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APUSH chapter17-34 Chapter 17 Social Darwinists believed that expansionism was a noble pursuit because CORRECT: western culture

was superior to "heathen" cultures around the world. To what did the phrase "banana republic" refer? CORRECT: The Central American nations with economies and governments dominated by U.S. businesses. Which of the following Hawaiian assets contributed most to the U.S. decision to annex the republic in 1898? CORRECT: naval stations As a result of its victory in the Spanish-American War, the United States gained CORRECT: Puerto Rico and the Philippines. During his presidency, Theodore Roosevelt intervened most often in the affairs of CORRECT: Latin American nations. Some anti-imperialists believed imperialism was based on CORRECT: racism. How was American imperialism in the 1800s governed by the Monroe Doctrine? CORRECT: The Monroe Doctrine was broadened to justify American imperialism in the Western Hemisphere. After the Spanish-American War, opposition to imperialism CORRECT: grew stronger. What is jingoism? CORRECT: intense national pride and desire for aggressive foreign policy Imperialism is the practice of strong nations attempting to CORRECT: control weaker nations. "Remember the Maine" was CORRECT: a political rallying cry about a sunken battleship. In Asia, Roosevelt worked to CORRECT: keep markets open for American goods. What controversy surrounded the construction of the Panama Canal? CORRECT: The land had been acquired by illegal means. Which of the following was a factor in the growth of imperialism? CORRECT: the need for natural resources What role did yellow journalism play in the events leading up to the Spanish-American war? CORRECT: It heightened public opinion against Spain. A key event leading to the Spanish-American war was CORRECT: a rebellion in Cuba. What is arbitration? CORRECT: the settlement of a dispute by a neutral party British war hero Sir Robert Baden-Powell founded what movement? CORRECT: scouting A main goal of the Panama Canal was to CORRECT: allow the American Navy to move quickly from ocean to ocean. President Taft believed in CORRECT: promoting American investment in foreign economies Chapter 18 1 During the Progressive Era, government became CORRECT: more active. 2. What was prohibition? CORRECT: a period of time when alcohol was illegal

3. In the 1912 presidential election, Roosevelt was nominated by the CORRECT: Progressive party. 4. The muckrakers were CORRECT: journalists. 5. Whose comment gave the Progressive party its "Bull Moose" nickname? CORRECT: Roosevelt 6. Which of the following describes civil disobedience? CORRECT: nonviolent refusal to obey a law 7. During the Progressive Era, many city governments took over CORRECT: gas and electric companies. 8. President Wilson supported reforms that gave more power to CORRECT: labor unions. 9. Upton Sinclair's book The Jungle is about CORRECT: the meat packing industry. 10. The Clayton Antitrust Act strengthened the CORRECT: Sherman Antitrust Act. 11. NAWSA was involved in the struggle to CORRECT: give women the right to vote. 12. Social welfare programs are provided by CORRECT: governments. 13. On the federal level, President Theodore Roosevelt worked to protect CORRECT: the environment. 14. The Federal Reserve System regulates CORRECT: banks. 15. What was the result of the deadly fire at New York's Triangle Shirtwaist Company in March, 1911? CORRECT: the implementation of many new workplace protections 16. Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Susan B. Anthony were CORRECT: suffragists. 17. What was the effect of state laws allowing citizens the initiative and referendum? CORRECT: Citizens gained more political power. 18. Why were some progressives also socialists? CORRECT: They believed in public control of property and income. 19. Standard Oil, the Northern Securities Company, and the American Tobacco Company were all CORRECT: in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act. 20. Why did World War I influence the suffrage movement? CORRECT: It blurred the line between traditional men's and women's roles. Chapter 19 When the United States joined World War I, it CORRECT: needed to institute a draft to build a large army. As a result of the Lever Food and Fuel Act of 1917, the Food Administration had the authority to do all EXCEPT CORRECT: require grocery stores to operate only during certain hours. Soon after arriving in Europe, American troops CORRECT: helped fight back a German advance on Paris. After the Russian Revolution in March 1917, Americans were CORRECT: more willing to join the Allies. After Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, CORRECT: war quickly spread across Europe.

