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MAY 14 1887

Oopyrighted 1887. All rights reserved.


~IJBLIU-No. 33.1 AN AOTgranting pensions to the soldiers and sailors of the Mexican war, and for other purposes. f f Be it enuctcrZ by the Senate and H w e o Rqrreaentati~eao tnd United S t a h pf Ammica i n Congreaa cursemblad, That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he 18 hereby, authorized and directed to place on the pension-roll the names of the surviving officers and enlisted men, including marines, militia, and volunteers, of the military and naval services of the United States, who, being duly enlisted, actually served sixty days with the Army or Navy of the United States in Mexico, or on the coasts or frontier thereof, or en route thereto, in the war with that nation, or were actually engaged in a battle in said war, and were honorably diecharged, and to such other officers and soldiers and sailors as map have been personally named in any resolution of Congress for any specific service in said war, and the surviving widow of snch officers and enlisted men : Provided, That such widows have not remarried : Provided, That every such officer, enlisted man, or widow who is or may become sixty-two years of age, or who is or may beoome subject to any disability or dependency equivalent to some cause prescribed or recognized by the pension laws of the United States as a sufficieot reason for the allowance of a pension, shall be entitled to the benefits of this act ; but it shall not be held to include any person not within the rule of age or disability or dependence herein defined, or who incurred such disability while in any manner voluntarily engaged in or aiding or abetting the late rebellion against the authority of the United States. SEO. That pensions under section one of this act shall be at the rate of eight 2. dollars per month, and payable only from and after the p w a g e of this act, for and during the natural lives of the persons entitled thereto, or during the continuance of the disability for which the same shall be granted : Proaidsd, That section one of this act shall not apply to any person who is receiving a pension at the rate of eight dollars per month or more, nor to any pereon receiving a pension of less than eight dollars per month, except for the dserence between the per pension now received (if less than eight dollars per month) and eight dollar~ month SEO.3. That before the name of any person shnll be placed on the pensionroll under this act proof ahall be made, under suoh rules and regulations a@ the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe, of the right of the applicant to a penmon ; and any person who shall falsely and corruptly take any oath required under this act shall be deemed guilty of perjury; and the Secretary of the Interior shall cause to be stricken from the pension-roll the name of any person whenever it ahall be made to appear by proof satisfactory to him that such name was put upon such roll through false and fraudulent representations, and that snch person is not entitled to a pension under this act. The loss of the certificate of dieoharge shall not deprive any person of the benefits of this act, but other record evidence of enlistment and service and of an honorable discharge may be deemed suficient : P r m W , That when any person has been granted a land-warrant, under any act of aongress, for and on account of service in the said war with Mexico, such grant shall be p n ' m f d e evidence of hi service and honorable discharge ; but suoh evidence shall not be conclusive, and may be rebutted by evidence that snch land-warrant was improperly granted. SEO.4. That the pension l a m now in force which are not inconsistent or in conflict with this act are hereby made a part of this act, so far as they may be applicable thereto. SEO. 5. That section forty-seven hundred and sixteen of the Revised Statutes ia hereby repealed so far ss the same relates to this act or to pendonere under this sct. Sm. 6. That the provisions of this act shall not apply to any person while under the political disnbilities imposed by the fourteenth amendment to the constitution of the United States. Approved January '29, 1887.



Major Generalo. Winfield Scott (bvt Major General fm Chippewa and Niagara), GENEEAL CHIEF IN of the Army. Zachary Taylor (bvt Brig. General fm Flo to 9 May 46), comd. Army of Occupation ; bvt Major General fm La Palma.

Brigadiw G m a b . Thomas S. Jesup, Quartermaster General ; bvt Major General fm '28. John E. Wool, bvt Major Genernl fm Buena Vista. William J. Worth (by brevet fm Flo), bvt Major General fm Monterey; died since the war. David E. Twiggs, bvt Major General fm Monterey. Stephen W. K e a r y , bvt Major General fm San Pascual, where twice wound.; died since the war. Persifor F. Smith (by brevet fm Monterey), bvt Major General fm Contrem.
A d t . A@utanta General, bvt rank of Mqjore. Lorenzo Thomas, bvt Lieut. colonel fm Monterey. George A. McCall (Capt 4. infy to 7 July 46), bvt Major end Lt colonel fm La Palma. William W. S. Bliss (rk Capt to July 46), bvt Major fm La Pmlma; bvt Lt colonel fm Bneua Vista. A&t. A@u2anta Gen. bvt rank of Caphim. (James H. Prentias, relinquished Staff 18 June 46); 1. arty. Randolph Ridgely (Fst It 3. arty to July 46)-killed (fm his horse) 27 Oct. 46. George Lincoln (Fst It 8. infy to July 46)-kilIed at Buena Vista. Oscar F. Winahip (Fst It 2. drags to July 46), bvt Major fm Churubusco. William W. Mackall (Fst It 1. arty to Dec. 46); bvt Major fm Churubusco. George Deas (Est It 5. infy to Dec. 46), bvt Major fm Chumbusco. Joseph Hooker (Fat It 1. arty to Mar. 47), bvt Major fm National Bridge ; bvt Lieut. colonel fm Chapultepec. Edward R. 8. Canby (Fst It 2. infy to Mar. 47), bvt Major fm Chumbnsco; bvt Lieut. colonel fm Chapultepec. Irvin McDowell (Fst It 1. arty to May 47), bvt fm Buena Vista. Francia N. Page (Fat It 7. infy to May 47), bvt Major fm Churubusco. 3


I s e t r G m r a l , rank of Colonel. npoae George Croghau--died since the war. Sylvester Churchill, bvt Brig. General fm Buena Vista.



&wmcmster Gen. rank of Brig. Gennd. Thomas 8. Jesup, bvt Major General (8 May 28). Adat. Qmmkmaatera Qen. rank of C : b e . . 0onla TRleman Croa8-kilkd on the Rio Grande 91 Apr. 46. Henry Whiting, bvt Brig. General fm Buena Vista ; died sinoe the war. &wM..?mmakva, rank of biajora. Charles Thomas, bvt Lieut. colonel for mer. cond. in &fexico. Samuel McRee, bvt Lieut. colonel for mer. cond. in Mexico ; died since the war. Thomas Swords, bvt Lieut. colonel for mer. cond. in Mexico. George H. Crossman, bvt fm Palo Alto. Henry Smith-died at Vera Crnz 24 July 47. Osborne Crosn (Assist. Qrmr to July 47). Aaakt. Qm~termuatars, rank of Caphim. James R. Irwin, Chief of Qrmr's dept. to Gen. Scott ; d i d in Mexico city Jan. 48. Ebenezer S. Sibley, bvt Major fm Buena Vista. Edwin: B. Babbitt,'bvt Major for mer. cond. in Mexico. Edmund A. Ogden, bvt Major for mer. conduct. James M. Hill-died since the war. Abraham C. Myers, bvt Major fm La Palma ; bvt Lieut. colonel fm Chapultepec. Wm. M. D. McKiaaack-died since the war. Alexander Montgomery. Robert Allen, bvt Major fm Cerro Gordo. William W. Chapman, bvt Major fm Buena Vita. Henry a. Wayne, bvt Major fm Chumbusco. Joseph L. Folsom (in 5. infy to Sept. 46). John P. J. O'Brien (in 4. arty to Jan. 47), bvt Major fm Buena Vista ; died since Arthur B. Lansing( fm Jan. 47). [the war. William H. Churchill (in 3. arty to Mar. 47)-died at F t Polk 19 Oct. 47. James L. Donaldson (in 1. arty to Mar. 47, and bvt Major). Thomas L. Brent (in 4 arty to Mar. 47). George W. F. Wood (in 1. infy to Mar. 47), bvt Major fm Churubusco. Jnstns McKinstry (in 2. infy to Mar. 47), bvt Major fm Churubusco. Frederick H. Masten (in 1. infy to Mar. 47). Edward G. Elliott (in 4. infy to Mar. 4 7 ) d i e d sinoe the war. Thomas Jordan (in 3. infy to Mar. 47). Albert Lowry (in 2. drags to Mar. 47), bvt Major fm Medelin, near Vera O m . Leslie Chase (in 2. arty to Apr. 47, and bvt Capt)--died since the war. William Armstrong (in 2. arty to Aug. 47)--El& at El Molino del Rey. Edward H. Fitzgerald (in 6. infy to Aug. 47), Aid-de-C. to B. &n. Pferce ; bvt Major fm Chapultepec. James G. Martin (in 1. arty to Ang. 47), bvt Major fm Churubnsco ; wound.(lost an arm). SUBSISTENCE DEPARTMENT.


Cmiaaary o Subtia., rank of Major. f Cm ao W. f rank of Capt&r'na. John B. Grayeon, Chief of the Commissarist to Gen. Scott-bvt Major fm Churubusco; bvt Lieut colonel fm Chapultepec. q o s Eaton, bvt Major fm Buena Vista. Qeorge G. Waggaman, bvt Major fm La Palma and Monterey. (Aaaiat. C e T t e s ,of the Lieutenants of the line).
h r g e o n &nerd, rank of Cobncl. Brig. General for mer. conduct.

Richard B. L e e.


S u ~ q mrank of Majors. , Benjamin F.Harney-wound. in the march fm Vera Cruz. Clement A. Finlsy, Medical Director of M. Gen. Taylor's army. Presley H. Craig, Medical director of M. Gen. Taylor's army in 46; died since [the war. Richard S. Setterlee-Worth's division. Samuel G. I. De Camp. Hamilton S. Hawkins-died at 'Campioo Aug. 47. Robert C. Wood. Henry A. Stinnecke. William L. Wharton--died at Port Lsvaca, Tex. Oct. 46. . Charles S Tripler-'higgs' divieion. Burton Randall. Nathan S. Jervis. Adam N. McLaren. Joseph J. B. Wright, Medical purveyor of General Scott's a m y . John B. Porter (Aseist. surg. to Oct. 46). John B. Wells (Ast surg. to Oct. 46). John M. Cuyler (Ast surg. to Feb. 47). Madison Mills (Ast surg. to Feb. 47), Director of the Hospitel at Pnebla. Aeaiet. hfutymna (rank of Captains.) Leonard 0. McPhail. Samuel P. Moore. Alexander F. Suhr--died in Mexico city Deo. 47. Charles M. Hitchcock, Chief Director of the Hospitals at Buena Vista. Bernard M. Byme. Eugene H. Abadie. Charles H. h u b . Josiah Simpmn. James R. Conrad. David D. 0. De Leon. James W. Russell. Henry H. Shiner. John 0. Glen-& in Mexioo aince the war. Henry E. Cruttenden-resigned Sune 46. James Simons--zormmM at El Molino del Re-v. Thomas C. Madison. Alfred W. Kennedy--died since the war. Joseph K. Barnes. Levi H. Holden. John 8. GMen. Richard F. Simpson. William Levely-died, in Mexico, since the war. As&$. hrgeona (rank of Firat Lieu&.) Alex. 8. 'Wothera~oon. Charles 0. KeenG. William Ftoberta-mort. w m m M at El Molino del Rey, snd M in Mex. oity. Graymn M. Prevost. Robert Murray. John F. Head. Lewis A. Edwarda. Robert Newton-&d at N. Orleans aince the war. Horace R. Wirtz. Robert 0. Wickham-dZed at Vera Cmz. Iarael Moses. John F. Hammond. Joaephua M. Steiner. Charles P. Deyerle. Elisha J. Bailey. Nicholes L. Campbell. Samuel L. Barbour. George E. Oooper. Ebenezer Swift. ,


P A Y DEPARTMENT. Daniel Randall.

Dep. Paymv. Qen. (rank of k t . C o b d ) .

Pnym. (rank of Majom). (Timothy P. Andrewe, as Colonel of Voltigeurs; bvt Brig. General from Chspultepec ). Edmund Kirby, bvt Lieut. col fm Churubusco; bvt Colonel fm Chapultepec ; died since the war. Adam D. Steuart, bvt Lieut. colonel for mer. cond. in Mexico. Benjamin Walker. St. Clair Denny. David Hunter. Lloyd J. Beall. Roaer S. Dix. bvt Lieut. colonel fm Buena V t : died since the war. ia ~biam Van Buren, bvt Lieut. colonel fm ~hurubnsco. Robert H. Hammond-died 3. June 47 at sea, fm Tampico. Robert A. Forsyth-died since the war. Andrew J. Coffee, bvt Lieut. colonel fm Bueua Vista. Felix G. Bosworth--died s t Vera Cruz 9 June 47. Fbbert B. Reynolds. George H. Ringgold. Albert G. Bennett, bvt Lieut. colonel fm National Bridge.

~ A e G. Totten, bvt Brig. General fm. Vera C. ~ h -

John Lind Smith, bvt Lieut. oolonel fm Cerro Gordo; bvt Colonel fm Chnrnbueco.

Joseph K. F. Mandeld, bvt Major fm Fort Brown; am. wound. at, and bvt Lt. colonel fm Monterey ; bvt Colonel fm Buena Vista. Robert E. Lee, bvt Major fm Cerro Gordo; bvt Lt colonel fm Contreres and Churubusco ; wound. at, and bvt Colonel fm Chapultepec. Alexander J. Swift-died '24 Apr. 47. Jonathan G. Barnard, bvt Major for mer. cond. in Mexico. William D. Freser, bvt Major for mer. cond. in Mexico. John Sanders, bvt Major fm Monterey. James L. Meson (Fst It to Apr. 47), bvt Major fm Churubueco ; sev. wmnd. at, and bvt Lt colonel fm El Molino del Iley.

First Lieutenants.
Henry W. Benham---wound. at, and bvt Captain fm Buena Vista. Peter G. T. Beauregard, bvt Captain fm Churubuaco ; twice wound. at, and bvt [Major fm Chapultepec. Jeremiah M. Searritt, bvt Captain fm Monterey. Iaaac J. Stevens, bvt Capt fm Churubusco ; bvt Major fm Chapultepec, and oea. wound. at San Cosme gate. Henry W. Halleck, bvt Captain for a i r s with the enemy in California. Zelous B. Tower (Sec It to Apr. 47), bvt Fst lieut. fm Cerro Gtordo ; bvt Captain fm Churubusco : wwnd. at. and bvt Major fm Chapultepec. Jeremy F. Gilmer. Second Lieutenants. Gnstavns W.Smith, bvt Fst lieut. fm Cerro Oordo ; bvt Captain fm Churubueco. George B. McClellan, bvt Fst lieut. fm Churubusco; bvt Captain fm Chapultepec. John G. Foster, bvt Fst lieut. fm. Churubusco ; sev. wound. at, and bvt Captain fm El Molino del Bey. TOPOGRAPHICAL E N G I N E E R S .

Aam fj.
William Turnbull, bvt L t colonel fm Churubusco; bvt Colonel fm Chapultepec.


William G. Wiams-kilded 21 Sept. 46 at Monterey. George W. Hughes, bvt Major fm Cerro Gordo ; [Colonel Md and D. C. Volrs.] ; bvt L t colonel for mer. cond. in Mexico. John McClellan, bvt Major fm Churubusco; bvt Lt colonel for g d . and mer. cond. before Mexico. Thomas B. Linnard, bvt Major fm Buena Vista ; died since the war. Joseph E. Johneton-aev. wound. in a reconnoiesance of Cerro Gordo ; m t colonel of Voltigeurs, and] bvt Colonel fm Apr. 12 Ceno Oordo ; wound. at Xex. city, and bvt Lieut. colo in Chapultepec. Pirat Lieutenants. William H. Emory, bvt Captain fm San Pascual ; bvt Major fm San Gabriel and Plains of Mesa; [Lt colonel of Hughes' reg. Md and D. C. Volrs.] Jacob E Blake, killed by accidental fire of his own pistol. Lorenzo Sitgreaves, bvt Captain fm Buetla Vista. William H. Warner, thrice wound, at, and bvt Captain fm San Pascual; filled by Indns. since the war. Eliakim P. Sc~mmon, Extra Aid-de-C. to M. Gen. Scott. Charles N. Hagner-died since the war. Second Lieutanants. (John C. Fremont, bvt Captain-appd. Lieut. colonel mtd Riflemen.) Joseph D. Webster. George Thom, Aid to B. Gen. Pierce on his march. George Meade, bvt First lieut. fm Monterey. Martin L. Smith, bvt First lieot. for mer. cond. in Mexico. John Pope, bvt First lieut. fm Monterey ; bvt Captain fm Buena Vista. William B. Franklin, bvt First lieut. fm Buena Vista. IVilliam G. Peck. (Thomaa J. Wood, transf. Deo. 46, to 2. drags.) Edmund L. F. Hardcastle, bvt First lieut. fm Contreraa and Churnbusco; bvt Captain fm El Molino del Rey. Frnncis T. Bryan-wound. at, and bvt First lieut. fm Buena Vista. . George E. Derby-ace. wound. at, and bvt First Lieut. fm Cerro Gordo.



Henry K. Craig, bvt Lieut. colonel fm Monterey. CVaptaina. William H. Bell. Benjamin Huger, bvt Major fm Vera Cruz ; bvt Lieut. colonel fm El Molino ; George D. Ramsay, bvt Major fm Monterey. [bot Colonel fm Chapultepec. (George H. Talcott-as Major of Voltigeurs, bvt Lt colonel fm El Molino), bvt James M. Morgan (Fst It to Mar 47.) [Major fm Chapultepec. Pivat Lieutenants. Peter V. Hagner, bvt Captain fm Cerro Gordo; wound. at, and bvt Major fm Robert A. Wainwright. [Chapultepec. Alexander B. Dyer (Sec It to Mar. 47), bvt Captain fm Sauta Cruz de Rosales. Franklin D. Cnlleuder (Sec It to Mar. 47 and bvt Fst It fm Flo),. 863. wound. at > Contreras and bvt captain fm Churubusco. Charles P. Kingsbury (Sec It to Mar. 47), bvt fm Buena Vista. J o h n McNutt (Sec It to Mar. 47). Josiah Oorgas (Sec It to Mar. 47). Theodore T. 9. Laidley (Sec It to Mar. 47), bvt Captain fm Cerro Gordo; bvt Major fm Puebla. Second Lieutenants. Thomaa J. Brereton, bvt F i s t lieut. fm La Palma. Charles P. Stone, bvt First lieut. fmEl Molino ; bvt Cnptain fm Chapultepec. Jesse L. Reno, bvt First lieut. fm Cerro Gordo ; am. wound. at and bvt Captain f Chapultepec. m


Richard B. Mason, bvt Brig. General for mer. cond. in California; died since the war.


Benjamin L. Beall (Capt 2. drags to 47), bvt Lieut. colonel fm Ssnta Crnz d e Bosales.


Benjamin D. Moore--killed at San Pascnal6 Dec. 46. (James Allen, Lt colonel, comd. Mormon Volm., died 93 Aug. 46). John H. K. Burgwin, killed at Pnebla de Taos Feb. 47. Enooh Steen-mnd. at, and bvt Major fm Buena Vista. William Enstis. Henry 8. Turner, bvt Major fm San Pascnal and San Gabriel. Abraham R. Johnston. Aid de C. to B. &n. Kearnes : Mled at Ban Pascnal. -. Philip R. Thompson, bvt Major fm Sacramento. William N. Grier, bvt Major fm Santa Cruz de Rosales. Philip Keamey-wound. (lost an arm) at, and bvt Major fm Chnrubusco. Robert H. Chilton, Extra Aid to M. Gen. Taylor and bvt Major fm Bnena Vista. Daniel H. Ruoker (Fst It to Feb. 47), bvt Major fm. Bnena Vista. Andrew J. Smith (Fst It to Feb. 47), Aotg Lt colouel of Mormon Bn. James H. Carleton (Fst It to Feb. 47), bvt Major fm Bnena Vieta.

First Lieutenants.
Richard S. Ewell, bvt Captain fm Churubusco. Leonidas Jenkins-diecE at Vera Cruz 18 Oct. 47. John Love, bvt Captain fm Santa Cruz de Rosales. m Abraham Buford, bvt Captain f Bnena Vista. (Sffil h t . ) Thomas C. Hammond.-killed at Ban Pascual. Rufus Ingalls (Sec It to Feb. 47). Joseph H. Whittlesey (Seo It to Oot. 47), bvt fm Bnena Viste.

. John W. Davidson. Richard C. W. Radford. B Delos B. Sacket, bvt First lient. fm La Palrna. Joseph McElvain-killed (by accident) i n New Mexico July 47. Clarendon J. L. Wilson, bvt First lient. fm Embndo and Taos. John Adams, bvt First lient. fm S a n k Crnz de Rosales. Thomas F. Castor. Omen Chapman, bvt First lient. fm Medelin. Oliver H. P. Taylor, bvt First lient. fm Embndo and Taos. Samuel D. Stnrgis (in 2. drags to Feb. 47). George Stoneman. George F. Evans, bvt First lient. fm Bnena Vista. Lorimer Graham (Seo It 10. infy serving with 1, drags), bvt Firat lient. fm Mira Flores ; m. m d at, and bvt Captnin fm Churubusco. n , David H. Hastinge (Serg Saps. and min. to June 48).

Swnd ~


William 8. h e y (Lt colonel and bvt Col fm Flo to June 46), bvt Brig. Q.ene d fm Oemo Oordo.

E d w i . V. Sumner (Capt 1. drags to June 4 6 ) d m . wound. at and bvt Lt colonel fm Oemo Gordo ; bvt Colonel fm El Molino del Rey. Philip St. George Cook (Capt 1. drags to Feb. 47, and Lt colonel oomdg Mormon Bn), bvt L t colonel for mer. cond. in California.


OivpW7~. Benjamin L. Beall (bvt Major fm Flo), prom. to 1. drags. George A. H. Blake, bvt Major fm Sen Augustine. [Aug. 47. Crogan K e r - m . wound. a t El Molino del Bey. Seth B. Thornton-em. wound. on the Rio Grande ; Mled near Ban Antonio 18 u Charles A. May, bvt Major fm Palo Alto; bvt L t colonel fm L Falma; bvt Nathaniel W. Hunter-died since the war. [Colonel fm Buena Vista. Lawrence Pike Graham, bvt Major fm La Palma. Williim J. Hardee, bvt Major fm Medelin; bvt L t oolonel fm San Augustine. Hamilton W. Merrill, bvt Major fm El Molina del Rey. Henry H. Sibley (Fst It and Adjutent to Feb. 47), bvt Major fm Medelin. Ripley A. Arnold (Fst It and bvt Capt to Aug. 47), bvt Major fm La Palma.

Firat L f e u h n t a . Zebulon M. P. Inge-killed a t La Palma 9 May 46. Washington I. Newton. William H. Saunders-died since the war. John H. Hill-died at Puebla 29 July 47. [war. Albert Lowrey (see Qrmr's dept.) Fowler Hamilton (Major 10. infy Mar. 47 ; L t colonel 16th infy)--died since the Oscar F. Winship, bvt Captain fm La Palma-Appd, in Adjutant's dept. fm Reuben P. Campbell. bvt C a ~ t a i n Buena Vista. Williim Steel, 6vt Captain fI;1 Churubusco ; Adjutant Dec. 47. Daniel G. Rogers-died a t Vera Crnz 21 July 48. Philip W. McDonald, Aid de C. to B. Gen. Twiggs ; bvt Captain fm Chumbusco ; bvt Major fm Chapultepec ; died since the war. E l h K. Kane (Sec It to Aug. 47). s c n Lieuhnts. eo d George Stephens-drowned i n the Rio Grande 18 May 46. Lewia Neill, Adjutant; sew. wound. at, and bvt First lieut. fm Medelin; died Richard H. Anderson, bvt First lieut. fm San Augustine. [since the war. George T. Meson-killed near Ft. Brown 25 Apr. 46. Alfred Pleasanton, bvt First lieut. fm La Palma. J o h n Y. Bicknell--died since the war. James M. Hawes, bvt First lieut. fm San Juan de 10s Llanos. Newton C. Givens. bvt First lieut. fm Buena Vista. Thomae J. Wood, bvt First lieut. fm Buena Vista. James Oakes, bvt First lieut. fm Medelin ; bvt Captain fm E l Molino. William D. Smith--am, wound. at El Molino del Rey. George 8. Humphreys-died Nov. 47. Arthur D. Tree, bvt First lieut. fm Churubusco ; am. wound. a t E l Molino. Samuel H. S h r .
One Pearl8 Regiment &ed according to act of Clongrese Feb. 11,1847.

gd R E G I M E N T O F DRAGOONS. Cobnel. Edward G. W. Butler, born in La., apt. from La.

Lieect. Colonel. Thomae P. Moore, born in Va., apt. from Ky.

Lewis Cam, Jr., born in O., apt. from Mich. William H. Polk, '' Tenn., apt. from Tenn. Su~gem. E. H. Burton, born in Md., apt. from La.



Aest. hrgeona. F. J. Roberteon, born in Tenn., apt. from Tenn. Coryon 8. Abell, " N. Y., " Ky.

Captains. George W. Caldwell, born in N. C., apt. from N. C. John Butler, " Pa., " Pa. " Ky., Ky. Edgar B. Gaither, " Va., " Ind. Lemuel Ford, " N.C., " N.C. John S. Sitgreaves, Pa., '& La. Alphonse M. Duperu, Richard T. Merrick, It Md., " Md. " Ire., Ah. James Hogan, Andrew T. McRepolds, " Ire., " Mich. " Md., " Md. Walter H. Jenifer,


Daniel Petigru, born in S. C., apt. from S. C. 8. M. B. Vance, " Pa., Pa. Rodolph Schoonover, born in Pa., apt. from Ind. " Pa., 'I Va. George J. Adde, Jomph A. Diwer, " N. Y., " N. Y. George E. Maney, " Tenn., " Tenn. John T. Brown, " N. Y., " Mich. William B. Cook, Va., " Ah. " N. C., " N. C. Edward C. Davideon, Williim Walker, " Ah., Ala.

Second Lieutanonts.
Herman Thorn, born in N. Y., apt. from N. Y. J. 0. D. Williams, I' Mich., It Mich. William C. Wagley, born in Ky., apt. from Ky. " Md., " Md. Joseph H. Maddox. '& N.C., ' L N.C. John K. Harrison, " 8.C., " 8.C. William J. McGill, Francis Y. h i n e s , 'I Ala., ' I Ala. 'I Ill., Wis. Francis Henry, Langdon 0. Johnson, " LJ. C., " 8. 0. Charles Radziminski, " Pol., La. John V. 8. Haviland, " Pa., " Pa. Ky., James J. Moore, Edward MoPhcrson, " Md., William Merrihew, Msss., N.Y. N. Y., " Ind. William Blood, N. C., Fla. W. G. Moseley, '& Va. John W. Martin, Va., Md., Md. R. E. Hsslitt, 11 - 16 Andrew J. Dorn, 'I I' Elisha E. Camp, Army.



Colonel. (Persifor F. Smith, bvt Brig. General f m Monterey)-See General OeBoers.

Lieut. L'olonel. John C. Fremont, comd. Bn of Volrs. in California.

William W. Lorlng (Capt. to Feb. 47), bvt U oolonel fm Chnrnbnsco; bvt Colonel fm Chapultepeo ; m. wound. a t De Belen gate.


