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Course Summer 2012:-00A-Adv Operating System LINUX Test Midterm Exam Started 6/30/12 7:33 PM Submitted 6/30/12 8:44

PM Status Completed Score 94 out of 100 points Time Elapsed 1 hour, 11 minutes out of 3 hours. Instructions Question 1 1 out of 1 points The ____ regular expression metacharacter matches 0 or more occurrences of the p revious character. Answer Selected Answer: c. * Question 2 3 out of 3 points Match each correct item with the statement below. Answer Question Selected Match Command that halts the system immediately and powers down the computer b. pow eroff A system setup to support ________ allows you to choose the operating system to boot upon system startup d. dual booting Traditional filesystem still used on most Linux computers f. ext2 Question 3 1 out of 1 points You can use the sed command to remove unwanted lines of text. Answer Selected Answer: True Question 4 1 out of 1 points Given the syntax command && command, the command on the left of the && construct is executed only if the command on the right of the && construct completed succ essfully. Answer Selected Answer: False Question 5 0 out of 1 points Is vim the Linux equivalent of vi? Answer Selected Answer: a. No Question 6 1 out of 1 points To check a filesystem for errors, you can use the ____ command, which can check filesystems of many different types. Answer Selected Answer: a. fsck Question 7 1 out of 1 points The ____ command can be used to provide a long listing for each file in a certai n directory. Answer Selected Answer: b. ls -l

Question 8 3 out of 3 points Match each term with the correct statement below. Answer Question Selected Match Command used to change the group owner of a file or directory. d. chgrp Command used to test network connectivity. c. ping Special variable on the system used to take away permissions on new files and di rectories immediately after they are created. a. umask Question 9 0 out of 1 points The command strings /bin/echo displays the binary characters inside the /bin/ech o binary executable program. Answer Selected Answer: True Question 10 1 out of 1 points Consider the phrase "collaboration between several developers with a common need speeds up software creation, and when bugs in the software are found by these u sers, bug fixes are created very quickly" from the chapter. This statement desc ribes which advantage of the Linux operating system? Answer Selected Answer: b. Stability and security Question 11 1 out of 1 points When using the less command, can you use the cursor keys on the keyboard to scro ll up and down the contents of the file? Answer Selected Answer: a. Yes Question 12 3 out of 4 points Match each term with the correct statement below. Answer Question Selected Match The first readable sector of a hard disk, where partition definitions are stored . c. MBR File that contains a list of devices that are currently used on the system and t heir major numbers. d. /dev Rigid quota limits that the user cannot exceed. h. hard limits Hard disk quotas that the user can exceed for a certain period of time. b. sof t limits Question 13 1 out of 1 points If a device is mounted to a directory that contains files, are those files tempo rarily covered up until the device is unmounted? Answer Selected Answer: a. Yes Question 14 1 out of 1 points ____ are specific letters that start with a dash ( Answer Selected Answer: d. Options Question 15 - ).

1 out of 1 points Which of the following key combinations, commonly used in the vi editor command mode, displays current line statistics? Answer Selected Answer: d. Ctrl+g Question 16 1 out of 1 points The ____ Answer Selected Question 1 out of command displays the last five lines of a text file. Answer: 17 1 points b. tail -5

The chgrp command takes ____ argument(s) at minimum. Answer Selected Answer: b. two Question 18 4 out of 4 points Match each term with the correct statement below. Answer Question Selected Match Any error messages generated by a command. e. stderr Files that are typically used to create custom programs that perform administrat ive tasks on Linux systems. f. shell scripts The normal output of a command. g. stdout A filter command that takes information from standard input and sends that infor mation to a file, as well as to standard output. a. tee Question 19 0 out of 1 points To view a list of files and their type, use the ____ switch to the ls command. Answer Selected Answer: d. -l Question 20 1 out of 1 points Does the Answer Selected Question 1 out of find command use a pre-made index of files to locate a file? Answer: 21 1 points a. No

Did the GNU Public License legalize free distribution of source code? Answer Selected Answer: a. Yes Question 22 1 out of 1 points To create partitions after installation, you can use the ____ command. Answer Selected Answer: b. fdisk Question 23 1 out of 1 points The more command should not be used on binary files. Answer Selected Answer: True