The United States 369th Infantry Regiment, made up of African Americans, CORRECT: received France's highest medal for distinguished service. Before United States involvement, many Americans felt personally involved with the war between the Allies and the Central Powers because CORRECT: one third of the United States population were immigrants, or the children of immigrants. In the Senate, the main criticism of the League of Nations was that it would CORRECT: draw the United States into another war. Russia signed a truce with Germany in December 1917, when CORRECT: Russia's republican government was overthrown, giving Vladimir Lenin control. By the end of World War I, all the following occurred EXCEPT CORRECT: Jobs became abundant for returning American soldiers. During World War I, the government's role in the American economy CORRECT: grew. Tensions between Germany and the United States grew because of CORRECT: German submarine attacks. Unlike previous conflicts, many troops were decimated in World War I by CORRECT: modern warfare techniques and weapons. The United States responded to the war by CORRECT: declaring its neutrality. During the war, the United States government passed laws to CORRECT: silence opposition to the American war effort. The overall goal of President Wilson's Fourteen Points was to CORRECT: create a lasting peace. The war finally came to an end on November 11, 1918, after CORRECT: the revolt of German sailors in many ships and ports. The War Industries Board had the power to do all EXCEPT CORRECT: punish firms suspected of dealing with the enemy. The Schlieffen Plan outlined Germany's strategy to CORRECT: defeat France and Russia. The social changes that occurred in the United States as a result of the war included all EXCEPT CORRECT: a rejection of the Great Migration by African Americans in the South. Chapter 20 The rise of the American mass media led to CORRECT: the development of a common national culture. What was a flapper? CORRECT: a popular image of a 1920s woman In the 1920s, many African Americans moved to northern cities to escape CORRECT: the Jim Crow laws. Edward Kennedy Ellington was better known as CORRECT: "Duke." Fundamentalism refers to a CORRECT: conservative religious movement.

Marcus Garvey encouraged African Americans to CORRECT: move to Africa. Which of the following is one way women's roles in society changed during the 1920s? CORRECT: Women were elected to state and national government. The Scopes trial was about the teaching of CORRECT: evolution in public schools. During the 1920s, many Americans became uncomfortable with rapidly changing CORRECT: morals and values. Books by authors of the Lost Generation encouraged many young Americans to CORRECT: rebel against their parents' culture. During the 1920s, spectator sports became CORRECT: big business. Lindbergh, Earhart, and the Wrights were pioneers in which of the following fields? CORRECT: aviation In Chicago, one result of the Great Migration was CORRECT: racial tensions and mob violence. Which of the following art forms came to define the decade of the 1920s? CORRECT: jazz music In national elections in the 1920s, most women voted CORRECT: along the same lines as men. What was significant about the movie The Jazz Singer? CORRECT: It was the first "talkie," or movie with sound. Speakeasies allowed people to .CORRECT: drink alcohol during Prohibition. The Eighteenth Amendment CORRECT: prohibited alcohol. Which of the following was a result of Prohibition? CORRECT: Crime organizations grew rich selling alcohol. The Harlem Renaissance was CORRECT: an African American literary awakening. Chapter 21 During the Red Scare, many Americans blamed labor strikes on CORRECT: Communists. Critics of assembly lines claimed that they CORRECT: strained workers physically and mentally. Ford's control of all the businesses that contributed to the development of his automobile was an example of CORRECT: vertical consolidation. One characteristic of a consumer economy is that CORRECT: people buy large numbers of products. Gross National Product (GNP) is CORRECT: the total value of goods and services produced by a country in a year. Buying on margin is sometimes practiced in

