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Republica Moldova




Raport Anual 2009


Stimati cititori,

intellectual property protection system in our country. This

Imi revine deosebita placere sa va prezint Raportul anual de

consideration is based on the important role incumbent upon

activitate al Agentiei de Stat pentru Proprie-tatea Intelectuala a

AGEPI in the organization and management of this system whose

Republicii Moldova (AGEPI), care insumeaza principalele realizari

impact increases with the development of innovation and

ale colectivului nostru in anul 2009. Va invit sa parcurgeti

knowledge-based economy. An eloquent proof of this is the

informatiile pe care vi le oferim, in speranta ca ele vor contribui la

support AGEPI enjoys in its activity from the Government of the

comple-tarea imaginii obiective asupra sistemului de protectee a

Republic of Moldova, ministries and other central public admi-

proprietatii intelectuale din tara noastra. Aceasta considerate se

nistration bodies, as well as the fruitful cooperation relations

bazeaza pe rolul important ce-i revine AGEPI in organizarea i

established with the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Chamber

gestionarea sistemului, al carui impact creste odata cu dezvoltarea

of Commerce and Industry Customs Service, IEC "Moldexpo",

economiei bazate pe cunoastere i inovare. dovada elocventa in

Moldovan Export Promotion Organization, etc

acest sens este sprijinul de care se bucura AGEPI in activitatea sa

din partea Guvernului Republicii Moldova, ministerelor i altor
organe ale administratiei publice centrale, precum i relatiile
fructuoase de co-operare stabilite cu Academia de tiinte a
Moldovei Camera de Comert i Industrie, Serviciul Vamal, CIE
Moldexpo", Organizatia de Promovare a Exportului din Moldova

In the imposing range of activities conducted by AGEPI in 2009, to

the foreground come those related to patenting/registration of
intellectual property objects (IPO) transfer of rights and settlement
of disputes. The AGEPI activity was unfolded during the period
under review in specific conditions, determined by the negative


impact of global economic crisis. Thus, certain statistical data

In diapazonul impunator al activitatilor desfaurate de AGEPI in

IPO registration applications submitted by both national and

anul 2009, pe primul plan s-au Tnscris cele ce tin de

international way, attest a decrease -on the average by 22%

brevetarea/inregistrarea obiectelor de proprie-tate intelectuala

compared with the indicators of 2008. Despite this significant

(OPI), de transmitere a drepturilor sj solutionare a litigiilor.

diminution, the activity of the AGEPI expert team was unfolded

Activitatea AGEPI a decurs in perioada de bilantin conditii

within a sustained rhythm, in restricted terms being removed the

specifice, determinate de impactul negativ al crizei economice


mondiale. Astfel unele date statistice prezentate in Raport, cum

lichidarea stocului impunator de cereri neexaminate ce s-a format

sunt cele referitoare la numarul cererilor de Tnregistrare a OPI

ca rezultat al modificarii procedurilor intervene dupe intrareain

depuse atat pe cale nationala, cat i internationala, atesta

vigoare a noilor legi speciale In consecinta, numarul cererilor

scadere - in medie cu 22% fata de indicatorii anului 2008. In pofida

examinate, depuse anterior, a crescut cu circa 19%, iar a titlurilor

acestei diminuari semnificative activitatea colectivului de experti ai

de protectee eliberate - cu 3% fata de anul precedent. Totodata,

AGEPI a decurs Tn-tr-un ritm sustinut, in termene restranse fiind

specialise Agentiei s-au preocupatin permanenta de cresterea


calitatii, de optimizarea procedurilor sj diminuarea timpului de

Dear readers,

presented in the Report, such as those relating to the number of

examinare a cererilor, asigu-rand astfel Tndeplinirea sarcinilor de

It gives me great pleasure to present you the Annual Report of the

plan sj respectarea termenelor regulamentare

State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova

Anul 2009 se caracterizeaza, de asemenea, prin modifi-carea

(AGEPI), which sums up the main achievements of our staff in

2009 invite you to browse the information we offer in the hope that
it will contribute to the completion of the objective image on

infrastructurii indicatorilor statistici la capitolul Bre-vetare: in

conformitate cu noua Lege a RM nr. 50/2008 privind protectia

Raport Anual 2009

inventiilor, a fost sistata receptionarea cererilor de eliberare a

tasks have passed into the competence of the internal affairs

brevetelor pe raspunderea solicitantului sj a cererilor de

bodies. Simultaneously, AGEPI continued to carry out the

Tnregistrare a modelelor de utilitate. In schimb, inventatorilor le-a

examination of seized copies of works or phonograms and

fost oferita posibilitatea protectiei noilor solutii tehnice prin brevet

monitoring of activity of the organizations for collective administra-

de inventie de scurta durata, care s-a dovedit a fi foarte atractiv

tion of patrimonial copyrights. In 2009, AGEPI has successfully

pentru solicitantii nationali. In anul de bilant au fost eliberate

performed its functions related to the recording of scientific

primele brevete de acest tip.

research results of the science and innovation organizations,

alta schimbare importanta in activitatea AGEPI se refera la

financed from the State Budget.

sistarea controalelor privind legalitatea valorificarii exemplarelor de

In 2009, it was continued the process for improvement and

opere sau fonograme pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova. Prin

modernization of the national legal framework governing the

modificarea Codului Contraventional, aceste atributii au trecutin

intellectual property (IP) field, being approved a number of major

competen-ta organelor afacerilor interne. Totodata, AGEPI a conti-

normative acts aimed at ensuring the effective implementation of

nuat sa efectueze expertiza exemplarelor de opere sau fonograme

special laws in the new version, harmonized with the European

ridicate sj monitorizarea activitatii organi-zatiilor de gestiune pe

Union legislation

principii colective a drepturilor patrimoniale de autor. In anul 2009,

AGEPI a realizat cu succes sj functiile sale ce tin de Tnregistrarea
rezultatelor cercetarilor tiintifice ale organizatiilor din sfera tiintei
sj inovarii, finantate din Bugetul de stat

The year under review was remarked by the active modernization

and improvement of information resources in the IP field, oriented
primarily towards satisfying the requests submitted by the users of
the national IP system especially those submitted by the patent

In anul de bilant, a continuat procesul de perfectionare sj

attorneys. Thus, AGEPI offered to the public free access to

modernizare a cadrului juridic national ce reglemen-teaza

databases on IPO, ensuring at the same time the operative

domeniul proprietatii intelectuale (PI), fiind apro-bata serie de

updating and online publication of the afferent information.

acte normative de importanta majora, menite sa asigure

implementarea eficienta a legilor speciale in redactie noua,
armonizate cu legislate Uniunii Europene

The Agency came this year to the support of economic agents,

inventors and researchers counselors and patent attorneys, all
persons concerned with a range of services and specialized

Anul de bilant s-a remarcat prin modernizarea sj perfec-tionarea

assistance in the field, designed to stimulate the IPO

active a resurselor informationale din domeniul PI, orientate

patenting/registration activity, to spur creativity and legal

primordial spre satisfacerea solicitarilor parvenite din partea

exploitation of IP rights. The matter is of documentary research,

utilizatorilor sistemului national de PI, in special a celorinaintate de

methodological support and library-information services,

mandatarii autorizati Astfel, AGEPI a oferit acces liber pentru

specialized consultancy, thematic search, including visits made to

public la bazele de date pe OPI, asigurand totodata actualizarea


operative sj publicarea on-line a informatiilor aferente

Agentia a venit sj in acest an in sprijinul agentilor eco-nomici,
inventatorilor sj cercetatorilor, consilierilor sj mandatarilor autorizati,

vizitelor efectuate la Tntreprinderi in vederea acordarii serviciilor

de prediagnoza a PI etc

tuturor persoanelor interesate cu un ansamblu de servicii sj

In anul 2009, cercetatorii tiintifici sj inventatorii national! au avut

asistenta de specialitate in domeniu, menit sa stimuleze activitatea

posibilitatea sa-sj demonstreze realizarile de ultima ore in cadrul

de breve-tareAnregistrare a OPI, sa impulsioneze creativitatea sj

celei de-a 11 -a editii a EIS "INFOINVENT", organizata de AGEPI

valorificarea legale a drepturilor de PI. Este vorba despre cercetari

in comun cu Academia de tiinte a Moldovei i CIE "Moldexpo"

documentare, asistenta metodolo-gicasj servicii informational-

S.A., obtinand aprecierea binemeritata. Pentru prima data,

bibliotecare, consultants specializata, documentari tematice,

laexpozitie au participat reprezentantii Oficiului European de

inclusiv in cadrul

Brevete (OEB) i ai Organizatiei Mon-diale a Proprietatii

stock of unexamined applications, which was formed as a result of

Intelectuale (OMPI), aceasta fiind dovada elocventa a cunoasterii

amendment of the procedures occurred after entry into force of

i aprecierii de care se bucura EIS JNFOINVENT". Totodata,

new special laws. Consequently, the number of examined, earlier

filed, applications increased by about 19% and of the issued titles
of protection - by 3% compared with the previous year. At the
same time, the Agency experts were ceaselessly concerned in

AGEPI a contribuit i in acest an la sustinerea inventatorilor din

Republica Moldova in vederea participarii lor la cele mai
prestigioase expozitii internationale de inventica, tehnici i
produse noi

increasing the quality, optimizing the procedures and reducing the

Promovarea sistemului national de PI, scolarizarea sj informarea

time of examination of applications, thereby ensuring the

societatii civile, pregatireasj perfectionarea cadrelorin domeniu

performance of the planned tasks and observance of the regular

prin intermediul simpozioanelor, conferintelor, seminarelor


tiintifico-practice, informatio-nal-metodice, de instruire,

2009 is also characterized by the modification of the infrastructure

of statistical indicators in the chapter on Patenting: under the new
Law of the RM No. 50/2008 on the Protection of Inventions, it was
stopped the receiving of applications for the issue of patents under
the responsibility of the applicant and of patent applications for the
registration of utility models. Instead, inventors have been offered
the possibility of protecting new technical solutions by short-term

concursurilor etc. a constituit in continuare un domeniu de

actualitate al activitatii AGEPI. Publicul-tinta al acestor activitati a
cuprins diferite categorii de persoane: elevi, cadre didactice
studenti i doctoranzi din institutiile de Tnvatamant superior i
mediu de specialitate, specialise i manageri din sfera tiintei sj
inovarii, savanti, Tntreprinzatori, specialise din organele
administratiei publice centrale, din alte domenii de referinta etc.

patent, which proved to be very attractive to national applicants. In

in anul 2009, AGEPI a dezvoltat i a consolidat relatiile de

the year under review there were issued the first patents of this

colaborare cu OMPI, Uniunea Internationale privind Protectia


RealizarilorTn Selectie (UPOV) Oficiul Eurasiatic de Brevete

Another significant change in the AGEPI activity concerns the

cessation of controls on legal use of copies of works or
phonograms in the territory of the Republic of Moldova. By the
amendment to the Code on Administrative Contravention, these

(OEAB), oficiile de specialitate din diferite tari ale Uniunii

Europene sj din CSI. S-a aprofundat cooperarea Tntre AGEPI sj
Comisia Europeana (CE), Delegatia CETn Republica Moldova sj
Organizatia Europeana de Brevete (OEB). in anul de bilant,
AGEPI sj OEB au continuat mplementarea prevederilor

Raport Anual 2009

Programului comun de actiuni in domeniul PI, semnat de aceste

Promotion of the national IP system, education and information of

doua institutii pentru anii 2008-2009. Pe parcursul anului au fost

civil society, training and upgrading of personnel in this field

Tntreprinse un sjr de activitati in vederea negocierii i lansarii

through symposia, conferences scientific-practical, information-

Proiectului TWINNING Suport pentru implementarea i realizarea

methodological, training seminars, contests, etc., constituted

drepturilor de proprietate intelectuala in Republica Moldova"

further a current field of activity of AGEPI. The target audience of

finantat de Comisia Europeana.

these activities included various categories of people: pupils

teachers, students and trainers for a doctoral degree of higher

Rezultatele concrete, obtinute de AGEPI in anul 2009, sunt

reflectate multilateral in paginile prezentului Raport. Acestea sunt
rodul unei munci perseverente sj tenace din partea colectivului
AGEPI, care sj-a indeplinitin mod onorabil sarcinile trasate. Avem
toata increderea ca i obiectivele Tndraznete ce stau in fata
noastrain perspective vor fi realizate cu succes

education and professional institutions, specialists and managers

in the science and innovation sphere, scientists, entrepreneurs,
specialists of central public administration bodies, from other
reference fields, etc.
In 2009, AGEPI developed and strengthened the collaboration
relations with WIPO, International Union for the Protection of New

Cu respect,

Varieties of Plants (UPOV) Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO),

specialized offices from different countries of the European Union
Dr. Lilia BOLOCAN,

and CIS. It was deepened the cooperation between AGEPI and

Director General

the European Commission (EC), the EC Delegation in the

Republic of Moldova and the European Patent Organization
(EPO). In the year under review, AGEPI and EPO continued the

enterprises with the view of providing IP prediagno-sis services,

implementation of the provisions of the Joint Action Program in


the IP field, signed by these two institutions for 2008-2009. During

In 2009, the national scientists and inventors were able to

demonstrate their latest achievements within the framework of the
11th edition of the ISE "INFOINVENT", organized by AGEPI jointly
with the Academy of Sciences of Moldova and the EC "Moldexpo"

the year, there have been undertaken a number of activities on

the negotiation and launch of the TWINNING Project "Support to
Implementation and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in
the Republic of Moldova", financed by the European Commission

ISC. receiving the well-deserved appreciation. For the first time,

The concrete results, obtained by AGEPI in 2009, are

the exhibition was attended by representatives of the European

multilaterally reflected in the pages of this Report. These are the

Patent Office (EPO) and World Intellectual Property Organization

fruit of a persistent and tenacious work of the AGEPI team, who

(WIPO), which is an eloquent proof of knowledge and appreciation

has honorably fulfilled the undertaken tasks. We have every

enjoyed by the ISE "INFOINVENT". At the same time, AGEPI

confidence that the far-reaching objectives set before us will be

contributed this year as well to the support of inventors of the

successfully approached

Republic of Moldova with the view of their participation in the most

prestigious international exhibitions of inventiveness, new

Yours sincerely,

technologies and products.

Dr. Lilia BOLOCAN, Director


1.0. Constatari generale

Raport Anual 2009 General findings

Recesiunea economica globala s-a rasfrant in mare masura i

The global economic recession was also reflected largely on

asupra indicatorilor statistici ai activitatii de brevetareAnregistrare

statistical indicators of the intellectual property objects (IPO)

a obiectelor de proprietate mtelectuala (OPI), desfaurata de

patenting/registration activity carried out by AGEPI in 2009,

AGEPI in anul 2009, sj anume datorita faptului ca peste 70% din

namely due to the fact that over 70% of filed applications came

cererile depuse provin de la solicitanti straini

from foreign applicants

Astfel, in anul de bilant la AGEPI au fost depuse 5906 cereri de

Thus, in the year under review, 5906 applications for the

protectie a obiectelor de proprietate ndustriala (OPI) sau cu 22,2%

protection of industrial property objects (IPO) were filed with the

mai putine decatin anul 2008. Din totalul de cereri, 1617 (27%) au

AGEPI or by 22.2% fewer than in 2008. Of the total of

fost depuse de solicitanti nationali, iar 4289 (73%) - de solicitanti

applications, 1617 (27%) were filed by national applicants, and

straini, care au cerut protectia OPI atat pe calea nationala - in 618

4289 (73%) - by foreign applicants, who sought the IPO protection

(14%) cereri, cat i pe cea in-ternationala, inclusiv prin

by both national - in 618 (14%) applications and international way,

aranjamentele de la Madrid Haga, Lisabona, Protocolul de la

including under the Madrid, the Hague, Lisbon Agreements, the

Madrid - in 3671 (86%) de cereri.

Madrid Protocol -in 3671 (86%) applications.

Numarul cererilor de protectie a OPI in strainatate depuse de

The number of applications for IPO protection abroad, filed by

solicitantii nationali prin intermediul AGEPI a scazut de la 51 in

national applicants via AGEPI decreased from 51 in 2008 to 30 in

anul 2008 pane la 30 in anul 2009


Fata de anul precedent, numarul cererilor de reinnoire a

The number of IPO registration renewal applications decreased by

Tnregistrarii OPI a scazut cu 6,6%. Astfel, dace in anul 2008 au

6.6%, compared with the previous year. Thus, if in 2008 were filed

fost depuse 2992 de cereri de reinnoire, apoi in 2009 numarul

2992 renewal applications, then in 2009 their number was 2796.

acestora a constituit 2796. Totodata, ponderea titlurilor de

At the same time, the weight of titles of protection for

protectie pentru care

Tab. 0.1. Depunerea cererilor de

proprietate industrials

Tab. 0.1. Filing of applications

for the protection of industrial
property objects


I Cereri depuse200420052006200720082009Filed applicationsInventii,

total303401289353337339Inventions, total- de lunga
durata303401289353292141- long-term- de scurta durata----45198- shorttermModele de utilitate, total2232203725-Utility models, totalprimare2132183723-- filings- de reinnoire1-2-2-- renewalsDesene si modele
industriale, total:986857859947931721Industrial designs, total:primare609464443393384276- filings- de reinnoire377393416554547445renewalsMarci, total:773869037845891892517628Trademarks, total:primare508958256144654468085277- filings- de
reinnoire264910781701237424432351- renewalsDenumiri de
origine51151434Appellations of originSoiuri de plante13227133210Plant
varietiesCereri, total:90678226902510282105798702Applications, total:primare604067556906735475875906- filings- de
reinnoire302714712119292829922796- renewals

Raport Anual 2009

a fost solicitata reinnoirea a crescut cu 24 de puncte procentuale

fata de anul 2008 sj a constituit 81% din numarul OPI a caror
valabilitate expira in anul de bilant.
Tabloul general al activitatii de depunere a cererilor de protectie sj
de reinnoire ainregistrarii OPI in ultimii 6 ani este reflectat in
tabelul 0.1
In perioada de bilant, AGEPI a eliberat 2212 titluri de protectie a
OPI, cu 62 (3%) mai multe decat in anul 2008. Titularilor nationali
le revin 1434 (65%) de titluri de protectie, iar celor straini - 778
(35%). Compa-rativ cu anul precedent, acest raport s-a merit cu 2
puncte procentuale in favoarea titularilor nationali
Concomitent cu eliberarea titlurilor primare, in anul 2009 au fost
eliberate 315 titluri de reinnoire a pro-tectiei OPI, cu 44% mai
putine decat in anul 2008 Titularilor nationali le revin 89 (28%) de
certificate (adeverinte) de reinnoire, iar celor straini - 226 (72%). in
anul 2008 acest raport a constituit 38:62%.
Activitatea de eliberare a titlurilor de protectie sj de reinnoire
ainregistrarii OPI din ultimii 6 ani este reflectatain tabelul 0.2
which renewal was sought increased by 24 percentage points
compared with 2008 and constituted 81% of the number of IPOs
which validity was expiring in the year under review.
The general picture of the activity on filing IPO registration
protection and renewal applications in the last 6 years is reflected
in Table 0.1
During the period under review, AGEPI issued 2212 titles of
protection of IPO, with 62 (3%) more than in 2008. To national
owners belong 1434 (65%) titles of protection and to foreign ones
- 778 (35%). This ratio increased by 2 percentage points in favour
of national owners, compared with the previous year.
Simultaneously with the issue of primary titles in 2009 were issued
315 IPO protection renewal titles, by 44% less than in 2008. To
national owners belong 89 (28%) renewal certificates and to
foreign ones - 226 (72%). In 2008 this ratio was 38:62%.
The activity on issue of IPO registration protection and renewal
titles in the last 6 years is reflected in Table 0.2.

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Raport Anual 2009

Tab. 0.2. Titluri de protectie eliberate

of protection

Tab. 0.2. Issued titles

Titluri de protectie200420052006200720082009Titles of protectionBrevete

de inventie256269288268250312Patents for inventionCertificate de
inregistrare a modelelor de utilitate, total221612203327Utility model
registration primare201611182421- registrations- de
reinnoire2-1296- renewalsCertificate de inregistrare a desenelor si
modelelor industrial, total:135177190138140138Industrial design registration
certificates total:- primare1101351401048882- registrations- de
reinnoire254250345256- renewalsCertificate de inregistrare a marcilor,
total235535161841168622772033Trademark registration certificates, totalprimare162414671319125917741780- registrations- de
reinnoire7312049522427503253- renewalsBrevete pentru soiuri de plante3431417Variety patentsTitluri, total:276839812335211527142527Titles,
total:- primare201018901762165221502212- registrations- de
reinnoire7582091573463564315- renewals

In anul 2009, la AGEPI au fost Tnregistrate 401 obiec-te ocrotite

In 2009, AGEPI registered 401 objects protected by copyright and

de dreptul de autor sj drepturile conexe cu 71 (22%) mai multe

related rights, with 71 (22%) more than in 2008.

decattn 2008.

1.1. Inventii
Dupe intrarea in vigoare, la 4 octombrie 2008 a Legii Republicii

changes have conditioned the modification of statistical indicators

structure in the patent chapter

Moldova nr. 50-XVI din 07.03.2008 privind protectia inventiilor, a

Protection of inventions by short-term patent for invention proved

devenit posibila protectia acestora at at prin brevet de inventie

very attractive to national applicants namely due to

(Bl), cat sj prin brevet de inventie de scurta durata (BISD).

Totodata, a fost sistata receptionarea cererilor de eliberare a

the simpler, faster and cheaper examination procedure,

brevetelor pe raspunderea solicitantului sj a cererilor de inre-

compared with the protection by patent for invention which is

gistrare a modelelor de utilitate. Aceste schimbari au conditionat

granted with the substantive examination of the application, on

modificarea structurii indicatorilor statistici la capitolul brevetare

the one hand, and

Protectia inventiilor prin brevet de inventie de scurta durata s-a

the extension of categories of objects that can be protected by

dovedit a fi foarte atractiva pentru solici-tantii nationali, sj anume

this way, compared with the protection which was afforded by


utility model, on the other hand

procedurii de examinare mai simple, mai rapide sj mai ieftine, in
comparatie cu protectia prin brevet de inventie care se acorda cu

In consecinta, numarul total de cereri de breveta-re, receptionate

examinarea de fond a cererii, pe de parte, sj

de AGEPI in anul de bilant a ramas aproape acelasj - 339 (fata de

337 in anul precedent), dar s-a modificat esential raportul dintre

extinderii categoriilor de obiecte care pot fi prote-jate pe aceasta

cererile de BISD (58%) sj cererile de Bl (42%).

cale, in comparatie cu protectia care era acordata prin model de

utilitate, pe de alta parte
1.1. Inventions

Pentru a pune in evidenta unele diferente sau ase-manari Tntre

datele statistice referitoare la ambele ti-puri de cereri i titluri de
protectie, in cele ce urmeaza acestea vor fi prezentate atat

After entry into force, on October 4, 2008, of the Law of the

cumulat, cat sj separat

Republic of Moldova No. 50-XVI of 07.03.2008 on the Protection

of Inventions, their protection became possible both by patent for

in anul 2009 la AGEPI au fost depuse 141 de cereri de Bl, cu 151

invention (PI) and short-term patent for invention (STPI). At the

(51,7%) mai putine, i 198 de cereri de BISD - cu 153 (340%) mai

same time, it was stopped the receiving of applications for the

multe decattn 2008. Majoritatea cererilor au fost depuse prin

issue of patents under the responsibility of the applicant and of

procedu-ra nationala, respectiv, 138 (98%) pentru Bl i 197

patent applications for the registration of utility models. These

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Raport Anual 2009

(99,5%) pentru BISD. Prin procedura PCT au parvenit 3 cereri de

protection, the following will be presented both cumulated and

Bl i cerere de BISD


Ca i in anii precedent], majoritatea absolute a cererilor de Bl (136

In 2009, 141 PI applications were filed with AGEPI with 151

- 96,4%) sj de BISD (194 - 98%) a parvenit de la solicitanti

(51.7%) fewer, and 198 STPI applications -with 153 (340%) more

nationali. Dintre acestea, 100 (73,5%) sj, corespunzator, 188

than in 2008. Most applications were filed under the national

(97%) au fost depuse de solicitanti din municipiul Chisjnau, 7

procedure respectively, 138 (98%) for PI and 197 (99.5%) for

(5,1%) sj 3 (1,5%) - din municipiul Balti, iar restul de 29 de cereri

STPI. Three PI applications and one STPI application have been

de Bl (21,3%) sj 3 cereri de BISD (1,5%) -din diverse raioane i

received via the PCT procedure

orase ale republicii. Din numarul total de inventatori nationali, 85%

As in the previous years, the absolute majority of PI applications

au constituit cei din municipiul Chisjnau

(136 - 96.4%) and STPI applications (194 - 98%) came from

Solicitantii straini au depus 5 cereri de Bl (3,5%) sj 4 cereri de

national applicants Of these, 100 (73.5%) and, accordingly, 188

BISD (2%). Numarul extrem de mic de cereri de Bl depuse de

(97%) were submitted by applicants from Chisinau, 7 (5.1%) and

acetia direct la AGEPI se explica prin faptul ca dansji opteaza, in

3 (1.5%) - from Balti and the rest 29 PI applications (21.3%) and 3

vederea brevetarii inventiilor pe teritoriu Republicii Moldova,

STPI applications (1.5%) -from various districts and cities of the

pentru procedura Conventie Eurasiatice de Brevete, la care

republic Of the total number of national inventors, 85% were from

Republica Moldova este parte


Pe parcursul perioadei 1993-2009, la AGEPI au fost depuse 5518

The foreign applicants filed five PI applications (3.5%) and four

cereri de brevetare a inventiilor (5277 de cereri de Bl sj 241 de

STPI applications (2%). The extremely small number of patent

cereri de BISD), din care 4826 (87,5%) au parvenit de la solicitantii

applications submitted by them directly to AGEPI is explained by

nationali iar 692 (12,5%) - de la solicitantii straini.

the fact that they opt, with the view of patenting inventions in the
territory of the Republic of Moldova, for the procedure of the

in figura 1.1. este prezentata dinamica depunerii cererilor de Bl i

Eurasian Patent Convention, to which the Republic of Moldova is

BISD conform procedurii nationale in ultimii 6 ani


in anul 2009, solicitantii nationali au depus prin inter-mediul

During the period 1993-2009, 5518 patent applications (5277 PI

AGEPI, in calitate de oficiu receptor, 4 cereri de brevetare peste

applications and 241 STPI applications) were filed with AGEPI, of

hotare, inclusiv 2 - pe calea PCT sj 2 - pe calea regionala, prin

which 4826 (87.5%) came from national applicants, and 692

Conventia Eurasiatica. in anul precedent au fost depuse 7 cereri

(12.5%) -from foreign applicants

de brevetare in strainatate - 3 pe calea PCT sj 4 pe calea

Conventiei Eurasiatice, iar in perioada 1995-2009 au fost depuse

The dynamics of filing PI and STPI applications under the national

in total 73 de cereri - 35 pe calea PCT sj 38 prin Conventia

procedure in the last 6 years is presented in Figure 1.1

In 2009, the national applicants filed via AGEPI, as receiving
Office, 4 patent applications for patenting abroad, including 2 - via
Consequently, the total number of patent applications, received by

the PCT and 2 - under the regional procedure, via the Eurasian

AGEPI in the year under review, has remained almost the same -

Convention Seven patent applications for patenting abroad were

339 (compared with 337 in the previous year), but was essentially

submitted last year - three via the PCT and four via the Eurasian

modified the report between the STPI applications (58%) and the

Convention, and during the period 1995-2009 were submitted in

PI applications (42%).

total 73 applications -35 via the PCT and 38 via the Eurasian

To highlight certain differences or similarities between the

Fig. 1.1. Cereri de brevet depuse conform procedurii nationale

statistical data on both types of applications and titles of

Fig. 1.1. Patent applications filed under the national procedure

Solicitanti straini

400 350 300

Foreign applicants

250 200 150


100 50









______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Raport Anual 2009







Tab. 1.1. Cereri de Bl sj BISD

Tab. 1.1. PI and STPI

depuse de solicitantii nationali

applications filed by national applicants

Institutii de invatamant superior
Academia de Stiinte a Moldovei
Institutii de cercetare-dezvoltare



59 (17,9%)
96 (29,1%)

din cadrul Ministerului Agriculturii

Institutions of Higher Education
The Academy of Sciences
Research & Development Institutions
within the Ministry of Agriculture and

si Industriei Alimentare
Institutii de cercetare-dezvoltare


25 (7,6%)

din cadrul Ministerului Sanatatii

intreprinderi si organizatii
Persoane fizice



8 (2,4%)
4 (1,2%)
138 (41,8%)

Food Industry
Research & Development Institutions
within the Ministry of Health
Enterprises and organizations
Natural persons

Cifrele inserate in tabelul 1.1. releva activitate sporita, din

Bl au fost transformate in cereri de BISD. Conform datelor

punctul de vedere al brevetarii a institutiilor din sfera tiintei sj

statistice, primele doua locuri in topul celor mai solicitate domenii

inovari, inclusiv a institutiilor de invatamant superior, care au de-

ale CIB in cererile de BISD revin sectiunilor

pus in ansamblu 188 de cereri (57%) (60 - cereri de Bl sj 128 -

A (Necesitati curente ale vietii) - 108 (44,8%) sj (Chimie.

cereri de BISD), inregistrandu-se uoara crestere fata de anul

Metalurgie) - 42 (17,4%).

2008 (181 de cereri: 166-de Bl i 15-de BISD). Numarul cererilor

provenite de la persoanele fizice a crescut neinsemnat - 138 (76

Acest fapt demonstreaza interesul sporit al solicitantilor pentru

de cereri de Bl sj 62 - de BISD) - in comparatie cu anul precedent


(134 de cereri: 105-de Bl i 29-de BISD), constituind 41,8% din

procedura simplificata sj mai putin costisitoare

numarul de cereri depuse de solicitanti din Republica Moldova in

anul de referinta.






in anul de bilant, au fost examinate 401 cereri de brevetare,

inclusiv 247 de cereri de Bl sj 154 de cereri de BISD, fiind

In urma examinarii formale, in Registrul national de cereri de

adoptate urmatoarele hotarari

brevet au fostinscrise 139 de cereri, dintre care 134 apartin

de acordare a brevetului de inventie - 319 (174 (70%) - pentru

solicitantilor nationali. Cele mai

Bl sj 145 (94%) - pentru BISD);

Figures, inserted in Table 1.1., reveal an increased activity, in

de respingere a cererii - 28 (25 (10%) - pentru Bli3(2%) -

terms of patenting, of the institutions in the field of science and

pentru BISD);

innovation, including of the higher education institutions, which

have filed 188 applications (57%) (60 - PI applications and 128 STPI applications) all in all, registering a slight increase compared

de retragere a cererii - 55 (49 (20%) - pentru Bl Sj 6 (4%) pentru BISD).

with 2008 (181 applications: 166 - for PI and 15 - for STPI). The

Din analiza datelor prezentate se observe diferentele esentiale

number of applications proceeded from natural persons increased

dintre rezultatele examinari celor 2 tipuri de cereri: rata cererilor de

insignificantly -138 (76 PI applications and 62 - STPI applications)

Bl respinse este cu mult mai ridicata decat in cazul cererilor de

- compared with the previous year (134 applications: 105 - for PI

BISD, ramanand totodata la nivelul anului 2008 Cererile de Bl

and 29 - for STPI), constituting 41.8% of the number of

respinse conform temeiurilor legale de nesatisfacere a criteriilor de

applications filed by applicants from the Republic of Moldova in

brevetabilitate se repartizeazain modul urmator: 7-din motivu ca

the year under review.

obiectul inventiei nu este brevetabil; 5 - din ipsa noutatii; 3 - din

Following the formal examination, in the National Register of

lipsa activitatii inventive 10-din lipsa aplicabilitatii industrial

Patent Applications have been entered 139 applications, of which

De mentionat faptul ca pe parcursul anului 2009 practic a fost

134 belong to the national

finalizata examinarea Tntregului stoc de cereri de eliberare a

multe dintre acestea se refera la urmatoarele dome-nii ale
Clasificarii Internationale de Brevete (CIB)
A (Necesitati curente ale vietii) -46 (33,1%) (Chimie;
Metalurgie) - 30 (21,6%); F (Mecanica; lluminat; Incalzire; etc.)

brevetelor pe raspunderea solicitantului, depuse pane la intrarea in

vigoare a noii Legi privind protectia inventiilor. in consecinta,
comparativ cu anul 2008, numarul de cereri cu examinare de fond
a crescut semnificativ. Dace in anul 2008 au fost adoptate 64 de
hotarari (17,4%) cu examinarea de fond a cererilor, apoi din

-28 (20,1%).
applicants. Most of these relate to the following fields of the
In Registrul national de cereri de brevet de scurta durata au fost

International Patent Classification (IPC)

Tnscrise 238 de cereri, inclusiv 234 -de la solicitanti nationali. De

mentionat faptul ca, la cererea solicitantilor, 43 dintre cererile de

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Raport Anual 2009

A (Human necessities) - 46 (33.1%) (Chemistry;

to reject the application - 28 (25 (10%) - for PI and 3 (2%) - for

Metallurgy) - 30 (21.6%) F (Mechanical engineering; Lighting;


Heating etc.) -28 (20.1%).

to withdraw the application - 55 (49 (20%) - for PI and 6 (4%) -

In the National Register of Short-Term Patent Applications were

for STPI).

entered 238 applications, including 234-from national applicants.

From the analysis of the presented data, essential differences are

It should be noted that, upon request, 43 of the PI applications

observed between the results of examination of the two types of

were converted into STPI applications. According to statistical

applications: the rate of rejected PI applications is much higher

data, the first two places among the most requested fields of the

than in the case of STPI applications, remaining at the same time

IPC in the STP applications are incumbent upon sections

at the level of the year 2008. Patent applications rejected on the

A (Human necessities) - 108 (44.8%) and (Chemistry.

legal grounds of noncompliance with the criteria of patentability

Metallurgy) - 42 (17.4%)

are distributed as follows: 7 -on the ground that the subject matter
of the invention is not patentable, 5 - for lack of novelty, 3 - for lack

This demonstrates the increased interest of applicants in

of inventive activity, 10 -for lack of industrial applicability.

patenting inventions in the nominated fields by a simplified and

less expensive procedure

It should be noted that during 2009 it was practically finished the

examination of the entire stock of applications for the issue of

In the year under review, there were examined 401 patent

patents under the responsibility of the applicant, filed prior to the

applications, including 247 PI applications and 154 STPI

entry into force of the new Law on the Protection of Inventions

applications, being taken the following decisions

Consequently, compared with 2008, the number of applications

to grant a patent - 319 (174 (70%) - for PI and 145 (94%) - for

with substantive examination increased significantly. If in 2008


were adopted 64 decisions (17.4%) with the substantive

examination of appli-

Fig. 1.2. Brevete de inventie eliberate

Fig. 1.2. Issued patents for invention




Titulari straini




Total Total










198 de hotarari adoptate in anul de bilant

Pendinta medie pentru cererile de BISD a constituit

85 (42,9%) au tinut de procedura cu examinare

5 luni, termenul redus de examinare fiind unul din factorii care Ti

de fond

determine pe multi solicitanti sa opteze anume pentru aceasta

cale de brevetare a inventiilor.

Conform prevederilor legale, la expirarea termenulu de 18 luni de

la data depozitului, au fost publicate 69 de cereri de Bl

In anul 2009, AGEPI a eliberat 312 titluri de protectie pentru

inventii (290 - Bl sj 22 - BISD), ceea ce constituie cu 62 de brevete

Pendinta medie (durata perioadei de examinare pane la

adoptarea hotararii de acordare) pentru acest tip de cereri
examinate in 2009 a constituit 12 luni, fiind Tnregistrata
reducere cu 3 luni in comparatie cu anul 2008

(25%) mai multe decat in anul precedent, in Tntreaga activitate a

AGEPI acesta este i eel mai mare numar de brevete eliberate pe
parcursul unui an. Majoritatea absolute a titlurilor de protectie
pentru inventii au fost eliberate titularilor nationali - 302 (96,8%),


______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Raport Anual 2009

dintre acestea 114 (38%) revenind persoanelor fizice, iar 188

The average pendency for the STP applications was five months,

(62%) - persoanelor juridice

the reduced examination time being one of the factors that

determine most applicants to opt for this way of patenting

Dinamica eliberarii brevetelor de inventie in ultimii


6 ani este reflectatain figura 1.2., iar in tabelul 1.2 este prezentata
repartizarea brevetelor eliberate in anul 2009 pe domenii, conform

In 2009, AGEPI issued 312 titles of protection for inventions (290 -

sectiunilor CIB

PI and 22 - STPI), which is with 62 patents (25%) more than in the

previous year Throughout the AGEPI activity this is the largest

Tabloul general al activitatii de brevetare a inventiilor in ultimii 6

ani este prezentat in tabelul 1.3 cations, then of 198 decisions
adopted in the year under review 85 (42.9%) have related to the
substantive examination procedure
According to the legal provisions, 69 patent applications have
been published on expiry of 18 months from the filing date
The average pendency (the duration of the examination period
until the adoption of the decision of grant) for this type of
applications examined in 2009 was 12 months, being registered a
reduction by 3 months compared with 2008

number of patents issued during a year. The absolute majority of

titles of protection for inventions have been issued to national
owners -302 (96.8%), of which 114 (38%) belonging to natural
persons and 188 (62%) - to legal persons.
The dynamics of patents issued in the last 6 years is shown in
Figure 1.2., and the distribution of patents issued in 2009 by fields,
under the IPC sections, is given in Table 1.2
The general picture of the patenting activity in the last 6 years is
shown in Table 1.3.

