!!!K !5 2ho shall lay any thing to the charge of God=s electF It is God that )ustify. 2ho is he that condemnF It is hrist that died* yea rather* that is risen again* who is even at the right hand of God* who also make intercession for us. <om ""!6 /nd if by grace* then is it no more of works# otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works* then is it no more grace# otherwise work is no more work. 2 or 7!2" &or he hath made him to be sin for us* who knew no sinC that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. >ph 2!DK J &or by grace are you saved through faithC and that not of yourselves# it is the gift of God# ;ot of works* l any man should boast.

The -i*tory
1eut 2H!5 &or the 9,<1 your God is he that go with you* to fight for you against your enemies* to save you. :osh "!! >very place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon* that have I given unto you* as I say unto 3oses. :osh "!7 There shall not any man be able to stand before you all the days of your life# as I was with 3oses* so I will be with you# I will not fail you* nor forsake you. " hr 7!2H /nd they were helped against them* and the Hagarites were delivered into their hand* and all that were with them## for they cried to God in the battle* and he was e(horted of themC because they put their trust in him. " hr "D!"! /nd he put garrisons in >domC and all the >domites became 1avid=s servants. Thus the 9,<1 preserved 1avid whithersoever he went. 's "D!!7 .ou hast also given me the shield of your salvation# and your right hand hath hold me up* and your gentleness hath made me great. 's "D!!6 .ou hast enlarged my steps under me* that my feet did not slip. 's 6H!""K "2 Give us help from trouble# for vain is the help of man. Through God we shall do valiantly# for he it is that shall tread down our enemies. Is 5"!"HK "" &ear you notC for I am with you# be not dismayC for I am your God# I will strengthen youC yea* I will help youC yea* I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness. Behold* all they that were incensed against you shall be ashamed and confounded# they shall be as nothingC and they that strive with you shall perish. @ec 5!"H &or who hath despised the day of small thingsF for they shall re)oice* and shall see the plummet in the hand of @erubbabel with those sevenC they are the eyes of the 9,<1* which run to and from through the whole earth. <om D!!BK !J ;ay* in all these things we are more than con8uerors through him that loved us. &or I am persuaded* that neither death* nor life* nor angels* nor principalities* nor powers* nor things present* nor things to come* nor height* nor depth* nor any other creature* shall be able to separate us from the love of God* which is in hrist :esus our 9ord.


<om "6!2H /nd the God of peace shall bruise 0atan under your feet shortly. The grace of our 9ord :esus hrist be with you. /men. " or "7!7B But thanks be to God* which give us the victory through our 9ord :esus hrist. 2 or 2!"5 ;ow thanks be unto God* which always cause us to triumph in hrist* and make manifest the savior of his knowledge by us in every place. 'hil "!"5 /nd many of the brethren in the 9ord* wa(ing confident by my bonds* are much more bold to speak the word without fear. Heb ""!!!K !5 2ho through faith subdued kingdoms* wrought righteousness* obtained promises* stopped the mouths of lions* 8uenched the violence of fire* escaped the edge of the sword* out of weakness were made strong* wa(ed valiant in fight* turned to flight the armies of the aliens. "'et !!"!K "5 /nd who is he that will harm you* if you be followers of that which is goodF But and if you suffer for righteousness= sake* happy are you# and be not afraid of their terror* neither be troubledC "'et 7!"H But the God of all grace* who hath called us unto his eternal glory by hrist :esus* after that you have suffered a while* make you perfect* establish* strengthen* settle you. " :ohn 2!"6K "B &or all that is in the world* the lust of the flesh* and the lust of the eyes* and the pride of life* is not of the &ather* but is of the world. /nd the world pass away* and the lust thereof# but he that do the will of God abide for ever. " :ohn 5!5 .ou are of God* little children* and have overcome them# because greater is he that is in you* than he that is in the world. " :ohn 7!5 &or whatsoever is born of God overcome the world# and this is the victory that overcome the world* even our faith. <ev !!7 He that overcome* the same shall be clothed in white raimentC and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life* but I will confess his name before my &ather* and before his angels. <ev !!"2 Him that overcome will I make a pillar in the temple of my God* and he shall go no more out# and I will write upon him the name of my God* and the name of the city of my God* which is new :erusalem* which com down out of heaven from my God# and I will write upon him my new name. <ev !!2" To him that overcomes will I grant to sit with me in my throne* even as I also overcame* and am set down with my &ather in his throne.

The Re%elation
1an 2!22 He reveal the deep and secret things# he know what is in the darkness* and the light dwelled with him. 3tt ""!27 /t that time :esus answered and say* I thank you* , &ather* 9ord of heaven and earth* because you hast hid these things from the wise and prudent* and hast revealed them unto babes. 3tt "!!"6 But blessed are your eyes* for they see# and your ears* for they hear.


3tt "6!"B /nd :esus answered and say unto him* Blessed are you* 0imon Bar)ona# for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto you* but my &ather which is in heaven. :ohn D!"2 Then spoke :esus again unto them* saying* I am the light of the world# he that follow me shall not walk in darkness* but shall have the light of life. >ph "!"6K "B ease not to give thanks for you* making mention of you in my prayersC that the God of our 9ord :esus hrist* the &ather of glory* may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him# " or 2!"HK "2 But God hath revealed them unto us by his 0pirit# for the 0pirit search all things* yea* the deep things of God. &or what man know the things of a man* save the spirit of man which is in himF even so the things of God know no man* but the 0pirit of God. ;ow we have received* not the spirit of the world* but the spirit which is of GodC that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. 2 or !!"7K "6 But even unto this day* when 3oses is read* the vail is upon their heart. ;evertheless when it shall turn to the 9ord* the vail shall be taken away. 2 or 5!6 &or God* who commanded the light to shine out of darkness* hath shined in our hearts* to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of :esus hrist.

The Prote*tion
Gen "7!" /fter these things the word of the 9,<1 came unto /bram in a vision* saying* &ear not* /bram# I am your shield* and your e(ceeding great reward. 1eut !2!"H He found him in a desert land* and in the howling wildernessC he led him about* he instructed him* he kept him as the apple of his eyes. 's 6!DK "H 1epart from me* all you workers of ini8uityC for the 9,<1 hath heard the voice of my weeping. The 9,<1 hath heard my supplicationC the 9,<1 will receive my prayer. 9et all mine enemies be ashamed and sore ve(ed# let them return and be ashamed suddenly. 's ""!" In the 9,<1 put I my trust# how say you to my soul* &lee as a bird to your mountainF 's "2!B .ou shall keep them* , 9,<1* you shall preserve them from this generation for ever. 's "B!D -eep me as the apple of the eyes* hide me under the shadow of your wings* 's "B!"! /rise* , 9,<1* disappoint him* cast him down# deliver my soul from the wicked* which is your sword# 's "D!"BK "J He delivered me from my strong enemy* and from them which hated me# for they were too strong for me. They prevented me in the day of my calamity# but the 9,<1 was my stay. He brought me forth also into a large placeC he delivered me* because he delighted in me. 's "D!2B &or you wilt save the afflicted peopleC but wilt bring down high looks. 's "D!!J &or you hast girded me with strength unto the battle# you hast subdued under me those that rose up against me. 's "D!5! .ou hast delivered me from the strivings of the peopleC and you hast made me the head of the heathen# a people whom I have not known shall serve me.


's "D!5BK 5D It is God that avenge me* and subdue the people under me. He deliver me from mine enemies# yea* you lift me up above those that rise up against me# you hast delivered me from the violent man. 's 2H!" The 9,<1 hear you in the day of troubleC the name of the God of :acob defend youC 's 2H!BK D 0ome trust in chariots* and some in horses# but we will remember the name of the 9,<1 our God. They are brought down and fallen# but we are risen* and stand upright. 's 2B!" The 9,<1 is my light and my salvationC whom shall I fearF the 9,<1 is the strength of my lifeC of whom shall I be afraidF 's 2B!! /lthough an host should encamp against me* my heart shall not fear# /lthough war should rise against me* in this will I be confident. 's !H!" I will e(tol you* , 9,<1C for you hast lifted me up* and hast not made my foes to re)oice over me. 's !"!D /nd hast not shut me up into the hand of the enemy# you hast set my feet in a large room. 's !5!B The angel of the 9,<1 encamp round about them that fear him* and deliver them. 's !B!"K 2 &ret not yourself because of evildoers* neither be you envious against the workers of ini8uity. &or they shall soon be cut down like the grass* and wither as the green herb. 's !B!"5K "7 The wicked have drawn out the sword* and have bent their bow* to cast down the poor and needy* and to slay such as be of upright conversation. Their sword shall enter into their own heart* and their bows shall be broken. 's !B!!2K !! The wicked watch the righteous* and seek to slay him. The 9,<1 will not leave him in his hand* nor condemn him when he is )udgeed. 's !B!5H /nd the 9,<1 shall help them* and deliver them# he shall deliver them from the wicked* and save them* because they trust in him. 's 5"!2 The 9,<1 will preserve him* and keep him aliveC and he shall be blessed upon the earth! and you wilt not deliver him unto the will of his enemies. 's 76!5 In God I will praise his word* in God I have put my trustC I will not fear what flesh can do unto me. 's 76!J 2hen I cry unto you* then shall mine enemies turn back# this I knowC for God is for me. 's 7B!! He shall send from heaven* and save me from the reproach of him that would swallow me up. 0elah. God shall send forth his mercy and his truth. 's DJ!2" 2ith whom my hand shall be established# mine arm also shall strengthen him. 's DJ!22K 2! The enemy shall not e(act upon himC nor the son of wickedness afflict him. /nd I will beat down his foes before his face* and plague them that hate him. 's "5H!"2K "! I know that the 9,<1 will maintain the cause of the afflicted* and the right of the poor. 0urely the righteous shall give thanks unto your name# the upright shall dwell in your presence.