CORRECT: stock trading. Which of the following was the nation's largest manufacturing industry in the 1920s? CORRECT: automobile production Republican Presidents in the 1920s encouraged economic growth by CORRECT: interfering as little as possible with business. What event occurred on November 6, 1917 that would have lasting international repercussions? CORRECT: Lenin's Bolsheviks overthrew the Russian government. Why did many Americans favor political isolationism during the 1920s? CORRECT: Many Americans had suffered from the country's involvement in World War I. During the 1920s, the average American's personal debt CORRECT: increased steadily. One factor that caused some industries to slow in the late 1920s was CORRECT: overproduction. Henry Ford's first two commercial automobiles were the CORRECT: Model T and Model A. Stock values in the late 1920s CORRECT: rose sharply. By the late 1920s, personal wealth in the United States CORRECT: was concentrated in the hands of a small number of people. The use of the assembly line to manufacture automobiles allowed Ford to CORRECT: sell cars at prices ordinary Americans could afford. As it applies to immigration policy, a quota is a(n) CORRECT: numerical limit on immigration from certain ethnic groups or nations. Installment plans were developed by manufacturers to CORRECT: increase profits by loaning money and charging interest. Calvin Coolidge's presidency was marked by CORRECT: a laissez-faire approach to business and a minimal role for government. Communists advocated CORRECT: government control of farms, industries, land, and transportation. Chapter 22 What impact did the Great Depression have on the world's economic markets? CORRECT: It sparked a worldwide economic contraction. Which of the following became a symbol of hope during the Depression? CORRECT: the Empire State Building The Dow Jones is a(n) CORRECT: average of stock prices of major industries. The stock market crash led directly to CORRECT: the Great Depression. Penny auctions were used by farmers to

CORRECT: avoid foreclosures on their farms. The Twenty-first Amendment repealed CORRECT: Prohibition. Why was it common practice to fire married women during the Great Depression? CORRECT: Married women with jobs were thought to be taking work away from men. Where was the "Dust Bowl" located? CORRECT: in the midwest United States In the late 1920s, most Americans felt the economy would CORRECT: continue to prosper. The Hawley-Smoot tariff CORRECT: taxed foreign imports. Hard times on the farms of the Great Plains caused many farm families to CORRECT: move to California. The Great Depression lasted until CORRECT: the U.S. entered World War II in 1941. Bank runs were CORRECT: mass withdrawals of money from banks. Roosevelt won the 1932 presidential election after promising CORRECT: a "new deal" for the American people. Who said "We have nothing to fear but fear itself?" CORRECT: Franklin D. Roosevelt The term "Hooverville" was used to describe CORRECT: shelters built by homeless people. Hoover's refusal to provide direct federal aid relief caused CORRECT: Americans to blame him for their problems. When FDR took office, his wife Eleanor was CORRECT: an experienced political worker and social reformer. The "Bonus Army," consisting of U.S. World War I veterans and their families, was defeated by CORRECT: American soldiers under General MacArthur. Overspeculation was common in the 1920s among CORRECT: investors in stocks. Chapter 23 In order to influence the Supreme Court, FDR tried to CORRECT: appoint judges favoring the New Deal. New Deal programs were most helpful to CORRECT: white men. FDR supported the arts by CORRECT: setting aside WPA funds for artists. Roosevelt's regular public radio addresses to the nation were known as the CORRECT: fireside chats. Public works programs were government-funded programs designed to CORRECT: build or improve roads, parks, and airports.

During the New Deal, labor unions CORRECT: grew in size and power. The FDIC and the SEC, both started under Roosevelt's administration, are federal CORRECT: financial organizations. Which New Deal program was created to offer payments to people who could not support themselves? CORRECT: Social Security Progressives attacked the New Deal for CORRECT: not doing enough to help poor people. One way Eleanor Roosevelt helped FDR was by CORRECT: reporting to him on how people were reacting to New Deal programs. The recession of 1937 was caused in part by CORRECT: reduced government spending on New Deal programs. John Steinbeck's novel The Grapes of Wrath was about CORRECT: migrant farmers in the Dust Bowl era. Federal revenue is CORRECT: total government income. Why were FDR's public works programs morale boosters for their participants? CORRECT: The programs provided jobs for the unemployed. One of the New Deal's most enduring legacies was CORRECT: restoration of a sense of hope to the country. What is federal deficit spending? CORRECT: money spent over and above annual revenues The Wagner Act legalized collective bargaining and "closed shops," which are workplaces CORRECT: open only to union members. The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) was a federal project that controlled CORRECT: flooding on the Tennessee River. A main goal of the New Deal was to CORRECT: create jobs. Frances Perkins and Mary McLeod Bethune were CORRECT: high-ranking women in the Roosevelt administration. Chapter 24 By the time the United States entered the war in 1941, CORRECT: Germany had conquered most of Europe. The French Resistance opposed CORRECT: Hitler's government during the German occupation of France. When Japan invaded Manchuria, it created a puppet state, or a CORRECT: supposedly independent nation under the control of a powerful neighbor. Fascism emphasizes CORRECT: a single nation or ethnic group and the supreme authority of a leader. Pearl Harbor is a