Tab. 1.2. Repartizarea brevetelor de inventie
eliberate in anul 2009 dupe sectiunile CIB

Tab. 1.2. Distribution of patents issued in 2009

by IPC sections

Ca sj in anii precedent], pe primele locuri in topul celor mai active

Institutul de Chimie -10 cereri, 11 brevete eliberate

institute in domeniul brevetari nventiilor (Bl sj BISD) se situeaza:

Institutul de Microbiologie sj Biotehnologie - 6 cereri, 2 brevete

A (Necesitati curente ale vietii) 125
Universitatea de Stat din Moldova - 29 de cereri
depuse sj 43 de brevete eliberate Universitatea de Stat de
Medicine sj Farmacie
N. Testemitanu" -19 cereri, 17 brevete eliberate
Universitatea Tehnica a Moldovei -11 cereri

19eliberate144 (46,2%) A

Institutul de Inginerie Electronica sj Tehnologii ndustriale - 10

cereri, 10 brevete eliberate
Institutul de Zoologie - 3 cereri, 5 brevete eliberate
Institutul de Protectie a Plantelor sj Agriculture Ecologica - 3
cereri, 3 brevete eliberate

20 de brevete eliberate
Din cadrul Academiei de Stiinte a Moldovei s-au evidential

Din domeniul agroindustrial eel mai activ s-au manifestat:

Institutul tiintifico-practic de Horticulture sj Tehnologii

(Chimie; Metalurgie)51-51 (16,3%)
(Chemistry; Metallurgy) (Tehnici
Alimentare -17 cereri depuse, 2 brevete eliberate
(Performing operations;
brevete eliberatediverse;
Institutul de
Genetica sj Fiziologie a
Institutul de Tehnica Agricola " - 3
etc.)29231 (9,9%) F
cereri, 8 brevete eliberate Institutul de Pedologie,
Lighting; Heating)G
(6,7%) G
cereri, 19 brevete eliberate
Institutul de Fizica
Agrochimie sj Protectie
( - 20 de cereri,
H 24
H (Electricity)
Solului N. Dimo" - E
3 cereri,
1 brevet eliberatfixe)6-6
E (Fixed constructions)Tab. 1.3. Activitatea de brevetare a
Din cadrul Ministerului Sanatatii s-au evidential
As in theinventiilor
years, the
first places
top of most active
Institutul de Cercetari tiintifice in domeniul
depuse:Filed applications- pentru Bl303401289353
Ocrotirii Mamei sj Copilului - 3 cereri depuse, 3
State292141University of Moldova
- 29 pentru
filed applications
and 43 issued
for PIBISD---45198for STPITotal:303401289353
brevete eliberate Institutul Oncologic - 3 brevete eliberate
Applicants:- nationali294390281335
316330 Centrul National tiintifico-practic de Medicine
State University
national- straini911818
219- foreign
prin PCT,
- 2 brevete eliberate
de Neurologie sj
-19 applications, 17 issued patents
17(16/1)4(3/1) Neurochirurgie
Technical University of Moldova - 11 applications, 20 issued
eliberate:Issued patents- Bl256269288268
250290- PIpatents
BISD22-STPITotal:256269288268 Pe intreaga
Ownersperioada de activitate a AGEPI au fost eliberate 3744
the Academy of Sciences have
247302- nationalforeign
de titluri destraini14816
protectie pentru inventi (3722 de310Bl sj 22 de
Institutul de Energetica - 22 de cereri depuse

distinguished themselves:
Institute of Energy - 22 applications, 11 issued patents

dintre acestea 3335 (89%) -titularilor nationali sj 409 (11%) titularilorstraini

Institute of Plant Genetics and Physiology - 19

applications, 19 issued patents Institute of Applied
Physics - 20 applications, 24
issued patents

Din numarul total de brevete eliberate, la 31.12.2009 erau valabile

1162de brevete (31%) (la 31.12.2008 -1071), a patra parte dintre
acestea (282 de brevete) fiind mentinute in vigoare dupe eel de-al
5-lea an. De mentionat faptul catitularii de brevete din sfera


______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Raport Anual 2009

cercetare-inovare sunt scutiti de plata taxelor de mentinere in

Protection "N. Dimo" -3 applications, 1 issued

vigoare a brevetelor pentru primi 5 ani. Astfel, numarul de brevete


valide dupa 5 ani reprezinta un indicator relevant pentru

aprecierea obiectiva a valorii lor economice reale

From the Ministry of Health have distinguished themselves:

Scientific-Research Institute of Mother and Child Care - 3 filed

Din brevetele mentinute in vigoare peste 5 ani, 194 (69%) apartin

applications, 3 issued patents;

titularilor nationali i 88 (31%) - titularilor straini. Titularii nationali

Institute of Oncology - 3 issued patents

care sj-au mentinut brevetele in vigoare mai mult de 5 ani se

National Scientific-Practical Centre of Preventive Medicine -2

repartizeaza in modul urmator: persoane fizice - 100 (51,5%)

persoane juridice - 94 (48,5%), inclusiv 53 (27,3%) -organizatii din

issued patents
Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery - 3 applications

sfera tiintei sj inovarii

Throughout the period of its activity AGEPI issued 3744 titles of
In total, la 31.12.2009 in Republica Moldova erau valabile 5349 de

protection for inventions (3722 PI and 22 STPI), of which 3335

brevete, dintre care 4187 de brevete eurasiatice (78,3%)

(89%) to national owners and 409 (11%) to foreign owners

Institute of Chemistry -10 applications, 11

issued patents Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology

Of the total number of issued patents, 1162 patents (31%) were

valid on 31 December 2009 (on 31 December 2008 -1071), one-

applications, 2 issued patents Institute of Electronic

fourth of them (282 patents) being maintained after the fifth year. It
should be noted that patent owners in the research and

Engineering and Industrial

Technologies -10 applications, 10 issued patents Institute

development field are exempted from payment of maintenance

fees for the first five years. Thus, the number of patents valid after

of Zoology - 3 applications, 5 issued

five years is a relevant indicator for the objective appraisal of their

Institute of Plant Protection and Ecological Agriculture -3
applications, 3 issued patents

real economic value

Of the patents maintained over five years, 194 (69%) belong to

Most active in agro-industrial field were:

Scientific-Practical Institute of Horticulture and
Food Technology -17 filed applications, 2
issued patents Institute of Agricultural Engineering
"Mecagro" 2 applications, 8 issued patents Institute of Pedology,
Agrochemistry and Soi

national owners and 88 (31%) to foreign owners. The national

owners who have maintained their patents in force more than five
years shall be distributed as follows: natural persons - 100 (51.5%)
legal entities-94 (48.5%), including 53 (27.3%) -organizations in
the field of science and innovation
Altogether, 5349 patents were valid in the Republic of Moldova on
31 December 2009, of which 4187 Eurasian patents (78.3%)

1.2. Modele de utilitate

1.2. Utility models

In legatura cu sistarea receptionarii cererilor de inregistrare a

In view of stopping receiving applications for registration of utility

modelelor de utilitate dupe intrarea in vigoare a Legii nr. 50/2008

models after entry into force of Law No. 50/2008 on the Protection

privind protectia nventiilor, in anul 2009 nu au mai parvenit cereri

of Inventions in 2009 have not been received new applications for

noi de inregistrare a modelelor de utilitate, iar procedura de

registration of utility models and the process for examination of

examinare a cererilor depuse anterior a fost finalizata. Astfel, pe

earlier filed applications has been completed. Thus, during the

parcursul perioadei de bilant au fost adoptate 11 hotarari, din care

period under review there were adopted 11 decisions, of which 8 -

8 - de acordare a certificatului sj 3 - de respingere a cererii In anul

to grant a certificate and 3 - to reject the application. In 2009, there

2009 au fost eliberate 21 de certificate de inregistrare a modelelor

were issued 21 certificates of registration of utility models, with 3

de utilitate, cu 3 (12%) mai putine decat in 2008, alte 6 certificate

(12%) fewer than in 2008, another 6 certificates being renewed. Of

fiind reinnoite Din numarul total de 184 de certificate de inregis-

the total number of 184 certificates of registration of utility models

trare a modelelor de utilitate eliberate de AGEPI, la 31.12.2009

issued by AGEPI, 79 certificates (43%) were valid on 31

erau valabile 79 de certificate (43%) Tabloul general al activitatii

December 2009 The general picture of the activity on registration

de inregistrare a modelelor de utilitate in ultimii 6 ani este redat in

of utility models in the last 6 years is shown in Table 1.4.

tabelul 1.4.

Tab. 1.4. Activitatea de acordare a protectiei modelelor de

Tab. 1.4. Utility model protection activity



______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Raport Anual 2009

Cereri depuse:





Filed applications:


______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Raport Anual 2009

- solicitanti nationali
- solicitanti straini






Certificate eliberate:
- titulari nationali
- titulari straini

- national applicants
- foreign applicants
Issued certificates:







1.3. Soiuri de plante

- national owners
- foreign owners

1.3. Plant varieties

in anul 2009, au fost depuse 10 cereri de brevete pentru soiuri de

depuse, cat i eel al DMI Tnglobate in aceste cereri s-au diminuat

plante, cu 22 (69%) mai putine decat in anul precedent. Toate

cu 108 (28,1%) sj, corespunzator, 160 (10,7%). De menti-onat

cererile au apartinut solicitantilor nationali. AGEPI a adoptat 26 de

faptul ca numarul de cereri i de DMI depuse prin procedura

hotarari de acordare a brevetului (in 2008 - 16 hotarari), inclusiv 3

nationala s-a diminuat mai putin - cu 18 (17,8%) sj, respectiv, 38

hotarari de acordare a brevetu-ui pentru titulari straini sj 2 hotarari

(9,1%), in timp ce rata diminuarii numarului de cereri sj de DMI

de respingere 12 cereri fiind considerate retrase (cu 4 mai putine

depuse prin procedura Aranjamentului de la Haga este aproape

decat in 2008). De asemenea, au fost publicate 14 cereri sj

dubla - cu 90 (31,8%) sj, respectiv, 198 (18,3%).

eliberate 17 brevete pentru soi de plante, cu 5 mai multe decat in


in perioada de referinta, solicitantii nationali au depus 67 de cereri

(24,3 la suta din numarul total) cu 434 de DMI (32,4%) cuprinse in

Dupa adoptarea Legii nr. 915/1996 privind protectia soiurilor de

ele, fata de anul precedent fiind atestata micorare cu 9,5 la

plante, AGEPI a receptionat in total (efectiv din anul 2000) 229 de

suta a numarului de cereri sj, concomitent, majorare cu 13,3 la

cereri, inclusiv 10 - de la solicitanti straini. La etapa examinarii

suta a numarului de DMI. Majoritatea cererilor - 66 (98,5%) sj a

preliminare 12 cereri au fost respinse de AGEPI, iar 217 au fost

DMI - 429 (98,8%) a fost depusa de solicitantii din Republica

inscrise in Registrul national de cereri de brevete

Moldova prin procedura nationala, in timp ce prin procedura

In 2009, there were filed 10 patent applications for plant varieties,

Aranjamentului de la Haga a fost depusa singura cerere cuprin-

with 22 (69%) less than in the previous year. All applications

zand 5 DMI.

belonged to national applicants. AGEPI adopted 26 decisions to

grant a patent (in 2008 - 16 decisions), including 3 decisions to

Solicitantilor straini le revin 209 cereri cu 905 DMI adica 75,7 sj,

grant a patent for foreign owners and 2 decisions of refusal, 12

respectiv, 67,6 la suta din totalul celor depuse, ceea ce constituie

applications being considered withdrawn (with 4 fewer than in

cu 32,6% sj, respectiv, 18,9% mai putine fata de 2008.

2008) In addition, 14 applications have been published and 17

Majoritatea acestora -192 de cereri (91,9%) cu 879 de DMI

plant variety patents have been issued, with 5 more than in 2008

(97,1%) - a fost depusa prin procedura Aranjamentului de la

Haga, prin procedura nationala fiind depuse 17 cereri (8,1%) cu

After enactment of Law No. 915/1996 on the Protection of Plant

Varieties, AGEPI received in total (effectively from 2000) 229
applications, including 10 - from foreign applicants. At the
preliminary examination stage, 12 applications were rejected by
the AGEPI, and 217 were entered in the National
pentru soiuri de plante sj transmise la Comisia de Stat pentru
Testarea Soiurilor de Plante a Repu-blicii Moldova pentru
examinarea tehnica privind corespunderea materialului soiului

26 de DMI (2,9%). Acestea de la urma constituie 20,5%, sj,

respectiv, 5,7% din indicatori referitori la procedura nationala.
Register of Plant Variety Patents and submitted to the State
Commission of the Republic of Moldova for Plant Variety Testing
for the technical examination of the variety material as to its
compliance with the conditions of patentability (distinctness
uniformity and stability)

criteriilor de brevetabilitate DUS (distinctivitate, uniformitate sj

On the basis of the results of the technical examination


conducted by the State Commission, AGEPI adopted 61

In baza rezultatelor examinarii tehnice efectuate de catre Comisia

de Stat, AGEPI a adoptat 61 de hotarari de acordare a brevetului
(4 - pentru titulari straini), a eliberat 49 de brevete, a respins 31 de
cereri de brevet, iar 50 de cereri au fost considerate retrase. La

decisions to grant a patent (4 - for foreign owners), issued 49

patents, refused 31 patent applications and 50 applications were
considered withdrawn. All plant variety patents were valid on 31
December 2009

data de 31.12.2009 toate brevetele pentru soi de plante erau


1.4. Industrial designs

In 2009, 276 applications for the registration of 1339 industrial

1.4. Desene si modele industriale

designs (ID) were filed with the Agency. Of these, under the
national procedure were filed 83 applications (30.1 percent of the

in anul 2009, la AGEPI au fost depuse 276 de cereri de

Tnregistrare a 1339 de desene i modele ndustriale (DMI). Dintre
acestea, prin procedura nationala au fost depuse 83 de cereri
(30,1 la suta din numarul total), care includ 455 de DMI (34%), iar
prin procedura Aranjamentului de la Haga - 193 de cereri (69,9%)
cu 884 de DMI (66%). Fata de anul 2008, atat numarul de cereri

total number) including 455 ID (34%), and under the Hague

Agreement procedure - 193 applications (69.9%) with 884 ID
(66%). As compared to 2008, both the number of filed
applications and that of ID embedded in these applications have
decreased by 108 (28.1%) and accordingly, 160 (10.7%). It
should be noted that the number of applications and ID filed


______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Raport Anual 2009

under the national procedure decreased less - by 18 (17.8%) and

respectively, 38 (9.1%), while the rate of decrease in the number
of applications and ID filed under the Hague Agreement procedure
is almost double - by 90 (31.8%) and, respectively, 198 (18.3%).
During the period under review, the national applicants have filed
67 applications (24.3 percent of the total number), with 434 ID
(32.4%) covered therein, being attested a decrease by 9.5 percent
in the number of applications and, concomitantly, an increase by
13.3 percent in the number of ID, as compared with the previous
year. Most applications - 66 (98.5%) and ID -429 (98.8%) were
filed by applicants from the Republic of Moldova under the
national procedure while under the Hague Agreement procedure
was filed only one application covering 5 ID
The foreign applicants have filed 209 applications with 905 ID, i.e.
75.7 and, respectively, 67.6 percent of the total of those filed,
which is by 32.6% and respectively, 18.9% less as compared to
2008 Most of them - 192 applications (91.9%) with 879 ID (97.1%)
- were filed under the procedure of the Hague Agreement, under
the national procedure being filed 17 applications (8.1%) with 26
ID (2.9%) These latter constitute 20.5% and, respectively, 5.7% of
the indexes relating to the national procedure


Fig. 1.3. Applications for the registration of industrial designs

Fig. 1.3. Cereri de inregistrare a

desenelor si modelelor industriale


Procedura nationala (PN) National

procedure (NP)
Aranjamentul Haga (AH) Hague


Agreement (HA)


Total (PN+AH) Total (NP+HA)

Solicitanti straini, PN Foreign
applicants, NP
Solicitanti nationali, PN National


applicants, NP
Solicitanti straini, PN+AH Foreign

applicants, NP+HA

Fig. 1.4. Desene si modele
industriale depuse pentru


Fig. 1.4. Industrial designs filed for



Procedura nationala (PN) National

procedure (NP)
Aranjamentul Haga (AH) Hague
Agreement (HA)
Total (PN+AH) Total (NP+HA)
Solicitanti straini, PN Foreign


applicants, NP
Solicitanti nationali, PN National
applicants, NP

Solicitanti straini, PN+AH Foreign

applicants, NP+HA


Ca sj in anii precedent],
20 depuse
09 iar

The dynamics of filing applications for the registration of industrial

majoritatea absolute a cererilor depuse prin procedura

years is shown in Figures 1.3. and 1.4. (data on the number of

Aranjamentului de la Haga (99,5%) - celor straini

applications and ID filed by the national applicants under the

Dinamica depunerii cererilor de inregistrare sj a numarului de DMI

incluse in acestea in ultimii 6 ani este reflectata in figurile 1.3. sj
1.4. (datele referitoare la numarul de cereri sj de DMI depuse de
solicitantii nationali prin Aranjamentul de la Haga au fost omise
din cauza valorilor lor nesem-nificative)
As in the previous years, the majority of applications filed under
the national procedure (79.5%) proceeds from the national
applicants, and an absolute majority of applications filed under
the procedure of the Hague Agreement (99.5%) - from the foreign

designs and of the number of ID included therein in the last 6

Hague Agreement have been omitted because of their

insignificant values)

Anual 2009
Tab. 1.5. Cereri de inregistrare a desenelor sj modelelor
for cererilor
the registration
In anul de bilant, ponderea
depuse de solicitantii
in anul 2009, AGEPI a receptionat de la solicitanti nationali sj a
de reedinta
ale solicitantilor
by the de la Haga, 3
- persoane fizice - adupa
crescut de
la aproximativ
47% in anul 2008
transmis la OMPI, prindesigns
procedura Aranjamentului
pane la 49% in anul 2009. Majoritatea absolute a cererilor depuse
cereri de inregistrare internationale a 8 DMI, numarul cumulat al

de solicitantii nationali (77,3%) provine de la persoane fizice sj

acestora atingand valorile de 22 sj, respectiv, 132 Printre tarile

juridice cu domiciliul sau sediul in mun. Chisjnau. Totodata, fata

desemnate in cererile internationale se numara Romania, Ucraina,

de anul 2008 cota acestora s-a diminuat cu 5,7 puncte

Estonia, Lituania Letonia, Republica Moldova sj Comunitatea Euro-

procentuale in favoarea solicitantilor din teritoriul tarii, mai activi


fiind cei din oldaneti, tefan Voda, STngerei sj Caueni

Pe parcursul anului 2009 au fost supuse examinari de fond
La procedura nationala au apelat
solicitanti strain din 8 tari, cele
104 cereri cu 401 DMI, depuse conform procedure nationale,
mai multe cereri parvenind din Polonia, Federatia Rusa, Statele epublica
dintre acestea:
Unite ale Americi sj Franta, iarMoldovaMD6724,3GermaniaDE176,2FrantaFR
prin Aranjamentul de la Haga au
81 de cereri cu 265 de DMI au fost acceptate total, iar 13 cereri
parvenit cereri de la solicitanti114,0ItaliaIT82,9PoloniaPL82,9OlandaNL51,8A
din 17 tari, cele mai multe
cu 100 de DMI - acceptate partial, din lipsa de noutate fiind
provenind din Elvetia, Olanda,ustriaAT41,4RomaniaRO41,4BelgiaBE41,4Ucr
Germania, Italia, Austria sj Franta.
respinse 25 de DMI incluse in ele;
Repartizarea cererilor de inregistrare a DMI
dupa tarile de
6 cereri cu 6 DMI au fost respinse total, din lipsa de noutate
Unite ale
reedinta ale solicitantilor, depuse prin am-bele
proceduri, este
4 cereri sj 5 DMI au fost retrase
Other 7
reflectatain tabelul 1.5.
942 de DMI, parve-nite prin
countries82,9Total - 21
Total cu
- 21
Cele mai solicitate produse ce Tncorporeaza DMI pentru care s-a
Aranjamentul de la Haga, dintre acestea:
solicitat protectie, sunt: ceasuri sj accesorii pentru ele (103 cereri
cu 326 de modele), obiecte ornamentale (respectiv, 31 sj 255),
materiale publicitare sj articole de biIn the year under review, the weight of applications filed by the
national applicants - natural persons -increased from about 47% in
2008 to 49% in 2009. The absolute majority of applications filed by

pentru 213 cereri cu 934 de DMI au fost adop-tate hotarari de

inregistrare totala pe teritoriu Republicii Moldova, iar pentru 2
cereri cu 2 DMI - hotarari de inregistrare partiala, din ipsa de
noutate fiind respinse 4 DMI incluse in ele
1 cerere cu 2 DMI a fost respinse total, din lipsa de noutate

the national applicants (77.3%) proceeds from natural and legal

in anul de bilant, au fost eliberate 82 de certificate de inregistrare

persons having their domicile or headquarters in Chisinau.

pentru 235 de DMI, ceea ce constituie cu 6,8 la suta mai putine

However, as compared to 2008 their share decreased by 5.7

certificate sj, respectiv, cu 42,1 la suta mai putine DMI fata de anul

percentage points for the applicants in the country, the most active

2008. Dinamica eliberarii certificatelor de inregistrare a DMI in

being those from Soldanesti, Stefan Voda, Singerei and Causeni

ultimii 6 ani este reflectata in figura 1.5

To the national procedure applied foreign applicants from eight

countries, most of applications proceeding from Poland, Russian

and 148), furniture (7 and 127), constructions and structural units

Federation, USA and France, and under the Hague Agreement

(6 and 115), packages and containers (40 and 81), graphic

have been received applications from applicants from 17 coun-

symbols and ornaments (9 and 81).

tries, most of them proceeding from Switzerland Holland,

Germany, Italy, Austria and France

In addition to applications for registration, 445 registration renewal

applications for 1345 ID were filed in 2009, which is by 18.6% and,

The distribution of applications for the registration of industrial

respectively, 16.1% fewer than in the previous year. The absolute

designs by the country of residence of applicants, filed by both

majority of renewal applications - 390 (87.6%) came from foreign

procedures, is shown in Table 1.5

applicants, of which 372 were filed under the Hague Agreement

The most requested products incorporating ID, for which

In 2009, AGEPI received from national applicants and forwarded

protection was sought, are: watches and accessories for them

to WIPO, under the Hague Agreement procedure, 3 applications

(103 applications with 326 models), ornamental objects

for the international registration of 8 ID, the cumulated number of

(respectively, 31 and 255), advertising materials and office

those reaching the values of 22 and, respectively, 132 Among the

requisites (16


countries designated in the international applications are included

Romania, Ukraine, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Republic of Moldova

rou (16 sj 148), mobilier (7 sj 127), constructii sj elemente de

and the European Community.

constructii (6 sj 115), ambalaje sj recipiente (40 sj 81), simboluri

During the year 2009 there were subjected to substantive

grafice sj ornamen-te (9 i 81)


In afara de cereri de inregistrare, in anul 2009 au fost depuse 445

104 applications with 401 ID, filed under the

de cereri de reinnoire ainregistrarii pentru 1345 de DMI, ceea ce

national procedure, of which

constituie cu 18,6% sj respectiv, 16,1% mai putine decat in anul

81 applications with 265 ID were accepted totally, and 13

precedent Majoritatea absolute a cererilor de reinnoire - 390

applications with 100 ID - partially, for lack of novelty being

(87,6%) provine de la solicitanti straini, dintre acestea 372 fiind

rejected 25 ID included therein

depuse prin Aranjamentul de la Haga.


Raport Anual 2009_______________________________________________

6 applications with 6 ID were rejected totally, for

1 application with 2 ID was rejected totally, for lack of novelty.

lack of novelty; 4 applications and 5 ID were withdrawn

In the year under review, there were issued 82 certificates of

216 international applications with 942 ID

registration for 235 ID, which is 6.8 percent fewer certificates and,

received under the Hague Agreement, of which

respectively, 42.1 percent fewer ID as compared with 2008. The

for 213 applications with 934 ID were adopted decisions of total

registration in the territory of the Republic of Moldova and for

dynamics of issuing ID registration certificates in the last 6 years is

shown in Figure 1.5

2 applications with 2 ID - decisions of partial registration, for

lack of novelty being rejected 4 ID included therein








i modelelor industriale














National owners

Titulari straini
Foreign owners
Total Total







In perioada de referinta, au fost adoptate hotarari de reinnoire

manifesta un interes sporit in vederea protectiei. Rezultatele

pentru 50,4% din inregistrarile Internationale (368 din 730), al

analizei sunt ilustrate in fig. 1.6. sj 1.7.

carortermen expirain anul 2009 (cu 27,3% mai putine fata de

2008), cuprinzand 960 de DMI, sj pentru circa 35,4% din
certificatele nationale (63 din 178), al caror termen de valabilitate
expira in anul 2009, titularilor fiindu-le eliberate 56 de adeverinte
de reinnoire (cu 7,7% mai multe decat in anul precedent) pentru
171 de DMI

Datele de ansamblu privind inregistrarea DMI in ultimii 6 ani sunt

reflectate in tabelul 1.6
During the period under review, there were adopted decisions of
renewal for 50.4% of the international registrations (368 of 730),
whose term was expiring in 2009 (by 27.3% less as compared to
2008) including 960 ID, and for about 35.4% of the national

La 31 decembrie 2009, din totalul de 1099 de certificate de

certificates (63 of 178), whose term of validity was expiring in

inregistrare a DMI, eliberate de AGEPI pe intreg parcursul

2009, the owners were issued 56 renewal certificates (by 7.7%

activitatii sale, erau valabile 580 (52,8%), inclusiv 247 reinnoite,

more than in the previous year) for 171 ID.

acestea constitu-nd 42,6% din certificatele valabile, iar din totalul

de 5817 Tnregistrari international ale DMI care au obtinut protectie
pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova in aceeasj perioada, erau valabile
3328 (57,2%) nclusiv 2053 reinnoite, acestea constituind 61,7%
din inregistrarile international valabile

On 31 December 2009, of the sum total of 1099 ID registration

certificates, issued by the AGEPI throughout its activity, 580
(52.8%) were valid, including 247 renewed, these constituting
42.6% of the valid certificates, and of the sum total of 5817
international registrations of industrial designs that have received

Analiza obiectelorinregistrate de solicitantii nationali precum sj a

protection in the territory of the Republic of Moldova during the

inregistrarilor internationale, carora li s-a acordat protectie in

same period, 3328 were valid (57.2%) including 2053 renewed,

Republica Moldova, scoate in evidenta cele mai solicitate produse

these constituting 61.7% of the valid international registrations

incorporand de-sene sj modele industriale, pentru care se

The analysis of objects registered by the national applicants and of

the international registrations which were granted protection in the


Raport Anual 2009

Republic of Moldova, highlights the most requested products

The general data on registration of industrial designs in the last 6

incorporating industrial designs, in the protection of which is shown

years are shown in Table 1.6

a growing interest. The analysis results are illustrated in Fig. 1.6.

Fig. 1.6. Topul produselor in care sunt incorporate desene si modele

industriale inregistrate in anul 2009 prin procedura nationala

and 1.7.

Fig. 1.6. The top of goods including industrial designs registered in 2009
under the national procedure





ambalaje si recipiente
packages and containers


constructii si elemente j_________

de constructii I
constructions and structural


units !


instalatii sanitare, de incalzire

sanitary, heating equipment



obiecte ornamentale


ornamental objects f_ ] 5


alte produse |
other goods j









Fig. 1.7. Cele mai solicitate produse in care sunt incorporate desene si

Fig. 1.7. The most requested goods including industrial designs registered

modele industriale inregistrate in anul 2009 prin procedura internationale

in 2009 under the international procedure


ceasuri si accesorii pentru ele watches and

accessories therefor
obiecte ornamentale
ornamental objects
mijloace de transport si accesorii pentru ele transport
facilities and accessories therefor


p] 23


ambalaje si recipiente packages and

articole de menaj
household goods



aparate de producere a energiei electrice electricity
production equipment



other goods



Raport Anual 2009_______________________________________________


150 200 250 300 350 400


Tab. 1.6. Activitatea de acordare a protectiei desenelor

1.5. Marci si denumiri de origine a produselor
Industrial design protection activity
In anul
2009, dinamicaindustriale
ascendenta a depuneri cererilor de

Tab. 1.6.

inregistrare a marcilor, atestata incepand cu anul 2000, a suferit

un declin brusc. Astfel, AGEPI a receptionat 5277 de cereri, cu
1531 (22,5%) mai putine decat in anul precedent. Din numarul
total de cereri, pe cale nationala au intrat 1807 (34%), iar pe cale
internationala - 3470 (66%), inclusiv 175 de cereri (3,3%) - prin

depuseFiled applicationsProcedura
national procedure:- solicitanti
a Protocolului referitor la acest Aranjament. La 31 decembrie
applicants- solicitanti straini1617192129172009,
numarul total al cererilor receptionate pe intreaga
de activitate a AGEPI a atins cifra de 81094, nclusiv 28453 de
nationali100221national applicants- solicitanti
cereri (35%)
depuse pe cale nationala
i 52641 (65%)
- pe cale
internationala; 79,4 la suta
din totalul cererilor au provenit de la
straini422306330306281192foreign applicantsTotal
straini i 20,6 la suta - de la cei nationali
applicants:- nationali17114194667467national- straini438323349327310209- foreignDesene
si modele depuseFiled
Fata de anul precedent, numarul cererilor depuse de catre
industrial designsProcedura nationala:556513413353417455The national
solicitantii nationali i cei straini prin procedura nationala a scazut
procedure:solicitanti nationali527459353276369429- national applicantscu 21,8%. Urmare amendasolicitanti
straini295460774826foreign applicants:Aranjamentul
1.5. Trademarks
and appellations
of origin
Haga:1416986116211181082884The Hague Agreement:- solicitanti nationali41-In
2009, the upward
of filing trademark solicitanti
applicantsstraini1375986116211001068879- foreign
attested since 2000, suffered a sudden breakdown. Thus, AGEPI
applicantsTotal solicitanti:197214991575147114991339Total applicants:received 5277 applications, with 1531 (22.5%) less than the
nationali538459353294383434- national- straini14341040122211771116905previous year. Of the total number of applications, under national
eliberateIssued certificates- titulari nationali108123119867157procedure entered 1807 (34%) and under international procedure
owners- titulari straini21221181725- foreign
-3470 (66%), including 175 applications (3.3%) -under the Madrid
Agreement procedure and 3295 (62 ownersTotal:1101351401048882Total:
4%) - under that of the
procedura Aranjamentului de la Madrid i 3295 (62,4%) - prin cea

Protocol relating to that Agreement. On December 31, 2009, the

total number of applications received during the entire period of
AGEPI activity amounted to 81,094, including 28,453 applications
(35%) filed by national way and 52,641 (65%) - by international
way; 79.4 percent of the total of applications proceeded from the
foreign applicants and 20.6 percent - from the national ones
The number of applications filed by the national applicants and the
foreign ones under the national procedure decreased by 21.8%
compared with the



Fig. 1.8. Cereri de

inregistrare a marcilor

Fig. 1.8. Applications for the registration of trademarks




National procedure (NP)

Protocolul Madrid Madrid Protocol


Aranjamentul Madrid Madrid





International procedure (IP)

Total (PN si PI) Total (NP+IP)

Solicitanti straini, PN+PI Foreign
applicants, NP+IP

Solicitanti straini, PI Foreign

applicants, IP




Solicitanti straini, PN Foreign
applicants, NP





mentelor la art. 9 sexies al Protocolului referitor la Aranjamentul

de la Madrid, numarul Tnregistrarilor nternationale depuse pentru

previous year. Following the amendments to Article 9 sexies of the

Republica Moldova prin procedura Protocolului s-a merit

international registrations filed for the Republic of Moldova under

considera-bil - cu 139%, iar numarul cererilor depuse prin

the Protocol procedure increased significantly - by 139% and the

Aranjamentul de la Madrid s-a diminuat cu 94,4 la suta, in

number of applications filed under the Madrid Agreement dimi-

ansamblu fiind inregistrate scadere de 22,8% a Tnregistrarilor

nished by 94.4 percent, as a whole being registered a decrease by

pe cale internationala fata de anul 2008.

22.8% of registrations by international way compared with 2008

Protocol relating to the Madrid Agreement, the number of

Dinamica depunerii cererilor de inregistrare a marcilor in ultimii 6

The dynamics of filing trademark applications in the last 6

ani este prezentata in figura 1.8

years is shown in Figure 1.8.

Ponderea cererilor de inregistrare a marcilor este aproximativ

The weight of applications for registration of trademarks is

aceeasj ca sj in anul precedent: soli-citantilor nationali le revin

approximately the same as the previous year: 23.4% are

23,4%, iar celor strain - 76,6% din totalul cererilor depuse;

incumbent upon the national applicants and upon the foreign ones

totodata conform procedurii nationale, 1211 cereri (67,1%) provin

- 76.6% of the total of filed applications; while under the national

de la solicitantii nationali, iar 596 (32,9%) - de la cei straini

procedure, 1211 applications (67.1%) come from the national

applicants and 596 (32.9%) - from the foreign ones

Majoritatea cererilor depuse de solicitantii national - 1010 (83,4%)

by applicants from 46 countries, a more increased interest in the

- provine de la persoane fizice sau juridice domiciliate sau cu

Republic of Moldova being shown by those from the United States

sediul in municipiu Chiinau, 36 (3%) -in Floreti, 25 (2,1%) -in

Anenii Noi, 21 (1,7%) -in laloveni, restul de circa 120 de cereri
(10%) - in alte unitati administrativ-teritoriale ale republicii,
evidentiindu-se municipiile Balti sj Tiraspol, precum sj raioanele
Glodeni sj Taraclia In anul 2009, cereri de inregistrare a marcilor
prin procedura nationala au fost depuse de solicitanti din 46 de
tari, un interes mai sporit fata de Republica Moldova fiind
manifestat de ce
Most applications filed by the national applicants -1010 (83.4%) proceed from natural or legal persons having their domicile or
headquarters in the city Chisi-nau, 36 (3%) - in Floresti, 25 (2.1%)
- in Anenii Noi, 21 (1.7%) - in laloveni, the rest of approximately
120 applications (10%) - in other administrative-territorial units of
the republic, being emphasized the cities Balti and Tiraspol and
the districts Glodeni and Taraclia. In 2009, applications for
registration of trademarks under the national procedure were filed

Raport Anual 2009

Tab. 1.7. Cereri de inregistrare a marcilor, repartizate Tab. 1.7. Trademark

din Statele Unite ale Americii (8%), Elvetia (4%) Ucraina (3%),
of America (8%), Switzerland (4%) Ukraine (3%), Russian
applications distributed
Federatia Rusa sj Japonia (cate 2%), Regatul Unit, Turcia sj
Federation and Japan (2% each), United Kingdom, Turkey and
dupa tari
by countries
Germania (cate 1%) solicitantii din celelalte tari acumuland in

Germany (1%each), the applicants from other countries

suma 10% din cereri

accumulating in sum 10% of the total amount of applications.

Prin procedura Sistemului de la Madrid, au parvenit cereri de la

Under the Madrid System procedure, applications proceeded from

solicitanti din 54 de tari, cele mai multe provenind din Germania

applicants from 54 countries, most of them proceeding from

(16%), Federatia Rusa (10%), Elvetia (9%), Italia (8%), Franta

Germany (16%), Russian Federation (10%), Switzerland (9%),

(6%) Oficiul pentru Armonizarea Pietei Interne (OHIM) (5%) etc.

Italy (8%), France (6%), and the Office for Harmonization in the

I CodCereri*Republica
Internal Market (OHIM) (5%), etc.
In total, in anul 2009 au fostMoldovaMD120822,9GermaniaDE56710,7Feder
depuse cereri de inregistrare a
marcilor de catre solicitanti din 71 de tari ponderea cea mai mare ate Altogether, in 2009 there were filed trademark applications by
revenind celor din Republica
Moldova. Repartizarea cererilor
applicants from 71 countries, the largest weight belonging to those
dupa tarile de reedinta ale solicitantilor, indiferent de procedura
from the Republic of Moldova. The distribution of applications by
atele Unite
prin care au fost depuse, este reflectatain tabelul 1.7. in
the country of residence of applicants, regardless of the procedure
comparatie cu anul 2008, numarul cererilor depuse a scazut
by which they were filed, is reflected in Table 1.7. Compared with
pentru toate tarile prezentate in top, cu exceptia Ungariei sj
2008, the number of filed applications has declined for all
Poloniei, care au inre-gistrat cu 46 sj, respectiv, 42 mai multe
countries listed in the top, except Hungary and Poland, which have
2,9Biroul Benelux
registered de
with 46 and, respectively, 42 more applications.
Fig. 1.9. Frecventa solicitarii claselor de produse
of claiming
ariaBG611,2Alte 52Fig.
52 classes of goods or sen/ices
sau servicii in cererile depuse pe cale nationala
in the applications filed under the national procedure
countries55410,5Total 71 d
de tari:Total 71

35 5 30 29 32 41 33 16 9 43 38 39 31
clasele CIPS


ICGS classes

Fig. 1.10. Frecventa solicitarii claselor de produse sau servicii in

cererile depuse pe cale internationala

Fig. 1.10. Frequency of claiming

classes of goods
9 3 25 16 clasele
42 30 41 11 12 7 ICGS
or sen/ices
in the applications
under the international

In cererile depuse pe cale nationala, cele mai solicitate clase,

oua, lapte sj produse lactate; uleiuri etc.) - 187 de cereri, dar s-a

conform Clasificarii Internationale a Produselor sj Serviciilor

diminuat nteresul fata de cl. 33 - 167 de cereri (in scadere

(CIPS), reman a fi: 35 (servicii de publicitate, afaceri comerciale

In the applications filed by national way, the most requested

etc.) -677 de cereri (in scadere cu 7 puncte procentuale fata de

classes, according to International Classification of Goods and

anul 2008) sj 05 (medicamente, produse farmaceutice etc.) - 425

Services (ICGS), remain to be 35 (advertising, business

de cereri (in crestere cu 7 puncte procentuale); totodata, a crescut

management services, etc.) - 677 applications (being on the

interesu fata de clasele 30 (zahar, faina, preparate facute din

decrease by 7 percentage points compared with 2008) and 05

cereale etc.) - 224 de cereri sj 29 (came peste, pasari sj vanat,

(drugs pharmaceuticals, etc.) - 425 applications (being on the


Raport Anual 2009

increase by 7 percentage points); at the same time there increased

During the year under review, 7087 applications for registration of

the interest in classes 30 (sugar, flour, preparations made from

trademarks were examined in all, with 1241 (21%) more than the

cereals, etc.) -224 applications and 29 (meat, fish, poultry and

previous year. Following the substantive examination in

game, eggs milk and milk products; oils, etc.) -187 applications but

accordance with the Law of the Republic of Moldova No. 38-XVI

decreased the interest in cl. 33-167 applications

of 29.02.2008 on the Protection of Trademarks, there were

cu 4 puncte procentuale) etc. (figura 1.9.). Prin procedura

accepted totally or partially 87% of the 2487 trademark applica-

internationala, in topul preferintelor ramane cl. 05 (976 de cereri),

tions filed under the national procedure and 91 % of the 4600

frecventa revendi-carii acesteia crescand cu 4 puncte procentuale

applications submitted under the international procedure.

urmata de clasele 35, 09 (diverse aparate sj nstrumente,

Respectively, 13 and 9 percent of applications were refused

calculatoare etc.), 25 (Tmbracaminte incaltaminte etc.). Alte clase


nu au suferit mari schimbari (figura 1.10)

Monitoring of the grounds for refusal attests that 78% of refusals
Pe parcursul anului de bilant, au fost examinate in total 7087 de

on applications filed under the national procedure and 82% of

cereri de inregistrare a marcilor, cu 1241 (21%) mai multe decat in

those on applications filed under the Madrid System are based on

anul precedent. In urma examinarii de fond in conformitate cu

relative grounds (conflict with identical or similar trademarks

Legea Republicii Moldova nr. 38-XVI din 29.02.2008 privind

protected on behalf of other persons for identical or similar

protectia marcilor, au fost acceptate total sau partial 87% din cele

goods/services); 6% and, respectively, 5% of refusals were issued

2487 de cereri de inregistrare a marcilor depuse prin procedura

on the ground that the requested signs were deceitful or liable to

nationala sj 91% din cele 4600 de cereri depuse prin procedura

mislead; 12% and respectively, 5% of refusals - on the ground of

internationala. Respectiv, 13 sj 9 la suta din cereri au fost respinse

lack of distinctiveness of signs requested for registration, etc

total de la inregistrare
In 2009, in the National Register of Trademark Registration
Monitorizarea motivelor de refuz atesta ca 78% din refuzurile

Applications were entered 1648 applications, 118 applications

referitoare la cererile depuse prin procedura nationala sj 82% din

have not met the conditions for filing and 181 applications were

cele referitoare la cererile depuse conform Sistemului de la Madrid

deemed withdrawn, there have not been met the other conditions

au la baza motive relative (conflictul cu marci identice sau simi-lare

set by the Law.

protejate pe numele altor persoane pentru pro-duse/servicii

identice sau similare); 6% sj, respectiv, 5% din refuzuri au fost

During the period under review, AGEPI, as an office of the country

emise pe motivul ca semnele solicitate erau inselatoare; 12% sj,

of origin, checked and transmitted to WIPO 22 applications for

respectiv, 5% din refuzuri - din motivul lipsei de distinctivitate a

international registration of marks under the Madrid System

semnelor solicitate spre inregistrare etc

procedure, with 20 (48%) fewer than the previous year.

In anul 2009, in Registrul national al cererilor de inregistrare a

Among the countries most frequently designated for protection in

marcilor au fostinscrise 1648 de cereri 118 cereri nu au intrunit

the applications for international registration filed by the national

conditiile de depunere, iar 181 de cereri au fost considerate

applicants are Romania (in 68.2% of applications), Ukraine (in

retrase, nefiind indeplinite alte conditii stabilite de Lege

54.5%), Belarus (in 41%), Russian Federation (in 36.4%) and

USA (in 32%).

in calitate de oficiu al tarii de origine, in perioada de bilant AGEPI a

verificat sj a expediat la OMPI 22 de cereri de inregistrare

Concomitantly with the new applications, there also were filed

internationala a marcilor prin procedura Sistemului de la Madrid,

trademark registration renewal applications in 2009 there was

cu 20 (48%) mai putine decat in anul precedent

supposed to expire the term of validity of 2723 trademarks,

including 2063 international trademarks and 660 national

Printre tarile eel mai frecvent desemnate pentru protectie in

trademarks. Altogether,

cererile de inregistrare internationala depuse de solicitantii

nationali se numara Romania (in 68,2% din cereri), Ucraina (in
54,5%), Belarus (in 41%), Federatia Rusa (in 36,4%) sj SUA (in
Concomitent cu cererile noi, au fost depuse sj cereri de reinnoire a
Tnregistrarii marcilor: in anul 2009 urma sa expire termenul de
valabilitate a 2723 de marci, inclusiv a 2063 de marci
internationale sj 660 de marci nationale. in total a fost solicitate
reinnoi(being on a decrease by 4 percentage points), etc. (Figure 1.9.).
Under the international procedure, on top of preferences remains
cl. 05 (976 applications) its claim frequency increasing by 4
percentage points followed by classes 35, 09 (various apparatus
and instruments, computers, etc.), 25 (clothing, footwear, etc.).
Other classes have not undergone great changes (Figure 1.10)

Raport Anual 2009

Fig. 1.11. Eliberarea certificatelor de inregistrare a marcilor








Fig. 1.11. Issuance of trademark registration certificates



National owners

Titulari straini Foreign owners

Total Total

rea a 2351 de marci (cu 92 - 3,8% - mai putine fata de anul




there was sought the renewal of 2351 trademarks (with 92 - 3.8%




2008), aceasta cifra constituind 86% din numarul marcilor a caror

durata de protectie se TncheiaTn anul 2009. Majoritatea
retnnoirilor - 2276 (97%) - a fost solicitata de catre titulari straini,
inclusiv 2049 - pentru inregistrarile internationale i 227 - pentru
marcile national. Titularii nationali au depus 75 (3%) de cereri de
reinnoire a marcilor. Cota marcilor, pentru care s-a solicitat
reinnoirea, in raport cu numarul Tnregistrarilor, pentru care urma
sa expire termenul de valabilitate a constituit 46% pentru
inregistrarile nationale i 99% - pentru cele internationale.
Totodata, trebuie de men-tionat ca aceste date sunt relative,
deoarece exista un decalaj Tntre data expirarii valabilitatii i data
depuneri cererii de reinnoire. De asemenea, trebuie de luatin
considerare existenta termenului de gratie de 6 luni pentru
solicitarea reinnoirii marcii

- less than in 2008), this figure constituting 86% of the number of

trademarks whose term of validity was expiring in 2009. Most
renewals - 2276 (97%) -were requested by foreign owners,
including 2049 -for international registrations and 227-for national
trademarks. The national owners have filed 75 (3%) trademark
renewal applications. The share of trademarks, for which the
renewal was sought, in respect of the number of registrations, for
which the term of validity was supposed to expire, constituted
46% for national registrations and 99% - for international ones. It
should also be mentioned that these data are relative, because
there is a gap between the date of expiry and date of filing of the
renewal application. It should also be taken into account the
existence of the grace period of 6 months for the trademark
renewal request.