Question 24 1 out of 1 points The command that displays the calendar for the current month is ____. Answer Selected Answer: a. cal Question 25 1 out of 1 points It is difficult to port software designed for UNIX to Linux. Answer Selected Answer: False Question 26 1 out of 1 points The SGID allows regular users to execute a binary compiled program and become a member of the group that is attached to the file. Answer Selected Answer: True Question 27 1 out of 1 points The ____ tors. Answer Selected Question 1 out of editor is functionally analogous to the Windows Wordpad and Notepad edi Answer: 28 1 points d. gedit

Which Linux command gets you out of your current shell? Answer Selected Answer: a. exit Question 29 1 out of 1 points To create a hard link, you must use the ____ command. Answer Selected Answer: d. ln Question 30 5 out of 5 points Match each term with the correct statement below. Answer Question Selected Match A service that protects companies from outside intruders on the Internet. c. firewall Combining several smaller computers. h. clustering A software system that installs and maintains software. f. package manager A GUI Environment for Linux written in the C programming language. e. GNO ME A service that requests outside Internet resources on behalf of a computer insid e of a company. d. proxy server Question 31 1 out of 1 points A computer connected to a remote hard disk via iSCSI is referred to as an iSCSI initiator. Answer Selected Answer: True Question 32

1 out of 1 points When a user interacts with his computer, he interacts directly with the kernel o f the computer s operating system. Answer Selected Answer: False Question 33 1 out of 1 points The ____ Answer Selected Question 1 out of symbol indicates a linked file. Answer: 34 1 points b. @

RAID level ____ is commonly referred to as disk striping with parity. Answer Selected Answer: c. 5 Question 35 1 out of 1 points Is the password database used for authentication always located on the local com puter? Answer Selected Answer: a. No Question 36 1 out of 1 points When using the chmod command for a specific file, the ____ argument would add re ad permission and remove write permission for the group permissions. Answer Selected Answer: c. g+r-w Question 37 1 out of 1 points The test han B. Answer Selected Question 1 out of The ____ Answer Selected Question 1 out of statement ____ would be used to determine if A is numerically greater t Answer: 38 1 points c. [ A gt B ]

metacharacter indicates background command execution. Answer: 39 1 points b. &

The section of an inode that stores permissions is called the ____ of the file. Answer Selected Answer: b. mode Question 40 1 out of 1 points To display the contents of a file called data, use the command ____. Answer Selected Answer: d. cat data Question 41 1 out of 1 points

____ installation log file(s) is/are created by the Fedora installation program. Answer Selected Answer: b. Two Question 42 1 out of 1 points The ____ file in the /proc directory contains a list of memory address ranges re served for device use. Answer Selected Answer: b. ioports Question 43 1 out of 1 points If you have ____ permission to a shell script, you can execute the shell script like any other executable program on the system. Answer Selected Answer: a. read and execute Question 44 1 out of 1 points The fastest method to search for files in the Linux directory tree is to use the ____ command. Answer Selected Answer: d. locate Question 45 1 out of 1 points You can use wildcard metacharacters with the find command. Answer Selected Answer: True Question 46 1 out of 1 points Can disk Answer Selected Question 1 out of imaging software be used to perform a Linux installation? Answer: 47 1 points a. Yes

Companies and institutions using computers to perform extraordinarily large calc ulations that would be unsuitable for most computers would employ a(n) ____. Answer Selected Answer: d. supercomputer Question 48 1 out of 1 points You can edit the quotas for certain users by using the ____ command. Answer Selected Answer: a. edquota Question 49 1 out of 1 points The shell that is used by default in Linux is the ____ shell. Answer Selected Answer: d. BASH Question 50 1 out of 1 points You can send the standard output of one command to another command as standard i nput using the ____ shell metacharacter.