CORRECT: U.S. Navy base in the Pacific. Blitzkrieg referred to a CORRECT: form of military attack. The United States entered World War II after CORRECT: Pearl Harbor was attacked. Who was the dictator who ruled the Soviet Union during World War II? CORRECT: Josef Stalin Adolf Hitler was the leader of which political party in Germany? CORRECT: the Nazi party One of the main goals of the Nazis was to CORRECT: eliminate Jews from German society. Which country attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941? CORRECT: Japan During the early 1930s, Japan began a policy of CORRECT: aggression against China and throughout Asia. The America First Committee opposed CORRECT: American aid to Britain's war effort. How did Hitler begin his assault on England? CORRECT: by attempting to establish air superiority with his Luftwaffe As Hitler began Germany's expansion, he signed a Nonaggression Pact with which of the following countries? CORRECT: the Soviet Union One of the reasons for American isolationism in the 1930s was CORRECT: the domestic economic situation. Which three countries made up the Axis Powers? CORRECT: Germany, Italy, and Japan Mein Kampf outlined the plans of CORRECT: Hitler to strengthen Germany's military and expand its borders. How did Britain and France respond to Hitler's demands for control over part of Czechoslovakia? CORRECT: They gave him the land in an attempt to keep the peace. Great Britain and France declared war on Germany after it invaded CORRECT: Poland. Chapter 25 During World War II, United States government spending CORRECT: increased sharply. Which of the following violated Geneva Convention standards of conduct toward prisoners of war? CORRECT: the Bataan Death March What was one benefit enjoyed by most working women during the war? CORRECT: pride in helping the war effort The Enola Gay was CORRECT: the airplane from which the first atomic bomb was dropped. Which country faced a massive German invasion across its western border in 1941? CORRECT: the Soviet Union Anti-Semitism is discrimination against

CORRECT: Jews. D-Day was the code name for which World War II event? CORRECT: the Allied invasion of Europe at Normandy Japan finally surrendered after the United States CORRECT: used atomic bombs against Japan. Kamikazes were CORRECT: Japanese suicide planes crashed into enemy ships. General Erwin Rommel was nicknamed the "Desert Fox" for his fighting in CORRECT: northern Africa. The Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) CORRECT: believed in using nonviolent techniques to end racism. The Nuremberg Trials were an effort to convict CORRECT: Nazi leaders of war crimes. During the war, most Japanese Americans were forced CORRECT: into internment camps. The Selective Training and Service Act required all males aged 21 to 36 to CORRECT: register for military service. What was the goal of the government's rationing program? CORRECT: to ensure a fair distribution of scarce items As they crossed the Atlantic Ocean, merchant ships from Allied nations feared attacks from "wolf packs," which were CORRECT: groups of German submarines. Victory gardens were planted CORRECT: to add to the rationed food supply. Under the strategy of island-hopping, the American forces CORRECT: attacked the Japanese on selected Pacific islands. The Nazis' attempt to kill all European Jews is known as the CORRECT: Holocaust. One way World War II affected women was that CORRECT: many women took jobs with war-related industries. Chapter 26 ICBMs were valuable weapons in the Cold War arms race because they CORRECT: could carry missiles from continent to continent. The military-industrial complex included ties among the CORRECT: U.S. military, private corporations, and the scientific community. Which World War II hero became President of the United States in 1953? CORRECT: Dwight D. Eisenhower After World War II, a main concern of the Soviet Union was CORRECT: protecting its own security and interests. In 1949, Communist forces under Mao Zedong took over CORRECT: China. Which of the following statements summarizes U.S. and Soviet postwar hopes for Poland? CORRECT: The U.S. promoted democracy in Poland, but the Soviets hoped to create a satellite nation there. What characteristic of West Berlin made it a focal point of East-West Cold War conflict?

