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Review Questions Exam Two What is a transformation?

List three reasons to transform data.

When is the square-root transformation appropriate?

When is the logarithmic transformation appropriate?

When is the reciprocal transformation appropriate?

When is the angular / inverse sine transformation appropriate?

Distinguish between practical significance and statistical significance.

What are the two measures of association and when are each appropriate?

How are each of the measures defined?

What are the expected values of the parameters in the above equations (assume a completely randomized design)?

What are the expected values of the parameters in the above equation (assume a randomized block design)?

What are the sample unbiased estimators of the above parameters?

What are the sample estimators for each of the measures of effect size?

What are the guidelines for interpreting the measures of strength of association?

What is a fundamental assumption when computing the strength of association?

What is the procedure used when the sample ns are not too different and who developed the procedure?

What is partial omega squared? Discuss how it is found and the interpretation of values.

What are some other statistics used to assess practical significance? How is each interpreted?

Which is / are the measure(s) used to determine effect size and what are the formula(e)?

How is the difference among the means expressed in the above measures?

What is the procedure when comparing three or more means?

What are the sample estimates for comparing three or more means?

How are the above values interpreted?

How are the measures of effect size and strength of association related?

What is power, how is it denoted, and what is the usefulness of it?

Which is the parameter used to determine the power of a test? What does it mean?

Which is the statistic used in determination of power? Who developed the charts?

What is the sample estimate used in determination of power?

List the requirements for estimating sample size from a pilot study (4)?

Discuss the procedure taken to determine adequate sample size from a pilot study.

Other than estimating sample size from a pilot study, what are the other methods of estimating sample size (3)?

For the first, what is the main requirement? Discuss how the estimation is done.

Under what situation is the sum of the squared treatment effects minimized?

How are power and the sum of squared treatment effects related? What conclusion can be drawn from this?

When are the second and third procedures used?

What are the requirements for using these?

List four ways to modify an experiment to reduce the number of subjects.

Randomized Block What is the purpose of a Randomized Block experiment relative to a CR experiment?

What is nuisance variation?

List three experimental approaches to controlling nuisance variation.

Discuss how blocks are formed.

Write the layout of a RB-3 design with ten blocks.

Write the layout of a CR-3 design with the same number of subjects as above.

Under what conditions is the Randomized Block Design preferred over a Completely Randomized Design?

How are the error sums of squares related between the two designs?

What are the F statistics for each design?

When will the Randomized Block Design be less powerful than the Completely Randomized Design? Why is it less powerful?

List the three conditions necessary for the Randomized Block Design to be appropriate.

List four procedures to blocking.

What is the criterion for a variable to be classified as a blocking variable?

When are repeated measures appropriate?

What effect does the procedure used to form blocks have on the experiment?

Distinguish between subjects-by-treatment and subjects-by-trials designs.

What are the differences in the generalization of experiment results when using subject matching versus repeated measures.

What is the formal experimental design model for a Randomized Block design?

List the assumptions associated with the above equation (4)?

What are the four types of models in a randomized block experiment?

When is model III appropriate?

What are the sample estimators of the parameters in the model equation?

Discuss the partitioning of SSTO in a Randomized Block Design.

List the rules associated with deriving the mean squares for the Randomized Block Design.

List the null hypotheses associated with each model as well as the test statistic for each in a randomized block design and discuss why each hypothesis is listed as is.

What are the two ways in which strength of association can be defined for a Randomized Block Design? Discuss the differences.

Under what conditions are the partial measures more informative than the full measures?

What are the guidelines for interpreting the measures?

How are the measures computed from published research?

What is the measure of effect size, what is its formula, and who developed it?

What is an additive model and why is it important?

What distinguishes model I? What are its assumptions?

What distinguishes model II? What are its assumptions?

What distinguishes model III? What are its assumptions?

What is a nonadditive model?

What is the model equation for a nonadditive RB design?

How does nonadditivity effect the test? Which models does it effect and why?

Discuss when the additive model is more powerful than its nonadditive counterpart and why this is so.