Captain?. Winslow F. Sanderson, bvt Major fm Churubusco. Samuel H. Walker (Capt. and Lt colonel of Texas R.nngers)-killed at Hua[mnntlr~9 Oct. 47. Henry C. Pope-resigned Dec. 47. Qeorge B. Crittenden, bvt Major fm Churubusco. Stevens T. Maaon-morl. wound. at Cerro Gordo, and died 15 May 47. John 8. Simonson-wound. at, and bvt Major fm Chapultepec. [ fm Chapultepec. Jacob B. Backenstos, bvt Major from Churubueco ; wound. at, and bvt Lt colonel Stephen S. Tucker-wmnd. at, and bvt Major fm Chapultepec. Chas F. R d , bvt Major fm San Juan de 10s Llanos. Benjamin S. Roberts (Fat It to Feb. 47), bvt Major fm Chapultepec; bvt L t colonel fm Cfuadalaxara. (First l . W Thomaa Ewell-killed at Cerro Gordo 18 Apr. 47. ) Andrew Porter (Fst It to Mar. 47) bvt Major fm Churubusco; bvt Lt colonel fm Chapultepec. First Lieutenants. hlichael E. Van Buren, bvt Captain fm Churubusco. Llewellen Jones. Noah Newton. William W. Taylor. Andrew J. Lindsey. John Q. Walker, bvt Captain fm Sen Juan de lo8 Llanos ; m. wound. at El Molino. Spear 8. Tipton-died at Puebla 20 July 47. Thomaa Claiborne, Jr. (Sec It to Feb. 47) bvt Captain fm Huemantla. Thomae G. Ithett (Sec It to Apr. 47). bvt Captain fm Puebla. Charles L. Denman (Seo It to May 47). Second Lhtenaats. Tho~nae Davis-killed at Cerro Gordo. George McLane, bvt First lieut. fm Churubusco ; bvt Captain fm Chapultepec. Robert M. Morris, bvt First lieut. fm Contreras; bvt Captain fm Chapultepec. Francis S. K. Russell-wound. at, and bvt First lieut. fm Chapultepec. Jnlian May, Aid de C. to B, Qen. Harney ; bvt First lieut. fm Churubusco. Daniel M. Frost. (fm 1. arty), bvt First lieut. frn Cerro Gordo. John P. Hatch (fm 3. infy), bvt First lieut. fm Churubusco; bvt Captain fm Chapultepec. ' Gordon Granger, bvt First lieut. fm Churubnsco ; bvt Captain fm Chapultepec. Debney H. Maury-sm. wound. before, and bvt First lieut. fm Cerro Gordo. Innes N. Palmer, bvt First lient. fm Churubusco : wound. at, and bvt Captain fm ~hapulte&c. James Stuart, bvt First lieut. fm Churubusco ; bvt Captain fm Chapultepec. Alfred Gibbs-wound. before, and bvt First lieut, fm Cerro Gordo ; bvt Captain fm De Belen gate. Qeorge H. Gordon- wmbnd. before end bvt First lieut. fm Cerro Gordo. William B. Lane. Celeb E. Irvine. 1st R E G I M E N T OF A R T I L L E R Y . Benjamin K. Pierce-died since the war.

Levi Whiting-died since the war. [Puebla. Thomss Childs (Capt 3. arty and bvt Colo, to Feb. 47), bvt, Brig. General fm

Captains. Justin D i c k (bvt Major fm Florida), bvt Lt colonel fm Churubusco; bvt aolonel fm Chapultepec. Lucian B. Webster, bvt Major fm Xonterey ; bvt Lieut. colonel fm Buena Vista. George Nauman, bvt Major fm Cerro Gordo ; bvt Lt colonel frn Churnbusco ; wound. at Chapultepec.



Francis Taylor, bvt Major & Cerro Gordo ; bvt Lt colonel fm Churubusco. John H. Winder, bvt Major fm Churnbueco ; bvt Lt oolonel fm Mexico city. Minor Knowlton. [fm Chapultepeo. James H. Prentiae--died since the war. John B. Magruder, bvt Major fm Cerro Gordo ; wound, at, and bvt Lt colonel Erastus A. Capron (Fst It to Feb. 47)-kiUed at Churubusco. Martin J. Burke (Fst It to Mar. 47)-killed at Churubusco. [treras. John S Hathewhy (Fst It to Mar. 47)-mnd. before, and bvt Major fm Con-

First Lieutenants. James L. Donaldson, bvt Captain fm Monterey; bvt Major fm Buena Vista (appd. in Qrmr's dept). James W. Mackpll, bvt Captain fm Monterey ; appd. in Adjutant's dept. . William H. French. bvt Cavtdn fm Cerro Gordo : bvt Maior fm Churubnsoo. Joseph Hooker, bvt Captaik fm Monterey : appd.' in ~ d j u L n t ' s dept. William H. Fowler (bvt fm F1o)-died since the war. Irvin McDowell, Aid de C. to B. Gen. Wool, to May 47 ; bvt Captain fm Buena Vista ; Ast Adjutant Uen. May, 47. Joseph A. Hoekin, bvt Captain fm Cerro Gordo; wound. at. (lost an arm) and bvt Major fm Chapultepec. Henry D. Grafton, bvt Captain fm Churubneco. James B. Ricketts William S. Bmith-died since the war. Samuel K. Dawson, bvt Captain fm Cerro Uordo. J h e s G. Martin (Sec It to Feb. 47), appd. in Qrmr's dept. Joseph F. Irons (Sec l t to Mar. 47), Aid to B. Gen. Cadwalader ; mmt. wound. at Churubusco and died 26 Aug. 47. John M. Brannan (Sec It to Mar. 47), Adjutant Apr. 47 ; bvt Captain fm Churubusco; am. wound. at Chapultepec. Isaac Bowen (Sec It to Mar. 47), bvt fm Monterey ; bvt Captain fm Buena Vista. Seth Williams (Sec It to Mar. 47), Aid to M. Gen. Patterson ; bvt Captain fm LCerro Gordo. Abner Doubleday (Sec It to Mar. 47). John P. Johnstone (Sec It to Mar. 47)-killed at Contreras 19 dug. 47. Henry Coppee (Sec It to Aug. 47), bvt Captain fm Churnbusco. Edward C. Boynton (Sec It to Aug. 47)--am. wound. at, and bvt Captain fm Churubueco. Thomas J. Jackson (Seo It to Aug. 471, bvt Captain fm Churubusco ; bvt Major fm Chapultepec. Truman Seymour (Seo It to Aug. 47), bvt Captain fm Churubueoo.
8 m . LieuWnta. e nd Satterlee Hoffman-killed at Churubusco. John B. Gibson, bvt Fst lieut. fm Churubiisco. Theodore Talbot, Adjutant of California Volrs. to May 47. Ambrose P. Hill.


James Bankhead, bvt Brig. Qenerd from Vera Cmz.

John Munroe (Capt 4. arty and bvt Major to Aug 46), bvt Lt Colonel fm Mon. terey : bvt Colonel fm Buena Vista. Patriok H. Galt (Capt 4. arty to Feb. 47), bvt Lt Colonel fm Churubueco ; died since the war.

Allen Lowd, bvt Major fm Fort Brown. Samuel Mackenzie, comd. his reg. at El Molino, and Stormem a t Chapultepec ; William C. DeHart-died 21 Apr. 48 [died 19 Oct. 47 in Mex. city. Charles F. Smith, bvt Major fm La Palma ; bvt U colonel fm Monterey ; bvt Henry Swartwout. [Colonel fm Churnbneco.

James Dunoan, bvt Major fm Palo Alto; bvt Lt Colonel fm La Palma; bvt Colonel fm Monterey ; died shoe the war. Horaoe Brooks (Fst It to June 46), bvt Major fm Churubusco; bvt Lt colonel fm El Molino del Rey. (Fst lt to June 46), bvt Major fm Puebla. Henry L. ~ e d d r i c k Roland A Luther (Fst It to Mar. 47), wound. at Palo Alto. m John F. Roland (Fst It to Mar. 47), bvt f La Palma ; bvt Major fm Monterey.

First Lieuteluunte.
Musooe L. Bhackelford, oomd, his coat Chnrubusco and mort. wound. at El Molino, and died 12 Oot. 47. Charles B. Daniels, comd. his co at Churubusco, and M . wound. at El Molino, and died 27 Oct. 47. Lewis G . Arnold, bvt Captain fm Chumbusco; bvt Major fm Chapultepec. Francis Woodbridge, bvt Captain fm Churubusco; bvt Major fm El Molino del Henry C. Pratt, bvt Captain fm Atlixco. [R~Y. John Bedgwick, bvt Captain fm Churubusco ; bvt Major fm Chapultepec. William Armstrong (appd. hug. 47 in Qrmr's dept.)--killed at El Molino. Arnold Elzey, bvt Oaptain fm Churubusoo. William B. Blair, bvt Captain fm Cerro Gordo. William F. Barry. William A. Nichols, bvt Captain fm Monterey ; bvt Major fm El Molino. since the war. Leslie Chase, bvt Captain fm La Palma ; di@d Henry J. Hunt, bvt Captain fm Churubusco ; wound. at El Moliio ; bvt Major Augustus A. Gibson. rfm Chapultepeo. William Hays (Seo It to Mar. 47), bvt Captain fm Churubusoo; wound. at El Molino ; bvt Major fm Ohapultepec. Harvey A. Allen (Sec It to Xar. 47), bvt Captain fm El Molino del Rey. Samuel S. Anderson (Sea It to Mar. 47), bvt Captain flu El Molino ; bvt Major [fm Chapultepeo. James Totten (Sec It to Mar. 47). David Gibson-M at Tampico 6 Feb. 47. Roewell 8. Ripley (Seo It to Mar. 47), Aid to M. Gen. Pillow ; bvt Captain fm Ceno Gordo ; bvt Major fm Chapultepec. John J. Peck (Sec It to Mar. 47), bvt Captain fm Churubusoo; bvt Major fm El Molino del Rey. Henry F. Clarke (Seo It to Sept. 47)--wound. at El Molino; bvt Captain fm Chapultepeo. 8eum.d Lieutenante. Jodah H. Carlisle. Gteorge Edwarda-wound. at, and bvt First lieut. fm Puebla. Thomaa B. J. Weld--died uinoe the war. Henry B. Sears, bvt Fimt lieut. fm National Bridge. Marous D. L. Simpson, bvt First lieut. fm Churubusco; bvt Captain fm ChaRichard H. Rush. Cpultepeo. Joeeph 8. Totten. Jnliua A. dlLagnel. Jnlien Mcllllieter.

William &tee ; oomd. at Tampico.

Lieut. Coloml. Francis S. Belton; bvt Colonel fm Churubusoo. Mqjor.

John M. Washington (Capt. 4 arty to Feb. 47), bvt L t colonel fm Bnena Vista.

Thomas Childs (brt Lt. oolo fm Flo), bvt Colonel fm La Palma. See 1 arty. John R. Vinton, bvt Major fm Monterey ; killed at Vera Crnz 22 Mar. 47.

Samuel Ringgold (bvt Major fm F1o)-mo~t. wound. a t Polo Alto, and died 11 May 46. Martin Burke, bvt Major fm Churubusco ; bvt L t aolonel fm El Molino del Bey. Richard D. A. Wade (bvt Major fm Flo)-8m. wound. at Cherubusco; bvt L t colonel fm E l Molino ; died since the war. Robert Anderson-sev. wound. at, and bvt Major fm El Molino del Rey. at Puebla 13 Aug. 47. William Wall-&d Thomas W. Sherman, bvt Major fm Buena Vista. Christopher Q. Tompkins, resigned 22 Sept. 47 in Calif. Braxton Brngg (Fst It to June 46), bvt Captain fm Ft Brown ; bvt Major fm Monterey ; bvt L t colonel fm Buena Vista. George Taj.lor (Fst It to Feb. 47), bvt Major fm Huamantla. Edward J. Steptoe (Fst It to Mar. 47), bvt Major fm Cerro Gordo; bvt L t rdept. colonel fm Chapultepec. (First lieut.) Randolph Ridgely (declined bvt fm La Palma), appd. in Adjutant's Francis 0. Wyse (Fst It to Mar. 47), bvt Major fm Calabosa river near Tampico. William H. Shover (Fst It Mar. 47). bvt Captain f m Monterev: bvt Maiorfm - , Buena Vista. William Austine (Fst It and Adjutant to Aug. 47), bvt Major fm Churubusco. F i r s t Lieutenants. Henry l3. Burton (Lt colonel of N. Y. reg. California Volrs. for the war). Henry B. Judd, bvt Captain fm Medelin, near Vera Cruz. Edward 0.C. Ord. William Gilham-resigned Oct. 46. William T. Sherman, bvt Cawtain fm California. , William H. ~ h u r c h i l l bvt ciptain fm La Palma ; appd. iu Qrmr's dept. Stewart Van Vliet, appd. in Qrmr's dept. June 47. George H. Thomas, bvt Captain fm Monterey ; bvt Major fm Buena Vista. Horace B. Field, bvt Captain fm Huamantla. George W. Ayres, bvt Captain fm Monterey ; killed at El Molino. Semall L. Fremont, Aet qrmr Mar. 47. [bvt Major fm Churubusco. Richard P. Hammond, Aid to B. Gen. Shields ; bvt Captain fm Cerro Gordo ; John F. Reynolds, bvt Captain fxn Monterey ; bvt Major fm Ruena Vista. Richard W. Johnston, disting. and resigned Dee. 47. Charles L. Kilburn (Sec It to Feb. 47), bvt First lieut. fm Monterey ; bvt Captain fm Buena Vista. Hachaliah Brown (See It to Mar. 47), bvt Captain fm Medelii. Lucien Loeser (Sec It to Mar. 47). James A. Hardie (Major in N. Y. reg. California Volrs: for the war). Samuel G. French (Sec It to Mar. 47), bvt F i t lieut. fm Monterey ; am. wound. at, and bvt Captain fm Buena Vista. Francis J. Thomas (Sec It to Mar. 47). Joseph F. Farry (Sec It to Aug. 47)-killed at El Molino. Louis D. Welch (Sec It to Sept. 47)-died since the war. George P. Andrews (Sec It to Sept. 47--wound. at, and bvt Captain fin El Molino ; bvt Major f m Chapultepec. 8econd Lieutenants. Colville J. Minor-died Aug. 47 in California. Hamilton L. Shields, bvt First lieut. fm Churubusco ; bvt Captsin fm El Molino. John H. Lendrum, bvt First It fm Churubusco; bvt Captain fm Chapultepec. Bedney F. McDonald, bvt First It fm Huamantla. John Mason. George Patten. Horatio Gibson. Ambrose C. Burnside.

Matthew M. Payne-m.

wound. at, and bvt Colonel fm La Palma.



John L. Qardner, bvt Lt colonel fin Cerro Gordo ; bvt Colonel fm Contreras. Gilee Porter (Capt 1. arty to 16 Feb. 47).

(John Munroe, bvt Major fm Flo); See 2. arty. (Patrick H. Ghrlt-to Feb. 47) ; See 2. arty. (John M. Washington-to Feb. 47) ; See 3. arty. Harvey Brown (bvt Major fm Flo), bvt Lt colonel fm Churubueco ; bvt Colonel William W. Morris (bvt Major fm Flo). [fm De Belen gate. John B. Scott, bvt Major fm L Palma. a William P. Bainbridge, bvt Major fm Cerro Gordo ; died since the war. Raphael C. Smead-died 20 Aug. 48. Franklin E. Hunt. Simon H. Drum, much disting. and kilM at De Belen gate, 13 Sept. 47. Samuel C. Ridgely (Fst It to Feb. 47), bvt Major fm Churubnsco. Edward Deas (Fst It to Feb. 47jdrowned in the Rio Grande since the war. John H. Miller (Fst It to Mar. 47), bvt Major fm Puebla ; died since the war.

First Lieutenants. John P. J. O'Brien-appd. in Qrmrls dept. Jan. 47 ; wound. at, and bvt Major [fm Buena Vista. John W. Phelps, disting. at Contreras, declined brt. Thomas L. Brent, bvt Captain fm Buena Vista ; appd. in Qrmr's dept. Msr. 47. Thomas Williams, Aid to M. Gen. Scott ; bvt Captain fin Churnbusco ; bvt Major Edmund Bradford. [fm Chapultepec. John C. Pemberton, Aid to M. Gen. Worth; bvt Captain fm Monterey ; bvt Major fm El Molino ; wound. at the city. Charlee F. Wooster, bvt Captain fm the Sacramento. John P. McCown, bvt Captain fin Cerro Gordo. George W. Getty, bvt Captain fm Contrerss. Albion P. Howe, Adjutant, bvt Captain fm Contreras. Julius P. GareschB. Simon 8. Fahnestock. [fm Buena Vista. Robert S. Garnett, Aid to M. Gen. Taylor ; bvt Captain fm Monterey ; bvt Major Mansfield Love11 (Sec It to Feb. 47), Aid to M. Gen. Quitman ; bvt Captain fm Chapultepeo ; wound. at De Belen gate. Calvin Benjamin (Seo It to Feb. 47), much dieting. and AxZei-2 at Ce Belen gate. Henry M. Whiting (300It to Mar. 47). bvt Fimt It fm Buena Vista. George V. Reins (Sec It to Mar. 47), Aid to M. Gen. Pillow; bvt Captain fm. Churubueco. Daniel H. Hill (Sec It to Mar. 47), bvt Captain fin Contreraa ;bvt Major fm ChaThomes J. Curd (Sec It to Mar. 47). Cpultepec. Samuel Gill (Sec It to Mar. 47)-resigned May 47. Fitz John Porter (Sec It to May 47), bvt Captain fm El Molino ; bvt Major fm Chapultepeo ; and wound. a t De Belen gate.
Smnd Lieutena/nts. FranOio Collim-wound. at, and bvt Fst It fm Contrenrs. Darius N. Couch, bvt Fst It fm Buena Vista. John A. Brown. Albert L. Magilton, bvt Fst It fm Contreras. Henry A. Ehninger. C)nstavus A. De Rusey, bvt Fst It fin Contreras. John S. Qarlmd. Samuel L. CSouverneur, bvt Fst It fm Contrerae. John Gibbon. Richard C. Drum, bvt Fst It fm Chapultepeo.


William Davenport.



k t . Colonel.
Henry Wilson, bvt Colonel fm Monterey.

John B. Clark-died a t San Juan D'Ulloa '23 Aug. 47. Edgar S. Hawkins (Capt. 7. infy to Feb. 47). Captains. John J. Abercrombie (bvt Major fm F1o)-wand. at, and bvt Lt colonel fm Albert 8 Miller, bvt Major fm Monterey. . [Monterey ; prom. to 5. infy. Elect- Backue, bvt Major fm Monterey. Joseph H. Lamotte-+and. at, and bvt Major fm Monterey. John R. B. Gardenier-died since the war. Samuel M. Plummer-died since the war. John M. Scott, bvt Major fm Monterey ; died since the war. John H. King (Fst It to Oct. 46). Robert 8. Granger (Fst It to Sept. 47). Fivst Lieutanants. Ferdinand 6. Munford. William E. Prince, Aid to B. Gen. Price ; bvt Captain fm Santa Cruz de Rosales. George W. F. Wood, appd. in Qrmr's dept. John 0. Terrett-killed a t Monterey. Benjamin H.'Arthur (Sec It to Sept. 46), Adjutant. Stephen D. Carpenter (Sec It to Sept. 47). Joseph B. Plnmmer. Schuyler Hamilton, bvt First lieut. fm Monterey ; Aid to M. Gen. Scott; bvt I Captain fm Mira Flores. Frederick J. Denman. Eugene E. McLean. Rankin Dilworth-mt. wound. at Monterey, and died 27 Sept. 46. William L. Crittenden. Charles C. Gilbert. Parmenas T. Tumley. George D. Brewerton (in N. Y. Volrs. in Calif.) Egbert Viele.

- -


k t . Colonel. Bennet Riiey (bvt Colonel fm Flo), comd. a brigade ; bvt Brig. General fm Cerro Gordo ; bvt Major General fm Contreras. Mq.Ora. George W. Allen (Capt 4. infy to Sept. 46), bvt L colonel fm La Palma ; died t at Vera C m 15 Mar. 48. William M. Graham (Capt 4. infy to Feb. 47), Lt colonel 11. infy, and hiled a t Washington Seawell (Capt. 7. infy to Mar. 47). [El Molino del Rey. Captains. Carlos A. Waite,. prom. to Major 8. infy Feb. 47. Thompson Moms, bvt Major fm Cerro Qordo; bvt Lt colonel fm Churubusco. Julius J. B. Kingsbury, bvt Major fm Churubusco. Joseph R.Smith, bvt Major fin Ceno Gordo ; twice wound. at, and bvt Lt colonel Hanuibal Day. [fm Churnbusco. Samuel Y. Heintzelman, bvt Major fm Huamantla. [ Chapultepec. Silss Casey, bvt Major fm Churubusco ; m. wound. at, and bvt Lt colonel fm James W. Penrose, bvt Major fm. Cerro Gordo ; died since the war. George W. Patten-sea. wound. (lost an arm) and bvt Major fm Cerro Gordo. Henry W. .Weasells (Fst It to Feb. 47)-m. wozmd. at, and bvt Major fm Contreras. James W. Anderson (First It to Feb. 47)-much disting. and mort. w n d . at Churubu~co, and died 2'2 Aug. 47. Marsena 12. Patrick (Fat It to dug. 47), bvt Major for mer. cond. in Mexico.


Brat L i m W n t s . William Alburtis-bvt Oapt fm Fla-killed at Vera Cruz. Justue McKinetry-appd. in Qrmr's dept. Christopher S. Lovell-twice wound. at, and bvt Captain fm Churubmco. Delozier Davidson--wound. at Vera Cruz ; bvt Captain fm Churubusco. George C. Westcott, bvt Captain fm Chapultepec. Julius Hayden, Aid to Colo Riley, comdg brig; wound. at, and bvt Captain fm [Churubusco. Edward R. S. Canby, Adjutant ; appd. in Adj. gen.'s dept. [Belen gate. Bryant P. Tilden (Sec It to Feb. 47)-wound. at Contreras. Nathaniel Lyon (Sec It to Feb. 47), bvt Captain fm Churubueco; wound. at De
Second Liezltenanta. James W. Schureman, bvt Fst It from Churubusco ; died since the war. Charles E. Jervis-wound. at Cerro Gordo ; bvt Fst It fm Churubusco ; died since Frederick Steele, bvt Fst It fm Contreras ; bvt Captain fin Chapultepec. [the war. James M. L. Henry, Aid to B. Gen. Marshall. Herman Thorn (appd. in 3. drags Mar. 47), Aid to Colo Garland ; bvt Captain fm Churubusco ; wound. at El Molino ; retained with bvt of Capt fm ChaDavid R Jones, Adjutant Apr. 47 ; bvt Fst It fm Churubueco. Cpultepec. Thomas Easley-killed at Churubusco. Nelson H. Davis, bvt Fst It fm Churubusco. William M. Gardner-wound. at Contreras; am. wound. at, and bvt Fst It fm John R. Butler, Aid to M. Gen. Butler. [Churubusco. Tredwell Moore. Thomas V. Sweeney, served in N. Y. Volm.; lost a n awn at Churubusco.
gd R E G I M E N T O F I N F A N T R Y .

b t . Colonel. Ethan A. Hitchcock, Actg Inspector General with M. Qen. Scott ; bvt Colonel fm Churubusco ; bvt Brig. General fm El Molino del Rey. Mior.-William W. Leer-mt. wound. at Monterey.
Captaine. Lewis N. Morris, bvt Major fm La P a b a ; kilkd at Monterey. (Henry Bainbridge-wound. at, and bvt Major fm Mont.erey); prom. to 7. infy. Edmund B. Alexander, bvt Major fm Cerro Gordo : bvt Lt colonel fm Churubusco. Jefferson Van Horne, bvt Major fm Churubusco. George P. Field-am. wound. a t Monterey. and Mlled by Mex. lancers. Philip N. Barbour (bvt fm Flo), bvt Major fm La Palma ; Mled at Monterey. William S. Henry, bvt Major fm Monterey; died since the war. Joseph H. Eaton, Aid to M. Gen. Taylor ; bvt Major fm Monterey ; bvt Ltcolonel fm Buena Vista. Lewis 8. Craig, bvt Major fm Monterey; em. wound. at, and bvt Lt colonel fm Churubusco. Jemes Madison Smith (Fst It to Sept. 46),-died 4 Dec. 47 near Jalaps Mex. William H. Gordon (Fst It to Sept. 46), bvt Major fm Churubmco. Daniel T. Chandler (Fst It to Sept. 46), bvt Major fm Monterey ; wound. at, and bvt Lt Colonel fm Contreras. Stephen D. Dobbins (Fst It to Feb. 47)-wm6nd. at La Palma. Firat Lieutenants. Bnehrod R. Johnson-resigned Oct. 47. Oliver L. Shepherd, bvt Captain fm Churubusco ; bvt Major fm Chapultepec. William B. Johns, bvt Captain fm Cerro Gordo. Douglas S. Irwin (bvt fm Flo), Adjutant ; killed at Monterey. [Churubusco. Thomas Jordan-appd. in Qrmr's dept. D o n Carlos Buell, bvt Captnin fm Monterey ; 8.~3.wound. at, and bvt Major fm Iersel B. Richardson, bvt Captain fm Churubusco; bvt Major fm Chapultepec.



W~llinm H. Brooks, bvt Capbin fm Monterey ; Actg ast adj. gen. to B. &n. T. Twiggs ; bvt Major fm Churubusco. Audrew W. Bowman, bvt Captain fm Cerro Qordo. George Sykes, bvt Oaptain tm Cerro Gordo. Andrew J. Williamson (Sec It to Feb. 47). Robert Hazlitt-killed at Monterey. John C. MoFerran. John Trevitt. Henry B. Schroeder, bvt First lieut. fm Uhurubusco. John J. 0. Bibb-reeimed Dec. 46. John P. ~atch-appdrin MM riflemen q. a. James N. Ward-wound. at and bvt First lieu$. fm Cerro Qordo. Barnard E. Bee--wound. at and bvt First lieut. fm Cerro Qordo ; bvt Captain [fm Chapnltepec. Henry B. Clitz, bvt First It fm Cerro Gordo. William H. Wood (fm 7. infyJ. John D. Wilkins, bvt First It fm Churubusco. Joseph N. G. Whistler, bvt First It from Churubueco. Michael O'Sullivan-resigned Oct. 47. Charles B. Brower-served in N. Y. V o h .

John Garland, comd. a brigade ; bvt Colonel fm La Pelma; bvt Brig. General fm Churubusco ; eea. w n d . in capture of the City.

Francis Lee (Capt 7. infy to Feb. 47), bvt Lt colonel fm Churubusco ; bvt Colonel fm El Molino del Bey. cq2ain.a. (George W. Allen, bvt Major fm Flo ; bvt L colonel fm La Palma); prom to 2. t John Page--mart. wound. at Palo Alto, and died 12 July 46. WY. (William M. Graham, bvt Major fm Flo); prom. to 2. infy q. a. Pitcairn Monkon, bvt Major fm La Palma. George A. McCall, bvt Major and bvt Lt colonel fm La Palma ; appd. in Adj's Gouverneur Morris, bvt Major fm La Palma. [dept. Robert C. Buchanan, bvt Major fm La Palms ; bvt Lt colonel fm El Molino del Charles H. Larnard, bvt Major fm La Palma. WY. . Benjamin Alrord (Fat It to 8ept. 46), bvt Oapt fm La Palma: bvt Major fm .. -National Bridge. Hen- L. Scott (Fst It to Feb. 47), AidLde-C. and Actg adjutant gen. to Gen. Scott ; bvt Major fm Churubusco ; bvt Lt Colonel fm Chapultepec.

Firat Lieutenants.
Henry Prince, Adjutant ; bvt Capt fm Churubusco; m. wound. at and bvt Major [fm El Molino del Rey. Charles Hoskis, Adjutant ; kilW at Monterey. Richard H. C f r s h a m - 4 . wound. at Monterey, and died 12 Oct. 46. John H. Gore, bvt Captain fm Churubusco ; bvt Major fm El Molino del Rey. Lskirmish. Richard E. Cochran-killed at R. de la Palma. (Second It) Theodoric H. Porter-h5lW 19 Apr. 46, near the Rio Grande, in a Sidney Smith-wound. at El Molino; m t . wound. in capture of city, and died 16 Sept. 47. Granville 0. Haller, bvt Captain fm El Molino ; bvt Major fm Chapultepec. Henry D. Wallen. Henderson Ridgley, Actg sst adjutant gen. to B. Gen. Lane ; kid& at Pess of [Guadalaxma. Jenks Beaman-died 6 May 48 a t Tampico.