CORRECT: It was controlled by a Western nation, but surrounded by a Communist country. Deterrence is the policy of CORRECT: strengthening military might to promote fear of retaliation. In Hollywood, blacklists were used to CORRECT: prevent suspected Communists from working on films. What impact did Senator Joseph McCarthy have on American society? CORRECT: He encouraged fear of communism. The Korean War resulted in CORRECT: no significant change in the border between North and South Korea. In the history of U.S.-Soviet relations, which of the following events occurred first? CORRECT: The Russian Revolution takes place. After World War II, the Soviet Union moved quickly to CORRECT: establish control over Eastern Europe. The Marshall Plan was designed to help CORRECT: Western Europe rebuild after World War II. Jews who settled in the new nation of Israel faced hostility from CORRECT: their Arab neighbors The containment policy called for the United States to CORRECT: stop the spread of communism. Seeking to protect its border with Korea, which country entered the Korean War in late 1950? CORRECT: China The House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) responded to Americans' fear of CORRECT: Communist infiltration at home. The "iron curtain" referred to CORRECT: the boundary line of Communist nations across Eastern Europe. The United Nations was formed to help countries CORRECT: find peaceful solutions to their conflicts. Chapter 27 Work in the 1950s by doctors Salk, Francis, and Sabin effectively eliminated the threat of which disease? CORRECT: polio Between 1945 and 1960, the American economy CORRECT: enjoyed great prosperity. One of Eisenhower's main goals was to CORRECT: cut government spending. During the 1950s, women were expected to CORRECT: work at home and raise children. NASA was created in response to CORRECT: the Soviet Union's successful launch of Sputnik. Truman's Fair Deal was designed to CORRECT: continue policies of the New Deal.

Which of the following was seen as a challenge to the values of the 1950s? CORRECT: rock-and-roll music The GI Bill of Rights CORRECT: expanded the economic opportunities for World War II veterans. Which of the following were values of the beatniks? CORRECT: spontaneity and spirituality Why did the invention of the transistor revolutionize the electronics industry? CORRECT: It was much smaller than the vacuum tube and generated less heat. Which of the following was an important part of American business during the 1950s? CORRECT: the rise of national restaurant and store chains The 1956 Federal-Aid Highway Act created CORRECT: the United States' interstate highway network. The popular image of 1950s youth, as perpetuated in magazines, movies, and advertisements, was CORRECT: clean-cut and conservative. One criticism of presidential term limits, introduced in 1951, is that CORRECT: second-term Presidents might be more effective if they could seek reelection. Rock-and-roll music was based on CORRECT: African American rhythm and blues music. Betty Friedan's 1963 book The Feminine Mystique CORRECT: attacked the lack of opportunities for women. Which action did Truman take to improve civil rights for African Americans? CORRECT: He ordered the armed forces to end segregation. One result of the growth of the suburbs was the CORRECT: growth in the automobile industry. In the 1950s, most Americans wanted to CORRECT: enjoy the prosperity of the times. Why was there a need to "reconvert" the economy during Truman's presidency? CORRECT: It had been geared to military production during World War II. Chapter 28 Which of the following was a political party that directly confronted authorities and called on African Americans to lead their own communities? CORRECT: the Black Panthers Martin Luther King, Jr., gave his famous "I Have a Dream" speech at a rally in which of the following cities? CORRECT: Washington, D.C. After the Montgomery bus boycott, the Supreme Court ruled that CORRECT: segregated buses were unconstitutional.

