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Fiqh (Jurisprudence)

Noor-ul-Idha wa Najatul Arwaah

(The light of clarification and the Salvation of Souls)

The Major Bath (Ghusl)

That Which Obligates The Major Bath (Ghusl)

/ (Ghusl) Bath (Janabah) Ritual Impurity (Mani) Sperm (Madhi) Cowpers Fluid / Pre-Cum (Kadhi) Females Pre-Cum (Wadi) Non-Sperm Male Discharge (Jima) Sexual Intercourse (Haydh) Menstrual Periods (Nifaas) Post Natal Bleeding

The major bath is compulsory if one of the seven following occurs:

1) The discharge of sperm to the surface of the body obligates the major bath provided its separates from its location due to sexual arousal, not sexual intercourse

2) If the head of the penis (of a living man) disappears in one of the passages of a living human being. (i.e. The vagina or anus) the major bath becomes compulsory on both persons. And the size of the head is the section that was removed in circumcision.

3) The discharge of sperm due to intercourse with a dead person or animal.

4) If a person after waking up finds the presence of thin liquid (and cannot remember a dream ); the major bath is obligatory provided his penis was not erect before sleeping.

5) If a person finds the presence of wetness after regaining consciousness or after recovering from intoxication and believes it to be a sperm , then he is required to undertake the major bath.

6-7) When a females menstrual periods or post natal bleeding ends.

And even if the aforementioned points occurs prior to becoming a Muslim, one must still perform the major bath and this is the most correct view.

It is Fardh Kifayah (communal obligation) to bath a deceased Muslim.

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