Christopher R. Perry--died on h return, at sea. i Christopher C. Augur, Aid to B. Gen. Hopping. Ulysses 8. Grant-declined bvt fm El Molino ; bvt Captain fm Cha ultepec. Henry M. Judah, bvt First It fm El Molino; bvt Captainfm ~ h a ~ u p t e ~ e c . James S. Woods, bvt First It fm La Palms ; killed at Monterey. Alexander Hays, bvt First It fm La Palma ; Actg aat adjutant gen. to B. Gen. Abram B. Lincoln---wound. a t and bvt First It fm El Molino del Rey. [Lane. Thomas J. Xontgomery. David A. Rnssell, bvt First It fm National Bridge. Alexander P. Rodgers-wound. and killed at Chapultepec. Delanoey Floyd-Jones, bvt First It fm El Molino del Bey. Maurice Malonev. bvt First It fm El M o h o : bvt Caotain frn Chaoulteoec: * - . wound. at & Cosme gate. Archibald B. Botta- died 1Jan. 47 at Camargo Mex. Thomaa R. MoConnell, bvt First It fm El Molino ; bvt Captain fm Chapultepec. Edmund Ruesell--wound. at Churubueco ; bvt Firet It fm El M o h o . 5th REGIMENT O F INFANTRY.

Lieut. Colonel. James S. MoIntoeh-drsng. wound. at and bvt Colonel fm LR Palma ; em. w n d . a t El Molino ; and died of his wonnde 26 Sept. 47.
(Thomss Stsniford, bvt Lt Colonel fm La Palma) ; prom. in 8. infy. 6, Martin Scott (Capt 5. infy to June 4 ) bvt Lt colonel fm Monterey ; killed at El Dixon 8. Miles (Capt 7 infy to Feb. 47),q. 0. LMolino del Rey. John J. Abercrombie (Capt 1. infy to Sept. 47), q. 0.

Captains. Mosee E. Merrill, muoh disting. and killed at El Molino del Rey. [47. Ephraim K. Smith, comd. Lht Bn, and mmt. wound. at El Molino-died 1 Sept. 1 Alexander S. Hooe--am. wound. at and bvt Major fm La Palma ; died 9 Dec. 47 at Baton Rouge. William Chapman-wound. at Sen Antonio, and bvt Major fm Churnbusco ; bvt p t colonel fm El Molino. Randolph B. Maroy-seired in California. Daniel Ruggles, bvt Major fm Churnbusco ; bvt Lt colonel fm Chapultepec. Joseph H. Whipple-died 30 June 47 at the Castle of Perote. . Daniel H Mophail, bvt Major fm Churubusco ; wound. in capture of the city. Cartar L. Steveneon. Nathan B. Roeeell, bvt Major fm El M o h o del Rey.

Ptmt Liauhntn. John A. Whitall, bvt Captain fm La Palma. George Deas, Adjutant! and appd. in Adjutant's dept. Dec. 46. Sterne H. Fowler-wound. at La Palma ; bvt. Captain fm Churubueoo ; bvt Spencer Norvell-died aince the war. m j o r fm El Molino. John C. Robinson. Pinkney Lugenbeel, Adjutant; wound. at and bvt Captain fm Churubmco ; bvt Joeeph L. Foleom, appd. in Qrmr's dept. Sept. 4 . 6 [Major fm Chapultepeo. Mortimer Roeecrants, bvt Captain fm Churnbusoo ; disd a c e the war. Charles S. Hamilton, bvt Oaptain fm Churubueco ; m. wound. at El Molino. Henry R. Selden. S m d Lteutenanta. Frederiok T. Dent, bvt First It fm Churubusco; m. wound. at and bvt Captain Erastus B. Strong-killed at El Molino del Rey. [fm El Molino. William T. Burwell, Aid to Colo Clark, oomdg brig. ; Wbd at El Molio. William Read.



*JosephP. Smith, much disting. and Elled at Chapultepec. John A. Richey-muredwed at Villn Gran Mex. 13 Jan. 47. Patrick A. Fnrrelly-sev. wound. at and bvt First It fm Chrubusco ; d M since Clinton W. Lear, bvt First It fm National Bridge. [the war. 6th REGIMENT O F INFANTRY. (Zachary Taylor, bvt Brig. General fm Flo; bvt Major General fm La Palma; prom. to Major General 29 June 46). Newman S. Clark, bvt Brig. General fm Vera O m . Benjamin L. E. Bonneville-wound. a t and bvt Lt Colonel fm Churubusco.

George C. Hutter (re-appd. Apr. 47 till Jan. 48). William Hoffman-wound. a t and bvt Major fm Churubusco; bvt Lt colonel fm Albemarle Cady-wound. at and bvt Mujor fm El Molino del Rey. [El Molino. Thomae L. Alexander, bvt M ~ j o fm Churubusco. r Samuel Woods (Major 15 infy Mar. 47), bvt Lt colonel fm Chapultepec ; retained John B. 5. Todd. [with bvt of Major fm same. William H. T. Walker, bvt Major fm Churubusco; am. wound. and bvt Lt. colonel fm El Molino. James Monroe Jr. Actg ast inspector gen. in the army of Gen. Scott. Charles 8. Lovell. First Lisuteaante. Edward Johnson, bvt Captain fm ~ 1 ' ~ o l i;nbvt Major fm Chapultepec. o Thomas He11 rickson-sev. wound. and bvt. Captain fm Churubusco. Louis A. Ar istead, bvt Captain fm Churubnsco ; bvt Major fm El Molino ; wound. ut Chapultepec. m rs dept. 5 Aug. 47). (Edward H. Fitzgeruld, appd. in Q'r Leonidaa Wetmore, bvt Captain fm El Molino del Rey ; died since the war. John D. Bacon--nmt. wound. at Churubusco, and died 11 Oct. 47. Alexander Morrow (in 9. infy till Sept. 47), bvt Captain fm Chapultepec; died since the war. Second Liautemnts. Anderson D. Nelson. Rudolph F. E r s t , Actg adjutant; w t . wound. at El Molino, and died 22 Sept. 47. Ralph W. Kirkham, Adjutant and actg. ast. adjutant gen.; bvt First It f Churnm busco ; bvt Captain fm Chapultepec. George W. Lay, Aid to M. Gen. Butler; bvt First It fm Monterey ; Mil. secretary to M. Gen. Scott ; bvt Captain fm Churubusco. Edwin Howe, bvt First It fm El Molino ; bvt Captain fm Churubusco. Simon B. Buckner-wound. a t and bvt First It fm Churubusco ; bvt Captain f m Winiield Scott Hancock, bvt First It fm Churubusoo. p l Molino. William Rhea-died at Monterey 7 June 47. George T. Shackelford-did since the war.

7th REGIMENT O F INFANTRY. Joseph Plympton, bvt Colonel fm Cerro Qordo. Jacob Brown-mmt. wound. in comd. of F t Brown 6th and died 9 May 46. Henry Bainbridge (Capt 3. infy to Feb. 47), bvt Lt colonel fm Contreras.



~a~tccina. (Edgar S. Hawkins, bvt Major fm F t Brown) ; prom. to 1. infy Feb. 47. 1 to 5. infy. (Francis Lee, Major 4. infy Feb. 47 (Dixon 8. Miles, bvt Major fm Ft ki rown, bvt Lt colonel fm Monterey); prom. (Washington Seawell, bvt Major fm Flo); prom. to 2. infy Mar. 47. Gabriel J. ltains (bvt Major fm Flo). Theophilus H. Holmes, bvt Major fm Monterey. Richard H. Ross, bvt Major fm Monterey ; sen. wound, at and bvt Lt colonel fm Contreraa ; died since the war. Daniel P. Whiting, bvt Major fm Cerro Gordo. Richard C. Gstlin-wound. at and bvt Major fm Monterey. Gabriel R. Paul, bvt Major frn Chapultepec. Seneca G. Simmons (Fst It to Feb. 47). Forbes Britton (Fst It to Feb. 47). Charles Hanson (Fst It to Feb. 47)-killed at Contreras 20 Aug. 47. John C. Henshaw @st It to Mar. 47), bvt Major fm Contreras. First Lieutenante. Nevi1 Hopson-dismd. Ang. 46. Lewis Henry Little, bvt Captain fm Monterey. Charles H. Humber, bvt Captain fm Cerro Gordo ; sea. wound. at San Geronimo. Francis N. Page, Adjutant and appd, in Adjutant's dept. May 47. [Cerro Oordo. Levi G a n t t k i l b d at Chapultepec. Napoleon J. T. Dana (Sec It to Feb. 47)-8%v. wound. at and bvt Captain fm Lafayette McLaws (Seo It to Feb. 47). Samuel B. Hayman (Bec It to Feb. 47). Earl Van Dorn (Sec It to Mar. 47), Aid de C. to B. Gen. Smith ; bvt Captain fm Cerro Gordo ; bvt Major fm Churubusco ; wound. in capture of the city. Franklin Gardner (Sec It to Sept. 47), bvt First It fm Monterey ; bvt Captain fin Cerro Gordo ; Adjutant. Smnd ktenants. Joseph H. Potter-m. wound. at and bvt First It fm Monterey. William K. Van Bokkelen, bvt First It fm Contreras. Edmund K. Smith, bvt First It fm Cerro Gordo; bvt Captain faContreras. Matthew R. Stevenson (Captain of N. Y. Volrs. in California). William H. Tyler, bvt Fst lieut fm Contreras. Cadmus M. Wilcox, Aid to M. Gen. Quitman ; .bvt First It fm Chapultepeo. Samuel B. Maxey, bvt First It fm Contreras. !rhomas Henry, bvt First l t from Contreras.
8th R E G I M E N T O F I N F A N T R Y .

Colonel. (William J. Worth, bvt Brig. Oen. fm Flo) ; See General OfEoers.

LietLt. Colonel. Thomas Staniford (Major 5. infy to June 46), bvt Colonel fm Monterey.

William G. Belknap @vt Lt 0010 fm Flo), bvt Colonel fm La Palma ; Actg. inspector gen. to M. Gen. Taylor ; bvt Brig. General fm Buena Vista. Carlos A. Waite (Capt. 9. infy to Feb. 47), bvt Lieut colonel fm Chnrnbneco ; zoound. at and bvt Colonel fm El Molino. George Wright (bvt Major fm Flo), bvt Lt colonel fm Churubnsco ; wound. a t and bvt Colonel fm El Molino. William R. Montgomery-wound. at and bvt Major fm La Palma; wound. at nnd bvt Lt colonel fm El Molino.



Richard B. Screven, bvt Major fm Monterey; bvt Lt colonel fm El Molino; [died since the war. Henry McKavett-killed at Monterey 21 Sept. 46. James V. Bomford, bvt Major fm Churubusco; bvt Lt colonel fm-El Molino. Isaac V. D. Reeve, bvt Major fm Churubusco; bvt Lt colonel fm El Molino. Collinson R. Gates-wound. at and bvt Captain fm La Palma ; bvt Major fm El E l Molino. Molino ; died since the war. Larkin Smith, Aid to B. Gen. Worth ; bvt Major fm Churubusco ; m. wound. at fm La Palma; appd. in AdjuGeorge Lincoln (Fst It to July 46), bvt Cap* tant's dept. Augustus L. Sheppard (Fet It to Feb. 47)--died sinoe the war. Joseph Selden, bvt Captain fpl Churubmco ; am. wound. at and bvt Major fm Arthur J. Lee. [Chapultepec. 110 Sept. 47. Robert P. Maclay-wound. at La Palma. John G. Burbank--2oozmd. at La Palma ; mort. wound. at El Molino, and died John Beardaley-m. wound. and bvt Captain fm El Molino. [17 Sept. 47. Charles F. Morris-wound. at La Palma ; mort. wound. at El Molino, and died John D. Clark, Adjutant ; am. wound. at and bvt Captain fm El Molino ; drowned in Aug. 48. Charles D. Jordan (Sec It b Sept. 46)-wound, at and bvt First It fm La Palma. James Longstreet (Sec It to Feb. 47), Adjutant ; bvt Captain fm Chnrubusco ; bvt Major fm El Molino ; am.wound. at Chapultepec.
Bewnd I m n a n t s . Jacob J. Booker--died since the war, in Texes. Theodore L. Chadbourne-kc'Iled at La Palma. Edmunds B. Holloway-8ew. wound. at and bvt First it fm Chnrubusco. Lafayette B. Wood, bvt First It fm Monterey ; Aid to M. Gen. Worth : bvt CapAlfred St. A. Crozet. [tain fm Churubusco. Charles G. Merchant, bvt First It fm El Molino ; bvt Captain fm Chapultepec. Alexander Hays, bvt First It fm La Palma; Actg aat. adj. gen. to B. Gen. Lane. George Wainwright-am. wound. at Monterey ; m. wound. at El Molino ; died a L U ~ . 48. James G. S. Snelling, bvt First It fm Churubusco ; am. wound. at and bvt CapThomas G. Pitcher, bvt First It fm Churubusco. [tain fm El Molino. George E. Pickett, bvt First It fm Churubusco ; bvt Captain fm Chapultepec. Edward D. Blake.
One Yearb segfment raised according to act of Congress Feb. 11.1847.


9th R E G I M E N T O F I N F A N T R Y . Trueman B. Ramom, born in Vt., apt. from Vt.

Lieut. Colonel. Jeremiah Clementa, born in Ah., apt. from Ala.

Folliott T. Lally, born in N. Y., apt. from Me. William B. Taliaferro, born in Va., apt. from Va. Surgeon. Justin E. Stevens, born in Mass., apt. from Mess.

Aset. Surgeons.
Francis T. Wheaton, born in R. I., apt. from R. I. Robert T. Spence, I Md., " Md.



J. 8. Pitman, born in N. H., apt. from R. I. Theo. F. Rowe, born in N. H., apt. from N. H. " Me., " Me. Stephen Woodman, E. A. Kimbnll, I' N. H., 'I Vt. " Me., " Me. Andrew T. Palmer, 6L Conn., Conn. Nathaniel S. Webb, James W. Thompson, " N. H., " Me. Daniel Bachelder, 'I Vt., " N. H. Lorenzo Johnson, " Conn., I' Conn. Oharles N. Bodfish, " Me., 'I Me.

Pirat fie7Ltmnts.
Alexander Morrow, born in Me., apt. from Me. Conn. Lyman Bissell, Conn., " John S. Slocum, " R. I., R. I. Charles J. Sprague, " Me., 'I Mass. George Bowers, " N.H., " N.H. " N. H., ' I N. H. John H. Jackson, Thomas J. Whipple, " N. H., " N. H. I' N. Y., I ' Me. Albert Tracy, Conn. Justin Hodge, Conn., " 61 - I1 Me. Joseph F. Bragg,
Seoond Lieutenants.

Daniel H. Cram, born in N. H., apt. from N. H. A. A. Stoddard, " Corn., " Conn. Thomas P. Pierce, " -66 -Nath. F. Swett, " Me., Me. Josiah P. Chadbourne, born in Me., apt. from Army. N. H., Vt. Jesse A. Gove, " Me. Thompson H. Crosby, Me.. Alpheus T Palmer, . " Me., '( Me. Richsrd C. Drum, " Pa., " Pa. " Mass., " R. I. John .Gkckin, Robert Hopkins, '< Ky., " Vt. 'I Eng., " Army. George W. May, ' Me., " Me. Charles Simmons, " Conn., I' Conn. Levi Woodhouse Herlly De Walbe, " R. I , " R. I. William A. Newman, 'I Vt. Vt. d . , 'I Md. James P. Archer, 16 - " N.H. Oharles F. Low, 'I Conn., I' Conn. J o h n M. Hatheway, (1 " Army. John McNabb,
One Yesr'a Regiment raised according to act of Congreas Feb. 11,1817.


Colonel. Robert E. Temple, born in Vt., apt. from N. Y.

k t . Col. J o h n J. Fay, born i n N. Y., apt. from N. Y.

Fowler Hamilton, born in N. Y., apt. from Md. Jnstns I. McCerty, " N. Y., " N. Y.


Thomas Spencer, born in Msss., apt. from N. Y. John Gauger, born in N. Y., apt. from N. Y. William L. Booth, born in DoM., apt. from Ky. Matthew S. Pitcher, born in Williain L. Walrodt, " William 8. Andrew, " " Caleb Wilder, " Samuel Dickineon, Thomns Postley, " Joseph A. Yard, " Joshua W. Callet, " William W. Tompkine, '' Blexmnder Wilkin, "

Captdna. N. Y., apt. from N. Y. N. Y., '' N. Y. Conn., " N. Y. N. H., " N. Y. N. J., " N. J. N. Y., " N. Y. N. J., " N. J. N. J., " N. J. N. Y., L6 N. Y. N. Y., " N. Y.

First Lieutenante.
George W. Taylor, born in N. J., apt. from N. J. Samuel R. Dummer, " N. J., " N. J. Fraucis M. Cummings, I' N. Y., " N. Y. Robert C. Morgan, '' N. Y., " N. Y. '& Me., " N.Y. Stephen Powers, Joseph M. Howard, 'I N. Y., '' N. Y. " N. Y., 'I N. Y. Squire Moon, " N. Y., " N. Y. Samuel Lea, '' N. Y., , " N. Y. Robert A. Bouton, William C. M. Lewis? I' N. Y., N, J.
Sewnd Lhtanante.

Edward McGarry, born in Lorimer Grehsm, " James McKown, jr., 'I " Hiram Russell, " Benjamin Yard, Peter H. Bruyere, " Thomas 8. Griffiu, I' Ira 8. Konover, " . John 8. Nevins, 'I Calvin J. Mills, " " John Msgee, " Edward Harte, Charles Bennett, " DeWitt Clinton, " " Charles A. .Tohnson, Charles Van Alen, " J. W. Patton, " Gemhorn Mott, " Gaylord H. Griswold, " Abraham Scouten, "

N. Y., apt. from N. Y. N. Y., 6L N. Y. N. P., '' N. Y. N. Y., 'I N. Y. N. J., " N. J. N. J., " N.Y. N.Y., 'I N.Y. N. J., " N. J. N. J., " N. J. N. Y., " N. Y. N. Y., " N. Y. N. Y., " N. Y. N. J., " N. J. N. Y., " N. Y. N. Y., " N. Y. N. Y., " N. Y. Va. " Va. N.J., " N.J. N. Y., N. Y. N.Y., 'I N.Y.

One Yearla Regiment cabal according to act of aongreaa Feb. 11.1847.


Cobnel. Albert C. Ramsay, born i n Ps., apt. from Pa.

L n t C'olonel. ir. W l m M Graham, born in Va., apt. from Md. ii . la

E. W. Morgan, born in Pa., apt from Pa. John F. Hnnter, " S. C., " Pa
h g m .

William J. Barry, born in Md., apt. from Md.

A&. 19Wrgeone.
John H. Weir, born in Pa., apt. from Pa. 8sm. D. &0tt, " Pa, I' Pa. E. W. Mc~oDUB, born in Va., apt. from V8. WilliamW.Irwin, I' Pa., " Pa. Pemberton Waddell '' Pa., Pa. Qeorge W. Chaytor, " Md., " Del. Lewis Carr, " Pa., 'I Pa. Presley A. Guthrie, , " Pa., " Pa. Arnold S y b ~ r g , " PITIE., 'I Pa. Arthur C. Cnmminga, " Vn., 'I Va. John Mo~z, " Hano., " Pa. Charles T. Campbell, " Pa., " Pa.

Firat Lieutenanla.
John J. Oregg, born in Pa., apt. from Pa. Joseph S. Hedges, 'I Del., " Del. Th0m86 F. M c ~ o " Pa., ~ " Pa. Daniel 8 Lee, . " Va., 'I Va. Marshall Hannon. Pa., '' Pa. George Davideon, " - " KY. " Pa. William H.Gray, " Pa., " Del. Pa., Columbas P. Evans, Va., " Va. 'I Joseph Samnele, B. F. Harley, I' Pa., " PR.
Sewnd Lieutenonla.

Horace Haldeman, born in Pa., apt. from Pa. George C. McClellau, " Pa., " Pa. . Weidman Foster, I' Pa., I' Pa. " Pa., " Pa. Andrew 0. Tippin, Alonu, Loring. " N. Y., " Va. George B. Fitzgerald, " - " Va. William H. Scott, "Va. " MisB. " Pa., " Pa. WBshington Meeds, bfibitchell stever, " Pa., Ib Pa. William O. Murray, " Ire., Pa. =chard 8.L Johnson, born in Pa., apt. from Pa. . Nicholae Spear, " Va., " Va. Pamell Lofiaud, & I Del., " Joseph P. Thorns, (6 - " Del. Jacob B, 16 - " Pa. Jamea Elder, " Pa., " Pa. John A. Bsysrd, (6 - I" h y . Lb L Jamea W. Bhey, Pa. LI - I1 Jamea Keenan, Pa. J d w B. Wheeler, N. C., " Army.

One Year's Regiment raised accordiig to not of Congrera Feb. 11, lU7.

12th R E G I M E N T O F I N F A N T R Y .

Millidge L. Bonham, born in 8. C., apt. from 8. C.

Lieut. Colonel. .
Trueman H. Seymour, born in Conn., apt. from Conn.

Maxey Gregg, born i n S. C., apt. from 8. C. Albert Q. Blanchard, born in Maw., apt. from La.


Robert R . Ritchie, born in Va., apt. from Ve.

Alfred G. Howard, born in 8. C., apt. from 8. C. Va., iL Va. John B. Butler:

, apt. from Mo. N. B. Holden, born in " Pa., '( Ark. Allen Wood, Oliver P. Hamilton, born in S. C., apt. from S. C. " Md., Tex. James M. Wells, " Mo., " Ark. Joseph B. Anthony, " Va., " Mo. James W. Denver, " N.C., " N.C. Wm. J. Clark, Ii N. C., Tex. C. C. Hornsby, John F. Hoke, " N.C., " N.C. " Pa., I N. C. Chas. R. Jones,
Pirat Liautenanta. Wssh. L. Wilson, born i n N. Y., apt. from Ark. John J. Martin, 6L 8. C., ti 8. C. Chss. Taplin, i6 N. Y., Mo. " Mass., Ark. John H . H. Feich, John 0. Howard, D. C., ii Tex.
Wm. B. Giles, John C. Simpkins, D. M. Short, Chas. M. Creanor, Oscar D. Wyche,



Va., Del., Pa., Va.,

" "

Mo. 8.0. Pa. Tex. Tex.

Thos. T. Conway, born in Mo., apt. from Ark. Abner N. F e m n , " 8. C., " 8. C. Edw'd Cantwell, GI S. C., N. C. " N. C., N. C. Jas. F. Waddell, Chris. R. P. Butler, " S. C., " 8. C. Tenn., " Ark. James P. Miller, ii Ger., Mo. Henry Almtedt, Mo., Mo. Wm. A. Linn. ii S. C., " 8. C. Ormsby Blanding, ii Va., Tex. Robt. Patton, jr.,


John J. Wheeden, born in N. C., apt. from N. C. Md., ii Ark. Lloyd Magruder, E. N. Sanndere, 61 " N. C. " Mo., (I Mo. Alex. E. Steen, 8. C., 8. C. John G. Otterson, ' A . Ark. A. M. Woodmff, " D. C., '< Mo. John M. Bronangh, Pa., Va. H. B. Crosby, Wm. J. Coleman, <' Army. Whit5eld B. Brooke, " " S. 0.

One Year'a Beghent nrtsea according to not of Oongrees Feb. 11,1847.


Bobert M. Echols, born in Ga., apt. from Ga.

Jones M. Withers, born in Ah., apt. from Ala.

Allen G. Johnson. born in Ga., apt. from Fla. Edward Msningault, " S. C., " S. C.

John T. Lamur, born in Ga., apt. from 08.

Auat. Surgeons.
Robert T. Gibbe, born in Va., apt. from Ale. F. L. Malone, Ale., '' Ala.

Walter Eotor, born in Ga., apt. from Ga. John W. Rice, 8. C., Ala. Hiram H. Higgins, ii Ky., & ' Ala. John B. Campbell, " S. C., I' Ga. " Ala., " Ala. Hugh L. W. Clay, Henry E. W. Clnrk, ii Ga., " Fla. Adem Hawk, " Pa., ' Ah. Egbert I. Jones, ir &., 'I Ala. " Fla., " Ga. Duncan L. Clinch, jr., N. C., " Ga. Ely P. Howell,

born in (ia., apt. from Ga. Joseph A. White, " Ala., " Ala. Henry L. Bradford, " Ga., <' Ga. Jemes M. Dye, Va., Va. George W. Chilter, " Md., " Fla. Robert 8. Hayward, " Ala., Ala. John C. Mnrrmt, Tenn., " Ala. John S. Hale, Ii Ala., " Ala. N i c h o h Davis, Jr., " Ala., " Ala. Fitz H. Ripley, " Va., Va. Powhntten R. Page,


smnd h ~ n l s . John M. Perkins. Daniel Kirkpetrick. Nath. Grant. Edward J. Dummett. John C. Mangham, jr. David G. Wilde. Taaac Eulse, jr. William D. Grey. Mann Page Hunter, born in Va., apt. from Va. John P. Wallace. Samuel H. Crump. John 0.Wellborn. William A. Morrison, born in N. Y., apt. from Ala. " Ala., " Ala. Marcus L. McMillan, " S.C., Ala. John L. S i m ~ , Ala., Ala. Charles McClung, William F. Rives, 'i Va. Reuben T. Thom, " Va., " Ala 1. " Army. John C. Reese, John J. Witherspoon, I' " Ala.
( 6

One Year's Reglment raised according to act oi Congress Feb. 11,1847.


C0l0~l. William Trousdale, born in N. C., apt. from Tenn. ~ i e u t~ ~ o h l . . Paul 0. Hebert, born in La., apt. from La. Majms. John H. Savage, born in Tenn., apt. from Tenn. John D. Wood, I I Va., Il n1. surgean. Lewis W. Jordon, born in Tenn., apt. from Tenn. Aast. Surgeone. Robert H. McGinnis, born in Mass., apt. from Ohio. Edward K. Price, is Md., " Il l.
born in Robert G. Bede, Pierce B. Anderson, I & Ben. F. Fnlton, " Edgar Bogardus, " Thomas Glenn, JOR. Scantland, M. IL Julian W. Breedlove, Joseph W. Perkins, " C. T. Huddle~tone, Ii Chris. M. Qaile,

Captcsiw. Va., apt. from Ls. " Tenn. Tenn.. La., " La. N. P., " Ill. Del., 'I Ls. Va., " Tenn. La., iL La. Tenn. Tenn., I ' Tenn., " Tenn. R. I., " La.

First Lieutenanla. James Blackburn, born in La., apt. from La. Thomas Shields, Miss., " La. I' Va., La. Phil. A. Hickman, George W. Morgan, " Tenn., Tenn.


Henry B. Kelly, born in Ala., apt. from Robert Hnmphreys, " Tenn., " Thm. Smith, " Va., Nelson McClanahan, 'I - " '' Preston G. Hsynes, " Tenn. " Tenn. 'I A. J. McAllen,

Tenn. Ill. Tenn. Tenn. Tern.

Richard Steele, born in N. Y., apt. from La. Richard T. Eastin, I' La., 'I LR. Jae. G. Fitzgerald, " N.Y., " La. Sam. B. Davis, " La., I l La. Tenn. Va., William H. Seawall, La. Va., John T. Sanford, Tenn. Tenn., Robert W. Bedford, Sam. W. Martin, KY., Mo., Ill. Hugh 0. Murray, Tenn., Tenn. Perrin Watson, Alexander C. Layne, va.. Va. La. A. J. Isaacs, Term., Tenn. John Chester, Tenn., Tenn. A. J. Hudson, George W. Cheney, La., La. Mia. James 0.C. Hsye, Tenn., Tenn. Sam. T. Love, Va., Tonn. Benjamin 8. Mndd, La., J. Q. Wilbar, Va., Ill. Thomas Hart, KY.,

One Year's Regiment rained according to act of Congress Fob. 11,1841.