'rov "6!B 2hen a man=s ways please the 9,<1* he make even his enemies to be at peace with him. 'rov 2H!22 0ay not you* I will recompense evilC but wait on the 9,<1* and he shall save you. 'rov 2"!!" The horse is prepared against the day of battle# but safety is of the 9,<1. 'rov 2!!"HK "" <emove not the old landmarkC and enter not into the fields of the fatherless# &or their redeemer is mightyC he shall plead their cause with you. Is 5!!" But now thus say the 9,<1 that created you* , :acob* and he that formed you* , Israel* &ear not# for I have redeemed you* I have called you by your nameC you are mine. Is 5J!27 But thus say the 9,<1* >ven the captives of the mighty shall be taken away* and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered# for I will contend with him that contend with you* and I will save your children. Is 75!"7K "B Behold* they shall surely gather together* but not by me# whosoever shall gather together against you shall fall for your sake. Behold* I have created the smith that blow the coals in the fire* and that bring forth an instrument for his workC and I have created the destroyer to destroy. ;o weapon that is formed against you shall prosperC and every tongue that shall rise against you in )udgemnt you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the 9,<1* and their righteousness is of me* say the 9,<1. Is 7J!"J 0o shall they fear the name of the 9,<1 from the w* and his glory from the rising of the sun. 2hen the enemy shall come in like a flood* the 0pirit of the 9,<1 shall lift up a standard against him. :er 2H!"! 0ing unto the 9,<1* praise you the 9,<1# for he hath delivered the soul of the poor from the hand of evildoers. 9k "2!B But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. &ear not therefore# you are of more value than many sparrows. <om "2!"JK 2" 1early beloved* avenge not yourselves* but rather give place unto wrath# for it is written* Vengeance is mineC I will repay* say the 9ord. Therefore if your enemy hunger* feed himC if he thirst* give him drink# for in so doing you shall heap coals of fire on his head. Be not overcome of evil* but overcome evil with good. 2 or "!2"K 22 ;ow he which establish us with you in hrist* and hath anointed us* is GodC who hath also sealed us* and given the earn of the 0pirit in our hearts. ;um "5!J ,nly rebel not you against the 9,<1* neither fear you the people of the landC for they are bread for us# their defense is departed from them* and the 9,<1 is with us# fear them not. "0am "2!22 &or the 9,<1 will not forsake his people for his great name=s sake# because it hath pleased the 9,<1 to make you his people. :ob !6!"7 He deliver the poor in his affliction* and open their ears in oppression. 's 6!5 <eturn* , 9,<1* deliver my soul# oh save me for your mercies= sake.


's "H!"5 .ou hast seen itC for you behold mischief and spite* to re8uest it with your hand# the poor committed himself unto youC you are the helper of the fatherless. 's "D!6 In my distress I called upon the 9,<1* and cried unto my God# he heard my voice out of his temple* and my cry came before him* even into his ears. 's 22!5 ,ur fathers trusted in you# they trusted* and you didst deliver them. 's 2!!5 .ea* /lthough I walk through the valley of the shadow of death* I will fear no evil# for you are with meC your rod and your staff they comfort me. 's 27!! .ea* let none that wait on you be ashamed# let them be ashamed which transgress without cause. 's 2B!7 &or in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion# in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide meC he shall set me up upon a rock. 's 2D!6K B Blessed be the 9,<1* because he hath heard the voice of my supplications. The 9,<1 is my strength and my shieldC my heart trusted in him* and I am helped# therefore my heart greatly re)oiceC and with my song will I praise him. 's !"!"JK 2H ,h how great is your goodness* which you hast laid up for them that fear youC which you hast wrought for them that trust in you before the sons of men+ .ou shall hide them in the secret of your presence from the pride of man# you shall keep them secretly in a pavilion from the strife of tongues. 's !"!2! , love the 9,<1* all you his saints# for the 9,<1 preserve the faithful* and plentifully reward the proud doer. 's !!!"DK "J Behold* the eyes of the 9,<1 is upon them that fear him* upon them that hope in his mercyC to deliver their soul from death* and to keep them alive in famine. 's !5!5K 6 I sought the 9,<1* and he heard me* and delivered me from all my fears. They looked unto him* and were lightened# and their faces were not ashamed. This poor man cried* and the 9,<1 heard him* and saved him out of all his troubles. 's !5!"B The righteous cry* and the 9,<1 hear* and deliver them out of all their troubles. 's !B!2D &or the 9,<1 love )udgemnt* and forsake not his saintsC they are preserved for ever# but the seed of the wicked shall be cut off. 's 62!"K 2 Truly my soul wait upon God# from him com my salvation. He only is my rock and my salvationC he is my defenseC I shall not be greatly moved. 's 62!7 3y soul* wait you only upon GodC for my e(pectation is from him. 's 6D!2H He that is our God is the God of salvationC and unto G,1 the 9ord belong the issues from death. 's D6!"! &or great is your mercy toward me# and you hast delivered my soul from the low hell. 's JH!" 9,<1* you hast been our dwelling place in all generations. 's J"!"7 He shall call upon me* and I will answer him# I will be with him in troubleC I will deliver him* and Honor him.


's "HJ!2" But do you for me* , G,1 the 9ord* for your name=s sake# because your mercy is good* deliver you me. 's ""6!D &or you hast delivered my soul from death* mine eyes from tears* and my feet from falling. 's ""D!DK J It is better to trust in the 9,<1 than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust in the 9,<1 than to put confidence in princes. 's ""D!"" They compassed me aboutC yea* they compassed me about# but in the name of the 9,<1 I will destroy them. 's "2"!" I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills* from whence com my help. 3y help com from the 9,<1* which made heaven and earth. He will not suffer your foot to be moved# he that keep you will not slumber. Behold* he that keep Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. 's "2"!B The 9,<1 shall preserve you from all evil he shall preserve your soul. 's "57!2H The 9,<1 preserve all them that love him but all the wicked will he destroy. 'rov !!26 &or the 9,<1 shall be your confidence* and shall keep your foot from being taken. 'rov "D!"H The name of the 9,<1 is a strong tower the righteous run into it* and is safe. Is 27!5 &or you hast been a strength to the poor* a strength to the needy in his distress* a refuge from the storm* a shadow from the heat* when the blast of the terrible ones is as a storm against the wall. Is 5H!"" He shall feed his flock like a shepherd# he shall gather the lambs with his arm* and carry them in his bosom* and shall gently lead those that are with young. Is 5J!"H They shall not hunger nor thirstC neither shall the heat nor sun smite them# for he that hath mercy on them shall lead them* even by the springs of water shall he guide them. Is 7B!"7 &or thus say the high and lofty ,ne that inhabit eternity* whose name is HolyC I dwell in the high and holy place* with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit* to revive the spirit of the humble* and to revive the heart of the contrite ones. :er !J!"D &or I will surely deliver you* and you shall not fall by the sword* but your life shall be for a prey unto you# because you hast put your trust in me* say the 9,<1. @ec 2!BK D 1eliver yourself* , @ion* that dwell with the daughter of Babylon. &or thus say the 9,<1 of hostsC /fter the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you# for he that touch you touch the apple of his eyes. 2 or "!"H 2ho delivered us from so great a death* and doth deliver# in whom we trust that he will with all deliver usC 2Tim 5!"BK "D ;otwithstanding the 9ord stood with me* and strengthened meC that by me the preaching might be fully known* and that all the Gentiles might hear# and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion. /nd the 9ord shall deliver me from every evil work* and will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom# to whom be glory for ever and ever. /men.


Gen 2D!"7 /nd* behold* I am with you* and will keep you in all places whither you go* and will bring you again into this landC for I will not leave you* until I have done that which I have spoken to you of. 's 5!D I will both lay me down in peace* and sleep# for you* 9,<1* only make me dwell in safety. 'rov "!!! But whoso hearken unto me shall dwell safely* and shall be 8uiet from fear of evil. 's 2B!" The 9,<1 is my light and my salvationC whom shall I fearF the 9,<1 is the strength of my lifeC of whom shall I be afraidF 1eut !!!"2 /nd of Ben)amin he say* The beloved of the 9,<1 shall dwell in safety by himC and the 9,<1 shall cover him all the day long* and he shall dwell between his shoulders. 's J"!"" &or he shall give his angels charge over you* to keep you in all your ways. 'rov "D!"H The name of the 9,<1 is a strong tower# the righteous run into it* and is safe. 's J"!2 I will say of the 9,<1* He is my refuge and my fortress# my GodC in him will I trust. 2Tim "!"2 &or the which cause I also suffer these things# nevertheless I am not ashamed# for I know whom I have believed* and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day. 's "!D!B /lthough I walk in the midst of trouble* you wilt revive me# you shall stretch forth your hand against the wrath of mine enemies* and your right hand shall save me. >( !H!22 3oreover the 9,<1 spoke unto 3oses* saying* 's J"!" He that dwelled in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the /lmighty. "'et !!"! /nd who is he that will harm you* if you be followers of that which is goodF 's "!7!2 .ou that stand in the house of the 9,<1* in the courts of the house of our God* 's "27!2 /s the mountains are round about :erusalem* so the 9,<1 is round about his people from henceforth even for ever. 's !5!B The angel of the 9,<1 encamp round about them that fear him* and deliver them. Is 5!!2 2hen you pass through the waters* I will be with youC and through the rivers* they shall not overflow you# when you walk through the fire* you shall not be burnedC neither shall the flame kindle upon you. 's !5!"J 3any are the afflictions of the righteous# but the 9,<1 deliver him out of them all. 's !2!B .ou are my hiding placeC you shall preserve me from troubleC you shall compass me about with songs of deliverance. 0elah. 's 2H!6 ;ow know I that the 9,<1 save his anointedC he will hear him from his holy heaven with the saving strength of his right hand. 's "D!!2 It is God that gird me with strength* and make my way perfect. 's 56!" God is our refuge and strength* a very present help in trouble.