In anul de bilant, au fost eliberate 1780 de certificate de

inregistrare a marcilor, aproximativ la acelasj nivel cu anul 2008
(1774). Titularii nationali au obtinut 1044 de certificate (59%), iar
cei straini - 736 (41%). Numarul certificatelor eliberate titularilor
nationali s-a merit fata de anul 2008 cu 40 (4%), iar al celor
eliberate titularilor straini s-a micsorat cu 34 (4,4%). Dinamica
eliberarii certificatelor de inregistrare a marcilor in ultimii 6 ani este
redata in figura 1.11

In the year under review, 1780 trademark registration certificates

were issued, approximately at the same level with 2008 (1774).
The national owners obtained 1044 certificates (59%) and the
foreign ones - 736 (41 %) The number of certificates issued to
national owners increased by 40 (4%) as compared with 2008 and
that of those issued to foreign owners decreased by 34 (4.4%)
The dynamics of trademark registration certificates issued in the
last 6 years is shown in Figure 1.11

Repartizarea certificatelor eliberate dupa tarile de reedinta ale

titularilor este reflectata in tabelul 1.8
Ca i in cazul cererilor, majoritatea certificatelor de inregistrare a
marcilor, eliberate titularilor nationali, reThe distribution of certificates issued by the countries of residence
of owners is reflected in Table 1.8.
As in the case of applications, most trademark registration
certificates, issued to national owners, belong to


Tab. 1.8. Certificate de inregistrare a marcilor repartizate

dupa tari

Tab. 1.8. Trademark registration

certificates distributed according to

vine persoanelor cu domiciliul sau sediul in municipiul Chisjnau -

persons with their domicile or headquarter in Chisinau - 83%. At a

83%. La distanta foarte mare de acesjja se situeaza titularii din

very big distance from them are situated the owners from Floresti

Floreti (3%), Anenii Noi (2%) laloveni (2%), Balti (1%), Tiraspol

(3%), Anenii Noi (2%), laloveni (2%), Balti (1%), Tiraspol (1%),

(1%), Glodeni (1%) Taraclia (1%), restul de 6 la suta revenind

Glodeni (1%), Taraclia (1%), the remaining 6 percent belonging to

owners from other administrative-territorial units
MoldovaMD104058,4Statele Unite ale
In anul de bilant, au fost eliberate 253 de certificate
de reinnoire
In the year under review, 253 certificates were issued for renewal
ainregistrarii marcilor, dintre
of trademark registration, of which 41 (21%) - to national owners
212 (79%) - celor straini. Fata
and 212 (79%) - to foreign ones. Compared with the previous
certificatelor de reinnoire eliberate a scazut cu 250 (50%), totodata
year, the number of issued renewal certificates fell by 250 (50%),
fiind atestata reducere cu 67 (62%) a numarului de certificate
while being attested a reduction by 67 (62%) in the number of
eliberate titularilor nationali sj cu 183 (46%) a numarului de
certificates issued to national owners and by 183 (46%) in the
e Virgine BritaniceVG191,1Alte 42 de tari Other
certificate eliberate titularilor straini Cota certificatelor de reinnoire
number of certificates issued to foreign owners. The share of
42 countries19711,1Total
55 de tari Total 55
constituie 38% din numarul certificatelor de inregistrare al caror
renewal certificates is 38% of the number of registration
termen de valabilitate a expirat in anul 2009, fiind cu 32 puncte
certificates whose validity term expired in 2009, by 32 percentage
titularilor din celelalte unitati teritorial-administrative

procentuale mai mica decat in 2008

points lower than in 2008.

De lainceputul activitatii sale pane in 31.12.2009 AGEPI a eliberat

From the start of its activity until 31 December 2009, AGEPI

19419 certificate de inregistrare a marcilor. Diferenta considerable

issued 19,419 trademark registration certificates. The significant

dintre numaru de cereri de inregistrare sj numarul de certificate

difference between the number of applications for registration and

eliberate se explica prin faptul ca AGEPI nu elibereaza certificate

the number of issued certificates is explained by the fact that

de inregistrare pentru marcile nternationale. La 31 decembrie

AGEPI does not issue certificates of registration for international

2009 erau valabile 16306 certificate (84%), inclusiv 4787 reinnoite

trademarks. On December 31, 2009, there were valid 16,306

acestea de la urma constituind 29% din certificate-le valabile

certificates (84%) ncluding 4787 renewed, these latter constituting

29% of the valid certificates


Tab. 1.9. Activitatea de protectie a marcilor

Trademark protection activity

Tab. 1.9.

depuse:508958256144654468085277Filed applications:- solicitanti
nationali185120931520153215811211- national applicants- solicitanti
straini323837324624501252274066- foreign applicantsProcedura
nationala:224625702269228223121807The national procedure:- solicitanti
nationali185120931520153215811211- national applicants- solicitanti
straini395477749750731596- foreign applicantsProcedura internationala
(solicitanti straini):284332553875426244963470The international procedure
(foreign applicants):- Aranjamentul Madrid24402720313235253117175- Madrid
Agreement- Protocolul Madrid40353574373713793295- Madrid
ProtocolCertificate eliberate:162414671319125917741780Granted certificates:titulari nationali1256116697679210041044- national owners-titulari
straini368301343467770736- foreign owners
Tabloul general al activitatii de acordare a protectie marcilor de

anului de referinta, numarul cererilor de inregistrare a denumirilor

produse sj/sau de servicii in ultimii 6 ani este prezentat in tabelul

de origine a produselor pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova a atins


cifra de 833 nclusiv 16 depuse prin procedura nationala sj 817 prin procedura Aranjamentului de la Lisabona. in prezent, pe

In anul de bilant, au parvenit 4 cereri de inregistrare a denumirilor

teritoriul Republicii Moldova sunt protejate

de origine a produselor - toate prin procedura Aranjamentului de la

in baza inregistrarii la AGEPI - 2 denumiri de origine autohtone

Lisabona din 31 octombrie 1958 privind protectia indicatiilor locului

pentru vinuri (Ciumai" sj Romaneti") sj 5 denumiri de

de origine a produselor sj inregistrarea lor internationala. La finele

origine din Republica Ceha (4 - pentru bere sj 1 - pentru

programelor/ proiectelor din sfera tiintei sj inovarii, finantate de la

bauturi alcoolice)

bugetul de stat, care au fost finalizate in anii 2006-2009, fiind

in baza Aranjamentului de la Lisabona - 810 denumiri de origine

pentru diverse produse din tarile membre laAranjament

eliberate 78 de adeverinte. La 31.12.2009 baza de date

mentionata continea informati referitoare la 420 de

The general picture of the activity on affording protection to

programe/proiecte, inclusiv 248 finalizate in anul 2005, 34 - in

product and/or service trademarks in the last 6 years is presented

2006, 63 - in 2007, 72-in 2008 i 3 -Tn 2009

in Table 1.9
in perioada de referinta in activitatea AGEPI a intervenit
In the year under review, AGEPI received 4 applications for

schimbare esentiala referitoare la controlul privind legalitatea

registration of appellations of origin of goods -all under the

valorificarii exemplarelor de opere sau fonograme pe teritoriul

procedure of the Lisbon Agreement of October 31,1958, for the

Republici Moldova. Astfel, in conformitate cu prevederile Codului

Protection of Appellations of Origin and their International

Contraventional (in vigoare din 31.05.2009) organele afacerilor

Registration. At the end of the year under review, the number of

interne au fost imputernicite

1.6. Copyright and related rights

applications for registration of appellations of origin of goods in the

territory of the Republic of Moldova amounted to 833, including 16
filed under the national procedure and 817-under the procedure of
the Lisbon Agreement Currently, in the territory of the Republic of
Moldova are protected
on the basis of registration with the AGEPI - 2 ndigenous
appellations of origin for wines ("Ciumai" and "Romanesti")
and 5 appellations of origin from the Czech Republic (4 - for
beer and 1 for alcoholic beverages)
under the Lisbon Agreement - 810 appellations of origin for
various goods from the member countries of the Agreement
1.6. Dreptul de autor si drepturile conexe

During 2009, at the request of copyright authors and holders,

AGEPI entered in the State Register of works protected by
copyright and related rights 360 objects and issued the same
number of registration certificates for different categories of works
(according to Table 1.10). Compared with the previous year, it was
attested an increase by 9% in the total number of records, which
was mainly due to the growth of about 11 times of the activity of
recording audiovisual works, of 3.2 times - musical works by 60% integrated works and by 17% - computer programs. At the same
time, the number of records of scientific works decreased by 63%,
of works of applied art - by 54%, of databases - by 50%, of

Pe parcursul anului 2009, la cererea autorilor sj titularilor de

phonograms - by 13%, and the number of recorded literary works

drepturi, AGEPI a Tnscris in Registru de Stat al operelor ocrotite

remained approximately at the level of the year 2008. On top of

de dreptul de autor sj drepturile conexe 360 de obiecte sj a eliberat

records come out the audiovisual and literary works - by 23 and,

acelasj numar de certificate de inregistrare pentru diferite categorii

respectively, 21% of the total number, followed by the integrated

de opere (conform tabelului 1.10). In raport cu anul precedent, s-a

works and phonograms (14 and 13%), works of applied art and

atestat sporire a numarulu total de Tnregistrari cu 9%, care s-a

scientific works (8%), musical works and computer programs (6%

datorat in special cresterii, de circa 11 ori, a activitatii de


inregistrare a operelor audiovizuale, de 3,2 ori - a operelor muzicale, cu 60% - a operelor integrante sj cu 17% - a programelor

In 2009, AGEPI continued to successfully carry out its functions

de calculator. In acelasj timp, numarul de Tnregistrari ale operelor

related to the recording of scientific research results (intellectual

tiintifice s-a diminuat cu 63%, ale operelor de arte plastica - cu

property objects) of the science and innovation organizations

54%, ale bazelor de date - cu 50%, ale fonogramelor - cu 13%, iar

financed from the state budget. Following the adoption, by the

numarul de opere literare inregistrate a ramas aproximativ la

Government Decree No. 27 of 22.01.2009, of the Regulations on

nivelul anului 2008. In topul Tnregistrarilor se afla operele

State Registration and Record of Scientific Research Results, in

audiovizuale sj literare -cu 23 sj, respectiv, 21% din numarul total,

the year under review AGEPI started issuing certificates of

urmate de operele integrante sj fonograme (14 sj 13%), operele

registration of these results

tiintifice sj de arte plastica (cate 8%), operele muzi-cale sj

programele de calculator (cate 6%)

During the year under review, in the database "Scientific Results"

were introduced 88 informative cards on the results of

In anul 2009, AGEPI a continuat sa realizeze cu succes functiile

implementation of programs/projects in the field of science and

sale ce tin de inregistrarea rezul-tatelor cercetarilor tiintifice

innovation, financed from the state budget, which were completed

(obiecte de proprietate ntelectuala) ale organizatiilor din sfera

in 2006-2009, being issued 78 certificates. On 31.12.2009 the

tiintei sj inovarii, finantate din bugetul de stat. Urmare adoptarii,

database mentioned contained information on 420

prin Hotararea Guvernului nr. 27 din 22.01.2009, a

programs/projects including 248 completed in 2005, 34 - in 2006,

Regulamentului cu privire la inregistrarea sj evidenta de stat a

63 - in 2007, 72 - in 2008 and 3 - in 2009.

rezultatelor activitatii de cercetare tiintifica, in anul de referinta

AGEPI a inceput eliberarea adeverintelor de inregistrare a acestor

During the reporting period, a substantial change occurred in the


AGEPI activity relating to the control on legal use of copies of

works or phonograms in the territory of the Republic of Moldova.

Pe parcursul anului de bilant, in baza de date Rezultate tiintifice"

Thus in accordance with the provisions of the Code on

au fost introduse 88 de fie nformative privind rezultatele realizarii

Administrative Contravention (in force since 31.05.2009), the

bodies of internal affairs have been

on institution in
cu atributii de constatare sj/sau sanctionare a contraventiilor ce tin Tab.
rights. In these
being the specialized
inregistrare a operelor ocrotite de
de Tncalcarea dreptului de autor sj a drepturilor conexe. In aceste recording
the field AGEPI
can intervene
in order to identify
bythe cases of
de autor i drepturile
conditii fiind institutia specializataTn domeniu, AGEPI poate
of copyright
and related
rights only jointly with the
nterveni Tn scopul identificarii cazurilor de Tncalcare a drepturilor
officers of the bodies of internal affairs or other authorities vested
de autor sj drepturilor conexe doar Tn comun cu colaboratorii

with control and finding functions. Consequently, in the year under

organelor afacerilor interne sau cu alte autoritati investite cu functii

review, the number of controls exercised by AGEPI declined by 9

times compared with 2008 and constituted 24 controls, of which 3
bilant, numarul controalelor efectuate de AGEPI a scazut de 9 ori
initiated ex officio and 21 - at the request of the Ministry of
artaCrime and
fata de anul 2008
sj a constituit 24 de
controale, dintre care 3 au
Internal Affairs,worksOpere
Center for Combatingde
fost initiate din oficiu iar 21 - la cererea
Ministerului Afacerilor
Corruption, of
holders, etc
Interne Centrului pentruartFonograme112751455447PhonogramsBaze
Combaterea Crimelor Economice sj
As a result of these controls, there have been prepared and
de calculator1628571821Computer
submitted to the competent courts 22 control and seizure reports,
programsOpere integrante282162052Integrated
Urmare acestor controale, au fost Tntocmite sj transmise
(4.3 times less than the previous year), of which 16 - on the
audiovizuale21411783Audiovisual worksOpere de arta decorative i
instantelor judecatoresji competente 22 de procese-verbale de
commission of administrative contravention, and in 6 cases the
applied artOpere derivate-control-ridicare (de 4,3 ori mai putine decat Tn anul precedent),
materials were transmitted to the criminal prosecution body,
2220Derived worksTotal:138176283355330360Total:
dintre care 16 - privind comiterea contraventiei administrative, iar
because the value of infringed rights or licensed copies of works
de control sj constatare a contraventiilor. In consecinta, Tn anul de

Tn 6 cazuri materialele au fost transmise organulu de urmarire

or phonograms was qualified as being of great proportions

penala, deoarece valoarea drepturilor violate sau a exemplarelor

licentiate de opere sau fonograme a fost calificata ca fiind de

In the controls there were seized 158 copies of alleged infringing

proportii mari

works or phonograms, on various media, including 119-DVDs and


In cadrul controalelor, au fost ridicate 158 de exemplare de opere

sau fonograme, presupuse a fi contrafacute, pe diverse suporturi,

The general picture of the activity in the last 6 years in this area is

inclusiv 119 - DVD-uri sj 39 - HDD-uri

reflected in Figure 1.12. and in Table 1.11

Tabloul general al activitatii din ultimii 6 ani Tn acest domeniu este

At the request of the control bodies, the AGEPI specialists

reflectat Tn figura 1.12. sj Tn tabelul 1.11

prepared 155 expert examination reports on

Fig. 1.12. Raportul dintre numarul controalelor efectuate i eel al

La solicitarea organelor de control, specialistii AGEPI au Tntocmit

155 de rapoarte de expertize

proceselor-verbale Tntocmite
Fig. 1.12. The ratio between the number of carried out controls and that of
drawn up reports

entrusted with the tasks of finding and/or punishment of minor

offenses related to the infringements of copyright and related








Controale Controls








Tab. 1.11. Numarul exemplarelor de

opere i fonograme ridicate

Tab. 1.11. The number of

seized copies of works and

200420052006200720082009Opere i fonograme ridicate,

total:186866976610227753016158Seized works
and phonograms, total:inclusiv pe suporturi casete audio
(MC)5640113633642630including on media: audio cassettes (MC) casete
video (VHS)7133175042613200 video cassettes (VHS) compact-discuri
(CD)4231146616976126030 compact disks (CD) compact-discuri
(DVD)16822624361819762295119 compact disks (DVD) hard-discuri
(HDD)0025135539 hard disks (HDD)
a exemplarelor de opere sau fonograme ridicate (cu 12% mai

copies of seized works or phonograms (by 12% more than in

multe decat Tn anul 2008), inclusiv 59 - Tn cadrul dosarelor

2008), including 59 - within the framework of the criminal files and

penale sj 96 - al celor administrative (Tn anul precedent - 33 sj

96 - of the administrative ones (in the previous year - 33 and 105,

105, respectiv)


Pe parcursul anului 2009, au fost examinate opere sj fonograme

During 2009, there were examined works and phonograms

imprimate pe 13964 de suporturi materi-ale (CD, DVD, MP3) sj 440

printed on 13,964 tangible media (CD, DVD, MP3) and 440 hard

de hard-discuri (Tn 2008 numarul acestora a constituit, respectiv,

disks (in 2008 their number was 8182 and, respectively, 122).

8182 sj 122) Dintre acestea, pe dosare administrative au fost

Of these on administrative files were examined 3155 CD DVD,

examinate 3155 de CD, DVD, MP3 i 119 HDD, iar pe dosare

MP3 and 119 HDD, and on criminal files -10,809 CD, DVD, MP3

penale -10809 CD, DVD, MP3 sj 321 de HDD.

and 321 HDD.

In scopul asigurarii unei comercializari legale a ope-relor

In order to ensure the legal marketing of audiovisual works and

audiovizuale sj a fonogramelor Tnregistrate pe compact-discuri,

phonograms recorded on compact discs video and audio

casete video sj audio, au fost eliberate circa 594782 de marcaje

cassettes, there have been issued about 594,782 control marks,

de control, cu 36% mai putine decat Tn anul precedent. De

by 36% less than the previous year. It should be noted that a


Fig. 1.13. Numarul marcajelor de control eliberate de AGEPI (mii)
Fig. 1.13. The number of control marks issued by the AGEPI (thousands)



1000Casete video (VA)

Video cassettes (VA)
Casete audio (AA)
Audio cassettes (AA)


Compact-discun (DA)
Compact disks (DA)





ca pe parcursul ultimilor 6 ani se atesta continue scadere a

numarului de marcaje de control eliberate (figura 1.13.). In
Registrul de Stat al titularilor marcajelor de control au fost Tnscrisj
28 de titulari noi, la sfarsjtul anului 2009 numarul acestora atingand
cifra de 197.
decrease in the number of issued control marks (Figure 1.13.) is
attested in the last 6 years. In the State Register of Holders of
Control Marks were entered 28 new holders, at the end of the year
2009 their number amounted to 197.






2.1. Activitatea normativ-legislativa

field, following the entry into force of the special laws in a new
In anul 2009, activitatea normativ-legislativa s-a axat pe

version, harmonized with the legislation of the European Union. In

desfaurarea!n continuare a procesului de per-fectionare sj

this context, the following normative acts were approved

modernizare a cadrului juridic national ce reglementeaza domeniul

Government Decree No. 295 of 16.04.2009 on Approval of the

proprietatii intelectuale ca urmare a intrarii in vigoare a legilor

Regulations on the Procedures of Filing and Examination of

speciale in redactie noua, armonizate cu legislatia Uniunii Euro-

an Application, of Grant and Maintenance of a Plant Variety

pene. in acest context, au fost aprobate urmatoarele acte

Hotararea Guvernului nr. 295 din 16.04.2009 pentru aprobarea
Regulamentului privind procedure de depunere sj examinare
a cererii, de acordare sj de mentinere in vigoare a brevetulu
pentru soi de plante;
Hotararea Guvernului nr. 488 din 13.08.2009 pentru aprobarea

Government Decree No. 488 of 13.08.2009 on Approval of the
Regulations on the Procedure of Filing, Examination and
Registration of Trademarks
Government Decree No. 528 of 01.09.2009 on Approval of the
Regulations on the Procedure of Filing and Examination of a
Patent Application and of Grant of a Patent

Regulamentului privind procedura de depunere, examinare sj

inregistrare a marcilor;
Hotararea Guvernului nr. 528 din 01.09.2009 pentru aprobarea

It has also been prepared and coordinated with the relevant

authorities the Draft Regulations on the Procedure for Filing,

Regulamentului privind procedura de depunere sj examinare

Examination and Registration of Geographical Indications (Gl),

a cererii de brevet de inventie sj de eliberare a brevetului

Appellations of Origin (DO) and Traditional Specialties Guaranteed

(TSG), to be approved by the Government

De asemenea, a fost elaborat sj coordonat cu autoritatile de resort

proiectul Regulamentului privind procedura de depunere,

However, in order to create an integral system of protection of

examinare sj inregistrare a indicatiilor geografice (IG), denumirilor

geographical indications, appellations

de origine (DO) sj specialitatilor traditionale garantate (STG) care

urmeaza sa fie aprobat de catre Guvern
Totodata, in scopul crearii unui sistem integru de protectie a
indicatiilor geografice, denumirilor de origine
2.1. Normative-legislative activity

sj specialitatilor traditionale garantate, precum sjTn scopul
executarii prevederilor art. 33 sj 34 ale Legi nr. 66-XVI din
27.03.2008 ce reglementeaza acest domeniu, a fost elaborat sj
coordonat cu autoritatile vizate proiectul Hotararii Guvernului cu
privire lade-semnarea autoritatilor competente abilitate cu atributi

In 2009, the normative-legislative activity was focused on further

sj responsabilitati referitoare la produsele cu denumiri de origine sj

deployment of the process for the improvement and modernization

indicatii geografice sj la specialitatile traditionale garantate, precum

of the national legal framework governing the intellectual property

sj a autoritatilor competente responsabile de controalele oficiale

privind conformitatea acestor produse

Regulations of the Board of Appeals of the State Agency on

Intellectual Property, which estab-ishes the legal status, the
way of organization and functioning of this body responsible

In perioada de bilant, au fost aprobate, de aseme-nea,

for the extrajudicial settlement of legal disputes in intellectual

urmatoarele acte normative

property field - by the Government Decree No. 257 of

Regulamentul cu privire la Tnregistrarea sj evi-denta de stat a


rezultatelor activitatii de cerceta-re sjiintifica, parte

componenta a Acordului de parteneriat Tntre Guvern sj

An important initiative of the year 2009, under legislative aspect,

Academia de tiinte a Moldovei pentru anii 2009-2012 - prin

was to elaborate and coordinate with the concerned authorities the

Hotararea Guvernului nr. 27 din 22.01.2009;

Draft Law on Amending and Supplementing Certain Acts, namely:

Regulamentul Comisiei de contestatii a Agentiei de Stat pentru

the Penal Code, the Code of Criminal Procedure, the Code on

Proprietatea Intelectuala, care stabileste statutul juridic,

Administrative Contravention and the Code of Civi Procedure.

modul de organizare sj functionare a acestui organ de

Through the nominated draft it will be ensured, in particular, the

solutionare pe cale extrajudicial a litigiilor din domeniul

full compliance of the provisions of these legislative acts with the

propri-etatii intelectuale - prin Hotararea Guvernului nr. 257

provisions of the special laws in force covering the exclusive right

din 02.04.2009.

of the holders of intellectual property rights

importanta initiative a anului 2009, sub aspect legislativ,

The process of improvement of the normative framework in IP field

constituie elaborarea sj coordonarea cu autoritatile vizate a

has determined to be developed and coordinated with the

proiectului Legii pentru modifica-rea sj completarea unor acte

competent authorities the draft amending the Government Decree

legislative, sj anume a Codului penal, Codului de procedura

No. 1425 of 02.12.2003 on the terms and conditions for granting

penale, Co-dului Contraventional sj Codului de procedura civile.

permission to use the official or historic name of the state in the

Prin proiectul nominalizat urmeaza sa fie asigurata, in special,

product and/or service trademark, as a result of need to also

compatibilitatea deplina a prevederilor acestor acte legislative cu

extend the respective procedure to industrial designs

prevederile legilor spe-ciale Tn vigoare vizand dreptul exclusiv al

titularilor drepturilor de proprietate intelectuala.

Proposals have also been initiated to amend and supplement

certain legislative acts, referring to Regulations on Industrial

Procesul de perfectionare a cadrului normative domeniul PI a

Property Objects Created in the Accomplishment of Duties

determinat sa fie elaborat sj coordonat cu autoritatile de resort

approved by the Government Decree No. 1609 of 31.12.2003;

proiectul de modificare a Hotararii Guvernului nr. 1425 din

02.12.2003 privind modul sj conditiile de acordare a permisiunii de
folosire a denumirii oficiale sau istorice a statului Tn marca de
produs sj/sau de serviciu, ca urmare a necesitatii extinderii
procedurii respective sj asupra desenelor sj modelelor industriale
De asemenea, au fost initiate propuneri de modificare sj
completare a unor acte normative, cu referire la: Regulamentul
privind obiectele de proprietate industriale create Tn cadrul
exercitarii atributiilor de serviciu, aprobat prin Hotararea
Guvernului nr. 1609 din 31.12.2003;

of origin and traditional specialties guaranteed and to execute the

provisions of art. 33 and 34 of the Law No. 66-XVI of 27.03.2008
governing this area, it has been developed and coordinated with
the concerned authorities the Draft Government Decision on the
designation of competent authorities empowered with powers and
responsibilities relating to products with appellations of origin and
geographical indications and to traditional specialties guaranteed,
and of competent authorities responsible for the official controls on
the conformity of these products
During the period under review there were also approved the
following normative acts
Regulations on the State Registration and Accounting of the
Scientific Research Activity Results, component part of the

Hotararea Guvernului nr. 774 din 13.08.1997 cu pri-vire la

taxele pentru servicii cu semnificatie juridica in domeniul
protectiei obiectelor de proprietate intelectuala;
Hotararea Guvernului nr. 783 din 30.06.2003 cu privire la
evaluarea obiectelor de proprietate intelectuala.
Pentru a eficientiza activitatea de reprezentare a persoanelor
fizice sj juridice de catre mandatarii autorizati in domeniu, a fost
elaborat proiectul Regulamentului privind activitatea mandatarilor
autorizati in proprietatea intelectuala, in redactie noua.
In scopul stimularii activitatii inovationale, inclusiv a nventatorilor
din Republica Moldova, a fost elaborat sj urmeaza sa fie aprobat
de catre Guvemu Republicii Moldova proiectul Hotararii
Guvernului cu privire la decernarea Premiului anual al Guvernulu
Cel mai dotat inventator al anului"
De asemenea, AGEPI a perfectat, in scopu expedierii catre OMPI,
proiectul Declaratiei Guvernului Republicii Moldova cu referire la
modificarea taxei individuale de desemnare a tarii noastre
in conformitate cu Articolul 7 alin. 2 al Actulu 1999 al
Aranjamentului de la Haga privind inre-gistrarea internationala a
desenelor sj modelelor
ndustriale sj Regula 36(1) a Regulamentului co-mun pentru Actele
1999, 1960 sj 1934 ale acestui Aranjament

Partnership Agreement between the Government and

Academy of Sciences of Moldova for 2009-2012 - by the
Government Decree No. 27 of 22.01.2009;

2.2. Contencios

Activitatea in domeniul contenciosului s-a desfaurat, ca sj in anii

have been considered by the Board of Appeals, have passed into

precedent], pe doua directii prioritare

the competence of the Chisinau Court of Appeal


examinarea contestatiilor la Comisia de contestati a



Simultaneously, the examination departments have transmitted to

the Board 20 appeals lodged in the process of reexamination of

participarea specialitilor AGEPI la examinarea itigiilor

din domeniul proprietatii intelectuale in nstantele judecatoreti

IPO registration applications (compared with 46 in 2008)


in anul 2009, la Comisie au fost depuse in mod direct 140 de

Majoritatea contestatiilor (98%), depuse direct la Comisie, se

contestatii, cu 34 (9,5%) mai putine decat in anul precedent.

refera la marci, iar 2% - la desene sj modele industriale. Spre

Aceasta scadere este cauzata de modificarea competentei

deosebire de anul precedent, nu a fost depuse nici contestatie

Comisiei de contestatii drept urmare a intrarii in vigoare a legilor

referitoare la inventii sj modele de utilitate

speciale in redactie noua. Astfel, serie de litigii care anterior ar fi

fost examinate de catre Comisia de contestatii, au trecut in

Dupa provenienta lor, contestable se distribuie Tn modul urmator:

competenta Curtii de Apel Chisjnau

25 (17,9%) provin de la solicitanti (titulari) nationali, 8 (5,7%) - de

la persoane terte national, 78 (55,7%) - de la solicitanti (titulari)

Concomitent, departamentele de expertize au transmis in Comisie

straini, 29 (20,7%) - de la persoane terte straine. In comparatie cu

20 de contestatii parvenite in procesul de reexaminare a cererilor

anul precedent, atat numarul contestatiilor depuse de solicitanti

de inregistrare a OPI (fata de 46 in 2008).

(titulari) straini, cat sj eel al contestatiilor depuse de persoane terte

straine s-a merit, respectiv, cu 10 sj 4 la suta, iar numarul celor

depuse de solicitanti (titulari) nationali sj persoane terte nationale a

Government Decree No. 774 of 13.08.1997 on Fees for Legal

scazut semnificativ, cu 50 sj, respectiv, 70%.

Services in the field of protection of intellectual property

Government Decree No. 783 of 30.06.2003 on Evaluation of
Intellectual Property Objects

Pe parcursul anului 2009, Comisia a examinat 187 de contestatii,

fiind adoptate 187 de hotarari sj Tncheieri, inclusiv: 94 de hotarari
de acceptare totala (69) sau partiala (25) a revendicarilor
contestatarilor 63 - de respingere a acestora sj 30 de Tncheieri: 18

To streamline the activity of representation of natural and legal

- privind transmiterea dosarelor spre reexaminare sj 12 - privind

persons by the patent attorneys in the field, it was drafted the

Tncetarea procedurii de examinare a contestatiei. Majoritatea

Regulations on the Activity of Patent Attorneys in Intellectual

absolute a hotararilor sj Tncheierilor adoptate - 179 (95,7%) se

Property, in a new version

refera la marci, 5 (2,7%) - la modele de utilitate, 2 (1,1%) - la

desene sj modele industriale sj 1 (0,5%) - la inventii

In order to stimulate the innovative activity, including the inventors

of the Republic of Moldova, it was drafted and is supposed to be

In figura 2 este prezentata dinamica procesului de depunere sj

approved by the Government of the Republic of Moldova the

examinare a contestatiilor sj de adop-tare a hotararilor de catre

Government Decree on the Government Annual Award for

Comisia de contestatii pe parcursul ultimilor 6 ani

"Outstanding Inventor of the Year"

Also, AGEPI perfected, with the view of being dispatched to the
WIPO, the Draft Declaration of the Government of the Republic of
Moldova with reference to the individual fee for designation of our
country, in accordance with Article 7, paragraph 2, of the Act 1999

Pe data de 31 decembrie 2009, la Comisie se aflau Tn curs de

examinare 51 de contestatii
in anul de referinta, specialisjii AGEPI au participat la 529 de
sedinte de judecata pe cazuri referitoare la OPI (cu 55% mai multe
decat Tn anul precedent), dintre care: 446 - la Curtea de Apel

of the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration

Chisjnau, 60 - la Curtea Supreme de Justitie, 15 - la Judecatoria

of Industrial Designs and Rule 36(a) of the Common Regulation

Economica de Circumscriptie sj 8 - la Judecatoria sectorului

under the Acts 1999, 1960 and 1934 of this Agreement

RTscani al municipiului Chisjnau. in cadrul acestora au fost

examinate 93 de dosare (cu 7 mai multe fata de anul 2008),

2.2. Contentious matter

The activity in the field of contentious matter was conducted, as in
the previous years, in two main directions


Justitie. Ca sj Tn anii precedent] Tn majoritatea cazurilor (89%)

obiecte ale litigiilor le-au constituit marcile de produse sj/sau de

hearing of appeals with the Board of Appeals of

De asemenea, specialisjii Agentiei au participat la 24 de edinte



inclusiv 61 - la Curtea de Apel sj 32 - la Curtea Supreme de

participation of the AGEPI specialists in hearing of

litigations in the field of intellectual property in the courts

In 2009, 140 appeals were lodged directly with the Board of

ale instantelor judecatoresji pe litigii referitoare laTncalcari ale

dreptului de autor sj drepturilor conexe (Tn 2008 - la 75), Tn cadrul
acestora fiind examinate 12 dosare (de 6 ori mai putine decat Tn
anul precedent), inclusiv 3 - administrative, 7 - civile sj 2 - penale

Appeals, with 34 (9.5%) less than the previous year. This

decrease is caused by the amendment to the competence of the
Board of Appeals as a result of entry into force of the special laws
in new version. Thus, a series of disputes that previously would

Most appeals (98%), lodged directly with the Board, refer to

trademarks, and 2% - to industrial designs. Unlike the previous

year, there have been lodged no appeals relating to inventions

The dynamics of the process of lodging and hear-ng of appeals

and utility models

and of adoption of decisions by the Board of Appeals over the last

six years is presented in Figure 2

By their origin, the appeals are distributed as follows 25 (17.9%)

On December 31, 2009, 51 appeals were pending in the Board

come from national applicants (owners) 8 (5.7%) - from national

third persons, 78 (55.7%) -from foreign applicants (owners), 29

In the year under review, the AGEPI specialists attended 529

(20.7%) - from foreign third persons. Compared with the previous

hearings on cases relating to IPO (by 55% more than the previous

year, both the number of appeals lodged by foreign applicants

year), of which: 446 -in the Chisinau Court of Appeal, 60 - in the

(owners) and of appeals lodged by foreign third persons

Supreme Court of Justice, 15 - in the Economic Court of

increased, respectively, by 10 and 4 percent, and the number of

Circumscription and 8 - in the Riscani District Court of Chisinau

those lodged by national applicants (owners) and national third

municipality. Within these were examined 93 files (with 7 more

persons has declined significantly, by 50 and, respectively, 70%.

than in 2008), including 61 - in the Court of Appeal and 32 - in the

During the year 2009, the Board heard 187 appeals being adopted

Supreme Court of Justice. As in the previous years, in the majority

187 decisions and conclusions ncluding: 94 decisions of total (69)

of cases (89%) objects of disputes were the products and/or

or partial (25) acceptance of claims of the appellants, 63 - of their

service trademarks

rejection and 30 conclusions: 18 - on submission of files to

Also, the AGEPI specialists participated in 24 sessions of the

reexamination and 12 - on termination of the procedure of

courts on litigations relating to nfringements of copyright and

examination of appeal. The absolute majority of adopted decisions

related rights (in 2008 - 75), within these being considered 12

and conclusions -179 (95.7%) refers to trademarks, 5 (2.7%) - to

cases (6 times less than in the previous year) ncluding 3 -

utility models, 2 (1.1%) - to industrial designs and 1 (0 5%) - to

administrative, 7 - civil and 2 -penal

Fig. 2. Contestatii depuse si examinate la

Fig. 2. Appeals filed and heard with the

Comisia de contestatii

Board of Appeals

160 140

120 100 80
60 40 20 0

Contestatii depuse Filed




Heard appeals
Hotarari adoptate Adopted






In urma examinarii cauzelor, instantele judecatoreti au emis 61

Following the examination of cases, the courts have issued 61

de hotarari definitive sj 32 de decizii ire-vocabile. Cu scopul de a

final judgments and 32 irrevocable decisions. In order to ensure

asigura accesul publicului larg la informatia legale sj cea de

the public access to legal and IP jurisprudence information, in

jurisprudents in domeniul PI, in anul 2009 s-a continuat publica-

2009 AGEPI continued to publish on its website (www,

rea pe pagina web AGEPI the final judgments and

deciziijudecata/index.php) a hotararilor definitive si deciziilor

irrevocable decisions of the courts relating to litigations in the IP

irevocabile ale instantelor judecatoreti referitoare la litigii din

field. Thus, there were published 70 judgments and decisions,

domeniul PI. Astfel, au fost publicate 70 de hotarari sj decizii,

their total number amounting to 136, of which 106 relate to

numarul lor total ajungand la 136, dintre care 106 se refera la

trademarks, 23 - to inventions, 4 - to copyright and related rights

marci 23 - la inventii, 4 - la drepturi de autor sj conexe sj 3 - la

and 3 - to industrial designs

desene sj modele industriale

2.3. Transmiterea drepturilor asupra OPI

In anul 2009, la AGEPI au fost inregistrate 152 de contracte de

transmitere a drepturilor sau de gaj al OPI (in anul precedent
-154), inclusiv 131 (86,2%) de contracte de cesiune, 17 (11,2%) de licenta sj 4 (2,6%) - de franchising. Din numarul total al contractelor de licenta inregistrate in anul de bilant, 9 le-au constituit
licentele exclusive, iar 8 - cele neexclusive in perioada 1994-2009
la AGEPI au fost inregistrate 1491 de contracte de transmitere a
drepturilor sau de gaj, inclusiv 1283 (86,1%) de contracte de
cesiune, 179 (12%) - de licenta, 17 (1,1%) - de franchising si 12
(0,8%) - de gaj.

2.3. Transfer of rights in IPO

In 2009, 152 right transfer or IPO pledge contracts were
registered with the AGEPI (the previous year -154), including 131
(86.2%) - assignment, 17 (11.2%) - license and 4 (2.6%) franchise contracts. Of the total number of license contracts
registered in the year under review, nine were exclusive licenses
and eight - non-exclusive ones In the period 1994-2009, 1491
right transfer or pledge contracts were registered with the AGEPI
including 1283 (86.1%) - assignment, 179 (12%) -license, 17
(1.1%) - franchise and 12 (0.8%) -pledge contracts

Tabloul general al inregistrarii de catre AGEPI a contractelor de

transmitere a drepturilor sau de gaj in ultimii 6 ani este reflectat in
tabelul 2.1

The general picture of registration by AGEPI of right transfer or

pledge contracts in the last 6 years is reflected in Table 2.1
The contracts registered in 2009 included 366 IPO (by 9% more

Contractele inregistrate in anul 2009 au cuprins 366 de OPI (cu

9% mai multe decat in anul precedent)

than the previous year), 345 (94%)

Tab. 2.1. Dinamica inregistrarii contractelor


Tab. 2.1. Dynamics of registration of contracts













Tab. 2.2. Repartitia contractelor de licenta i cesiune

Tab. 2.2. Distribution of license and assignment contracts

pe obiecte de proprietate industrials

by industrial property objects

Obiectul de proprietate industrials

Contracte de licenta

Contracte de cesiune

License contracts

Assignment contracts





Desene i modele industriale



Agenti economici

Industrial property object


Industrial designs


Tab. 2.3. Structura partilor contractante



Tab. 2.3. Structure of the contracting parties









Economic agents

Persoane fizice



Natural persons

Persoane juridice, inclusiv:





Legal persons, including:

- intreprinderi de stat

- state enterprises

- societati pe actiuni


- joint-stock companies

- societati cu raspundere I imitate




- limited companies (Ltd.)

- companii straine




- foreign companies







345 (94%) dintre acestea fiind marci de produse sj servicii, 7 -

urmate de societatile cu raspundere limitata (21 sj 26%) sj

brevete de inventie sj 14 - desene sj modele industriale

societatile pe actiuni (9 sj 7%).

of these being product and service trademarks 7 - patents for

Din numarul total de licentiari sj cedenti, 17 (11 %) sunt persoane

invention and 14 - industrial designs

fizice, iar 131 (89%) - persoane juridice. In acelasj timp, din

categoria licentiatilor sj cesionarilor persoanele fizice constituie 12

Of the total number of licensors and assignors, 17 (11%) are

(8%), iar persoanele juridice - 136 (92%) (tabelul 2.3.). Pon-derea

natural persons and 131 (89%) - legal persons. At the same time,

cea mai mare a partilor contractante revine companiilor straine

from the category of icensees and assignees 12 (8%) are natural

(cate 59%, respectiv, licentiari/ cedenti sj licentiati/cesionari),

persons and 136 (92%) - legal persons (Table 2.3.) The largest
weight of contracting parties belong to foreign companies (59%,

respectively, licensors/ assignors and licensees/assignees),

followed by the limited companies (21 and 26%) and joint-stock

companies (9 and 7%)

In virtutea cresterii vertiginoase a rolului proprietati ntelectuale (PI)

In light of rapidly increasing role of intellectual property (IP) in the

in dezvoltarea economiei bazate pe cunoastere, in anul 2009

development of the knowledge-based economy, in 2009 AGEPI

AGEPI a continuat sa des-faoare activitati energice de

continued to conduct vigorous activities on promotion of the

promovare a sistemului national de protectie a proprietatii

national intellectual property protection system. Among the priority

intelectuale. Prin-tre directiile prioritare in acest sens s-au numarat

directions in this regard were counted

elaborarea sj editarea publicatiilor periodice sj a materialelor

materials in the field, dissemination of knowledge and

informatiei referitoare la rolul PI in dezvoltarea social-

information on the role of intellectual property in the socio-

economica a tarii

economic development of the country;

organizarea simpozioanelor, conferintelor sj seminarelor

organization of national and international symposia,

nationale sj internationale, scola-rizarea societatii civile sj

conferences and seminars, schooling of civil society and

pregatirea cadrelor in domeniul PI

training of personnel in IP field;

organizarea sj desfaurarea expozitiilor, concur-surilor sj

manifestarilor axate pe tematica PI

elaboration and publication of periodicals and nformation

informationale in domeniu, dise-minarea cunotintelor sj

prestarea serviciilor informationale, de consultants, de

organization and carrying out of exhibitions, competitions

and manifestations focused on IP theme

rendering of information, consulting, intellectual property

prediagnoza a proprietatii intelectuale sj asistenta

prediagnosis and methodological assistance services in the

metodologicain domeniu


sustinerea activitatii inovationale sj de protectie a obiectelor

support of innovation and IPO protection activity, etc

de proprietate intelectuala (OPI) etc

Many of those activities were organized by AGEPI in common
Multe din activitatile mentionate au fost organizate de AGEPI in

with various central public administration authorities, institutions

comun cu diverse autoritati ale admi-nistratiei publice centrale,

and organizations on the basis of certain cooperation

institutii sj organizatii in baza unor acorduri de colaborare. Printre

agreements. Among these should be noted the bilateral

acestea se remarca acordurile bilaterale semnate de AGEPI cu

agreements signed by AGEPI with the Academy of Sciences of

Academia de tiinte a Moldovei (AM), Camera



de Comert sj Industrie (CCI), Serviciul Vamal (SV), Organizatia de

(ASM), Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) Customs

Promovare a Exportului din Moldova (MIEPO) etc.