Who developed the test between additivity and nonadditivity?

What does the above test involve?

What is / are the limitation(s) of the test?

When is the test useful?

Which is the test statistic used for the above test?

How are the components of the above statistic calculated?

Compare the error terms for a Fixed-Effect CR-p design and RB-p design.

Discuss the independence of the scores in the RB-p design.

How is the above reflected?

Discuss the covariance of each observation between two populations.

How are the error variances related for the two designs? Discuss.

Discuss how the above are useful.

What is compound symmetry and sphericity? Why is this important?

Define a type S matrix and discuss its relevance to analysis.

Define a type H matrix and distinguish it from a type S matrix.

Who conducted research in this field and what was the result of said research?

Define the necessary and sufficient condition for the F in matrix terms, defining each element.

What are the steps in testing the sphericity condition?

Which is the preferred test for the sphericity condition?

What are the guidelines for choosing a level of significance for the above test?

When the sphericity condition is violated, what is used to approximate the F? Who developed this procedure?

Which statisticians indicated a satisfactory estimate of sample covariance matrix?

can be obtained from the

Discuss the estimator of

On what does


What are the maximum and minimum values of

When should measure?

~ be used? Who recommended this? What is the problem with this

Discuss the evolution of this sequential testing strategy, indicating names and contributions.

Which is recommended?

What is involved in calculating the above?

When can these computations be avoided, what is the name of the test, and who developed it?

What are some alternative tests?

Discuss the discoveries about Hotellings Exact discovered each.

and the name of each person who

When is the Hollander-Sethuraman nonparametric test more powerful than Hotellings or the adjusted F? What are the names of the scientists who discovered this?

When is the adjusted F test a good choice (3)?

In testing contrasts, what is / are the difference(s) between doing so in a Randomized Block Design versus a Completely Randomized Design?

List three statistics for testing contrasts and when each is appropriate.

How are contrasts tested when the sphericity condition is not tenable?

What is the main problem with Tukeys test under this condition and who discovered it?

Discuss the merits of using Dunns Test.

List the steps in evaluating contrasts when the sphercity condition is not tenable (6).

List the pros and cons of this procedure.

Discuss what happens when this procedure is used given the sphericity condition is tenable.

What is relative efficiency and why is it computed?

What is the correction for relative efficiency and who developed the correction?

List two advantages to using the cell means model.

Distinguish between the restricted and unrestricted cell means model. When is each appropriate?

What is the restricted cell means model? What are the assumptions / restrictions associated with this model?

Write the formulae for the sums of squares for the restricted model. How are they different from the CR-p design?

Which is the null hypothesis tested with SSA?

What are the components of the augmented matrix and augmented vector used to test the above hypothesis? What is / are the restriction(s)?

What does each letter in the dimensions of the matrix / vector above signify?

What is the sum-of-squares formula used to test the joint null hypothesis?

Which cell means should be used to test hypotheses about contrasts?

How does the formula for SSA differ in orthogonal versus nonorthogonal matrices C and R?

Which of the above should be used when there are missing observations and why?

What are the formulae for SSBL?

When is each appropriate?

What are the null hypotheses for treatment A?

Express each of the above in matrix notation.

What are the null hypotheses for Blocks?

Write the above in matrix form.

How are the restrictions that all block-treatment interaction effects equal zero be expressed?

How does the absence of observations alter the number of cell means and interaction terms?

Write a general ANOVA table for this model.

What does each letter in the above table signify?

What is a Generalized Randomized Block Design and what are its advantages over a Randomized Block Design?

What are the necessary conditions for a Generalized Randomized Block Design (3)?

What is the experimental design model equation for a GRB-p design?

What are the assumptions associated with using the above design model (7)?

Discuss the similarities and differences between this design (model III) and a mixed model for a CRF-pq design.

Write the layout for a GRB-4 design with n=2 and w=4.

List the null hypotheses that this design is used to test and indicate when each is used and how the results are interpreted.

Write a general ANOVA table for this design.

List the rules associated with deriving expected means squares for this design.