The Pro%ision
Gen 22!"5 /nd /braham called the name of that place :ehovahK:ireh# as it is say to this day* In the mount of the 9,<1 it shall be seen. 1eut 2D!"2 The 9,<1 shall open unto you his good treasure* the heaven to give the rain unto your land in his season* and to bless all the work of your hand# and you shall lend unto many nations* and you shall not borrow. ;um ""!2! /nd the 9,<1 say unto 3oses* Is the 9,<1=s hand wa(ed shortF .ou shall see now whether my word shall come to pass unto you or not. "- "B!"5 &or thus say the 9,<1 God of Israel* The barrel of meal shall not scarce* neither shall the cruse of oil fail* until the day that the 9,<1 send rain upon the earth. ;eh J!2" .ea* forty years didst you sustain them in the wilderness* so that they lacked nothingC their clothes wa(ed not old* and their feet swelled not. :ob 7!"" To set up on high those that be lowC that those which mourn may be e(alted to safety. :ob "H!"2 .ou hast granted me life and favor* and your visitation hath preserved my spirit. 's J!"D &or the needy shall not always be forgotten# the e(pectation of the poor shall not perish for ever. 's 2!!" The 9,<1 is my shepherdC I shall not want. 's !5!JK "H , fear the 9,<1* you his saints# for there is no want to them that fear him. The young lions do lack* and suffer hunger# but they that seek the 9,<1 shall not want any good thing. 's !7!"H /ll my bones shall say* 9,<1* who is like unto you* which deliver the poor from him that is too strong for him* yea* the poor and the needy from him that spoil himF 's !B!"6K "B / little that a righteous man hath is better than the riches of many wicked. &or the arms of the wicked shall be broken# but the 9,<1 uphold the righteous. 's !B!"J They shall not be ashamed in the evil time# and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied. 's !B!27 I have been young* and now am oldC with all have I not seen the righteous forsaken* nor his seed begging bread. 's 67!J .ou visit the earth* and water it# you greatly enrich it with the river of God* which is full of water# you prepare them corn* when you hast so provided for it. 's 6J!!2 The humble shall see this* and be glad# and your heart shall live that seek God. 's B2!"2 &or he shall deliver the needy when he criedC the poor also* and him that hath no helper. 's "H7!!JK 5" He spread a cloud for a coveringC and fire to give light in the night. The people asked* and he brought 8uails* and satisfied them with the bread of heaven. He opened the rock* and the waters gushed outC they ran in the dry places like a river. 's """!7 He hath given meat unto them that fear him# he will ever be mindful of his covenant.


's """!J He sent redemption unto his people# he hath commanded his covenant for ever# holy and reverend is his name. 's "5H!"2 I know that the 9,<1 will maintain the cause of the afflicted* and the right of the poor. 's "57!"7K "6 The eyes of all wait upon youC and you give them their meat in due season. .ou open your hand* and satisfy the desire of every living thing. 'rov "H!! The 9,<1 will not suffer the soul of the righteous to famish# but he cast away the substance of the wicked. Is ""!5 But with righteousness shall he )udgee the poor* and reprove with e8uity for the meek of the earth# and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth* and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked. Is "5!!H /nd the firstborn of the poor shall feed* and the needy shall lie down in safety# and I will kill your root with famine* and he shall slay your remnant. Is 27!5 &or you hast been a strength to the poor* a strength to the needy in his distress* a refuge from the storm* a shadow from the heat* when the blast of the terrible ones is as a storm against the wall. Is 7B!"D I have seen his ways* and will heal him# I will lead him also* and restore comforts unto him and to his mourners. Is 2J!"J The meek also shall increase their )oy in the 9,<1* and the poor among men shall re)oice in the Holy ,ne of Israel. Is !D!"B Behold* for peace I had great bitterness# but you hast in love to my soul delivered it from the pit of corruption# for you hast cast all my sins behind your back. Is 5!!"J Behold* I will do a new thingC now it shall spring forthC shall you not know itF I will even make a way in the wilderness* and rivers in the desert. Is 7D!"" /nd the 9,<1 shall guide you continually* and satisfy your soul in drought* and make fat your bones# and you shall be like a watered garden* and like a spring of water* whose waters fail not. Is 6"!" The 0pirit of the 9ord G,1 is upon meC because the 9,<1 hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meekC he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted* to proclaim liberty to the captives* and the opening of the prison to them that are boundC Is 66!"! /s one whom his mother comfort* so will I comfort youC and you shall be comforted in :erusalem. :er 22!"6 He )udgeed the cause of the poor and needyC then it was well with him# was not this to know meF say the 9,<1. Hag 2!D The silver is mine* and the gold is mine* say the 9,<1 of hosts. 3tt 6!!! But seek you first the kingdom of God* and his righteousnessC and all these things shall be added unto you.


9k 6!2H /nd he lifted up his eyes on his disciples* and say* Blessed be you poor# for yours is the kingdom of God. 9k ""!""K"! If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father* will he give him a stoneF or if he ask a fish* will he for a fish give him a serpentF ,r if he shall ask an egg* will he offer him a scorpionF If you then* being evil* know how to give good gifts unto your children# how much more shall your heavenly &ather give the Holy 0pirit to them that ask himF 9k "2!"7 /nd he say unto them* Take heed* and beware of covetousness# for a man=s life consist not in the abundance of the things which he possess. 9k "2!25 onsider the ravens# for they neither sow nor reapC which neither have storehouse nor barnC and God feed them# how much more are you better than the fowlsF /cts "5!"B ;evertheless he left not himself without witness* in that he did good* and gave us rain from heaven* and fruitful seasons* filling our hearts with food and gladness. 2 or D!J &or you know the grace of our 9ord :esus hrist* that* /lthough he was rich* with all for your sakes he became poor* that you through his poverty might be rich. 2 or J!DK J /nd God is able to make all grace abound toward youC that you* always having all sufficiency in all things* may abound to every good work# ?/s it is written* He hath dispersed abroadC he hath given to the poor! his righteousness remain for ever. 'hil 5!"J But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by hrist :esus. Heb "!!7 9et your conversation be without covetousnessC and be content with such things as you have# for he hath say* I will never leave you* nor forsake you. :ames "!"B >very good gift and every perfect gift is from above* and com down from the &ather of lights* with whom is no variableness* neither shadow of turning. :ames 2!7 Hearken* my beloved brethren* Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith* and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love himF 2'et "!! /ccording as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness* through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue# 2'et "!5 2hereby are given unto us e(ceeding great and precious promises# that by these you might be partakers of the divine nature* having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.

The Ref ge
1eut !!!2B The eternal God is your refuge* and underneath are the everlasting arms# and he shall thrust out the enemy from before youC and shall say* 1estroy them. 's J!J The 9,<1 also will be a refuge for the oppressed* a refuge in times of trouble. 's "D!2 The 9,<1 is my rock* and my fortress* and my delivererC my God* my strength* in whom I will trustC my buckler* and the horn of my salvation* and my high tower. 's 2B!7 &or in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion# in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide meC he shall set me up upon a rock.


's !2!B .ou are my hiding placeC you shall preserve me from troubleC you shall compass me about with songs of deliverance. 0elah. 's 56!" God is our refuge and strength* a very present help in trouble. 's 56!B The 9,<1 of hosts is with usC the God of :acob is our refuge. 0elah. 's 7B!" Be merciful unto me* , God* be merciful unto me# for my soul trust in you# yea* in the shadow of your wings will I make my refuge* until these calamities be overpass. 's 7J!"6 But I will sing of your powerC yea* I will sing aloud of your mercy in the morning# for you hast been my defense and refuge in the day of my trouble. 's 62!BK D In God is my salvation and my glory# the rock of my strength* and my refuge* is in God. Trust in him at all timesC you people* pour out your heart before him# God is a refuge for us. 0elah. 's "55!2 3y goodness* and my fortressC my high tower* and my delivererC my shield* and he in whom I trustC who subdue my people under me. 'rov "5!26 In the fear of the 9,<1 is strong confidence# and his children shall have a place of refuge. :er "6!"J , 9,<1* my strength* and my fortress* and my refuge in the day of affliction* the Gentiles shall come unto you from the ends of the earth* and shall say* 0urely our fathers have inherited lies* vanity* and things wherein there is no profit. ;a "!B The 9,<1 is good* a strong hold in the day of troubleC and he know them that trust in him. Heb 6!"D That by two immutable things* in which it was impossible for God to lie* we might have a strong consolation* who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us#

The )o+e
:ob ""!"B /nd your age shall be clearer than the noondayC you shall shine forth* you shall be as the morning. :ob ""!"D /nd you shall be secure* because there is hopeC yea* you shall dig about you* and you shall take your r in safety. 's 27!! .ea* let none that wait on you be ashamed# let them be ashamed which transgress without cause. 's 27!7 9ead me in your truth* and teach me# for you are the God of my salvationC on you do I wait all the day. 's !!!"D Behold* the eyes of the 9,<1 is upon them that fear him* upon them that hope in his mercyC 's !!!2H ,ur soul wait for the 9,<1# he is our help and our shield. 's 52!"" 2hy are you cast down* , my soulF and why are you dis8uieted within meF hope you in God! for I shall with all praise him* who is the health of my countenance* and my God. 's 72!J I will praise you for ever* because you hast done it# and I will wait on your nameC for it is good before your saints.


's B"!7 &or you are my hope* , 9ord G,1# you are my trust from my youth. 'rov "5!!2 The wicked is driven away in his wickedness# but the righteous hath hope in his death. Is 5H!!" But they that wait upon the 9,<1 shall renew their strengthC they shall mount up with wings as eaglesC they shall run* and not be wearyC and they shall walk* and not faint. :er 2J!"" &or I know the Thoughts that I think toward you* say the 9,<1* Thoughts of peace* and not of evil* to give you an e(pected end. Hab 2!! &or the vision is with all for an appointed time* but at the end it shall speak* and not lie# /lthough it tarry* wait for itC because it will surely come* it will not tarry. :ohn "5!"K ! 9et not your heart be troubled# you believe in God* believe also in me. In my &ather=s house are many mansions# if it were not so* I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. /nd if I go and prepare a place for you* I will come again* and receive you unto myselfC that where I am* there you may be also. /cts "!"" 2hich also say* .ou men of Galilee* why stand you gaEing up into heavenF this same :esus* which is taken up from you into heaven* shall so come in like manner as you have seen him go into heaven. <om 7!2 By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand* and re)oice in hope of the glory of God. <om 7!7 /nd hope make not ashamedC because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. <om "2!"2 <e)oicing in hopeC patient in tribulationC continuing instant in prayerC <om "7!5 &or whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning* that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope. <om "7!"! ;ow the God of hope fill you with all )oy and peace in believing* that you may abound in hope* through the power of the Holy Ghost. ol "!2B To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the GentilesC which is hrist in you* the hope of glory# "Thes "!JK "H &or they themselves show of us what manner of entering in we had unto you* and how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true GodC and to wait for his 0on from heaven* whom he raised from the dead* even :esus* which delivered us from the wrath to come. "Thes 5!"7 &or this we say unto you by the word of the 9ord* that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the 9ord shall not prevent them which are asleep. "Thes 5!"6K "D &or the 9ord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout* with the voice of the archangel* and with the trump of God# and the dead in hrist shall rise first# Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds* to meet the 9ord in the air# and so shall we ever be with the 9ord. 2herefore comfort one another with these words.


