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Guidelines for filling in the Application Form

Reference number of the Call for Proposals: HUSRB/1203

HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for filling in the Application Form Annex I of the Guidelines for Applicants

Aim of the Guidelines This document provides practical information on how to fill in the Application Form (AF) of the present Call for Proposals. The explanations of the chapters will help you to prepare a formally adequate AF. One of the formal criteria is that the submitted Application Form must be appropriately filled in, and therefore all applicants are strongly recommended to carefully read these instructions. In addition, the applicant is requested NOT to remove the protection of the Application Form, since it could result in damaging it. In such cases, the Application will be rejected. If you have questions or problems concerning the content or technical details, please contact the Joint Technical Secretariat of the Programme (hereinafter referred to as JTS) or the Information Point (see Section 3.2 of the Guidelines for Applicants). The Application Form has to be submitted together with all required Annexes and Supporting documents (please consult Sections 3.4-3.5 of the Guidelines for Applicants). IT instructions The Application Form was developed in Microsoft Windows MS Office 2003 Excel (the file is compatible with MS Office 1997, 2003 and later versions). Trying to fill it in under different operating systems might cause difficulties and the proper functioning cannot be guaranteed. Please save the document as it is, in MS Excel 2003 form, with .xls extension (.xlsx or any other is not allowed). The completed Application Form must not contain automatically generated Error messages, thus missing information must be provided, false data must be corrected, otherwise the application will not pass the formal criteria and will be automatically rejected! NOTE: Alterations or amendments to the Application Form are not allowed. In case you modify the format of the Application Form, your Application will be automatically rejected.

Types of error messages: Titles in red mean that a compulsory field is incomplete (if the required information is not relevant to the project you have to write not relevant in the fields requiring data in text format, while in the fields requiring data in number format, please type 0). After completing the AF, please go through it and check again if there are any field titles in the chapters relevant to your project - left in red colour. Make sure that all titles in the Application Form are black.

HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for filling in the Application Form Annex I of the Guidelines for Applicants

Numbers in red in budget tables mean:

exceeded threshold, indicated amounts do not match with cross-checked budget tables.

In these cases you have to recalculate and correct the inserted figures. The correct amounts will always be black. Colour of cells and tables:

Grey cells will be completed by the JTS after receiving the Application. White cells have to be filled in by the Applicant with black coloured text or figures using the predefined font style (size 9 or 10,Arial Narrow). Fields not relevant to the project or Project Partner also have to be filled in with the text not relevant or in case of figures, type 0. Yellow coloured fields are drop down menus, which allow the Applicant to select the appropriate option by clicking on it. Blue fields are automatically completed or automatically calculated by the system. These fields cannot be changed manually; they are linked to the relevant sheets and automatically withdraw the data from there. Proper use of Excel: Text cells: in order to write/amend a text cell, click on the text cell and fill in the text in a way that allows displaying it completely when printed. All text cells in the Application Form have pre-set character limit. Please, be as concise as possible. If the text exceeds the maximum number of characters the extra text will not appear in the field and the Character limit exceeded! message will appear on the screen!

HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for filling in the Application Form Annex I of the Guidelines for Applicants

NOTE: The text which is not visible on the printed hard copy version cannot be taken into consideration even if not exceeding the maximum number of characters given!

Use of Copy/Paste Please, try to avoid copy/pasting text or any other data from Word documents (or other programs) directly into the cells of the Application Form. Copy/pasting may cause certain cells/formulas not to work properly, for example: formatting may be lost and cells may become protected blocking any possibility of modifications of the text such as deletion, change, correction, editing and alike. The safest way to enter the text/data into a cell is to simply type it. If you still choose to copy/paste from another document into the cell, please, follow these instructions: - highlight the text/data and press Copy - in the Application Form, choose the cell you want to edit (click on it, or choose it with the arrow keys on your keyboard) - click on the Formula bar (see picture below) - Paste the text/data

Transfer of data: please allow sufficient time for a proper automatic transfer and updating of the data inserted between the different chapters of the Application Form. Drop down menus: select the relevant option from the list. In case you chose a wrong option, you can change it any time.

HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for filling in the Application Form Annex I of the Guidelines for Applicants

Please remember to check the printing layout once the Application Form is filled in completely, ensuring that all data will be printed and visible. Try to keep the predefined printing layout and change only if necessary. Before printing, think about environmental responsibility! If not necessary, do not print empty sheets. Practical note It is strongly advised to start the completion of the AF by filling in the Chapter 1. General data (Project title, Project acronym, Action, Project duration, Location of project) and Chapter 2. Project Partners data (LB data, PP1 , PP2 , , PP5 ) since the given data will be automatically transferred and used in other chapters and fields. It is important to fill in the Abbreviated name of the Project Partners in original language, since it will be used in other chapters.

General remark All descriptions should be written in a clear and concise way, which will allow assessors to understand the content and concept of the project. Please, avoid lengthy explanations; try to be as concise as possible in order to fit the text into the given cells, having in mind the character limit.

Cover Page
The Cover Page contains the reference number of the present Call for proposals, as well as the automatically generated cells (Lead Beneficiary, Title of project) and the Registry number which will be entered by the JTS. This page will be used in identification of your Application after the receipt. Please print it out only after the completion of the Application Form.

Table of contents
The Table of contents helps you to have an overview of the Application Form structure. The page numbers of the relevant chapters or documents to be submitted must be indicated manually, only after the whole Application is completed and prepared for submission. If the required documentation is not relevant to your project, please type not relevant.

HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for filling in the Application Form Annex I of the Guidelines for Applicants

Chapter 1. General data

This chapter contains the main data of the Application. In this Chapter there are fields to be filled in taking into consideration the below instructions. There are also fields which are automatically filled in, by data transferred from the other Chapters of the AF. Application ID This field will be generated automatically according to the selected Action and completed by the JTS, thus giving a unique reference number to each Application which will be used during the evaluation and contracting process as well as throughout the project implementation period as Project ID. Project title: Please fill in the project title, which should be brief, concise expressing the content and objective of the proposed project. (Mind that the character limit is set to 200) Project Acronym: Please fill in the Project Acronym, which is a shortened, abbreviated version of the title of the project. It will be used for quick identification of the project. (Character limit is set to 15). Note, that the project acronym also must be indicated on the envelope of the Application sent to the JTS, as well as on supporting documents as indicated in Section 3.4 of the Guidelines for Applicants.
Until the data has been entered in the field, the instruction next to it will be marked in red..

As soon as you have entered the data the colour of the text turns black.

HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for filling in the Application Form Annex I of the Guidelines for Applicants

In general, throughout the Application form, the red colour next to an empty cell means it is obligatory to fill it in!

Priority and Area of Intervention These fields will be filled in automatically, once the Action (see below) has been selected. Action: Please select the Action applicable to your project proposals objectives and planned activities from the drop-down menu. Before selecting an Action consult the Section 2.3.3 of the Guidelines for Applicants. Project duration: Define the planned start date of the project implementation (day/month/year) and the duration of the project (number of months). Please have in mind that if a project starts on the 1st day of one month, it should end on the last day of the last month. Please consider that the duration of a project as defined in the Section 2.3.1 of the Guidelines for Applicants shall not exceed 18 months and that you should be ready to start implementation as soon as possible following the approval, but within one year from the date of the submission at the latest. However, project implementation may start at any time after the Application is submitted to the JTS at the applicants own risk (in case that the Application is not selected for funding, it must be financed from other sources). When planning the project duration please consider the indicative timetable of the evaluation shown in the Section 4.3 of the Guidelines for Applicants. Costs of project preparation, are eligible and can be reimbursed following the conclusion of the Subsidy Contract for Community Funding. For more details concerning the eligibility of Preparation costs see the Sections 2.4.1 and 2.4.3.(1) of the HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for Applicants.

HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for filling in the Application Form Annex I of the Guidelines for Applicants

Sources of funding The information concerning the requested IPA funding, state contribution (if relevant), own contribution and the total project budget fields (in EUR) and the proportional breakdown (%) will be generated automatically from the figures given in the sheets of the Chapter 10. Project Budget. Lead Beneficiary The required data concerning the Lead Beneficiary will be automatically generated from the data given in the Chapter 2 of the AF (Project Partners - LB data). Please note that the Lead Beneficiary must have either the headquarters or a regional/local branch office in the eligible area. List of Project Partners The data concerning the Project Partners will be automatically generated from the data given in the Chapter 2. Project Partners data (PP1, PP2, PP5) of the Application Form. The number of Project Partners can be maximum 5. NOTE: The Lead Beneficiary must have at least one Cross-border Project Partner. Applications not fulfilling this criterion will be automatically rejected! The maximum number of Applicants (Lead Beneficiary and Project Partners together) is limited to 3 from each Participating Country. Level of co-operation These fields will be generated automatically from the information given in the Chapter 7. Level of Co-operation.

Chapter 2. Lead Beneficiary and Project Partners data

We recommend you to start the completion of the Application Form by filling in these data sheets first, as information given here will be transferred to the other Chapters of the Application Form where they will be used in drop down menus. Before you start filling in the Lead Beneficiary and Project Partners data sheets, please see the Sections 2.1 and 2.2 of the Guidelines for Applicants on Eligibility of Applicants and the Eligibility of Partnerships. After you determined the type of the partners involved (Lead Beneficiary and Project Partner) fill in the matching partner data sheets accordingly.

HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for filling in the Application Form Annex I of the Guidelines for Applicants

NOTE: The partner type specified here will have to be used throughout the project lifecycle. In order to be eligible, the partnership must involve at least one Cross-border Project Partner in addition to the Lead Beneficiary. Additional Project Partners can be involved in the project in case they satisfy the eligibility criteria of Project Partner organisations and in case the content of the project justifies their participation. Please note that the minimum partners share in the total project budget must be 10%. The maximum number of Project Partners is five in addition to one Lead Beneficiary: 3+3 Partners (including the Lead Beneficiary) from each side of the border. It is advised to keep their number reasonably low in order to assure efficient coordination of the project implementation. This chapter contains: Data sheet for the Lead Beneficiary and 5 data sheets for Project Partners. A separate data-sheet should be filled in for each Project Partner. Official name of the organisation in original language: Please fill in the official name of the organisation in the original language as it is stated in the establishing documents or certificate of legal status/registration act. NOTE: The full name and address of the Lead Beneficiary also has to be indicated on the envelope in which the Application will be sent to the JTS. Official name in English / Non-official translation of the name in English: First select the relevant definition of your organisation. If your organisation has an official name in English, please choose Official name in English, otherwise you should type in the non-official translation. Abbreviated name of the organisation in original language: Please type in a shortened name that is concise and identifies the organisation. The abbreviated name will be used in other chapters and other fields of the Application Form when referring to the Lead Beneficiary or a Project Partner, therefore it must be filled in. Legal status: Please choose one of the options from the drop down menu. For further information on the legal status of the organisation, please refer to the Section 2.1 of the HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for Applicants.

HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for filling in the Application Form Annex I of the Guidelines for Applicants

You can choose from the drop down menu from the following options:

Body governed by public law (all organisations which belong to the point 1) AND 2) of the Section 2.1 of the HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for Applicants) Body governed by private law (organisations which belong to the point 3) of the Section 2.1 of the HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for Applicants)

Date of foundation: Please fill in the date (year) of the foundation of your organisation as stated in the establishing documents; certificate of legal status or the registration act. Founder organisation: If the organisation is founded by another legal entity, please fill in its official name, otherwise please type not relevant Type of institution: Please select the appropriate option from the drop down menu applicable to your organisation. National tax number: Please fill in the tax number (VAT number) of your organisation. Hungarian Project Partners should fill in their adigazgatsi szm while Serbian Project Partners are asked to give their poreski identifikacioni broj-PIB if it exists. In case your organisation does not have a national tax number please type in not relevant. Community tax number: In case the organisation has a community tax number, please type it in this field. If the organisation does not have community tax number, please type in not relevant. Registry number of the Organisation: Please insert the organisations registry number defined in the Registration Act. Financial capacity: In the fields listed below, the Lead Beneficiary and all Project Partners have to fill in the data on their financial background in order to present their capacity for the project implementation from the financial point of view.

HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for filling in the Application Form Annex I of the Guidelines for Applicants

Number of staff: Please enter the number of staff employed in the organisation in the last closed budgetary year. Last closed budgetary year: Indicate your organisations last financial year that has been closed according to the official accounting documents. Currency: Select the currency relevant to the given financial data listed below. You should choose the currency of the country where the relevant partners headquarter is situated, or Euro. Annual revenue of the last closed budgetary year: Enter the annual revenue of the last closed budgetary year, according to the official accounting documents. Annual Revenue is the gross annual income. Total balance sheet of the last closed budgetary year: Enter the amount from the balance sheet total of the last closed budgetary year, according to the official accounting documents. The Total Balance Sheet means the sum of the amounts shown as assets in the balance sheet (before deducting both current and long-term liabilities). Result of the last closed budgetary year: Enter the amount of the financial result of the last closed budgetary year, according to the official accounting documents. Please note that the financial result can be found in the profit and loss account (which is part of the annual report). According to the accounting documents of organisations of the state budget this result might not exist because of specific regulations on operations (e.g. activities of a given organisation must not result in profit). In this case 0 should be written. Is the organisation a legal entity registered in the Eligible area/ Programme area? According to the eligibility criteria described in the Section 2.1 of the Guidelines for Applicants, the Applicant organisation must be a legal entity registered in the eligible area (LB) / Programme area (PP), or must have a branch office in the eligible/Programme area. Choose Yes,or No from the drop down menu. If the answer was Yes, i.e. the Applicant organisation is a legal entity registered in the eligible area (LB) or in the Progamme area (PP), then you simply have to fill in the Official address of the organisation. In this case, the fields related to the address


HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for filling in the Application Form Annex I of the Guidelines for Applicants

of the branch office will be marked automatically as not relevant and you should not fill them in! If the answer was No, i.e. the Applicant organisation is not a legal entity registered in the eligible area (LB) or in the Progamme area (PP) then you have to fill in the Official address of the Headquarter of the organisation AND the Address of branch office in the eligible/Programme area. If your organisation does not have PO box, type not relevant in the field. If your organisation has an internet website, please indicate the address in the Web field, otherwise indicate not relevant. NOTE: The Lead Beneficiary must have its headquarters or a regional/local branch office registered and operating in the eligible area of the Programme. The Project Partners must have their headquarters or their regional/local branch office registered and operating in the eligible area/adjacent regions (also referred to as the Programme area). Mailing address (for the purpose of the project): Fill in the mailing address of the organisation. For choosing the NUTS III or equivalent region, please use the drop down menu. In case the planned project will be implemented by a regional/local branch, please indicate the address of the regional/local branch office registered in the eligible/Programme area. Please note that the address stated in the field Mailing address (for the purpose of the project) will be used in the official correspondence during project implementation. Legal representative of the organisation: Please make sure that the person indicated here is legally authorized to represent the organisation. It should be the person who signs the Declaration by the Applicant, Partnership Statement and all supporting documents to be submitted together with the Application Form. When filling in the e-mail field indicate a precise, personal email address and avoid using general e-mail addresses like Contact person in project: Please make sure that the person indicated here is the project manager involved in the implementation of the project and - for the purpose of communication in the official language of the Programme he/she must be an English speaking person. The e-mail address of the person given here will be used during project implementation in all official correspondence in English. Avoid using general email address like


HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for filling in the Application Form Annex I of the Guidelines for Applicants

Chapter 3. Project summary

Provide a concise and comprehensive summary of the project. Justify the proposed Action, the objectives and the main activities of the project and their contribution to the overall and specific objectives of the Programme. Briefly describe the location and the duration of the project, specify the main target groups benefiting from the project. Indicate the expected and most important outputs to be realized and results to be achieved. Highlight the cross-border character and impact of the proposed project. In case your project is selected for funding, this information might be used to present your project on the programmes website or in other communication after the conclusion of the Subsidy Contract for Community Funding. Please note that you have to provide more detailed information about the project in the later chapters of the Application Form, which must be consistent with the Chapter 5. Activity plan, therefore you should preferably fill in (or revisit) this Chapter after the entire Application Form has been filled in. It is important to note that you have to present your description in a maximum of 2000 characters. There are two cells, each set to 1000 characters maximum.

Chapter 4. Project description

In this part of the Application Form, you should provide the most in-depth information about the content of the project. When filling in the relevant cells of this Chapter keep in mind that it has to be consistent with the Activity plan in Chapter 5. Please make sure that the information given here refers to all information described in the Activity plan. For all sections, the character limit is set to 2000. a) Background: Describe the motivation for proposing the project and preparations already carried out. Already completed projects could also be mentioned here as background or starting point towards the present proposal: researches, surveys, studies, other documents or earlier stage of investment related to the preparation of this project. b) Problem, challenge to be addressed: Justify the necessity of the project. Describe the problems of cross-border nature to be resolved and needs to be met, relating to the target area and/or group of people. The conclusions of already elaborated surveys on the subject can be referred to in order to prove the relevance of the project.


HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for filling in the Application Form Annex I of the Guidelines for Applicants

c) Target groups: Identify the target-groups directly and indirectly benefiting from the project and explain why they should be addressed. d) Objectives of the project: Describe the overall objectives of the project relating to the target groups and problems listed above. The overall objective of the project should reveal connection between the project and the chosen Action of the Call for Proposal. Identify the short and long term perspectives that your project may contribute to. Please also list the specific (and, if applicable, secondary) objectives that will be reached by implementing the project. The objectives should be concrete, measurable and realistic. e) Expected outputs, results, durability of results: Clearly define and describe the planned outputs (tangible goods, services, infrastructure, etc.), the expected results and their durability. They have to be harmonised with the indicators given in Chapter 9. f) Benefits of the project: Describe the benefits of your project for its target groups and for the general public. g) Methodological approach: Please explain the method of the project implementation and reasons for the proposed methodology. Present the organisational structure of the Project Partners and their role in the implementation of the project. h) Cross-border impact: Please demonstrate measurable impacts that will be generated by the project on both sides of the border and the long lasting cross-border social / economical / environmental effects, directly linked to the implemented project. i) Contribution to Programme strategy and horizontal objectives: Please describe how your project contributes to the overall aim, the specific and horizontal objectives of the Programme, described in Section 1.2 of the HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for Applicants. Further information on horizontal objectives of creating joint structures and bilingualism can be found in the Section 2.3.6 C and D of the HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for Applicants.


HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for filling in the Application Form Annex I of the Guidelines for Applicants

j) Consistency of the project with EU horizontal policy on equal opportunities: In this field, you should describe the activities and measures carried out during the project implementation promoting the equal opportunities of disadvantaged, underprivileged population. Demonstrate the efforts made for achievement of gender equality, equal opportunities for different ethnic groups and people with disabilities in accordance with the above principle. Describe in detail how the specific Project Partners will carry out activities related to equal opportunities. When describing the planned activities, define the measurable outputs or results that can be monitored during the progress of project implementation. Further information on the horizontal principle of equal opportunities can be found in Section 2.3.6 A of the HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for Applicants. NOTE: The completion of activities related to equal opportunities will have to be reported by the Lead Beneficiary and the Project Partners during the progress of the project implementation. k) Consistency of the project with EU horizontal policy on sustainable development: Supported projects must observe and respect the principle of environmental sustainability, especially in case of investments/works activities. Please describe in details how your project contributes to sustainable development and in what form, and identify what impact your project has on the society and in what extent. Please indicate which partner organisation(s) will be responsible for the planned activity and what measurable output/result will be realised (e.g. how many new jobs will be created, or how common cultural values will be treated in order to preserve them for future generations, etc). Further information on the horizontal principle of sustainable development can be found in Section 2.3.6 B of the HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for Applicants. NOTE: The Lead Beneficiary (and Project Partners where relevant) will have to report on the progress of the activities related to environmental and social sustainability during the project implementation. l) Synergies with other policies, programmes and projects: Please list and explain the synergies of your Application with other EU funded projects or other development initiatives in the relevant field located in the geographical vicinity that are finished or being implemented. Indicate if they in any means - complement each other.


HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for filling in the Application Form Annex I of the Guidelines for Applicants

m) Innovative character: Describe the added value and innovative elements of the project. Highlight any new technologies or new solutions by which the project objectives can be reached more efficiently compared to traditional initiatives and by which the project can create best practices in the related field. n) Sustainability and capitalization of project results: The sustainability (follow-up) period of minimum 5 years starts upon project closure. Describe how the professional, financial and institutional sustainability of the project outputs and results will be assured. o) Multiplier effect: Give a short description of the possibilities for replication and extension of the outcomes of the project. Will your project provide a best practice model in the Programme area? Share your ideas and plans on how you will carry on with the development (if applicable) after the project closure. p) Risk management (possible internal/external constraints and solutions foreseen): Describe the possible risk factors (e.g. economical, financial, social, cultural, environmental, organisational, etc.) that the project might face during and after project implementation. Assess their probability, their impact on the project activities in case they emerge and the measures to handle them. q) Description of the partnership: It is compulsory for all Applicants to have at least one Cross-border Project Partner. Describe and justify the professional relation between the Lead Beneficiary and the Project Partners and their contribution to the project. Highlight the relevance of each partner in the project, competencies and capacities to undertake the planned part of the tasks. Creating a balanced partnership in terms of financing and project implementation between the Project Partners is a requirement of the Programme. Please also justify the involvement of Project Partners from the adjacent regions (if applicable). For more information see Section 2.2 of the HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for Applicants.


HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for filling in the Application Form Annex I of the Guidelines for Applicants

Chapter 5. Activity plan

On the one hand, the Activity plan has been designed to help the Lead Beneficiary and the Project Partner(s) to build up their joint project systematically and on the other to provide the assessors with a clear picture about the main activities of the planned proposal. When filling in this table, please pay close attention to all aspects and make a clear and coherent structure. Be concise and in line with the information given in Chapters 1, 2, 4 and 10 of the Application Form. Activity name Please give the name(s) of the planned activity (activities) separately under the numbered fields. The name should be short and clearly refer to the content of the activity. (Please consult Section 1.6 of the HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for Applicants.) Please note that the number of project activities is limited to a maximum of 20, however, experience shows that 7 to 12 activities defined are sufficient, as to the level of detail required for CBC projects. Responsible partner(s) The list of all Project Partners abbreviated names will be automatically generated. In each partners row you should put an X in the appropriate cell to mark the period when the activity is taking place.