Discuss the procedures for testing differences among means for model I and model III. Which mean squares are appropriate for each?

List the advantages and disadvantages of the RB-p and GRB-p designs (4 / 3).

What is the main advantage of using a Latin Square design over a Randomized Block Design?

What is the relative efficiency of the Latin Square design relative to those of completely randomized and randomized block designs?

List the three assumptions (in addition to the general assumptions of ANOVA) that should be met to use Latin Square.

What is a standard square?

What does it mean for two squares to be conjugate?

What does it mean for a square to be self-conjugate?

In how many ways can the letters in a Latin Square be rearranged to produce unique Latin Squares?

How many arrangements are there for each of the following Latin Squares? How many standard squares exist? 2x2

3x3 4x4 5x5 6x6 7x7

Describe the process for randomization of Latin Squares for each of the following sizes. 2x2 3x3 4x4 5x5 Write the layout for a Latin Square design with four treatment levels (32 subjects total).

Write the statistical hypotheses for treatment A.

What does it mean for a test to be positively biased? When is this an issue with the Latin Square design?

For the computational procedure, write what each of the following equal. [Y] [ABCS] [ABC] [A] [B] [C] SSTO SSB SSRES Write a general ANOVA table for an LS-4 design. SSA SSC SSWCELL

What are the two estimates for error variance? Under what condition can they be pooled, and how is the pooling done?

Assuming fixed treatment effects, fixed nuisance 1, and random nuisance 2, write the formulae for measuring strength of association and effect size.

What are the sample estimates for the population parameters in the above equations?

How are these measures computed from an ANOVA table?

What is the relationship between Cohens measure of effect size and a measure of the strength of association?

Discuss how power is determined in a Latin Square experiment.

What are the sample estimates for the above parameters?

Describe the conditions under which the use of MSRES is appropriate as an error term.

How do we test for interaction among rows, columns, and treatment levels?

Discuss the similarities and differences between the above test and its Randomized Block counterpart.

What does it mean to have a significant test here? Can anything be done?

Write the experimental design model equation for a LS-4 design.

What are the assumptions associated with using this model (10)?

How are the parameters in this model equation estimated from sample data?

What is the form for each of the contrasts associated with the Latin Square design (3)? When is each appropriate?

Under what condition is the Latin Square design more powerful than the Completely Randomized design?

What is the relative efficiency of the Latin Square design with respect to the Completely Randomized Design? How is each component computed?

How is relative efficiency interpreted?

What is the correction for relative efficiency, who developed it, and why is the correction performed?

What are the relative efficiencies of the Latin Square design with respect to the Randomized Block design? Label when each is appropriate.

How are the figures in the above formulae determined?

Write the unrestricted cell means model for the LS-4 design.

What are the assumptions associated with this model?

When is this model useful?

Under what conditions will the results using the cell means model and the classical experimental design model coincide with one another?

Write the null hypotheses associated with this model.

Write the coefficient matrix associated with an LS-4 design.

When is the restricted cell means model appropriate?

What is the restricted cell means model?

What are the assumptions with using the above mode?

What is a Graeco-Latin Square design and when is it useful?

What does it mean for two Latin Squares to be orthogonal?

For which numbers and / or functions of numbers do orthogonal squares exist?

What is a Hyper-Graeco-Latin Square and when is it appropriate?

How many orthogonal squares can be combined for a Latin Square of size 4? 5? p?

What distinguishes a crossover design?

What is a potential threat to validity in this design, and what type of validity is threatened?

Write the layout for a CO-2 and CO-3 design (assume a given number of blocks).

When is the crossover design appropriate (7)?

Write the experimental design model equation for the Crossover Design.

What are the assumptions associated with using the above model (8)?

What are the sample estimates for the parameters in this experimental design model equation?

Which are the hypotheses for a test of treatment A?

Under what situation is the crossover design more powerful than other designs we have discussed?

Write a general ANOVA table for a CO-3 design.

Briefly discuss the procedure for contrasts.

List two major advantages and four major disadvantages of using designs based on the Latin Square design.

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