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STRUCTURE-OF-ATP: 1. The ATP is composed of Adenosine+triPhosphate; 2. This ATP complex-molecules contain nucleoside-Adenosine & three inorganicPhosphate;(Bio-Phy-P.g#37) 3.

This nucleoside-Adenosine contain BaseAdenine + Ribose-Sugar; nucleosideAdenosine= Base-Adenine+ Ribose-Sugar; 4. The basic building block used to construct ATP are carbon,hydrogen,nitrogen,oxygen & Phosphorus; PROCESS:When a glucose molecules enter in cell-membrane,then,Glucose molecules will be Glycolysis(breaking of glucose)then this glucose molecule converted into PyruvicAcid in cytoplasm,then Pyruvic-Acid from Acetial-CoA in cytoplasm then this Acetial-CoA enters in the (Bio-PhyP.g#38)

Mitochondria in KREBS-CYCLES ,Acetial-CoA splitting into H+ + CO2; This H+ Atom gives its electron(e-) from its outer most Valence shell,& this electron(e-) is Passed through electron-TransferChain(electron carrier molecule) & the remaining Proton(H+) which is the Part of that Hydrogen Atom is left there; (Bio-Phy-P.g#39) There Are 2 Types Of Process For ATP Synthesis: 1. Phosphorylation-Process: 2. Chemiosmosis-Process:

PHOSPHORYLATION-PROCESS: In Phosphorylation-Process the H+(Hydrogen ion) have only 1 Proton(p+) in its atomic-Structure so,this Proton(H+)

combine with Oxygen inside the Mitochondria & gives H2O(water)+ ( (energy); ( ) Now,this

) cause to activated the ATP-

Synthetase(enzyme-molecules);now,this activated form of ATP-Synthetase enzyme cause to Adding ADP with inorganic Phosphate which formed ATP; (BioPhy-P.g#40) How-Cell-Make-ATP: PHOSPHORYLATION-PROCESS: In Phosphorylation-Process,The ADP added with to form ATP; SUBSTRATE-LEVEL- PHOSPHORYLATION: Where a Substrate molecule (X-P) denotes its P Phosphate to ADP which makes ATP;(Bio-Phy-P.g#41)

Chemiosmosis-Process OR [OxidativePhosphorylation]:

As when the Free-electron Passed down on Gradient from of NADH to Oxygenits released energy( ),this ( ) cause to Activated the Proton-PumpAs ProtonPump activated then at the Initialize-state the concentration of hydrogen Proton(P+) are High inside the Mitochondria membrane called as Internal-Mitochondria-membrane in Matrix;This Proton-Pump cause to Pumped out the Proton(P+) against its concentration in Matrix of Mitochondria,to Passed through Internal-Mitochondria-(Bio-PhyP.g#42)membraneThen this Proton(P+) gradually Trapped in b/w the 2 Mitochondriamembrane (i-e)Internal & external Mitochondria-membrane;In this way the concentration of Proton become high in b/w the internal & external mitochondria membrane,As the result these Proton enter again inside the internal-membrane of

mitochondria in Matrix due to the high concentration through ATP-Synthaseenzyme,When Proton enter through ATPSynthase-enzyme so it cause to Activated ATP-Synthase-enzyme,then this Activated form of ATP-Synthase-enzyme cause to join ADP with Inorganic-Phosphate( ) to form ATP in side the Matrix; _____________(FINISHED)_____________ (Bio-Phy-P.g#43)

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