Service (CS), Moldovan Export Promotion Organization (MIEPO),


3.1. Publicatiile AGEPI

In anul de bilant, la capitolul Produse informationale de importanta
generala i diseminarea lor, activitatea AGEPI s-a derulat pe
planul monitorizarii cerintelor inaintate de utilizatori sj al furnizarii
sistematice a nformatiei privind procesul inovational, protectia
obiectelor de proprietate intelectuala, impactul infor-matiei de PI
asupra publicului-tinta sj diversificarea formelor de diseminare a
in vederea conlucrarii cu sfera cercetare-dezvoltare, cu mediul
academic sj universitar, cu institutive mass-media, antrenate in
procesul de informare sj comunicare in domeniul PI, AGEPI a
continuat edita-rea unei serii de publicatii periodice, a elaborat sau
actualizat noi lucrari metodice sj de popularizare a domeniului de
PI pe suport hartie sj electronic, care pot fi abonate sau consultate
la Centrul de Informare si Documentare in domeniul Proprietatii
Intelectuale (CID PI) din cadrul Agentiei, ori accesate pe site-ul
Conform art. 12 al Conventiei de la Paris pentru protectia
proprietatii industriale din 20 martie 1883 prevederilor legislatiei
nationalein domeniu, Statutu-ui AGEPI sj normelor OMPI,
Tncepand cu anul 1993 AGEPI elaboreaza, publica sj difuzeaza
publicatia periodica Buletinul Oficial de Proprietate Indus-triala
(BOPI), care apare cu periodicitate lunara, pe suport de hartie
(ISSN 1810-7095), pe CD-ROM (ISSN 1857-050X) sj on-line pe

institutions involved in the IP information and communication

process AGEPI continued publishing a series of periodicals
developed or updated new methodological and IP field
popularization works on electronic and paper carrier, which can be
subscribed or consulted with the Intellectual Property Information
Retrieval Center (IP IRC) of the Agency, or accessed on the
According to Article 12 of the Paris Convention for the Protection
of the Industrial Property of 20 March 1883, the provisions of the
relevant national law, AGEPI Statute and WIPO standards, since
1993 AGEPI elaborates, publishes and spreads the periodic
publication Official Bulletin of Industrial Property (BOPI), which
appears with a monthly periodicity on paper carrier (ISSN 18107095), CD-ROM (ISSN 1857-050X) and on-line on
BOPI includes official information whose publication is stipulated
by special laws on IPO protection in the Republic of Moldova,
including data on patent/ PO registration applications and granted
titles of protection, amendments made in the legal status of IPO
protection applications and titles, results of the examination of
appeals with the Board of Appeals of AGEPI, final court decisions
relating to the IPO litigation, as well as general information
documents issued by the President, Parliament and Government
of the Republic of Moldova, governing the IP protection, orders of
the Director General of AGEPI, informative notes on relevant
international conventions and treaties to which the Republic of
Moldova is party, official communications of WIPO and UPOV, etc.

BOPI include informatia oficiala, a carei publica-re este prevazuta

de legile speciale referitoare la protectia OPI in Republica
Moldova, inclusiv datele privind cererile de brevetareAnregistrare a
OPI sj titlurile de protectie acordate, modificarile intervenite in
statutul juridic al cererilor sj titlurilor de protectie ale OPI,
rezultatele examinarii contestatiilor Tn Comisia de contestatii a
AGEPI, deciziile definitive ale instantelor judecatoreti privind
litigiile legate de OPI, precum sj informatii de ordin general: acte
emise de Preedintele, Parlamentul sj Guvernul Republicii
Moldova, care reglementeaza protectia PI, ordine ale Directorului
general al AGEPI, note informative privind conventiile sj tratatele
internationale in domeniu la care Republica Moldova este parte
comunicate ale OMPI sj UPOVetc
3.1. AGEPI publications
In the year under review, in the chapter Information products of
general importance and their dissemination, AGEPI activity was
conducted on the plan of monitoring the demands submitted by the
users and of systematically providing information on the innovative
process, protection of intellectual property objects, impact of IP
information on the target public and diversification of disseminating
forms thereof.
With the view of collaborating with the research and development
sphere, with academic and university media, with mass media

Fig. 3. Dinamica publicarii

informatiilor oficiale in BOPI

Fig. 3. Dynamics of official information publication in BOPI



Cereri de protectie Applications for



Titluri de protectie Titles of protection

Informatii privind statutul juridic Data on


the legal status

Total informatii oficiale Total official



In procesul de publicare a BOPI se aplica normele OMPI sj

2006 2007 2008
codurile numerice internationale de identifi-care a datelor

made in the legal status of IPO (renewals, amendments,

assignments, licenses forfeitures, cancellations, revalidations,

bibliografice (INID) referitoare la OPI La sfarsjtul fiecarei luni,

erasures expirations, etc.) remained approximately at the same

numarul ordinar al BOPI este expus pentru public la CID PI, pe

level as the previous year. The dynamics of official information

site-ul AGEPI sj, imprimat pe CD, este expediat Tn mai mult de 40

publication in BOPI in the last 6 years is presented in figure 3.1

de tari ale lumii.

Sections "Monitor", "Information Materials in Intellectual Property
Pe parcursul anului de bilant, Tn BOPI au fost publicate 8275 de

Field" and the heading 'AGEPI Chronicle" of BOPI covered 97

informatii referitoare la OPI - cu 16% mai putine decat Tn anul

materials, ncluding texts of five normative acts on industrial

precedent. Aceasta depreciere este cauzata de scaderea cu 36%

property entered into force in 2009, official communications and

a numarului de cereri de protectie publicate (2113) Tn timp ce

information on most important events organized by AGEPI or

publicarea titluri lor de protectie acordate sj a informatiilor privind

conducted with the participation of AGEPI in the country and

modificarile intervenite Tn statutul juridic al OPI (reTnnoiri,

abroad, etc

modificari, cesiuni icente, decaderi, anulari, revalidari, radieri,

expirari etc.) a ramas aproximativ la acelasj nivel ca sj Tn anul
precedent. In figura 3.1. este prezentata dinamica publicarii
informatiilor oficiale Tn BOPI Tn ultimii 6 ani
Sectiunile ..Monitor", "Materiale de informare Tn domeniul
proprietatii intelectuale" sj rubrica "Cro-nica AGEPI" din BOPI au
cuprins 97 de materiale nclusiv textele a 5 acte normative Tn
materie de proprietate industriale intrate Tn vigoare Tn 2009
comunicate sj informatii referitoare la cele mai mportante
evenimente organizate de AGEPI sau care s-au derulat cu
participarea AGEPI Tn tare sj peste hotare etc
In the BOPI publishing process there are applied the WIPO
Standards and the INID Codes for Bib-iographic Data
Identification Concerning the IPO At the end of each month, the
ordinary number of BOPI is made available for public at IP IRC,
on the AGEPI site and, printed on CD, is dispatched in more than
40 countries of the world
During the year under review, 8275 information on IPO - by 16%
less than the previous year were published in BOPI. This
impairment is caused by a decrease by 36% in the number of
published applications for protection (2113), whereas the publication of granted titles of protection and information on amendments

Prin intermediul BOPI, utilizatorii au avut acces la 26 de indexuri
semestriale sistematizate ale titlurilor de protectie acordate Tn
Republica Moldova sj la ndexul anual al actelor normative sj al
materialelor de informare publicate Tn BOPI pe parcursul anului
Printre cele mai importante publicatii periodice editate de AGEPI
se numara revista de proprietate intelectuala Jntellectus",
care apare cu regularitate din anul 1995 cu periodicitate
trimestriala. Conform Hotararii comune a Consiliului Suprem
pentru tiinta i Dezvoltare Tehnologica (CSDT) al AM sj
Consiliului National pentru Acreditare sj Atesta-re (CNAA) nr. 61
din 30 aprilie 2009 Cu privire la rezultatele evaluarii sj clasificarii
revistelor sjiintifice de profil", revista Jntellectus" a fost
acreditataTn categoria B", la profilurile drept, tehnica, biologie,
chimie, economie.
Revista reflecta multilateral aspectele protectie proprietatii
intelectuale, prevederile legislate nationale sj internationale Tn
domeniu, publica comunicari sjiintifice sj studii metodologice
privind procesul de creatie, inovarea sj transferul tehnolo-gic,
semnate de cercetatori sj inventatori din tare sj din strainatate

Actualmente, Tn calitate de coeditor al revistei evolu-eaza CNAA,

In 2009, the four issues of the magazine included a total of 73

care sustine rubrica de profil Tn cadrul revistei. Din Consiliul

scientific articles. Nearly one-third of the materials are signed by

sjiintific al revistei fac parte 23 de membri, printre care

authors of the AGEPI and two-thirds - by authors from outside,

academicieni, doctori habilitati sj doctori Tn sjiinte din Republica

including from abroad

Moldova, Romania, Franta, Rusiasj Polonia.

The magazine "Intellectus" is distributed to libraries of the country
In anul 2009, cele patru numere ale revistei au cu-prins, Tn total,

(of the Parliament and Government of the Republic of Moldova,

73 de articole sjiintifice. Circa treime din materiale sunt semnate

ASM, university, district municipal, republican libraries

de autori din cadrul AGEPI, iar 2 treimi - de autori din exterior,

specialized in various branches of science, etc.) and from

inclusiv din afara tarii

abroad, through exchange of specialized scientific publications

with similar institutions, as well as by subscriptions

Revista 'Jntellectus" se distribuie la bibliotecile din tare (ale

Parlamentului sj Guvernului Republicii Moldova, AM, bibliotecile

Dissemination of information in IP field is also made through the

republicane specializate Tn diferite ramuri ale sjiintei, cele

supplement of the magazine "Intellectus", the digest "AGEPI

raionale, municipale universitare etc.) sj de peste hotare, prin

Info", which addresses various aspects of intellectual property

schimb de publicatii sjiintifice de specialitate cu institutii similare,

protection, the mechanism of enforcement of rights and

precum sj prin abonamente

exploitation of IPO, publishes the most important events held on

the initiative or with the participaparticiparea AGEPI, succinte

Diseminarea informatiei din domeniul PI se efec-tueaza sj prin

rapoarte de delegare ale specialitilor AGEPI la principalele

intermediul suplimentului revistei .Jntellectus", digestul

actiuni organizate de OMPI, OEB, OEAB etc., reproduce cele mai

AGEPI Info", care abor-deaza diverse aspecte ale protectiei

relevante aparitii din presa republicans cu referire la sistemul de

proprietatii ntelectuale, mecanismul realizarii drepturilor sj


valorificarii OPI, publica materiale privind cele mai importante

Cele 4 numere ale digestului 'AGEPI Info" au cu-prins 153 de

evenimente derulate din initiativa sau cu

materiale referitoare la diverse aspecte ale PI, fiind distribuite in

cadrul principalelor actiuni de promovare a PI, la seminare sj

Through BOPI, users had access to 26 half-yearly systemized

indexes of titles of protection granted in the Republic of Moldova
and to the annual Index of regulatory acts and information

expozitii, la cursu-rile de instruire a cadrelor, organizate de

AGEPI. Prin ntermediul rubricii Bursa inventiilor" in anul 2009 au
fost promovate 55 de inventii brevetate, elaborate de circa 200

materials published in BOPI during 2009.

de inventatori. In total in perioada 2004-2009 au fost promovate

Among the most important periodicals published by AGEPI is the

magazine of intellectual property "Intellectus", appearing

peste 920 de invent] susceptibile de implementare

Cel mai frecvent pe paginile publicatiei au fost prezentate inventii

regularly since 1995 with a quarterly periodicity. According to the

Joint Decision of the Supreme Council for Science and

elaborate in cadrul UTM, USM USMF N. Testemitanu", Institutul

de Genetica, Institutul de Fiziologie a Plantelor, Institutul de

Technological Development (SCSTD) of ASM and the National

Micro-biologie, Institutul de Chimie, Institutul de Zoologie si

Council for Accreditation and Attestation (CNAA) No. 61 "on the

Institutul de Fizice Aplicata ale AM, Institutul National pentru

Results of the Assessment and Classification of Scientific Profile

Viticulture sj Vinificatie, Institutul de Tehnica Agricola ",

Journals" of 30 Apri 2009, the magazine "Intellectus" was

Institutul de Tehnologi Alimentare, Intreprinderea tehnico-

accredited to "B" category, on law, technology, biology, chemistry,

tiintifica -lab" SRL.a.

economics profiles
In afara de publicatiile periodice, pe parcursul anului de referinta
The magazine reflects the multilateral aspects of intellectual

au fost elaborate sj editate circa 20 de ucrari care au completat

property protection, the provisions of the relevant national and

fondul de literatura din domeniul PI:







methodological studies on the creative process, innovation and

technology transfer, signed by researchers and inventors of the

Raportul anual AGEPI-2008 - in 3 limbi (romana, englezasj

ruse), editat pe suport hartie sj pe CD

country and from abroad

Culegerea de acte normative in domeniul PI Vol. I - Desene

sj modele industriale; Vol. II -Soiuri de plante; Vol. Ill Inventii

Currently, as co-editor of the magazine evolves NCAA,

Culegerea de comunicari prezentate la editia a Vll-a a

maintaining a profile heading in the magazine. The Scientific

Conferintei internationale teo-retice sj practice ale

Council of the magazine counts 23 members, including

economiei PI" cu genericu JnovareaTn

academicians, doctors habilitate and PhDs from Moldova,

Romania, France Russia, and Poland

sustinereaintreprinderilor mici sj mijlocii"

Broura Protectia proprietatii intelectuale in Republica

Moldova. Informatie succinta"

Catalogul EIS JNFOINVENT-2009", care a in-clus in total

in IP field, adopted in a new version and entered into force in

407 rezumate ale inventiilor/ciclurilor de inventii in limbile



romana sj engleza;

Broura Laureatii Medaliei de Aur OMPI" (completata sj


La dispozitia utilizatorilor au fost puse, in brouri bilingve (romana

inregistrare a desenelor sj modelelor industriale

tion of AGEPI, brief reports on delegation of AGEPI specialists to

the main activities organized by WIPO EPO, EAPO, etc.,
reproduces the most relevant occurrences of the Republican

..Regulamentul privind procedurile de depunere sj

examinare a cererii, de acordare sj de mentinere Tn vigoare

sj rusa), 4 regulamente conexe legilor speciale in domeniul PI,

adoptate in redactie noua sj intrate in vigoare in anii 2008-2009

..Regulamentul privind procedura de depunere examinare sj

a brevetului pentru soi de planta;

..Regulamentul privind procedura de depunere examinare sj

inregistrare a marcilor;

..Regulamentul privind procedura de depunere sj de

examinare a cererii de brevet de inventie sj de eliberare a

press with reference to the IP system

The four numbers of the digest 'AGEPI Info" covered 153
materials on various aspects of IP, being distributed within the
major IP promotion actions, at seminars and exhibitions, staff
training courses organized by AGEPI. In 2009, 55 patented
nventions, developed by about 200 inventors were promoted by
means of the heading "Stock of Inventions". Over 920 inventions
susceptible of implementation have been promoted in total during
the period 2004-2009.
The most frequently on the pages of the publication were
presented inventions developed within TUM SUM, SUMP "N.
Testemitanu", Institute of Genetics, Institute of Plant Physiology,
Institute of Microbiology, Institute of Chemistry, Institute of

Pe parcursul anului de referinta a fost actualizata sj editata

serie de brouri sj pliante din colectia .Biblioteca de proprietate
intelectuala" (Tn limbile romana sj rusa)

ABC-ul proprietatii intelectuale"

Cum se breveteaza un soi de planta Tn Republica

Cum se breveteaza inventie prin sistemul PCT"

Cum se Tnregistreaza un desen sj un model ndustrial Tn
Republica Moldova"

Cum se Tnregistreaza marca Tn Republica Moldova"

..Protectia desenelor sj modelelor industriale Tn Republica

Technical Enterprise "Oeno-lab" LTD, et al.

Besides periodicals, about 20 works which have completed the

3.2. Proprietatea intelectuala si mass-media

Zoology, Institute of Applied Physics of the ASM, National

Institute for Viticulture and Winemaking, Institute of Agricultural
Machinery "Mecagro", Institute of Food Technology, Scientific-

..Catalogul publicatiilor AGEPI"

Bine ati venit la AGEPI"
La noi veti gasi cheia succesului!"
..Servicii AGEPI"

collection of literature in the IP

field have been written and published during the year under

Activitatea de informare operative a publicului larg cu


evenimentele sj activitatile organizate de AGEPI sau cu

The Annual Report AGEPI-2008 - in three languages

participarea AGEPI, diversificarea formelor sj extinderea spatiului

(Romanian, English, and Russian) published on paper

de difuzare a informatiei din domeniul PI s-au aflat pe agenda

carrier and on CD

Agentiei sj pe parcursul perioadei de referinta.

The collection of normative acts in IP field: Vol. - Industrial

Designs; Vol. II - Plant Varieties, Vol II - Inventions

The collection of communications presented at the seventh

edition of the International Conference "Theoretical and
Practical Issues of the IP Economy" with the main title
"Innovation in Support of SMEs"

The booklet "Protection of Intellectual Property in the

Republic of Moldova. Brief Information"

The Catalog of ISE "INFOINVENT-2009", which ncluded a

total of 407 abstracts of inventions/ cycles of inventions in
Romanian and English

The booklet "WIPO Gold Medal Winners" (completed and


In contextul dat, AGEPI a colaborat sistematic cu 45 de medii de

informare, jurnalitii fiind invitati latoate cele circa 30 de
evenimente organizate de AGEPI S-au convocat 7 conferinte de
presa consacrate

Seminarului national ..Respectarea drepturilor de PI";

Zilei Mondiale a Proprietatii Intelectuale cu ge-nericul Sa
protejam inovatiile verzi"

Seminarului subregional "Protectia soiurilor de plante

conform Conventiei UPOV"

Zilei Inventatorului sj Rationalizatorului

Festivitatii de acordare a primelor brevete de scurta durata;
Seminarului regional "Tratatul de la Singapore privind
dreptul brevetelor"

At the users' disposal were put, in bilingual booklets (Romanian

and Russian), four special regulations related to the special laws

Inaugurarii EIS JNFOINVENT-2009".

"Regulations on the Procedure of Filing Examination and

"AGEPI Services".

Registration of Industrial Designs"

"Regulations on Procedures of Filing and Examination of an

3.2. Intellectual property and mass media

Application, Grant and Maintenance of a Plant Variety

The activity on operational information of the general public on


"Regulations on the Procedure of Filing, Examination and

participation of AGEPI, diversification and expansion of the IP

Registration of Trademarks"

"Regulations on the Procedure of Filing and Examination of

During the year under review there have been updated and edited
a series of booklets and leaflets from the collection "Library of

In the given context, AGEPI cooperated systematically with 45

mass media, the journalists being invited to all the approximately
30 events organized by AGEPI Seven press conferences were

Intellectual Property" (in Romanian and Russian)

convened devoted to

"The ABC of Intellectual Property"

"How to Patent a Plant Variety in the Republic of Moldova"
"How to Patent an Invention under the PCT"
"How to Register an Industrial Design in the Republic of

information dissemination space were on the agenda of the

Agency during the reporting period as well

a Patent Application and of Grant of a Patent"

the events and activities organized by AGEPI or with the

"How to Register a Trademark in the Republic of Moldova"

"Protection of Industrial Designs in the Republic of Moldova"
"Catalog of AGEPI Publications"
"Welcome to AGEPI"
"Here You will Find the Key to Success!"

The national seminar "Respect for IP Rights"

The World Intellectual Property Day with the theme
"Protecting Green Innovations"

The subregional seminar "Protection of Plant Varieties

under the UPOV Convention"

The Inventor's and Rationalizer's Day;

Solemnities for the grant of the first short-term patents
The regional seminar "Singapore Patent Law Treaty"
The inauguration of ISE "INFOINVENT-2009".





Conferlnta de presa consacrata seminarului subregional Protectla soiurilor de plante conform Conventlel UPOV", cu partlclparea dlorR.
Jordens, Vicesecretar general UPOV, I. Daniliuc, Vicedirector general AGEPI, si M. Machedon, Presedinte al Comlslel de Stat
pentru Testarea Soiurilor de Plante
Press conference devoted to the subregional seminar "Protection of Plant Varieties under the UPOV Convention", attended by Messrs
R. Jordens, Vice-Secretary General of UPOV, I. Daniliuc, Deputy Director General of AGEPI, and M. Machedon, President of
the State Commission for Plant Variety Testing

Pe parcursul anului, au fost difuzate 14 comunicate de presa,

de radio "An-tena C", emisiuni televizate cu prilejul Zilei Mondiale a

diverse informatii sj publicatii ale AGEPI fiind totodata monitorizate

PI, jubileului de 10 ani de laTnfiintarea Asociatie Drepturi de Autor

materialele aparute in mass-media pe tematica PI, cele mai

sj Conexe (AsDAC)", deschideri EIS JNFOINVENT-2009" etc.

reprezentative din totalul de circa 90, fiind reproduse in digestu

'AGEPI Info".

Pe parcursul anului s-a colaborat activ cu servici-le de presa ale

AM, Guvernului sj Preedintiei cu agentiile Moldpres", Basa-

Cu participarea specialitilor AGEPI au fost organizate 15

press", Jnfotag" saptamanalul .

emisiuni la radio sj televiziune, inclusiv ciclul de emisiuni

Logos-press", ziarul " Revista de tiinta sj

radiofonice "Evrica" (11 editii), dezbateri privind protectia

inovare Perpetuum Mobile" sj Revista moldoveneasca de Drept

indicatiilor geografice, denumirilor de origine sj specialitatilor

International sj Relatii Internationale a AM, revistele -ting"

traditionale garantate din ciclul Tehnologii moderne" al postului

sj Magazin economic ECOnomist", posturile de radio Antena C",

Prestarea serviciilor sj acordarea asistentei de speci-alitate in

TRM Actualitati", Moldova hternational .a.

domeniul proprietatii intelectuale sunt actiuni prioritare ale AGEPI,

menite sa stimuleze activitatea de brevetareAnregistrare a OPI, sa

La Concursul jurnalistic Sa faurim viitorul tarii cu proprietatea

impulsioneze creativitatea sj valorificarea legale a drepturilor de PI

intelectuala", editia a Vll-a, au participat jurnaliti de la 17 medii

Astfel, beneficiarii sistemului national de proprietate ntelectuala au

de informare. Catigatori ai concursului au fost desemnati: N.

solicitat pe parcursul perioadei de referinta diverse servicii ce tin


de dobandirea drepturilor de PI - cercetari documentare, consultatii

During the year, there were distributed 14 press releases, various

referitoare la perfectarea cererilor de protectie, la utilizarea baze-

information and publications of AGEPI, simultaneously being

lor de date in domeniu, dar sj cele ce tin de realizarea acestor

monitored the materials appeared in mass media on IP theme, the

drepturi -Tntocmirea sj Tnregistrarea contrac-telor de licenta, de

most representative, of the total of 90, being reproduced in the

cesiune sj de gaj, evaluarea sj punerea la evidenta contabila a OPI

digest "AGEPI Info".


With the participation of AGEPI experts there were organized 15

In contextul dat, pe parcursul anului 2009 AGEPI a acordat 11281

radio and television broadcasts, including the cycle of radio

de consultatii (cu 7% mai multe decat in anul precedent), inclusiv

broadcasts "Eureka" (11 editions), discussions on the protection

1488 - persoanelor fizice, 7659 - persoanelor juridice sj 2134 -

of geographical indications, appellations of origin and traditional

manda-tarilor autorizati in PI

specialties guaranteed from the cycle "Modern Technologies" of

the radio station "Antena C", TV shows on the occasion of the

La cererea agentilor economici, dar sj a autoritatilor administratiei

World IP Day, 10th anniversary since the establishment of the

publice centrale sj locale, in anul de bilant AGEPI a efectuat 362

Association "Copyright and Related Rights (AsDAC)", opening of

ISE "INFOINVENT-2009", etc.

de cercetari documentare (cu 36,5% mai putine decat in anul

2008) cu referire la 567 de OPI (inventii, marci, desene/mode-le
industriale). Ca sj in anii precedent], majoritatea cercetarilor

During the year, AGEPI collaborated actively with press services

efectuate s-au referit la marci. Diminu-area numarului de cercetari

of the ASM, Government and Presidency, the agencies

documentare solicitate se explica prin faptul in anul 2009 Baza

"Moldpres", "Basa-press" "Infotag", the weekly

de Date Marci Nationale" a fost amplasata pe web site-ul AGEPI,

"Ekonomicheskoe obozrenie. Logos-press", the newspaper

"Nezavisimaya Moldova", the Journal of Science and Innovation

utilizatorii obtinand astfel acces gratuit la orice tip de documentari

de sine statatoare in domeniul marcilor.

"Perpetuum Mobile" and the Moldovan Review of International

Law and International Relations of ASM the journals "Marketing"

Moldova International) - I Prize, Moisei (Radio 'Antena ") - II

and Economic Magazine "ECOnomist", the radio stations "Antena

Prize, A. Galkina (weekly "Nezavisi-maya Moldova") - III Prize,

C", TRM "Actualitati", Moldova International, etc

and two special prizes were awarded to journalists M. Prodius

(Press Agency "Infotag") and T. Marcu (Economic Magazine

The journalistic contest "To Build the Future of the Country with


Intellectual Property", seventh edition nvolved journalists from 17

mass media. Winners of the contest were appointed: N.

The mediatization of the AGEPI activity was also achieved through

Romanciuc (Radio

the web page Thus, under the headings "News",


"Seminars", "Exhibitions", "Solemnities", "Courses", "Legislation"

(Radio Moldova International) - Premiul I, C. Moisei (Radio

Antena C") - Premiul II, A. Galkina (Ziarul
") - Premiul III, iar 2 premi speciale au fost acordate
jurnalitilor M. Prodius (Agentia de presa Jnfotag") sj T. Marcu
(Magazinul economic ECOnomist")
Mediatizarea activitatii AGEPI s-a realizat sj prin ntermediul paainii
web Astfel. la rubricile Noutati", "Seminare",
"Expozitii", "Festi-vitati", "Cursuri", "Legislate", "Concursuri" au

"Contests" were published about 90 information prepared with the

help of AGEPI specialists, and the other circa 110 - were taken
from various sources
The advertising information on AGEPI activity was also placed on
the pages of the national guidelines "KOMPAS Moldova", "VAROlnform", "Construction and Equipment", "Golden Pages", etc

3.3. Provision of services

fost publicate circa 90 de informatii elaborate cu concur-sul

Provision of services and rendering of specialized assistance in

specialitilor AGEPI, iar alte circa 110 - au fost preluate din

intellectual property field are priority actions of AGEPI, intended to

diverse surse

stimulate the IPO patenting/registration activity, to spur creativity

nformatia publicitara privind activitatea AGEPI a fost plasata, de

asemenea, pe paginile ghidurilor nationale KOMPAS Moldova",
VARO-lnform", Constructii sj utilaje", Pagini aurii" etc

3.3. Prestarea serviciilor

and legal exploitation of IP rights. Thus, beneficiaries of the

national intellectual property system requested during the period
under review various services related to the acquisition of IP rights
- documentary searches, consultations on the filing of applications
for protection, on the use of databases in the field and those

related to the enforcement of these rights -drawing up and

Tn urma acestora fiind Tntocmite rapoarte de predi-agnoza a PI,

registration of license, assignment and pledge contracts,

inclusiv la:

assessment and making accounting of IPO, etc

In the given context, during the year 2009 AGEPI provided 11,281
consultations (by 7% more than the previous year), including 1488
- to natural persons, 7659 - to legal persons and 2134 - to patent

15 Tntreprinderi din mun. Chisjnau

19 Tntreprinderi din zona de nord a Republici Moldova (Balti,
STngerei, Edinet)

26 de Tntreprinderi-rezidente ale Parcului tiintificotehnologic Academica" al AM

attorneys in IP.
At the request of the economic agents, but also of the central and

Pe langa evaluarea starii de lucruri Tn materie de PI, aceste

local public administration authorities, AGEPI carried out 362

Tntreprinderi au beneficiat de consultants gratuita sj de

documentary searches in the year under review (by 36.5% less

recomandari privind protectia OPI sj afirmarea Tntreprinderilor pe

than in 2008) with reference to 567 IPOs (inventions trademarks,

piata novatiilor

industrial designs). As in the previous years, most of the carried

Activities promoting knowledge of advantages of the IPO

out searches were related to trademarks. The diminution in the

protection system carried out in the period under review, including

number of required documentary searches is explained by the fact

among the specialists at enterprises, institutions and

that in 2009 the Database "National Trademarks" was placed on

organizations, have generated the filing of applications for the

the AGEPI web site, users acquiring free access to any type of

protection of IPO by 459 new applicants, including 73 patent

independent searches in the field of trademarks

applications, 429 applications for the registration of trademarks

Activitatile de promovare a cunosjintelor privind avantajele

and 51 applications for the registration of industrial designs. It

sistemului de protectie a OPI desfaurate in perioada de bilant,

should also be mentioned that in the last four years is attested a

inclusiv Tn randurile specia-isjilor de laTntreprinderi, institutii sj

slight decrease in the number of new applicants

organizatii, au generat depunerea cererilor de protectie a OPI de

catre 459 de solicitanti noi, inclusiv 73 de cereri de brevetare a
inventiilor, 429 de cereri de Tnregistrare a marcilor sj 51 de cereri
de Tnregistrare a desene-lor/modelelor industriale. Totodata,
trebuie sa men-tionam faptul caTn ultimii 4 ani se atesta usoara
scadere a numarului de solicitanti noi
Pe parcursul anului 2009, specialise AGEPI au acordat
consultants Tn domeniul PI Tn cadrul vizitelor efectuate la 45 de
Tntreprinderi din diverse ramuri ale economiei nationale, activitate
care s-a soldat cu depunerea a 62 de cereri de Tnregistrare a OPI
(Tn majoritate marci)

During the year 2009, AGEPI experts have provided consultancy

in IP field within the visits made to 45 enterprises from various
branches of national economy, activity which resulted in the filing
of 62 applications for the registration of IPO (mostly trademarks)
AGEPI continued to promote the intellectual property prediagnosis
service through its website, as well as within the framework of
seminars, round tables and exhibitions in which participated during
the year 2009 with information stands. Thus, within the framework
of the SME Forum in April 2009, which brought together
representatives of small business from all districts of the republic,
was organized the round table "Intellectual Property in Support of

AGEPI a continuat promovarea serviciului de predi-agnoza a

SMEs". AGEPI consistently rendered to enterprises especially to

proprietatii intelectuale prin intermediul web site-ului sau, precum

those from the small business sector, the necessary assistance in

sj Tn cadrul seminarelor, meselor rotunde sj expozitiilor la care a

assessing and enhancing the intellectual property potential

participat pe parcursul anului 2009 cu standuri informationale.

available at the moment or by which they can benefit in

Astfel, Tn cadrul Forumului IMM din luna aprilie 2009, care a

perspective and establishing adequate ways to protect their intel-

Tntrunit reprezentantii micului business din toate raioanele re-

lectual product, to develop and diversify the fields of activity and to

publicii, a fost organizate masa rotunda Proprietatea intelectuala

identify the internal skills vis-a-vis the implementation of an

Tn sprijinul Tntreprinderilor mici sj mijlocii" AGEPI a acordat cu

effective IP policy.

consecventa Tntreprinderilor, Tn special celor din sectorul micului

business, asistenta necesaraTn vederea evaluarii sj sporirii
potentialului de proprietate intelectuala de care dispun la moment
sau de care pot beneficia Tn perspective, precum sj a stabilirii
unor modalitati adecvate de protectie a pro-dusului lor intelectual,
de dezvoltare sj diversificare a domeniilor de activitate sj de
identificare a competente-lor interne vizavi de aplicarea unei
politici eficiente de PI
In vederea examinarii objective a starii de lucruri privind utilizarea
sj protectia proprietatii intelectuale (produse, tehnologii, licente,
brevete, know-how etc.), pe parcursul anului 2009 specialisjii
AGEPI au efectuat vizite de documentare la 60 de Tntreprinderi

With the view of objectively examining the state of affairs

concerning the use and protection of intellectual property
(products, technologies, licenses patents, know-how, etc.), during
the year 2009 AGEPI specialists made documentation visits to 60
enterprises, as a result thereof being prepared IP prediagnosis
reports, including to

15 enterprises from Chisinau municipality;

19 enterprises from the northern zone of the Republic of
Moldova (Balti, Singerei, Edinet)

26 resident enterprises of the Scientific-Technological Park

"Academica" of the ASM

In addition to the assessment of the state of affairs in terms of IP,

dictionare, enciclopedii din domeniile sjiintifico-tehnic, juridic,

these enterprises have benefited from free consultancy and

economico-financiar nformational .a

recommendations on the protection of IPO and affirmation of

enterprises on the innovation market


3.4. Collection of literature and documents in intellectual

property field

3.4. Colectia de literatura si documente din domeniul

proprietatii intelectuale
3.4.1. Dezvoltarea si consolidarea colectiei

3.4.1. Development and consolidation of Collection

On 31 December 2009, the Collection of documents of the
Intellectual Property Information Retrieval Center (IP IRC)

La 31 decembrie 2009, Colectia de documente a Centrului de

constituted 25,810,327 publications and documents, including

Informare sj Documentare Tn domeniul Proprietatii Intelectuale

(CID PI) constituia 25.810.327 de publicatii sj documente, inclusiv:

buletine oficiale - 22.872 ex. (0,09%)

documente pe suport electronic - 25.746.008 doc. (99,75%);

official bulletins - 22,872 copies (0.09%)

documents on electronic carrier - 25,746,008 doc. (99.75%)
national documents (patent applications patents, utility
models, plant varieties, etc.) -8,467 doc. (0.03%);

documente nationale (cereri de brevet, brevete modele de

utilitate, soiuri de plante .a.) -8.467 doc. (0,03%);

periodicals (magazines, newspapers) -10,663 copies


carti sj brouri-5.212 ex. (0,02%)

publicatii periodice (reviste, ziare) - 10.663 ex. (0,04%);

books and pamphlets - 5,212 copies (0.02%)

CD, DVD-17,105 (0.07%)

CD, DVD-17.105 (0,07%)

In the year under review, IP IRC has completed its collection of

In anul de bilant, CID PI sj-a completat colectia de iteratura sj

literature and documents due to the bilateral exchange with the

documente gratie schimbului bilateral cu oficiile de specialitate din

specialized offices from abroad, subscription of periodicals and

strainatate, abonarii editi-ilor periodice sj achizitionarii literaturii din

acquisition of literature in the field through libraries, publishing

domeniu prin intermediul librariilor, editurilor, expozitiilor de carte,

houses, book exhibitions, donations, etc

donatiilor .a.
Data on the number of acquisitions in the last 6 years in the
in tabelul 3.1. sunt prezentate datele privind numarul de intrari din

collection of IP IRC of AGEPI by the category of documents are

ultimii 6 ani Tn colectia CID PI al AGEPI dupa categoria

presented in Table 3.1

During the year 2009, there were acquired in total 2,021,527
Pe parcursul anului 2009, au fost achizitionate Tn total 2.021.527

publications and documents, the absolute majority-on optical disks

de publicatii sj documente, majoritatea absolute - pe discuri

and 2,146 -on paper carrier, including 211 (9.8%) - books 1,322

optice, ar 2.146 - pe suport de hartie, inclusiv 211 (9,8%) - carti,

(61.6%) - periodicals and serials, 420 copies (19.6%) of other

1.322 (61,6%) - editii periodice sj seriale, 420 de exempla-re

documents, which have completed the collection of literature.

(19,6%) de alte documente, care au completat colectia de

However, the number of official bulletins received on paper carrier

literatura. Totodata, numarul de buletine oficiale, receptionate pe

and that of periodicals acquired in 2009 remained approximately at

suport de hartie, precum sj eel al publicatiilor periodice

the level of the previous year

achizitionate Tn 2009 s-a mentinut aproximativ la nivelul anului


On the AGEPI website was monthly presented nformation on new

acquisitions of books and periodicals, included in the collection of

Pe web site-ul AGEPI a fost prezentata lunar infor-matia privind

the IP IRC, and the Internet addresses of DB in IP field that can be

noile intrari de carti sj publicatii periodice, incluse Tn colectia CID

accessed through the AGEPI website

PI, precum sj adresele din nternet ale BD din domeniul PI care pot
fi accesate prin intermediul web site-ului AGEPI

At present, the digital library consists of 31 textual databases and

17 reference and bibliographic databases, with a volume of about

in prezent, biblioteca digitala consta din 31 de baze de date

25.75 million documents, and the literature collection ncludes

textuale sj 17 baze de date de referinta sj bibliografice, cu un

47,214 copies of books, magazines dictionaries, encyclopedias in

volum de circa 25,75 mln. de documente, iar colectia de literatura

the scientific-technical, legal, financial-economic and informational

de specialitate include 47.214 exemplare de carti reviste,

fields, etc

Tab. 3.1. Intrari in colectia Bibliotecii AGEPI

collection of AGEPI Library

Tab. 3.1. Acquisitions in the

I Categoria documentelor200420052006200720082009Category of
documentsDocumente pe suport
on electronic supportBuletine oficiale569722641223165143Official
41.179PeriodicalsPublicatii AGEPI5201.498711256145193AGEPI
publicationsAlte documente308324187-441420Other documentsTotal
3.4.2. Servicii informational-bibliotecare si asistenta

3.4.2. Information-library services and


methodological assistance

Ca sj in anii precedent], pe parcursul perioadei de bilant acordarea

As in the previous years, rendering of methodological assistance

asistentei metodologice sj prestarea serviciilor informational-

and provision of information-library services during the year under

bibliotecare au constituit directii prioritare in activitatea CID PI. In

review were the priority directions in the activity of IP IRC. The

tabelul 3.2 sunt prezentati indicatorii de baza privind prestarea

basic ndexes on the provision of information-library services in the

serviciilor informational-bibliotecare in ultimii 6 ani

last 6 years are presented in Table 3.2

Pe parcursul anului 2009, serviciile prestate de CID PI au fost

During the year 2009, the IP IRC services were requested by 207

solicitate de 207 cititori noi; 862 de persoane sj-au prelungit

new readers; 862 persons have extended their subscription,

abonamentul, inclusiv 170 de cola-boratori ai AGEPI. Imprumutul

including 170 employees of AGEPI. The loan of documents has

de documente a atins cifra de 16.590 de documente. Se remarca,

reached 16,590 documents. It is noted, however, a decrease in

totusj scadere a acestui indicator fata de anul precedent fapt

this index over the previous year, which can be explained by

care poate fi explicat prin oferirea accesului on-ine prin

providing online access through the AGEPI site to databases on

intermediul site-ului AGEPI la bazele de date pe OPI sj la

IPO and to the normative documents in the field

documentele normative din domeniu

Among the main beneficiaries of IP IRC are counted researchers
Printre principalii beneficiari ai CID PI se numara cercetatori sj

and inventors, professors, trainers for a doctor's degree and

inventatori, profesori, doctoranzi sj student], ingineri sj manageri

students, engineers and managers from various branches of

din diverse ramuri ale economiei nationale, mandatari autorizati sj

national economy, patent attorneys and counselors in industrial

consilieri in proprietate industriale .a., la dispozi-tia carora a fost

property, etc., at the disposal of which was put the entire stock of

pus Tntregul fond de literature sj documente al CID PI, precum sj

literature and documents of the IP IRC, as well as the electronic

catalogul electronic al fondului. La solicitare, beneficiarilor le-a fost

catalog of the stock Upon request, the beneficiaries have been

acordata asistenta metodologica necesara, 397 de consultatii

rendered the necessary methodological assistance, 397 free

gratuite privind utilizarea bazelor de date electronice, aplicarea

consultations on the use of electronic databases the correct

corecta a clasificarilor nternationale in materie de brevete, marci

application of international patent trademark, industrial design

design industrial in procesul de cercetare-docu-mentare etc

classifications in the documentary search process, etc

Biblioteca AGEPI a contribuit la promovarea sj diseminarea

The AGEPI Library also contributed to the promotion and

informatiei din domeniul PI sj prin organizarea expozitiilor de

dissemination of IP information by organizing exhibitions of books,

carte, seminarelor spe-cializate, meselor rotunde, cursurilor de

specialized seminars, round tables, open courses in information-

initiere in probleme informational-bibliotecare, concursurilor etc.

library issues, contests, etc. These actions have been organized

Aceste actiuni au fost organizate atat in incinta

both inside the IP IRC and



Libraryinformation services

1 Indicatorul200420052006200720082009Index
materialelor6.0902.7155.0543.5654.5043.509Copying of materialsActivitati de
promovare a colectiilor6154727412258Collection promotion activities

CID PI, cat sj Tn diverse biblioteci, institutii de Tnvatamant,

Tntreprinderi, avand Tn calitate de co-organizator Asociatia
Bibliotecarilor din Republica Moldova (ABRM). serie de biblioteci
publice au primit Tn calitate de donatii seturi de publicatii ale
AGEPI Tn domeniul PI, contribuind astfel la informa-rea
persoanelor interesate din teritoriu
Dintre cele mai importante manifestatii organizate Tn acest sens
pe parcursul anului 2009 se numara:
seminarul international Dreptul de autor sj ibertatea accesului la
informatie Tn biblioteci" (organizat Tn comun cu ABRM sj
Consortiul elFL Direct Moldova). Printre participant! au fost
reprezentantii ABRM, Soros Moldova, (Italia),
Professional Limited Liability Company (PLLC, SUA),
Corporacion Innovarte (Chile) sj AGEPI;
atelierul Creativitatea, Inovarea, Biblioteca" (organizat Tn
comun cu Biblioteca Universitatii Tehnice a Moldovei sj
ABRM). In paralel s-a desfaurat expozitie de carte privind
cele mai relevante publicatii Tn domeniul PI, disponibile la
editia a lll-a a Concursului republican ..Biblioteca - partener Tn
promovarea proprietatii intelectuale" la care au participat
biblioteci universitare specializate sj publice din diferite zone
ale republicii (organizat Tn comun cu ABRM)
in diverse libraries, educational institutions, enterprises, having as
co-organizer the Association of Librarians of the Republic of
Moldova (ALRM) Some public libraries have received as donations
sets of AGEPI publications in IP field, thus contributing to the
information of interested persons in the territory
Among the most important events in this regard during the year
2009 are counted
the international seminar "Copyright and Freedom of Access to
Information in Libraries" (organized jointly with the ALRM and
elFL Direct Moldova Consortium). Among the participants
were representatives of ALRM, Soros Moldova
(Italy), Professional Limited Liability Company (PLLC, USA),
Corporacion Innovarte (Chile), and AGEPI;
the workshop "Creativity, Innovation, Library" (organized jointly
with the Library of the Technical University of Moldova and
ALRM). A book fair was held in parallel on the most relevant
publications in IP field, available at IP IRC
the third edition of the Republican Contest "The Library - Partner
in the Promotion of Intellectual Property" in which took part
university, specialized and public libraries from different
areas of the Republic (organized jointly with ALRM)

Raport Anual 2009_______________________________________________

Seminarul international Dreptul de autor si libertatea accesului la informatie in biblioteci", (de la

stanga spre dreapta: T. Hackett,, Italia, L. Villaroel, Corporacion Innovarte, Chile, J. Band,
PLLC, SUA, O. Belei, AGEPI, Moldova)
International Seminar "Copyright and Freedom of Access to Information in Libraries", (from the left to
the right: T. Hackett,, Italy, L. Villaroel, Corporacion Innovarte, Chile, J. Band, PLLC, USA,
O. Belei, AGEPI, Moldova)

Atelierul de lucru Creatlvltatea, Inovarea, Biblioteca", organizat de Asociatia Bibliotecarilor din Republica Moldova
in colaborare cu Biblioteca UTM si AGEPI
Workshop "Creativity, Innovation, Library", organized by the Association of Librarians of the Republic of Moldova in cooperation
with TUM Library and AGEPI

La standul AGEPI din cadrul Salonului International de Carte, editia a XVIII-a, gazduit in mod traditional de catre Biblioteca Nationala a
Republicii Moldova. Aceasta editie a fost consacrata memoriei poetului Grigore Vieru
At the AGEPI stand within the International Book Fair, the eighteenth edition, traditionally hosted by the National Library of the
Republic of Moldova. This edition was dedicated to the memory of the poet Grigore Vieru



Raport Anual 2009

3.5. Activitatea expozitionala, organizarea de concursuri si

participating in 22 exhibitions, including 7 - international and 15 -

man if e star i

national, most of them being organized at IEC "Moldexpo" JSC.