Reporting periods When you plan the period of implementation of the activities please consider the information given in Chapter 1. General data in the field Project duration. Please mark the 4-month-reporting period(s) in which the certain project activity will be implemented with an X in the column of the relevant period (the field will automatically turn grey). In case a specific activity is implemented during several reporting periods, mark all relevant reporting periods. Location of activity: Identify the exact geographical location of the planned activity as precisely as possible (settlement, address, topographical number etc.). The locations given here should be consistent with those indicated in Chapter 13. Location of works, permits. 16

HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for filling in the Application Form Annex I of the Guidelines for Applicants

Description of activity: Please give a short description of the essence of the planned activity and, describe why it is crucial in achieving the project objectives. (Character limit is set to 600 per activity). Target group(s): Specify the group of people or organisations who will benefit from, or be affected by the activity. NOTE: The information provided in the Activity plan should comply with the content of Chapters 1, 2, 4. and 10. of the Application Form.

Chapter 6. Information and publicity

All projects have to carry out information and publicity activities during the project implementation. For projects with investment/works content, specific compulsory requirements are laid down, which have to be taken into account when planning the budget on communication activities. Before filling in the table, please check the requirements described in Section 5.1 of the HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for Applicants. Please select from the drop-down-menus all means of communication you plan to perform during project implementation and describe according to the given aspects how you plan to carry them out. Tailored to the communication activity you also have to select the related language(s) from a drop-down-menu.

Example of drop-down-menu


HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for filling in the Application Form Annex I of the Guidelines for Applicants

When you define the responsible partner (abbreviated name to be selected from the drop down menu), you have to refer to the Lead Beneficiary or the relevant Project Partner who bears the cost and responsibility for the given communication activity. When you select a sort of communication activity which you plan to carry out (e.g. events), please indicate the planned reporting period in which you will implement that communication activity. Please describe shortly the planned activity and identify the target group(s) as well as the planned number of persons to be reached. According to the rules laid down in the Guidelines for Implementing Information and Publicity Requirements for the Projects in the Hungary-Serbia IPA Crossborder Co-operation Programme (available on the Programme website) the relevant Project Partners must ensure the following communication tools on project level as obligatory: at least one bilingual (Hungarian and Serbian) promotional material about the Project at least one communication event at least one article in the newspapers/public internet site and/or one reportage on the radio/TV during the implementation period In case of works activities, if the total Community contribution of the operation exceeds EUR 500.000 Lead Beneficiaries / Project Partners implementing projects consisting of infrastructure or construction activities are obliged to ensure that a billboard as well as a permanent explanatory plaque is put up on the site of the activity. In case of purchasing equipment it is obligatory to label every single piece of equipment with a sticker.

NOTE: Do not forget to plan sufficient amount of funds to implement the selected communication activities in the Budget table.

Chapter 7. Level of co-operation

a) Level of joint co-operation, justification: One of the main requirements of the Programme is to fulfil at least 2 of the following 4 joint criteria: joint development, joint implementation, joint financing, joint staffing. Before indicating the joint criteria, read carefully Section 2.2.2 of the HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for Applicants. (Character limit is set to 500 for each criteria). b) Describe the role of each partner: Please describe how the members of the partnership will contribute to the content of the project. Avoid the duplication of functions and draw a clear picture about the


HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for filling in the Application Form Annex I of the Guidelines for Applicants

responsibilities in connection with the planned activities. (Character limit is set to 500 per Project Partner). c) Operational capacity of each partner: Provide information on the operational capacity of the Lead Beneficiary and each Project Partner, such as: human resources, technical conditions, professional capacities, supervision of external management services if relevant, etc. (Character limit is set to 800 per Project Partner).

Chapter 8. Experience
a) Project management experience of the partners: Briefly describe the experience of the Lead Beneficiary in particular and of each Project Partner with regard to project management. It is recommended to present the project management experiences in the last five years in EU co-financed projects especially in former CBC Programmes (Character limit is set to 800 per partner). b) Management experience in the relevant field (similar to the currently proposed activity): After selecting the relevant partner from the drop down menu, please provide information on the previous experience (role) of the Lead Beneficiary and each Project Partner in any previous projects supported over the past five years in the relevant fields covered by the present CBC programme.

Chapter 9. Indicators
Provide quantitative indicators for the project describing actual base values and reasonable target values as described in Section 2.3.5 of the HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for Applicants. NOTE: For each indicator you should specify the source(s) of verification, i.e. define from which document, report, etc. the fulfilment of the given indicator can be monitored. Programme level indicators are General and Horizontal indicators. It is mandatory to fill in all General and Horizontal indicators. In case your project does not contribute to a given General/Horizontal indicator, zero value (0) should be indicated. You should aim at choosing at least one General and one Horizontal indicator relevant to your project.


HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for filling in the Application Form Annex I of the Guidelines for Applicants

Action specific indicators are tailored to each Action and listed automatically after the proposed action has been selected in Chapter 1. At least one output and one result indicator must be selected from the drop down menu and filled in. The target value of the selected indicators must be bigger than zero1. You should additionally define your own Project specific indicators. Maximum 10 project specific indicators can be defined; however, minimum 3 project specific indicators must be defined for the project. After entering them, please also insert the base and the target values (bigger than zero) in the relevant fields.

Action specific and Project specific indicators

The Action and Project specific indicators should cover the activities you defined in the Activity plan. Please indicate the serial number of the relevant activity defined in Chapter 5. NOTE: The selected indicators will be evaluated during the quality assessment therefore indicators should be realistically selected and estimated by the Applicant. Each indicator specified in the Application will be monitored during project implementation through reporting and monitoring visits, therefore they must be planned realistically.