Cobwl. Qeorge W. Morgan, born in Pa., apt. from Ohio.

Lieut. C l n l ooe.
Joshua Howard, born in Maw., apt. from Michigan.'

kederick D. Mills, born in Conn., apt. from Iowa. " Ind., " Md. Samuel Woods,

James B. Blade, born in N. C., apt. from La. Aeet. Su~geone. William D . Carlin, born in Ohio, apt. from Ohio. (Vacancy).

Eugene Van de Venter, born in N. Y., apt. from Daniel Chase, 'I Conn., I " N. Y., " James A. Jones, Edwnrd A. King, " N. Y., " " N. Y., ' Isaac D. Toll, Angustus Quarles, " Ma~s., Frazy M. Winane, " N. J., (' " Ohio, " J o h n 8. Berry, " Ohio, " Moses Hoagland, Edwin Gnthrie, " N. Y., "

Mich. Ohio. Ohio. Ohio. Mich. Miss. Mich. Ohio. Ohio. Iowa.



George W. Bowie, born in Md., apd. from 'i Md., " W. 8. Tanneyhill, " Vt., " Thomas H. Freelon, Thornton F. Brodhead, " N. H., " Ger., " Deidrich Upmenn, John B. Miller, " N.Y., ( ' '' Ky., " Edward C. Marshall, " N. J., " Albert G. Sutton, " Va., " John B. Goodman, William R. Stafford, '' Md. ''

Iowa. Ohio. Mich. Mich. Wis. Ohio. Ohio. Ohio. Mich. Ohio.

Sewnd Limt8nanta. Daniel French, born in Ohio, apt, from Ohio. William D. Wilkins, ' Pa., " Mich. .Charles Peternell, " Baden, " Ohio. " N. Y., '( Ohio. James W. Wiley, Heman C. Cady, " N. Y., " Wis. " N. Y., " Ohio. Cornelius Ketcham, " N. Y., 'i Mich. Samuel E. Beach, Francis 0. Becket, " Md., " Md. Thomas B. Tilton, " Ohio, " Ohio. he., " Mich. Llewellyn Boyle, N. Y., " Mich. William H. H. Goodloe, " " Oonn., " Wis. Michael P. Boyle, Edwin R. Merrifield, '' Ind., '' Ohio. " N. Y.? " Mich. Abel W. Wright, " Md., '& Iowa. Louis W. Templeton, Ii Ill,, ir Ky. Platt S. Titus, " Ohio, " . Ohio. John R. Bennett, " Ill. Henry H. Green, Va., Samuel D. Stuart, 66 - 66 I6 Geo. F. Hooper,


One Year's Regiment raised according to act of Congreaa Fob. 11, 1841.

16th R E G I M E N T O F I N F A N T R Y

C'olonel. John W. Tibbatte, born in Ky., apt. from Ky.

Deutenant CoZmZ. Henry L. Webb, born in N. Y., apt. from Ill.


Ralph M. Norvell, born in Tenn., apt. from Ind. " Ind., '& Ind. James M. Talbott,

George Berry, born in Va., apt. from Ind. James D. Stuart, born in Ky., apt. from Ky. Alexander C. Hensley, born in Ky., apt. from Ky. Leslie H. McKenney, born in Charles WickliEe, ri Richard Owen, Theophilus T. Garrard,
Captaine. Can., apt. from Ill. Ky., i1 Scot., i6 Ky., ti Ky.



Edward A. Graves, born in Ky., apt. from Ky. Edmund B. Bill, N.Y., " nl. Joseph P. Smith, Il N. Y., I Ind. Thomae F. Bethell, " Ind., $ I Ind. Joseph W. Brmnnan, " Va., Ky. Patriok H. Harris, I6Ky., 'I Ky.

George W. S i l e t o n , born in Ky., apt. from Ky. Edward Cord, 66 Ky., " Ky. 6L Ky., " Ind. John T. Hughes, David W. Soott, l6 Va., Ind. Uhnrles J. Helm, N. Y., " Jemes Hughes, M., J m p h Kellogg, " N. Y., l6 Ill. William Hamer, Ohio, " Ind. Joab Wilkinson, I' N. Y., 'I Ill. Henry K. Barnsay, " Pa., " Pa.


&mnd Lienlenants.
Orlando B. 'Ctrifith, born in Pa., apt. from Army. James M. Smith, Ky., " Ky. Edward 0.Berry, I c Ky., " Ky. William H. Slade, I' Ill., " 111. William W. Carr, I' Ind., " Ind. Oliver DiffendorfT, It N. Y., I' Ill. Bnrwell B. Irvan, ' K., I' Ky. I' Ky. Alexander Evans, Ky., Franois McMordie, Ky., " Ky. " Ind., " Ind. William Cooper, Maro. M. Anderson, 11 " Va. "' Ky. Bernard H. Garrett, Ky., ThomaeT.Hawkins, " Ky., " Ky. I l Md., Id Ill. Fred. A. Snyder, Samuel V. Niles, Ky., " Ind. John A. Markley, 16 It Ind. " Vt., " Ind. Daniel 0.May, SamuelN.Whitoomb, " Ky., I' Ky. Thomes N. Winston, 16 . Amy. John C. How,

One Yewfa Begiment nised .wording to mt of Congrera Feb. 11,1841.


Timothy P. Andrews, born in Ire., apt. from D. C.

LimLt. C o l o d .
Joseph E. Johnston, born in Va., apt. from Vn. dl@ore. Cleo. A. Celdwell, born in Ky., apt. from Ky. Geo. H. Talcott, " N. Y., I' Md.

J o h n W. Tyler, born i n V . apt. from D. C. a,

Asst. S u r g m .
Jemee L. Clarke, born in Va., apt. from Va. Axoh. B. Campbell, " Pe., " Pa.

Alexander P. Churohill, born in Ky., apt. from Ky. Oscsr E. Edwarde, " Va., " Va. Qa. John Jones, Jas. D. Blair, ' Ky., " Mh. Chee. J. Biddle, " Pa., " Pa. " Md., " Md. Jno. E. Howard, " Mw., " Pa. Moses J. Barnard, Jos. J. Aroher, '6 Md., " Md. ' Md., Va. Joe. E. Calwell, Jos. H. Walker, " e m , " hk.

Firat k k m a n t a . Joe. C. Marriatt, born in Md., apt. from Md Birket D. Frey, " Va., " Va. Jae. Tilton, " Del., 'I Md. Leonidaa MoIntosh, " Fla., " Ga. Alex. H. Crow, " D. C., " Md. ' Pa. H. C. Longneuker, " Pa., " Md., " Md. Jos. H. Woolford, " Pa., " Miw. Wm. 8. Walker, " Va., Va. Jno. M. Blakey, Va., " Va. Jno. W. Leigh,

S &


Chas. F. Vernon, born in Ky., apt. from Ky. Ga., 'I Ga. Robt. 0. Forsyth, Joe. A. Frost, 'I Md., 'I Md. '' Del., " Pa. Theo. D. Coohran, 41 Va, Va. Geo. W. Oarr, James M. Winder, " Md., I Md. " Va., 66 Va. Van &ne. Otey, Bobt. Swan, d . , " Md. Gus. 8; Kintzing, " Pa., Pa, Geo. B. Kiger, " Va., " Mies. Wm. J. Martin, 16 - " Pa. Isaac W Smith, " Va., 'I Va. 'I Md. Michael C. Hooper, " Md., Joe. H. Smythe, Md., 'I Yd. Jas. B. May, Va., Va. Edwin C. Marvin, " Conn., " Pa. " Md., " Md. Robt. H. Aroher, Wash. Terrett, cL V?, " Va. FrankH. Lerned, " &oh., '' Mioh. Joe. E. Slaughter, " Va., c6 Va.

A m





Wm. 0. Butler, born in Ky., apt. from Ky. Robt. Patterson, Ire., Pa.

Thos. Marshall, born in Ky., apt. from Ky. Gid. J. Pillow, pro. Maj. &n., born in Tenn., apt. from Tenn. Thm. L. Hamer, at Pa., 'I Ohio. Jno. A. Qnitman, pro. Maj. &ny born in Pa., apt. from Mi@. Jae. Shields, brev. Maj. Gen., I be., " Ill. Joe. Lane, " N. C., " Ind. Franklin Pierce, " N. H., " N. H. Geo. Cadwallader, brev. Maj. Gen.? " Pa., " Pa., Sterling Price, $ Mo., " Mo. Caleb Cnshing, " Maw., Maw. Percifor F. Smith, I Pa., La.




Battalion of Alabama Volnnteem, for 3 months-4 companies ; received May 46 ; dieoharged Ang. 46. Lieut Cobncl. Philip H. Raiford. capIcuIcum. James M. cur ti^. John I. Seibele. Robert L. Downman. Robert F. Ligon.

Pimt LiButenank
(John L. May-died at Matamoraa 26 [Sept. 46). James H. Pitts. Stephen F. Hale. William S. Hancock, comd. co F. Aug. 46. Beuben P. Thorn, jr., comd. oo G. Aug. 46. James A. Cox, comd. co K. Feb. 47. John F. Thomaeon (comd. co B). Nathaniel M. Murphey. William M. Hill. William H. Fornev. M m ~ n t s . k George W. Malone, comd. co B. (Hugh P. Watson, Adjutant). M. ~ ~ ~ d . Garner M. McOonnico. Joseph D. McCann. (Early Roe-accidentally wounded and [reed). George W. Monroe. John B. Fuller. George D. Snedicor. Albert H. Rippetoe, Aid de Camp. John H. Norwood. Daniel Gibbs. James Pierce. (Daniel Cothran--died 16 Nov. 46). Henry B. Turner. Edward Hoskins. John C. Anderson. Stephen W. Snow. Grenville H. Steiner. (John M. McDuff-relieved Dec. 46).


Reat L&nanta.
Egbert B. Johnston. Thomaa 0.Glaacock. Norflett Ivey. John A. Strother, Aotgadjutantof Batt. Second L i e u k n t s . Spencer Onrrell. Richard H. Hutchiin. Thomaa I. Holloway. John C. Parkam.


Regiment of Alabama Volunteers, for 12 months-received June 46; discharged May 47. Cobnel. John B. Coffey. Liaut. Colonel. Richard G. Esrle. didor. GOODE BBYAN.

Seu Et Hugh P. Watmn.

; Battalion of Alabama Volunteers, for


Andrew L Pickem. . William G. Coleman. Sydenham Moore. Jaaob D. Shelley. Eliphes T. Smith. Hugh M. Cunningham. Zechariah Thomaeon. Richard M. Jones. Drnry P. Baldwin; William H. Ketoham (Fst It to Oct. 48).

during the war with Mexico-6 companies ; received Nov. and Dec. 47 ; disbanded June 48. diqjor Comclg. John I. Seibels (lete Oapt in Raiford'a Batt). Aazltant. &a It Robert A. Bardaway. Captaim. John Gorham Barr.



June and July 46 ; disbanded J u n e Thomaa E. Irby. 47. Daniel Gibbs. Colonds. Tennent Lomax. I Blanton McAlpin. ' (Archibald Yell-Medat Buena Vista). Firat Lieu-rtln. I John Selden R-e (Lt colonel to 88 Feb. 47). John Walden Caddell. LZeut. Cobnel. James H Bogle. William L. Moon. Oaston Meares (Lt and Adjutant to 98 McEay M. Copeland. Feb. 47). Alexander T. Hawthorne. Major. 8ewnd Lieutenanla. Solon Borlaud-prisoner in Mexico, and Vol. Aid to M. Gen. Worth. Peyton Gri& King. Andrew Bogle. Alljutante. John Woods. (Oaston Meares-promoted). Elijah Grant Hood. Seo It Benjamin F . Rose (Serg major George Lynch. to 1 Mar. 47)-wounded at Bnena David B. Cleveland. Vista. James R. Malone. Captains. (William R. King-died at Orizava 5 Elijah King. [ M 48). ~ (James 8. Mofitt-&d 9 Nov. 46). ~ George Wesh. Patrick. James Clark. (Andrew B. Porter-WEed a t Buens Albert Pike. . [Vista!. Independent A1a- Christopher C. Danly-prisoner in Me=bama Volunteers, for 6 monthsjohn .. Dillard. J [ico). received for 3 months, May 46; dis- Edward Hunter. William G. Preston. charged August 46. John Preston, Jr. Gaptaine. Hiram W. Taylor ( f i t It to Dec. 46), ROBERT DEBHA v t Major in the war of p co A. 18121. Franklin W. Desha (Fst It to Feb. 47), William H. Platt. oo D. Rush Elmore. Brat L h h n t e . Firet L i e u h n t a . George 8. Foster. Thomaa 0. Tomberlin. Thomas Adrien. Thomas A. Reeder-wou& at Bnena John 8. Garvin. Hamilton Reynolds. [Vista. Algernon M. Cook. W i l l i K McKean, Actg adjutant. Sseond Lieutmante. Vachel 8. Dill~ngham. Lewis Dickenson. Nathaniel T. Oaines. John N. Perkins. Cincinnatus Trousdale, comdg co A. Thomaa P. Miller. John F. Hill. Jesse Independent o o z y of Alabama 8 m n d Lieulenants. Mounted Volunteers, for during the Alexander stew&. war with Mexico-received June 47 ; William A. McLain. Walter F. Scott. disbanded July 48. Roger McCown. Captain. William Calvert. James McGee. Josiah M. Giles., Firat L i e u W n t . William H. Cauain. Isaac Henry. Ezekiel H. Uilbert. Davia Thompson, reg. Quartermaster. Second Lieutenants. Hiram Carr. Richmond T. Malone. (Granville H. Black-resigned Feb.48). Leonard Willhaff. John Degraffenreid. David A. Malone. (George C. Stewart-died 28 Oct. 461. (Addison Cochran-died 8 Jan. 47 at .John C. Douglass. pa&). Regiment of Arkaneas Mounted Vol- John C. Peay. Richard Searcy. unteers, for 12 months-received




James F. Fagan. Allen L. MoAfee. (Benjamin F. Boss, Adjutant). Bedmond B. Eiageley. Independent Companies of Arkaneas Mounted Volunteers in the Mexican war. aompany-reoeived 27 May 47 ; diebsnded a4 June #.

jor Vols); [appd. Sec It 1. U. 8. art May 473. Fat # William N. Loker, Feb. 47. Pagmaater (Najor). P. B. Reading. Ordnana O@er (Major). William H. Rueeell.

J. R. Snyder.
c pa1 . atiM

Richard Owens, Mounted rifle. co A. Oot. 46; (Sec It fm Jnly 46). First L h h a n t . Henry 8. Ford, Mounted rifle. co B. Benjamin F. Roe8 (late Sea It and AdOct. 46. [Oct. 46. jutant of Ark reg). Granville P. Swift, MM rifle. co C. &eond mtcnants. John Sears, Mtd rifle. co D. Oct 46. John Grigsby, Mtd rifte. co E. Oct 46. Allan L. McAfee (late Sec It). h f o r d W. Kastinge, MM rifle. co F. Daniel T. Witter Morrison. Oat. 46. 146. B. K. Thompson, Mtd rifle. co. G. Nov. Oompsny-received 15 June 47 ; dik Richard T. Jacobs, Spy co, chiefly of banded June 48; served in New native Indne. co H. WILLIAM T. ~ D O [X c It U. 8. A. k Mexico, and on the ltio Grande. Marines], Oct. 46 to Jan. 47. Cnptatn. JOHN K. Wasoa [Midn U. 8. Navy], Stephen B. Enyart. Art ao A. Oct. 46; (late Fst It Vols). Piret Lict&mnt. Henry King, July 46 to Feb. 47. aharles Burroughs-kilM 16 NOV. 46 James P. Neel. in engag. with Mex. Lancers. Sewnd Lieutenants. Benjamin N. Hudspeth (late Sec It Elijeh O'Brion. Pols.) Joeeph F. Rieff. h n u e l J. Hensley (Lt of Vols. fm Jnly 4 ) Commis. of subsie. Feb. 47. 6, William Findlay, Art co Oct. 46 (late Sec It Volm). Bathdions of California VolunSamuel Gibson (Lt of Vole. fm Jnly teers-received chiefly in July and 46)--zapundcdat Sen Pascual. October 46, for 3 and for 6 months; Santiago E. Arguello, oo of native Californians. disoherged by Brig. Glen. Kenrny in John Bidwell, Qrmr of the troops in April 47. capture of Los Angeloe. Lieut. Colonel corn*. Miguel de Pedrorena, Aid de C, to Commo. Stoclrton at Loa Angelon. JOHN CHABLE~B ~ O Hrbvt Cap. ToF T pog. engre, and Major of Vols. F i r a t Lim~mnta. from 23 July to 27 Oct. 461; disBenjamin D. Wileon, comdg old co E. charged 19 Apr. 47. Edward M. Kern, Actg commis. of dlqjOra. subsis. AWHIBALD GLLLB~PIE t It U. S. (William N. Loker, Adjntant), co A. H. Fs Marines], Adjutant of Vole. to 23 A. Oiard, comdg Art co B. Jnly 46; and comdg. 2 oompanies Hiram Rhneew, co B, and comd, co mtd rifle Vole. at San Diego Nov. at I m Angelos. 46 ; discharged 11 Mar. 47. Felipe Batron, comdg co Mounted men. Lours MOLANE e u t . U. 8. ~ a v y ] , William Baldridge, co C. m Fst It Vols. Jnly 46 ; Capt. Mount- John J. Myers (Hudspeth's) co. ed Art Dec. 46 ; Major 19 Jan. 47 ; William Bradahsw, co D. remanded to his station in the Navy Montgomery Martin (Maddox's) co. Feb. 47. Archer C. Jeeeee, co E. A@uta&. M. M. Wembough, co F. Fat It Theodore Tdbot (late Serg ma. D. A. Davis, co G. Oaeton Meares (late Lieut. colonel).



William Blackburn, Art co A. E. ~ r g a n t co H. , Jamee H. Barton (Henley'e) m. Second lhutcnanls. Alexis Godey Art co A. J. M. Hndepeth, co F. I). T. Bird, co E. James Rock, co G. A. J. Grayeon, (Maddox's) co. B. Lippincott,. co H.

Cqvtoin.8. Jamee S. C ~ ~ ~ O U U . Daniel W. .Dill. Ieasc Holmes. Herriaon J. Sargent. John E. Davis. Joeeph A. S. Turner. Allison Nelson. John Jones. (Kennedy Gramling-invalid,*ed) Dnniel H. Bird. First Lieutenants. Independent Companies of Florida John Phinizy, Jr. Elieha L. Shelton. Volunteers--served at Guadaloupe George B. D. Alexander. and Santa Fe Mex. George Corlette. [lst] for l a monthe : received Feb. Orran C. Horne. Allen Keith. 47 ; discharged Mar. 48. Edwin R. Godding. Captain. (John Forsyth-resigned ). William W. I. Kelly. (Jamee M. Dodde-invalid, read). Leonidss W. Walton. P i ~ s Lieutenant. t Hopewell Domy. Second LimZmante. h n dm t . w8 Henry 0. Andereon. A. Hngenier M'Lawe. John Parkhill. Henry B. Holliday. A. H. Bright. Edmund 8. Rogers. [ad] For during the Mencan War ; David O'Connor. (John E. J. Cottle--died a t Camargo 15 received Ang. 47 ; disbanded JU& William J. Manrrhan. [oc~. 46). 48. )Oharlr F Heney, Adjutant). ! . Captcu'~. Joeeph Dbmnkes-dicd at Monterey 5 (R. G. Livingaton--&& at Guadaloupe Williap F. Mullens. p e o . 46). Mex. 9 Feb. 48. James Kellogg. George Holmes (Sec It to Mar. 48). William Philipe. W l i m D. G ila * . First Lieutenants. (D. M. Stewart-died a t Vera Crnz 3 Boewell Ellis. Roman B. Sanohez. [Nov. 47). Absalom M. Sanls. John Devaney. Second Lbeutemnts. John A. Hunter. William W. Scott. Joseph H. Wintere. Joeeph Woodruff. Zimmerman Lawhon. (Joseph H. Shivers). John Thompeon.


Xegiment of Georgia Volnnbers for 12 months-received June 46 ; diecharged May 47. Colonel. Henry R. Jackson. L h t . Colonel. Thomas Y. a d d .

Charlee J. William. Adjulanta. (Fst It. John Foreyth-resigned Nov. i-46). 46.

Sio It Charles P. Hervey-hpt.

Battalion of Georgia Volunteers, for during the war with Mexico--6 compenies; received July 47 ; diebanded July 48. I;ieut. Colonel Cmndt. Isaac G. Seymour. Aautant. Fst It Francis M. Levison. captoim. William M. Nelson. (Albert J. Gaulden--mumiwed at San Miguel Mex. 28 May 48).



William B. G r a n b d k d at Columbus (300 9 Oat. 47). (Cherles P Hervey, late Seo It and Adjutant of Jaokson's reg.; dicd at COlumbua Geo.) Benjamin J. Smith (Fst It to May 48), 00 B. John S. Fain (Seo It to June 48), 00 C. Brat LituWTbts. (Francis M.Levison, Adjutant). Anderaon A. Hunt. (Robert F. Simmons-died a t Jalapa 5 Jonathan C. Holcomb. [.Jan. 48).

Joseph C. Davie. -(James H. Hill--died a t CuanavaoaMex. Reuben C. Conner. [5 Feb. 48). George W. Anderson. Lewis W. Chnndler. William C. Bogle. (John T. Allen-did a t Puebla 27 Mar. [48). John L. Parker. Elisha R. Forsyth. William A. Young. Independent Company of Georgia Mounted men-received May 47 ; disbanded Aug. 48.

8mk mtenanta.


Thomas Walker. Amos S. Way. (Andrew M. Hunter-died '27 Feb. 48). F r a n c i Holden. Jeokson L. Clay. James B. Wells. Alfred Iverson, jr. Eugene 8. Hoole.


Firat Ltktdemnt.

(Franoie McCurdy, resigned Deo. 47). Second LZauWnte. George T. Anderson. Edward L. Thomas.

Battalion of Georgia mounted Valu n b ~ . ,for during the War with Mexioo-6 oompanies; reoeived Sept. 47 ; disbanded July 48. Lisut. Colonel Camdg. James S. Calhoun (Iste Capt in Jaokeon's reg.)


Fsl It John C. Hateley-relieved Jan. 48.) George W. Knight, 1 Feb. 48. . M@m. captains. William A. Richard~on(Capt. to 26 Edwin R. Godding. Feb. 47). Charles A. Hamilton. Adjutunts. at Cuanavacur (Fat Et Benjamin M. Prentiss--pro.oHenry Kendall-dkd Mex. 9 Mar. 48. moted to Capt). William D. Fulton. Sec It William H. L. Wallace, Sept. 46. Wm. Tatum Wofford. Charles H. Nelson-sick, absent. Captains. William H. C. Renfroe (Fst It to Mar. 481. 00 C. ,, - I h First Lieutenante. I ~ b a Fry.A. Bichardson-promoted to (William Brioe A. Hoxey. Albion T. Crow. [Major). John C. Hateley (Adjutant to Jan. 48). William I Wyatt. Thomaa Berry. Samuel Montgomery. William W. Rich. (Jacob W. Z a b r i s k i e ~ t d e dat Buena Iaaac Wallen. Vieta). [Sep. 46), co I. Charles T. Baker. Benjamin M. renti irk (Adjntant to Sewnd Lieutenants. Miohael P. Smith (Fat It to Nov. 46), co B. [47). oo E . (Jonathan 0. Reeder-dkd at C h m George W. Robertson (Fst It to Feb. bus00 14 Apr. 48). (Seth Jenkins-died a t C m Blanoo, 7 John L. McConnell (Seo It and Fet It to Feb. 47), oo D.; mmndecl at Zaohariah Booth. [June 48). Buena Vista. Willism E. Cnrtise.

1st Regiment of Illinois Volunteers for 1%months-rewived June 46 ; discharged Jllne 47. colonel#. (John J.Hardin-killed at Bnenav'ita). William Weatherford (Lieut. oolonel to 26 Feb. 47). Lieut. Colonel. william B. Warren (Major to 26 Feb. 47).



o kW at (William Woodard, Bifle c - i Buena Viata). Peter Loth. Charles L. Starbuck (Sec It to Feb. 47), co K. Anderson P. Corder (Feb. 47) co. B. (Henry L. Webb-regigned Nov. 46). Firat -nta. Jaoob C. Hinokley, Actg adjutant. John :A. P r i o k e t t - + o w W at Buena Vista. NathanielTJiles-took post in Comer's Indep. co Texes. Qeorge W. Prickett. Harvey Nevill. (Angustus G. Whitesides, Adjutant). Nathaniel B. Dilhorn. Sydney 8. Condon. rviata. Edward F. Fletcher-killed at Buena (John Bartleeon, co B-kiiledat Buehs John W. Bigby. [Viete). Turner B:DeButte. Smmd l i l m n t a . (Rodney Ferguson-killed at Buena Vieta). Adolphm Engleman-mi?& at Buens Viata. Gilbert P. McFarland, Actg adjutant. (Aaron Atherton, co B-Mled s t Buena IVista. John L. Wilson. Joel Foster. [Vista). (buriston Bobbins-kiW at Bnena (Allen B. Rountree-killed at Buena William B. Rountree. [Vista). Alfonso Grammer. '(William Price, co B-killed at Bnena pista). 2d regiment of Illinoie voluntaera, William B. Reynolds. Louis Stock. for 19 montha-received June 46; James H. Waddle. [7 Dec. 46). discharged June 47. I (Isaac N. Selby-died at Sen Antonio, (Timothy Kelly-ks'lledat Buena Vista). Coknbel. (James C. Steel-killed at Buem Vista). William H. Biseell. , Anton Madeira. L h t . Colonel. Jackson Dennis. James L. D. Momson. William W. Tate. James M. Gaunt. Mior. I Andrew J. Miller. Xerxes F. Trail. Joseph Martin. Aautant. John Brown--zoaundad at Buena Vista. Pat It Angnstm G Whitesides. Nichodemus West--.rawnW a t Buena umnded at Buena Vista. James Smith. Pih. Cuptattatnu. John D. Bees. Elzey C. ~ o f f e ~ ~ o u m tk Buena s ? *The four o f B m of this Ride co B. with ib vista. 1st Sergeant, were Wlled in their condlct under Julius W. Baker-mndcd at Buena ajar Railwlth the enemy'# Light troop, on the aide of the mountain-not in one c b q e of Vista. the enemy-but in holding their ground until Erestus Wheeler. they fell successively. the Captain ~obdard, ~ f r s d t . BprtlReon k e ~ t n lieuta ~ t h e r d John S. Hacker. ton mdPrice, (ss adve) : and the Flrst 8aJulius asith. t whose nune waa William J Fayaeoux. Joseph K. Lemen, B i e co. E tvolnnteer ww elected 0 ; ~ - b ~e Maddison Miller. denon P. Corder.

Pirat L&uhante. William C. Rainey. (Bryan R. Honghton-kilM at Bi~ena Vista). John Soanland. Edmund S. Holbrook. James H. Weatherford. William Y. Henry-Adjutant to Warren's Bntt. Patrick Higgins. William Erwin. Samuel R. Black. Allen Persinger. Hezekiah Evans--zwundcd at Buena Vista. Second ktcnantn. George T. M. Davis, Aid de C. to Brig. [Qen. Shields. Solomon 8. Chester. James E. Dunlap. Isaac S. Wright. Robert C. Buzan. (William H. L. Wallace, Adjutant). Joahua C. Winters. James M. Wood. George 8. Myers. James Evane. William A. Clark. John Reddick. Francis Ryan. Elias B. Zabriskie (tranef. from Baker's rep.). Aid to B. Gen. Shields. ; !I'ho&& H. Flynn. ' Nathan D. Hatfield. John T. May. / Matthew Moran. Thomas B. Boberte.


3d regiment of Illinoie Volunteers, for 12 month-reoeived July 46; discharged May 47. Colonel. Ferris Foreman. Li-mt. Oobnc!l. William W. Willey.