Promovarea sistemului national de proprietate intelectuala Tn

nformation stands were presented within the framework of eight

randul agentilor economici prin intermediul expozitiilor sj-a dovedit

national exhibitions, the most important being "Made in Moldova",

eficacitatea de-a lungu timpului. In anul 2009 AGEPI a continuat

the Exhibition-Forum of SME, "Moldagroteh, Farmer", etc.,

aceasta traditie, participand activ la 22 de expozitii, inclusiv la 7 -

organized in Chisinau, "ConsumExpo" and "Agrotech" held in Balti.

internationale i 15 - nationale, majoritatea fiind organizate la CIE

The AGEPI specialists have also participated in actions relating to

Moldexpo" S.A.

these exhibitions (seminars round tables) with communications on

national IP legislation, procedures for the protection of trademarks

Standuri informationale au fost prezentate Tn cadrul a 8 expozitii

nationale, cele mai importante fiind FabricatTn Moldova",
Expozitia-Forum aiMM Moldagroteh, Farmer" .a., organizate la
Chisjnau ConsumExpo" sj Agrotech", desfaurate la Balti

and industrial designs, benefits of protection of geographical

indications, appellations of origin and traditional specialties
guaranteed to autochthonous producers, IPO evaluation, brand
role in promoting goods and services, etc

Specialisjii AGEPI au participat, de asemenea, la actiunile

aferente acestor expozitii (seminare, mese rotunde) cu comunicari

An extensive information dissemination and consultancy activity

privind legislatia nationala Tn domeniul PI, procedurile de protectie

was conducted within the framework of seven national exhibitions:

a marcilor sj desenelor/modelelor industriale, avantajele protec-tiei

"ExpoVin Moldova" "Beauty", "Moldconstruct, Moldenergy",

indicatiilor geografice, denumirilor de origine sj specialitatilor

"Tourism Leasure. Hotels", "Cominfo", "MoldMEDIZIN. Mold-

traditionale garantate pentru produ-catorii autohtoni, evaluarea

DENT", and "Furniture"

OPI, rolul brandului Tn promovarea marfurilor sj serviciilor .a.

In 2009, AGEPI promoted and stimulated the innovative activity in
ampla activitate de diseminare a informatiei sj de consultants a

the Republic of Moldova, ensuring the participation of the national

fost desfaurata Tn cadrul a 7 expozitii nationale: ExpoVin

inventors with about 200 works at seven international exhibitions,

Moldova", Beauty" Moldconstruct, Moldenergy", "Tourism.

namely: International Exhibition of Inventions, Techniques

Leasure Hotels", Cominfo", MoldMEDIZIN. MoldDENT" sj


and New Products in Geneva, Switzerland International

Exhibition of Research, Innovation
and Inventiveness "Proinvent" in Cluj-Napoca,

in anul 2009, AGEPI a promovat i stimulat activitatea inovationala

din Republica Moldova, asigurand participarea inventatorilor
nationali cu circa 200 de ucrari la 7 saloane internationale, i
anume Salonul International de Inventii, Tehnici sj
Produse Noi de la Geneva, Elvetia; Salonul International al
Cercetarii, Inovari
sj Inventicii Proinvent" de la Cluj-Napoca,
Salonul International de Proprietate Industrials
"Archimedes" (editia a Xll-a) de la Moscova,
Federatia RusS; Salonul International al CreativitStii i
Euroinvent" de la lasj, Romania; Salonul International de

International Salon of Industrial Property
"Archimedes" (twelfth edition) in Moscow, Russian
International Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation "Euroinvent"
in lasi, Romania;
International Exhibition of Inventions and New Technologies
"New Times" (fifth edition) in Sevastopol, Ukraine
International Exhibition of Inventions, Scientific Research and
New Technologies "INVENTIKA-2009" in Bucharest,
International Exhibition of Innovation, Research and New
Technologies "Brussels-lnnova" in Belgium

Inventii sj Tehnologii Noi

" " (editia a V-a) de la Sevastopol
Salonul International de Inventii, Cercetare SjtiintificS sj
Tehnologii Noi "INVENTIKA-2009" de la Bucuresji, Romania;
Salonul International al Inovatiei, CercetSri
sj Noilor Tehnologii "Brussels-lnnova" din Belgia.

3.5. Exhibition activity, organization of competitions and

Promotion of the national intellectual property system among
economic agents through exhibitions has proved successful over
time. In 2009, AGEPI continued this tradition by actively


Lucrarile prezentate de inventatorii moldoveni la aceste

participated for the first time in the exhibition, this fact being an

manifested au fost apreciate cu circa 70 de medalii de aur, 50 - de

eloquent proof of knowledge and appreciation enjoyed by ISE

argint sj 30 - de bronz.


In anul 2009 cercetatorii sjiintifici sj inventatorii nationali au avut

prilejul sa-sj demonstreze realizable obtinand apreciere
binemeritata, Tn cadrul celei de-a 11-a editii a Expozitiei
Internationale Speciali-zate "INFOINVENT". Organizatorii acesteia
au fost Agentia de Stat pentru Proprietatea Intelectuala Academia
de tiinte a Moldovei sj Centrul International de Expozitii
"Moldexpo" S.A. De la prima editie a EIS JNFOINVENT", care a
avut loc Tn anul 1997, sj panaTn prezent circa 1000 de expozanti

au prezen-tat Tnde
acesteia peste
din 3500
de inventii,
promovate noi solutii
tehnice, initiate
parteneriate Tntre
inventatori, cercetatori
desj reprezentantii
la USM mediului
la EISde afaceri

in mod traditional, de rand cu inventatorii din Republica Moldova,

ofde peste
la acest for al creativitatii
au participat sj oaspeti
expunandu-sj cele mai
de valoare
solutii tehnice,
produse sj by
tehnologii noi Forumul
de la lasj
thesj UniversiIES
tatea din Suceava, Romania, Universitatea de Stat de
Farmaceutica, Universitatea Pedagogica de Stat din or. Harcov sj
Academia Militaro-maritima din or Sevastopol, Ucraina,
Universitatea de Stat din Mos-cova, Federatia Rusa. Printre
participantii traditional s-au numarat, de asemenea, specialisjii
Oficiului de Stat pentru Inventii sj Marci din Romania (OSIM) sj ai
Oficiului Roman pentru Drepturile de Autor (ORDA) Pentru prima
data la expozitie au participat reprezentantii Oficiului European de
Brevete (OEB) sj ai Or-ganizatiei Mondiale a Proprietatii
Intelectuale (OMPI) acest fapt fiind dovada elocventa a
cunoasjerii sj aprecierii de care se bucura EIS JNFOINVENT"
Works presented by the Moldovan inventors at these events were
rewarded with circa 70 - gold, 50 - silver and 30 - bronze medals
In 2009, the national scientists and inventors have had the
opportunity to demonstrate their achievements, gaining a
deserved appreciation in the 11th edition of the International
Specialized Exhibition "INFOINVENT". Its organizers were the
State Agency on Intellectual Property, the Academy of Sciences of
Moldova and the International Exhibition Center "Moldexpo" JSC.
Since the first edition of the ISE "INFOINVENT", held in 1997, and
to date circa 1000 exhibitors presented within it over 3500
inventions, being promoted new technology solutions, initiated
partnerships between inventors researchers and representatives
of the business medium
Traditionally, along with inventors of the Republic of Moldova, in
this forum of creativity have also participated guests from abroad,
exhibiting their most valuable technical solutions, new products
and technologies: the Romanian Inventors Forum in lasi and the
Suceava University, Romania, the State University of
Pharmaceutics, the State Pedagogical University in Kharkov and
the Naval Academy in Sevastopol, Ukraine, the Moscow State
University, Russian Federation. Among the traditional participants
were also counted the specialists of the State Office for Inventions
and Trademarks of Romania (OSIM) and the Romanian Office for
Copyright (ORDA). Representatives of the European Patent Office
(EPO) and World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

Expozanti din Romania si

Federatia Rusa la EIS
Exhibitors from Romania and the
Russian Federation at the IES

Raport Anual 2009

In cadrul expozitiei, AGEPI a organizat cu spri-jinul OEB

Seminarul national "Ziua informatiei de brevet", iar Agentia
pentru Inovare sj Transfer Tehnologic (AITT) din cadrul AM a
organizat prezentarea Bursa inventiilor si tehnologiilor" si
Standul tinerilor elevi inventatori, toate acestea fiind concepute
ca sa vine in sprijinul inventatorilor cu resursele informationale de
care dispun institutive nominalizate, in vederea promovari
nventiilor sj stabilirii unor contacte utile cu persoa-nele sj
companiile interesate
Cele 415 inventii din 8 domenii diverse, expuse la editia din 2009
a expozitiei au fost apreciate de comisia de experti sj Juriul
international cu 118 medalii, inclusiv 31 - de aur, 45 - de argint sj
42 -de bronz. OEB Annette Hollreiser
prezinta un raport la Semlnarul
De asemenea, mai multe diplome sj premii au fost acordate
"Zlua informatiei de brevet"
participantilor de catre AITT, Camera de Comert sj Industrie a
din cadrul EIS JNFOINVENT-2009"

Republicii Moldova, UIR Jnovatorul", UTM, Forumul Inventatorilor

Romani Salonul
de Inventii
sj Tehnologii Noi "
" din Sevastopol,

a report
"Patent Information Day" In
the IES "IN-FOINVENT-2009"
Una din cele mai prestigioase mentiuni ale EIS JNFOINVENT"
este Premiul Guvernului Republicii Moldova Cel mai dotat
inventator al anului", instituit prin Hotararea Guvernului nr. 291 din
28 martie 2000. La actuala editie de acest titlu onorific s-a
invrednicit prof. Viorel Prisacaru, prorectorul USMF N.
Testemitanu", pentru Ciclul de lucrariin domeniul sintezei
complecilor cuprului i cobaltului cu
Within the framework of the exhibition, AGEPI organized with the
support of EPO the National Seminar "Patent Information Day",
and the Agency for nnovation and Technology Transfer (AITT) of
the ASM organized the presentation "Stock of Inventions and
Technologies" and the Stand of young pupils inventors, all of
which are designed to assist inventors with information resources
available to the nominated institutions to promote inventions and
establish useful contacts with the interested persons and
The 415 inventions in eight different fields, exhibited at the 2009
edition of the exhibition, were rewarded by the Commission of
Experts and International Jury with 118 medals, including 31 gold 45 - silver and 42 - bronze
Also, several diplomas and prizes were awarded to participants by
AITT, Chamber of Commerce and ndustry of the Republic of
Moldova, URI "Inova-torul", TUM, Romanian Inventors Forum,
International Exhibition of Inventions and New Technologies "New
Times" in Sevastopol, "Nauchnaya Shkola Prichinnosty" in
Kharkov, etc
One of the most prestigious awards of the ISE "INFOINVENT" is
the Government Award of the Republic of Moldova for "The Most
Gifted Inventor of the Year", established by the Government
Decree No. 291 of 28 March 2000. At the current edition this
honorary title was conferred on Professor Viore Prisacaru, prorector of SUMP "N. Testemitanu", for the Cycle of works in the
synthesis of copper and

Profesorul Viorel Prisacaru, prorector

/. Testemitanu", a devenit laureat al
Premiului Guvernului
Republicii Moldova Cel mai dotat
inventator al anului 2009"
Professor Viorel Prisacaru, pro-rector
of the SUMP
"N. Testemitanu", became laureate of
the Government Award of
the Republic of Moldova for "The
Most Gifted Inventor of2009"

Raport Anual 2009_______________________________________________

actiune antimicrobiana. Pane Tn prezent de acest premiu s-au

"Synthesis of new compounds with antifungal and

Tnvrednicit 7 inventatori cu renume din republica.

antimicrobial action"]

Premiul Mare al AGEPI a fost acordat prof. Valerian Dorogan,

The WIPO Trophy "Innovative Enterprise" -

prorector al UTM, pentru Ciclulde lucrariin domeniul elaborarii

To enterprise "Fala Dental" LTD - for Innovative technologies

aparatelor pentru terapia cuantica, utilizate Tn medicine sj Tn

used in dental treatment.

economia nationala.


Cea mai dotata femeie inventator" a fost desem-nata prof.

Svetlana Hadjiu de la USMF N. Testemitanu", pentru Metode de
diagnostic i tratament ale tulburarilor neurologice la copii
Cel mai dotat tanar inventator" a devenit elevul Adrian Vlas din

Trofeul OMPI Jntreprindere

inovatoare" a fost acordat
Institutului de cercetarl stiintifice
decemarea Medaliei de Aur OMPI Jnventator

satul Sarata Galbena, raionul HTn-ceti, pentru Constructia unei


remarcabil" sj Trofeului OMPI .jntreprindere inovatoare", instituita

WIPO Trophy "Innovative

Enterprise" was awarded to the

Medalia de Aur
Jnventator remarcabil"

prof. Tudor
Lupascu, directorul Institutului de Chimie al AM "ELIRI"
prin Hotararea Guvernului nr. 933 din 12.09.2000, aconferit:

pentru Ciclul de lucrari in domeniul chimiei "Utilizarea

Trofeul OMPI Jntreprindere inovatoare" afostinma-nat Institutului

de cercetari ELIRI", selectat de catre Comisia in cauzain cadrul
editiei precedente a EIS JNFOINVENT".
In baza datelor statistice ale activitatii de brevetare/ inregistrare a
obiectelor de proprietate
din perioada 1 septembrie
de la
USMF N. Testemitanu" -proaspat
pentru novare sj creativitate" - Universitatii de Stat din Moldova i
laureat al Medaliei de aur OMPI
Tntreprinderii SUPRATEN" S.A.

Al noualea an la rand,
Ziua Mondiala Buraciova
a Proprietatii
Intelectuale a fost
in Republica Moldova prin"-new
actiuni menite saof
puna the
in valoare
rolul proprietatii
"Outstanding Inventor"
genericul Sa respectam inovatiile verzi!"

materialelor secundare in elaborarea preparatelor cu

proprietati antimi-crobiene" sj

Programul de manifestari, desfaurat de AGEPI in scopul

prof. Svetlana Buraciova de la USMF N. Testemitanu" -

sensibilizarii specialitilor din diverse domeni asupra importantei

pentru Ciclul de lucrariin domeniul medicinii Sinteza

proprietatii intelectuale in dezvoltarea economical, sociala sj

compuilor noi cu actiune antimicrobiana i antimicotica"]

culturala a tarii, a inclus

Trofeul OMPI Jntreprindere inovatoare" -

seminare nationale cu participare internationala;

Tntreprinderii Fala Dental" SRL - pentru Tehnologii inovative

utilizate in tratamentul stomatologic

seminare tematice de familiarizare cu sis-temul national sj eel

cobalt complexes with antimicrobial action. So far this award has

international de protectie a proprietatii intelectuale a specialitilor

been worthy of seven famous inventors of the republic

sj mana-gerilor de la institutive sj organizatiile din sfera stiintei sj

inovarii, precum sj a cadrelor didactice doctoranzilor sj studentilor

The Grand Prix of AGEPI was awarded to Professor Valerian

din cadrul institutiilor de invatamant superior sj mediu de

Dorogan, pro-rector of TUM, for the Cycle of works in developing

specialitate din republica

devices for quantum therapy, used in medicine and national


Tntalniri ale inventatorilor din republica, laureati ai Medaliei de

Aur OMPI Jnventator remarcabil", cu elevii Colegiului de Medicine

"The Most Gifted Woman Inventor" has been appointed Professor

sj Colegiului Tehno-logic din Chisjnau

Svetlana Hadjiu from SUMP "N Testemitanu", for Methods of

diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders in children

expozitii tematice consacrate Zilei Mondiale a Proprietatii

Intelectuale sj Zilei Mondiale a Cartii sj Dreptului de Autor

"The Most Gifted Young Inventor" has become the pupil Adrian

(marcata, la initiativa UNESCO, pe 23 aprilie) la bibliotecile publice

Vlas from the village of Sarata Galbena, Hincesti district, for the

sj universitare din municipiul Chisjnau sj din teritoriu

Design of a mototricycle
expozitie de carte organizate de Biblioteca Nationala a Moldovei
The Commission on WIPO Gold Medal Award for "Outstanding

sj Asociatia Bibliotecarilor din Republica Moldova in cadrul Anului

Inventor" and WIPO Trophy "Innovative Enterprise", established

bibliolo-gic-2008" etc.

by the Government Decree No. 933 of 12 September 2000, has


in cadrul edintei festive, consacrate Zilei Mondiale a Proprietatii

Intelectuale, a avut loc ceremonia de Tnmanare a distinctiilor

The WIPO Gold Medal "Outstanding Inventor" -

obtinute de inventatori din Republica Moldova la Salonul

International de

To Professor Tudor Lupascu, director of the Institute of

Chemistry of the ASM - for the Cycle of works in chemistry
"Use of secondary materials in the development of
preparations with antimicrobial properties" and

To Professor Svetlana Buraciova from SUMP "N.

Testemitanu" - for the Cycle of works in the field of medicine


The WIPO Trophy "Innovative Enterprise" has been awarded to

the Research Institute "ELIRl", selected by the Commission at
issue in the previous edition of the ISE "INFOINVENT".

Raport Anual 2009

Festive meeting devoted to

organized at AGEPI
Dr. Aurelian Gulea,
coordinator of the

International Exhibition
"Brussels-lnnova", vesting
the national inventors with
the awards won in this
prestigious exhibition

various actions destined to highlight the role of intellectual property

nventii, Tehnici sj Produse Noi

Carau, Serghei Cicalchin,

in social development. In 2009, the festival was entitled

de la Geneva, Elve-tia,

pentru nventia Remediu

"Respecting green innovations"

Salonul International de

dezinfectant", brevet de

Proprietate Industriale

nventie nr. 3145 la

The program of events unfolded by AGEPI to raise the awareness

Archimedes" de la Moscova,

nominalizarea Jnventia anului

of specialists in various fields of the importance of intellectual

create de un tanar inventator"

Dr. Aurelian Gulea, coordonator
- Natalia
Munteanu, pentru
Salonului International
BrusselsInovarii sj Invention
nventia Procedeu de
inmaneaza distinctiile
Proinvent" de la Clujcombatere a bruhidelor"
obtinute de in-ventatorii
nationali in
Napoca, Romania. In cadrul
brevet de inventie nr. 3199
cadrul acestei expozitii
de prestigiu

On the basis of statistical data of the IPO patent-ng/registration

activity in the period 1 September 2008-31 August 2009, AGEPI
also awarded the "Trophy for Innovation and Creativity" - to the
State University of Moldova and the enterprise "SUPRATEN" JSC.
The ninth year running, the World Intellectual
Property Day was celebrated in the Republic of Moldova through

Sedinta festiva consacrata Zilei

property in the economic, social and cultural development of the
Mondiale a Proprietatii
country included
lntelectuale-2009, organizate la
national seminars with international participation
thematic seminars to familiarize with the national and
international intellectual property protection system the specialists
and managers of institutions and organizations in the field of
science and innovation, as well as teachers trainers for a doctor's
degree and students of higher education and professional
institutions of the republic

Federate Rusa, sj Salonul

aceleiasj edinte,

ventions, Techniques and

mandatarului autorizat Leonid

New Products in Geneva,

Cotruta i-au fost decernate

Switzerland, International

titlul de Cel mai activ

Salon of Industrial Property

mandatar autorizat al anului

'Archimedes" in Moscow,

2008" sj diploma de mentiune,

Russian Federation, and

instituite de AGEPI

International Exhibition of
Research, Innovation and

meetings of inventors of the republic, laureates of the WIPO

Pe 26 iunie 2009 in republica

Inventiveness "Proinvent" in

a fost marcata Ziua

Cluj-Napoca, Romania. In the

Inventatorului si

same meeting, Patent

thematic exhibitions devoted to the World Intellectual Property

Rationalizatorului, instituite

Attorney Leonid Cotruta was

Day and World Book and Copyright Day (marked, on the initiative

prin Decretul nr. 193 din 19

conferred on the title of "The

of UNESCO, on 23 April) at public and university libraries in

iunie 1995 al Presedinte-ui

Most Active Patent Attorney

Chisinau and the territory;

Republicii Moldova. Cu acest

of the Year 2008" and the

prilej, AGEPI a organizat, in

diploma of commendation,

book fair organized by the National Library of Moldova and the

comun cu UIR Jnovatorul",

instituted by AGEPI

Association of Librarians of the Republic of Moldova within the

sedinta festiva consacrata

"Bibliological Year-2008" etc.

sarbatorii, in cadrul careia a

On 26 June 2009, in the

fost prezentat un raport de

Republic was marked the

activitate al Uniunii, cei mai

Inventor's and

buni inventatori sj

Rationalizer's Day,

rationalizatori fiind distinsj cu

established by the

diplome sj premii. In acelasj

Presidential Decree of the

cadru festiv au fost desemnati

Republic of Moldova No. 193

sj laureatii editiei a V-a a

of 19 June 1995. On this

Concursului Jnventia

occasion, AGEPI organized,

anului", organizat de AGEPI

jointly with the URI

sj UIR Jnovatorul" in scopul

"Inovatorul", a festive meeting

promovarii activitatii

devoted to the holiday, within

inovationale stimularii

the framework of which was

titularilor OPI (inventii sj

presented a report of activity

modele de utilitate) in

of the Union, the best

procesul de valorificare a

innovators and rationalizers

rezultatelor activitatii

being rewarded with diplomas

novationale sj atragere a

and prizes. In the same

investitiilor. Laureatii editiei

festive context were selected

2009 a concursului au devenit

the laureates of the fifth

la nominalizarea Jnventia

edition of the Contest

anului 2008" -Vladimir

"Invention of the Year",

Gold Medal Award for "Outstanding nventor", with students of the

College of Medicine and College of Technology from Chisinau

In the festive meeting devoted to the World Intellectual Property

Day was held the ceremony on the award of distinctions obtained
by the inventors of the Republic of Moldova at the International
Exhibition of In-


Raport Anual 2009_______________________________________________

organized by AGEPI and URI

Year 2008" - Vladimir Caraus,

"Inovatorul" to promote the

Sergei Cicalchin for the

innovative activity, stimulate

invention "Disinfectant

the holders of IPO (inventions

remedy" patent No. 3145;

and utility models) in the

at the nomination "Invention

process of use of innovation

of the Year Created by a

activity results and attraction

Young Inventor" - Natalia

of investments. Laureates of

Munteanu, for the invention

the 2009 edition of the

"Method of controlling

contest have become at the

bruchids" patent No. 3199;

nomination "Invention of the



Vladimir Carauj

Natalia Munteanu
Stepan Sarbu



Raport Anual 2009

Au mai fost decernate opt

premii de Tncurajare sj ase


la nominalizarea Modelul

premii speciale din partea

unor institutii din sfera sjiintei
sj inovarii
Laureates of the nominated
at the nomination "Utility

de utilitate al anului

Model of the Year 2008"

2008" - Stepan Sarbu,

- Stepan Sarbu, for the

pentru modelul de utili-

utility model "Inhaler for

tate Jnhalator pentru

pulverulent substance",

substanta pulverulenta"

certificate of registration

certificat de Tnregistrare

No. 170

nr. 170
To support and encourage
Pentru a sustine sj stimula

creativity and inventiveness

creativitatea sj inventica Tn

among students, the

randul elevilor, Academia de

Academy of Sciences of

tiinte a Moldovei Agentia

Moldova, the Agency for

pentru Inovare sj Transfer

Innovation and Technology

Tehnologic Universitatea

Transfer, the Academic

Academica, Tn parteneriat cu

University, in partnership with

Ministerul Educatiei sj

the Ministry of Education and

Tineretului sj AGEPI, au

Youth and AGEPI organized

organizat Tn anu 2009 editia

in 2009 the second edition of

a ll-a a Concursului

the Republican Contest

republican Cel mai bun

"The Best Innovative

elev inovator", la care au

Pupil", in which participated

participat 120 de concurenti

120 competitors (grades II to

(clasele ll-XII) din cadrul

XII) of the pre-university

institutiilor de Tnvatamant

education institutions of the

preuniversitar din republica,

republic, to the competition

la competi-tie fiind Tnaintate

being submitted about 114

circa 114 lucrari


Laureati ai concursului

Sergiu argarovschi, elev

nominalizat au devenit

al clasei a X-a la Liceul

Adrian Vlas, elev al clasei a

AM, pentru Batatoare

VIll-a la

de porumb, Vadim

Liceul Teoretic

Bejenari, elev al clasei

Universum" din s.

a Xl-a la Liceul Teoretic

Sarata Galbena, r-nul

"B.-P. Hasdeu" din or.

HTncesji, pentru

Drochia, pentru

Mototriciclete - locul I

propunere inedita de

Mircea Diavor, elev al

folosire a anvelopelor

clasei a Xll-a la Liceul

uzate, Ion Izmana, elev

de Creativitate sj

al clasei a Xll-a la Liceul

Inventica Prometeu-

Teoretic tefan eel

Prim" din mun.

Mare" din s. Alcedar, r-

Chisjnau, pentru

nul oldanesji, care a


prezentat doua

determinarea vitezei

elaborari Cazangerie

luminii, sj Manole Rotaru

eoliana sj Frana

elev al clasei a Xl-a la

regenerative pentru

acelasj liceu, pentru

bicicleta - locul III

contest have become

Adrian Vlas, an eighthgrade pupil of the Theoretical








district, for Mototricycle

-1 place
Mircea Diavor, a twelfthgrade pupil of the
Lyceum of Creativity
and Inventiveness "Prometheus-Prime" from
Chisinau municipality,
for Device for
determining the speed
of light, and Manole
Rotaru, an eleventhgrade pupil of the same
lyceum, for Digital
anemometer -II place
Sergiu Sargarovschi, a
tenth-grade pupil of the
ASM Lyceum, for Corn
threshers, Vadim
Bejenari, an eleventhgrade pupil of the Theoretical Lyceum "B.-P.
Hasdeu" from Drochia,
for a novel proposal to
use worn-out tires, Ion
Izmana, a twelfth-grade
pupil of the Theoretical
Lyceum "Stefan eel
Mare" from the village of
Alcedar, Soldanesti
district, who presented
two developments: Wind
boiler-room and
Regenerative brake for
bicycle - III place
Eight prizes for
encouragement and six
special prizes from certain
institutions in the field of
science and innovation were
also awarded

Anemometru digital locul II


Raport Anual 2009__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Experts of AGEPI examining the works of pupils

presented at the second edition of the Republican
Contest "The Best Innovative Pupil"

Ceremony on awarding prizes to laureates of

the contest "Trademark of the Year-2009"

Cel mai tanar participant la concurs - Alexandru Bonta, eleval

prizes were awarded to 57 trademarks, inducing "Carmez",

clasei a lll-a la Liceul Nicolai Necra-sov" din Straseni, s-

"Tricon", "Incomlac", "Moldcell"

ainvrednicit de premiul special AGEPI pentru serie de lucrari:

Ceas-termometru pentru nave cosmice i vapoare, Suport pentru
cuie, Bare mobile pentru sport, Cretar
In anul de bilant a avut loc editia a ll-a a Concursului Topul
inovatiilor", organizat de catre AM, AITT i AGEPI in scopul

Jonel", Barza Alba", Nufarul Alb", ..Creator lu Bor", "Vita Baby",
Chisjnau", Milesjii Mici" Cricova" etc. Pe parcursul celor 6
ani de cand se organizeaza, concursul comerciala a
anului" se bucura de un interes sj un prestigiu tot mai mare printre

identificarii i stimularii celor mai valoroase 10 inovatii ale anului

agentii economici. In perioada 2003-2008 la concurs au fost

Experti din cadrul AGEPI

organizatii din sfera tiintei sj novarii, care au brevetat sj/sau au
examineaza lucrarile elevilor
implementat in anul de bilant inovatii sj tehnologii inovationale in
prezentate la editia a ll-a a
afaceri. Catigatorii au fost mentionati cu diplome si premii
Concursului republican Cel mai
bun elev inovator"
Unul dintre cele mai importante evenimente ale anu-ui de referinta

prezentate circa 500 de proiecte din 14 raioane ale tarii sj din

La concurs au fost prezentate 40 de dosare de la 20 de institutii sj

a fost Concursul republican "Marca comerciala a anului", initiat

in 2003 de catre Camera de Comert sj Industrie a Republicii
Moldova si AGEPI. Actiunea are drept scop identificarea sj
promovarea strategiilor performante de marketing in domeniul

Chisjnau sj Balti,
200 de marci fiind a
mentionate cu
de circapremiere
in cadrul diverselor
a anului-2009"
Ca sj la alte editii ale concursului, la festivitatea oficiale de bilant al
editiei actuale au participat conducerea tarii, deputati ai
Parlamentului reprezentanti ai corpului diplomatic acreditat Tn
Republica Moldova, oameni de afaceri sj reprezentanti massmedia, fapt care releva importanta ce se acorda marcilor de
produse sj servicii Tn noile conditii economice

elaborarii sj promovarii marcilor de produse sj servicii, crearea unei

imagini favorabile a Republicii Moldova peste hotare, evidentierea
ratingului marcilor comerciale de succes pe piata sj a rolului lor in
business. La editia din anul 2009 a concursului au participat 90 de
Tntreprinderi, disputand Premiu Mare "Mercuriul de Aur" sj
Medalia de Onoare (de aur, argint sj bronz). in urma unei
concurente stran-se au fost premiate 57 de marci comerciale,
printre care Carmez", Tricon", Jncomlac", Moldcell"
The youngest participant in the contest - Alexandru Bonta, a thirdgrade pupil of the Lyceum "Nicolai Necrasov" from Straseni, was
awarded the special prize of AGEPI for a series of works: Clockthermometer for spacecrafts and ships, Nail-holder, Mobile bar for
sports, Chalk-holder
The second edition of the Contest "The Top of
Innovations" took place in the year under review, organized by

3.6. Simpozioane, conferinte, seminare, cursuri

Pe parcursul anului 2009, scolarizarea sj informarea societatii
civile, instruirea, pregatirea sj perfectio-narea cadrelor Tn
domeniul PI s-au intensificat prin diverse sj multiple activitati:
simpozioane, conferinte sj seminare sjiintifico-practice,
informational-meto-dice, de scolarizare etc. Publicul-tinta l-au
constituit specialisjii din domeniul PI, mandatarii autorizati
evaluatorii, judecatorii, lucratorii Serviciului Vamal specialisjii din
cadrul Ministerului Afacerilor Interne Ministerului Agriculturii sj
Industriei Alimentare, cer-cetatorii, oamenii de afaceri, studentii sj
elevii etc
Printre cele mai importante actiuni realizate la acest capitol se

ASM, AITT and AGEPI to identify and stimulate the most valuable

Seminarul national "Sistemul indicatiilor geografice si

10 innovations of the year. At the competition were presented 40

denumirilor de origine in Republica Moldova", organizat de

files from 20 institutions and organizations in the field of science

Comisia Europeana Tn colaborare cu AGEPI sj Ministerul

and innovation that have patented and/or implemented in the year

Agriculturii sj ndustriei Alimentare al Republicii Moldova, cu sus-

under review innovations and innovative technologies in business.

tinerea Proiectului TAIEX al Comisiei Europene, pe 25-26 martie

The winners were rewarded with diplomas and prizes

2009. La seminar au participat expert europeni, reprezentanti ai

institutiilor publice res-ponsabile de implementarea Legii RM nr.

One of the most significant events of the reference year was the
Republican Contest "Trademark of the Year", initiated in 2003
by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of
Moldova and AGEPI. The action aims at identifying and promoting
efficient marketing strategies in the field of development and
promotion of product and service trademarks, creating a favorable
image of the Republic of Moldova abroad, highlighting the rating of
successful trademarks on the market and their role in business. In

66/2008 privind protectia indicatiilor geografice, denumirilor de

origine sj specialitatilor traditionale garantate sj anume: ai
Ministerului Agriculturii sj Industriei Alimentare (MAIA), Ministerului
Economiei, Ministerului Sanatatii, AGEPI, precum sj ai organelor
de nspectie sj certificare acreditate, ai asociatiilor de producatori sj
fermieri, alte persoane interesate de promovarea produselor
autohtone pe piata interna sj cea externa;

the 2009 edition of the competition took part 90 enterprises,

contending the Grand Prix "Golden Mercury" and the Medal of

"lonel", "Barza Alba", "Nufarul Alb", "Creator Yu Bors", "Vita

Honor (gold silver and bronze). Following a close competition

Baby", "Beer Chisinau", "Milestii Mici" "Cricova", etc. For the

space of the six years since it is organized, the contest


Raport Anual 2009

"Trademark of the Year" enjoys an increasingly growing interest

Service, specialists from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of

and prestige among economic agents. In the period 2003-2008 at

Agriculture and Food Industry, researchers, businessmen

the contest were presented circa 500 projects from 14 districts of

students and pupils, etc

the country and from Chisinau and Balti, about 200 trademarks
were rewarded with prizes in various nominations

Among the most important actions undertaken in this chapter shall

be listed

As in other editions of the contest, at the official balance solemnity

of the current edition participated the leadership of the country,
deputies of the Parliament, representatives of the diplomatic corps
accredited in the Republic of Moldova, businessmen and
representatives of mass media, fact emphasizing the importance
that is given to product and service trademarks in the new
economic conditions

The national seminar "The System of Geographical

Indications and Appellations of Origin in the Republic of
Moldova", organized by the European Commission in
cooperation with AGEPI and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food
Industry of the Republic of Moldova, supported by the European
Commission's TAIEX Project, on 25-26 March 2009. The seminar
was attended by European experts representatives of public

3.6. Symposia, conferences, seminars, courses

institutions responsible for implementation of the Law of RM No.

66/2008 on the Protection of Geographical Indications,

During the year 2009, schooling and information of civil society,

Appellations of Origin and Traditional Specialties Guaranteed,

training, upgrading of personnel in IP field were increased by

namely: of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry (MAFI)

various and multiple activities: symposia, scientific-practical,

Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Health, AGEPI, as well as of

information-methodical, educational conferences and seminars

accredited inspection and certification bodies associations of

etc. The target audience was constituted by specialists in IP field,

producers and farmers, other people interested in the promotion

patent attorneys, evaluators, judges employees of the Customs

of autochthonous products on the internal and external market

Seminarul national Respectarea drepturilor de proprietate

The national seminar "Respect for Intellectual

intelectuala", organizat de AGEPI in cooperare cu OMPI pe 7-8

Property Rights", organized by AGEPI in cooperation with WIPO

aprilie 2009. La lucrarile seminarului au participat experti ai OMPI,

on 7-8 April 2009. In the works of the seminar participated experts

Organizatiei Mondiale a Vamilor, Oficiului Roman pentru

of WIPO, the World Customs Organization, the Romanian Office

Drepturile de Autor (ORDA), precum sj reprezentanti ai autorita-

for Copyright (ORDA), and representatives of central public

tilor publice centrale din Republica Moldova, inclusiv ai

authorities of the Republic of Moldova, including the Ministry of

Ministerului Justitiei, Ministerului Afacerilor Interne Ministerului

Justice, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Information

Dezvoltari Informationale, Serviciului Va-mal, Centrului pentru

Developments, Customs Service, the Center for Combating

Combaterea Crimelor Economi-ce sj Coruptiei, Serviciului de

Economic Crimes and Corruption, Information and Security

Informare sj Securitate nstantelor judecatoreti, alte persoane,

Service, courts, other persons, which activity is closely related to

activitatea carora are tangente cu tematica seminarului

the theme of the seminar

Seminarul regional "Protectia soiurilor de plante conform

the UPOV Union, but also for representatives of the countries to

Seminarul national AGEPI-OMPI
Conventiei UPOV", desfau-rat pe 9-11 iunie 2009, de
gain membership, especially for specialists in the field of
drepturilor de proprietate intelectuala"
The national
rezonanta profunda pentru participantii din spatiul eurasiatic,
registration and testing of new varieties of plants in relation to the
seminar "Respect for Intellectual
Property Rights"
membri ai Uniunii UPOV, dar i pentru reprezentantii tarilor care
criteria of distinctness uniformity and stability (DUS). The seminar
urmeaza sa obtina statutul de membru, in special pentru

was organized by UPOV in collaboration with AGEPI, State

specialitii din domeniul Tnregistrari sj testarii noilor soiuri de

Commission for Plant Variety Testing (SCPVT) under the Ministry

plante in raport cu criteriile de distinctivitate, uniformitate i

of Agriculture and Food Industry, with the support of the US Patent

stabilitate (DUS) Seminarul a fost organizat de catre UPOV in

and Trademark Office (USPTO) and the Ministry of Agriculture,

cola-borare cu AGEPI, Comisia de Stat pentru Testarea Soiurilor

Forestry and Fisheries of Japan (MAFF). In the forum participated

de Plante (CSTSP) de pe langa Ministerul Agriculturii i Industriei

representatives of patent offices and centers for improvement and

Alimentare, cu suportul Oficiului de Brevete sj Marci din SUA

testing of new varieties of plants from 12 member states of UPOV

(USPTO) sj al Ministerului Agriculturii, Padurilor sj Pescuitului al

(Republic of Moldova, Belarus, Ukraine, Russian Federation

Japoniei (MAFF). La for au participat reprezentanti ai oficiilor de

Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Estonia, Poland Slovakia , USA,

brevete sj centrelor de ameliorare sj testare a soiurilor noi de

Japan), and from three member states of UPOV from the CIS

plante din 12 state membre ale UPOV (Republica Moldova,

space (Armenia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan). From the Republic of

Belarus, Ucraina Federatia Rusa, Georgia, Kargazstan,

Moldova in the seminar participated over 50 researchers

Uzbekistan Estonia, Polonia, Slovacia, SUA, Japonia), precum sj

din 3 state nemembre ale UPOV din spatiul CS (Armenia,
Kazahstan, Tadjikistan). Din Republica Moldova la seminar au
participat peste 50 de
The regional seminar "Protection of Plant Varieties under the
UPOV Convention", unfolded on 9-11 June 2009, of a deep
resonance for the participants of the Eurasian space, members of

Raport Anual 2009

cercetatori sj amelioratori din cadrul institutiilor de cercetare-

and breeders from the research and development higher

dezvoltare, invatamant superior sj de productie. La lucrarile

education and production institutions. In the works of the meeting

reuniunii au participat Rolf Jdrdens, Vicesecretar general al UPOV,

took part Rolf Jdrdens, Vice-Secretary General of UPOV, Anatolie

Anatolie Spivacenco, Viceministru al Agriculturii sj Industrie

Spivacenco Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry of

Alimentare al Republicii Moldova, sj Mihai Machedon, Preedinte

the Republic of Moldova, and Mihai Machedon Chairman of

al CSTSP. Reprezentantii AGEPI sj CSTSP au relatat despre

SCPVT. Representatives of AGEPI and SCPVT reported on the

realizarile Republici Moldova in domeniul protectiei noilor soiuri de

achievements of the Republic of Moldova in the field of protection

plante prin brevet, reformarea sistemului national de protectie prin

of new plant varieties by patent, reformation of the national

prisma Legii nr. 39/2008 privind protectia soiurilor de plante,

protection system in the light of the Law No 39/2008 on the

precum sj perspective-le ce tin de domeniul testarii soiurilor noi de

Protection of Plant Varieties, as well as the prospects in the field

plante la criteriile DUS.

of new plant variety testing for DUS criteria.

