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PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT Lecturer : Madam Sabiah Mohamed Group 1 Members : 1. Maria Anak James Chayak 2.

Rethna Gorettie binti Robert Tiru 3. Stanley Anak Robert

Basic Principles of Physical Development



Starts from the head down to the legs. After birth, the size of the head will develop first then followed by the body, legs & heads. Control head movement followed by hands & later leg. In the first 2 month, a child can control head movement & expression. A few months later, the infant can lie on his chest & later be able to lift his body with the help of his hands. When he is between 6-12 months, the child can control his leg movement, crawl & later stand. Stars from the middle part of the body & proceeds outward. Development starts from the back bone & moves outward. At prenatal stage, the heart & other organs develop first before the legs & hands. Fine sensory motor development at the hands & legs will be the last part of the physical development.


Aspects After birth, babies will try to touch objects that they see but is unable to do so because they cannot control their hands muscle. After a few month, they can use both hands to hold object. Then, they will be able to hold objects with 1 hand using their fingers because the hand muscle has developed.

The childs ability becomes clear & specific

Child will cry aloud when he get hurt. After w few months if the same incident happens, the child will still cry but will be able to point out the painful area. Later when a child master the language, the child will be able to tell that his head is painful. The legs & hands will reach maximum development during adolescence but the shoulders will take a longer time. Creativity develops very quickly & reaches its peak during adolescence but the ability for higher order thinking will take longer.

The physical develop aspect develops at different stages

Childs Physical Development Stages

Prenatal Germinal


Infant Growth (Newborn-2 years)

Puberty (woman), one ovum will reach maturity every 28

days in the ovary.

Ovum enter the fallopian tube (ovulation). The sperm fertilized the ovum, a zygote is formed. A woman may produce more than one egg. (naturally or

2 different sperms fertilized 2 ovum will produce duo zygote

twins/fraternal twins.

If the ovum fertilized by a sperm divides into 2, it will

continue to divide , it will develop and become monozygote twins/identical twins

Monozygote twins are the product of the same zygote,

thus they inherit the same gene from their parents.

Prenatal stage take 9 months and is divided into 3

stages that is germinal, embryo and foetus.

2. Germinal
Fertilization zygote attached to the wall of the womb. (about 2

A zygote (23 chromosomes from the sperm and another 23 from

the ovum).
Chromosomes paired up.

Traits and characteristics inherited from the parents.

New cells develop part of the body duplicate gene from their

Genes contain the DNA.

Numerous structural arrangements of the DNA will

cause different traits and characteristics of an individual #except for the identical twins who shares the same zygote.

3. Embryo
Starts from the 3rd week 8th week after fertilization. Develop organism is known as embryo. Week 4 : brain, eyes, ears and mouth starts shaping. Week 8 : basic organ system, features, fingers and legs.

The embryo consumes food and oxygen through the

umbilical cord. (carry CO2 and waste product to be

excreted by the mother)

Can cause disabilities if the umbilical cord channels

any sickness/drugs /nicotine/alcohol.

Rapid development progress. The structure and basic system is developed at this


4. Foetus
Starts at 3rd month pregnancy birth. Main organs increase in size. Muscles and nervous system starts to develop. Signals from the brain and other movements can be detected.

A lot of development from the 3rd month to the 6th month.

Can feel the baby movement. Sight and hearing sensor begin to function.

Weight and length increases.

The foetus will move its position with its head turned

towards the womb before birth.

5.Infant(Birth-2 years)
Grow & develop rapidly. Weight: increases about 10 kg. Height: increases about 40 cm. Increasing of the size & complexity of brain.

Milk teeth grow at the lower gum, then top.(6-8 months)

Development of psychomotor, involves bigger muscles

(neck, leg, hand). Make them able to turn their body,

crawling & walking.

Development of vision & fine motor sensors(fingers).

Allows them to hold & coordinate hands. Able to do complex things holding crayon, drawing.

Implication to the Teaching And Learning Process of A Baby

The stimulus for visual & hearing is necessary for the

brain to organize the information.

5. Early Childhood(2-6 years)

Rate of growth is slower then before.
Height: twice than their birth. Weight: maybe four times more. Development of bigger muscle, the fine muscle. The psychomotor ability will develop in sequence. Girls grow faster than boys.



Psychomotor Development
Going up steps with some help. Holding big objects like balls & manipulate smaller objects like crayon. Throwing the ball. Riding a tricycle. Jumping & running. Going up & down steps without help.

Using roller-skates. Writing alphabet & words easily.

6. Childhood(7-12 years)
Growth & development rate is stable, slower pace. Refinement of psychomotor. Replacement of milk teeth with permanent teeth. Girls height increases between 8-10 years old &

reaches its peak at 12 years old.

Boys height increases between 10-12 years & reach its

maximum at 15 years old.

Puberty at 11 years old, grow stronger & more focus on

activity/task given.
Fine muscle more developed.


Children can be taught to play musical instruments and

Involve the children in games. To guide the children when necessary. Children will feel satisfied if they are able to do things on

their own.
Avoid comparing them with each other.


Growth and development rate is as rapid as during infancy.

Physical changes in height, size and body shape begins

towards adulthood.
The female will attain puberty earlier than the male but the

male development towards puberty will take a longer period.

Muscle growth is more obvious in the male adolescence.


Held an activities such as seminars or counseling. Prepare exercises to help them build strength and

body resistance.
Develop consciousness in healthy life style.

Prepare courses and talks on sexual activities and the

reproductive system.

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