Tit 2!"! 9ooking for that blessed hope* and the glorious appearing of the great God and our 0avior :esus hristC Heb J!2BK 2D /nd as it is appointed unto men once to die* but after this the )udgemnt# 0o hrist was once offered to bear the sins of manyC and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation. Heb "H!2! 9et us hold fast the profession of our faith without waveringC ?for he is faithful that promisedCA "'et "!!K 5 Blessed be the God and &ather of our 9ord :esus hrist* which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of :esus hrist from the dead* to an inheritance incorruptible* and undefiled* and that fad not away* reserved in heaven for you* 2'et !!"! ;evertheless we* according to his promise* look for new heavens and a new earth* wherein dwelled righteousness. ":n !!"K ! Behold* what manner of love the &ather hath bowed upon us* that we should be called the sons of God# therefore the world know us not* because it knew him not. Beloved* now are we the sons of God* and it doth not with all appear what we shall be# but we know that* when he shall appear* we shall be like himC for we shall see him as he is. /nd every man that hath this hope in him purify himself* even as he is pure. 's B"!7 &or you are my hope* , 9ord G,1# you are my trust from my youth. 's !5!22 The 9,<1 redeem the soul of his servants# and none of them that trust in him shall be desolate. :ob ""!"D /nd you shall be secure* because there is hopeC yea* you shall dig about you* and you shall take your r in safety. 's !!!"DK "J Behold* the eyes of the 9,<1 is upon them that fear him* upon them that hope in his mercyC to deliver their soul from death* and to keep them alive in famine. ":n !!! /nd every man that hath this hope in him purify himself* even as he is pure. 's !B!5H /nd the 9,<1 shall help them* and deliver them# he shall deliver them from the wicked* and save them* because they trust in him. ol "!2B To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the GentilesC which is hrist in you* the hope of glory# 's 52!"" 2hy are you cast down* , my soulF and why are you dis8uieted within meF hope you in God# for I shall with all praise him* who is the health of my countenance* and my God. Heb 6!"DK "J That by two immutable things* in which it was impossible for God to lie* we might have a strong consolation* who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us# which hope we have as an anchor of the soul* both sure and steadfast* and which enter into that within the veilC 's !"!25 Be of good courage* and he shall strengthen your heart* all you that hope in the 9,<1.


2Tim "!"2 &or the which cause I also suffer these things# nevertheless I am not ashamed# for I know whom I have believed* and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day. 's 5D!"5 &or this God is our God for ever and ever# he will be our guide even unto death. <om 7!7 /nd hope make not ashamedC because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. <om "7!5 &or whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning* that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope. <om 7!2 By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand* and re)oice in hope of the glory of God.

The .aith
:ohn 2H!2J :esus say unto him* Thomas* because you hast seen me* you hast believed# blessed are they that have not seen* and with all have believed. <om "!""K "2 &or I long to see you* that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift* to the end you may be establishedC that is* that I may be comforted together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me. <om "H!"B 0o then faith com by hearing* and hearing by the word of God. <om "!"B &or therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith# as it is written* The )ust shall live by faith. <om "2!! &or I say* through the grace given unto me* to every man that is among you* not to think of himself more highly than he ought to thinkC but to think soberly* according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith. Gal 7!22K 2! But the fruit of the 0pirit is love* )oy* peace* longsuffering* gentleness* goodness* faith* meekness* temperance# against such there is no law. >ph 2!D &or by grace are you saved through faithC and that not of yourselves# it is the gift of God# "Thes !!2 /nd sent Timotheus* our brother* and minister of God* and our fellowlaborer in the gospel of hrist* to establish you* and to comfort you concerning your faith# <om "2!! &or I say* through the grace given unto me* to every man that is among you* not to think of himself more highly than he ought to thinkC but to think soberly* according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith. "'et "!DK J 2hom having not seen* you loveC in whom* /lthough now you see him not* with all believing* you re)oice with )oy unspeakable and full of glory# <eceiving the end of your faith* even the salvation of your souls. Heb "H!!D ;ow the )ust shall live by faith# but if any man draw back* my soul shall have no pleasure in him. Heb ""!6 But without faith it is impossible to please him# for he that com to God must believe that he is* and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.


:ames "!! -nowing this* that the trying of your faith work patience. "'et "!B That the trial of your faith* being much more precious than of gold that perish* /lthough it be tried with fire* might be found unto praise and Honor and glory at the appearing of :esus hrist# <om "!"B &or therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith# as it is written* The )ust shall live by faith. Gal !!26 &or you are all the children of God by faith in hrist :esus. 'hil "!2J &or unto you it is given in the behalf of hrist* not only to believe on him* but also to suffer for his sakeC ":n 7!5 &or whatsoever is born of God overcome the world# and this is the victory that overcome the world* even our faith. <om "H!"B 0o then faith com by hearing* and hearing by the word of God. Heb 6!"2 That you be not slothful* but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises. 3rk J!2! :esus say unto him* If you canst believe* all things are possible to him that believe. 2 hr 2H!2H /nd they rose early in the morning* and went forth into the wilderness of Tekoa# and as they went forth* :ehoshaphat stood and say* Hear me* , :udah* and you inhabitants of :erusalemC Believe in the 9,<1 your God* so shall you be establishedC believe his prophets* so shall you prosper. >ph 6!"6 /bove all* taking the shield of faith* wherewith you shall be able to 8uench all the fiery dares of the wicked. /cts "6!!" /nd they say* Believe on the 9ord :esus hrist* and you shall be saved* and your house. :ohn 2H!2J :esus say unto him* Thomas* because you hast seen me* you hast believed# blessed are they that have not seen* and with all have believed. 3tt "B!2H /nd :esus say unto them* Because of your unbelief# for verily I say unto you* If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed* you shall say unto this mountain* <emove hence to yonder placeC and it shall removeC and nothing shall be impossible unto you. 3tt 2"!2" :esus answered and say unto them* Verily I say unto you* If you have faith* and doubt not* you shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree* but also if you shall say unto this mountain* Be you removed* and be you cast into the seaC it shall be done. 3rk ""!2! &or verily I say unto you* That whosoever shall say unto this mountain* Be you removed* and be you cast into the seaC and shall not doubt in his heart* but shall believe that those things which he say shall come to passC he shall have whatsoever he say. 3tt 2"!22 /nd all things* whatsoever you shall ask in prayer* believing* you shall receive. :ohn "7!B If you abide in me* and my words abide in you* you shall ask what you will* and it shall be done unto you.


:ohn "6!25 Hitherto have you asked nothing in my name# ask* and you shall receive* that your )oy may be full. ":n !!22 /nd whatsoever we ask* we receive of him* because we keep his commandments* and do those things that are pleasing in his sight. ":n 7!"5K "7 /nd this is the confidence that we have in him* that* if we ask anything according to his will* he hear us# /nd if we know that he hear us* whatsoever we ask* we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him. "Tim 6!"2 &ight the good fight of faith* lay hold on eternal life* whereunto you are also called* and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses. :ohn "5!"!K "5 /nd whatsoever you shall ask in my name* that will I do* that the &ather may be glorified in the 0on. If you shall ask any thing in my name* I will do it. <om 7!" Therefore being )ustified by faith* we have peace with God through our 9ord :esus hrist#

The .idelity
Gen 2D!"7 /nd* behold* I am with you* and will keep you in all places whither you go* and will bring you again into this landC for I will not leave you* until I have done that which I have spoken to you of. 1eut B!J -now therefore that the 9,<1 your God* he is God* the faithful God* which keep covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generationsC 1eut !"!D /nd the 9,<1* he it is that doth go before youC he will be with you* he will not fail you* neither forsake you# fear not* neither be dismay. 's !!!5 &or the word of the 9,<1 is rightC and all his works are done in truth. 's !B!5 1elight yourself also in the 9,<1C and he shall give you the desires of your heart. 's !B!27 I have been young* and now am oldC with all have I not seen the righteous forsaken* nor his seed begging bread. 's D6!"7 But you* , 9ord* are a God full of compassion* and gracious* longsuffering* and plenteous in mercy and truth. 's DJ!!5 3y covenant will I not break* nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips. 's JH!" 9,<1* you hast been our dwelling place in all generations. 's ""B!2 &or his merciful kindness is great toward us# and the truth of the 9,<1 endure for ever. 'raise you the 9,<1. 's ""J!B7K B6 I know* , 9,<1* that your )udgemnts are right* and that you in faithfulness hast afflicted me. 9et* I pray you* your merciful kindness be for my comfort* according to your word unto your servant. 's "!D!D The 9,<1 will perfect that which concern me# your mercy* , 9,<1* endure for ever# forsake not the works of your own hands.


