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resistance to avian malaria in na0ve Honeycreepers

Tom McFarland University of Hawaii at Hilo
Tropical Conserva0on Biology and Environmental Science

Brief history of avian malaria in Hawaii

Malaria is a vector-borne disease caused by the pro0st Plasmodium relictum Mosquito vector (Culex quinquefasciatus) was introduced to Hawaii in 1826 Hawaiian honeycreepers have liHle immunity against malaria because it is a novel pathogen Avian malaria has contributed to the decline and ex0nc0on of na0ve Hawaiian birds

Eects on Hawaiian passerines

Hawaiian passerines suer fatality rates of 50-90% from a single infec*ve mosquito bite Na0ve Hawaiian passerines have been forced into higher eleva0ons (above ~1300m) where colder temperatures stunt pathogen development Climate change models suggest that these high eleva0on refuges may become accessible to pathogen with future warming

Why this in interes0ng?

Malaria is an extremely strong selec0ve pressure capable of killing 90% of a given genera0on in some popula0ons There are dierences in malaria resistance between species and individuals The virulence of malaria is related to eleva0on; habitats range in the risk of malaria posed to birds

Whats a bird to do?

Cope with malaria in low-eleva0on OR Keep to high-eleva0on sanctuaries

Evolu0onary relevance
Birds that stay in low-eleva0ons must adapt to malaria
The Hawaii Amakihi is recolonizing low eleva0ons and shows some level of disease resistance

Birds that stay in high-eleva0on sanctuaries are not exposed to the same selec0ve pressures from malaria as low-eleva0on conspecics

Enemy-free space
Enemy-free space: Ways of living that reduce or eliminate a species vulnerability to one or more species of natural enemies
Change in geographic loca0on Change in temporal ac0vity Change in resource u0liza0on (food, shelter, etc.)

Enemy-free space
EFS models typically focus on host plant/herbivore interac0ons
The search for enemy-free space, instead of the perfect food source, may drive host-plant selec0on of herbivorous insects

By u0lizing a novel food source, insects can escape predators associated with their tradi0onal host plant
This results in naturally occurring host shid

How do we look for signs of divergence anyways?

Gene0c markers
Neutral vs. func0onal markers (e.g. intron vs. exon)



Non-synonymous vs. synonymous subs0tu0ons

AAU AAC (Asparagine Asparagine) AAU CAU (Asparagine His0dine)

Where to look?
Major histocompatability complex (Mhc)
is associated with key func0ons of immune response is known to have extremely high gene0c diversity has been correlated with malaria resistance in other species of passerine birds

Pathogens do drive gene0c diversity in honeycreepers

Studies in Honeycreepers have found:
High rates of non-synonymous subs0tu0ons rela0ve to synonymous subs0tu0ons at Mhc Gene0c diversity at Mhc is high rela0ve to neutral markers Gene0c diversity at Mhc is not related to overall gene0c diversity

Can EFS and pathogen pressures lead to specia0on of birds?

Do birds from enemy-free popula0ons suer higher virulence than birds from enemy-exposed popula0ons? What are the dierences, aside disease, in enemy-free and enemy-exposed habitats? Food abundance and phenology, predators, compe00on Are there behavioral dierences between the popula0ons? What are the migra*on rates between low and high eleva*on popula*ons?

A shameless plug for myself

Sequence the en0re class II Mhc in Amakihi Assess class II Mhc gene expression in low and high eleva0on popula0ons
Draw blood mRNA cDNA sequence cDNA

Look for:
Unique alleles Popula0on level dierences in allelic diversity Popula0on level dierences in expression


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