In Brown v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court ruled against discrimination in CORRECT: public schools. Which of the following civil rights organizations was founded exclusively for students? CORRECT: SNCC Freedom Rides were organized to protest segregation in CORRECT: southern bus stations. One of the factors that led to the civil rights movement was the growth of African American communities in CORRECT: northern cities. What happened after Congress passed the Voting Rights Act of 1965? CORRECT: African Americans began playing a larger role in politics. James Meredith advanced the cause of civil rights when he CORRECT: enrolled in the University of Mississippi. Which two leading political figures were assassinated in 1968? CORRECT: Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. Malcolm X believed that African Americans should CORRECT: reject white society and build a separate culture. Which of the following took place in the Los Angeles neighborhood of Watts in August of 1965? CORRECT: a deadly race riot In the struggle for civil rights, the NAACP focused on working through CORRECT: the court system. Rosa Parks' defiant actions directly inspired the CORRECT: Montgomery bus boycott. After seeing the violence committed against civil rights protesters, President Kennedy CORRECT: became a strong supporter of civil rights. One of the founders of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference was CORRECT: Martin Luther King, Jr. Sit-ins were often successful because they CORRECT: forced owners to risk disruption of their businesses. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s philosophy of nonviolent protest was influenced by the ideas of CORRECT: Mohandas K. Gandhi. President Johnson strongly supported passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to honor the memory of CORRECT: President John F. Kennedy. Violent treatment of civil rights marchers by the police in Birmingham, Alabama, CORRECT: angered most Americans. Chapter 29 Kennedy reacted to the presence of Soviet missiles in Cuba by CORRECT: setting up a naval quarantine around Cuba. During the 1960s, the Supreme Court made several decisions that CORRECT: protected the rights of people accused of crimes. As a member of Congress, Lyndon Johnson was known for his

CORRECT: great skill as a legislator. The goal of the Bay of Pigs invasion was to CORRECT: force Fidel Castro from power. The Warren Commission determined that the Kennedy assassination was CORRECT: the act of a single man. What role did Sputnik play in the American space effort? CORRECT: It was the first Soviet satellite and sparked fierce competition from the U.S. The Cuban Missile Crisis ended when CORRECT: the Soviets removed their missiles from Cuba. Why did the Soviets build the Berlin Wall? CORRECT: to stop people from escaping from East Germany Why was Fidel Castro's regime in Cuba of concern to the United States? CORRECT: Castro aligned himself politically with the Soviet Union. President Kennedy was shot while campaigning in which of the following cities? CORRECT: Dallas, Texas Who was Earl Warren? CORRECT: the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court from 1953 to 1969 In 1962, which of the following astronauts became the first U.S. citizen to orbit the earth? CORRECT: John Glenn Johnson called his plan for improving the nation the CORRECT: Great Society. Television was a major factor in the election of 1960 because during the campaign CORRECT: the candidates faced each other in the nation's first televised debates. Why was Lee Harvey Oswald never tried for the murder of President Kennedy CORRECT: He was killed shortly after he shot Kennedy. Kennedy's New Frontier included efforts to CORRECT: improve the space program. The Head Start program for preschool children from low-income families was created by CORRECT: Johnson's Economic Opportunity Act. Medicare and Medicaid were programs designed to help people afford CORRECT: health care. The Miranda rule, established by the Supreme Court's decision in Miranda v. Arizona, established that CORRECT: police inform accused persons of their rights. Kennedy established the Peace Corps to CORRECT: help developing nations with trained volunteers. Chapter 30 The Nuclear Regulatory Commission, established in 1974, oversaw CORRECT: the civilian use of nuclear materials, particularly in power plants. The Pop Art movement of the 1960s featured

CORRECT: realistic images of artifacts of modern life. The original language of the United States Latino population is CORRECT: Spanish. Under which President's administration was the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) established? CORRECT: Richard Nixon What was one result of Native American activism? CORRECT: Native Americans gained more control over schools in their communities. In the 1960s, drug use among the nation's youth CORRECT: increased. Which of the following music festivals was a highlight of the 1960s counterculture movement? CORRECT: Woodstock The American Indian Movement worked to CORRECT: regain traditional Native American lands. Which of the following were counterculture values? CORRECT: youth, spontaneity, and individuality Csar Chvez fought to improve the lives of CORRECT: farm workers. Why did Ms. magazine succeed when it was introduced in the early 1970s? CORRECT: It had a more feminist slant than other women's magazines. One reason the 1960s youth generation had such an impact on society was CORRECT: its sheer size. The consumer movement of the 1960s began as a result of CORRECT: Ralph Nader's campaign to improve auto safety. In 1974, construction was begun on an 800-mile-long oil pipeline across which U.S. state? CORRECT: Alaska Which of the following was a goal of Japanese American activists? CORRECT: To gain compensation for losses suffered during their World War II internment. Many women rejected the women's movement because they CORRECT: preferred traditional roles. Which of these was a result of the women's movement of the 1960s? CORRECT: More women began entering law school and medical school. The 1973 Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade legalized which of the following? CORRECT: a woman's right to have an abortion The term feminism describes the theory that CORRECT: women should have equality with men. In Silent Spring, Rachel Carson warned Americans of the dangers of CORRECT: chemical pesticides Chapter 31 Why was the Ho Chi Minh Trail important? CORRECT: It was a critical supply route for the North Vietnamese.