Y j r qo .

Thomee L. H d . A#utmt. &t # William B. Fondey. UapWm. leeeo 0. Pngh, Actg field oficer. Homtio E. Boberte. (Achilles Morris--died at Tampiw 16 M ~ M . ' Daniel Newwmb. [Feb. 47). Samuel D. Msrahall. Edward Jones. AGutante. John 8. XoOonbey. (Fat I James T. B. Stapp-resigned). John C. Hurt. Bee Z Charlee Everett (brg major and Aea D. W e h t . 4 Lewb W. aOee. Sec It to Sept. 46). Captaim. I Firat WM&. Philip Stout. W i T. Banett. Benjamin E Sellers. / (Andrew J. Wallace- dted at (%margo, Stephen G. Hicks. Jednthin P. Hardy. J".66g1e~by,wmdg co C. (James C. McAdams-died at Mata- ( ~ i ~ h a ~ d~ ~ p b ~ - t .e a o u n at r ~ moras, 4 Jan. 47). C e m Gtordo-dicd 20 April 47). William W. Biahop. Bobert 0 Scott-sea. wuunded at Cerro . Mioheel K. Lawler. John A. Campbell. (Qeorge W. Oowardan-killed at Ceno Theodore McGinnk. Leonard A. Knott. LQordo). First L i e u l m b . Leonard F. Fbaa, oomdg CO. K. tho ma^ Em, comdg oo 0 ; sea. woundSecond Lieu-ntn. John J. A d a m [?at Cerro Oordo. (Jacob H. h e - d r c d at. a , G o r g e W. Walker. Gtordo (James T. B. S ~ P PAdjutant ; , comdg co. D. lLlfred C . W. L. McNeil, oomdg co B. red). Benjamin at aerro James Boothe. Qordo. Samuel G. McAdams. William A. Tinne y, comdg co Q h o e Williim A. Thomaa. Dec. 46. Samuel L.M. Proctor. John Wadington 8. Alexander. Samuel Eooper. (John 8. Bradford, appd h i a t . Oom~ ~ ~ t mis. Ang. 46). . e William L Dunoan, comdg co B. . Ieaea Bedfearn. John D. F&r. Thomas J Livingston. John I. Ritchie. Charles Maltby -wm~ndcd at C e m John Bnrk. 1 Sheldon I.Johneon,dangeronely m n d David Evey. e at Cerro Qordo. d Green B. Field. John P. Poet. Henry 0. Dunbar. (Charles E. J o n d at Cyroe Hall. David A. Brown. (Elise B. Zabriebie-tranrb. to Hardin's John Oorlew. Jamee McDoneld. ! reg). (Charlee Everett, jr., Adjutant). Begiment of Illinois Voluntaem ; 1st 4th aegiment Vol*teercl, the war wh Merimt i for 19 months-reoeived July 46; reoeived June 47 ; disbanded Oot. 48. disoharged May 47. CobncL Colonel. Edward W B. Newby. . Edward D. Baker. u?ut. C o M &t. Colonel. John Moore. Henderson P. Boyakin.



zizn32,"d9,"2s);t *I

Major. 8. Livingston. A@&nta. (Fat 2.3 Henry S. Fitoh, Capt Feb. 48). St% It James H. Sampson. CVcclp*zina. Thomas Bond. Captoina. Vantrump Turner. (Jamee Bowman--ddsd a t Jalaps ! 8 Dee. A John M. Cunningham. Oalmes L. Wright. L7. 4) George W. Hook. Harvey Lee. James Hampton. William Shepard. tho ma^ B. Kenny. John M. Moore. Henry J. Beed. James Bnrnes. (Franklin Niles-died in 11s 24 July 47). (Edward E. Harvey--&& at Puebla 19 John C. Moses. [ KMar. 48). William Kinman (Sec It to June 47),co (John Ewing-dierZ a t Tampico 3 Oct. 7, John H. Adams (Fst It to July 4 ) co I. 471. avid C. Berry. p r 48). a. P i ~ ~Lieutenants. st (James R. Pierce-died at Pnebla 28 Isham N. Haynie. Levin H. Powell (Jan. 48), co A. John B. Roper. Henry S. Fitch (Fst It to Mar. 48), co D. Manonah T. Bostwick. Sewall W. Smith (Mar. 48), co I. George A: Keith. Thomas J. Mooneyham (Fst It to Apr. ' ( W i l l i i H. Snyder, Adjutant). 4 ) co I . 8, ( James I. Provost. F r t Liezltenants. is Murray F. Tuley. Biley Madison. (Eli D. Anderson-died at Vera Crnz Aaron D. Treadway. 11 Sept. 47). William M. Enbank. Henry W. W e . (Thomas Oaten-died a t San Juan Mex. S m n d ~ieu&ntn. a oat. 47). Levin Wright. Edwards 0. Melveney. Alexander H. Johnson. (Malachi Jenkins- died on Gulf of James H. Eaely. 8. Mexico 96 June 4 ) Enooh Lnckey. Lewis A.morton. Robert M. Hundley. Bushrod B. Howard. [a1 Llept. 47). Richard M. Hamilton, reg. Qrmr. (John Bonney-diad at San Juan Mex. James Tebay. (Willis B. Holden-&Zed at Jalapa 2 John A. Logan. Jan. 4 ) 8. Benjamin F. Marshall. (Thomas D. Timony-died 16 Apr. 4) 8. Levi Edmonds. Frank Wheeler. Samuel B. Alexander. (Johu T. Damron--died at Santa Fe 24 Jamee B. Hinde (Serg major to Jan. 48). M. Qoetchine. Daniel R. Pulley. pea. 47) SylvannsHart. John H. James Willis. Daniel Mooneyham. Jamee M. Hnnt. &oond Lieutenants. Simon Lnndry. Thomas McDowel. (James H. Sampson,:Adjutmt). Jacob Brott. William J. Hawkine. Hugh Fullerton. [Mar. 4 ) 8. Robert Beer. (William Maddox-died a t Pnebla 90 (Hezekiah B. Newby-dicd at National Bridge 16 Sept. 4 ) 7. Regiment of Illinoie Volunteers ; ad William A. Poillon. r98 Mar. 4 ) 8. for during the war with Mexicoat Puebla a@ichard M. Hw . received Aug. 47; disbanded July Ehha Lewis, Aset. qrmr. and Commie48. sary. Coloml. Thomas James, Jr. (Jamee B. L y n c h 4 a t Vera Cruz 1 1 James Collins. William George Conkling. [Sept. 4 ) 7. Limt. Colonel. Marquis L. B u m . Stephen G. Hicks (late Capt in Fore- William Haywood. mur's reg.) A d n Jamea.

l B. Donaldeon. A@utant. Pat Et William H. Snyder.




Ieaac B. Jack. Jabera J. Anderson. Jesse W. Curlee. William Bates. John H. Mulkey. Alonu, H. Cox. Hampton Hunter. Lorenzo E. Carter. Thomas J. Andrewe. Spencer H. Hill. Indepehdent Companies of Illinois Mounted Volunteers, for tbe war with Mexico. [.let.'] Company-received disbanded 7 Nov. 48.
21 May 47 ;


1st Begiment of Indiana Volunteers, for 12 month-received June 46 : discharged June 47. Colonel. Jam- P. Drake. k t . Coloneie. (Ohriatian C. Nave-resigned Jan. 47). Hfnry 8. Lane (Major to 3 Feb. 47).

William DonaIdaon (First serg to 4 Feb. 47). Adjutant. S e It William E. Pearaons. e

Allen May. Stephen C. Crawford. (Spear S. Tipton -- resigned, being Captain. 1 appd. Fst It in mtd Rifle reg.) Adams Dunlap. I John McDougall. John M. Wilson. Robert H. Milroy. S c nd Liauls. d0 . Robert M. Evans. Simon Doyle. John W. McLane. Calvin Jackeon. j David W. Lewie. [co 0. Stanislaus Laselle (Fst lt to June 46), [ad.] Company- -received 6 Aug. 47 ; Daniel A. Farley (Fet Berg to Feb. 47), co A. diebanded 26 July 48.

FtTet Lieutanants.

James Owe-. Wyatt A. George. Charles C. Smith. Andrew L. Robinson, Aid de C. to B. Gen. Iane May 47. Finley L. Maddox. J o h n M. Mitchell. I John Volney Curtis. J o h n G. Fonds. ) Thomas K. Lewis. LSd.1 Company-received 13 Aug. 47 ; Bradford B. Stevens. William L. Brown. disbanded 26 Oct. 48. William L. Farrow. Cqtain. I &eonal Lccutemts. Michael K. Lswler. Gustavns A. W o s od. Ftrd LZsut. Served with Samuel Meloque. Walter 8. Clark. David A. D m . Lewis Wallace. S d Richard W. Jones. Samuel L. M. Proctor. (William E. Parsons, Adjutant). John G. Ridgway. J James McManoney. L4th.l Company--received 13 Sept. 47 ; Oharles F. Colerick. Romulns L. Hanke. disbanded 25 July 48. Levi Shellenberger. Charles L. Hansicker. Cap2oin. George Humphrey. J d a h Littell. Samuel H. Chapman. P*8t h t . I hned Bi James W. Colvm. Thomas S. Buck. George W. Blakemore. Frio, Mex. ,Bdcond k t 8 . William V. Howard. Josiah Oeewall, Jr. AWehs L. Morrison. Bobert 8. Green. J William Hunter.

Captain. Wyatt B. Stapp.




ad Regiment of Indiana Volunteers, David S. L e w i w n d . a t B n e n a vista. for 12 months-received June 46 ;

discharged June 47. Colon&. (Joseph Lane--aped. Brig. General U. S. Vols. 1 July 46). William A. Bowles. Limt. Colonel. William It. Haddon. Mcjar. James A. Cravens. A@utante. (Fat E Lucian Q. H o g g a t b a p p d . t Assist qm. then relinq. St&, and joined his co.) Fat U David C. Shanks, 13 Oct. 46. William L. Sanderson -wounokd at Buena Vista. (Trustin B. Kinder-kitled at Buena Vista). (William Walker (Rifle co)-hilled at Boena In G o r vista ). ) man's John Osborn (Rifle co)- 1 Batt. wound. at Buena Vista. J Joseph W. Briggs. Nathan Kimball. Henry Davis. Abraham Dennis. Love11 H. Rousseau. Franklin &Rae (Serg major to Feb. 47), co I. William T. Spicely (Sec It and Fat It to Feb. 47), co B George W. Peok (Sec It to Feb. 47), co K. Firat f i m h n t e . Stewart W. Cayce--wound. a t Buena vista. (David 0. Shanka, Adjutant). Adam Stropes. Lucian Q. Hoggatt, late Adjutant. Wiliim Schoonover. Justus Davis-wound. at Buena Vista. Allen T. Boee. John Murray. Travamon T. Teel.

Joshua Moore-wnd. at Buena Vista. (Thomss C. Parr-kiUcd a t Bnena Edmund W. Bioe. flista). Thoman T. Hogan. Solomon Loudermilk. Philip Zenor. William E. Panebaker. John W. Stevens. Christian Painter. John Iloach. 3d Regiment of Indiana Volunteers, for 12 months-received June 46 ; discharged June 47. Colonsl. James H. Lane. k t . Colonci. William Monroe McOarty.


W i l b A. Gorman--zoound. at Bnena vista. A@ulantn. (Fat it Herman H. Barbour, relinq. StafE 8ept. 46). Fat it Harrison Daily, Sept. 46. G'aptai~. John M. Slnss (Rifle co)-) in Gorwound. at Buena Vista. man'e George Dunn ( i 00). Bg ) Batt. William Ford. (James Taggart-kilM at BuenaVieta). (David Allen--died a t Montarey 9 Jan. Soott Carter. 1471. Isaac 8. Boardman. Vorhees Oonover-wound. at Buena a. Vista [died since the w r ] Thomas Ware Gibson. John Slater (Qrmester serg and Sec It to Deo 46), co C. Thomas M. Adams (Fat It to Feb. 47), 00 E. Horace Hull (Fst It to March 47), co G. Firat Lktenanb. David Province,.aomd. co. 0. at Buena William L. Guard. yVista. Smnd Lieutenants. Samuel MoKenzey. Thomae S. Kunkle. John Gullett. [Vista. (Hamson Daily, Adjutant). Jerome A. Epperson-wound. a t Buens Samuel D. Oowden. W i i a m Price. John T. Alexander. Herman H. Barbour. Josiah Burwell. Paterson 0. Parker. David Irwin. John Harrington. Joeiah C. Foster. Henry B. h a l l . h l Bene5el. &oond lhutcw?bL Edward L. Pennington. Fs . ih Henry Pennington--wound. at Bneno Benjamin J. Spooner.





J. D. P. A. M Chaunoey. : Smith Dnmont. Williamson Wise. George W. Harrington. Americus Hough. Jonathan Keith. Daniel L. Fouts. Aaron C. Gibbs. John M. Lord. Thomas Rogers. Biles Caulkins. . Samuel McG&. (Andrew J. Carr-resigned Apr. 47). Nicholas Gilrnan. Charles A. Shank. Allen Crocker. Harvey McCaslin. Charles Bolt. Alfred J. Campbell.


4th Begiment of Indiana Volunteers, for during the war with Mexicoreoeived June 47; disbanded July 48.


Willis A. Gtorman (late Major of J. H. Lane's reg.)

Isaac Finley. William M. MoPhetridge. Albert G . Braokett. (Edward Cole, l a b Adjt--invalid- reOliver H. P. Carey. [signed July 48). Washington F. Allen. S e W Licutenanls. , (Nineveh Berry-appd. Aesist. oomThomas J. Luoas. [miwary Sept. 47). James A. Graham. Barton W. Acuff, comdg co G. John W. Mnllen, comdg co H. L. Noble Hamilton, reg. Qrmseter. Luther 8. Allard. John R. Mills, oomdg oo K. Samuel Macon.' Thomaa A. Reynolds. Daniel S. Barber. Benjamin Pillbean. (Charles Tansey-dkd at Pnebla 26 Oot. Samuel Yeakley. . [47). James H. Thompson. John F. Britton. William K. McClane, Actg adjutant to Benjamin F, Hays. [Batt. George W. Amsden. Joaeph Comb. Caleb D. Davis. 5th Regiment of Indiana Volunteers, for during the war with Mexico-received Oot. 47 ; disbanded July 48.

Lieut. Cobned.
Ebenezer Dumont. &@or. William W. McCoy.

Aautant. (Pat It Edward Cole, relinquished St& Fut W Martin M. Van Deuzen. Captaim.
Edward Lander. Jesse I. Alexander. Michael Fitzgibbon. Daniel Lunderman. (William T. Baldridge -invalid-resigned Oot. 47). Alexander L. Mason. Bobert Fmvel. h n d o n Coohran. Morgan L. Payne (Oot. 47), co C. John W. Dodd (Seo It and Fst It to : Apr. 48), co A Ohristopher C. Graham (Fst It to Apr. 48), oo E. Oct 47).

James H . I a n e (late Colonel 3. reg. Ina 12 m a . Vols).

L h t . Cot.
Allen May (lab Capt in Drake's reg.)

John M. Myers. B 0 it John M. Lord (Iste Sec It in e Lane's 3. reg.) C7aptaJ'm. Horace Hull (lab Capt in Lane's 3. reg). Gteorge Greene. Robert M. Evans. James R. Bracken. Samuel MoKenzey (late Fst It in Lane's -. 3. reg.) Aaron 0. Gibbs (late Sec It in Lane's 3 reg.) (EFnezer G. Oarey4isd 14 Jan. 48). Davd W. Lewis. John McDougall. Mahlon Dickerson Manson. David Shunk.


Firat Lieutmunts. M.artin M. Van Deusen, Adjutant and

comd. oo A. (Jefferson D. S. D. Carey--dW Pnebla 21 Mar. 48). Abraham B. B. Iawie. Guetevns H. Way. James 0. Littell. at

Firut L e t n n s iueat.
Thomse K. Lewis (late Fat It in Drske's reg.



(De Witt Clinton Rich, Aeaist. q.m.dM 9 Feb. 48, in Mex. city5 Charles A. Shank (late 8eo It in Iane'e Philip J. Bee. [3. reg.) Andrew M. Pattieon. Lewie S. Moffatt. (Thomas I. Marshalldicd a5 Jan. 48). Sylvester Crane. Thomaa McBaker. John 8. M.Vanolere. John M. httimore. Joseph W. Holliday.
&mad L&&mmta.

First LisutencMlte. Ge_orge P. Dykes (late Adjt.) oomdg co


(John M. Lord, Adjutant). James M. Ross. James V. Moore. James Hamilton. James Baker. William C. Kiee. John V. King. John B. Sawtell. . Henry Hensley. William 8. Keep. Hngh J. Kelly. Joel Barnbe. Gerathwell Maxwell. Columbus W. Osburn. Ira B. Williamson. Henry W. Jones. Thomaa O'Neal. Zechariah Neely. Patrick Curley. Eliaa D. Pierce.

George W. Roeecmns, oomdg oo C. George W. Omen. Elim Luddington. James Paoe. Bewnd Liactananta. Samuel Thompson. Lorenzo Clark. Rue1 Banns. Andrew Lytle. (Philemon 0. Merrill, Adjutant). Oyrns C. Canfield. William W. Willie. Ilobert Clift.

Battalion of Iowa " Mormon " Volunteem, for 19 months-5 companies ; received a t Council Bluffs 16 July 46 ; diecharged at Los Angelos, Cal. July 47. Ltkd Coloneb comdg. ( J m ALLWr [Capt. 1. U. 8. drags.]W at Fort Leavenworth 23 Aug. 46). (ANDBEW JACKSON a [Fst It 1. Sm drags], acting 30 Aug. 46). PHILIPST. G E O B OOOKE [Capt 1. ~ d m ] , 13 Oct. 46. Adjuhnt. (Fet It George P. Dykes-relinq. staff to comd. co D). & G It Philemon C. Merrill, 1NOV. 46. Captains. Jefferson Hunt. J e w D. Hunter. James Brown. Nelson Higgins. [to Mar. 48. Daniel C. Devis-continued in servioe

Regiment of Kentucky Cavslry Vol. unteem, for 12 months-received June 46 ; discharged July 47. Colonel. HWHBEY M ~ ~ H A L L Sec .It 1. [former U. 8. drags.] L h t . Coolonel. Ezekiel Field. Major. John P. Gtaines. Adjutants. (Edward M. Vaughn-killed at Buena Viete). 8t-cI Thot H. Barnes. Captaine. Johnson Price. Benjamin C. Milam. John 8hawhan--2aaund. at Buena Vista. William J. Heady-prisoner of war in Mex. Thomaa F. Marshall. Aaron Pennington. James C. Stone. Casainu M. Clay-prisoner of war in Mex. Oliver P. Beard. Fimt Lieutenante. John Field. Lafayette Dunlap. Joseph H. D. McKee. Thomas J. Churchill-prisoner of w r a in Mex. Samuel F. Patterson. Jesse Woodruff. , John H. Morgan. William M. Torrence. Sewnd Lisutenanta. George F. Sartain. George P . Elwinford. ,


George Msaon Brown. JohnM. Brown-wound. at BuenaVista. Lowry J. Beard. Green Clay Smith. (Thomas H. Barnes, Adjutant). John A. M e r d e l d - m d . at Buena Vista. Narbonne B. Scott. Thomas K. Conn-wcrund. a t Bnena Vista. George R. Davidson-prisonsr of war in Mex. John Allen. George W. Keene. Randolph Braefield. Thomas Jefferson Peak. John W. Kimbrough. -1st Regiment of Kentucky Volunteers, for 12 months; "Louisville Legionn-received May 46; diecharged May 47.

Joseph O. Baird. William White. George H. Sigler. Second Lleutenunts. W i l l i i E. Jones. Lewis Becker. John Harrigan. William Duerson. John Rnssell Butler. Levi White. Lowry B. White. Benedict Huebel. David Black. Charles W. Hilton. Jacob Pfalzer. Richard W. N. Taylor. George D. Hooper. David G. Swinner. Reuben F. bfaury. Samuel Withiiton.

Stephen Ormsby.

ad Regiment of Kentucky Volnn teers, for l a months-received June 46 ; disohsrged June 47.

m t . Colonsl. WEBE [former Capt 6. U. S.


W m R. MOKEE[former Fat It 3. U. S. art.]-killed. Lieut. Colonel. HENBY CLAY [former Sec It 2. U. S. JB. art.]-killed. bi(d0r. Casn H. FBY [former Sec It 3. U. 8.


B. SHEPHEBD Vormer Sec It 7. U. 8. inf.] Adjutants. (Put lt William Riddle, relinquished in Aug 46). Fat It William P . Fisher, Sept. 46. Captains. FBAXK SAUNDEW [former Sec It 9. U. S. drags.] Charles H. EIarDer. Ebenezer B. &we. Florian Kern. . John Fuller. Francia F. C. Triplett. (William L. Ball-died (eupposed murdered] July 46, near Matamoras). Charles W. Bnllen. Conrad Shroeder. %lliam Minor (Fst It to July 46), co E. Benjamin F. Stewart (Fst It to Aug. 46), co I.

i. d]

Aautanta. (Fat I Thomaa S. Todd-resigned Aug. t Fat I George N . Cardwell, 17 Aug. 1846. t


Frank Chambers.
Philip B. Thompson. Speed 8. Fry. George W. Cutter. s t Buena (William T. Willis-killed [Pits). William Dougherty. William N. Joyner. Wilkinson Tnrpin. (James W. Mose F s t It Aug. 461[co K. a t Buena Vista). co A. John H. McBrayer (Eat It to Aug. 46), James 0. Hewey (Fst It to Feb. 47), co F.

First Lkutmanle.

John J. Hd. (William Littrel-scalded on Steamer " Enterprise," and resigned). John Albrecht. Patrick McPike. William T. Barbour-prisoner of war Ephraim M. Stone. [in Mex. William Riddle (late Adjutant). (Willism P. Fieher, Adjutant).

First Lidenante.
(George N. Cardwell, Adjutant). Edward 8. Hobson. (Joseph W. Powell-died at Monterey 2 Jan. 47). James E. Belso, reg. Quartermaster. John W. Cowan.



in Mexico city,

Andrew J. Qat. Jamen M n o . ore William G. Kincaid, Ast commiassrg. David P. Wade. W i l l i i 8. Keene. Littleton T. h y . Second hhtenanb. Joseph 0. Ewing. Henry C. Long. William E. Akin, Aid de C. to B. Gen. Marehall, Mar. 47. George M. Oolemae William T. Withers, Aid de C. to B. Oen. Marshall, hug. 46. Bichard H. Clarke. Willism H. Mom. William D. Boberteon. Elias L. Barbee--u~nrmWa t Buena Oeorge W. Ball. [Vista. Thomas W. Napier-severely woundsd at Buena Vista. Thomas J. Proctor. Peter G. Flood. John E Lillnrd. Alva C,. Threlkeld. Lewis M. Beese. William 0. Lowry. (James Wileon-resigned April 47).

! %'&A3 DO-r i s . Z Jeme B.

( 19 Mar. 48).

Thomas H. Taylor. Thomee 0. Flonmoy, Aotg adjutant. Walter I. Lacy.

gdoond zkkutmanta.

Walter 0. Whitaker. Eli Holtzclaw. James H. Holladay, comdg co E. (John M Heddleson-resigned, Jan. . 48). James B. Ceeey. Ansel D. Powell. Churchill O. W p b e l l . (John Brook-dicd in Mexico city 19 Mar. 48). William Edmonson. Marshall L. Howe. William C. Memck. Elisha B. !headway. Benjamin D. h a y . James Kendall. William B. Holladay. John P. Thatcher. William E. Fisher. James 0. Deer. James T. Yonna. I Rigdon 8. dill. 3d Begiment of Kentucky Volun- James mller. teem, for during the war with Mexico Daniel Bunyon. -reoeived Ootober 47 ; disbnnded , July 48. 4th Regiment Kentucky Volunteers, Colonel. for during the war with Mexico-Manlius V. Thompson. L i ~ t Colancl. . received Ocf. 47; disbanded July 48. Thomas L. Crittenden. Colonel. Mqja. John S. Williams (late Capt. of Indep. John C. Breakenridge. 00.) A@tant. m. t Colone.?. Pat U Benjamin F. Bradley. 1 William Preston.



John W s Smith. e James Ewing. ThoTodd. William P. Chiles. James A. Pritohard. Andrew F. Caldwell. Leonidss Metoslfe-absent, sick. Leander M. Core-absent, sick. (Fat It to Feb. 48)9 George S. Dodge . co z.

Maim. "-- -

William T. Ward.

(8ecIt Robert P. Trabue-resigned Apr. 48). JTea U Charles H. Creel.

(John C. Squires-- dicd in Mexico city 20 ' Anth Wayne Bsrtlett. [Mar. 48). B. Rowan Hardin. Timothy Kesting. John C). Lair. George B. Cook. Decins McCreery. Joseph C. Oonn. i Mark 8 Hardin. .

Firat Lleutcnunta.

(Benjamin F. Bradley, Adjutant). Enoe H. Barry, heaist. qm. W i C. Allen. William P. Bramblett. Henry H Mb. .

(Patrick H. Gardner-resigned



arqjor m a g .

&iton N. Owena (Fst It to Mar. 48), co B. Thomse Mayfield (Seo It to Apr. 48),

Louie Gally.


Pirat Lieutanante.
(Robert P. Trabne, late Adjutant). William E. Woodruff, Actg adjutant. John W. Hughes. Edgar D. Barbonr. William Brietow. Jeremiah F. Doms. Jesse Davis. Milford Elliot. John Donan. Second Lieutenants. (Charles H. Creel, Adjutant). Titus P. A. Bibb. Charles D. Pennebsker. Harry J. Woodward. Cyreniaa W. Gilmer. Presler Talbott. John 6l. Snvder. w i i P. i). BUS^. James M. Shackleford. William G. Johneon. Samuel D. Cowan. , Levi White. Benjamin F. Egan. Isaac P. Wmhburn. (Oyrus A Soott--diecZ ip Mexioo oity 7 . Feb. 48). John D. Cmby. John M.b e y . Willism E. Ruesell. Noah N. Watkina. Oharles A. Wickliff. Noah Z. Chapline. Independent company of Kentnoky Volnnteere-received May 46 ; discharged bfay 47 ; served with the 6th U. S. infy.

Henry Forno. Eusebe L. Beroier.

Adjutant. F8t E William T . Lewis. t captajn8. Firat L&utemtR.

Joseph E. Ealer. Thomas 'Jhelford. (William T. Lewb, Adjutant). Gnstave Pereaux. 8eewn.d Lieutenante. David A. Bickell. Raimond F. Henriquez.

2d Battalion of Loni&ma Volunteer hrtillery (for 6 months)-3 oompanies; reoeived, for 3 months, May 46 ; discharged July 46. arqjor comdg. Lonis Qally (comd. 1st Batt).

Aquktnt. Capt. Eneebe L. Beroier (in Batt of 45). Captaine.

Juan P e w . Francin Mauberret. Maurice Grivot.

Fknt Lieutenants.
Hubert Gerard. Honore Rnfiier. Baimond F. Henriquez (Seo It in Batt Leandre Bourgevis. [of 45 1. Edonard Beviane. Julius Victor %hamy. M L4mWn.b. Lezin Lamothe. Antoine Jahan. Edonard Dessornmes. Brigade of Loniaiena Volunteere (for 6 months)-6 regiments ; reoeived, for 3 months, May and June 46 ; dieoharged Aug. 46.

John S. Williams.

First Lieutenant.

Roger W. Henson. Second ~ u t m a n t e . William A. McOonnell. B& * r George 8. Sutherland-severely woundPersifor F. Smith. ed at Cerro Gordo.

