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TUTORIAL 1: Discuss and present the following topics: -Grammar for young learners -The place of grammar in the primary ESL classroom

Grammar for Young Learners

Age is the major factor on deciding how to teach and what to teach. Young learners: Respond to meaning even if they do not understand individual words Often learn indirectly Understanding comes from explanation, what they see, hear and interact with Difficult to grasp abstract concepts like grammar rules Have limited attention span, easily get bored Explicit grammar works better for intermediate to advanced levels

Grammar in primary ESL Classroom

Stage 1 ; Year 1,2 & 3

2 stages

Stage 2; Year 4,5,& 6

In year 1 and 2, the English language curriculum emphasises on the pupils development of basic language skills in building the proficiency in the language. Grammar is only introduced from Year 3 onwards.

Language Focus

Language Arts

Level 2 (Year 4,5 & 6)

Skills- Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing Vocabulary (includes Science & Maths themes as well as Grammar)
Skills- Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing Vocabulary Grammar (Year 3) (phonics and penmanship) STRAND 2 PRE-SCHOOL

Readers + (Literature) English at play; Music, Poetry & Drama

Level 1 (Year 1,2 & 3)

Readers- Big Books (Lady Bird Serires) Music, Poetry &Drama


By the end of Year 6, pupils should be able to: use the correct and appropriate rules of grammar in speech and writing.

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