's "57!"BK "D The 9,<1 is righteous in all his ways* and holy in all his works. The 9,<1 is nigh unto all them that call upon him* to all that call upon him in truth. 's "56!6 2hich made heaven* and earth* the sea* and all that therein is# which keep truth for ever# Is 75!"H &or the mountains shall depare* and the hills be removedC but my kindness shall not depart from you* neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed* say the 9,<1 that hath mercy on you. Is 7D!"" /nd the 9,<1 shall guide you continually* and satisfy your soul in drought* and make fat your bones# and you shall be like a watered garden* and like a spring of water* whose waters fail not. 9am !!22K 2! It is of the 9,<1=s mercies that we are not consumed* because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning# great is your faithfulness. >( 25!"5 /nd he say unto the elders* Tarry you here for us* until we come again unto you# and* behold* /aron and Hur are with you# if any man have any matters to do* let him come unto them. :ohn "H!"H The thief com not* but for to steal* and to kill* and to destroy# I am come that they might have life* and that they might have it more abundantly. /cts 7!!DK !J /nd now I say unto you* <efrain from these men* and let them alone# for if this counsel or this work be of men* it will come to nothing# but if it be of God* you cannot overthrow itC l haply you be found even to fight against God. <om D!2D /nd we know that all things work together for good to them that love God* to them who are the called according to his purpose. " or "!J God is faithful* by whom you were called unto the fellowship of his 0on :esus hrist our 9ord. 2 or "!2H &or all the promises of God in him are yea* and in him /men* unto the glory of God by us. 'hil "!6 Being confident of this very thing* that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of :esus hrist# 'hil 2!"! &or it is God which work in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. 'hil 5!"J But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by hrist :esus. "Thes 7!2!K 25 /nd the very God of peace 0anctify you whollyC and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our 9ord :esus hrist. &aithful is he that call you* who also will do it. 2Thes !!! But the 9ord is faithful* who shall establish you* and keep you from evil. Heb "H!2! 9et us hold fast the profession of our faith without waveringC ?for he is faithful that promisedCA ":n "!J If we confess our sins* he is faithful and )ust to forgive us our sins* and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.


The "oy
;eh D!"H Then he say unto them* Go your way* eat the fat* and drink the sweet* and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared# for this day is holy unto our 9ord# neither be you sorryC for the )oy of the 9,<1 is your strength. 's 5!B .ou hast put gladness in my heart* more than in the time that their corn and their wine increased. 's 7!""K "2 But let all those that put their trust in you re)oice# let them ever shout for )oy* because you defend them# let them also that love your name be )oyful in you. &or you* 9,<1* wilt bless the righteousC with favor wilt you compass him as with a shield. 's "6!"" .ou wilt show me the path of life# in your presence is fullness of )oyC at your right hand there are pleasures for evermore. 's !H!7 &or his anger endure but a momentC in his favor is life# weeping may endure for a night* but )oy com in the morning. 's !2!"" Be glad in the 9,<1* and re)oice* you righteous# and shout for )oy* all you that are upright in heart. 's 65!"H The righteous shall be glad in the 9,<1* and shall trust in himC and all the upright in heart shall glory. 's JB!"H .ou that love the 9,<1* hate evil# he preserve the souls of his saintsC he deliver them out of the hand of the wicked. 's JB!""K "2 9ight is sown for the righteous* and gladness for the upright in heart. <e)oice in the 9,<1* you righteousC and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness. 's "H7!! Glory you in his holy name# let the heart of them re)oice that seek the 9,<1. 's "H7!5! /nd he brought forth his people with )oy* and his chosen with gladness# 's ""D!25 This is the day which the 9,<1 hath madeC we will re)oice and be glad in it. 's "26!7 They that sow in tears shall reap in )oy. 'rov "7!"7 /ll the days of the afflicted are evil# but he that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast. 'rov "B!22 / merry heart do good like a medicine# but a broken spirit dry the bones. Is "2!2 Behold* God is my salvationC I will trust* and not be afraid# for the 9,<1 :>H,V/H is my strength and my songC he also is become my salvation. Is "2!! Therefore with )oy shall you draw water out of the wells of salvation. Is "2!7K 6 0ing unto the 9,<1C for he hath done e(cellent things# this is known in all the earth. ry out and shout* you inhabitant of @ion# for great is the Holy ,ne of Israel in the midst of you. Is 7"!""K "2 Therefore the redeemed of the 9,<1 shall return* and come with singing unto @ionC and everlasting )oy shall be upon their head# they shall obtain gladness and )oyC and sorrow and mourning shall flee away. &or you shall go out with )oy* and be led forth with peace# the


mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing* and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. Is 6"!"H I will greatly re)oice in the 9,<1* my soul shall be )oyful in my GodC for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation* he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness* as a bridegroom deck himself with ornaments* and as a bride adorn herself with her )ewels. 9k "H!2H ;otwithstanding in this re)oice not* that the spirits are sub)ect unto youC but rather re)oice* because your names are written in heaven. 9k "7!B I say unto you* that likewise )oy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repent* more than over ninety and nine )ust persons* which need no repentance. :ohn "7!"" These things have I spoken unto you* that my )oy might remain in you* and that your )oy might be full. :ohn "6!25 Hitherto have you asked nothing in my name# ask* and you shall receive* that your )oy may be full. /cts 2!2D .ou hast made known to me the ways of lifeC you shall make me full of )oy with your countenance. <om "2!"2 <e)oicing in hopeC patient in tribulationC continuing instant in prayerC >ph 7!"JK 2H 0peaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs* singing and making melody in your heart to the 9ordC giving thanks always for all things unto God and the &ather in the name of our 9ord :esus hristC Gal 7!22K 2! But the fruit of the 0pirit is love* )oy* peace* longsuffering* gentleness* goodness* faith* meekness* temperance# against such there is no law. 'hil 5!5 <e)oice in the 9ord always# and again I say* <e)oice. "Tim 6!D /nd having food and raiment let us be therewith content. "'et "!D 2hom having not seen* you loveC in whom* /lthough now you see him not* with all believing* you re)oice with )oy unspeakable and full of glory# 's "26!7K 6 They that sow in tears shall reap in )oy. He that go forth and weep* bearing precious seed* shall doubtless come again with re)oicing* bringing his sheaves with him. 's !!!2" &or our heart shall re)oice in him* because we have trusted in his holy name. Hab !!"D 2ith all I will re)oice in the 9,<1* I will )oy in the God of my salvation. :ohn "6!22 /nd you now therefore have sorrow# but I will see you again* and your heart shall re)oice* and your )oy no man take from you. 's 65!"H The righteous shall be glad in the 9,<1* and shall trust in himC and all the upright in heart shall glory. 's "5B!! He heal the broken in heart* and bind up their wounds. :ohn "7!"" These things have I spoken unto you* that my )oy might remain in you* and that your )oy might be full.


<om "5!"B &or the kingdom of God is not meat and drinkC but righteousness* and peace* and )oy in the Holy Ghost. 's 57!B .ou love righteousness* and hat wickedness# therefore God* your God* hath anointed you with the oil of gladness above your fellows. Is "2!! Therefore with )oy shall you draw water out of the wells of salvation. 's "6!"" .ou wilt show me the path of life# in your presence is fulness of )oyC at your right hand there are pleasures for evermore. "'et "!D 2hom having not seen* you loveC in whom* /lthough now you see him not* with all believing* you re)oice with )oy unspeakable and full of glory# 's 6D!! But let the righteous be gladC let them re)oice before God# yea* let them e(ceedingly re)oice. Is 77!"2 &or you shall go out with )oy* and be led forth with peace# the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing* and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. 's 6D!! But let the righteous be gladC let them re)oice before God# yea* let them e(ceedingly re)oice. "'et !!"5 But and if you suffer for righteousness= sake* happy are you# and be not afraid of their terror* neither be troubledC 'rov "6!2H He that handle a matter wisely shall find good# and whoso trust in the 9,<1* happy is he. 's DJ!"6 In your name shall they re)oice all the day# and in your righteousness shall they be e(alted. 1eut 26!"" /nd you shall re)oice in every good thing which the 9,<1 your God hath given unto you* and unto your house* you* and the 9evite* and the stranger that is among you. 's 7!"" But let all those that put their trust in you re)oice# let them ever shout for )oy* because you defend them# let them also that love your name be )oyful in you. 's 2!!5 .ea* /lthough I walk through the valley of the shadow of death* I will fear no evil# for you are with meC your rod and your staff they comfort me. 2Thes 2!"6K "B ;ow our 9ord :esus hrist himself* and God* even our &ather* which hath loved us* and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace* comfort your hearts* and establish you in every good word and work. 's J5!"J In the multitude of my Thoughts within me your comforts delight my soul. Is 5J!"! 0ing* , heavensC and be )oyful* , earthC and break forth into singing* , mountains# for the 9,<1 hath comforted his people* and will have mercy upon his afflicted. 2 or "!!K 5 Blessed be God* even the &ather of our 9ord :esus hrist* the &ather of mercies* and the God of all comfortC who comfort us in all our tribulation* that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble* by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.


Is 7"!"2 I* even I* am he that comfort you# who are you* that you should be afraid of a man that shall die* and of the son of man which shall be made as grassC 'rov "H!22 The blessing of the 9,<1* it make rich* and he add no sorrow with it. 's ""J!7H This is my comfort in my affliction# for your word hath 8uickened me. 3tt 7!5 Blessed are they that mourn# for they shall be comforted. 9k "2!B But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. &ear not therefore# you are of more value than many sparrows. Is 6"!"K ! The 0pirit of the 9ord G,1 is upon meC because the 9,<1 hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meekC he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted* to proclaim liberty to the captives* and the opening of the prison to them that are boundC to proclaim the acceptable year of the 9,<1* and the day of vengeance of our GodC to comfort all that mournC to appoint unto them that mourn in @ion* to give unto them beauty for ashes* the oil of )oy for mourning* the garment of praise for the spirit of heavinessC that they might be called trees of righteousness* the planting of the 9,<1* that he might be glorified. :ohn "5!"D I will not leave you comfortless# I will come to you. :ob ""!"6 Because you shall forget your misery* and remember it as waters that pass away# 's !5!"D The 9,<1 is nigh unto them that are of a broken heartC and sav such as be of a contrite spirit. Is 5H!" omfort you* comfort you my people* say your God. <om D!2D /nd we know that all things work together for good to them that love God* to them who are the called according to his purpose. 's 7"!"B The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit# a broken and a contrite heart* , God* you wilt not despise. Is 66!2 &or all those things hath mine hand made* and all those things have been* say the 9,<1# but to this man will I look* even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit* and trembling at my word. 's "5B!! He heal the broken in heart* and bind up their wounds.