Brig. Inqwtor (rank of Major). Henry A. Lyons. Brig. &rur~teMnaster (rank of a p t . ) Louieiana Bqttalion of Volnnteer Artillery, for 3 months-2 oompanies ; Alexander Zenon Tmdeau. received 21 Aug. 45; discharged Aide 02 Cam?,(rank of Capt.) Nov. 45. Eugene Mneson.



let Regiment in P F. Smith's Brig. of , Louisiana Volunteers. Colonel. James B. Walton. L i e u W d Cobnel. Henry Forno (late Capt. in (Islly's Batt.)

Mjr ao.
Julien P. Breedlove. Adjutant. George J. Adde. cap&&. Isaac F. Stockton. Thomas Glenn. George H. Tobin. Henry B. Chase. R. C. Stockton. George Wm. White. James M. VsndegrS. Peter Soniat. John W. Bryce. George W. Shew, oo C. 2d Regiment in P. F. Smith's Brigade of Louisisna Volunteers. Colonel. James H. Dakin. Lieut. Colonel. Oharles M. Emerson.

Aa&tant. Robert A. Hunter. Captatatm. George E. Cornstock. Oopelsnd S. Hunt. Morris Willard. Samuel 0.Head. George Mason Graham, Richard A. Stewart. H. C. Fountain. John Wallace Keene. Daniel I. Ricardo. Robe%G. Beale, Fst It comdg co K.
4th Regiment in P. F. Smith's Brigade of Louisiana Volunteers. Colonel. Horatio Davis. I h t . Colonel. Oharles K. Johnson. BiJm. Charles Fiesca. Aautant. (Acting) Ezra R. Price (since Major 2. reg. Miss. Vols.) Captuins. * George Doene. John Francis Girault. Christian Wirth. George Dippacher. James Dill Galbreath. John Bodes Smith. Solomon G. Staples. Isaac 8. K. Ogier. Johann Boehler, Francis Warrington.

George W. Smith.

A@utcmt. John liledley Webb. Captains. A. Francis Rudler. James W. McNamar. Albert G. Blanchard. Edward Crevon. John Sewell. Warren A. Grice. George Price. Guatave 8. Rousseau. James W. Woodland. John Freeland, co B.
3d Regiment in P. F. Smith's Brigade of Louisiana Volunteers. Colonel. Samuel F. Marks. L h t . Colonel. Theodore G. Hunt.

5th Regiment in P. F. Smith's Brigade Volunteers. of ~ouieiana ' Colonel. Baillie Peyton. Lieut. Cobnel. Hugh W. Dunlap.

John Waddell.

Henry W. Fowler.

A@uta?&t. Fat It William T . Fortson. Captains. aharles B. McKiernan. Robert W. Stewart. James Blackburn. William B. Robertson. ' R. I. Lawrence. William Monsghen (subseq. r a i k d a Texan oo at Lobos Island).



S. M. Hynms. L. P. Crain. William Mosely. Joseph Dorloni co I.

6th Regiment in P. F. Smith's Brigade of Louisiana Volunteers.

(See it William H. Harrison-relinquiahed Staff h u e 48). Fat I Charles T. Badger. t captai&. Bnseell P. Mace (late Fst l t in 5. Lou Vole. ) (Christian Wirth (late Cnpt in 4. Lou Vols. )-died at Tampico 12 Apr. 47). Bornt Seguine (late Fst It in 2. Lou Vols. ) Joseph Preg (late Fst It in 4 Lou Vole. ) John W. Cole. Bobert Pope (late Fst It in 4. Lon Vols. ) John Freeland (late Capt in 2. Lou Vols. ) Copeland 8. Hunt (late Capt in 3. Lou Fols. ) Robert Akins. Theodore Lewis. Peter Basterdee (Fst It toDec. 471, co B.

Edward Featherston.

Lieut. Colonel.
Samuel H. Peck. Major. George H. Wellington.

Aa2ctant. F8t I William D. McCright. t ' Cqh'ns.

Harmnn G. Hercer. James C. McAllister. J. B. G. Kennedy. William W. Stewart. Jamee C. Downer. Jamee 0 Fuqua. . Joeeph Hufty. William R. Braselman. John Pnrcell. William B. Smith.

Firat Lieutewnb.

John Purcell (late Capt in 6. LOU Vols. ) haac 8. K. Ogler (late Capt in 4. Lou [Vols.) Joeeph Palezewski. Frank McHenry (late Fat It in 4. Lon [Vole.) Frederick Otto Eicholz. (Charles T. Badger, Adjutant). Vernon H. Lindenberger (late Sec It in Independent Company of Louisiuna Robert A. Ckain. [4. Lou Vols.) Volunteers, for 12 months--received William 0.Whitman. (William B. Smith-late Capt in 6. Lon July 46 ; discharged May 47. Voh.-reed. Nov. 47). Captain. Sewnd Lieutanants. ALBERTG. B L A N C ~ rformer Fst It in 3. U. 8. inf], and dapt. in 2. Lou Wenezer C. Ledyard. James A. Stewart. [Vols.) Vols. 1 Peter 3 . Terbuah (late Fat It in 2. Lou Firat Lieutenand. William R. Simmons. William Tenbrink (Sec It in 2. Lou Horatio N. Silliman. Vols.) John H. Singleton. Frederick Sevier. Slecond Lieutsnanb. Edward F. Nicholla (Fst It in 4. Lou John S. Arold. [Sept..47). Samuel C. Scott. [Vole.) Robert White. (Edward A. Trent-disd a t Tamprco 4 William H. Harrison (late Fst It 5. Loo Regiment of Louisiana Volunteers, Vole.) late Adjutant. for during -the war-received Dec. John Cooney. John Campbell. 46 ; disbanded July 48. Gustavne Heimberger-mound, a t HuaColonel. Andrew Daley. [jutla). LEwre G. DE RUEBY rformerly Capt. John D. A. Kirkland. William H. Homer. 0. S. Art and Paymr.] Francis W. Yeager. Lieut. Colonel. a t Tampico 17 (John H. EvansSamuel F. W r k s (late Colonel 3. Lon William P. Gallagher. [Ang. 47). Vole.) Jackson Anderson. Mqjar. John Francis Girault (late Cnpt. 4. Lou. Battalion of Louisiana Volunteers, Vols.) for during the war with Mexico-b



companies ; received May 47 ; diebanded July 48. Charles Fieaca (late Major 4. reg. Lou Vola.)

F~T&? hktLhl4nb.
8tanford W. Waters-Weinoe the war. Robert J. Kelly. Christopher Lilly. William Morwlle-dkrl since the wsr. Lewis W. Barry. John H a r b . (David Henderson, Actg Aid to B. Gen. Lane at Huamantla ; 7i in action c W a t Mate Cordnrio. 19 Feb. 48). Beverly E Hunter. . (Henry C. Foster, Adjutant). James Pearaon. Charles Foster. (John Kline-kblled 23 Sept. 47 at Paso Winfield D. Hook. [Ovejee Mex.) Patrick H. Curran: William Mitchell. Bathlionof ~ a r ~ l a m d Dietriot nd of Columbia Volunteers, for 12 monthe-8 companies ; received May 46; disbanded May 47. Lkut. Colonel Comdg. (William H. Watson-ki12.d at Monteres). Brmet YJor Comdg. BOBEET C. BUCHINAN [Chpt 4. inf], from Nov. 46.

(Sffi 2 Yves Guyot-disd at Vera Cruz t 9 Aug. 47). (Fat d Rneeee W. Bademecher-dkd at t Vera C m 29 Apr. 48). S f It Joseph G. King. fi George Wm. White (late Capt. 1. Lou Vole.) aharlee A. Seefeld (late Capt in A. 8. Johneon's Texan Volunteers). William E. Millen. Francis Warrington (lste Capt 4. Lou Vole. )-died since the war. am& E. Featherston. F i ~ 8k i k W L n b . t Henry C. Young. (Rneeee W. Rademecher, Adjutant, and Uonrsd Gerbin. I died). Thomas NOIT&. John Jacobs. h d klenanb. David Nelligan. Henry A. Sheeffer. Jnlium Verbaum. Frederigk Rhoe. George Mayne. Peter J. Msncoeos. (Yves Guyot, Adjutant, and dM). David S. McDowell. (Joseph G. King, Adjutant). Joseph A. Steinsoher-dierl at Vera Cruz 8 Sept. 47. (Daniel Cronnan--died 15 Oct. 47). (John Reilly- diad 20 Sept. 47).


Battalion of Louisiana Monnted Volunteer~, for 12 months-5 companies; received July and Aug. 47; discharged July 48. k t . U o h l candg. Walter F. Biscoe (late Sec It in 2. Lou Vole. )

Bso # Henry C. Foster.

Ccvpta21~1. Lorenu, A. Besanpon. Hiram Fairchild (lste Fet It in 2. Lou @oh. ) James J. Connoll~. Loremo Lewis. George Kerr.

(Fat It Francis B. Shseffer-prom. to Capt co D). Set It WILLIAME. Amaurra, Dec. 46 [late Capt Art.] captaim. ~ a m e E. Steuart. s John B. Kenly. James 8. Piper. Robert Bronsugh. James Boyd @st It to May 46), co F. Francis B. Shaeffer (Fst It and adjutant to Dec. 46), co D. R ~ a Ikutenanb. t Benjamin F. Owen. Msrcellne K. Taylor. (Eugene Boyle, comd. co D. in battle ; died at sea 6 Jan. 47). Joseph H. Buddoch. Second L&utencante. Samuel Wilt. Oden Bowie. Lewrenoe Dolsn. [Q.m.'s dept. ) (Thomaa M. Gleiwon-prom to Capt. in James Tannehill-~caouW. (WILLIAME. AI~QUITH, Adjutant).



Robert E. Haelett. David P. Chapman. 10 H. Morrow. Edward Murphy. Jacob C. Hemmick. (William O'Brien-resigned).

Separate Companies, attached to this Regiment : Captain. C.RoberdeanWheat. Charle~ McDonald. Second &tenants. Francis E. Smith. Abner C. Steele.

' Tennessee Com-


Regimentof M a r y l a n d and D i s t r i c t o f C o l u m b i a Volunteers, for during the war with Mexico-received May and June 47 ; disbanded 24 July 48. Colonel. GEOBGE HUGHEB W. [Capt and brevet Lt colonel Topog. engrs. J Lieut. Colonel. WILLIAM EMOBY H. [Fst It and brevet Major Topog. engrs.] Major. John R. Kenly (late Capt in V!atson's Batt.) Aautamt. k k It James Steele. Captaine(8 cos.) William H. Degges. Edmnud Barry. Lawrence Dolan (Sec It in Wataon's Dan Drake Henrie. [Batt.) Marcellus K. Taylor (Fst It in Watson's Lloyd Tilghman, Light art co. [Batt.) Francis B. 8haeffer (Capt in Watson'e Batt.) c47). George W. Brown (Pet It to 30 May First Lieutenante. Frederiok A. Klopfer, comd. co D. Henry S. Addisoe. rnois Batt. Washington Hooper, oomd. co in IlliWilliam J. Corcoran, comd. co H. Isaac H. Morrow (Sec It in Wat~on's John M. Thornton. mtt.) (Frisby Tilghman-resigned May 48). Jacob S. Klessen. John Hooper. 8 o nE k t e n a n t a . eor John Cam, Actg adjutant. Benjamin R. West. James 0. Brien. David A. G f i t h . William H. Baker. (James Steele, Adjutant). Richard P. Henry. John H. Ballman. Arnold Tensfield. gohn H. Gronowell. William J. Garey. Ira Mabbett. Robert C. Bell. Henry M. Milnor.



pany of Mounted Volm. May 47 to July 48; (eemed with 2. drags.: M.Gen. Scott's bodyguard.

Captain. Thomaa A. Rowley. f i ~ 8.tb t e n a n t . Andrew McClory. ~9ewnd Lieutenante. James MoLean, comd. co. Alexander Scott.

1 t
Pittaburg Company Oct. 47 to July 48.

Independent Company,--8 June 47, to 1August 48 : Captaim. (James Boyd, Capt in Wateon's Batt ; killod at Rio Celaboso 12 July 47). Joaeph R. West. plZr8t L W n a n t . served at Tam(James Tannehill, Sec It P1co Unin WatRon's Batt ; mort. mound. at Rio Oalaboeo, Go1. and died at Huajutla 26 July 47). bd~ieutenante. (George De Qroote-died at Tampico 24 Oct. 47). John A. Letten. Franklin B. Nimoch. J


1 gR-

Regiment, of M a s s s c h u s e t t s Volunteers, for during the Mexioan war, -raised in January and February, 47 : disbanded July 48. Colonels. (Caleb Oushing, 16 Jan. 47-promoted C47). to Brig. Qeneral). Isaac H. Wright (Lt colonel to 27 Mag Lieut. 00h.ez. Edward W. Abbott (Major to 27 May 47).


Edward Webster (Capt to May 47 ) died at San Angel 23 Jan. 48.



1st Regiment of Mississippi RiflesVolunteers, for 12 months-received June 46 ; discharged June 47' C'olonsl. JEPPEBSON DAVIS[former first It and Adjutant 1. drags] ; sev. wound. at Buena Vista. Liaut. Colonel. Alexander K. McClung-dangerously wound. at Monterey.

(Hugh M. Markham-resigned 46).

1 (Josephus J. Tatnm--died on the march

from Victoria to Monterey 20 Jan. 47). Leon Trousdale. John J. Poindexter. [Vista). (Francis J. McNulty-killed a t Buena John P. Stockard-woundad at Buena Richard Hopkins. [Vista. 8. Moses Phillips. Samuel B. Thomas. (Thomss J. Kyle-resigned Dec. 46).

Alexander B. Bradford. Adjutant. X o It Richard G&th. e Caplains. John M, Sharp-severely wounded at Buena Vista. Reuben N. Downing-woundad at MonDouglaa~ Cooper. . H. [terey. William Deley. John Willis. Bainbridge Decatur Howard. James H. R. Taylor. William P. Rogers. John Lewis McManus. John 8. Clendenin (Sea It to Jan. 47), co H. Firat Lieutenants. Henry F. Cook--wounded at Monterey, comdg co C. Daniel R. Russell, comdg co D. Crawford Fletcher, comdg co E. Carnot Posey-woundedat Buena Viata. Samnel A. D. Greaves, comdg co G. (Robert L. Moore, comdg co H.-kilZed a t Buena Vista). William N. Brown. Ohristopher H. Mott, Assist. commiaWilliam H. H. Pattersont [ar~. Amos B. Corwine-wound& at Buena James E. Stewart. [Vista. Jiecond Lieutenants. (Richard GrifEth, Adjutant). Thomss P. Stade, Assist quartermsster. James Colhoun. (Lewis T. Howard-wounded at Monterey ; resigned Dec. 46). James H. Hughes. William Henry Hampton. Samuel H. Dill. William P. Townsend. Samuel R. Harrison. Rufus K. Arthur-wound& at MonWeekly W. Redding. [terey. William E. Epps. William B. Wade. Charles M. Bradford. [terey. E. W. Hollingsworth-wound. at Mon-

%dRegiment of Missieeippi Volunteers, for during the war with Mexico -received Jan. 47 ; disbanded July 48. Colonels. (Reuben Davis-resigned Oct. 47). Charles Clark (Capt to 16 Oct. 47). k t . Colonels. (Joseph H. Kilpatrick-resigned Oct.

~ohh/'~. Wilcox (Fst It and Adjutant to 18 Oct. 47). diajm. Ezra R. Price. (Xec U Beverly ~atthews-relinquished St& Oct. 47). Fat It Thomas 8. Munce (18 Oct. 47). Cqtaine. Andrew K. Blythe. (Enos Elder-died at N. Orleans 10 [Feb. 47). Joel M. Acker. [co C. William J. Daniel. Philip F. Liddell (Sec It to War. 47), William N.Estelle (Fst It to July 47), WiLon Ijames, co B. [co I. (Chesley S. Coffee (Sec lt to Oct. 47) -resigned May 48). JohnB. Deason(Sec1ttoNov. 47), co K. Fleming Amyx (Fst It to Feb. a ) , oo H. Alexander M. Jackson. F h t ktenants. Ohristopher C. ahinn. William Strother. (Holland Middleton-died at Camargo 28 Mar. 47). William C. Falkner. (Thomas 8. Munce, Adjutant). Everard Dowsing. Jesse G. Steele. Alexander W. Weaver.

dames M. ;ldoKinney. Martin 8. White.


Smnd LieuLieutanants.

Regiment of Missouri Volnnteers, St. Lonis Legion "-8 companies ; received May 46 ; discharged Ang. 46.

(Itobert M. Cook--d& at Saltillo, 27 Charles Gonveneax. [Ang. 47). William H. Jackson. Beverly Matthewe. Eli G. Henry. Thomee C. Hindman. William C. Landerdale. Meteelon A. Man. Robert Cleland. (Robert Martin--d& at N. Orleanr, Jan. Andrew Jackson T~lssell. [47). Felix W. Qoff. James M. Liddell. Richard S. Cromer. Marke I. Biddle. &ton Gregory. Edward B. Shelton. Thomas Y. Oarter. Jeremiah Alexander. John A. Jackson. George Berrows. Francis M. Heckworth.

cln3. oo41
Alton R. Easton.

m.C'O&?aeI. Ferdinand Kennett. ar*.

Qottfried Bhoenthaler. Acb'tkmt. Henry Almstedt. .

C/tia apon.
Stephen 0. Coldman. Philander Salsbury. John Knapp. John Wataon, jr. Nicholm Woohner. Friedrich Schitfer. Henry I. B. McKellop. Henry Koch.


1st Battalion of Miseiesippi Rifle Volnnteere, for during the war with Mexico--5 companies ; received Oct. and Nov. 47 ; disbanded June 48. Limt. CoEonsl c m d g . James Patton Anderson.

8eo It John A. Andemon.

1st Regiment of Xiaeouri mounted Volunteere, for 12 months-8 companies ;reoeived June 46 ; dieobarged June 47. Colonel. Alexander W. Doniphan. Lieut. Colonele. (CHABLEBR m -f r e F. u +[omr Sac It 1 U. . S. drags]-and Capt Mtd d e . July

William M. Keyes. Elishe Crowson. George E. Stewart. Hilliard P. Doreey. Nathaniel 'Robert O w . First mtenante. Ezekiel W. Evsns. William H. Lmdere. Richard . King. 3 Colnmbns M. Lelend. Samuel C. Astin.
Becund Li8uhants.

Congreve Jackeon ( a p t to 18Sept. 46). arqior. WILLIAMG m m .


(Fat It George M. Butler-dicd a t CuFat It James A. De Courcey, 1Dec. 46.

-. .

varro N. Mex. 25 NOY.46).

Thomes Ivy. William T. Sharp. first Limtmants. Hardeman 0. Forrest. John Reid, ooming co A. John w.Stewart. Linnaene B. Sublette, comdg oo O. Thomns Weeher. Oalvin G. Miller. (John A. Anderson, Adjutant). (James A. De Courcey, Adjntsmt). W i l l i i T. Cook (Luke Lowe--& a t Tampico 1 Mar. John B. Duncan. Samuel Enntar. [a).Fenton G. MoDonald. Jamas Lea. William H. Dillinaham. , John Hinton (Serg major to Nov. 46). Thomes J. Ramaay.
~ ~

David Waldo. William P. Wslton. Oliver P. Moss. John W. Reid. Monroe M. P a r ~ ~ n s . Charles B. Rodgem. John D. Stevenson. Horatio H. Hughes.


khmd k t e n u n t s . Robert I. Barnett. James H. Moss. Francis A. Baushe-2wuW. George Pope Gordon. (Stephen Jackson-died at Mapimi Mex. [g &y 47). Scott Richardson. George B. Wineton. Crockett Harrison-wounded at 8acrame&. D. B. Grevea. David 5. Clayton. John 8. Campbell. Henry F. Ogden. Henry I. Chilea. Benjamin F. Murray. Nicholas B. Wright, comd. co G. at Bracito. William P. Hioklin.

William B. Royell. Franck L.Potter. Joseph Smith. James W. Black.

ad regiment of Missouri Volunteers, for 12 months-received July 46 ; discharged September 47. C'oloml. (Sterling Price- -appd. Brig. General U. 5. Volunteers 20 July 47). Lieut. Colonel. David B. Mitchell.

Benjamin B. Edmoneon.

A#utnnts. Lt Elobert Walker to Oct. 47. Lt John J. Tisdale, Actgfm Q.m.'s serg. 0aptain.a. (Napoleon B. Giddings-resigned Mar.

8ewnd Lie&nants. (Benjamin E. Lacklanddicd at Santa Zadoc Holcomb. [Fe 27 Dec. 46). Samuel M. Sprawl, served with Capt. Hudson in Olsrk's Batt. (John A. Boarman-murdered at V a l h N. Mex. 27 June 47). Robert G. Gilman. Robert D. Foster. Robert B. Todd, served with Capt. Hudson in Clark's Batt. 1. (3. FlournoY, comdg co N. James W. Link. (.James M. Alexander--diedat camp Oalhonn 29 Nov. 46). Gtoldon Warson. (George E. ~ a ~ k 1 ~ ~16 Feb. 47). d - w (John Mansfield-wounded at Teoe 4 Feb. 47, and died 16th). William R. Samuel. Francis J. Smith. jerem* Hamilton. I. (William Dean-dicd at Santa Fe 28 Robert Patton. [Apr. 47). Thomas A. Austin. Robert A. Layton. B. 0. Woods. S. B. Searey. Wesley T. Newbold. Albert G. Blakey.

-Battalion of Mieeouri Volunteers, for 12 month8 ; Light Artillery 3 companies ; Infantry 2 oompanies-received June and July 46 ; diecharged June and July 47.

McMillaneWat Taoa. William Y. Slack. Hancock Jackson. John Holloway. Thomes M. Horine. William 0. Halley. Thomas Barbee. John C. Dent. [co K. Benjamin white (Fat It to Feb. 47). Thomas C. MeKamey ( k c lt toMar. 47), co A.


M@T mndg. MERIWE~HEB LEWIS L A[former Sec C ~ It 6. inf and Aid de C. to Gen Scott.]
Adjutants. r Lt Leonidse D. W ~ l k e to June 47. f i t JI chrktbn ~ ~ i b b ~ ~ .

F r t Lieutenants. is
Daniel Hereford. John W. Tucker. G. West--zaoudd at Taos. Clrrre Oxley. Elies W. Boone, comd. co A. William P. Smith. (Robert T. Brown, Actg Commis. and Q.M.; murdered at Vallas N. Mex. 27 June 47).

carptrutrum. Richard Hanson Weightman. [gem." b Woldemar Fischer. ThomasB. Hudson, " Laclede Ran- 3

F h t Lieutanants.

Andrew Jackson Dorn-appd. in 3 , Louia C. Uarnier. rdrags. Oct. 47. [ 3 Edmund F. Chouteau. 3 (Christian Kribben, Adjutmt). Richard 8. Elliott. J




Louis T Labeanme. . John 0. Simpson. asabt. 8.m. Francis Hassendeubel. Henry D. Evans. August De Marle. John R. Gratiot.


'1 b

C'aptaina. William Z. Angney. [May 47). (William 8. Murphy--resigned 3 Jonaa S. Woods (Fst It May 47). Fi~at Lieutenante.

Leavenworth) Aug. and Sept. 46 ; discharged Sept. 46-Order of service countermanded by War Dept. Capiaina. Thomas H. Holt. Alfred Y.Julian. Augustus Rainey. Francis M. Boing. Benjamin W. Smitheon. Firman A. Rozier. John F. Franciscua. Napoleon Koscialowski. Washington Lafayette McNair.

Second Lieutenants. Lucian J. Eastin. George R. Gibson. Charles 8. Miller. Franklin Finch.
C -

Battalion of Missouri Mounted Volunteers, for 1 2 months ; ( b t muatered in Price's regime&), 4 companies-received Aug. 46 ; discharged Aug. 47. Lkut. Uolonel m d g . David Willock. AGutanls. (fit It Samuel Shepherd-promoted to Capt Apr. 47). [Apr. 47). Sec It Robert P. Clark (Serg. major to Captains. Jesse Morin. %d at Moro, N. ! (Israel R. Hendley, he Mex.) Benjamin F. Robinson. William M. Jacobs. Samuel Shepherd (late Adjutant). First Lieuttmmts. Isaac W. Gibson. Samuel S. Hughes. James A. Carothers. John W. Martin. Seooeoond Lieutanan&. Jones H. Owen. Nathaniel T. Williams. John Larkin. \ John M. Miller. r47). (Benjamin M. Hawkins, resigned May 3d Regiment of Missouri Mounted Thomas T. Critteuden. Volunteers, for during the war Adam Huffrnan. with Mexico--received July 47 ; dieJames G. Spratt. banded October 48. 9 Companies of Missouri Volunteers, Colonel. for 12 months; received (at Fort John Ralls.

Battalion of Missouri Volunteers for daring the war with M e x i c e 5 companies ; received May 47 ; disbanded October 48. Lieut. Colonel wrndg. Alton 8. Easton (Late Colonel "St. Louis legion)." A@wtant. Fat It Samuel A. Holmes. Cqtaina. Elisha H. Shepard. [ton's regiment). Nicholas Wochner (late Capt in EasNoble C. Cunningham, comdg Batt i n March. Edward W. Paul. [ton's regiment). William A. Bnrnes (late Fst It iu EasFirst Lieu&nan&. (Samuel A. Holmes, Adjutant). Emauuel Siener. Frederick Bailey. George W. Paul, Assist. Q.M. Abrnm Allen. Second Lieutenan&. Thomas W . Levant, comdg co A. William Dietz. Francis Phelps, Adjutant of a Batt. James M. Stuart. Charles E. G . Morse, comdg oo E. Reuben Pritchett. Sebastian Hupp. Silas Penniman. William H. Weightman. Leonard F. Gray.


Lieut. CoEanal.
Richard H. b e .

fiederick L o w . John Swigler. Battalion of Miesouri Xonnted Volunteers, for during the war with Mexico--5 companies ; received August 47 ; disbended November 48.

William W..Sepolds.

Simeon Hsrt. Captoim. Washington Lafayette McNair. (Lonis his-dicd st Santa FB 5 Feb. William S. L o h d [MI. Gabriel De Korponay. Auguatns Jones. Samuel A. Boake. (Moses H. Simonds-dicd en route to Santa F6 26 Jnly 47). John Hsley,Brigade Inspector, Feb. 48. (Benjamin Salmon, Fst It to Jnly 47; mwt. wound. by Apaches 23 July and James I. Clarkson. I died 19 Nov. 48). David D. Stockton (Nov. 47). co. K. John Christian Gebhardt (Feb. 48), oo C.

Lieut. colkm-91-.
Ludwell E. Powell. Adyulant. Thomas J. Todd.

A. W. Sublette. David McOaueland. James Craig. William H. Sodgem. Robert M. Stewart.

First Lieutenan&.
Thomas Mars. Antoine Lefevre. Francia M. Warmcastle. Francis Impey. Henry Smith. &mid &W.enante. Singrose Watson. Immanuel S. Jones. John W. Kelly. Samuel J. Lingenfelter. Howell Thomas. William Maran. Samuel Machatt. Thomas L. Young. John M. Searcy. Seph H. Craig. Battalion of Xieeouri Mounted Volunteers, for during the war with Mexico-5 companies ; received September 47 ; disbanded October 48. Liel6t. Colonel Comdg. WUM GLLPM (late Major of Doniphan's reg.)

First Lieutenant.
James M.Allen. Herman Schroeder. Samuel Aansorgh. Dillard P. P i e , comd co E. George W. Cotner. (Robert Love-died at Santa F6 21 Sept. 47). Samuel A. McConkey. (Washington Porter-diect s t Albuquerque 13 Nov. 47). William W. Stephens. Stephen D. Ellowny. A. M. Bnttingham. George Cain. Second Lhtenant. Charles Krohne, Actg ad jutant of deJacob Biebrich. [tachment. (George 0. Hepbnrn-kiZZed at Sapta F6 de Rosales 16 Mar. 48). John K. Hawkins. Frame King. Alphens Wheeler. Joseph F. Anthony. Levi A. Williams. Joseph P. Dillon. Richard G. Boberts. George Scheibel. William E. Jones. Benjamin Talbot. John Philipp Ludwig. [15 Aug.47). (Charles K. Oliver-dierl on the Plains (George K. Culp, invalid, resigned [Sept. 47). John McDaniel. Milton H. Wash. Jefferson Taliferro. Preston P. Brickey. Thomss Stockstill.