As Nixon began to withdraw American troops from Vietnam, he also CORRECT: expanded the war into Cambodia. At the 1968 Democratic national convention in Chicago CORRECT: police used violent tactics to disperse a mob of protestors. At both Kent State University in Ohio and Jackson State College in Mississippi, CORRECT: students were killed in anti-war demonstrations. In fighting the North Vietnamese, the American military used CORRECT: bombs and chemical weapons. Conscientious objectors opposed the Vietnam War because of CORRECT: religious or moral beliefs. In 1954, Ho Chi Minh became the CORRECT: pro-Communist leader of North Vietnam. "Hawks" and "doves" were CORRECT: people who supported the war and people who opposed it. President Kennedy's goal in Vietnam was to CORRECT: prevent the Communists from defeating South Vietnam. The domino theory stated that CORRECT: if one country fell to communism, neighboring countries would soon follow. College students in the early 1960s could receive a deferment, which was CORRECT: an official postponement of military duty. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution gave President Johnson the power to CORRECT: deepen American involvement in Vietnam. What happened to the citizens of Cambodia after the Vietnam war ended? CORRECT: One quarter of them were killed by the fanatically Communist Khmer Rouge. After World War II, President Truman pledged American aid to any nation threatened by CORRECT: Communists. As a result of the Tet Offensive, a majority of the American public began to CORRECT: oppose the Vietnam War. The Vietnam War ended when CORRECT: North Vietnam defeated South Vietnam. American soldiers in Vietnam had to deal with CORRECT: diseases and surprise attacks. What role did student activists play in the antiwar effort? CORRECT: They helped lead the protest movement. Who were "the silent majority?" CORRECT: a group of more conservative Americans to whom Nixon appealed In what became known as the My Lai massacre, CORRECT: American troops opened fire on unarmed Vietnamese villagers. Chapter 32 As President, Richard Nixon surrounded himself with CORRECT: a small circle of loyal advisers.

As the nation's economic problems grew during the Carter administration, CORRECT: people lost faith in Carter and his economic advisors. In February 1972, Nixon became the first American President ever to visit CORRECT: China. Many Americans responded to President Ford's pardon of Nixon with CORRECT: angry criticism. One of Carter's great foreign policy successes was helping to negotiate a peace treaty between CORRECT: Israel and Egypt. What provided evidence of President Nixon's involvement in the Watergate cover-up? CORRECT: tape recordings of White House conversations Why did Nixon want to wiretap the phones in the Watergate apartment complex? CORRECT: He was seeking information about his political enemies, the Democrats. When Ford took over as President, the economy was CORRECT: in a recession. In which area were President Nixon's greatest achievements? CORRECT: foreign policy President Ford and Congress were often in conflict because Ford CORRECT: favored limited government while Congress wanted a more active government. The goal of Nixon's "southern strategy" was to CORRECT: gain the support of white southern Democrats. What was Nixon's initial reaction to news of the Watergate break-in? CORRECT: He tried to convince the FBI not to investigate. During his 1972 trip to the Soviet Union, Nixon and Soviet leaders signed a treaty to CORRECT: limit nuclear weapons. Jimmy Carter won the 1976 election by presenting himself as CORRECT: honest and open. During Nixon's tenure, Apollo 11 astronaut Neil Armstrong became the first person to CORRECT: walk on the moon. In 1979, a major crisis developed in Iran after CORRECT: angry Iranians seized the American embassy and took hostages. What is dtente? CORRECT: a relaxation of tensions between nations What was the ultimate effect of the OPEC embargo of 1973? CORRECT: The United States entered a recession. In dealing with Congress, President Carter and his staff were CORRECT: inexperienced and ineffective. The main goal of Carter's energy policy was to CORRECT: promote energy conservation. Chapter 33 Before becoming President, Ronald Reagan held what political office?