The ,isdom
:ames "!7 If any of you lack wisdom* let him ask of God* that give to all men liberally* and upbraid notC and it shall be given him. >cc 2!26 &or God give to a man that is good in his sight wisdom* and knowledge* and )oy# but to the sinner he give travail* to gather and to heap up* that he may give to him that is good before God. This also is vanity and ve(ation of spirit. 'rov !!"! Happy is the man that find wisdom* and the man that get understanding. Is 2!! /nd many people shall go and say* ome you* and let us go up to the mountain of the 9,<1* to the house of the God of :acobC and he will teach us of his ways* and we will walk in his paths# for out of @ion shall go forth the law* and the word of the 9,<1 from :erusalem.


'rov "6!2H He that handle a matter wisely shall find good# and whoso trust in the 9,<1* happy is he. :ohn D!"2 Then spoke :esus again unto them* saying* I am the light of the world# he that follow me shall not walk in darkness* but shall have the light of life. 'rov 2D!7K 6 >vil men understand not )udgemnt# but they that seek the 9,<1 understand all things. &or the 9,<1 give wisdom# out of his mouth com knowledge and understanding. 'rov 2!B He layout up sound wisdom for the righteous# he is a buckler to them that walk uprightly. 's "6!B I will bless the 9,<1* who hath given me counsel# my reins also instruct me in the night seasons. 'rov "!7 / wise man will hear* and will increase learningC and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels# " :ohn 7!2H /nd we know that the 0on of God is come* and hath given us an understanding* that we may know him that is true* and we are in him that is true* even in his 0on :esus hrist. This is the true God* and eternal life. 'rov D!!7 &or whoso find me find life* and shall obtain favor of the 9,<1. 'rov "J!D He that get wisdom love his own soul# he that keep understanding shall find good. " or 2!"5K "7 But the natural man receive not the things of the 0pirit of God# for they are foolishness unto him# neither can he know them* because they are spiritually discerned. But he that is spiritual )udgee all things* with all he himself is )udgeed of no man. 'rov !!6 In all your ways acknowledge him* and he shall direct your paths. 'rov "6!22 Mnderstanding is a wellspring of life unto him that hath it# but the instruction of fools is folly. :ob "2!"! 2ith him is wisdom and strength* he hath counsel and understanding. 'rov "H!!" The mouth of the )ust bring forth wisdom# but the perverse tongue shall be cut out. " or 2!"H But God hath revealed them unto us by his 0pirit# for the 0pirit search all things* yea* the deep things of God. " 'et 2!6 2herefore also it is contained in the scripture* Behold* I lay in 0ion a chief corner stone* elect* precious# and he that believe on him shall not be confounded.

The Pros+erity
>( "!"2 But the more they afflicted them* the more they multiplied and grew. /nd they were grieved because of the children of Israel. >( !5!"H /nd he say* Behold* I make a covenant# before all your people I will do marvels* such as have not been done in all the earth* nor in any nation# and all the people among which you are shall see the work of the 9,<1# for it is a terrible thing that I will do with you. 1eut "H!"2K "! /nd now* Israel* what doth the 9,<1 your God re8uest of you* but to fear the 9,<1 your God* to walk in all his ways* and to love him* and to serve the 9,<1 your God with all


your heart and with all your soul* to keep the commandments of the 9,<1* and his statutes* which I command you this day for your goodF :os "!D This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouthC but you shall meditate therein day and night* that you may observe to do according to all that is written therein# for then you shall make your way prosperous* and then you shall have good success. 2 hr !"!2" /nd in every work that he began in the service of the house of God* and in the law* and in the commandments* to seek his God* he did it with all his heart* and prospered. :ob D!7K B If you would seek unto God betimes* and make your supplication to the /lmightyC if you were pure and uprightC surely now he would awake for you* and make the habitation of your righteousness prosperous. /lthough your beginning was small* with all your latter end should greatly increase. 's "!"K ! Blessed is the man that walk not in the counsel of the ungodly* nor stand in the way of sinners* nor sit in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the 9,<1C and in his law doth he meditate day and night. /nd he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water* that bring forth his fruit in his seasonC his leaf also shall not witherC and whatsoever he do shall prosper. 'rov 2"!7 The Thoughts of the diligent tend only to plenteousnessC but of every one that is hasty only to want. 'hil 5!"J But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by hrist :esus. 9k ""!J $0o I say to you* ask* and it will be given to youC seek* and you will findC knock* and it will be opened to you. 9k "2!25 $ onsider the ravens* for they neither sow nor reap* which have neither storehouse nor barnC and God feeds them. ,f how much more value are you than the birdsF " 'et 7!B casting all your care upon Him* for He cares for you. 's D5!"" &or the 9,<1 God is a sun and shieldC the 9,<1 will give grace and gloryC no good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly. 3t 6!!2 $&or after all these things the Gentiles seek. &or your heavenly &ather knows that you need all these things. :ohn "6!25 $Mntil now you have asked nothing in 3y name. /sk* and you will receive* that your )oy may be full. 9k "2!!2 $1o not fear* little flock* for it is your &ather=s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. 's !B!! Trust in the 9,<1* and do goodC dwell in the land* and feed on His faithfulness. 's !B!27 I have been young* and now am oldC with all I have not seen the righteous forsaken* nor his descendants begging bread. 3t B!"" $If you then* being evil* know how to give good gifts to your children* how much more will your &ather who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him+ 9k "2!!" $But seek the kingdom of God* and all these things shall be added to you.


's !B!"6 / little that a righteous man has is better than the riches of many wicked. 9k "2!"B $/nd he Thought within himself* saying* O2hat shall I do* since I have no room to store my cropsF= 9k "2!2D $If then God so clothes the grass* which today is in the field and tomorrow is thrown into the oven* how much more will He clothe you* , you of little faithF 9k "2!!H $&or all these things the nations of the world seek after* and your &ather knows that you need these things. 's ""7!"2 The 9,<1 has been mindful of usC he will bless usC he will bless the house of IsraelC he will bless the house of /aron. 1eut 2J!J $Therefore keep the words of this covenant* and do them* that you may prosper in all that you do. " hr 22!"! $Then you will prosper* if you take care to fulfill the statutes and )udgemnts with which the 9,<1 charged 3oses concerning Israel. Be strong and of good courageC do not fear nor be dismay. 2 hr 26!7 He sought God in the days of @echariah* who had understanding in the visions of GodC and as long as he sought the 9,<1* God made him prosper. 3rk ""!25 $Therefore I say to you* whatever things you ask when you pray* believe that you receive them* and you will have them. :ohn "5!! $/nd if I go and prepare a place for you* I will come again and receive you to 3yselfC that where I am* there you may be also. :ohn "5!"5 $If you ask anything in 3y name* I will do it. 3tt 27!5H $/nd the -ing will answer and say to them* O/ssuredly* I say to you* inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these 3y brethren* you did it to 3e.= 3rk J!5" $&or whoever gives you a cup of water to drink in 3y name* because you belong to hrist* assuredly* I say to you* he will by no means lose his reward. 'rov 2D!2B He who gives to the poor will not lack* but he who hides his eyes will have many curses. Is 7D!"H If you e(tend your soul to the hungry and satisfy the afflicted soul* then your light shall dawn in the darkness* and your darkness shall be as the noonday. 3al !!"H Bring all the tithes into the storehouse* that there may be food in 3y house* and try 3e now in this*% says the 9,<1 of hosts* $If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it. 'rov ""!27 The generous soul will be made rich* and he who waters will also be watered himself. 2 or J!6 But this I say* He which sow sparingly shall reap also sparinglyC and he which sow bountifully shall reap also bountifully. 3tt 7!B Blessed are the merciful# for they shall obtain mercy.


2 or J!B >very man according as he purpose in his heart* so let him giveC not grudgingly* or of necessity# for God love a cheerful giver. 2 hr "7!B Be you strong therefore* and let not your hands be weak# for your work shall be rewarded. 's 5"!" Blessed is he that consider the poor# the 9,<1 will deliver him in time of trouble. 2 or J!D /nd God is able to make all grace abound toward youC that you* always having all sufficiency in all things* may abound to every good work# 'rov "J!"B He that hath pity upon the poor lend unto the 9,<1C and that which he hath given will he pay him again. 9k 6!!D Give* and it shall be given unto youC good measure* pressed down* and shaken together* and running over* shall men give into your bosom. &or with the same measure that you mete withal it shall be measured to you again.


In 'salms 2!# 6 1avid tells us $surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life%. This is why I declare God wants to bless you today+ He had arranged an everyday blessing for us. 2e need to stay in touch with Him in order to receive a full ration. It depends in whether we obey and do not limit Him. His provision is much more abundant than whatever we can imagine. He wants to transform us day by day. 2e are going to be like Him. 2e need His Touch to be whole. This is a great gift* right from His Hand. The first step in the transformation process is obedience. If you had born again* :esus is your 9ord. He has a marvelous plan for your life if you obey Him. It is true it is going to be persecution* but you can be sure that He is going to stand for you. In everyday promises The 0alvation is renewed through growth* clean lips* help and friends. In the ne(t Bible Verses you can find the promises you are e(pected to treasure every day.

:er "D!6 , house of Israel* cannot I do with you as this potterF say the 9,<1. Behold* as the clay is in the potter=s hand* so are you in mine hand* , house of Israel. >Eek ""!"JK 2H /nd I will give them one heart* and I will put a new spirit within youC and I will take the stony heart out of their flesh* and will give them an heart of flesh# that they may walk in my statutes* and keep mine ordinances* and do them# and they shall be my people* and I will be their God. " or "7!7" Behold* I show you a mysteryC 2e shall not all sleep* but we shall all be changed* 2 or 7!"B Therefore if any man be in hrist* he is a new creature# old things are passed awayC behold* all things are become new.