Aautunt. Fst I Henry Lewis Routt. t Captuina.

John C. Grit%. Thomas Jones. Paul Holzcheiter. (Napoleon Koscialowski, resigned June 48). CE. Caleb S. Tnttle (Sec It to July 48). co

First Lieutenant.
Oliver Bain. Joseph C. Eldridge--wozm&d by Pnwnee Indns 20 July 48.



Phillipp Stremmel, comd DO 0. (John Stevens-resigned $uly 48). Charles Grager.

Jonathan D. Stevensan.

Second Lieutenante.
Aahley Gulley, h i a t . q.m. Christian Boeclring. Edward Colston. (William O'Hara-resigned July 48). Ira Benaon. -. - . . . John Hill. (John William 8choll--died (suicide) [a1 Jan. 48). Albert F. Schnable. W i l l i i Knhlon. Ceswell H. Williams. Stephen H. Fisher.

HZNEY BWTON S. [Fat It 3. art.]

JAMqj&. ALLENHAEDIE LSec It 3. art.]

L& C o ~ l . &.

Adjutants. (Fat It Henry C. Matsell, relinquiehed staff to comd. his co Mar. 47). Fst I JOHN B N T t C. O N O , 22 Mar.
47 ; appd. in 4. h f y June 48.

Battalion of New Jersey Volunteers. four companies, for during the Mexican war-received Sept. 47: diebanded July 48.

Lleut. ColonsZ Camdg.

Dickinson Woodruff.

cqtaina. Seymour G. Steele. [art.] JOHNE. BBA~KETT [former Sec. It 2. HENBY NA~LEE M. [former Sec. It 5. Francia J. Lippitt. [id.] MATTHEW STEVENSON It 7. id.] R. [Sea John B. Frisbie. William E. Shannon. Kimball H. Dimmick. Nelson Taylor.


Firat Mtenanta.
Henry C. Mataell (Adjutant), comd. co B Mar. 47. Cq.m. George F. Penroee, Actg. commis. and (John C. Bonnycmtle, Adjutant). (William R. Tremells, Actg adjntantdied a t sea, after rescuing a private from drown'g). Henry J. Carnes. Edward Gilbert, Actg. adjutant. George A. Pendleton. Henry Magee. George C. Hubbard. Edwards Williams. Thomas J. Roaoh. S m d Lieutmante. Charles Benj. Young. (Oharles C. Anderaon--died a t Ssn Francisco 13 Sept. 47). Hirem W. Theall. William E. Cnttrell. John Huddard. Palmer B. Hewlett. Theron a. Perlee. William H. Weirick. George Francis Lemon, Post Adjutant. Edward Gould Bnffum. Geor e D. Brewerton, appd. in 1. infy J. ~ & e n r ~ Hollingsworth. [May 47. Joseph C. Morehead. Jeremiah Sherwood. William H. Smith. Thomas E. Ketcham. John 8. Norris. Roderick M. Mor.rison. Chwles G. Scott (Actg Dec. 47).

Fat Z Warren L. Young. t

c u t cn . cp -a a

David McDowell, comd. Battalion July [48. David Pierson. I w c ' W . Mickle (Sec It and Actg commis. and q.m. b Nov. 47). James aeynolds.

Fi~d Liet6tB1U1nt&.
Francis Harrison, Capt during the suspension of Reynolds. (Warren L. Young, Adjutant). John Van Houten. (John H. Stiles-resigned). &mnd Lkutemnta. (Andrew M. Law--died at Vera C m Dec. 47). E m Ferns, oomd. co D. Joseph A. Logan. Alexander McKinley. Elies Charles Abrams. David D. Nichols. Frederick W. Burnett. Henry B. Hays. Anthony H. Reynolds.

1st Regiment of New York Volnnteers, for service in C a l i f m b and during the war with Mexico-received 1 Aug. 46: disband. Aug. Sept. and Oct. 48.


Francis Q. Boyle, comd. oo 0. Dec. 47. James Ward Henry, oomd. oo E. at OhuruJacob QrifEn, jr.-wound. busco. David Scannell, oomd. co 0. Apr. 47. Robert M. Floyd. S W Lhtenants. Charles B. Brower, comd. co F. Dec. 47; appd. in 3. infy Deo. 47. , (James W. Green, reg. Q.m. ; wound. at Chapdtepec; resigned Feb. 48). Thomas W. Sweeny-am. wound. s t Churubusco; appd. in2. infy Mar. 48. James D. Potter-am. wound. at Churubusco. Major. wm Garret Dyckman (Capt to 18 Sept. 47) (Edgar Chandler-mt. 21 Aug. d . at 47). Churubusco, and died -wv, wound. at Churubusco. John Rafferty, comd. co K. Adjutants. Henry Qaines, comd. co A. Feb. 48. (Fat 11 Robert A. garter, promd. to Morritz Von Malachowski-mnd. at Ca t Nov. 47). rrubusco. Churubusco. P'at James 8. XoCabe, Apr. 48Charless. Cooper-am. wound. at ChuDavid M. Doremus, comd. co E. Jan. 48. wound. a t Churubusco. Hipolyte Dardonville-wozmd. nt ChuCaptartarm. Michael A. Cnrran. [rubusco. (James Barclay-wound. a t De Belen John Wil~on-wound. at Churubusco. gate, and died a t San Amel 28 Jan. Alexander H. Barber. 38). . [48. James Wiley. J a y P. Taylor, oomdg. regiment Apr. John Cooke. ( aharles H. Pearson-wound. at Cerro . --Edward Cooke. Gtordo; wound. at Chapultapec, Philip Van Vechten. and died 10 Oct. 47). Henry Dusenbury. Ssmnel Snowden Qallagher. ChuruCarl Beeoher-aev. Daniel E. Hungerford-wound. at Cha- Edward B. Carrell. wnd. at [busco. pultepeo. Cpultepeo). (Francia Durning, resigned Oct. 47). (Abram Van O'Linda-killed s t Cha- (John Hill, resigned Feb. 48). Morton Fairchild-wnd. a t Churubusoo. [June 47). (Ginetave de Bongar-invalid-resigned aharles H. Innes (Fst It to Sept. 47), Regiment of North Carolina Vok., co K-amund. at Churubusco, and for during the war with Mexioowound. at De Belen gate. received Jan. and Feb. 47; dip Gteorge B. Hall (Fst It to Oct. 47, and banded Aug. 48. [H; transf. to 3. reg. q.m.) oo A. Alfred W. !Caylor (Fst It to Oct. 47), co Colonel. Eknbert A. Carter (Fst It and Adju- Robert T. Paine. tant to Nov. 47), co E. L&?ut. Colonel. William Forry (Fst It to Nov. 47, and Adjutant) co B. [to Jan. 48), co H. John A. Fagg. Addison Farmworth, Sec It and Fst It Major. First L&?utgnants. Yontfort 8. Stokes. Oharles H. Sherwood-wound. at ChaA@utanta. pultepec. WY (Sw It Oel Alfred Buck-prom. to Capt 47). (Angnetus Jacobus--died at Jalapa 1 00 (Charlee F. Gallagher, Adjutant Dec. Lw ItA). ? Junius B. Whitaker, Aug. 47. 46 ; diexi at Miscoso 10 Sept. 47). cyqta;t-nu. Iarael Miller. Merriott N. Croft. (Luis D. Wilson-appd. Colonel 12. infy (James S. MoCsbe-wound. at Churn- William S. Duggan. [Apr. 47). (Martin Shive-died at Buena Vista 16 busco ; Adjutant 48). M a p e Reid-wv. m d a t Chapulte- Qeorge Williamson, jr. n. [Aug. 47). Franois E. Pinto, mmd. co D. Cpec. Patriak M. Henry.

2d Regiment of New York Volunteers, for during the war with Mexico -received NOY.and Deo. 46: digbanded August 48. Colonel. WARD BWNETT B. [former Sea It 2. U. S. Art]-m. w& at Churubwo. L&?ut. ColoneIa. (Charles Baxter-mortally wound. at Chapultepec, and disd 17 Sept. 47). James C. Burnham (Major to 18 Sept. 47).





William E. Kirk~atrick. I Abiora. Samuel P. ~ 1 ~ 6 n . (ThoL. Ibmer--appd. Brig. &n(William J. Price-resigned Jan. 48). erel 1 jUly 4 ) 8. (Henry Roberta-invalid, reed. Oct. 47). ~ ~~ i d d i 7~ ~ ,~ t h hng. 46. ~ (Tilmou Blalock-reed. Oct. 47). A@whnts. Spgers Singleton (Sea It to Oct. 47), [co B. (Sm lt James Findlay Harrieon, relinq. Jacob H. Constable, co D. Oel Alfred Buck. St& hug. 4) after Actg Adjt. 6. (Bm It Andrew Washington hrmetrong Firat Lthtenants. -m. wound. at Monterey; relinq. David S. Johnston, Actg adjutent. Staff Oat. 46). (Peter 8cales-disd Mar. 47). It Jonathan aichmond-resigned George E. B. Siqgeltary, Actg Batt ad30 Thomas W. Dunham. [jutant. (Sm NOV.46). White-promoted to It Oarr B. Jephthy M. Israel. Oapt Feb. 4 ) 7. (Joeiah 8. Pender-reed). (Sheppard K. Nash, comd. co D.Caphim. Willhm McKerd. [reed. May 48). John B. Armstrong, Actg Field m c e r . Henry A. Area. Edward Efamilton. Edward Yarbrough. Philipp Mtiller. Joseph Maaten. Edwin D. Bradley Second Lieutenant8. James George-wound. at Monterey. (8. W. Johmon, Aid-de-C. to B. Gen. Robert M. Wiley. Hamer ; resigned Feb. 47). (John B. Beatty-dzM at Saltillo 14 John Goodeon. [sept. 47). David D. Strong (Fat It to Aug. 46), co Lewis Harmell. I3 Nelson Slough. Ferdinand Vandeveer (8erg and Fat It Stephen Nichols. to Oat. 46), co I . James T. Mitchell, Oarr B. White (Sec It and Adjutant to Charles B. Ogbum. [co A. Feb. 47), co G. James W. Tatham. Wiiliam Kenneally (Sec It to Feb. 47), Nixon White. (Junius B. Whitaker. Adjutant). First I;ieutenonta. Duncan H. Black, Actg adjutant. Lewis Motter-wound. a t Monterey Robert 9. Pitt. Actg adjt Apr. 47. James Jones. Nathaniel Hodges Niles-m. wound. James K. Johneon. [at Monterey. James P. Fyffe. Jacob R. Daniel. (Matthew Hett-ktlkd a t Monterey 21 Robert F. Webb. Bept. 46). Seth W. Hyatt. (John G. Hughes-resigned Nov. 46). Joshua Bullock. (William Egry-reaigned Oct. 46). James A. ~laokweider. I (Iesac Hosear, comd. co K.; resigned Peter A. Stubblefield. (William H. Moye-read. May 48) [Oct. 46). P. IUein. (Zadock L. Thompson, comd. his 00William Maloney. invalid, resd). (E. W. Hancock-elected Fst It and Arthur J. Oakman. read). [Ang. 47). Jarnee IC. Kidd. (William H.Hartman-invalid, resd. (Benjamin Staton-resd. Feb. 48). S m n d Lieutenants. Andrew Waahington Armstrong (late Adjutant)-m. wound. at Monterey. Michael K. Shearer. -Knecbt. 1st Regiment of Ohio Volunteers, for ahristo~her 12 mouths-received June 46; d b charged June 47. Valentine Kneller. CobnJ. James Findlay HBIlieon (late Adjt), -. Ast &rmae&r and Actg ~ d j t . ALEXANDEB MITCHELL M. [former Set It 4. U. 8, inf I-wouad. at Monterey. Charles A. Vischer. Andrew Brackenbridge Oolville L h t . Colonel. wound a t Montarey. John B. Weller. Cyrns T. Smeed.


%=$. $ k : y



William Wilson. Nathan Allen. W. B. Howard. Ernst Kohlreieer. John F. Longley. Charles Boyle. C. D. Kendall. Caaeander Hall. Thomas O'Beirne. B. F. W. Lindeey. ad Regiment of Ohio Volunteers, for 12 months-received June and July 46 ; discharged June 47. UoZonel. George W. Morgan. Li4U.t. C'olmel. WILLIAM IBVIN [former Seo It 4. U. 8.

Jackson Spencer. (John A m o l d 4 r m n e d at Reinoeo, 7 Isaac S. Armstrong. mov. 46). Reuben Roeseler, Actg Adjt. Leroy B. Riley. Elliott D. Wall. John W. Cowne. Elijah Warner. Charles Kemp. Eli A. McFadden. Jameu H. Smith. Presley Woodard. William H. Sanford. Joeeph E. Smith. A. D. Rightmire.
3d Regiment of Ohio ~olnnteers, for 12 montha-received June 46 ; dia: charged June 47. Coloml. SAMUEL CUETI~ a. [former Sec It 7. U. S. inf and Adj. Gten. of Ohio]. Lbeut. Colonel. George W. McCook. dlqjm. John S. Love. Aautant. Pat It Oliver C. Qray. Captccine. William McLaughlin. Thomas H. Ford. Asbury F. Noles. John Patterson. David Moore. James Allen. John Kell, Jr. James F. Chapman. James M. Love (Fst It to Oot. 46), oo B. William W. Robinson (Fst It to Oct. 47), 00 0.



WILLIAM WALL. A@ut&nts. Tat It Thomas Worthington-resigned his co to be Adjt, and again relinq. to command his co. & It Charles Oliver Joline, Ang. 46. Captaine. Hobby Reynolds. (David Irick-died at Puntiaguda 4 John T. Micknm. [Dec. 46). Richard Stedden. William A. Latham (Rifle co D). Evan Jalian. (Simon B. Kinton-retired Dec. 46). (Robert G. McLean-retired Feb. 47). Simeon W. Tucker. [co D. Abraham Seifert (Seo It to Dec. 46), William H. Link (Rifle co, Seo It to [co C. Feb. 47), co I. Jackeon Canipe (Seo It to Feb. 47), Jamee E. Harle (Sec It to Feb. 47), Firat Lieuhmnts. co E. James Cantwell. First Lieutenants. Charles Boyle. Thomas Worthington (late Adjota~~t). P e b r Burket. (Oliver 0.Gray, Adjutant). George F. McGinnie. (Charles D. Miller-killed near Ohi- John H. Flenner. Michael Earhart. [charrones). Samuel Beatty. Andrew Gmbb. Mumn E. Cnlly. Samuel B. Crowley. James A. Markland. Edward T. Croxford. Samuel D. Stuart. Edward Steinman. Peter Brown. Hiram E. Ring. &cmd Lieutenants. Jonathan F. Neereamer. Joseph D. Workman. ' S & Lieute7mnts. William Smith. James McMillen. (Charlee Oliver Joline, Adjutant). (Owen Francis4ied 19 Oot. 46). Thomas P. Morton. Imac Delong. John R. Blaekstone. Arthur Higgins. Wwin R. Rill.



E l h B. S 6 p . Jacob G. Frick. Henry Toepfer. Baldwin J. Crosewait. Joseph A. Smith. Smith D. Baldwin. William D. Tidball, Post Adjutent at Edward Roessler. ltobert F. Riddle. [Matamorae. Martin Oestmann. Richard D. Emereon. Second Lieutenan&. Joseph W. Filler. (Warner Bpencer, Adjutant). Williim Porter. Oharles Henn. ' Horace L. Brown. Frederick Schmidt. Emanuel T. Hooker. Obadiah Holmes. Henry Miller, Jr. , Robert H. Thompson. Josiah 0. Cable. William Gtraebe. Rolla Banh. George M. Tillotson. Benjamin R. Pratt. / Daniel B. Robinson, Actg sdjt. May 48. Cherles Tupper. Henry Wi. George W. Bard. 4th ~ e ~ i h eof t h i o ' ~ o l u n ? & e 1st Abel Moore. n~ rs, LBfe~ette&mher. for during the W u with Mexicoreceived May and June 47; d i c ~ ~ ~ r I s ~ n ~ a n ' bsnded July 48. Petar de Anhey. Herman Wm. Jeeger. Colonel. John N. Dyer. Charlea H. Brough. John Adsms. Lieut. C o h l s . John 0. M r h l . asal (Md~hier Werner, resigned 10 Sept. john ell. 4.0. Augnatns Moor (Capt to 10 Elept. 47). Regiment of O h i o Volunteers ; 2d, M@w. for during the war with MexicoWilliam P. Young. received 1st Sept. 47 ; disbanded AauInt. July 48. (Fat It Herman Kessler-prom. to Capt Colonel. Sept. 47). W I U U XIEW (late Lieut. colonel of S a Zt Warner Spencer 11 Sept. 47. e Morgan's reg.) Oaptoina. Ldeut. 0 0 ~ . (Anguetns Moor -prom. to Lieut. William A. Latham (late Capt Rifles in George Weaver. [colonel). Morgan's reg.) Mitchell 0. Lilly. [31 Aug.47). Major. (Teisher L. H a r t d i e d at Matamoraa (George Ellis Pugh, Vol. Aid to B. Gen. William H. Link (late Capt Riilea in Morgan's reg.) Lane-resigned Mar. 48). Adjutan&. Henry Robineon. George A. Richmond. (Fat It Simeon W. Tucker-remanded Otto Zirckel. to his co May 48). John Fries. S a It Alva Perry, 27 May 48. e . (Herman Kessler, late AdjntantGcvptaina. Y l M in affair with Cherilleros 97 (Nathaniel Hodges Niles, late Fst It i n Feb. 48). Mitchell's reg.; died at Jalapn 21 James k i n e (Sec It to Sept. 47), co G. May 48). h3+'8 reg.> Louis St. Gelen (Sea It and Fst It to Richard Stadden (late Capt m MorMar. 48)' co A. George F. McGinni~(late Fst It in Charles Creswell (priv. to Apr.), 48 cop. Morgan's reg.) [reg.) Firet LiguWnts. James E. Harle (late Capt in Morgan's John G. Hughes (late Fst It in MitchJoeish Meigs Robinson. ell's reg.)(George Cullman-died at Matamom, James A. Markland (late Fat It in Mor17 Sept. 47). John W. Lowe. [gan's reg.) Simpson P. Moses, reg. Qrmr. William T. Fergnson. John 0. Groom. Semuel Douglass, Aid de 0. to B. Gen. Joseph W. Filler (late Sec It in Curtis's Issac Enapp. [ h e Dec. 47.



( J w p h E. Smith, late Seo It in Mory ' s reg.-Fst It to Sept. 47 ; resigned Apr. 48). [May 48). Ezra Vanmeter (Seo It and Fst It to Abram Andrews (Fat It to Jnne 48).

(William Eenneally - died, reported suicide, at Rio Frio 21 Deo. 47). William H. Lytle.


Denis Gtorman. Weiriok F. Pentz. [reg. Smmd Lieutenante. Leroy B. Riley (late Seo It in M o p ' s Tkolnm O'Beirne (late Seo It in M~tch- (William O'Sullivau-resigned Maroh ell's reg.) k e ' e reg.) Robert B. Pope. C48). Jaokaon Spencer (late Seo It m Mor- Benjamin kriceland. Simeon W. Tucker (late Oapt in Mor[3d]. Company of FooGreoeived '26 gan's reg.), late Adjutant. October 47 ; disbanded 17 July 48. dames P. Fyffe (late Fet It in Mitohell's Robert B. Mitchell. Captain. [reg. 1 William P. Rim. Robert$. Riddle. Qeorge Wmh. Crowl. First b t e n c a n t . Abram B. Moses. Simon B. Kenton (late Capt in Mor& n Lieutencantn. w d gan's reg). John W. Edgar. Second Ldsutcnantn. Nathaniel M. Parker. Willinm B. Bowland. (Alvah Perry, Adjutant). Jarnee W. Chandler. John McDonald. --(Mark L. Olda-appd. Seo It in 16 inf Stiles L. Thrift. [June 48). 1st Regiment of Pennsylvania VolHugh W. Morehead, Adjt. of Batt. William I. Hogan. unteers, for during the war with MexThomas Roan, Aotg adjt. ico received December 46 ; dieMilton Jamieson, co C. [printed his banded July and August 48. journal and notes]. Colo?wl. Benjamin F. Moyer. John W. Marriott.. h c i e M. Wynkoop. Jabez J. Antrim. Lieut. Oblonsl. William 0. Jaoobe. Ssmnel W. Black. Alexander J. Bentley. Maim. Charles Kemp. William Howard. k c i s L. Bowman. Perry Steinman. A-nt. Amariah F. Onehman. Fat It Alexander Brown-(dicd on hie James G. return at New Orleans). C'aplorlorn8. Independent Companiee of Ohio VolRobert K. Scott. unteers, for during the war with James Nagle. Mexioo. William F. Small. Frederick Wm. Binder. [lst]. Company of Mounted men-reoeived 1 June 47 ; diebanded '2 Aug. iTohn Herron. (Alexander Hey-rem ed from dim48. John ~ e m e t t . R i i t y , W. 47). captain. Turner G. Morehead. John R. Dunam. Edmnnd L. Dana. (Joseph Hill--resigned from disability). Fht k W t . James O'Hara Denny (Fst It to Mar. David A. B. Moore. 47), co A. [as>. S & LdsutatlQntn. William A. Charlton (Seo It to May William P. Morrieon. f i s t Lisutsnante. Benjamin R. Wileon. Aquila Haimee. John Frederiok Ballier. [ad]. aompany of Foot-reosived 6 Sullivan D. Breeoe, oomd. oo E . Oct. 47; diebanded 25 July 48; (Angustus L a m t r e e -dk? a t eea 7 Mar. 47). served with Irvin's reg.

First Lieutencantit.

First Lieutenant.




(MontgomeryP. Young-dicd at Puebla I (James Oaldwell -eeverely zaound. at Simon S. Nagle. [S Oct. 47). 1 De Belen Gate ; died 19 Bept. 47). (William Trovillo-resigned from dim- John Humphreys. (Samuel M. Taylor - died i n City of (Alexander Brown, Adjutant). wlity). Joseph W. Miner. ity). Mexico 6 Dec. 47). (James Murray-resigned from disabilWilliam H. Gray. Clarence H. Frick (Fst It to Nov. 47), William J. Ankrim. William A. M. Brigge. co. C. Alexander McKamey '(Fst It to Nov. Abijah F e r p o n . 47), co M. [co L. Second Lieutenants. Lewis W. Smith (Fat It to Dec. 47), William Bryan. Charles H. Heyer (Fet It to Feb. 48), Franklin B. Kaercher. a0 D. William Clinton, Actg adjutant. FCst LiGUttnanta. Edward C. Lewis-wound. at Puebla. James A. Deany, appd. Sec It in 8. infy Hirsm wolf. Mar. 48 ; died 24 Dec. 48. (William T V i i n d e r d a t Miscoac 14 [ability). Jamea Armstrong. Henry Hunterson. [Sept. 47). (Caspar W. Berry-resigned from dis- William Rankin. (Frederick Seidenatriclrer - resigned Peter H. McWilfiams. from d i b i l i t y ) . (Samuel Black-resigned Jan. 48). (Norvin H. Goflystebbed at Perote 10 (John Sturgeon--diedat Puebla 17July Apr. 48, and dwd 13th). H. R. Hambright, comd. co H. [47). George Moore, comd. co D. Edward E. Le Clke, reg'l Qrmr. Jacob Waelder, Actg mist. adjutant John A. Doyle. gen. to Colo Childs at;Puebla ; and Charlee MLlcDe-tt. after to the brig. comd. by 0010 William Williams. Wynkoop. &wnd Lteutsnanta. Issac Chauncey Brown. David J. Unger, comd. co F. Adam Bliicher. James Kane. Edward Carroll. Charles Bower. Edward Rehr. (Jacob F. Sperry-resigned, and after Joseph M. Hall. lanced to death b y Guerilleros 26 John Ribadt. Richard MoMichael. Aug. 47). Louie Voltaire. John G. Given, Actg commie. subsis. Robert Woods, regl. Q.m. Aahton S. Tourison-severely ~ D O ~ W William F. Mann. at De Belen gate. ad Regiment of Pennsylvania Vol- (Isaac S. Waterbury, Adjutant). nnteers, for during the war with Mex- James COulter. John Keefe-severely e~yundad Chaat ico-12 companies; received J a m - William p. skelly, rpultepec. nary 47 ; disbanded July 48. (James McKeen, j r . - M a t Puebla 25 .Colonels. I ' Sept. 47). (8teGart Speers--accidentally wounded B. Roberts--dicd in aity of and resigned Apr. 47). Mexico 3 Oct. 47). glOtz. John W. Geary (Lt colonel [to 3 NOT. Ohriatian W. Leib--wounded a t Cha4 7 ) l w u d . at Chapultepec. Edmnnd Kine. [pultepec. L h t . Colonel. Peter 8 Reed. . William Brindle (Major to Nov. 47). Joseph L. Madeon. Bivan R. Davis. Acljutanta. (Bgjamin F. Dutton - redoeed April (D. H. HoEna-resigned Nov. 47). E Isesc W. Waterbury. t (Washington Murray -resigned May Captaine. 47,). .. Thomse 8. Loeser. (John 8. Wihn-died at sea 12 Apr. John W. Johnston. [47). Regiment of South Carolina Vols. Charles Naylor. [pultepec. 6'Palmetto regiment" for during the Edwerd C. Williame-wotLnd. at Chawer Mexico-received December 46; James Wder --severely wmn&j at Chapultepc. disbanded June and July 48.

OFFIOERB OF TEE VOLUNTEERB. Colonel. (Pierce M. Butler--twioe wounded. and kilkd at Churubuaco). m t . coloned. (James P. Diokenson-mt. wou& at Ohurubusco). Adley H. Gladden (Major to 11 Sept. 47)-~mnded at De Belen gate. Major. Robert Q. M. Dunovant (Capt to 11 Sept. 47). Actjutant. & a S c It James Oantey--severely w~1ndad e at Ohurubusco). C'apb*ns. Francis Sumter. Keith S. Moffad-zownded a t OhuruWilliam Blanding. [buaco. William D. Desaussure-twice wounded J. Foster Marshall. [at Chnrubusco. Nathaniel Jefferson Walker. (Leroy Secrest-co. trsnsf. and retired CAP? 47). James H. Williams. Preston S. Brooke-abet. recmtmg. Joseph Kennedy-abet. recruiting. Tillism B. Lilley (Seo It to Sept 47), 00. B. Firat Lieutenants. John T. Walker, reg. q.m. Nov. 47. (John B. Moragne-M&d at De Belen gate 13 Sept. 47). Arthur M. Manigault. (James R. Clark-mort. wounded at Chnrubuaco, and dierl 30 Aug. 47). William B. Stanley. [June 48. Angustns B. O'Bannon, oomd. his co Charles Perkine Pope-wounded by accident 20 Aug. 47. Cyrus S. Mellett. Frederiok W. Selleck (in Oen. Quitat De Belen man's st& )--pcou& gate. James N. Shedd, comd. co G.Nov. 47. w Kennedy G. B i l l i n g ~ v e r e l y o u d e at Ohurubusco. d Sewnd Lhtenants. (James Cantey, Adjutant). Michael B.Clark, Actg adjutant ; eev. wounded a t Chapnltepec. Lewis F. Robertson. Charles 8. Kirkland. (Abner R. Dunham-dted at Jalapa 10 Benjamin D. Uulp. [June 47). (James W. Oantey, Jr.-mod. wvundcd a t De Belen gate, and died 13 Sept. 47). p~naco. Joseph Abney-sev. woundedat Churu(David Adsms-MW. at Ohurubuaco). Ralph Bell, Adjutant May 48.