In cadrul seminarului au fost organizate, de aseme-nea, vizita

Within the framework of the seminar was also organized a

technical visitde
to the
Station forconform
Plant Variety Testing
in the village
Seminarul regional Protectia soiurilor
UPOV". Vizita participantilor la seminar la Statia de testare a soiurilor de
cooperarea efectiva dintre tarile din regiune in domeniul testari
effective cooperation between countries of the
plante din satul emphasized
Bacioi, the
soiurilor noi de plante
region in testing new plant varieties for DUS
The regional seminar "Protection of Plant Varieties under the UPOV
Visita unui
of eveniment
the participants
to the
for Plant
in iunie 2009, la Chisjnau
a avut loc prima editie
In June 2009,
edition of a significant
event Variety
Testing in the village of -Bacioi,
inedit - Conferinta de afaceri Ziua
Business Chisinau
Conference "Trademarks
Day" took place in
tehnica la Statia de testare a soiurilor de plante din satul Bacioi,
mun. Chisjnau, sj masa rotunda, la care s-a pus accentul pe

marcilor", organizate de catre Clubul de afaceri Franta-Moldova"

Chisinau, organized by the Business Club "France-Moldova" with

cu suportul Mobiasbanca -Groupe Societe Generale sj Orange

the support of Mobiasbanca

Moldova. Printre co-organizatori s-au numarat Alianta Franceze

- Groupe Societe Generale and Orange Moldova. Among co-

din Moldova, Institutul International de Management, AGEPI,

organizers were counted the French Alliance in Moldova, the

companii franceze sj moldoveneti de succes etc. La acest

International Institute of Management, AGEPI, successful French

eveniment de rasunet au participat Excelenta Sa Ambasadorul

and Moldovan companies, etc. This famous event was attended

Frantei in Republica Moldova Pierre Andrieu, Secretarul general al

by His Excellency Ambassador of France in the Republic of

Aliantei Franceze din Moldova Cyprien Frangois reprezentanti ai

Moldova Pierre Andrieu, Secretary General of the French Alliance

autoritatilor publice centrale, iMM-urilor nationale sj straine,

in Moldova Cyprien Frangois representatives of the central public

institutiilor de invatamant

authorities national and foreign SMEs, educational institutions

Educational seminar on the completion of database

"Scientific Results", organized by AGEPI

organizatiilor nationale i internationale, profesionisti din domeniul

In scopul implemented prevederilor Regulamen-tului cu privire

comunicarii i presei economice

laTnregistrarea i evidenta de stat a rezultatelor activitatii de

cercetare stiintifica, Tn lunile mai-iunie 2009 AGEPI a organizat,

Specialisjii din sfera cercetare-dezvoltare, antrepre-noriat sj

Tn comun cu AM, 4 seminare de colarizare privind utilizarea

prestari servicii au fost sj Tn anul 2009 Tn atentia AGEPI, Tn

bazei de date Rezultate stiintifice", elaborate sj gestionata de

vederea familiarizarii lor cu preve-derile noii legislatii nationale Tn

Agentie. La aceste seminare au partinational and international

domeniul protectie nventiilor, marcilor, soiurilor de plante,

organizations, professionals in the field of economic

Seminarul Protectia
prin indicatiilor geografice
sj modelelor industriale,
de originedin
sj specialitatilor traditionale garantate,
prisma modificarilor
cu acquis-ul
comunitar. In privind
acest scop, AGEPI a
legislatia Republicii
(Balti sj Comrat) 21 de
proprietatea intelectuala," organizat
stiintifice", organizatinstitutii sj
de AGEPI laRezultate
Gradina Botanica
11 seminare de colarizare i informare
(Institut) a ASM
pentru cercetatori, inventatori, cadre didactice, doc-toranzi,
Seminar "Protection
of Inventions in
studenti i elevi de la urmatoarele institutii de cercetarethe Light of Recent
in the
dezvoltare i de Tnvatamant
superior sj mediu de specialitate
Legislation of the
Academia de tiinte a Moldovei (Gradina Botanica (Institut))
Moldova on Intellectual
de Stat de Medicine i Farmacie N.
organized by AGEPI
at the Botanical
Garden (Institute)
ASM Tehnice a Moldovei
Colegiul de medicine din Chisjnau
Colegiul tehnologic din Chisjnau

communication and press

Specialists in the research and development, entre-preneurship
and service provision sphere were also in the attention of AGEPI
in 2009, with the view of familiarizing them with the provisions of
the new national legislation on the protection of inventions, trademarks, plant varieties, industrial designs, geographical indications,
appellations of origin and traditional specialties guaranteed,
harmonized with the Acquis communautaire. To this end, AGEPI
organized in Chisinau and in the territory (Balti and Comrat) 21 actions, independently or jointly with several institutions and
organizations, including 11 training and information seminars for
researchers, inventors, teachers trainers for a doctor's degree,
students and pupils from the following research and development,
higher education and secondary professional institutions

Raport Anual 2009

Academy of Sciences of Moldova (Botanical Garden


State University of Medicine and Pharmacy "N. Testemitanu"

Technical University of Moldova;
College of Medicine from Chisinau
Technological College from Chisinau

With the view of implementing the provisions of the Regulations

on the State Registration and Accounting of Scientific Research
Results, AGEPI organized in May-June 2009, jointly with the
ASM, four educational seminars on the use of database
"Scientific Results", developed and managed by the Agency.
These seminars were attended by


Raport Anual 2009

cipat reprezentantii a 48 de institutii academice, de profil sj afiliate,

Given the need to increase the training level of the national

responsabile de realizarea progra-melor/proiectelor din sfera

personnel in IP field, especially the young generation, AGEPI

sjiintei sj inovarii. Acesjia au fost instruiti cu privire la modul de

initiated a constructive dialogue with the Ministry of Education and

completare on-line a Fiei informative din baza de date "Rezul-

Youth of the

tate sjiintifice" ( cu informatiile de rigoare ce tin

vain vederea introducerii in programele universitare si in planurile

de rezultatele activitatii de cercetare Audientilor le-a fost

de studii a cursului optional Jntrodu-cere in proprietatea

prezentate culegerea Rapoarte de cercetare din sfera sjiintei sj

intelectuala" la toate formele de instruire i perfectionare, In acest

inovarii", vol. I, ani 2005-2008, editata de AGEPI.

scop, pe parcursul anului 2009 au fost semnate 6 acorduri bilaterale Tntre AGEPI i institutive de invatamant superior din

Pe parcursul anului, au fost organizate, de aseme-nea, 4

seminare sj mese rotunde tematice Tn cadrul expozitiilor
nationale, organizate la CIE Moldexpo" FabricatTn Moldova",
Expozitia-forum alMM, Expo-zitia Food & Drinks. Food
Technology", organizate de Ministerul Economiei, Ministerul

republica, i anume cu UTM, USM, USMF N. Testemitanu",

Academia de Transporturi, Informatics sj Comunicatii, ULIM sj
Universitatea A. Russo" din Balti. Acordurile in cauza prevad atat
colarizarea corpului didactic, a studentilor, doctoranzilor sj masteranzilor, cat sj acordarea asistentei in crearea unor centre sj

Secvente din cadrul meselor rotunde

birouri de PI in
incinta universitatilor,
cu literature
Comert sj Industrie a Republicii Moldova.
nationale Fabricat in Moldova" si Expozitiei-forum
din domeniul PI.
a intreprinderilor Mici si Mijlocii la CIE Moldexpo"
In iunie 2009, reprezentantii AGEPI au participat la Reuniunea
atentie deosebita a fost acordata instruirii specia-isjjlor din
of thecu round
producatorilor autohtoni
de medi-camente
genericul tables organized within the National Exhibition
cadrul institutiilor responsabile de respec-tarea drepturilor de
in Moldova"
of Small and Medium-Sized
Optimizarea producerii
de medicamente
indigene Tnand
proprietate intelectuala, aceasta fiind actiune cu caracter
Enterprises atpermanent.
the IEC
crizei financiare mondiale", organizate sub egida Ministerului
Astfel, pe parcursul anului 2009 a continuat instruirea
Agriculturii sj Industriei Alimentare, Tn comun cu Camera de

Sana-tatii al Republicii Moldova, in cadrul reuniunii au fost

abordate mai multe subiecte privind rolul drepturilor de PI Tn
protectia produselor farmaceutice, inclusiv probleme ce tin de

vame-sjlorin cadrul cursului de perfectionare Dreptul de

proprietate intelectuala", organizat de AGEPI in comun cu
Serviciul Vamal

asigurarea drepturilor, modalita-tea de protectie pe cale nationala

sj internationala a marcilor din domeniul farmaceutic etc

In perioada de referinta, 22 de persoane au urmat cursurile de

lunge durata organizate de AGEPI, la incheierea acestora

Reiesjnd din necesitatea sporirii nivelului de pregatire a cadrelor

obtinand certificate de Consi-ier in proprietate intelectuala" (in

nationale Tn domeniul PI, Tn special a tine-rei generatii, AGEPI a

anul 2008 - 29 de persoane). in aceeasj perioada, au avut loc

initiat un dialog constructiv cu Ministerul Educatiei sj Tineretului al

Republicii Moldorepresentatives of 48 profile and affiliated

academic institutions, responsible for the implementation of
programs/projects in the field of science and innovation. They
were instructed on the mode of online completion of the
Information Fiche from the database "Scientific Results"
( with the necessary information related to the
research activity results. The audience was familiarized with the
collection "Research Reports in the Field of Science and
Innovation", vol. I, years 2005-2008, edited by AGEPI
During the year, there were also organized 4 thematic seminars
and round tables within the framework of the national exhibitions
held at IEC "Moldexpo" "Made in Moldova", Exhibition-Forum of
SME, Exhibition "Food & Drinks. Food Technology", organized by
the Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry,
jointly with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the
Republic of Moldova.

atestarea a 4 mandatari autorizati, la finele anului numarul

acestora atingand cifra de 98 de persoane sj

reatestarea a 5 evaluatori ai obiectelor de proprietate

intelectuala, fiindu-le prelungite terme-nele de valabilitate a
certificatelor de calificare

nformatia privind mandatarii autorizati sj evaluatori obiectelor de

proprietate intelectuala poate fi acce-sata pe web site-ul AGEPI,
respectiv: http://www.^inkuri/reprezentanti.php.
Republic of Moldova in order to introduce in the academic curricula
and study syllabuses the optional course "Introduction to
Intellectual Property" in all training and upgrading forms. To that
end, 6 bilateral agreements between AGEPI and higher education
institutions of the republic were signed during 2009, namely TUM,
SUM, SUMP "N. Testemitanu", Academy of Transport, Information
and Communication, HUM, and University "A. Russo" from Balti.
Those agreements provide both training of teachers, students,

In June 2009, AGEPI representatives participated in the Meeting

trainers for a doctor's and master's degree and assistance in

of autochthonous manufacturers of drugs

creating several IP offices and centers inside the universities,

with the theme "Optimizing the Production of Indigenous

provid-ng them with literature in the IP field

Medicines in the Conditions of Global Financial Crisis", organized

under the aegis of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of
Moldova. Within the framework of the meeting were addressed
several topics on the role of IP rights in the protection of
pharmaceutical products, including issues related to the insurance
of rights, the way of national and international protection of
trademarks in the pharmaceutical field, etc

Special attention was paid to training of specia-lists in the

institutions responsible for the observance of intellectual property
rights, this being a permanent action. Thus, training of customs
officials within the refresher course "Intellectual Property Right",
organized by AGEPI jointly with the Customs Service, continued
during 2009.

____________________________________Raport Anual 2009

During the period under review, 22 persons attended the longterm IP courses organized by AGEPI, thus acquiring certificates of
"Counselor in Intellectual Property" (in 2008-29 persons). In the
same period took place

the attestation of four patent attorneys, their number

amounting to 98 persons at the end of the year and

the re-attestation of five evaluators of intellectual property

objects, the terms of validity of their certificates of
qualification being extended

The information on patent attorneys and evaluators of intellectual

property objects can be accessed on the relevant AGEPI website: md/linkuri/reprezentanti.php.


Raport Anual 2009


Ion Daniliuc, Vicedirector general AGEPI, si lurie Badir, set

Directie Economie si Finante (ultimii din dreapta), impreuna cu
evaluatorii obiectelor de proprietate intelectuala, reatestati in
cadrul AGEPI

the right), together with the evaluators of intellectual

property objects, re-attested within the AGEPI
Ascultatorii cursurilor de lunga durata in domeniul
proprietatii intelectuale, organizate de AGEPI

Ion Daniliuc, Deputy Director General of AGEPI, and lurie

Badir, Head of Economics and Finance Department (the last on

Attendees of the long-term courses in intellectual

property, organized by AGEPI

Secvente de la adunarea trimestriala a mandatarilor autorizati, convocata de AGEPI Vitalie Rusanovschi, director Departament Informatice,
prezinta informatia de ultima ore privind depunerea electronica a documentelor prin care se solicita protectia OPI
Snapshots of the quarterly meeting of patent attorneys, convened by AGEPI. Vitalie Rusanovschi, Director of Informatics Department,
presenting the latest information on electronic filing of documents by which the IPO protection is sought

Inmanarea primelor brevete de inventie de scurta durata (BISD) la AGEPI.

Inventatoarea lulia Avram este titularul BISD cu nr. 1
Handing of the first short-term patents for invention (STPI) at the AGEPI.
Inventor Julia Abram is owner of the STPI with no. 1


____________________________________Raport Anual 2009

IV. Automatizarea proceselor informationale si tehnologice

During the year under review, the material and technical basis of
the information network of AGEPI was completed with two

Asigurarea informationale a sistemului de proprietate ntelectuala

servers, five computers a notebook, a streamer for the backup

al Republicii Moldova sj automatizarea proceselor tehnologice,

creation system, and two switches for increasing the speed of

economico-financiare sj ma-nageriale au constituit sj in anul de

information flow from the local network.

bilant preocupari majore ale AGEPI, fiind orientate spre

satisfacerea cerintelor avansate ale utilizatorilor retelei interne

Thus, there have been upgraded or modified the computer park

(experti, juriti, redactori etc.) sj ale tuturor celor ce folosesc

and the peripheral equipment, the server operating system, the

informatia pusa la dispozitie de catre AGEPI prin intermediul

system and application software packages of the information

Internetului. In aceasta ordine de idei anul 2009 s-a caracterizat

system of AGEPI, the backup creating system and RAID, the

prin modernizarea sj per-fectionarea in continuare a resurselor

informationale de proprietate intelectuala, urmare intrarii in
vigoare a noilor legi speciale
4.1. Dezvoltarea si exploatarea retelei informatice

RAID, sistemele Anti-virus, Anti-spam, procedura de arhivare
electronica a dosarelor din arhiva AGEPI Totodata, au fost
efectuate lucrari de sporire a nivelu-ui de securitate a sistemului
informational al Agentiei sj au continuat lucrarile de modernizare

Pe parcursul anului de bilant, baza tehnico-materiala a retelei

a serverului gateway al AGEPI

informatice a AGEPI a fost completata cu doua servere, 5

calculatoare, un notebook, un streamer pentru sistemul de creare

In vederea executarii mai rapide a procedurilor asistate de

a copiilor de siguranta, 2 switch-uri pentru marirea vitezei fluxului

calculator, a fost efectuat transferul canalului Internet de la linie

de informa-tie din reteaua locale.

dedicate la fibre optica, ceea ce a sporit de peste 3 ori viteza de

accesare a Internetului, care la sfarsjtul anului 2009 a constituit 5

Astfel, au fost modernizate sau modificate parcul de calculatoare


sj echipamentul periferic, sistemul de operare pentru servere,

pachetele software de sistem sj de aplicatii ale sistemului

4.2. Produse informatice

informational al AGEPI, sistemul de creare a copiilor de siguranta

IV. Automation of information and technological processes

in perioada de bilant, la AGEPI au fost elaborate sj mplementate

sau perfectionate urmatoarele produse nformatice
programele de gestionare a procedurii de Tnregistrare, de

Information ensuring of intellectual property system of the

evidenta statistical sj de prelucrare a datelor Tn formatul

Republic of Moldova and automation of technological, financial-

XML pentru marcile depuse pe cale internationala prin

economic and management processes were the major concerns

of AGEPI in the year under review as well, being oriented towards

procedura Sistemului de la Madrid;

programele de statistical sj de gestionare a procedurii de

satisfying the advanced demands of the internal network users

Tnregistrare pentru BD Marci Nationale" conform noii Legii

(experts, lawyers, editors, etc.) and all those who use the

nr 38/2008 privind protectia marcilor, fiind elaborate

information made available by AGEPI via the Internet. In this

modulele Publicarea cererii" Cereri neexaminate", Cereri

context, 2009 was characterized by further modernization and

improvement of intellectual property information resources,
following the entry into force of the new special laws
4.1. Development and operation of the information network

retrase" Cereri respinse" etc.

programele de statistical sj de gestionare a procedurii de
Tnregistrare pentru BD Desene sj Modele Industriale"
conform Legii nr. 161/2007 privind protectia desenelor i
modelelor industriale, fiind elaborate modulele


Raport Anual 2009

..Opozitii", ..Obser-vatii", Publicarea cererii", Cereri

short-term patents with the relevant registration algorithm,

respinse" Cereri retrase" etc.

being developed and implemented the search report

programele de statistical sj de gestionare a procedurii de

Tnregistrare pentru BD ..Inventii" conform Legii nr. 50/2008
privind protectia nventiilor, Tn care au fost incluse brevetele
de scurta durata cu algoritmul respectiv de Tnregistrare, fiind
elaborat i implementat modulul pentru publicarea raportului
de documentare Tn calitate de subdocument al fasciculului

publication module as patent specification subdocument and

the WIPO standard ST. 36 to preserve data stored in the
database "Inventions"
the search program for the database "Inventions" (internal and
public), being added new search criteria;
the information management program for the database

de brevet i standardul OMPI ST. 36 pentru pastrarea

"Appellations of Origin" (filed by national way), in

datelor stocate Tn BD ..Inventii";

accordance with Law No. 66/2008 on the Protection of

programul de documentare Tn BD ..Inventii" (interna i publica),

Geographical Indications

fiind adaugate criterii noi de documentare

programul de gestionare a informatiei Tn BD Denumiri de
Origine" (depuse pe cale nationala), Tn conformitate cu
prevederile Legii nr. 66/2008 privind protectia indicatiilor

denumirilor de origine sj specialitatilor traditionale garantate

programele de gestionare a bazelor de date Jnregistrarea
Operelor", Rezultate Sjiintifice"
programul de documentare Tn BD DMI Haga" conform
criteriilor solicitate

Anti-virus, Anti- spam systems, the procedure for electronic

programul de gestionare Tn format electronic a corespondentei

archiving of files from the AGEPI archive There also were carried

cu OMPI referitoare la Tnregis-trarile internationale ale

out works to enhance the security level of the Agency's

marcilor sj desenelor/ modelelor industriale, sj anume

information system and continued the works on modernization of

privind avizele de refuz provizoriu, informatia de test fiind

the gateway server of AGEPI

transmise la OMPI;
programul pentru gestionarea deciziilor emise Tn cadrul

To faster execute the computer-assisted procedures, it has been

examinarii cererilor de Tnregistrare a marcilor depuse prin

transferred the Internet channel from dedicated line to optical

procedura nationala sj cea internationala sj generarea pe

fiber, which increased over three times the Internet access speed,

pagina web AGEPI a informatiei cu privire la deciziile

which by the end of 2009 was 5 Mbit/s.

mentionate, cu actualizarea sa zilnica

( Search.aspx)

4.2. Information products

During the period under review, AGEPI developed and
implemented or improved the following information products

programul care permite vizualizarea taxelor achi-tate conform

procedurii Tn BD publica ..Marci Nationale"
programul de documentare Tn BD publica So-uri de Plante"

the registration procedure management, statistical evidence

and data processing in XML format programs for trademarks

Appellations of Origin and Traditional Specialties

filed by international way under the procedure of the Madrid

the management program for databases "Recording of Works",

the registration procedure statistics and management programs
for the database "National Trademarks" under the new Law
No. 38/2008 on the Protection of Trademarks, being compiled the modules "Publication of the Application",

"Scientific Results"
the search program for the database "Hague ID" according to
required criteria;
the electronic management program for the correspondence

"Unexamined Applications", "Withdrawn Applications",

with WIPO concerning the nternational registration of marks

"Rejected Applications", etc.

and industrial designs, namely the provisional refusal

the registration procedure statistics and management programs

for the database "Industrial Designs" according to Law No.
161/2007 on the Protection of Industrial Designs, being
compiled the modules "Oppositions", "Observations"
"Publication of the Application", "Rejected Applications",
"Withdrawn Applications" etc.
the registration procedure statistics and management programs
for the database "Inventions" according to Law No. 50/2008
on the Protection of Inventions, in which were included the

notices, the test information being transmitted to WIPO;

the management program for the decisions adopted during the
examination of trademark applications filed under national
and nternational procedure and generation on the AGEPI
web page of the information on mentioned decisions, with its
daily updating ( reprezentanti/
the program that allows viewing of fees paid under the
procedure in the public database "National trademarks"
the search program for the public database "Plant Varieties"

A fost elaborate BD Denumiri de Origine" (depuse pe cale

Concomitent, au fost administrate, actualizate sj

internationala) sj programul de prelucrare a datelor parvenite de la

perfectionate Tn permanenta:

OMPI Tn formatul XML, precum sj baza de date Arhiva AGEPI",

bazele de date ..Marci Nationale", ..Marci nternationale",

iar informatia din BD Soiuri de Plante", cu actualizarea sa lunara,

..Inventii", ..Desene sj Modele Industriale" (depuse pe cale

a fost deschisa accesului public prin intermediul site-ului

nationala sj nternationale), Contestatii", ..Soiuri de

Plante" ..Modele de Utilitate", ..Denumiri de Origine"


____________________________________Raport Anual 2009

..Rezultate Sjiintifice", ..Marcaje de Control" ..Litigii Tn

instantele de judecata" (litigii Tn care AGEPI este parte),

and "Utility Models" and of their modifications

..Servicii AGEPI", ..Evidenta timpului de lucru", ..Evidenta

corespondentei" sj programele de gestionare a acestora;
programele ..Evidenta automata a timpului de ucru" sj
..Gestionarea documentelor"

according to WIPO Standard ST8, produced

during the year 2009 the "Mini-IRBIS" library system for
cataloging and documentation of the AGEPI

bazele de date ..Inventii", ..Desene sj Modele Industriale",

ibrary fund and readers the system for electronic filing of

..Marci Nationale", ..Soiuri de Plante" sj "Rezultate Sjiintifice"

expuse pe site-ul sj programele de gestio-

PCT-EASY patent applications

nare a acestora;
modul de prezentare a indicilor de clasificare CIB Tn BD
..Inventii" i ..Modele de Utilitate"
It was developed the database "Appellations of Origin" (filed by
international way) and the processing program for data received
from WIPO in the XML format, as well as the database "AGEPI
Archive" and the information from the database "Plant Varieties",

It was elaborated and edited the annual CD "Inventions Protected

in the Republic of Moldova. 1993-2009" which included about
5700 applications published in BOPI and patented inventions.
During the year there were developed and printed about 1000
optical discs with information in the intellectual property field

with its monthly updating, was open to the public through the site

There were monthly improved and dispatched in electronic format

the data for the regional patent CDs "CISPATENT" and

Simultaneously, there were continuously administered, updated

and improved the databases "National Trademarks", "Interna-

"EAPATIS" (Moscow) and the information for the database

"INPADOC" (Vienna)

tional Trademarks", "Inventions", "Industrial Designs" (filed by

Also, it was continuously updated the information on the AGEPI

national and international way) "Appeals", "Plant Varieties", "Utility

web sites

Models" "Appellations of Origin", "Scientific Results" "Control

Marks", "Litigations in the Courts" (disputes to which AGEPI is

party), "AGEPI Services", "Labour Time Tracking", "Accounting of and that on the Intranet information

Correspondence" and the management programs thereof; the


programs "Labour Time Automated Trackng" and "Document Management" the databases "Inventions",
"Industrial Designs", "National Trademarks", "Plant Varieties" and
"Scientific Results" displayed on the site and
the management programs thereof; the way of presentation of
the IPC classification indexes in the databases "Inventions"

si a modificarilor acestora conform standarduui OMPI ST8, parvenite pe parcursu
anului 2009; sistemul bibliotecar Mini-IRBIS" de evidenta,
catalogare sj documentare a fondului sj cititorilor bibliotecii AGEPI; sistemul de depunere pe cale
electronica a
cererilor internationale de brevet PCT-EASY.
A fost elaborat sj editat CD-ul anual Inventii protejate in
Republica Moldova. 1993-2009", care a inclus cca 5700 de cereri
publicate in BOPI sj inventii brevetate Pe parcursul anului au fost
elaborate sj imprimate cca 1000 de discuri optice cu informatie din
domeniul proprietatii intelectuale
Lunar, in format electronic au fost perfectate sj expediate datele
pentru CD-urile regionale de brevete CISPATENT" sj EAPATIS"
(Moscova), precum sj nformatia pentru baza de date JNPADOC"
A fost, de asemenea, actualizata in permanenta nformatia de pe
web site-urile AGEPI precum sj cea de pe portalul
informational Intranet

Raport Anual 2009


Activitatea colectivului AGEPI Tn anul 2009 a fost orientate spre

of priorities in the field of intellectual property arising from the

realizarea deplina sj Tn termenele stabilite a obiectivelor incluse

Action Plan Republic of Moldova-European Union, the State SME

Tn Programul de activitate al Agentiei, elaborat Tn baza

Development Support Program for 2009-2011, etc. To that end,

prevederilor Strategiei de dezvoltare a sistemului national de

operative sittings were held weekly, convened by the Director

protectie sj utilizare a obiectelor de proprietate intelectuala panaTn

General, and each month, quarter and half-year were presented

anul 2010, Statutului AGEPI, precum sj a prioritatilor din domeniul

activity reports of departments, directorates and Board of Appeals

proprietatii intelectuale, ce decurg din Planul de Actiuni Republica

at Agency level

Moldova-Uniunea Europeana, Programul de stat pentru sustinerea

dezvoltarii IMM pentru anii 2009-2011 .a. In acest scop,

During the year, the Agency's organizational structure has been

saptamanal s-au tinut sedinte operative, convocate de Directorul

optimized and modified, being consisted of 8 first-level

general, iar Tn fiecare luna, trimestru sj semestru au fost

subdivisions (departments and directorates) and 25 second-level

prezentate rapoarte de activitate ale departamentelor, directiilor sj

subdivisions (divisions) (Figure 5.1)

Comisiei de contestatii la nivel de Agentie

On 1 January 2009, the number of AGEPI employees was 192
Pe parcursul anului, structura organizationala a Agentiei a fost

persons, of which 145 (76%) - women and 47 (24%) - men. 152

optimizata sj modificata, fiind constitute din 8 subdiviziuni de

(79%) employees have higher education, 8 (4%) employees have

nivelul Tntai (departamente sj directii) sj 25 de subdiviziuni de

the master's degree, and 10 (5%) - the doctor's degree in various

nivelul doi (sectii) (figura 5.1.)

fields. The personnel structure according to the held positions is

shown in Figure 5.2. In the year under review, 11 new persons

La 1 ianuarie 2009, numarul angajatilor AGEPI consti-tuia 192 de

were employed by AGEPI and 27 persons left their positions

persoane, dintre care 145 (76%) - femei i 47 (24%) - barbati. 152

(79%) de angajati au studii superioare, 8 (4%) angajati au titlul de

The average age of the employees is 43 years, and about 85.6%

magistru iar 10 (5%) - de doctor Tn tiinte Tn diverse domenii

of them have a length of service in the

Structura personalului conform functiilor detinute este

reprezentataTn figura 5.2. In anul de bilant, la AGEPI au fost
angajate 11 persoane noi sj s-au concediat 27 de persoane
Varsta medie a angajatilor constituie 43 de ani, iar circa 85,6%
dintre ei au vechime de munca
In 2009, the activity of the AGEPI staff was directed towards the
full realization in due time of the goals included in the Action
Program of the Agency, elaborated under the provisions of the
Strategy for Development of the National System of Protection and
Use of Intellectual Property Objects until 2010 AGEPI Statute, and


Departamentul Promovare si
IP Promotion and Publishing

Directia Resurse Umane si

Human Resources
and Secretariat Direction

Vicedirector general
Deputy Director General

Consilier Director General

of Director General

Sectia Cooperare
Internationala si Integrare
International Cooperation
and European Integration

Sectia Tehnici Agroindustriale


Soiuri de Plante
Inventions, Plant


Sectia Gestionare Documente


Sectia Procesare Electro-nica

si Lucrari Poligrafice Computer
Processing and Polygraphic
Works Division

Industrial Designs Division

Redactia Intellectus si Massmedia

Mass Media


Departamentul Marci, Modele

si Desene Industriale
Trademarks and Industrial
Designs Department
Sectia Chimie, Biologie,
Medicine Division
Sectia Mecanica, Electricitate
Mechanics, Electricity

Sectia Marci Nationale National

Trademarks Division
Sectia Marketing, Servicii
Marketing, Services Division
Sectia Editura Publishing

Centrul de Informare sj
Documentare Tn domeniul PI
Intellectual Property
Information Retrieval Center


Sectia Marci Internationale

International Trademarks

Deputy Director General

Departamentul Drept de
Autor si Drepturi Conexe
Copyright and Related
Rights Department

Appeals Board

Departamentul Informatica si
Informatics and Administration Department

Directia Economie si
Economy and Finance

Sectia Economie si
Statistica Statistics
and Economy

Fig. 5.1. Structura organizationala AGEPI Fig. 5.1.

Organizational structure of the AGEP

Sectia Control sj Respectarea

Control and Legislation
Enforcement Division
Sectia Contencios

Sectia Inregistrare si
Registration and Expertise
Sectia Programare si
Administrare BD
DB Programming and
Administration Division

Comisia de contestatii


Legislation Division

Sectia Registre si Actiuni

Actions Division


Vicedirector general

Sectia Legislate

Sectia Logistica si Regie

Logistics and Administration Division

si Gestionare Statut Juridic

Contentious Matters and IPO
Legal Status Management
Sectia Sisteme Informationale
Information Systems Division

Fig. 5.2 Structure of the AGEPI staff according to the held positions

Fig. 5.2. Structura personalului

AGEPI conform functiilor detinute

Experti sj specialist Experts and

Personal tehnic Technical staff
Management de nivel superior Highlevel management
Management de nivel mediu Mediumlevel management

personalului dupavechimea in
munca in activitatea de profil

Fig. 5.3. Staff distribution by the length of service in the profile activity


Peste 20 de ani
over 20 years
10-20 deani 1020 years
7-10 ani 7-10
5-7 ani 5-7years
3-5 ani 3-5 years
Pfina la 3 ani Up
to 3 years

in activitatea de profil mai mare de 5 ani. In figura 5.3. este

profile activity of more than five years. The distribution of

prezentate repartizarea angajatilor conform stagiului de munca Tn

employees by the length of service in the profile activity is

activitatea de profil

presented in Figure 5.3.

Ca sj pe tot parcursul activitatii Agentiei, atentie de-osebita a fost

As throughout the Agency's activity, particular attention was given

acordataTn anul 2009 cresterii nivelului profesional al specialitilor

in 2009 to the increase in the professional level of the AGEPI

AGEPI, perfectionarii sj reciclarii cadrelor. In perioada de referinta

specialists, improvement and upgrading of the staff. During the

sj-au per-fectionat cunotintele 87 (45%) de angajati, dintre care

period under review, 87 (45%) employees have improved their

71 (37%) - Tn tare, inclusiv Tn cadrul AGEPI, iar 16 (8%) - peste

knowledge, of which 71 (37%) - in the country, including within

hotare. Pe langa cursurile interne Tn domeniul proprietatii

AGEPI, and 16 (8%) - abroad. Besides internal courses in

intelectuale, colaboratorii AGEPI au urmat programe de studii,

intellectual property, AGEPI employees attended curricula,

traininguri sj schimburi de experi-enta organizate de OMPI, OEB,

trainings and exchanges of experience organized by WIPO, EPO,

OEAB, Oficiul de Brevete sj Marci din SUA (USPTO), UPOV,

EAPO, US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), UPOV, State

Oficiul de Stat pentru Inventii sj Marci din Romania (OSIM), Oficiul

Office for Inventions and Trademarks of Romania (OSIM),

Roman pentru Drepturile de Autor (ORDA), Institutul de Stat

Romanian Office for Copyright (ORDA), State Institute for

pentru Proprietatea Intelectuala din Federatia Rusa (),

Intellectual Property of the Russian Federation (), Israel

Oficiul de Brevete din Israel .a.

Patent Office etc.

In scopul sporirii calitatii sj eficientei muncii (Tn special a muncii

To enhance the quality and efficiency of labor (especially the labor

expertilor) au fost organizate cursuri de studiere sj perfectionare a

of experts), study and training courses in English and French were

limbilor engleza

organized for

Oleg Tataru, representative of the AGEPI team,

won the second place in the sports trial Throwing"

si franceze pentru 48 de persoane (24 de persoane au studiat I.

pentru a realiza cu succes sarcinile de productie. Comisia pentru

franceze i 24 -1. engleza)

dialog social "Angajator-angajati" a negociat sj a semnat la Inspec-

Echipa AGEPI laPecompetitiile

parcursul anului 2009, AGEPI a sustinut in continu-are
programul sau social, menit sa asigure sanatatea sj securitatea
sportive organizate
angajatilor la locurile
lor de munca,
de Asociatia Teritorlala
a sa motiveze resursele umane
Federatlel Slndlcatelor
Angajatilor din Servlcllle Publlce
Tataru, reprezentantul echipei
AGEPI team atOleg
the sports
AGEPI, a obtinut locul II la proba
competitions organized

torate tentorial al muncii Contractul colectiv pentru anii 2009-2010,

realizandu-se cu succes stipulate acestui important document. Ele
se refera la: respectarea legislatiei muncii, a clauzelor contractelor
individuale de munca, asigurarea conditiilor corespunzatoare de

Association of the Public Service

Employees Trade Union Federation
protectie sj igiena la locul de munca, achitarea salariu-lui in
termenele stabilite, asigurarea sociala sj medicala obligatorie a
salariatilor, perfectionarea profesionala, alocarea catre organizatia
sindicala a mijloacelor din fondul de remunerare a muncii in
scopul organizarii activitatilor social-culturale sj sportive,
examinarea in termenele prevazute a adresarilor Comitetului
sindical sj satisfacerea pozitiva a acestor demersuri
Astfel, angajatii au beneficiat sj in acest an de servicii de
tratament sj intremare, acordate de Punctul medical al AGEPI, de
alimentare sanatoasa sj la preturi rezonabile la cantina Agentiei
etc. Administrate, in comun cu Comitetul sindical, a organizat sj
asigurat accesul angajatilor la sala de sport sj par-ticiparea la
competitiile sportive organizate de AST Chisjnau a Federatiei
SindASP la Tabara de odihna Camping" din oraselul Vadul lui
Voda, diverse activitati culturale, printre care serata corporative de
Revelion, sarbatorirea Zilei Internationale a Femei - 8 Martie,
odihna estivala a angajatilor AGEPI sj a copiilor lor, participarea la
diverse actiuni de caritate omagierea membrilor colectivului cu
ocazia jubilee-lor, pensionarii, evenimentelor familiale etc
48 persons (24 persons have studied French and 24- English).
During 2009, AGEPI supported further its social program designed
to ensure the health and safety of employees at their job places,
to motivate human resources in order to successfully carry out the
production tasks. The Social Dialogue Commission "Employeremployees" negotiated and signed with the Territorial Labour
Inspectorate the Collective Contract for 2009-2010, being
successfully accomplished the stipulations of this important
document. They relate to the compliance with the labor law, the
clauses of individual labour contracts, ensuring appropriate
protection and hygiene conditions at work, timely payment of
wages, social and medical compulsory insurance for employees,
upgrading of professional skills, allocation to trade union
organization of means from the labor remuneration fund for the
organization of socio-cultural and sports activities, examination
within the established time limits of the appeals to the Trade Union
Committee and positive satisfaction of these appeals.
Thus, the employees have benefited this year as well of treatment
and recovery services, given by the medical station of AGEPI, of
healthy and affordable food in the Agency's canteen, etc. The
administration, jointly with the Trade Union Committee, organized
and provided the employees access to the sports gym and
participation in the competitions organized by the Chisinau
Territorial Trade Union Association of the Public Service
Employees Trade Union Federation at the rest Camp "Camping"
in the town of Vadul lui Voda, various cultural activities, including
the corporate New Year evening party, the festive occasion of the
International Women's Day-8 March, summer recreation of the
AGEPI employees and their children, participation in various acts
of charity, homage of the staff members on the occasion of
jubilees, retirement, family events, etc.

Activitatea AGEPI se desfasoara pe principii de autogestiune si

The incomes of the Agency are formed from returns for rendered

autofinantare, bugetul si programul fiind elaborate si realizate de

legal services (examination of applications, issue and maintenance



sine statator.

of titles of protection, hearing of appeals, registration of contracts

of transfer of rights in industrial property objects, etc.), as well as

Veniturile Agentiei se formeaza din Tncasari pentru serviciile cu

semnificatie juridica prestate (examinarea cererilor, eliberarea si

for documentary search services, marketing of control hallmarks

for copies of commercialized audiovisual works, etc.

mentinerea Tn vigoare a titlurilor de protectie, examinarea

contestatiilor, Tnregistrarea contractelor de transmitere a

From means transferred to the AGEPI account are made

drepturilor asupra obiec-telor de proprietate industriala etc.),

payments to the state budget, the budget of social insurances and

precum si pentru serviciile de cercetare-documentare,

health insurances, other mandatory payments stipulated by the

comercializare a marcajelor de control pentru exemplarele de

law, and expenses for technical equipment, creation of the

opere audiovizuale puse Tn circuitul comercial s.a.

automated system and of the collection of literature and documents in the IP field, labor remuneration, physical stimulation and

Din mijloacele virate la contul AGEPI se achita platile la bugetul de

stat, bugetul asigurarilor sociale si asigurarilor medicale, alte plati
obligatorii stabilite de legislatie, precum si cheltuielile pentru
dotarea tehnica, crearea sistemului automatizat si a colectiei de

training of personnel, organization and conduct of scientific and

technical events (symposia, conferences, seminars, exhibitions,
etc.), business trips of specialists to various international and
bilateral meetings, etc.

literatura si documente din domeniul PI, retribu-irea muncii,

stimularea materiala si perfectionarea profesionala a personalului,

In 2009, AGEPI made capital investments in the

organizarea si desfa-surarea manifestarilor tehnico-stiintifice

amount of 2,972.97 thousand lei, which is with

(simpozioa-ne, conferinte, seminare, expozitii etc.), detasarea

1,279.21 thousand lei more than in the previous year.

specialistilor la diverse reuniuni internationale si bilaterale s.a.

The weight of incomes by the fields of activity and that of
In anul 2009, AGEPI a efectuat investitii capitale Tn volum de

expenses on items, registered in the year under review, are

2972,97 mii lei, ceea ce este cu 1279,21 mii lei mai mult decat Tn

reflected in Figure 6.1. and 6.2.

anul precedent.
Ponderea veniturilor pe domeniile de activitate si cea a

Fig. 6.1. Ponderea veniturilor pe OPI si alte domenii de activitate (%)

cheltuielilor pe articole, Tnregistrate Tn anul de bilant, sunt

reflectate Tn figurile 6.1. si 6.2.
AGEPI activity is conducted on principles of self-administration
and self-financing, the budget and schedule being developed and
carried out independently.

Fig. 6.1. The weight of incomes from IPO and other fields of activity (%)

Inventii, soiuri de plante, modele de
utilitate Inventions, plant varieties, utility
Desene si modele
industriale Industrial







Copyright and related rights

Contracte de transmitere
a drepturilor, contestatii
Right transfer contracts, appeals

Alte activitati Other


Fig. 6.2. Ponderea cheltuielilor pe articole (%)

Fig. 6.2. The weight of expenses on items (%)

Retribuirea muncii Labour

Contribute sociale si medicale Social
and medical taxation
Cheltuieli de gospodarire, intretinere s.a ]


upkeep and other expenses

Cheltuieli de organizare a manifestarilor tehnico-stiintifice,
seminarelor si expozitiilor '

Expenses for organization of

technical-scientific manifestations, seminars and exhibitions

Uzurafondurilorfixe I


activelor nemateriale
Wear of fixed funds and intangible assets
Alte cheltuieli 3


Raport Anual 2009


AGEPI reprezinta Republica Moldova Tn Organizatia Mondiala a

efforts in order to multilaterally ntegrate our country in the global

Proprietatii Intelectuale (OMPI), Tn alte or-ganizatii internationale

and European intellectual property protection system

sj interstatale pentru protectia proprietatii intelectuale, Tntretine sj

dezvolta relatii de colaborare sj cooperare cu acestea, precum sj

Both the AGEPI leadership and experts participated actively in the

cu institutiile de profil din alte state. In acest scop, pe parcursul

works of most important forums convened at national and

anului 2009 Agentia a continuat sa depu-na eforturi sustinute Tn

international level, the various exchanges of experience which

vederea integrarii multilaterale a tarii noastre Tn sistemul mondial

were aimed at assimilating the best practices in the field. In turn

sj eel european de protectie a proprietatii intelectuale

AGEPI organized independently or in cooperation with other

national, regional and international organizations various activities

Atat conducerea, cat sj specialism AGEPI au participat activ la

to promote the national intellectual property protection system,

lucrarile celor mai importante foruri convocate la nivel national sj

innovation and creativity.

international, la diverse schimburi de experience care au avut

drept scop asimilarea celor mai bune practici Tn domeniu. La
randul sau, AGEPI a organizat de sine statator sau Tn cooperare
cu alte organizatii nationale, regionale sj internationale diverse
activitati de promovare a sistemului national de protectie a
proprietatii intelectuale, a inovatiilor sj creativitatii
7.1. Cooperarea multilateral^

7.1. Multilateral cooperation

During the period under review, AGEPI collaboration with WIPO
and with member countries of the Organization has grown and
focused on a new qualitative framework. Thus, at the beginning of
the year 2009 under its aspiration for European integration, the
Republic of Moldova, as a member state of WIPO was transferred
from the Regional Group of Eastern

In perioada de bilant, colaborarea AGEPI cu OMPI sj cu tarile

membre ale Organizatiei s-a amplificat sj s-a axat pe un cadru
calitativ nou. Astfel la Tnceputul anului 2009, Tn virtutea aspiratie
sale spre integrarea europeana, Republica Moldova, Tn calitate de
stat membru al OMPI, s-a transferat din Grupul regional al tari lor
din Europa
AGEPI represents the Republic of Moldova in the World
Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), in other international
and interstate organizations for the protection of intellectual
property, maintains and develops collaboration and cooperation
relations with these and with the specialized institutions of other
states. To this end, during 2009 the Agency continued to make


de Est, Caucaz sj Asia Centrala in eel al statelor Europei Centrale

European, Caucasian and Central Asian Countries to that of the

sj Tarilor Baltice (in continuare -Grupul ECTB).