"0am "7!22 /nd 0amuel say* Hath the 9,<1 as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices* as in obeying the voice of the 9,<1F Behold* to obey is better than sacrifice* and to hearken than the fat of rams. 3ic 6!D He hath showed you* , man* what is goodC and what doth the 9,<1 re8uest of you* but to do )ustly* and to love mercy* and to walk humbly with your GodF <om "2!" I beseech you therefore* brethren* by the mercies of God* that you present your bodies a living sacrifice* holy* acceptable unto God* which is your reasonable service. 'hil 5!J Those things* which you have both learned* and received* and heard* and seen in me* do# and the God of peace shall be with you. 's "H6!! Blessed are they that keep )udgemnt* and he that do righteousness at all times. "0am "7!22 /nd 0amuel say* Hath the 9,<1 as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices* as in obeying the voice of the 9,<1F Behold* to obey is better than sacrifice* and to hearken than the fat of rams. >( "J!7 ;ow therefore* if you will obey my voice indeed* and keep my covenant* then you shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people# for all the earth is mine# :ohn "7!"H If you keep my commandments* you shall abide in my loveC even as I have kept my &ather=s commandments* and abide in his love. 3tt B!25 Therefore whosoever hear these sayings of mine* and do them* I will liken him unto a wise man* which built his house upon a rock# :ohn "5!2! :esus answered and say unto him* If a man love me* he will keep my words# and my &ather will love him* and we will come unto him* and make our abode with him. 3tt 7!"J 2hosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments* and shall teach men so* he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven# but whosoever shall do and teach them* the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. :ohn "5!2! :esus answered and say unto him* If a man love me* he will keep my words# and my &ather will love him* and we will come unto him* and make our abode with him. :ohn "2!26 If any man serve me* let him follow meC and where I am* there shall also my servant be# if any man serve me* him will my &ather Honor. 3tt B!2" ;ot every one that say unto me* 9ord* 9ord* shall enter into the kingdom of heavenC but he that do the will of my &ather which is in heaven. " :ohn 2!"B /nd the world pass away* and the lust thereof# but he that do the will of God abide for ever. :ohn B!"B If any man will do his will* he shall know of the doctrine* whether it be of God* or whether I speak of myself. :ohn "!!"B If you know these things* happy are you if you do them.


" :ohn !!22 /nd whatsoever we ask* we receive of him* because we keep his commandments* and do those things that are pleasing in his sight. " -ing 2!! /nd keep the charge of the 9,<1 your God* to walk in his ways* to keep his statutes* and his commandments* and his )udgemnts* and his testimonies* as it is written in the law of 3oses* that you may prosper in all that you do* and whithersoever you turn yourself# 's 27!"H /ll the paths of the 9,<1 are mercy and truth unto such as keep his covenant and his testimonies. Is "!"J If you be willing and obedient* you shall eat the good of the land# :er B!2! But this thing commanded I them* saying* ,bey my voice* and I will be your God* and you shall be my people# and walk you in all the ways that I have commanded you* that it may be well unto you. 'rov D!!2 ;ow therefore hearken unto me* , you children# for blessed are they that keep my ways. 3al !!B >ven from the days of your fathers you are gone away from mine ordinances* and have not kept them. <eturn unto me* and I will return unto you* say the 9,<1 of hosts. But you say* 2herein shall we returnF :ob !6!"" If they obey and serve him* they shall spend their days in prosperity* and their years in pleasures. 's ""J!2 Blessed are they that keep his testimonies* and that seek him with the whole heart. 'rov "J!"6 He that keep the commandment keep his own soulC but he that despise his ways shall die. :ames "!27 But whoso look into the perfect law of liberty* and continue therein* he being not a forgetful heart* but a doer of the work* this man shall be blessed in his deed. Heb 7!J /nd being made perfect* he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey himC <ev 22!"5 Blessed are they that do his commandments* that they may have right to the tree of life* and may enter in through the gates into the city. 3tt 7!! Blessed are the poor in spirit# for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. " 'et 7!6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God* that he may e(alt you in due time# 9uke ""!2D But he say* .ea rather* blessed are they th at hear the word of God* and keep it. 3tt ""!2J Take my yoke upon you* and learn of meC for I am meek and lowly in heart# and you shall find r unto your souls. " 'et 2!"! 0ubmit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the 9ord=s sake# whether it be to the king* as supremeC " 'et 2!"7 &or so is the will of God* that with well doing you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men#


" 'et 7!7 9ikewise* you younger* submit yourselves unto the elder. .ea* all of you be sub)ect one to another* and be clothed with humility# for God resist the proud* and give grace to the humble. 3tt "D!5 2hosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child* the same is great in the kingdom of heaven. :ames 5!B 0ubmit yourselves therefore to God. <esist the devil* and he will flee from you. :ames 5!"H Humble yourselves in the sight of the 9ord* and he shall lift you up. 9am !!26 It is good that a man should both hope and 8uietly wait for the salvation of the 9,<1. 'rov 22!5 By humility and the fear of the 9,<1 are riches* and Honor* and life. :ohn 6!!7 /nd :esus say unto them* I am the bread of life# he that com to me shall never hungerC and he that believe on me shall never thirst. :ohn 6!!B /ll that the &ather give me shall come to meC and him that com to me I will in no wise cast out.

'rov 22!2J 0e you a man diligent in his businessF he shall stand before kingsC he shall not stand before mean men. >cc J!"H 2hatsoever your hand find to do* do it with your mightC for there is no work* nor device* nor knowledge* nor wisdom* in the grave* whither you go. <om "2!"" ;ot slothful in businessC fervent in spiritC serving the 9ordC ol !!2! /nd whatsoever you do* do it heartily* as to the 9ord* and not unto menC ol !!25 -nowing that of the 9ord you shall receive the reward of the inheritance# for you serve the 9ord hrist. "'et 2!"2 Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles# that* whereas they speak against you as evildoers* they may by your good works* which they shall behold* glorify God in the day of visitation.

Perse* tion
3tt 7!"H Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness= sake# for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 2 Tim 2!"2 If we suffer* we shall also reign with him# if we deny him* he also will deny us# 3tt "H!!J He that find his life shall lose it# and he that loss his life for my sake shall find it. " 'et 5!"2K "5 Beloved* think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you* as /lthough some strange thing happened unto you# but re)oice* inasmuch as you are partakers of hrist=s sufferingsC that* when his glory shall be revealed* you may be glad also with e(ceeding )oy. If you be reproached for the name of hrist* happy are youC for the spirit of glory and of God r upon you# on their pare he is evil spoken of* but on your pare he is glorified. 'rov 2H!22 0ay not you* I will recompense evilC but wait on the 9,<1* and he shall save you. 9k 6!!B :udgee not* and you shall not be )udgeed# condemn not* and you shall not be condemned# forgive* and you shall be forgiven#


3tt 7!7 Blessed are the meek! for they shall inherit the earth. 3tt 7!55K 57 But I say unto you* 9ove your enemies* bless them that curse you* do good to them that hate you* and pray for them which despitefully use you* and persecute youC that you may be the children of your &ather which is in heaven# for he make his sun to rise on the evil and on the good* and send rain on the )ust and on the un)ust. 'rov 27!2"K 22 If your enemy be hungry* give him bread to eatC and if he be thirsty* give him water to drink# for you shall heap coals of fire upon his head* and the 9,<1 shall reward you. :osh 2!!"H ,ne man of you shall chase a thousand# for the 9,<1 your God* he it is that fight for you* as he hath promised you. 's 2!!7 .ou prepare a table before me in the presence of mine enemies# you anoint my head with oilC my cup run over. 's 7!"" But let all those that put their trust in you re)oice# let them ever shout for )oy* because you defend them# let them also that love your name be )oyful in you. 1eut !!!2B The eternal God is your refuge* and underneath are the everlasting arms# and he shall thrust out the enemy from before youC and shall say* 1estroy them. 's "H!!6 The 9,<1 e(ecute righteousness and )udgemnt for all that are oppressed. 1eut 2H!5 &or the 9,<1 your God is he that go with you* to fight for you against your enemies* to save you. 's "!D!B /lthough I walk in the midst of trouble* you wilt revive me# you shall stretch forth your hand against the wrath of mine enemies* and your right hand shall save me. "0am 2!J He will keep the feet of his saints* and the wicked shall be silent in darknessC for by strength shall no man prevail. @ep !!"B The 9,<1 your God in the midst of you is mightyC he will save* he will re)oice over you with )oyC he will r in his love* he will )oy over you with singing. 1eut 2D!B The 9,<1 shall cause your enemies that rise up against you to be smitten before your face they shall come out against you one way* and flee before you seven ways. :ob D!2HK 2" Behold* God will not cast away a perfect man* neither will he help the evil doers# till he fill your mouth with laughing* and your lips with re)oicing. 's "56!D The 9,<1 open the eyes of the blind# the 9,<1 raise them that are bowed down# the 9,<1 love the righteous# 's 77!22 ast your burden upon the 9,<1* and he shall sustain you# he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved. 's 77!22 ast your burden upon the 9,<1* and he shall sustain you# he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved. 2 or "!7 &or as the sufferings of hrist abound in us* so our consolation also abound by hrist. 2 or 5!DK J 2e are troubled on every side* with all not distressedC we are perple(ed* but not in despairC persecuted* but not forsakenC cast down* but not destroyedC


:ohn "6!!! These things I have spoken unto you* that in me you might have peace. In the world you shall have tribulation# but be of good cheerC I have overcome the world.