When determining the base value of an indicator you have to define the presently existing quantity of that particular indicator. In most of the cases, the base value will be 0, especially if the project aims to create something new or the target group has not been approached before. However, it might happen that the project has an objective to develop something that already exists (e.g. increasing the number of accredited institutions from the existing 2 to 3). The target value shall indicate the increased quantity of the chosen indicator, which the project plans to achieve.


HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for filling in the Application Form Annex I of the Guidelines for Applicants

Chapter 10. Project budget per partner

(Project budget - LB, PP1, PP2, PP3, PP4, PP5)

Please note:

All costs must be expressed in Euro! The budget sheets must contain the total project costs for each partner (community funding AND national/own contribution)! The budget line 4.9 is missing from the Budget sheets since Audit costs are not eligible in this Call for Proposals.

Project budget outlook and subdivisions inside budget lines

These tables have to be filled in manually for the Lead Beneficiary and each Project Partner where costs incurred. First indicate the name of the budget item. Fill in the unit price of the item concerned in the relevant budget line in EUR, and give the exact number of items/units. The costs and share of the item(s) concerned will be calculated automatically. In the field Description of item, please describe the detailed content of the expenses budgeted under the headings 4. Service 5. Equipment/Supply and 6. Works/Investments (Character limit is set to 300 for each description field). In case of other budget lines, description is not obligatory but can be filled in if deemed necessary. The description of the budget lines will provide a base for financial assessment of the application. NOTE: Please plan your budget realistically and in line with market prices. In case of unrealistic budget amounts, the JMSC may decide to apply budget reductions! The totals of the seven main budget headings, the share of the budget lines (calculated on the base of total costs of each project part respectively) and the TOTAL COSTS cells are calculated automatically.


HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for filling in the Application Form Annex I of the Guidelines for Applicants

The same information will appear in the TOTAL COSTS cells (Chapter 11. Sources of funding) showing the total amount of expenses defined on partner level. Therefore you do not have to indicate the amount of own contribution, since it will automatically be calculated from the total costs of each Project Partner! Before filling in the table, please consult the eligibility of costs in Section 2.4 of the HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for Applicants. Only eligible costs can be taken into account for the project. If project activities generate revenues from sales, rentals, services, enrolment fees or other equivalent receipts during the project implementation period, they have to be taken into account. Please pay special attention to the following requirements concerning the budget lines:

Each Project Partners budget must be at least 10 per cent of the total project budget. The preparation costs must not exceed 10 per cent of the total budget of a respective Project Partner (including the Lead Beneficiary), and it should be proportional to the complexity of the project. Investment/works costs can be maximum 70 per cent of the total budget of a respective Project Partner (including the Lead Beneficiary) in case of Actions 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.2.2. Administrative costs shall not exceed 10 per cent of the total budget of a respective Project Partner (including the Lead Beneficiary). Budgets of the Project Partners in total from Adjacent regions shall not exceed 20 per cent of the total budget.

If the amounts planned in the budget lines do not meet the above mentioned requirements, a warning message will appear on the right side of the table and the correct figures (amounts) will be indicated in red. Before the submission of the Application Form, please make sure that no warning messages and red coloured numbers appear in the preview. When planning the budget always use the market values as the basis for calculation. Cost-effectiveness and value for money are governing principles of financial assessment of the Application. Where relevant, the Applicant may use prices published on the internet (e.g. IT equipment). To secure exact planning, the Applicant may request offers from service-providers and/or suppliers. Prices of constructions must always be based on an engineers cost estimation or contractors price quotation. The project budget must be clear and detailed enough for a comprehensive assessment, including exclusively eligible expenditures.


HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for filling in the Application Form Annex I of the Guidelines for Applicants

NOTE: Applicants have to specify and justify each cost carefully; costs that are not properly detailed and justified may be recommended for reduction during the quality assessment process and the JMSC may decide on decreasing budget amounts! Project Partners from Adjacent Regions have to comply with the 20% adjacent rule, i.e. maximum 20% of the IPA contribution to the project can be granted to Project Partners coming from adjacent regions. The actual rate of the IPA contribution to Project Partners coming from adjacent regions is automatically calculated in Chapter 10. Sources of funding. Please note that the recoverable Value Added Tax (VAT) is not eligible expenditure, and these costs cannot be included in the project budget. Only those Hungarian LB/Project Partners who cannot recover VAT according to their VAT status can include these costs in their budget, provided that: they are not recoverable by any means, they are born by the Lead Beneficiary / Project Partner, they are clearly identified in the project budget; Please note, that the VAT rate in Hungary is 27% as of 1 January 2012! Serbian Project Partners having signed the Subsidy Contract for Community Funding will be exempted from paying VAT. Therefore the LB/Project Partners from the Republic of Serbia must only indicate net amounts in the budget table, without the VAT. Please note that based on the current procedures applied in the Republic of Serbia, Project Partners from Serbia are not exempted from paying VAT in case the expenditure is incurred prior to signing the Subsidy Contract for Community Funding (e.g. preparation costs). Please plan the project budget accordingly!

Chapter 10. Project budget summary

This table is completed automatically according to the Project budget per partner tables filled in by the Lead Beneficiary and each Project Partner. It serves as a summary for the entire project budget (in EUR and %) in order to allow the financial assessment of the project. Do not try to insert any numbers here! If number in the streaked cell becomes red and warning message on the right side of the table appear you have to check the Project budget per partner chapters if there are any figures in red. Please correct the relevant figures according to the rules of budget planning.


HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for filling in the Application Form Annex I of the Guidelines for Applicants

Chapter 11. Sources of funding

This table provides overall information about the financial sources and allocations in the project shared by the Lead Beneficiary and the Project Partners. The Sources of funding table gives a clear picture about the financial contribution of each applicant. In this table some cells are automatically filled in according to the previously completed budget tables while in some you have to type the amounts in EUR. You have to fill in the following cells if relevant: Amount of eligible VAT:

Eligible VAT must be entered in the row 14. If not, the text in row 14 remains red indicating an error (if it is not relevant, or no Project Partner is indicated please fill in not relevant).

The amount of eligible VAT defined in this field serves only as information since all partner level budgets have to be calculated taken into consideration the VAT status of the respective Project Partner. Only those Hungarian Project Partners should present the eligible VAT amount, which are not entitled for VAT refund according to their VAT status (please also refer to the point 16 of the Declaration by the Applicant). LB/Project Partners from the Republic of Serbia must only indicate net amounts in the budget table, without the VAT.


HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for filling in the Application Form Annex I of the Guidelines for Applicants

Own contribution: These cells will be automatically filled in based on the previously completed budget tables. NOTE: As a general rule, Hungarian Applicants have to provide 5 % of the total eligible cost of their respective project part as own contribution, whereas Serbian Applicants have to provide 15 % of the total eligible cost of their respective project part as own contribution. For more information concerning national co-financing please consult Sections 2.4.5 and 4.2.2 and Appendix C of the HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for Applicants. Community funding: These cells will be automatically filled in based on the previously completed budget tables and the Community funding rate (max. 85%). State funding: NOTE: State co-financing is provided only for Hungarian Project Partners. In the frame of the present Call no state co-financing is available in the Republic of Serbia. These cells will be automatically filled in according to the previously completed budget tables and the state co-financing rate only in case of Hungarian Project Partners. Amount of advance from IPA funding: The advance is 15% of the total IPA allocation for the project. The amount of advance will automatically be calculated according to the proportion of each partners share of the total IPA contribution in the project. For more information on advance please consult Section 5.4 of the HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for Applicants. Planned net revenues: If project activities generate revenues from sales, rentals, services, enrolment fees or other equivalent receipts during the project implementation period, the expected revenues shall be indicated in the Application Form and will be deducted from the total eligible costs of the relevant project activity in full or pro-rata during the project implementation, depending on whether they were generated entirely or partly by the project activity.


HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for filling in the Application Form Annex I of the Guidelines for Applicants

The IPA funding will be calculated on the basis of the total eligible expenditures after the deduction of any revenue generated during the project implementation period. For more information on revenues consult Section 2.4.6 of the HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for Applicants. Funding from other sources (if applicable): Please provide the amount of funds that the project will receive from other national funds or private bodies (e.g. contribution of donors or foundations) during project implementation. NOTE: Double financing of expenditures is strictly forbidden! Adjacent rule All fields in the table will be completed automatically based on data inserted in Chapters 2 and 10 of the Application Form. The shares represented by each Project Partner give a clear picture about the IPA contribution (Community funding) of each partner in order to comply with the 20 per cent adjacent rule. If the warning message Adjacent rule! in red appears it means that the total planned budget of Project Partners from Adjacent regions exceeds the 20% threshold of the total IPA funding, defined in Section 2.4.2 of the HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for Applicants. In this case you have to revise the respective budget tables of Project Partner(s) from adjacent regions to fit the threshold above! NOTE: Before working on further Chapters of the AF, please revisit Chapter 1: General data of the Application form, and check whether all cells of the Sources of funding table are properly filled in with the required data and the requested community funding is in line with the thresholds applicable to the selected action!

Chapter 12. Spending forecast

Applicants have to present the financial dynamics of their project, i.e. planning the expenditures incurred and paid during the project implementation, divided in 4 months periods. When planning the Spending Forecast, please take into consideration the following:

The implementation period of an approved project is the period between the starting date and the end date of the project, as set in the Subsidy Contract for Community Funding. 26

HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for filling in the Application Form Annex I of the Guidelines for Applicants

Preparation costs shall be requested for reimbursement in the Start-up Project Progress Report or in the first Project Progress Report. Project duration cannot exceed 18 months. Each year of the project is divided into 4 months reporting periods starting from the start date of implementation. Advance payment (15% of the total IPA allocation to the project) will be provided after the signature of the Subsidy Contract for Community Funding. Pay special attention to the financial situation of the Project Partners! Note that the Project Progress Reports and the Applications for Reimbursement have to be submitted to the Joint Technical Secretariat by the LB within 90 calendar days from the end date of each reporting period (for more information on reporting, please refer to Section 5.5 of the HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for Applicants as well as Article 5 of the Model Subsidy Contract for Community Funding annexed to the Guidelines for Applicants). The total amount indicated in the Spending Forecast per partner must be equal to the total project budget of the respective partner.

Insert the planned costs (in EUR) in the white fields in a time schedule appropriate for the financing of the project activities. (If you do not plan to make payments in a reporting period, please insert 0.) The IPA part of the relevant expenses planned by the Applicant will automatically appear in the second table of this chapter. Please make sure that the relevant information given in the Activity plan in Chapter 5 is in compliance with the data given here.

Chapter 13. Location of works, permits

Before filling in these tables, please consult Section 3.4 of the HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for Applicants about Supporting documents in case the project contains construction/works activities and Section 4.2 of the HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for Applicants about documents that need to be submitted by the time of contracting. In the Location of works table please choose the abbreviated name of the relevant partner(s) and indicate whether the works activity requires a building permit or not. All related topographical (lot) numbers must be filled in, in accordance with the relevant title deeds (or building registration certificates). Also a concise description of the planned works activity should be indicated here.


HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for filling in the Application Form Annex I of the Guidelines for Applicants

In the Permits table, please list all the permits necessary for the implementation of the project with the details required below:

Abbreviated name of the organisation: choose the relevant Project Partner from the drop down menu Type of permit: choose from the drop down menu Description: describe the content of the permit Date of request: fill in the exact date of request of the permit/document (in day/month/year format). Estimated date of receipt of the permit: fill in the estimated date Identification/registry number of permit: fill in the identification/registry number (if already available)

Chapter 14. Project team members

In this Chapter of the Application Form, you should provide additional information on all personnel involved in the implementation of the project (i.e. project management staff as well as team members) being employed by the Lead Beneficiary and the Project Partners to be included in 2.1 and 2.2 budget lines of the project budgets of the respective Project Partner (in Chapter 10 of the Application Form)! NOTE: Staff costs can only be planned for the persons described above! Signed CVs of each and every person budgeted under budget heading No. 2 of Chapter 10 (and also indicated in this Chapter) must be submitted along with the AF in the given format (please refer to section 3.4 of the HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for Applicants for information on Supporting Documents ). Abbreviated name of Lead Beneficiary/Project Partner: Please select from the drop down menu the relevant Lead Beneficiary/Project Partner, which employs the team member. Name of the team member, Position in the project: Please fill in the name of the team member and his/her position (e.g. project manager, financial manager, researcher, consultant, technical supervisor, designer, etc.) in the project.


HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for filling in the Application Form Annex I of the Guidelines for Applicants

Estimated share of working time per month dedicated to the current project: Please type the percentage of the working time per month that the team member dedicates to the current project of (e.g. if the person is employed by the organisation on a full-time basis, but only 20% of their working time is dedicated to the project, then you should enter 20%). The entered value can vary between 1-100%. Monthly salary related to the respective project part (EUR): Please indicate the budgeted amount in EUR of the monthly salary of the team member (e.g. in case 20% of the working time of the relevant person is dedicated to the project, then only 20% of their regular salary should be indicated here and planned in the budget!) Short description of the work related to the respective project part: Please provide a short description of the tasks and responsibilities of the team member in the project. (Character limit is set to 300). NOTE: Before working on further Chapters of the AF, please revisit Chapter 1: General data of the Application form, and check whether all cells are properly filled in with the required data!

Chapter 15. Checklist

The checklist enables you to control the correctness of completion of the Application in order to meet formal requirements. Please, type an X if the given requirement is considered as completed and ready for submission. If the given requirement is considered as not relevant, please type not relevant in the field.

Chapter 16. Certification

The certification is a crucial part of the Application Form. Therefore, please ensure that you provided it in the required form. Fields colored in blue are completed automatically. After printing all sheets of the Application Form, the legally authorised representative of the Lead Beneficiary has to manually fill in the date and place and put his/her signature at the end. The certification has to be stamped with the official stamp of the organisation acting as Lead Beneficiary.


HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for filling in the Application Form Annex I of the Guidelines for Applicants


Please remember to check the print layout once the application form is completed, providing a clear view of all pages. Try to keep the predefined page setup and change only if necessary. Having put together the Application, please number the pages continuously and indicate the relevant page numbers on the table of contents as well! In this case handwriting is acceptable. When compiling the Application for submission, please insert cover pages between the Annexes of the AF and other Supporting Documents indicating the content (if a supporting document is not relevant for a specific partner, indicate it on the separate cover page of the relevant supporting document and in the Table of contents as well)! Always arrange documents by type. Each type of documents should have a cover page and within every type, each partner should also have a separate cover! Supporting documents must be submitted in the sequence as listed in section 3.4 of the HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for Applicants! The following list is for information purposes only and serves as an illustration of the formal requirements defined above: 1. Extract from register 2.a Extract from register for LB 2.b Extract from register for PP1 2.c Extract from register for PP2 2.d .... 2. Original specimen of signature of the legally authorised representative 4.a Original specimen of signature of the LB 4.b Original specimen of signature of PP1 4.c Original specimen of signature of PP2 4.d .... etc.


(Please consult section 3.4 of the Guidelines for Applicants) NOTE: The Certification (Chapter 16 of the AF), the Declaration by the Applicant, and the Partnership statement must be signed, dated and stamped and submitted in originals by the Applicants. If these are not provided accordingly, the Application will be automatically rejected! 30

HUSRB/1203 Guidelines for filling in the Application Form Annex I of the Guidelines for Applicants

NOTE: Some of the supporting documents must be submitted in original meaning they have to be issued by the respective authority or certified by a notary public / court, as follows:

Extract from register Specimen of signature2 Declaration of support of the competent National Park Directorate Declaration of support of the competent Environmental and Water Directorate Building Permit or Notification of the procedure initiated for obtaining a building permit, or Declaration certifying the exemption of the construction from building permit Environmental permit or Certification of the respective authority conducting the environmental impact assessment that the Applicant has initialised the assessment process, or Declaration that the conduction of an environmental assessment or the attainment of environmental permits is not relevant

All other supporting documents must be certified by the legally authorised representative of the respective Lead Beneficiary or Project Partner meaning that they have to be signed and dated by the person(s) authorised in the establishing document and/or in the specimen of signature to sign in the name of the applicant organisation!

The legal representative of the Applicant i.e. the person(s) with the right of representation and signature is determined by the establishing document of every organisation, and the specimen of their signature is kept in a legally prescribed way, depending on the legal status of the organisation. This document or a copy certified by a public notary must be submitted alongside with the Application Form. In the case the organisation does not have such a document issued by the relevant institution, it should provide a statement in original language signed, stamped and dated by its legally authorised representative declaring that the signature at the end of the statement belongs to the legally authorised representative and that the same signature will be used on all official documents in the course of project implementation. This very statement should then be certified by a public notary. The signatory person (and the signature itself) has to be the same on the AF and on other statements that are signed by the respective Applicant.


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