CORRECT: Governor of California Reagan's policy toward Latin America called for CORRECT: sending military aid to anti-Communist governments. Which best describes the outcome of the 1980 presidential election? CORRECT: Reagan defeated Carter by a large margin. Reagan appointed Sandra Day O'Connor as the first woman CORRECT: Supreme Court justice. Reagan hoped to encourage economic growth by CORRECT: cutting taxes. During the Reagan administration, federal defense spending CORRECT: rose sharply. Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) was more popularly known as CORRECT: Star Wars. What are affirmative action programs? CORRECT: programs that favor groups previously discriminated against During the 1980s, the U.S. economy continued to shift away from CORRECT: manufacturing. Which of the following was a scandal that arose because of Reagan's hands-off leadership style? CORRECT: the Iran-Contra affair What was the principal reason for Reagan's deregulation policy? CORRECT: He believed that government regulations stifled free market competition. During Reagan's second term, American relations with the Soviet Union CORRECT: improved greatly. During the 1960s, conservatives opposed CORRECT: the large social programs of the Great Society. The military campaign to drive Iraqi invaders out of Kuwait in 1991 was called CORRECT: the Persian Gulf War. By the late 1980s, wealth in America was CORRECT: unequally distributed, with a small percentage of very wealthy people. President Bush negotiated the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START I) with which world leader? CORRECT: Mikhail Gorbachev One symptom of human rights problems in China was the 1989 massacre in CORRECT: Tiananmen Square. In 1980, conservative groups joined to form the CORRECT: New Right. President Bush angered many Americans when he broke his promise not to CORRECT: create new taxes. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the Cold War CORRECT: ended with the collapse of communism in Europe. Chapter 34

Which of the following caused problems for Clinton during his second term? CORRECT: scandals The movement that calls for greater attention to non-European cultures in such areas as education is called CORRECT: multiculturalism. Clinton won reelection in 1996, helped by CORRECT: a steadily improving economy. After the World Trade Organization (WTO) was formed in 1995, protesters attacked CORRECT: the growing power of multinational corporations. As the United States approached the 21st century, the number of Americans over 65 was CORRECT: growing rapidly. From 1984 to 2000, the percentage of American households with which of the following items increased from 8 percent to 51 percent? CORRECT: a computer Which European nation broke apart, leading to civil war in the 1990s? CORRECT: Yugoslavia In the 1994 midterm elections, Republicans CORRECT: gained control of the House and Senate. The goal of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was to CORRECT: eliminate trade barriers between the United States, Canada, and Mexico. What stance has America taken toward the European Union's goals of economic solidarity? CORRECT: It has generally supported them. Who ran as a third-party candidate against Bill Clinton and George H. W. Bush in the 1992 presidential election? CORRECT: H. Ross Perot The 2000 presidential election was marred by a controversy about the results in which of the following states? CORRECT: Florida Which group sheltered Osama bin Laden, the suspected mastermind behind the September 11, 2001, attack on America? CORRECT: the Taliban Dramatic advances in communications technology in recent years have led to a new era known as the CORRECT: Information Age. Companies that work to corner the new Internet business market have come to be known as CORRECT: "dot com" businesses. Why did many nations impose economic sanctions on South Africa during the 1980s? CORRECT: to encourage reform of the apartheid system Critics of bilingual education feel that it CORRECT: encourages immigrants to stay within their own ethnic groups.

In Russia and Eastern Europe during the 1990s, the United States promoted CORRECT: democracy and free enterprise. In the 1990s, most immigrants to the United States came from CORRECT: Asia and Latin America. To try to reduce the federal budget deficit, Clinton supported CORRECT: cutting spending and raising taxes.

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