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The basic of health terms

dr. Santosa Budiharjo, Mkes., PA

The basic of health terms

The health terms : health vocabulary Health : condition of the body or the mind Coverages: individu (personal), family, community,regional, international hygiene Hygiene : science of, rules for, healthy living, cleanliness Efforts: preventive, curative, promotitive, rehabilitative Terms in Public health


Epi/demo/i/o/logy Epidemic: disease spreding rapidly among many people in the same place for a time Endemic: disease prevalent or often recurring in a country or area, or among a particular class of people Pandemic: disease prevalent over the whole of a country or continent Prevalent : formal common, seen, or done everywhere (at the time in question) Prodromal pro/drom/al (adj) pro/drom/e : symptom come before a disease

Prevalence -incidence

Incident: happening which attracts general attention Morbidity morbid/i/ty : state of being diseased, unhealthy Mortality mortal/i/ty state of being mortal (die); number of death caused by something (e.g. Disaster, or disease); death rate Natal rate: birth rate Surveillance close watch kept on persons suspected of wrongdoing


AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome ARD acute respiratory disease ARF acute renal failure Ca cancer CHD congenital /coronary heart disease CHF congestif heart disease COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease CP cerebral palsy CRF chronic renal failure CVA cerebrovascular accident DOA dead of arrival


Dx diagnosis FOD free of disease FUO fever of unknown origin Fx fracture FxBB fracture of both bone HA headache HD Hodgkin`s disease HF heart failure IHD ischemic heart disease LE lupus erythemathosus


JOB juvenile onset diabetes MOB maturity onset diabetes MS mitral stenosis OA osteoarthritis Schiz schizophrenia TB tuberculosis Thal- thalasemia TIA transischemic attack URI upper respiratory disease UTI urinary tract infection


AB abortion CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation C section cecarean section cito quickly CT computed tomography (scan- look at attentively CSF cerebrospinal fluid DPT diphtheria pertusis ECG/EKG electrocardiogram ECHO echocardiogram ECT electroconvulsive theraphy EEG - electroencephalography


EMG electromyogram ERG electroretinogram Exam examination Hb hemoglobin Hct hematocrit HDL high density lipoproteins HSG hysterosalphingogram IVP intravenous pyelogram Lab laboratory LASER light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation


LP lumbar pucture MMR measles, mumps, rubella MRI magnetic resonance imaging Pap papanicolaou test PE physical examination RIA radioimmuno assay Rx prescribe take SOP - standart operating procedure TUR transurethral resection Tx - treatment

Abbreviation for prescribing

Charting abbreviation prescribe form doctor to pharmacist pharmacist : person professionally quilified to prepare medicines aa of each ac ante cibum before meals ad - auricle dexter right ear bid bis in die twice a day bin bis in noctus twice a night cap capsule iter repeated

mfla - misc e fac lege artis - make as a proper way pc post cibum after meals po per oral by mouth prn pro re nata as needed desired pulv pulvis - powder q quaque every qh every hours q2h every two hours qid quarter in die four times a day qn every night simm signa in manum medici,give to the doctor


supp suppositoria by anus inserted into rectum or vagina tab tablets tid tri in die three times a day tinct tinctura dissolve in alcohol ung unguentum ointment up usus propius own using


Treatment, promotive, rehabilitative

Accupressure accu a needle; acropressure? Accupuncture puncturing/pricking with fine nedles Chiropodist a person who is expert in the treatment of the feet and toenails Chiropractor- person who treats diseases by manipulating joints (esp. Spinal column) Manicure care of hands and finger nails manicurist Pedicure treatment of the feet, esp. Toe-nails spa place where there is a spring of mineral water having medicinal properties

Hydropathy uses the water internally and externally in the treatment of disease Physiotherapy physi-o-therapy physi: of the body, of living thing Psychotherapy psych/o/theraphy; psych/osis; psychoneurosis Obesitas being obese, obese- very fat Addiction- being addicted : habitually, compulsively Supplement something/sth added later to improve or completed Syndroma number of symptom which collectively indicate an often abnormal condition of the body or mind Greek: drom: symptom occur running along together

Tonsillectomy tonsill/ec/tom/y (a cutting out) Trache/o/tom/y (a cutting into) Osteomalacia oste/o/malac/ia Arthr/o/plast/y (plast surgical repair) paracentesis Abdomin/o/centesis Cardi/o/centesis Amni/o/centesis Hydrophobia,claustrophobia (phob/ia fear) Kinesiology , kinesi/ology Ergonomy erg/o/nomy (study of environment, efficiency of work)

Neur/o/trips/y Lith/o/trips/y trips/y Greek rub, massage, crushing or grinding Psychopath path/y Pro/gnos/is mal/am; bon/am; dub/ia; dubia ad malam; dubia ad bonam Di/a/gnos/is study through its symptoms Pol/y/dips/ia (thirst, desire too much fluid) Pol/y/phag/ia (phag bit,eat) Aer/o/bi/c existing with air (oxygen);An/aer/o/bi/c Dys/peps/ia (dys bad,pain, difficult) ; eu/pept/ic (eunormal)

Eu/than/asia (than death) easy or peacefull death Nullipara nulli/par/a (par bear)(nulli none) Narc/o/tic (narco-word root combining form: sleep) Epi/leps/y leps seizure or attack of .. Di/a/rrhea flowing through Metacarpal,metaphysis (meta- at, on, the farther side; later than ; surpassing; except (in negative) Condyl rounded process ; epicondyl, condyloid Rachi/o ; spondyl/o spine, vertebra Pisiforme, lunatum, hamatum, capitatum, trapezium, trapezoideum, scapoideum (carpal)



Health terms perbendaharaan istilah di bidang kesehatan dalam bhs Indonesia (nasional) Menkes; dinkes; puskesmas; PKMD; POSYANDU, Balita, Batita, Lansia, usila, PAUD, UKS, ASI Narkoba, napza, Imunisasi, vaccine, fitness centre, STD (sexual transmitted disease) IDI Ikatan Dokter Indonesia, PERDAMI, Perhimpunan ahli mata indonesia IDAI, ikatan dokter anak indonesia KONI; PERWOSI, PASI WHO, UNESCO, UNICEF (United Nation children`s fund)


Individu, rumah, lingkungan, masyarakat, rumah sakit

STR surat tanda registrasi SIP surat ijin praktik (praktik praktikan) Apotek apoteker, Apt dr, DR, Dr., Drg, SpB., SpKK., SpA., SpAn., SpS., SpPD., Sp.OG.,SKp., Amd., SpRM., MKes. ODA, WTS WC , toilet, ventilasi, septic tank, sanitasi VIP very important person, VVIP ICCU intensif coronary care unit; ICU UGD, IRD (instalasi rawat darurat), ER (emergency

Therapi alternatif; komplementer, tradisional, herbal, massage (masseur (m) masseuse (f) Poliklinik, klinik, balai pengobatan, RB (Rumah bersalin), RS, RSUP, RSUD, RSKIA, RSKB (Rumah sakit khusus bedah) Skin Whitening; liposuction, body building, hair dresser (stylist) ; baby sister, pramu rukti lansia Panti asuhan anak yatim, panti jompo, panti asuhan anak cacat, pusat rehabilitasi cacat Yayasan penderita anak cacat (YPAC), yayasan kanker indonesia (YKI), Yayasan Jantung Indonesia

Error is human Reflection to be better




Good luck


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