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Casting spells

To cast a spell can be as ritualistic and complicated or as easy and simple as you want it to be. This depends on your own personality and belief. Personally I find that the simpler a spell is the less likely I am to forget something or make a mistake. Here is a step-by-step method for creating a ritual and casting a spell: 1. Do a divination first to make sure that your outcome or intent is white magick. 2. If the divination gives you the go ahead then take a ritual bath to cleanse and purify you. You may at this stage put herbs or coarse salt into your bath to cleanse you from all negativity and to purify you. 3. Get your mind into alpha state by using the relaxation ritual, countdown into alpha state or meditation method such as the Om meditation. Self Hypnosis to relax is also excellent. 4. At the right time go to your temple and set up your altar with all your tools and correspondences, pictures or statues of Neteru, proper incenses and candles etc. (when working with planetary hours, make sure that you allow enough time for your self to cast the actual spell within the allotted planetary hour. This means that you might have to set up before the time so you have enough time to do the ritual within the planetary hour.) 5. Light your candles and incense on your altar using the Khesu given in Heka 1 6. Cast your circle and summon the quarters or the 4 Sons of Horus(Heka course 1) 7. Invoke and access the appropriate Neter (t)(u) energy which you might need in the spell and now say the prayer or invocation which you have written to that Neter (t)(u). As we have discussed in Name Heka, use the passwords (titles) particular to the Neter(t)(u) you are requesting help from. 8. State the goal of your ritual out load and start visualising it in your mind as you have planned. 9. Raise energy using the middle pillar ritual, chanting, drumming or dancing and change the energy flowing through your body or in the middle pillar to the appropriate colour correspondence that will suit the magick ex. Green for love or Blue for Justice or prosperity.

10. Once you have raised this energy use it in your spell in the way which you have predetermined it by visualising this coloured energy entering the amulet you are charging or going into the herb or stone you are using etc or visualise it surrounding your visualised goal in your mind etc. This is where your own imagination and creativity comes into play and depends on the actions you perform and how you use the correspondences in your spell. 11. Once you feel that you have put as much energy into your spell as you possibly can release this energy through your will into the universe and say so mote it be or urhekau kheper ankh(translated as Great words of magickal power, come to life) 12. Give libations, thanks and offerings to the Neter(t)(u) you invoked. 13. Give the license to depart

14. Thank The 4 Sons of Horus or Dismiss the elements (quarters) and Close the circle 15. Ground your energy (do this by visualising and /or by eating and drinking something) Also known as Djefau(reversion of offerings) - use Khesu nr 5 in Heka course 1(offering rite) to do the offering.

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