Answer Selected Answer: Question 51 1 out of 1 points

c. |

To format a filesystem with a specified filesystem type, you can use the ____ op tion with the mkfs command. Answer Selected Answer: c. -t Question 52 1 out of 1 points Each computer participating on the Internet must have an IP address. Answer Selected Answer: True Question 53 1 out of 1 points The source code for Linux was released in ____. Answer Selected Answer: c. 1991 Question 54 1 out of 1 points Can you use a Kickstart Configurator to make major changes to a kickstart file? Answer Selected Answer: b. Yes Question 55 1 out of 1 points To verify hardware settings, you can examine the contents of the ____ directory. Answer Selected Answer: c. /proc Question 56 1 out of 1 points ____ is the metacharacter for command termination. Answer Selected Answer: b. ; Question 57 1 out of 1 points To mount ot time, Answer Selected Question 1 out of all filesystems in the /etc/fstab file that are intended to mount at bo you can simply type the ____ command. Answer: 58 1 points c. mount -a

Do symbolic links share the same inode and inode number? Answer Selected Answer: b. No Question 59 1 out of 1 points To perform a case-insensitive grep search, would you use the -a option to the gr ep command? Answer Selected Answer: a. No Question 60

1 out of 1 points To ensure that Linux has detected the correct amount of RAM in the system after installation, you can view the contents of the ____ file. Answer Selected Answer: b. /proc/meminfo Question 61 1 out of 1 points The ____ drive. Answer Selected Question 1 out of Commands Answer Selected Question 1 out of filesystem is used by software programs that write to a CD-RW or DVD-RW Answer: 62 1 points d. udf

indicate the name of a program to execute and are case sensitive. Answer: 63 1 points True

You can see the contents of a certain variable in memory by using the ____ metac haracter with the echo command. Answer Selected Answer: d. $ Question 64 1 out of 1 points The core Answer Selected Question 1 out of The ____ Answer Selected Question 1 out of component of the GUI in Linux is referred to as ____. Answer: 65 1 points b. X Windows

standard support speeds of up to 80 MB/second. Answer: 66 1 points d. SCSI-3 Ultra2 Wide

The easiest method for monitoring free space by mounted filesystems is to use th e ____ command. Answer Selected Answer: a. df Question 67 1 out of 1 points Data is read off of hard disks in concentric circles called ____. Answer Selected Answer: b. tracks Question 68 1 out of 1 points The file Answer Selected Question 3 out of descriptor stderr is represented by the number ____. Answer: 69 3 points c. 2

Match each term with the correct statement below. Answer Question Selected Match A type of RAID level 0 that consists of two hard disks that are seen as one larg e volume. e. spanning A unique identifier for each device attached to any given node in a SCSI chain. d. Logical Unit Number (LUN) A type of RAID level 0 in which an individual file is divided into section and s aved concurrently on multiple disks. g. disk striping Question 70 1 out of 1 points The ____ section of a filesystem is the section that contains information about the filesystem in general. Answer Selected Answer: c. superblock Question 71 1 out of 1 points Do all commands have either man pages or info pages? Answer Selected Answer: a. No Question 72 1 out of 1 points To find all of the commands that have the word would type ____. Answer Selected Answer: c. man -k list Question 73 1 out of 1 points list in their name or description, you

The highest priority SCSI device is given a SCSI ID of ____. Answer Selected Answer: c. 7 Question 74 0 out of 1 points You can redirect a file to the standard input of a command using the ____ metach aracter. Answer Selected Answer: d. | Question 75 1 out of 1 points The ____ Answer Selected Question 1 out of escape sequence represents a form feed. Answer: 76 1 points c. \f

To set all of the special permissions on a certain file or directory, you can us e the command ____, where name is the name of the file or directory. Answer Selected Answer: b. chmod 7777 name Question 77 5 out of 5 points Match each correct item with the statement below. Answer

Question Selected Match Displays the first ten lines of a text file. a. head command Special file that serves as placeholders to organize other files. e. dir ectory Identifies a channel that passes information from one process in memory to anoth er, and in some cases can be mediated by files on the hard drive. f. nam ed pipe Displays lines of text that match extended regular expressions. d. egrep comma nd Displays a file in reverse order. c. tac command Question 78 1 out of 1 points In a file s mode, if a permission is unavailable, a(n) ____ character replaces its p osition in the mode. Answer Selected Answer: a. Question 79 0 out of 1 points Is Linux Answer Selected Question 1 out of referred to as a multioperational operating system? Answer: 80 1 points b. Yes

When using the chmod command, the mode rwx can be represented by the number ____ . Answer Selected Answer: c. 7

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