2 or !!"D But we all* with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the 9ord* are changed into the same image from glory to glory* even as by the 0pirit of the 9ord. >ph !!"BK "D That and heightC >ph !!"J /nd to know the love of hrist* which pass knowledge* that you might be filled with all the fullness of God. 's J2!"2 The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree# he shall grow like a cedar in 9ebanon. "'et 2!2K ! /s newborn babes* desire the sincere milk of the word* that you may grow thereby# if so be you have tasted that the 9ord is gracious. 'rov 5!"D But the path of the )ust is as the shining light* that shine more and more unto the perfect day. 1eut D!! /nd he humbled you* and suffered you to hunger* and fed you with manna* which you knew not* neither did your fathers knowC that he might make you know that man doth not live by bread only* but by every word that proceed out of the mouth of the 9,<1 doth man live. 'hil "!6 Being confident of this very thing* that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of :esus hrist# >ph 5!"5K "7 That we henceforth be no more children* tossed to and fro* and carried about with every wind of doctrine* by the sleight of men* and cunning craftiness* whereby they lie in wait to deceiveC but speaking the truth in love* may grow up into him in all things* which is the head* even hrist# ol "!"H That you might walk worthy of the 9ord unto all pleasing* being fruitful in every good work* and increasing in the knowledge of GodC 'hil "!JK "H /nd this I pray* that your love may abound with all more and more in knowledge and in all )udgemntC that you may approve things that are e(cellentC that you may be sincere and without offence till the day of hristC 2'et "!7K D /nd beside this* giving all diligence* add to your faith virtueC and to virtue knowledgeC and to knowledge temperanceC and to temperance patienceC and to patience godlinessC and to godliness brotherly kindnessC and to brotherly kindness charity. &or if these things be in you* and abound* they make you that you shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our 9ord :esus hrist. hrist may dwell in your hearts by faithC that you* being rooted and grounded in love* may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth* and length* and depth*

's 7H!2! 2hoso offer praise glorify me# and to him that order his conversation aright will I show the salvation of God.


's !!!" <e)oice in the 9,<1* , you righteous# for praise is comely for the upright. 's !5!"2K "! 2hat man is he that desire life* and love many days* that he may see goodF -eep your tongue from evil* and your lips from speaking guile. 'rov "7!5 / wholesome tongue is a tree of life# but perverseness therein is a breach in the spirit. 'rov "7!2! / man hath )oy by the answer of his mouth# and a word spoken in due season* how good is it+ 3tt "2!!B &or by your words you shall be )ustified* and by your words you shall be condemned. <om "H!JK "H That if you shall confess with your mouth the 9ord :esus* and shall believe in your heart that God hath raised him from the dead* you shall be saved. &or with the heart man believe unto righteousnessC and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 'rov "6!25 'leasant words are as an honeycomb* sweet to the soul* and health to the bones. 'rov 2"!2! 2hoso keep his mouth and his tongue keep his soul from troubles. 's 25!5K 7 He that hath clean hands* and a pure heartC who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity* nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive the blessing from the 9,<1* and righteousness from the God of his salvation. " :ohn 5!"7 2hosoever shall confess that :esus is the 0on of God* God dwelled in him* and he in God. 3tt "H!!2 2hosoever therefore shall confess me before men* him will I confess also before my &ather which is in heaven. 'rov "6!2! The heart of the wise teach his mouth* and add learning to his lips. 'rov "H!!2 The lips of the righteous know what is acceptable# but the mouth of the wicked speak perversities. 9k 2"!"7 &or I will give you a mouth and wisdom* which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist. " or "2!D &or to one is given by the 0pirit the word of wisdomC to another the word of knowledge by the same 0piritC 'rov "6!" The preparations of the heart in man* and the answer of the tongue* is from the 9,<1. Heb "!!7 9et your conversation be without covetousnessC and be content with such things as you have! for he hath say* I will never leave you* nor forsake you. " 'et !!"H &or he that will love life* and see good days* let him refrain his tongue from evil* and his lips that they speak no guile# 'rov "2!"J The lip of truth shall be established for ever# but a lying tongue is but for a moment. 's "7!"K ! 9,<1* who shall abide in your tabernacleF who shall dwell in your holy hillF He that walk uprightly* and work righteousness* and speak the truth in his heart. He that backbit not with his tongue* nor do evil to his neighbor* nor take up a reproach against his neighbor. 'rov "7!" / soft answer turn away wrath# but grievous words stir up anger.


1eut !"!6 Be strong and of a good courage* fear not* nor be afraid of them# for the 9,<1 your God* he it is that doth go with youC he will not fail you* nor forsake you. 's "6!D I have set the 9,<1 always before me# because he is at my right hand* I shall not be moved. 's !2!B .ou are my hiding placeC you shall preserve me from troubleC you shall compass me about with songs of deliverance. 0elah. 's 55!! &or they got not the land in possession by their own sword* neither did their own arm save them# but your right hand* and your arm* and the light of your countenance* because you had a favor unto them. 's 56!7 God is in the midst of herC she shall not be moved# God shall help her* and that right early. 's J5!"D 2hen I say* 3y foot slipC your mercy* , 9,<1* held me up. 's "2"!5 Behold* he that keep Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. 's "2"!6 The sun shall not smite you by day* nor the moon by night. 's "!D!B /lthough I walk in the midst of trouble* you wilt revive me# you shall stretch forth your hand against the wrath of mine enemies* and your right hand shall save me. 'rov !!26 &or the 9,<1 shall be your confidence* and shall keep your foot from being taken. Is 5"!"H &ear you notC for I am with you# be not dismayC for I am your God# I will strengthen youC yea* I will help youC yea* I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness. Is 5!!"K ! But now thus say the 9,<1 that created you* , :acob* and he that formed you* , Israel* &ear not# for I have redeemed you* I have called you by your nameC you are mine. 2hen you pass through the waters* I will be with youC and through the rivers* they shall not overflow you# when you walk through the fire* you shall not be burnedC neither shall the flame kindle upon you. &or I am the 9,<1 your God* the Holy ,ne of Israel* your 0avior# I gave >gypt for your ransom* >thiopia and 0eba for you. :ohn "B!"" /nd now I am no more in the world* but these are in the world* and I come to you. Holy &ather* keep through your own name those whom you hast given me* that they may be one* as we are. 2 Thes !!! But the 9ord is faithful* who shall establish you* and keep you from evil. :ohn "H!J I am the door# by me if any man enter in* he shall be saved* and shall go in and out* and find pasture. :ohn "H!2J 3y &ather* which gave them me* is greater than allC and no man is able to pluck them out of my &ather=s hand. 2 or "!2" ;ow he which establish us with you in 9ord :esus hrist. hrist* and hath anointed us* is GodC " or "!D 2ho shall also confirm you unto the end* that you may be blameless in the day of our


'hil "!6 Being confident of this very thing* that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of :esus hrist# <om D!!DK !J &or I am persuaded* that neither death* nor life* nor angels* nor principalities* nor powers* nor things present* nor things to come* nor height* nor depth* nor any other creature* shall be able to separate us from the love of God* which is in hrist :esus our 9ord. 'rov "H!27 /s the whirlwind pass* so is the wicked no more# but the righteous is an everlasting foundation. 's J5!"D 2hen I say* 3y foot slippedC your mercy* , 9,<1* held me up. " 'et "!7 2ho are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. :d "!25 ;ow unto him that is able to keep you from falling* and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with e(ceeding )oy* 2 'et "!"H 2herefore the rather* brethren* give diligence to make your calling and election sure# for if you do these things* you shall never fall# " :ohn 7!"D 2e know that whosoever is born of God sin notC but he that is begotten of God keep himself* and that wicked one touch him not. <ev 2"!! /nd I heard a great voice out of heaven saying* Behold* the tabernacle of God is with men* and he will dwell with them* and they shall be his people* and God himself shall be with them* and be their God. :er !H!22 /nd you shall be my people* and I will be your God. 2 or 6!"6 /nd what agreement hath the temple of God with idolsF for you are the temple of the living GodC as God hath say* I will dwell in them* and walk in themC and I will be their God* and they shall be my people. Heb ""!"6 But now they desire a better country* that is* an heavenly# wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God# for he hath prepared for them a city. Is 5H!"" He shall feed his flock like a shepherd# he shall gather the lambs with his arm* and carry them in his bosom* and shall gently lead those that are with young. 's "!D!B /lthough I walk in the midst of trouble* you wilt revive me# you shall stretch forth your hand against the wrath of mine enemies* and your right hand shall save me. 'rov !!26 &or the 9,<1 shall be your confidence* and shall keep your foot from being taken. 's !5!B The angel of the 9,<1 encamp round about them that fear him* and deliver them. 's "6!D I have set the 9,<1 always before me# because he is at my right hand* I shall not be moved. 's "2"!5K 7 Behold* he that keep Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The 9,<1 is your keeper# the 9,<1 is your shade upon your right hand. 's !2!B .ou are my hiding placeC you shall preserve me from troubleC you shall compass me about with songs of deliverance. 0elah.


'rov "B!"B / friend loves at all times* and a brother is born for adversity. 'rov 2B!J ,intment and perfume re)oice the heart# so doth the sweetness of a man=s friend by hearty counsel. >cc 5!J Two are better than oneC because they have a good reward for their labor. "Th 7!"" 2herefore comfort yourselves together* and edify one another* even as also you do. "Th 7!"5 ;ow we e(hort you* brethren* warn them that are unruly* comfort the feebleminded* support the weak* be patient toward all men. Heb !!"! But e(hort one another daily* while it is called To dayC l any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. :ohn "7!"! Greater love hath no man than this* that a man lay down his life for his friends. 2 or 7!"B Therefore if any man be in hrist* he is a new creature# old things are passed awayC behold* all things are become new. ":n "!B But if we walk in the light* as he is in the light* we have fellowship one with another* and the blood of :esus hrist his 0on cleans us from all sin. 'rov "D!25 / man that hath friends must show himself friendly# and there is a friend that stick closer than a brother. :ohn "7!"7 Henceforth I call you not servantsC for the servant know not what his lord do# but I have called you friendsC for all things that I have heard of my &ather I have made known unto you. 'rov 2!2H That you may walk in the way of good men* and keep the paths of the righteous. 's "!" Blessed is the man that walk not in the counsel of the ungodly* nor stand in the way of sinners* nor sit in the seat of the scornful. 2 or 6!"B 2herefore come out from among them* and be you separate* say the 9ord* and touch not the unclean thingC and I will receive you* 'rov "!!2H He that walk with wise men shall be wise# but a companion of fools shall be destroyed. :ohn "7!"5 .ou are my friends* if you do whatsoever I command you.


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