Central European States and Baltic Countries (hereinafter-the

ECTB Group)

In contextul dat, in aprilie 2009 la Geneva a avut loc intrevederea

bilaterale dintre Dorian Chiroca, Director general AGEPI, sj

In this context, in April 2009 in Geneva was held the bilateral

Michal Svantner, Director al Directiei colaborare cu unele tari din

meeting between Dorian Chirosca, Director General of AGEPI,

Europa sj Asia a OMPI. in cadrul intalnirii au fost evaluate stadiul

and Michal Svantner, Director of the Division of Cooperation with

actual sj perspectivele cooperarii dintre Republica Moldova sj

Certain Countries in Europe and Asia of WIPO. The meeting

OMPI, posibilitatea accederi tarii noastre la programele sj

assessed the current stage and perspectives of cooperation

proiectele destinate statelor membre ale Organizatiei, care fac

between the Republic of Moldova and WIPO, the possible

parte din Grupul ECTB, precum sj consolidarea cadrului juri-dic al

accession of our country to programs and projects for the member

colaborarii bilaterale, oportunitatea semnari unui Memorandum in

states of the Organization which are part of the ECTB Group, as

acest sens intre Guvernu Republicii Moldova sj OMPI

well as strengthening of the legal framework of bilateral

collaboration the advisability of signing a Memorandum to that ef-

in mod traditional, specialise AGEPI au participat sj in anul de

fect between the Moldovan Government and WIPO

bilant la lucrarile adunarilor anuale sj altor organe ale statelor

membre, la sesiunile comitetelor permanente sj grupurilor de lucru

Traditionally, AGEPI specialists participated, in the year under

din cadrul Uniu-nilor administrate de OMPI, precum sj la seminare

review as well, in the works of the annual meetings and other

scoli, traininguri sj conferinte, asigurand astfel repre-zentarea

bodies of the member states, in the sessions of the standing

Republicii Moldova la 25 de evenimente desfaurate sub egida

committees and working groups of the WIPO-administered Unions,


and in seminars, schools, trainings and conferences, thus ensuring

the representation of the Republic of Moldova to 25 events

Dintre evenimentele majore care au avut loc in anu 2009 la nivelul

unfolded under the aegis of the Organization

OMPI la care a participat delegatia Republicii Moldova, condusa

de Directorul general AGEPI, mentionam runda a 47-a a

Among the major events that occurred in 2009 at WIPO level and

adunarilor anuale ale statelor membre, care a avut loc la Geneva,

attended by the delegation of the Republic of Moldova, headed by

El-vetia, in perioada 22 septembrie-01 octombrie 2009 Cu acest

the Director General of AGEPI, it should be noted the 47th round

prilej, reprezentantii AGEPI au avut serie de intalniri bilaterale cu

of annual meetings of the member states held in Geneva,

inalti oficiali ai OMPI, cu con-ducatori ai unor oficii de proprietate

Switzerland, from 22 September to 1 October 2009. On this

intelectuala din statele membre, cu care AGEPI a semnat acorduri

occasion, AGEPI representatives had a series of bilateral

de colaborare sau programe comune in domeniul proprietatii

meetings with senior officials of WIPO, the leaders of some intel-


lectual property offices of the member states, with which AGEPI

has signed collaboration agreements or joint programs in the field

De asemenea, delegatia Republicii Moldova in persoana

of intellectual property.

Directorului general AGEPI sj oficialilor de la Reprezentanta

Permanenta a Republicii Moldova pe langa Oficiul ONU de la

Also, the delegation of the Republic of Moldova in the person of

Geneva a avut Tntre-vedere oficiala cu dl Francis Gurry, Director

Director General of AGEPI and officials from the Permanent

general OMPI. Conducerea Organizatiei a fost informata despre

Representation of the Republic of Moldova under the UN Office in

evolutiile pozitive privind consolidarea sistemului national de

Geneva had an official meeting with Mr. Francis Gurry, Director

proprietate intelectuala, in special despre cele ce tin de ajustarea

General of WIPO. The leadership of the Organization was

legislatiei din domeniu la normele sj standardele internationale sj

informed about the positive developments on strengthening the

europene. Totodata, membrii delegatiei au adus cordiale multumiri

national intellectual property system, particularly those related to

conducerii OMPI pentru asistenta pe care acorda Republicii

the adjustment of the relevant legislation to the international and


European norms and standards. At the same time, members of the

delegation have expressed cordial thanks to the leadership of
WIPO for the assistance rendered to the Republic of Moldova.

The meeting between Francis Gurry, Director General of WIPO,

and Dorian Chirosca, Director General of AGEPI, in Geneva,

In anul de referinta, tara noastra a beneficiat Tn continuare de

Astfel, Tn anul 2009 reprezentantii Republicii Moldova (AGEPI,

asistentaTn cadrul programelor OMPI destinate statelor membre,

USM, UTM, AITT) au participat la 2 eveni-mente organizate Tn

Tn special tarilor cu eco-nomie Tn tranzitie

cadrul Programului Jnitiativa Universitara", sj anume

intalnirea dintre Francis Gurry,

Director general OMPI, si Dorian
Chirosca, Director general AGEPI,

The AGEPI specialists participated

actively in the sessions of the

Specialistii AGEPI au participat activ

la sesiunile comitete-lor permanente
si grupurilor de lucru din cadrul
Uniunilor administrate de OMPI

administered Unions

trainingul Tn domeniul proprietatii intelectuale pentru profesorii


Internationale in domeniul Proprietati Industriale (CEIPI) - la

universitari, organizat de catre OMPI sj OMC la Geneva,

Strasbourg, Oficiul Ceh de Proprietate Industriale - la Praga,

Elvetia, Tn lunile iunie-lulie 2009;

Oficiul de Proprietate Industriale din Norvegia (NIPO) - la Oslo,

seminarul regional Tn domeniul proprietatii intelectuale sj

Ministerul Justitiei si Oficiul de Brevete din Israel - la lerusalim

transferului tehnologic destinat coordona-torilor universitari,

organizat de OMPI, Tn comun cu Serviciul de Stat de Brevete

De mentionat ca in anul 2009, cu contributia OMPI la Chisjnau au

din Republica KTrgTzstan, la Ciolpon Ata, Tn luna iulie 2009

fost organizate 2 seminare de anvergura axate pe probleme

actuale din domeniul realizarii si respectarii drepturilor de

Programul mentionat prevede atragerea institutiilor universitare Tn

proprietate intelectuala, precum si al protectiei marcilor:

activitatile de promovare a sistemului de proprietate intelectuala,

Seminarul national AGEPI-OMPI cu genericul Respectarea

acordarea accesului la literatura de specialitate Tn domeniu,

drepturilor de proprietate intelectuala pentru instantele

participarea profesorilor sj studentilor la diverse seminare,

judecatoreti, politie, vama", organizat in perioada 7-8 aprilie 2009

conferinte, cursuri de specializare etc

in incinta AGEPI, la care au participat reprezentanti ai Ministerului

Afacerilor Interne, Ministerului Economiei si Comertului, Serviciului

In perioada de bilant, un specialist din cadrul Agentiei a participat

de Informatie sj Securitate Serviciului Vamal, instantelor

Tn calitate de expert international la Proiectul OMPI pentru

judecatoreti etc. Seminarul regional cu genericul Jratatul de la

elaborarea unui nou instrument regional Recomandari privind

Singapore privind dreptul marcilor", organizat in perioada 6-7

consolidarea rolului Tntreprinderilor mici sj mijlocii inovatoare Tn

octombrie 2009 in incinta AGEPI la care au participat reprezentanti

statele CSI". Astfel, reprezentantul AGEPI aTntreprins, cu suportul

ai oficiilor de proprietate intelectuala din 11 tari - atat din spatiul

OMPI, serie de vizite de documentare

CSI, cat sj din Europa de Sud-Est.

In the year under review, our country continued to benefit from

assistance within the WIPO programs for member states,

in cadrul acestor seminare, specialitii din Republica Moldova au

particularly countries with economies in transition

beneficiat de un util schimb de experience sj au luat cunosjjnta de

cele mai bune practici europene in domeniul protectiei sj

Thus, in 2009 the representatives of the Republic of Moldova

respectarii drepturilor de proprietate intelectuala.

(AGEPI, SUM, TUM, and AITT) participated in two events

organized within the Program "University Initiative", namely:

La randul lor, angajatii AGEPI au participat la alte 12 seminare,

The training in the field of intellectual property for university

simpozioane sj foruri internationale organizate de catre OMPI atat

professors, organized by WIPO and WTO in Geneva,

la Geneva, cat sj in statele membre. in cadrul acestor reuniuni a

Switzerland, during June-July 2009;

fost prezentate experienta Republicii Moldova privind dezvoltarea

The regional seminar on intellectual property and technology

sj consolidarea sistemului national de proprietate intelectuala, rolul

transfer for academic coordinators, organized by WIPO jointly

oficiului national in sensibilizarea societatii cu referire la importanta

with the State Patent Service of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan,

proprietatii intelectuale in dezvoltarea economical, sociala sj

in Ciolpon Ata, in July 2009.

culturala a tarii etc. Actiunile in cauza s-au axat pe urmatoarele

tematici: Proprietatea intelectuala sj cunosjjntele traditionale" - la

The above-mentioned program provides for the involvement of

Nahicevan Republica Azerbaidjan; Managements modern al

academic institutions in activities on the promotion of intellectual

drepturilor de proprietate intelectuala" - la 77m/oara

property system, providing access to the specialized literature in

to the national intellectual property offices of Belarus, Azerbaijan,

the field, participation of professors and students in various

Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan, aimed at studying the

seminars conferences, training courses, etc

experience of CIS countries on the development and

During the period under review, a specialist of the Agency

participated as an international expert in the WIPO Project for the

implementation of innovations, as well as the realization of

technology transfer.

development of a new regional instrument "Recommendations on

In 2009, AGEPI employees took part in five training seminars on

Strengthening the Role of Innovative Small and Medium-Sized

intellectual property, organized by the WIPO Academy in

Enterprises in the CIS States". Thus, the AGEPI representative

cooperation with the Centre for nternational Industrial Property

has undertaken with the support of WIPO, a series of documentary

Studies (CEIPI) -in Strasbourg, the Czech Industrial Property

visits la oficiile nationale de proprietate intelectuala din Belarus,

Office -in Prague, the Norwegian Industrial Property Office (NIPO)

Azerbaidjan, KTrgTzstan, Ucraina, Uzbekistan avand drept

- in Oslo, the Ministry of Justice and Patent Office of Israel - in

obiectiv studierea experientei statelor CSI privind elaborarea sj


implementarea inovatiilor, precum sj realizareatransferului de


It should be noted that in 2009, with WIPOs contribution, in

Chisinau were organized two seminars focused on major current

In anul 2009, angajatii AGEPI au participat la 5 seminare de

issues in the field of observance and enforcement of intellectual

instruire in domeniul proprietatii intelectuale organizate de

property rights, as well as protection of trademarks The national

Academia OMPI in cooperare cu Cen-trul pentru Studii

seminar AGEPI-WIPO entitled "Respect for Intellectual Property

Rights to the Courts, Police, Customs", organized on 7-8 April

2009 in the AGEPI premises attended by representatives of the
Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Economy and Trade,
Information and Security Service Customs Service, courts, etc.
The regional seminar entitled "Singapore Trademark Law Treaty",
organized on 6-7 October 2009 in the AGEPI premises attended
by representatives of intellectual property offices from 11 countries
- both from the CIS space and Southeast Europe
In these seminars, specialists from the Republic of Moldova have
benefited from a useful exchange of experience and have
acquainted themselves with the best European practices in the
field of protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights
In turn, the AGEPI employees have participated in other 12
international seminars, symposia and forums organized by WIPO
both in Geneva and member states. In these meetings was
presented the experience of the Republic of Moldova on the
development and strengthening of the national intellectual property
system, the role of the national office in sensitizing the society with
respect to the importance of intellectual property in the economic,
social and cultural development of the country, etc. The actions at
issue were focused on the following topics: "Intellectual property
and Traditional Knowledge"-in Nakhichevan, Republic of
Azerbaijan; "Modern Management of Intellectual Property Rights" in Timisoara,

Serguei Zotlne, Senior Legal Officer, WIPO Division for Cooperation with Certain Countries in Europe and Asia,

coordinator and moderator of the seminar

Romania; Realizarea drepturilor de proprietate intelectuala" - la

CSTSP si MAIA, cu participarea Oficiului de Brevete si Marci din

Sankt-Petersburg, Federatia Rusa Simpozionul Mondial privind

SUA (USPTO) si Ministerului Agriculturii, PSdurilorsj Pescuitului

din Japonia. Lucrarile

Secvente de la Seminarul regional
des-auladerulat la Chisjnau cu un
numar de 84 de participant!, care au reprezentat Biroul UPOV,
Singapore privind dreptul marcilor" Snapshots of the
Ucraina; Realizarea drepturilor de proprietate intelectuala" - la
USPTO, institutive si centrele nationale responsabile de protectia
Regional Seminar "Singapore
Trademark Law
Skopje, Macedonia; Stimularea activitatii inovationale sj
juridica a soiurilor noi de plante din 12 state membre si 3 state
Indicatiile Geografice" - la Sofia, Bulgaria; Protectia operelor sj a
prestatiilor artistice Tn domeniul audiovizualului" - la Kiev,

ranforsarea Tntreprinderilor mici sj mijlocii inovative Tn tarile CSI"

nemembre UPOV. La lucrarile seminarului a participat dl Rolf

- la Agveran Armenia; Rolul brevetelor sj informatiei de brevet Tn

Jdrdens Vicesecretar general UPOV.

dezvoltarea activitatilor inovationale" - la Takent Republica

Uzbekistan; Realizarea dreptului de autor Tn tarile cu economie

Pe parcursul anului 2009, au fost examinate, com-pletate si

Tn tranzitie" - la lerusalim Israel; Rolul proprietatii intelectuale, Tn

expediate pe adresa Comitetului de Cooperare si Integrare

special a marcilor sj indicatiilor geografice, Tn crearea, dezvol-

Economical din cadrul Comisiei Economice a Natiunilor Unite

tarea sj ranforsarea unui brand national" - la Praga, Republica

pentru Europa (UNECE) doua chestionare: primul - privind expe-

Ceha; Dreptul de autor Tn secolul XXI" - la Astana, Kazahstan;

rienta sj pozitia Republicii Moldova cu referire la efectul crizei

Proprietatea intelectuala i competitivitatea Tntreprinderilor mici

globale sj experienta tarii noastre in adoptarea masurilor anticriza

sj mijlocii" - la Roma, Italia.

sj al doilea - privind evaluarea lucrarilor efectuate de catre

Comitetu nominalizat pe parcursul anilor 2008-2009

In comun cu Comisia de Stat pentru Testarea Soiurilor de Plante

Serguel Zotlne, Consultant juridic principal, Directia OMPI

7.2. Cooperarea regionala
pentru unele tari din Europa si Asia,
Romania; "Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights" - in Sanktcoordonatorul si
2009 se caracterizeaza
prin consolidarea relatiilor de
Petersburg, Russian Federation "Worldwide Symposium on
(CSTSP) a Ministerului Agriculturii

Geographical Indications" - in Sofia, Bulgaria; "Protection of

colaborare dintre AGEPI sj Comisia Europeans (CE), Delegatia

Works and Artistic Performances in Broadcasting" - in Kyiv,

CETn Republica Moldova, Organizatia Europeans de Brevete

Ukraine; "Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights" - in Skopje,

(OEB), Orga-nizatia EurasiaticS de Brevete (OEAB), precum si

Macedonia; "Stimulation of Innovative Activity and Reinforcement

printr-o participare activS la lucrSrile desfSurate in cadrul

of Small and Medium-Sized enterprises in the CIS Countries" - in

Consiliului Interstatal pentru problemele protectiei proprietatii

Agveran Armenia; "The Role of patents and Patent Information in

industriale (CIPPI) sj altor structuri interstatale

the Development of Innovative Activities" - in Tashkent, Republic

of Uzbekistan; "Enforcement of Copyright in Countries with
Economies in Transition" -Jerusalem, Israel; "The Role of
Intellectual Property, ncluding Trademarks and Geographical
Indications in Creating, Developing and Reinforcing a National
Brand" - in Prague, Czech Republic; "Copyright in the TwentyFirst Century" - in Astana, Kazakhstan "Intellectual Property and
Competitiveness ofSmal and Medium-Sized Enterprises" - in
Rome, Italy.
Jointly with the State Commission for Plant Variety Testing
(SCPVT) of the Ministry of Agriculture and si Industriei Alimentare
(MAIA), AGEPI asigurS imple-mentarea la nivel national a
Conventiei Internationale privind Protectia Realizarilor in Selectie
sj participa la lucrarile organelor de lucru ale Uniunii Internationale
privind Protectia Noilor Soiuri de Plante (UPOV) la care Republica
Moldova este parte, inclusiv la sesiunile Consiliului si ale
comitetelor administrativ, juridic, tehnic si consultativ ale acesteia.
In perioada 9-11 iunie 2009, Republica Moldova a fost tara-gazda
a Seminarului regional "Protectia juridica a soiurilor noi de plante
in spatiul eurasi-atic", organizat de UPOV in cooperare cu AGEPI

Printre cele mai importante evenimente ale anului 2009,

desfSurate in plan regional, se numSrS participarea delegatiei
AGEPI, condusS de Dorian Chiroca, Director general, la
urmStoarele reuniuni
sedinta tehnicS bilateralS Uniunea EuropeanS-Republica
Moldova, organizatS de cStre Directoratul General pentru
Extindere al CE, cu suportul finanFood Industry (MAFI), AGEPI ensures the national
implementation of the International Convention on the Protection
of Achievements in Selection and participates in the works of the
working bodies of the International Union for the Protection of
New Varieties of Plants (UPOV), to which the Republic of
Moldova is party, including in the sessions of the Council and the
administrative, legal, technical and advisory committees thereof.
On 9-11 June 2009, the Republic of Moldova was the host
country of the Regional Seminar "Legal Protection of New Plant
Varieties in the Eurasian Space" organized by UPOV in
cooperation with AGEPI SCPVT and MAIA, with the participation
of the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and the Ministry
of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan The seminar took

place in Chisinau with a number of 84 participants, who

In calitate de autoritate nationala in domeniul protectiei PI, AGEPI

represented the UPOV Bureau USPTO, national institutions and

a participat la edintele de lucru ale Comisiei interdepartamentale

centers responsible for the legal protection of new varieties of

de experti pe probleme de integrare europeana, organizate de

plants from 12 member states and 3 non-members of UPOV. The

Comisia Nationala pentru Integrare Europeana sj Ministerul

seminar was attended by Mr. Rolf Jdrdens General Vice-

Afacerilor Externe sj Integrarii Europene. AGEPI a prezentat

Secretary of UPOV.

informatiile curente referitoare la realizarea compartimentului

"Drepturile de proprietate intelectuala" al Agendei pentru Integrare

During 2009, there were examined, completed and sent to the

pe anul 2009 in cadrul edintelor Comitetului de cooperare RM-

Committee on Economic Cooperation and Integration of the

UE sj ale Subcomitetului Comert sj Investitii" al acestui Comitet,

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) two

sedinte care au avut loc la Chisjnau

questionnaires: the first - on the experience and position of the

Republic of Moldova with respect to the effect of global crisis and

Progresele inregistrate de Republica Moldova in domeniul PI au

experience of our country in the elaboration of crisis-proof

fost apreciate pozitiv atat de CE, cat sj de alte organisme

measures and the second - on the assessment of works

internationale sj regionale, inclusiv de OMPI sj OEB. La solicitarea

performed by the nominated Committee over the years 2008-

expertilor CE pe parcursul anului 2009 au fost prezentate diverse


nformatii referitoare la evolutiile sistemului national de PI in

contextul alinierii sale la sistemul european

7.2. Regional cooperation

in cadrul Politicii Europene de Vecinatate (PEV), a fost initiat un
The year 2009 is characterized by the consolidation of the

dialog trilateral Tntre CE, OEB si Republica Moldova privind

cooperation relations between AGEPI and the European

concentrarea eforturilor de integrare a tarii noastre in structurile

Commission (EC), the EC Delegation in the Republic of Moldova,

europene precum sj participarea sa active la programele desti-

the European Patent Organization (EPO), the Eurasian Patent

nate statelor limitrofe UE

Organization (EAPO), and through an active participation in the

support of the EPO, in Brussels, Belgium. Therein have been

works carried out under the Interstate Council on the ndustrial

addressed several issues relating to the development of the

Property Protection Issues (ICIPP) and other interstate structures

intellectual property system in the Republic of Moldova in the

context of harmonization of the national legislative framework with

Among the most important events of the year 2009 carried out at

that of the EU and attainment of objectives relating to IP, provided

regional level, is counted the participation of the AGEPI

in the EU-RM Action Plan. It was also made an exchange of

delegation, headed by Dorian Chirosca, Director General, in the

views on ways of promoting the Moldovan IP system in the EU

following meetings

business circles so that right holders, residents of the EU, may be

The bilateral technical meeting European Union-Republic of

Moldova, organized by the EC Directorate-General for

nformed of the tools for the protection of rights granted by the RM


Enlargement, with the financial

The multilateral meeting on IP issues for representatives of the

ciar al OEB, la Bruxelles, Regatul Belgiei. In cadrul acestei

Republic of Moldova and Ukraine organized by the EC in

reuniuni au fost abordate mai multe aspecte legate de evolutia

collaboration with the EPO in Brussels. The purpose of this

sistemului de proprietate intelectuala din Republica Moldova in

meeting was to promote the national systems of protection and

contextul armonizari cadrului legislativ national cu eel al UE sj

defense of IP rights of the two countries in the European

realizari obiectivelor referitoare la PI, prevazute in Planul de

business. The meeting was also attended by representatives of

Actiuni RM-UE. A fost efectuat, de asemenea, un schimb de opinii

the Federal Union of German Industries, the International

asupra modalitatilor de promovare a sistemului de PI din tara

Federation of Phonographic Industries (IPF) BUSINESSEUROPE

noastra in cercurile de afaceri din UE, astfel Tncat titularii de

Confederation (organization representing the interests of over 40

drepturi, rezi-denti ai UE, sa fie informati despre instrumentele de

industrial federations in 34 European countries) and industrial

protectie a drepturilor oferite de legislatia RM

associations accredited to the European Parliament.

Tntrunirea multilateral pe probleme de PI pentru reprezentantii

As national authority in the IP protection field, AGEPI participated

Republicii Moldova si Ucrainei, organizate de catre CETn

in the working meetings of the Interdepartmental Commission of

colaborare cu OEB la Bruxelles Scopul acestei actiuni a constat in

Experts on European Integration Issues, organized by the

promovarea siste-melor nationale de protectie si aparare a

National Commission for European Integration and Ministry of

drepturilor de PI din cele doua tari in mediul de afaceri european

Foreign Affairs and European Integration. AGEPI presented up-

LaTntrunire au participat, de asemenea, reprezentanti ai Uniunii

to-date information with respect to the implementation of the

Federale a Industriilor Germane, Federatiei Internationale a

compartment "Intellectual Property Rights" of the Agenda for

Industriilor Fonografice (IPF), Confederate BUSINESSEUROPE

Integration for 2009 in the meetings of the RM-EU Cooperation

(organizatie ce reprezinta interesele a peste 40 de federatii

Committee and the Subcommittee "Trade and Investment" of that

industriale din 34 de state europene), precum si ai asociatiilor

Committee, meetings held in Chisinau

industriale acreditate pe langa Parlamentul European

The progress recorded by the Republic of Moldova in the IP field

Under the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) a trilateral

was positively appreciated by both EC and other international and

dialogue between the EC, EPO and the Republic of Moldova was

regional bodies, including WIPO and EPO. At the request of the

established on bending every effort to our country's integration

EC experts, different information was presented during the year

into the European structures and its active participation in

2009 on the developments of the national IP system in the context

programs intended for EU coterminous states

of its alignment to the European system

Expertii europeni participant! la Seminarul national "Sistemul indicatiilor geografice si denumirilor de

origine in Republica Moldova" European Experts participants in the National seminar "The System of
Geographical Indications and Appellations of Origin in the Republic of Moldova"

In perioada de referinta, reprezentantul AGEPI Tmpreuna cu cei ai

In 2009, AGEPI, jointly with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food

Ministerului Economiei, Ministerului Finantelor sj Agentiei Achizitii

Industry, benefited from the TAIEX Project's assistance for the

Publice, a participat la 2 activitati organizate de Instruments de

organization of the National Seminar "The System of Geographical

Asistenta Tehnice sj Schimb de Informatie (TAIEX) al CE pentru

Indications and Appellations of Origin in the Republic of Moldova".

specialisjii a 6 tari din cadru Parteneriatului Estic (Armenia,

The event in question allowed to be initiated a direct dialogue

Azerbaidjan Belarus, Georgia, Republica Moldova sj Ucraina) sj

between the experts from the competent authorities in the

Vaque reference field, the producers of our country and EuropeanRafael
organizat Tn cooperare cu Directoratul General Piata Interna sj
on the best practices relating to the creation and strengthening of
Servicii al CE sjAndras
masa rotunda
privind politicile macrofinanciare sj
the institutional framework for implementation of the system of
macroeconomice, organizate Tn cooperare cu Directoratul
protection of geographical
and appellations
dr. Jose
Cortesof Martin
anume: seminarul privind acquis-u\ comunitar pentru Piata Interna,

General pentru Afaceri Economice sj Financiare al CE

A series of activities were undertaken during the year on
In anul 2009, AGEPI, Tn comun cu Ministerul Agriculturii sj

negotiation and launch of the TWINNING Project "Support to

Industriei Alimentare, a beneficiat de asistenta Proiectului TAIEX

Implementation and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in

pentru organizarea Seminarului national Sistemul indicatiilor

the Republic of Moldova", financed by the European Commission

geografice sj denumirilor de origine Tn Republica Moldova".

The reference terms of the project were developed by AGEPI in

Manifestarea Tn cauza a permis sa fie initiat un dialog direct Tntre

2008, with the assistance of a European expert and consultancy

specialisjii din cadrul autoritatilor competente Tn domeniul de

on the part of all national insti-

referinta, producatorii din tara noastra sj expertii europeni privind

cele mai bune practici referitoare la crearea sj consolidarea
cadrului institutional de implementare a sistemului de protectie a
indicatiilor geografice sj denumirilor de origine
Pe parcursul anului au fost Tntreprinse serie de activitati Tn
vederea negocierii sj lansarii Proiectului TWINNING Suport pentru
implementarea sj realizarea drepturilor de proprietate intelectuala
Tn Republica Moldova", finantat de Comisia Europeana. Termenii
de referinta ai proiectului au fost elaborati de AGEPI Tn anul 2008,
cu asistenta unui expert european sj consultants din partea tuturor
institutiilor nationale
During the period under review, the AGEPI representative, jointly
with those of the Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Finance and
Public Procurement Agency, participated in two activities
organized by the EC Technical Assistance and Information
Exchange Instrument (TAIEX) for specialists of six countries of the
Eastern Partnership (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia,
Republic of Moldova and Ukraine), namely: the seminar on Acquis
communautaire for the Internal Market, organized in cooperation
with the EC Directorate-General for nternal Market and Services,
and the round table on macrofinancial and macroeconomic
policies organized in cooperation with the EC Directorate-General
for Economic and Financial Affairs

Raport Anual 2009

antrenate Tn protectia sj asigurarea drepturilor de PI la nivel de

tutions involved in the protection and enforcement of IP rights at


national level

Desemnarea institutiilor care au casjigat licitatia privind

The designation of the institutions having won the tender for the

implementarea Proiectului TWINNING Tn Republica Moldova,

implementation of the TWINNING Project in the Republic of

lansata de CE, urmeaza sa fie efectuata laTnceputuI anului 2010.

Moldova, launched by the EC, is to be conducted at the beginning

In contextul perfected ofertei de participare la licitatie, AGEPI a

of the year 2010. In the context of preparing the offer for the

primit vizitele de documentare ale delegatiilor Oficiului de Brevete

participation in the tender, AGEPI received the documentation

sj Marci din Danemarca (DKPTO) Oficiului de Brevete din Bulgaria

visits of the delegations of the Patent and Trademark Office of

sj Institutului de Justitie al Republicii Federale Germania.

Denmark (DKPTO), Patent Office of Bulgaria and Institute of

Justice of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Vizita de documentare a delegatiei Oficiului de Brevete si Marci

Moldova (USM), AGEPI a continuat realizarea Proiectului
During the year 2009, jointly with the State University of Moldova
din Danemarca (DKPTO) la AGEPI
Documentation visit of the
TEMPUS Mercury "Spre modelele univer-sitare de cercetare sj
(SUM), AGEPI continued to implement the TEMPUS Mercury
delegation of the Patent and Trademark Office of Denmark
antreprenoriale Tn Tnvatamantul superior din Rusia, Ucraina sj
Project "Towards Research and Entrepreneurial University Models
Pe parcursul anului 2009, Tn comun cu Universitatea de Stat din

Moldova". In scopul realizarii termenilor de referinta ai proiectului

in the Russian, Ukrainian and Moldavian Higher Education" To

dat, au fost efectuate vizite de documentare la un sir de

achieve the reference terms of this project, documentation visits

universitati sj centre de PI sj transfer tehnologic din statele

were made to several universities and centers on IP and

membre ale UE (Germania, Polonia, Spania)

technology transfer from the EU Member States (Germany,

Poland, and Spain)

In anul de bilant, atentie deosebita a fost acor-data activitatilor

axate pe extinderea efectelor brevetului european pe teritoriul

In the year under review, particular attention was paid to activities

Republicii Moldova, luandu-se Tn considerate evolutia cadrulu

focused on extension of the European patent effects to the territory

legislativ al sistemului national de PI, Tn general sj al protectiei

of the Republic of Moldova, taking into account the development of

inventiilor, Tn particular, ca rezultat al armonizarii legislatiei

the legal framework of the national IP system, in general, and the

nationale cu tratatele sj conventiile internationale Tn domeniu,

protection of inventions, in particular, as a result of harmonization

precum sj cu acquis-u\ comunitar

of the national legislation with the international conventions and

treaties in the field, as well as with the acquis communautaire

Consolidarea colaborarii cu Oficiul European de Brevete (OEB) sa desfaurat Tn baza Programulu comun de actiuni Tn domeniul

Consolidation of the collaboration with the European Patent Office

PI, semnat de AGEPI Sj OEB pentru anii 2008-2009.

(EPO) was carried out on the basis of the Joint Action Program in
IP field, signed by AGEPI and EPO for 2008-2009.

in conformitate cu acest Program, 4 experti ai AGEPI au

beneficiat de scolarizari axate pe

Under this Program, 4 experts of AGEPI benefited by trainings

focused on invention

Seminarul-training pentru expert/7 AGEPI, axat pe examinarea inventiilor conform

cerintelor Conventiei Europene de Brevete
Training Seminar for AGEPI experts focused on the examination of inventions according to
the requirements of the European Patent Convention

probleme de brevetare a inventiilor si informare in domeniu,

De asemenea, cu sustinerea sj participarea expertilor OEB, la

realizate in cadrul Oficiului de Proprietate ntelectuala din

Chisjnau au fost organizate 2 seminare consacrate protectiei


inventiilor, sj anume Seminarul-training pentru expertii AGEPI,

axat pe procedura de examinare a inventiilor conform cerintelor
Conventiei Europene de Brevete Seminarul "Ziua informatiei de

Raport Anual 2009

brevet" pentru inventatorii, cercetatorii sj expertii din cadru AGEPI

participant! la EIS JNFOINVENT", editia a Xl-a.
In contextul dat, de mentionat faptul ca reprezentan-tii OEB au
participat pentru prima data cu un stand expozitional la EIS
in scopul familiarizarii cu institutul mandatarilor autorizati din
statele membre ale OEB, in special cu eel din Germania, al
schimbului de experience sj asimilarii celor mai bune practici
privind colaborarea dintre oficiul national de PI sj asociatiile de
manda-tari autorizati, a fost organizate vizita de studiu a
expertilor AGEPI la OEB (Munchen, Germania)
De asemenea cu suportul sj participarea expertilor OEB, la
Chisjnau a fost organizat un seminar-training pentru mandatarii
autorizati din Republica Moldova sj expertii AGEPI, axat pe
redactarea revendicarilor de brevet. Acesta a inclus sj studii de
caz, analizate in cadrul atelierelor de lucru
in cadrul Adunarilor anuale ale statelor membre ale OMPI din
septembrie 2009 de la Geneva, a avut loc Tntalnirea oficiala a
delegatiei Republici Moldova, condusa de Dorian Chiroca,
Director patenting and information issues in the field realized
within the Intellectual Property Office of Denmark
Also, with the support and participation of EPO experts, in
Chisinau were organized two seminars dedicated to the protection
of inventions, namely: The training seminar for AGEPI experts
focused on the procedure of examination of inventions under the
European Patent Convention requirements The seminar "Patent
Information Day" for nventors, researchers and experts of AGEPI
participants in the ISE "INFOINVENT", eleventh edition
In this context, it should be noted that the EPO representatives
have participated for the first time with an exhibition stand in the
With the view of familiarizing with the institute of patent
attorneys from the EPO Member States, especially with that from
Germany, of exchanging experience and assimilating the best
practices on cooperation between the national IP office and
associations of patent attorneys, it was organized a study visit of
the AGEPI experts to the EPO (Munich, Germany)
Also with the support and participation of EPO experts, in
Chisinau was organized a training seminar for patent attorneys of
the Republic of Moldova and AGEPI experts focused on drafting
of patent claims It also included case studies analyzed within the
framework of the workshops
Within the framework of annual meetings of the WIPO Member
States of September 2009 in Geneva, it was held the official
meeting of the delegation of the Republic of Moldova, headed by
Dorian Chirosca, Direc-


general AGEPI, cu Wim van der Eijk, Vicepreedin-te al OEB pe

probleme de relatii internationale, sj Pascal Phlix, reprezentant al

liului Administratival OEAB,


tara noastra detinand

Astfel, un expert al AGEPI a



presedintia Consiliului pe


perioada de 2 ani. Astfel pe


parcursul anului 2009 in or.


Moscova, Federatia Rusa, s-


au desfaurat 2 evenimente



Federatia Rusa.

edinta a 21-a a CA al

Un alt reprezentant al AGEPI

OEAB, in cadrul careia

a efectuat un schimb de

reprezentantii plenipotentiari

experience in domeniul












ai tarilor membre ale

dezvoltarii tehnologii-lor
la Sedinta pentru
a 22-a mandatarii
Eurasiatice de
informationale, aplicate in
realizarea Programului
de lucru OEB-AGEPI
in the 22nd
si anii
l-au ales prin Seminar
oficiile nationale din
2008-2009 sj activitatile
for patent attorneys of the Republic
Moldova and
vot unanim pe of
the EAPO Administrative
vederea initierii negocierilor
ex-tinderea efectelor AGEPI
brevetului experts
GrigorievTn functia de
Council, our country holding
OEB. Principalele probleme puse Tn discutie le-au constituit:

european pe teritoriu Republicii Moldova. In scopul evaluarii

Presedinte al OEAB pentru

stadiului de realizare a Programului comun de lucru, precum sj al

the Council presidency for a

urmatorii 6 ani. La aceeasi

elaborarii propunerilor de colaborare pentru bienala 2010-2011,

period of two years Thus, two

sedinta au fost aprobate

important events were held

Pascal Phlix a efectuat vizita la AGEPI.

unele completari sj modifi-cari

during the year 2009 in

la Instructiunea de brevet a

Moscow, Russian Federation

In calitate de reprezentant al Guvernului Republicii Moldova Tn

Organizatia Eurasiatica de Brevete (OEAB), pe parcursul anului
de bilant AGEPI a asigurat participarea la sedintele Consiliului
Administrativ (CA) al OEAB sj ale Grupului de lucru pentru Buget

CEAB si la Regula-mentul de
procedura interna al CA al

The 21 st meeting of the


EAPO AC, within the

framework of which the

Totodata, Directorul general AGEPI, Tn calitatea sa de

edinta a 22-a a CA al


reprezentant plenipotentiar al Republicii Moldova Tn OEAB, a

OEAB, in cadrul careia au fost

representatives of the

Tndeplinit functia de Presedinte al Consitor General of AGEPI,

aprobate Raportul de

member countries of the

with Wim van der Eijk, Vice-President of EPO on International

activitate al Organizatiei

Eurasian Patent Convention

Relations Issues, and Pascal Phlix, Representative of the EPO.

pentru 2008 si Bugetul sau

(CEAB) have unanimously

2010. S-a luat, de al
Vizita dlui Pascal Phlix,
EPO-AGEPI Joint Working Program for 2008-2009 and the
act of
de Raportul
OEB (in stanga), la AGEPI
activities undertaken by the Moldovan side with the view of
Pascal Phlix, Representative of the privind
opening negotiations on extension of the European patent effects
(to the left), to AGEPI realizarea Programului de
The main issues under discussion were: implementation of the

voted Alexander Grigo-riev in

the position of President of
the EAPO for the next six
years. At the same meeting

to the territory of the Republic of Moldova. With a view to assess

dezvoltare a Organizatiei

were approved certain

the stage of implementation of the Joint Working Program and of

pentru perioada 2004-2009,

additions and changes to the

development of collaboration proposals for the biennial 2010-

fiind supus discutiilor

EAPO Patent Instruction and

2011, Pascal Phlix made a visit to the AGEPI.

documentul Directiile

Rules of Internal Procedure of

principale de dezvoltare ale

the EAPO AC;

As a representative of the Government of the Republic of Moldova

in the Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO), AGEPI provided
during the year under review the participation in the meetings of
the EAPO Administrative Council (AC) and the Budget Working
Group At the same time, the Director General of AGEPI, as
plenipotentiary representative of the Republic of Moldova in
EAPO, exercised the function of Chairman of

OEAB pentru perioada 20102014". Reprezentantii

The 22nd meeting of the

plenipotentiari ai

EAPO AC, within the

KTrgTzstanului si

framework of which were

Kazahstanului au fost alesj in

approved the EAPO Annual

functiile de vicepresedinti ai

Report for 2008 and its

CA al OEAB. In calitate de

Budget for 2010. Note was

observatori, la reuniune au

also taken of the EAPO

participat reprezentantii

President's Report on

OMPI, OEB si ai Oficiilor

Realization of the EAPO

Regionale Africane de

Development Program for

Proprietate Intelectuala

2004-2009, being subjected


to discussion the document

"Main Directions for EAPO

Sj in anul 2009 AGEPI a

Development in 2010-2014".


The plenipotentiary



OEAB de sustinere a statelor

representatives of Kyrgyzstan



and Kazakhstan were


appointed to the position of



vice-chairmen of the EAPO

in IP field. Therefore, an

provisions of the Agreement

informatia privind

AC As observers, the meeting

expert of AGEPI attended the

on Cooperation for

indicatiile geografice sj

was attended by repre-

training courses within the

Prevention of the IP Rights

denu-mirile de origine

sentatives of WIPO, EPO and

Program, organized by the

Infringements, thereby

protejate in Republica

of the African Regional

State Institute of Intellectual

ensuring the interests of the

Intellectual Property Offices

Property of the Russian

Republic of Moldova in the



works of these two interstate

participat, in calitate de


expert al OMPI, la


reprezentantul AGEPI a

AGEPI benefited by the


EAPO Program on

AGEPI has been engaged in

In this context, we should

Assistance to EAPO Member

an exchange of experience in

privind activitatea

mention the participation of

States in the year 2009 as

the field of development of

inovationala si de

Andrei Moisei, Director of

well, with a view to upgrading


transfer tehnologic in

AGEPI Legal Department,

the national personnel's skills

applied in the

spatiul CSI, efectuand in

the plenipotentiary

acest scop cateva vizite

representative of the

de documentare in

Republic of Moldova in the

Belarus, KTrgTzstan




elaborarea Studiului

Joint Committee, in the works

si Azerbaidjan.

statele membre ale OEAB,

combaterii contrafacerii sj

of the eighteenth and

Rezultatele studiului au

participand la Seminarul

pirateriei, precum sj actiunile

nineteenth meetings of the

fost prezentate la

regional Automatizarea unui

organelor nationale vamale sj

Joint Committee who

edinta a XVI11-a a

oficiu modern de brevete sj

de interne privind reducerea

presented the relevant up-to-


depunerea electronica a

numarulu de atare Tncalcari

day information on measures

cererilor de brevet" organizat

ale drepturilor de PI

undertaken by our country for

lucru privind

improvement and

perfectionarea si

de OEAB Tn comun cu

in cadrul Grupului de

Centrul National de Brevete

Dintre cele mai importante

harmonization of legislation


armonizarea legislatiilor

din Tadjikistan, Tn oraul

on combating counterfeiting

parea la sedinta Consiliului

nationale ale statelor


and piracy, as well as actions

membre CSI, conduce-

of the national customs and

rea caruia a fost

internal affairs bodies on

exercitata de

reducing the number of these

reprezentantu Republicii

infringements of IP rights.