Thomas N. Moye--loounded at De Belen gate. (Wilson R. Williams, comdg. co K. Dec. 47 ; M k d at Churubusco). Bebastian Sumter--.uroumW at Chnrubusco. (James W. Stein-woundcd at Chur ibusco ; mort. wounded at De Belen gate and died 10 Oct. 47). (John W. Stewart-died at Rio Frio 5 Nov. 47). (Eliiah F. Williams-died at Puebla 22 Samuel F. Row. [Sept. 47). Jonathan R. Davis-wounded at ChuruLafayette Wever. [busco. James J. Thurston. David L. Donald, comd. co. E. Dec. 47. George W. Ourtis-wounded at Churu[bmco. James A. Norwood. Stephen M. Boykin. Joseph C. Culbreath. John C. 0. Higgins. Finley McCaskill. (Thomas M. Baker-invalid, reed.)

Regiment of Tenne88ee Mounted Volunteers, for 12 months-received June 46 ; disbanded May 47. Cohl. Jonas E. Thomas. w t . Colonel. Robert D. Allison. Major. Richard Waterhouse. A@utants. (Nimrod R. Porter-died at Plan del Rio 21 Apr. 47). [Apr. 47). Thomas S. Stretton (Serg major till Captains. MILTONA. HAYNEB [former Sec It 3 U. L. D. Newman. [S. art.] James W. Gillaspie. John F. Goodner. A. G. Cooper. John W. Marshall. William R. Caswell. John L. T. Sneed. (N. A. Evans-invalid, read. 8 Mar. 47). 6. (James Lenow-resigned Dec. 4 ) First Lieutenants. William A. Lacy, oomdg co A. P. A. Kirk. E. S. Smith. William H. McOabe. J. H. Sawyers. Jamee L. Peun. William L. Adams.



John 8. Reeoe. Samnel W. Bell. SceMld Mtennntn. Matthew Woodson. John G. Nixon. . William P. Chambliss. John E. Dance. Robert M. Anderson. Hercules Whaley. William J. Johnson. B. Donnelly. Andrew Jackson Brock. Calvin Gossett. Jonas Seaman. Jesse Leftwich. William Brownlow. Thomas P., Allen. C. Roberdeau Wheat. C. C. Smith. Nelson H. Chase. W.J. Wright. W. G. MoKnight. James Anderson.

JamesL. Scudder--severely wounded a t Wileon P. Davis, comd co B. [Monterey NimrodD. Smith. . (Samuel High-resigned Apr. 47). Patrick Duffy. (James D. Easley-read. Oct. 47). (William C. Bradley-resd. Apr 47).
Second L-0.

let Regiment of Tennessee Volunteem, for 12 months-12 companies ; 2d Regiment of Tennessee Volunreceived May and June 46; X s i - teers, for 12 months-8 companieg ; charged May 47. received J m e 46; d i s c h q e d =y * Cohl. 47. Cobnel. William B. Campbell (former Capt in Tronedele's reg. in Flo war). William T. H d e l l .

James W. Meclanahan. Wade H. McCrory. George W. Buchanan. John B. Tacker. Peqin L. Solomon. (Silas M. Hutnam-4iUdd.21 Bept. 46 a t pdonterey). King Kearley. Joseph C. Allen, U t . CommiswoullrEed (lost a leg) at Monterey. James M. McMurry. George 8 Dixonlaounded a t Monta. ~ o h Dies. n rrey. James E. Fowler. George W. Helm, comdg oo M Apr. 47. William Phillips. (LewisP. Totty-resigned Apr. 47). (Colman A. M.Danie1-resd. Apr. 47).

m t . ColoneL Majors.

(Samuel R. Anderson-resigned 29 Apr 47). Richard B. Alexander-wound. at Monterey comd. reg. Robert Farquhamon-wound. at Cerro Gordo. Aqutant. Rst l Adolphos Heiman-wounded a t t Cerro Gordo.

L W . Colonel.
David H. Cummings-wouWat Gordo. Cerro

AGutant. Fat It Wiley Pope Hale-mortally wound& a t Germ Gordo ;cbied 26 Apr.

HezeEo ts2f)ever*


Benjamin F. Chestham. John Whitfield. Robert C. Foster. L. P. Murry. William B. Walton. monterey. (William B. Allen-kilded 21 Sept. 46 at Harris Mauldin--zaounded at Cemo Edmund Friereon. [Gordo. Adrian Northcut. (Robert A. Bennett-resigned Apr. 47). William M. Blackmore. First Limtmants. William R. Bradfuta. (Adolphus Heiman, Adjutant). George H. Nixon, comd. co M.

George W. McCown. IJ. L. KirkDatrick-dtW 19 Mar. 47 in 'kmothy ~ . * ~ o n e e . [camp a t Vera C m ) . William J. Standefer. John D. Lowrey. (Morgan P. (look-reed. Jan. 47). Firat Lieutenants. (Frederick B. Neleon Jr.-killed 18 Apr 47 a t Cerro Gtordo). W l i m B. Davis, comd. co E. ila (Wiley Pope Hale, Adjutant)-kilk-2. a t Cemo Qordo). (William Yearwood-mortal1 J m n W at Cerro Gordo ; died 94 Apr. 47). James C. Miller. Joseph P. Bailey. William Q. McAdoo, comd. co C.


Isasc R. Hawkine. a. W. B o n e . , e m Lhaute7bontd. g& d Joshua Richerdson. Edward M. Anderson, Aid to the Comdr of Brigade at Cerro Gtordo. and Edwin J. Wiatt. [comd. oo D. Richard J. Hays. Andrew J. Ellis. George H. H. Dill. at Cemo (Charles G. Gill--killed Jamee W. Chambers. [Gordo). Gabriel J. Slaughter. [mis.) Alexander P. Greene. Laweon Guthrie--rppd Aes'it. cornamea Forrest-wounded at Cerro [Gordo. William 8. Coward. John R. Bell. (Napoleon B. Burrow-resd. Dec. 46). (Eugene Sullivan- read. Dec. 46).

William B. Bate. Jackson C. McElroy. John P. Dixon. W i i a m C. Bobo. S m n d Lieutenccnts. George C. Gordon. James L. Jones. Frank N. McNsiry. William M. Bailey. Robert W. Besty; Simon H. Hilb. William W. Eetill. Robert L. Weakly, reg. Qrmr. John L. Temple. Robert M. White. Thomas M. Gordon. Lipscomb Norvell Walker. John W. Kennedy. George Harsh. James W. Doak. Oeorge W. Farie. 3d Regiment of Tennessee Volun- Samuel M. Thompson. tee; for during the war with Mexi4th Regiment of Tenneeeee Volunco-received Oct. 47 ;disbanded July teem, for during the war with Mexico 48. -9 companies ; received Nov. 47 ; Colonel. disbanded August 48. Benjamin F. Cheatham (late Cept. in - Campbell's reg.) Colancb W t . Colonel. Richard Waterhouse (late Major in Thomas' reg. Cav.) John W. Whitfield (late Cept. in Campbell's reg.) Lifmt. C o M . MQjOr. Jamee D. Swan. P e m n L. Solomon (late Sea It in Major. Campbell's reg.) McDonough J. Bunch. AGutant. Adjutants. Pal It George W. Wilson. (Fat It Hugh Reed-resigned 1Feb 48). Caplainn. Fat It Bowling W. Starke. Jesse Leftwich (late Sec It in Thomas' capta;t.Tu. reg.) William P. Chambliss (late Sec It i n Lawson Guthrie (late Seolt in Haekell'e Thomas' reg.) reg. JAXEB C ~ T E [late Fst l t 1. U. S. M B Daniel Trigg. [inf.] (George T C o l y a r - 4 d 8 Jan 48 in Jamen Freeman. Abram M. Savage. wexico oity). John Scenland. Jordan T. Counoil. Bartholomew Donnelly. William R. Bradfute (late Fet It in John D. Goodall. W i l l i i S. Hatton. [O&npbellle reg.) Henry Travis. Sherrod Williams(Fst It to Jan 48) co E Wm. Jefferson Rogers. Edward A Fowlkes (Fst It to Mar 481, Semes H. Evans. co K. [co B. Firat ante. , William M. Clark (Sec It to Mar. 48), Tamwell W. Newman. Irirat Lhutenania. Robert K. Byrd. (Bowling W. Starke, Adjutant). Lncine D. Isom. (John 0. Brixey-dicd in Mexico oity 7 John MoAllen. Alfred M. Fleming. F e b . 48). Benjamin O'Haver. Henry D. Flippen. (George W. Wilson, Adjutant). Andrew Porter. Reuben Simpson. Jarnee Millikan. Burwell E. Snead. Thomee Epperson. Thomas H. Watereon.

& m d Liaulcnants. Joseph H. Crockett. h w i s M. Wester. Alexander Millikan. J. Daniel Dickison. John W. Smart. Bolivar H. Cook. William G. Burford. Richard I. Grant. John McCarver. William A. Porter. Israel F. Huddleston, Asskt. qm. John Cowart, Jr. Alexander 8 Hare. . James R. Dobbs. Wade H. Narramore. Henry H. Richardson.

8 4a i u a b . G w?i & a Pitaer M. Lyons. Samuel R. Anderson. John Brown., Hamon R. McCartney. John A. Miller. James M. Kennedy. Francis M. Walker. William C. Shelton. Franck E. Watterson Joseph C. Weir. , James J. Odell. ' Robert W. Young. Mioajah D. Moreland. Procter P. Porter. James M. Gault. David B. Bramlett. James C. McCarty. Abraham T. Lacy. 5th Regiment of Tenneeeee Volun- William K. Hale. Henegar. teem, for during the war with Mexico John Boyd. - 1 companies ; received Dec. 47 ; Samuel B. Adaru8. 1 disbanded July 48. Colonel. George R. McClellan. General Staff of Texas Volunteers-W. Cobnel. received July 46 ; discharged Oct. 46. George W. Bounda. Mqbr Q w a l . Major. Qm. James Pinkney Henderson. James Walker. Division Ispcotor. Adjutants. Lkut. ~ol&ncl Mirabeau B. Lamar. Fat It William C. Lillard--8npersd. Diviaion &wcrtamwMter. at It Samuel V. Fulkerson. [Feb. 48). Major Henry L. Kinney. Captains. Aids dc Camp-(rank of Mdor). Eliaha Thomason. Edward Burleeon. Harrison Dill. Edward Clarke. George W. McKenzie. John C. Vaughn. 1st regiment of Texae Mounted Bifle Juline 0. Fagg. Volunteers-received June and July, John I. Reese. John S. Shaver. and dkoharged Sept. and Oct. 46. Samnel Powel. Cobml. William H. Patterson. John T. O'Brien. John C. Hays (late Major of a Batt in John H. Grant. the service of Texas). k t . Cokm4l. Firat L h h a n t s . Samuel H. Walker (late Capt Indep. co (Samuel V. Fulkereon, Adjutant). Texaa Rangers 1 Apr. 46). (James N. Weir-died at Vera O m 28 William Ki [Jan. 48). Mcyior. (Willett ~.%arahall-&d at NaahHendle W. Atkinson. [ville, May 48). Michael H. Chevallie. Adjutant. James H McKamy. Pleaaant M. Benter. 8e.c It Charles A. Harper. Jacob B. Collina, comdg oo I. ccvptaim. William C. Emmert. Henderson Hendley. Ohriatopher B. Acklen. ' williljm L. Lafferty. James Gillaspie. James W. Mapadden. Claiborne C. Herbert.


Frank 8. Early. Thomas Green. Jerome B. McCown. (Robert A. Gillespie-kill& at MonteHenry E. McCulloch. re^). Samuel L. 8. Ballowe. Joseph P. Wells. First Lieutanante. Willism H. Sellers. Walter P. Lane. Henderson Yoakum. Alfred Evans. Gabriel M. Armstrong. Thomas Early. Sampson McCown. George B. Thrahan~ William A. A. Wallace William E. Reeae-tooundad a t MonteCannah C. Colley. [?el-. S& Lieutmanta. (Daniel Gredy-resigned Sept. 46). A. McNeill. George W. Rogers. James Coffee. John H. Day. Reding S. Pridgen. John Page. William B. P. Wines. G.H. Nelson. John T. Story. (Fielding Alston-died Mar. 47). Christopher R. Perry. 2d regiment of Texw Mounted Volunteers-received June and July, and discharged Oct. 46.

Albert G. Harrie. Leroy 1 6 T. Pope. 1. George English. Nathaniel G. Dial. T. L. Epperson. Samuel M. Hyde. Walter Woodyard. John M. Payne. s -a &t . Bernard Reilly. Hugh Heneey '(late Serg msjor in H a p ' Ephraim M. Daggett. 11. reg.) Henry J. Sibley. William R. Young. Franklii F. Roberts. A. S. McGee. James K. Holland. James M. Barton. Adam J. Bennett. Regiment of Texae Rifle Volunteersreceived ?day, June end July, and discharged Aognst 46.

ALBEBTSIDNEY JOHNI~TON [former Adjutant 6. U. 8. inf-and Adjutant gen. of Texas].

Liaut. Cdone?.
Ephraim McLean.

J m MAYO E L ~ W [former Fet It 7. U. S. i d . ] di@tl&nt. Fat It William P. Ballinger. Cqtaina. Charles A. Seefeld. I Augnstns Buchel. Volney Ostrander. Martin K. Snell. John McClarty. Joeeph L. Bennett. James R. Arnold. James Cheesher. Robert H. Howard. William R. Shivom. Regiment of Texae Mounted Volunteers, for 6 months-7 compsniee, for frontier defence ; received July, and discharged Sept. 46. William 0. Young. Limt. Colonel. James Bourland.

Qeorge T. Wood.

Liabt. C o h l .
John E. Myrick.

William R. Scurry. -.Aaljulont. Lleut. Thomaa M. Likens. Cqloina. Otia M. Wheeler. Ervin M. Wilder. John L. Hall. Middleton T. Johneon. William F. Sparks. Alfred M. h i t . James M. W. Hell, co B. Robert K. Gtoodloe. Etheldred J. Thompson (Fat It to An Jsmes H. Lyons, co G. [46), co Firat L ~ ~ ~ DeWitt Clinton Clark. Jeremiah M. Clough.



Mjr ao.

Calvin C. Cooper--and comd. eeparate Batt.




M. *
Alfred M. Trnit (Capt to Oct. 47).

LidUt. Andrew N. Hopkins.

Captains. Burrell P. Smith. James S. Gillet. . Daniel Montague. Berkley M. Ballard. Lemuel D. Evans. Levi M. Rice. William B. Dagley.

Adjutant. Lieut John S. Ford.

Ccvptadns. Samuel Highsmith. (James S. Gillet-promoted in Bell's Middleton T. Johnson Jacob Roberta. (Gabriel M. Armatrong, late Fat It in 1. reg.; relinquished co Battalion of Texas Mounted VolunOct. 47). teem, of 4 companies-received Mar. (Isaac Fergnson--died at Mexico, 47 ; disbanded J u w 48. 1Jan. 48). (Stephen Kinsey-resigned). 1 5 Hajm oomdg. (M.H. Chevallie, late Major Hays' 1. (Chaucer Ashton.-diedat Mexico, 1 g 14 Dec. 47)' late Tniit's co. 1 .z a reg.; resigned 31 Aug. 47). Preston Witt (Fst lt to Oat. 47)' Walter P. Lane (Captain to Oct. 47). late Kinsey's co. . Aautant. Alfred Evans ( f i t lt to Oct. 47). Lieut.W. 8. Murtry. late Armstrong's co. Alexander E. Handley (Sec l t to C~tnin.8. Dec. 46 :-late Serg major of Robert H. Taylor. Hays' 1. reg). late 'Fruit's co. George Wm. Adams. Ephraim M. Daggett )Fat It to James B. Reed. Jan. 48 :--late Sec lt in Wood's I George K. Lewis-wounded in Indn. reg), late Fergusson's co. j fight 15 Dec. 47. Henry W. Baylor. Firat Lieutenants. Shapley P. Ross (for the war). (G. H. Nelson, late Sec It in Hays' reg.; Hammond Warfield (Fat It to Aug. 48), resigned Oct. 47). late Gillet's 00. James H. Weathembee. . A. M. Vanlendingham. Thoman M. Likens (late Adjutant of al. Henry E r l Wood's reg).. (Simeon D. Nunnellee-resigned Jan. . C48). Daniel Grady (late Sec lt in Hap' 1 Charles W. McAnnally. Gideon Lee. [reg. Sewnd Lieulenants. William E. Crooke. James W. Morrell. James C. Gaither. James D. Cochran. John D. English. William Wynlock. Jeremiah 8. Davis-twice wound& at James M. Hardaway-Ell& 29 July 47, Joseph M. Smith. [Seqnaltiplan in akirmiah n e b Popagie. William B. Knox. John A. Moncrief. Francis M. Willingham. Joseph B. Blackwell. Secmd k l e n a n t a . William A. Francis. James C l s r k e l o o u n W 2 Nov. 47, near (Benjamin P. Smith--diedin Mex. city ( [28 Jan. 48). Walker I. Baylor. Ague Fria Mex. (Charles Turner-resigned 25 Sept. 47). William C. Painter. Harris Davis. Regiment of Texse Mounted Volun- Samuel Carter. teers, for 12 months and during the Alexander Williams (in Bell's Batt 46). John 9. Wills. war-received April and May 47; John L. Terry. disbanded April and May 48. John C. Gooch. (John W. Mills-read. a5 Sept. 47). Colonel. John C. Hays (0010 of 1.reg. Vola. and William T. Armstrong. Joseph Pancoast. continued in Service). Thomaa H. Tucker. mt. Colonel. John E. Linn. Peter Hanabrough Bell, comdg Batt for Christopher C. Dodson. frontier defence. Joaeph B .





Hardv Jonee. ~ s m d a n ~ l(late in Albert Q. Harris. Elieha B. Engliah. Maurice Moore. Dread R. Hill.

I h t . Colonel. It in Indep. ~ 0 ) . Middleton T. John~on (Capt to July 48).

Jamee 8. Gillet (Capt to June 48). Adjuhnt. Hall (late Oept id


Regiment of Texsa Mounted Volunteem, for 6 months, for frontier defence-received 11 May, and discharged 5 June 47. Colonel. (John C. Hays-Colo of reg. in Mexico). Li%ut.C o ~ Z . Charlee A. H w e r (late Adjutant of H a p ' 1 reg). . Major. William H. Bourland. Adjutant. & ~ t . Hugh H e n w ~ (late Set 1 in ' Wood's reg.) Cqtaina. Thomae J. Smith, Actg Major of separate Ratt (an below). Benjamin F. Hill. Jamee Gillaspie (Capt in H a p ' 1. reg.) James S. Gillet. David Mnckleroy. William G. Crump. Samuel W. Sime. John Long. James Smith. Thomaa W. Clark.

P$,","$r:~z. . '

Cqtaina. ambeau B. Lamar (served on local defence, Oct. 46). John A. Veatch (late Fat It in Lamar's Indep. cO.) John A. Conner (8erved ale0 on local 6. defence, Sept. 4 ) William G. Orump. John 8. Sutton. Henry E. M'Culloch (late Oapt in H a p ' 1. reg.) Shapley P. Ross (late Capt in H a p ' 2. reg.) samUel ~ i ~ h ~ ~ ioapt in H ~ (late t h 9. reg.) Hammond Warfield (late Capt in Haye' William Fitzhugh. [a. reg.)


Battalion of the m e , of 5 companies, for local defence-received April 47; diecharged 5 June 47. Thomaa J. Smith. AGutant. Jamee Pleasant Goodall. Cqtaina. Henry E. M'Culloch. Shapley P. Roes. John H. Conner. John J. Cimmble. E. S. Wyman.

Independent Companies of Texae Volunteers. [ . Mounted Company ; received 25 I] Sept. 45 ; discharged a5 June 46. Captain. John T. Price. First k t a n a n t s . A. W. TempletonW' It to 46)' Second L&m&nant. Willard Post-March 46.
[2.]. Compiny of Rangers ; received

Regiment of Texae Mounted Volunteem, for frontier defence--received Sept. and Oat. 47 ; diebanded tlept. 48. Cobnel. Peter Hansbrough Bell (Lt 001. of Haye' 2. reg.)

Sept. and 10 Dec. 45 and March 46, for two periods of 3 months eaoh; diecharged July 40. Captain. Peter Hansbrough Bell @ad before aerved on frontier defence of Texaa, under Major Haye from Sept. 46). F i ~ 8h - t . t Mabery B. Gray. Secod I;ieutbnant. De Witt Olinton Lyone.

[3.] Mounted Company; received 1 Oct. 45 and Jan. 46; diecharged Sept. 46.

Captain. (P. Edward Connor (late Fst It to Dec 46)--wound& at Buena Vista and reFirst Lisctanonte. tired May 47). John Brothers. First Lieutenanu. Pleasant Green. (David Oampbell-killed a t Buena 8d Licutcnant. Vieha). John Harrell. (James Henderson, Sec It to a9 Mar. 47 ; resd. May 47). [4.] Mounted Company ; reoeived May 46 ; discharged 18 sept. Nathaniel Niles (late Fst It in Biasell's and I l reg. Vols.), oomd. co. l 46. 8 Limtmanh. Captain. (John A. Leonhsrd [Sec It in JohnBen M'Culloch. ston's reg.]-killed a t Raena Vists). Firet Lhtanant. James McDonongh-qeigned May 47. John McMullen. [S.] Company Volunteers (at Monte&wnd Lieutenant. rey); received 8 Oot. 46 ; discharged James L. Allen. Oct. 47. Captain. [5.] Mounted Company ; received July Mirabeau B. Lamar (late Division In48 ; diaoharged October 46. spector to M. Gen. Henderson). Captain. Firat Limtanant. Eli Chandler. John A. Veatch. Pirat Lieutmant. Swnd I;kmteraanh. Thomas Bell. (Hamilton P. Bee-prom to First It in 8 4 Lkthmtznt. Wiley J. Peace. m l l ' s reg.) P. C. Paul. Isaao Anglin.
David C. Oady. [6.] Mounted Company ; received July 46; disoharged July 47. C10.1 Company Volnntciers ; received Oct. 46 ; disoharged Oct. 47.


Mabery B. Gray (late Fst It in Bell's co.)

Shaply P. ROW.

R ~ a Lieutenant. t
De Witt Clinton Lyons (late Sea It in [Bell's co.)

Irirut Limtclusnt.
h o r g e W- Chapman. Sewnd k t e n a n t s . William H. Moore and Ransom Moore.

Sewnd Licutenunt.
John C. Castleman. ~ 7 . 1company ~ o o t Volunteers of (first, enrolled in Mb); received August 46 ; diecharged Jan. 7,47.


Mounted Company of Spies mceived 31 Jan. 47; discharged 31 47m


W i l l i i R. Shivors (late Capt in Johnston's Rifle reg.)

Ben McCulloch [Major in the S b f J .

Firet Lieutenant.
William H. Kelly.

Pirst Limtmant.
William H. Jaoobs. S m d Lhtenant. Henry H. Hall.

d Liautmant.

(Fielding &ton-dW Mar. 47). George H. Tobin (late Capt in Johnson's rifle reg.)

[8.] R a e Company-late Seefeld's of Johnston's reg.; received 1Sept. 46 ; Regiment of Virginia Volunteers, for during the w r with Mexioo-a discharged 1July 47.



14 oompanies ; received Dec. 46 and William Henry Harman, Actg adjutant William J. McCfowan. [of Batt. Jan. 47 ; disbanded Angnst 48. James M. Wade. Cohel. Robert Pollock. JOHN FBAIPOIE HAMTBAMOX [former Sec William M. Levy. Benjamin W. Collier. It 3. art.] (Carlton R. Munford-died (killed in J5imkt. Colonel. duel) 23 May 47. THOMAS BEVEBLY RANDOLPH [formerly James S. Kellam. Capt 20. inf.] William Gravatt. Major. Charles Bodeker. Upton H. Herbert. .Twu A. EABLY [late Fat It 3. art.] R. W. Fowlks. Aauiant. Battaile. (Fat It Thomaa P. August, to July 47). LawrenceGallaher. John W. Captains. Thomaa H. D'unn. William H. Pleasants. James F. Preston, co of Grenadiers. Kenton Harper, co of Light infantry, Daniel Poisal. Thoman Moore. Actg i m ector gen. of Inf brigade. Archer. #a* Fletcher (Lawrence B. Washington-absent). Edward C. Carrington. Montgomery D. Come. Smith P. Bankhead. Wm. Murray Robinson, Actg Aid to Battalion of Sailors, from the fleet on the Pacific coast, organized by ComCol Hamtramck'comdg brigade. Ephraim G. Alburtis. modore Stockton, for the recap4ure John W. Rowan. of LOBb g e l o e , California, Jan. 47. John P. Young. Najor. (Henry Fairfax-die4 at Saltillo 16 [ A x . 47). Stephen C. Rowan (Lieut. U. 8. Navy). William A. Talbot. (Robert G. Scott. jr-absent). Cammiaamy. (William B. Archer-absent). James Thrift (Fat It to Ang. 47), co L. William Speiden (Purser). Aeaist. Cbmmieaarg. Firat Lieutenante. George Minor (Lieut.) Thoman P. Augnst, Adjutant to July 47. &wvr&mtsr. [~uly 48. Franklin Pegram. George A. Porterfield, Adjutant to John Bidwell (Capt Calif. Vols.) 'rhoman 8. Garnett, Actg adjutant. Aids to the Cmnw. Robert Henry Kinney. Andrew F. V. Gray (Lieut.) James L. Bryan. Miguel de Pedrorene (Capt Calif. Vols.) Fleming Gardner. Captaim. Otho H. Harrison. John Avis. Art. co : Richard L. Tilghman (Lient.) John K. Cooke. A co : John Gnest (Actg mestar). Lindsey M. Shnmaker. B co : William B. Renshaw (Lieut.) Willism A. Soott. C co: Benjamin F. B. Hunter (Actg James H. Dulany. lieut.) John H. Higdon. D co : Edward Higgins (Actg lieut.) E co : J. Fenwick Stenson (Actg lient.) Be.cond Lktemnts. F co : James M. Duncan (Pd. midn. ) David A. Weisiger, Adjutant July 48. G co: John Peed (Sailmaker), died Henry W. Williamson. since the war. James 8. Douglass. Sappers and Miners : John Southwick Robert F. Coleman. (Carpenter). Vincent Eply Geiger. Lia$mante. LEenry Stanger. Edward T. Blamire. William H. Thompson (Actg maater), Robert H. Reeling. Art. co. George E. Morgan (Midn), B co. Peter A. Peterson. John Van Ness Philip (Actg lieut.). D William J. Minor. (Washington S. Mahan--died (killed in 00. duel) at ahina Mex. 1 Jnne 47). Theoderic Lee (Midn), A co.




Albert Allmand (Actg lient.), D oo. -Benjamin F. (Wells Midn), A co. Edward C. Grafton (Actg lieut.), 0 co. Philemon Haywood (Midn), B Do. Robert C. Dnvall (Midn), B co. Edmund Shepherd (Actg lieut.), E co. Joseph Parrish (Aotg lient.), F co.

Battalion of 6i Sante Fe " Mounted Vol- ' &e&~b~~88Paris. unteera, for during the war with Mex- ~~h~ R. ~ ~ ~ ~ ico--4 companies ; received July and Second Lieutenante. Augunt 47 ; disbanded 20 Oct. 48. sigismond ~ ~ ~ Thomas H. Coats, Actg adjt. Major Comdg. Robert Walker (late Adjntant of Price's ~ $ s $ ~ Z ~ m . reg Mri. Vols.) J. A. Hanneh. A@utccnt. AlWrt G. Blakey. William B. Royal1 (Fst It in Price's reg.) John McDade.


Fwnois Hassendeubel, Art. co, comdg Batt. John L. Hamilton. William H. Grove. William B. ARnatrong.

Firat htenantdl.
Charles G. Weber. Oharles D. Gillespie, Assist. qm.
i ~ .

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