Moldova, Andrei Moisei,



Participantii la Seminarul regional

Coordonator al Acordului
de crearea produsului
activitate intense au
brevete si depunerea
desfaurat specialism
pentru brevete
Tn cadrul grupurilor
Tn forma de disc optic CDcererilor desjbrevet"
CISPATENT (Kiev, Ucraina)
ROM" (CISPATENT), orgaTadjikistan)lucru ale Consiliului nterstatal
pentru problemele protectiei

nizate de catre Departamentul

in theindustriale
de Stat pentru Proprie-tatea
"Automationsj Comisiei
of a Modern
Patent Intelectuala al Ministerului
mixte privind realiOffice and Electronic
zarea prevederilorFiling
Acorduluiof Patent
Educatiei sj Sjiintei din
de colaborare
Ucraina Tn comun cu CIPPI la

Of the most important actions

we should mention the
participation in the meeting of
the Coordinating Council of
the "Agreement on the

combaterea Tncalcarilor


Production of Joint CIS

drepturilor Tn domeniul PI

national offices of the EAPO

Regional Patent Information

asigurand astfel respectarea

Member States, participating

Product on CD-ROMs"

intereselor Republicii

in the regional seminar

(CISPATENT), organized by

Moldova la lucrarile acestor

"Automation of a Modern

the State Intellectual Property

structuri interstatale

Patent Office and Electronic

Department of the Ministry of

Filing of Patent Applications",

Education and Science of

In contextul dat, mentionam

jointly organized by the EAPO

Ukraine together with the

participarea lui Andre Moisei,

and the National Center for

ICIPP in Kyiv.

director Departament juridic

Patents of Tajikistan in

Intru realizarea deciziilor

AGEPI, re-prezentantul


adoptate in cadrul celei de-a

plenipotentiar al Republicii

XVII-a sesiuni a CIPPI, s-au

Moldova Tn Comisia mixta, la

An intense activity was

Tntreprins urmatoarele

lucrarile edintelor a XVIll-a sj

carried out by the AGEPI


a XIX- ale Comisiei, care a

experts within the framework

prezentat informatia

of the working groups of the

site-ul AGEPI mttp://

relevanta la zi privind

Interstate Council for the

masurile Tntreprinse de tara

Industrial Property Protection


noastraTn vederea

Issues (ICIPP) and the Joint

sj expediata pe adresa

perfectionarii sj armonizari

Commission on

secretariatului CIPPI

legislatiei Tn domeniul

implementation of the

a fost amplasata pe web

director Departament
juridic, AGEPI, s-a lucrat
asupra unui nou proiect
de Acord privind
colaborarea in domeniul
protectiei juridice si
apararii drepturilor de
proprietate intelectuala si
crearea Consiliului
Interstatal pentru
problemele protectiei
proprietatii intelectuale,
precum si a proiectului
de Regulament privind
activitatea acestuia
In anul 2009, reprezentantii
AGEPI au participat de
asemenea la edinta comuna
a CIPPI (sesiunea a XVI11-a)
si Comisiei mixte, care sj-a
tinut lucrarile in Agveran,
Republica Armenia.
Participantii la reuniune au
luat act de informatia privind
rezultatele activitatii Grupului

de lucru responsabil de

Study on innovative and

inventiveness and promotion

turile de Autor (ORDA),

perfectionarea si

technology transfer

of small and medium-sized

Forumul Inventatorilor

armonizarea legislatiilor

activity in the CIS space,

enterprises which

Romani, Universitatea AI. I.

nationale ale statelor membre

making for this purpose

successfully implement the IP

Cuza" din lasi, participand la

CSI pentru anii 2008-2009.

several documentation

rights protection and

serie de evenimente

visits to Belarus, Kyr-

enforcement mechanisms.

(seminare expozitii),

Reprezentantul Republicii

gyzstan and Azerbaijan.

The study in question was

organizate de acestea. Astfel

Moldova a prezentat

The study results were

conducted in the period 2008-

cu suportul OSIM a fost

nformatie generalizata

presented at the

2009 by experts from the

realizat un schimb de

asupra Studiului privind

eighteenth meeting of

Russian Federation

experience Tn domeniul

dezvoltarea inventicii si

the ICIPP;

(ROSPATENT) and the

tehnologiilor informationale A

Within the Working

Republic of Moldova

fost negociat sj coordonat

mici si mijlocii inovatoare,

Group on improvement

(AGEPI), at the initiative and

Addendumul la Conventia de

care implementeaza cu

and harmonization of

with the support of the ICIPP,

colaborare Tn domeniul

succes mecanismele de

national laws of the CIS

national patent offices of the

protectie si realizare a

Member States, whose

CIS space and WIPO.

drepturilor de PI. Studiul in

leadership was exer-

cauza a fost realizat in

cised by the

perioada 2008-2009 de catre

representative of the


experti din Federatia Rusa

(ROSPATENT) si Republica
Moldova (AGEPI) la initiativa

Republic of Moldova,
Andrei Moisei, Director
of Legal Department,

si cu sprijinul CIPPI, oficiilor

AGEPI, it has been

nationale de brevete din

worked on a new Draft

spatiul CSI si OMPI.

Agreement on
cooperation in the

7.3. Colaborarea bilaterala

Colaborarea bilaterala cu
oficiile de specialitate ale
statelor membre UE si ale
altor tari a continuat sa fie
una din prioritatile AGEPI in
domeniul coope-rarii

To achieve the decisions

adopted within the framework
of the seventeenth session of



actions were taken:

The information on
geographical indications
and appellations of
origin protected in the
Republic Moldova was
placed on the AGEPI
and sent to the ICIPP
Secretariat address

and defense of intellectual property rights and

creation of the nterstate
Council on Intellectual
Property Protection
Issues and the Draft
Regulation on its



field of legal protection


In 2009, AGEPI
representatives also
participated in the Joint
Meeting of the ICIPP
(eighteenth session) and the
Joint Committee, which held
its works in Agveran, Republic
of Armenia. The participants
took note of the information
on the results of activity of the
Working Group on
Improvement and Harmonization of National Laws of the

OSIM sj AGEPI, semnate Tn

anu 2000. Addendumul Tn

7.3. Bilateral cooperation

cauza contine un plan concret de actiuni pentru anul

The bilateral cooperation with

2010 sj urmeaza a fi semnat

the specialized offices of the

Tn cadrul unei Tntrevederi a

EU Member States and of

directorilor generali AGEPI sj

other countries continued to

OSIM, preconizata pentru

be one of the AGEPI

Tnceputul anului viitor

priorities in the field of

international cooperation
Pe parcursul anului 2009,
reprezentantii AGEPI au
participat la diverse
evenimente nationale,
regionale sj internationale
organizate de catre institutii
de specialitate din Romania,
Bulgaria, Macedonia, Franta,
Republica Ceha, Israel,
Norvegia, SUA, precum sj din
Ucraina, Federatia Rusa,
Republica KTrgTzstan
Republica Azerbaidjan,
Republica Armenia, Republica Belarus, Uzbekistan,
Kazahstan. In cadrul unor
seminare, simpozioane sj
cursuri de perfectionare
specialism AGEPI au
prezentat comunicari privind
ultimele evolutii Tn
dezvoltarea sistemului
national de protectie a
proprietatii intelectuale

CIS Member States for 20082009.

proprietati ndustriale dintre

Pe parcursul anului 2009,

AGEPI a revigorat


The representative of the

colaborarea cu institutive de

participated, in the

Republic of Moldova

profil din Romania, Tn special

capacity of WIPO

presented generalized

cu Oficiul de Stat pentru

expert, in the

information on the results of a

Inventii si Marci (OSIM),

development of the

Study on development of

Oficiul Roman pentru Drep-

In vederea asimilarii
experientei Romaniei privind
nitierea negocierilor cu
Organizatia Europeana de
Brevete sj Oficiul European
de Brevete vizavi de
extinderea efectelor brevetului
european pe teritoriul
Republicii Moldova, AGEPI a
beneficiat de asistenta
generoasa a colegilor din
aceasta tare materializata prin
consultatii sj vizite de
documentare la OSIM.
La randul lor, 6 specialise de
la OSIM sj 4 de la ORDA au
participat la manifestable
organizate de AGEPI pe
parcursul anului 2009, inclusiv
la EIS JNFOINVENT-2009" sj
la Seminarul national Ziua
nformatiei de brevet",
organizat de AGEPI cu sprijinul OEB sj OMPI Tn cadrul
expozitiei mentionate
Pe parcursul anului de bilant,
au fost reluate consultant
privind semnarea
Protocolului de colaborare
bilaterala in domeniul PI
dintre AGEPI si Institutul de
Brevete din Turcia, elaborat

Tn conformitate cu Procesul-

the Convention on Industrial colaborare semnat Tn anul

prezentat un raport sj un spot

verbal al sedintei a V-a a

Property Cooperation

2007 In iunie 2009, la Sofia a

publicitar privind brandul


between OSIM and AGEPI, avut loc Simpozionu mondial

Republicii Moldova, alte

interguvernamentale moldo-

signed in 2000. The

privind indicatiile geografice,

informati relevante Tn

turce de colaborare

Addendum in question

organizat Tn cooperare cu

domeniu, realizate cu


contains a concrete action

OMPI. in cadrul acestuia, re-

concursul Orga-

semnare planificata pentru

plan for 2010 and will be

prezentantul AGEPI a

The bilateral cooperation

anul 2010

signed within the framework prezentat comunicare

During the year 2009, the

of a meeting at the level of

AGEPI representatives
participated in various

Directors General of AGEPI Moldova Tn domeniu

and OSIM, foreseen for the protectiei indicatiilor

national, regional and inter-

beginning of the next year

national events organized by

With the view of assimilating

specialized institutions of

privind experienta Republicii

between AGEPI and the

Patent Office of Bulgaria is
carried out under the
Collaboration Agreement

geografice sj denumirilor de

signed in 2007. In June 2009,

origine, s-a familiarizat cu

in Sofia took place the

Worldwide Symposium on

AGEPI specialists presented

practica altor state Tn

the experience of Romania on
domeniu sj, Tmpreuna cu
initiation of negotiations with
participantii la simpozion a
the European Patent
efectuat vizita Tn regiunea
Organization and the
Valea trandafirilor" (oraul
European Patent Office vis-aKazanlak), renumita prin
vis the extension of effects of
producerea ule-urilor
the European patents to the
esentiale cu denumire de
territory of the Republic of
origine BALGAR-SKO
Moldova, AGEPI benefited by
the generous assistance of
the Romanian colleagues,
, protejata
materialized by consultations
Tn Republica Moldova Tn
and documentation visits to

communications on recent


conformitate cu Aranjamentul

the field and, together with

de la Lisabona. in cadrul

the participants in the

vizitei, participantii la

symposium, visited the

Romania, Bulgaria,
Macedonia, France, Czech
Republic, Israel, Norway,
USA and Ukraine, Russian
Federation, Republic of
Kyrgyzstan, Republic of
Azerbaijan, Republic of
Armenia, Republic of Belarus
Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan.
Within the framework of
several seminars, symposia
and training courses the

evolutions in the

In turn, six specialists from

development of the national

intellectual property
protection system

Geographical Indications,
organized in cooperation with
WIPO. Within its framework,
the AGEPI representative
presented a communication
on the experience of the
Republic of Moldova in the
field of protection of
geographical indications and
appellations of origin,
familiarized himself with the
practice of other countries in

OSIM and four experts from simpozion au luat cunosjinta

region "Valea trandafirilor"

ORDA participated in the

("Rose Valley") (town

de ritualul Culesul

events organized by AGEPI trandafirilor", au vi-zitat

Kazanlak) famous for the

During the year 2009, AGEPI

during the year 2009 includingInstitutul de cercetari Tn

production of essential oils

invigorated the collaboration


domeniul trandafirilor

with the appellation of origin

with the profile institutions

2009" and in the National

plantelor aromatice sj


from Romania, especially

Seminar "Patent Information medicinale sj s-au familiarizat

with the State Office for

Day", organized by AGEPI

Inventions and Trademarks

(OSIM), the Romanian

with the support of EPO and materiei prime sj de distilare

WIPO within the mentioned a uleiului de trandafir

Copyright Office (ORDA),


cu procesul de prelucrare a

Forum, the "Al. I. Cuza"

University from lasi,
participat-ng in a series of
events (seminars,
exhibitions) organized by the
mentioned institutions. Thus,
with the OSIM support was
made an exchange of experience in the field of
information technologies It
was negotiated and
coordinated the Addendum to

During the year under review,

cu Oficiul de Proprietate
consultations were resumed
Industrial^ din Republica
on the signing of the Protocol
of Bilateral Cooperation in
s-a materializat prin
IP Field between AGEPI and
participarea reprezentantulu
the Turkish Patent Institute,
AGEPI la Seminarul
prepared in accordance with
interregional Rolul PI, Tn
the Minutes of the fifth
special al marcilor sj
meeting of the Moldovanindicatiilor geografice, Tn
Turkish Intergovernmental
crearea, dezvoltarea sj
promovarea brandului
Cooperation Commission,
national", organizat de catre
signing planned for 2010.
oficiul ceh, Tn cooperare cu

Colaborarea bilaterala dintre

din Bulgaria se desfaoara

AGEPI sj Oficiul de Brevete

Tn baza Acordului de

, also
protected in the Republic of
Moldova in accordance with
the Lisbon Agreement.

anul de bilant, colaborarea

the Romanian Inventors


During the visit, the

participants in the
symposium took note of the
ritual "Culesul trandafirilor"
("Rose Picking"), visited the
Research Institute in the field
of roses, aromatic and
medicinal plants and became
familiar with the process for
the processing of raw
material and distillation of
rose oil
In the year under review, the

OMPI la Praga. La

cooperation with the

reuniuneaTn cauza

Industrial Property Office

reprezentantu AGEPI a

of the Czech Republic was

Reprezentantul AGEPI tine comunlcare la Slmpozlonul
mondial privind
Indlcatllle geografice (Sofia, Bulgaria). Participantii la slmpozlon lau
cunostinta de rltualul Culesul trandaflrllor"
AGEPI representative prezentlng a communication at the Worldwide

In the symposium take note of the ritual "Rose Picking"

materialized by the

documentelor pentru toate

activitatilor comune cu

structures, namely, the In-

participation of AGEPI

OPI formarea arhivei

Comitetul de Stat pentru

terstate Council for the

representative in the

electronice, evidenta

Standardizare, Metrologie

Protection of Industrial

Interregional Seminar "The

coresponden-tei sj a

si Brevete din aceasta tare

Property and the Joint

Role of Intellectual Property,

documentelor in cadrul

pentru anii 2009-2011.

Working Group of the

in particular, Trademarks and


realized with the competition

Member States of the

of the Moldovan Export

Agreement on Cooperation

Promotion Organization

for Prevention of the


Intellectual Property Rights

Geographical Indications, in
Creating, Developing and
Promoting a National Brand",
organized by the Czech
Office in cooperation with
WIPO in Prague. The AGEPI
representative presented in
this reunion a report and an
advertising spot on the brand
of the Republic of Moldova,
other relevant information in
this field
nizatiei de Promovare a
Exportului din Republica
Moldova (MIEPO).
Colaborarea cu
Departamentul de Stat de
Proprietate Intelectuala din
Ucraina s-a desfaurat in
conformitate cu Planul de
actiuni comune in domeniul
protectiei proprietatii
intelectuale pentru
bienala2009-2010, semnat in
februarie 2009. Astfel,
delegatie de la AGEPI a
participat la lucrarile
Conferintei internationale
actuale ale proprietatii
intelectuale", organizate de
catre Departamentul de Stat
de Proprietate Intelectuala
din Ucraina in cooperare cu
OEB, OMPI sj Consiliul de
Minisjri al Republicii
Autonome Crimeea, in oraul
In anul 2009, a avut loc si
vizita de documentare a unui
specialist AGEPI la Institutul
de Proprietate Industriale din
Ucraina (UKRPATENT) din
Kiev, in scopul familiarizarii
cu sistemul automatizat de
circulate a documentelor in
format electronic, inclusiv
formularea caietului de
sarcini si elaborarea algoritmului de circulate a

in anul de referinta, a
continuat colaborarea cu
Ser-viciul Federal pentru


Proprietate Intelectuala,

The cooperation with the

Brevete si Marci din

State Department of

In the period under review,

Federatia Rusa

Intellectual Property of

AGEPI carried out certain


Ukraine was carried out

actions on the invigoration of

in cadrul structurilor CSI, sj

under the Joint Action Plan in

the Cooperation Agreement

anume, al Consiliului

the intellectual property

in the intellectual property

nterstatal pentru protectia

protection field for the

protection field between

proprietatii industriale si

biennial 2009-2010, signed in


Grupului mixt de lucru al

February 2009. Thus, a

signed in 1999. Also, the

statelor membre ale Acor-

delegation from AGEPI

AGEPI representative

dului de colaborare pentru

participated in the works of

participated in the works of a


the International Scientific-

conference devoted to the

drepturilor in domeniul

Practical Conference 'Actual

legal practice of protection of

proprietatii intelectuale

Problems of Intellectual

intellectual property objects

Property", organized by the

in the Russian Federation,

in perioada de bilant, AGEPI

State Department of

organized by ROSPATENT

a realizat actiuni de

ntellectual Property of

in Moscow. With the view of

revigorare a Acordului de

Ukraine in cooperation with

assimilating the best

colaborare in domeniul

the EPO, WIPO and the

practices of implementing the

protectiei proprietatii

Council of Ministers of the

MIMOSA software in the

intelectuale dintre AGEPI si

Autonomous Republic of

office procedures, it was

ROSPATENT, semnat in anul

Crimea, in Alushta.

organized a documentation

1999. De asemenea,

visit of a specialist of AGEPI

reprezentantul AGEPI a

In 2009, there took also place

participat la lucrarile unei

the documentation visit of a

conferinte consacrate

specialist of AGEPI to the

With a view to implement the

practicii juridice de protectie

Ukrainian Institute of

provisions of the Cooperation

a obiectelor de proprietate

Industrial Property

Agreement in intellectual

intelectuala in Federatia

(UKRPATENT) in Kyiv, with

property field between the

Rusa, organizate de catre

the view of familiarizing with

governments of the Republic

ROSPATENT la Moscova. in

the automated system of

of Azerbaijan and the

vederea asimilarii celor mai

electronic circulation of

Republic of Moldova, signed

bune practici de imple-

documents, including the

in Baku in 2008, on 26

mentare a softului MIMOSA

formulation of specifications

August 2009, on AGEPI

in procedurile oficiului a fost

and elaboration of an

initiative, was signed the

organizate vizita de

algorithm of electronic

Joint Action Program with

documentare a unu specialist

circulation of documents for

the State Committee for


all POs, formation of

Standardization, Metrology


electronic archive, record of

and Patents of this country

in scopul implementarii

AGEPI correspondence and

for 2009-2011.

prevederilor Acordulu de


Pe parcursul anului, s-a

colaborare in domeniul

intensificat colaborarea cu

proprietatii industriale dintre

In the reporting year, it was

Ambasada Frantei si

guvernele Republicii

continued the collaboration

Alianta Franceza din

Azerbaidjan sj Republici

with the Federal Service for


Moldova, semnat la Baku in

Intellectual Property,

Astfel, in conformitate cu

anul 2008, pe 26 august

Patents and Trademarks of

Acordul de colaborare dintre

2009, la initiativa AGEPI, a

the Russian Federation

Alianta Franceza sj AGEPI,

fost semnat Programul


28 de angajati ai AGEPI au

proprietate intelectuala al

from nine European

Alexandria, Virginia State,

urmat pe parcursul anului

Republicii Moldova.

countries, including the


Republic of Moldova,

cursuri de studiere a limbii

on the protection of IPO

franceze. De asemenea cu

Ambasada SUA a acordat

organized in Vienna by the

asistenta pentru participarea

in the field of biotech-

con-cursul Aliantei Franceze,

French Embassy in Austria,

specialisjilor AGEPI la 3


un specialist al AGEPI a

the International Organization

participat la lucrarile

programe organizate de catre


of Francophony and the

Academia Globala de

between 16 to 20 March

seminarului regional de

Centre of Excellence of the

formare pentru Tnalti

Proprietate Intelectuala a

French Institute in Vienna.

functionari francofoni din 9

Oficiului pentru Brevete sj

tari europene, inclusiv

Marci din SUA (USPTO) in

In the year under review, the

Republica Moldova, organizat

or. Alexandria, statul Virginia,

AGEPI cooperation with the

laViena de catre Ambasada

sj anume

European Commission

Frantei in Austria, Organizatia

privind protectia OPI din

Delegation in the Republic

nternationala a Francofoniei

domeniul biotehnolo-giei

of Moldova enjoyed a

si Centrul de excelenta al


significant size. Thus, joint

Institutului Francez din Viena.

perioada 16-20 martie

activities were conducted


with the team of the TACIS

In anul de referinta,





Project "Support to

colaborarea AGEPI cu

drepturilor de PI - in

Implementation of the PCA,

Delegatia Comisiei


WTO and EU-RM Action

Europene in Republica

martie si 14-17 august

Plan", supported by the EC

Moldova a


Delegation in our country. It


cunoscut dimensiuni

was organized the docu-

semnificative. Astfel, au fost

Directorul general AGEPI a

mentation visit to AGEPI of

desfaurate activitati comune

efectuat vizita la Academia

the experts of the consul-

cu echipa Proiectului TACIS

Globala de Proprietate

tancy company International

'Asistenta in implementarea

Intelectuala a USPTO, avand

Trade and Quantitative

APC, OMCsj a Planului de

ointrevedere sj cu

Analysis for familiarization

Actiuni UE-RM", sustinut de

reprezentantii USPTO in

with the national IP system

Delegatia CE in tara noastra.

cadrul Tntalnirii, au fost

A fost organizate vizita de

trecute in revista stadiul

AGEPI continue to benefit by

documentare la AGEPI a

actual sj perspectivele

assistance from the State

expertilor companiei de

colaborarii dintre cele doua

Department of the United

consultants International

oficii pentru urmatorii 2 ani,

States of America

Trade and Quantitative

fiind identificate unele

During 2009, several

Analysis, pentru

domenii prioritare: schimbul

meetings of the AGEPI

familiarizarea cu sistemul

de experience in lupta cu

leadership were held with

national de PI

contrafacerea sj pirateria,

representatives of the USA

protectia dreptului de

Embassy in our country,


on the enforcement of
IP rights - between 23
to 27 March 2009 and
between 14 to 17
August 2009.

The Director General of

AGEPI made a visit to the
USPTO Global Intellectual
Property Academy, having a
meeting with the USPTO
representatives. During the
meeting, there were reviewed
the current stage and
prospects of cooperation
between the two offices for
the next two years, being
identified some priority areas:
exchange of experience in
the field of combating
counterfeiting and piracy,
protection of copyright
autor sj a drepturilor conexe,
precum sj perfectio-narea
specialisjilor din Republica
Moldova Tn cadrul Academiei
LaTnceputuI anului, AGEPI a
redactat sj a expediat pe
adresa Ambasadei SUA
Note Informative privind

within which the cooperation


intensified the cooperation

priorities for 2009-2010 were

Departa-mentului de Stat al

with the French Embassy

set, the Embassy repre-

Statelor Unite ale Americii

and the French Alliance in

sentatives demonstrating



their willingness to support

parcursul anului 2009, au

Thus, in accordance with the

the reforms for consolidation

avut loc mai multe Tntalniri

Cooperation Agreement

of intellectual property

ale conducerii AGEPI cu

between the French Alliance

system of the Republic of

Pe parcursul perioadei de

reprezentantii Ambasadei

and AGEPI, 28 employees of


bilant, s-a dezvoltat sj

SUA in tara noastra, in cadrul

AGEPI attended during the

carora au fost stabilite

year study courses in the







prioritatile colaborarii pentru

French language. Also, with

anii 2009-2010, repre-

the contest of the French

zentantii Ambasadei

Alliance, a specialist of the

demonstrand disponibilitatea

AGEPI attended the regional

de a sustine reformele Tntru

training seminar for senior

consolidarea sistemului de

French-speaking officials

The USA Embassy provided

assistance for the
participation of AGEPI
specialists in three programs
organized by the Global
Intellectual Property Academy of the US Patent and
Trademark Office (USPTO) in






realizarea drepturilor de
proprietate intelectuala
pentru Raportul Special 301"
pe anul 2008, realizat de
Reprezentanta SUA pentru
comert (USTR)

colaborarea cu serie de
organizatii sj asociati
nonguvernamentale, printre
care: Federatia Internationala
a Producatorilor de Fonograme (IFPI), Business Software
Alliance (BSA), Centrul

pentru tiinta sj Tehnologii

administration authorities

din Ucraina (STCU)

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

and European Integration

AGEPI a dezvoltat, de

Ministry of Economy,

asemenea, fructuoase relatii

Customs Service, Ministry of

de colaborare cu autoritatile

Internal Affairs, Ministry of

administratiei publice

Agriculture and Food ndustry,

centrale: Ministerul Afacerilor

State Commission for New

Externe sj Integrari

Plant Variety Testing, etc

Europene, Ministerul
Economiei, Serviciul Vamal

During the year 2009, the

Ministerul Afacerilor Interne,

Agency received the visit of

Ministerul Agriculturii sj

52 representatives of

ndustriei Alimentare, Comisia

organizations, institutions

de Stat pentru Testa-rea

and offices from abroad, who

Noilor Soiuri de Plante etc

participated in 17 events
(symposia, conferences,

Pe parcursul anului 2009,

exchanges of experience)

Agentia a primit vizita a 52 de

organized by AGEPI

reprezentanti ai organizatiilor,
institutiilor sj oficiilor din
strainatate, care au participat
la 17 evenimente
(simpozioane, conferinte,
schimburi de experience),
organizate de AGEPI
and related rights, and
upgrading of specialists from
the Republic of Moldova in
the USPTO Academy.
At the beginning of the year,
AGEPI drafted and sent to
the USA Embassy address
an Information Note on the
enforcement of intellectual
property rights for the
"Special 301 Report" for
2008, released by the United
States Trade Reprezentative
During the period under
review, it was also developed
the collaboration with several
nongovernmental international organizations and
associations, including the
International Federation of
Producers of Phonograms
(IFPI), Business Software
Alliance (BSA) Science and
Technology Center of
Ukraine (STCU)
AGEPI also developed fruitful
relations of cooperation with
the central public







2009 .

. ,

, ,

, ,

19%, - 3%


, -

, - ,
, Moldexpo,

50/2008 ,



2009 ,

(), .
, ,
, ,
- 22%
2008 .

Raport Anual 2009


, , -

- , ..,



: , ,

- -

. 2009 AGEPI

, , ,


2009 AGEPI






, .


, . , AGEPI


. ,

2008-2009 .


, AGEPI 2009 ,

. ,
, .

- ,
, ,

- .

- ,


Moldexpo , .





Raport Anual 2009

2009 . AGEPI 5906
(), 22,2% ,
2008 . , 1617 (27%)
, 4289 (73%) ,
- 618 (14%),

2009 AGEPI 401
, 71 (22%) ,
2008 .



, , ,

4 2008 .

50-XVI 07.03.2008

- 3671 (86%).



(). ,

, 51

2008 . 30 2009 .

6,6%. ,
2008 . 2992 ,
2009 . 2796.




- ,

AGEPI 2212

, ,

, 62 (3%) , 2008 .

- ,

1434 (65%)
, - 778 (35%).

, ,
, .


, -339 (

2009 . 315

337 ),
- (58%) - (42%).

, 44% , 2008 .


(28%), - 226 (72%). 2008 .


, .


2009 AGEPI 141 , 151

(51,7%) , 198 - 153 (340%) ,

Raport Anual 2009

C (; ) - 30 (21,6%)
F (; ; ; ..) -28 (20,1%).

2008 .
, 138 (98%)
197 (99,5%) . 3

238 , 234 -
. , ,

, 43

. ,

(136 - 96,4%) (194 - 98%)

. 100 (73,5%) ,

, 188 (97%)

-, 7 (5,1%) 3 (1,5%) -
, 29 (21,3%) 3

( ) 108 (44,8%)

C (; ) - 42 (17,4%).

(1,5%) - .
, 85%

5 (3,5%) 4

401 ,


247 154 ,


- 319 (174 (70%) -

145 (94%) - );

- 28 (25 (10%) -

- 55 (49 (20%) - 6 (4%) - ).

3 (2%) - );

1993-2009 ., AGEPI 5518

(5277 241

), 4826 (87,5%)

692 (12,5%) - .

2 :


, ,

6 .

2008 . ,

2009 . AGEPI,
, 4
, 2 - 2 -
. 7

: 7 - -
; 5 - -
; 3 - -
; 10 - - .

, 1995 2009 .

, 2009 .

73 : 35 - 38 -

, ,
, 188 (57%) (60 128 ),
2008 . (181 :

. ,
2008 .,
. 2008 . 64
(17,4%) ,
198 , , 85 (42,9%)

166 - 15 - ).

, 18

- 138 (76 62 -

, 69 .

), (134 : 105 -
29 - ), 41,8% ,

) ,
2009 ., 12 ,

3 2008 .

, 134

5 ,


( ) 46 (33,1%)


Raport Anual 2009

2009 . AGEPI 312

22 ), 3335 (89%) - 409 (11%) -

(290 - 22 - ), 62

(25%) ,


- 302 (96,8%), 114 (38%)
, 118 (62%) - .

31.12.2009, 1162 (31%) ( 31.12.2008 1071), (282 )
5- . ,

5 . , 5

1.2., 1.2.

, 2009 . ,


6 1.3.

, 5 , 194 (69%)
88 (31%) -
. ,

, :

- 100 (51,5%), - 94 (48,5%), 53

( ) :

(27,3%) - .

- 29
43 ;
. .
- 19 , 17 ;
- 11 , 20

5349 , 4187

. :
- 22 , 11

50/2008 , 2009

19 , 19 ;

- 20 , 24

; - 10 , 11

, 11 ,

8 - 3 -

- 6 , 2

- 10 , 10 ;
- 3 , 5 ;

- 3 , 3 .

- 17 , 2 ;
Mecagro" - 3
, 8 ;
, . .
- 3 , 1 .

06 . 2009
21 , 3 (12%) , 2008 ., 6 . 184 , AGEPI, 31.12.2009
79 (43%).

6 1.4.
2009 10
, 22 (69%) ,
. .
AGEPI 26 ( 2008 -

16 ), 3 -

2 , 12

( 4 , 2008 .).

- 3 , 3 ;

, 14 17

- 3 ;

, 5 , 2008 .

- 2 ;
- 3 .

2000 .) 229 , 10 -

3744 (3722

12 , 217


Raport Anual 2009



, 47% 2008 . 49% 2009 .


(77,3%) ,

, AGEPI 61

(4 -

. 2008

), 49 , 31


, 50 .


, ,


8 ,

2009 AGEPI 276

1339 ().

, ,

83 (30,1%

), 455 (34%),

17 , -

- 193 (69,9%), 884

, , , ,

(66%). 2008 . ,

, , 108 (28,1%) ,
, 160 (10,7%). ,
, ,
18 (17,8%) 38 (9,1%) ,

, 1.5.

, ,

- 90 (31,8%) 198 (18,3%) .

, :


(103 - 326 ),

(24,3 % ), 434
(32,4%), , ,

(31 , , 255),
(16 148), (7 127),

9,5% ,
, 13,3% .

(6 115), (40 81), (9 81).

- 66 (98,5%) - 429 (98,8%),

, 2009 .

445 1345 ,

1 , 5 .

18,6% , , 16,1% ,

209 , 905 , ,
, 75,7% 67,6%, , ,
32,6% 18,9% , 2008 .

- 390 (87,6%)
, 372 - .

- 192 (91,9%), 879 (97,1%),

2009 AGEPI

17 (8,1%),

8 , 22

26 (2,9%).

132 . ,

20,5% 5,7%

, , , , , ,

, ,

2009 .

(79,5 %)


^104 , 401 ,

(99,5%) - .

, :
81 , 265 ,

, ,
6 ,
1.3. 1.4. ( ,

, 13 , 100 , , 25 , ,


Raport Anual 2009

6 , 6 , ,
4 5 ;

2009 ., ,
AGEPI, 81094,
28453 (35%), ,
52641 (65%) - ; 79,4 %

216 , 942 ,


, :

- .

213 , 934 ,

, ,

, 2 , 2

, - , 4 ,

, 21,8%.

, -

9 sexies

; 1 , 2 ,

, ,

- .

- 139%, ,

235 , 6,8% ,
, 42,1% , 2008
6 1.5.

, 94,4 %,
, , 22,8% 2008 .

50,4% (368 730) -,

2009 ., ( 27,3% ,

, :

2008 .), 960

, 35,4% (63 178)
. 56
( 7,7% , ),
171 .
, 31 2009 .
580 (52,8%), 247 ,
42,6% , 5817

, 3328
(57,2%), 2053 ,
61,7% .

23,4% , 76,6% -
; 1211
(67,1%) , 596
(32,9%) - .
- 1010 (83,4%), ,

, 36 (3%) - , 25 (2,1%) - , 21
(1,7%) - , 120
(10%) - -
, . 2009

, -

(8%), (4%)

, -,

(3%), ( 2%),

, ( 1%),


1.6. 1.7.

54 , (16%),


6 1.6.

(9%), (8%), (6%),

(OHIM) (5%) .


2009 .
71 ,


, 2000 , .

, AGEPI 5277 , 1531 (22,5%)

, ,

, . ,

1.7. 2008 .

1807 (34%),

, ,

- 3470 (66%), 175 (3,3%) -

3295 (62,4%) -

46 42 .

. 31

Raport Anual 2009

, ,

(), : 35

2009 2723 ,

( , ..) - 677

2063 660

( 7 2008 .)

. , 2351

05 (, ..) - 425

( 92 (3,8%) , 2008 .),

( 7 ); ,

86% ,

30 (,

2009 . -

, ..) - 224 29

2276 (97%) - ,

(, , , ,

2049 - 227 -

, ..) - 187 ,

33 - 167 ( 4 )

75 (3%) .

.. ( 1.9.). ,

. 05 (976 ),

- 4 ,
35, 09 ( ,
..), 25 (, ..).
( 1.10).

, 46%
99% - . ,


. ,

, 1241 (21%) ,


38-XVI 29.02.2008 ,
87% 2487
, 91% 4600 ,
. 13 9


2008 . (1774). 1044
(59%), - 736 (41%).

2008 40 (4%),

, 78%

34 (4,4%).

, 82%


( ,

, 1.8.

/); 6% 5%

; 12% 5%

, ,

- 83%.


(3%), (2%), (2%), (1%),

1648 , 118
, 181

(1%), (1%), (1%), 6


, ,


, 41 (21%)


, 20 (48%)
, .

- 212 (79%) - .
250 (50%),
67 (62%) ,
, 183 (46%)
, .


, 2009 ,

32 , 2008 .

( 68,2% ), ( 54,5%), (
41%), ( 36,4%) ( 32%).

31.12.2009 AGEPI
19419 .


Raport Anual 2009



31 2009 16306
(84%), 4787 ,


, 29%



2006-2009 ., 78

/ 6

. 31.12.2009,


420 /,

248 2005 , 34 - 2006 ., 63 -

2007 ., 72 - 2008 . 3 - 2009 .

31 1958 .


. ,

833, 16

, , 817,


/ -



( ) 5

(4 -

1 - );

- 810

- .

. ,

2009 ., ,
, 360

( 1.10). ,
- 9%,

( 11 ),
( 3,2 ), ( 60%),
( 17%). -
63%, - 54%,

9 2008
24 , 3
AGEPI, 21 -
, .


( 4,3
, 2008 .), 16 -
. 6


- 50%, - 13%,


2008 .

- 23 ,

, 119 - DVD 39 - HDD.

, 21% , (14 13%),

( 8%),

1.12. 1.11.




2009 AGEPI
( ),

( 12% , 2008 .),

59 - 96 ( - 33 105

. 27 22.01.2009

2009 .
13964 (CD, DVD,

Raport Anual 2009


MP3) 440 - ( 2008 - 8182 122

2009 -

). ,

3155 CD, DVD, MP3 119 HDD,


- 10809 CD, DVD, MP3 321 HDD.



, -

. -





. 33 34






Raport Anual 2009



: ,

, ,




1999 ., 1960 . 1934

1609 31.12.2003;

. .





140 ,

34 (9,5%) ,

2009-2012 ,



27 22.01.2009;

/ -

, -






, ,


20 ,


(46 - 2008 ).

(98%), -

, 2% -

7 . 2 1999 .




Raport Anual 2009


: 25

10 4



(), 8 (5,7%) -


366 ( 9%

78 (55,7%) -



), 345 (94%)


(), 29 (20,7%) -


, 7

, 50 ,


, 70%.




187 -


. ,

, : 94

, 63 -
30 -


- 179 (95,7%)

, 5 (2,7%) -
, 2
(1,1%) -
(0,5%) - .

(89%) -

), :

, 23 - -

. , -

446 -

, 4 -

, 60 -

12 (8%) -

3 -

15 -

( 59%

, 2008 .),

61 - -

- 154),


32 -

131 (86,2%)

, 17 (11,2%) -

, -

4 (2,6%) -




(9 7%).

( 2008 . -

75), 12







93 ( 7

- 136 (92%) (.

2009 AGEPI



136, 106

( 55% ,

, 131

12 -


, 17

8 -

: 18 -

( 6 ,
3 - , 7 2 -.

, 9

8 - .

1283 (86,1%)
, 179 (12%)
-, 17 (1,1%) 12
(0,8%) - .





() ,

, 2009 . AGEPI

, ,


- ;

(CID PI) ,


20 1883 .,

, ,

, AGEPI , 1993



() .

(ISSN 1810-7095), -
(ISSN 1857-050X)


, , -


(), - (),

, , -


(MIEPO) ..


3.1. AGEPI

, ,

: ,



, -

, UPOV ..

, , , .

(), .
, -

2009 ,


73 .

AGEPI , -,


40 .

, - .

- 16% ,
. 36%

(, , , , ,
, , ,
. 3.1.

6 .

AGEPI 97 ,
, 2009 .,

( ,
, ,
, , ,

, .

- AGEPI Info", ,
, ,
, .,
, .

4 "AGEPI Info",


, -

, ,

, ,


, 2009 .

" 2009


1995 .

, 200 .
920 , .

(CSDT) -

, , , . .

(CNAA) 61 30 2009 .

, ,

, , , -

, Intellectus"

, ,

, ,

, , , .

, -

Oenolab" .



, -

- .

AGEPI-2008 - (,
), CD;
: . I -


. 23 ,

. II - ; . III - ;






407 /


. ;


( ).
14 -,


( ), 4

; -

2008-2009 .:

( 90)

"AGEPI Info".

, 10-

(AsDAC), -



" ";

- , ,



", -
Perpetuum Mobile"


Moldpres", Basa-press", Infotag";

. Logos-press",


"Antena C"
, ,

(11 ), ,

AGEPI 15 -


ECOnomist", Antena C", TRM Actualitat;i",
Moldova International .



" !";


17 .


: . (Radio

Moldova International) - I , . (
Antena C) - II , . (

) - III , 2


( INFOTAG) . (-




45 ,

, , ,

30 , AGEPI.

90 ,

7 -,


( 110) -


. ,
2009 ,


KOMPAS Moldova", VARO-Inform",

", " .



, ,


. ,


: ,

(, , , , - ..),

2009 . AGEPI -

60 ,

, :

, ,
, .

, 2009 . AGEPI 11281

( 7% , ),

15 . ;


(, , );

1488 - , 7659 - 2134

26 - -
Academica" .

- .


AGEPI 362 ( 36,5%

, 2008 .) 567 (,

, ).
. , 2009 .




31 2009 .,


, 459 ,
, 73 , 429
, 4

25.810.327 :

(, )
10.663 . (0,04%);

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I nternational Trade and Quantitative
AGEPI . 2009

Raport Anual 2009_____________


Cuvant inainte....................................................................................................................................................................................................2
Foreword ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................2

Activitatea de brevetare/inregistrare a obiectelor de proprietate intelectuala..........................................................................................5

PO Patenting/Registration Activity...........................................................................................................................................................5
- ......................................................................................................................................100


Activitatea in domeniul juridic..................................................................................................................................................................33

Activity in the legal field..........................................................................................................................................................................33


Promovarea proprietatii intelectuale........................................................................................................................................................39

Promotion of Intelectual Property...........................................................................................................................................................39


Automatizarea proceselor informationale si tehnologice.........................................................................................................................67

Automation of Information and Technological Processes......................................................................................................................67
- .....................................................................................................124


Structura organizational i managementul intern....................................................................................................................................71

Organizational Structure and Internal Management...............................................................................................................................71



VII. Cooperarea internationala.......................................................................................................................................................................77

nternational Cooperation...........................................................................................................................................................77

Consiliul editorial:

Lilia Bolocan (presedinte), Ion Daniliuc, Svetlana Munteanu, Tudor

Jovmir, Victoria Bliuc, Andrei Moisei, Maria Rojnevschi, Vitalie
Rusanovschi, lurie BadTr, Tatiana Certan, Olga Belei, Liliana Vieru
Coordonator: Svetlana Munteanu
Redactor responsabil: Ana Zavalisfii
Traducere: Nina Calpacci, Alexandra Cozlov, Diana Stoianov

Formatul A4
Coli detipar: 17,25

Tehnoredactare computerizata: Rodica Turcanu, Eugenia Maisteriuc

Imprimat la AGEPI

Fotografii: Svetlana Tacu

AGEP|. 2010


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