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Search for Sentiment

Seth Grimes
Alta Plana Corporation
301-270-0795 --

Search Engine Meeting

April 27, 2010

Search for Sentiment

Seth Grimes
Principal Consultant with Alta Plana Corporation.

Contributing Editor, TechWebs Channel Expert (text analytics), Founding Chair, Sentiment Analysis Symposium,, and Text Analytics Summit,

Search for Sentiment

Two assertions:
Human communications are inherently subjective.
Opinion often masquerades as Fact.

Search for Sentiment


Facts and Feelings

The unemployment rate is 9.7%. Unemployment is WAY TOO HIGH!! The unemployment rate is higher than it was two years ago (5.1%). Former U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said on Tuesday that the global recession will "surely be the longest and deepest" since the 1930s, adding that the Obama administration's Troubled Asset Relief Program will be insufficient to plug the yawning financial gap. [Reuters, Feb 18, 2009] Bernanke is doing a better job than Greenspan.

Search for Sentiment

Questions for business & government:

What are people saying? Whats hot/trending? What are they saying about {topic|person|product} X? ... about X versus {topic|person|product} Y? How has opinion about X and Y evolved? How has opinion correlated with {our|competitors|general} {news|marketing|sales|events}? Whats behind opinion, the root causes? Who are opinion leaders? How does sentiment propagate across multiple channels?

Search for Sentiment

Is sentiment a search problem?

Search for Sentiment

Information access w/structure, sentiment:

User intent?



Search for Sentiment

In this example, you can quickly see that the Drooling Dog Bar B Q has gotten lots of positive reviews, and if you want to see what other people have said about the restaurant, clicking this result is a good choice.

In the recap of [Searchology] from Googles Matt Cutts, he tells us that: If you sort by reviews, Google will perform sentiment analysis and highlight interesting comments.
-- Bill Slawski, Google's New Review Search Option and Sentiment Analysis,

Search for Sentiment


For better information access, understand user intent.

User intent?

Search for Sentiment


We have a decision support need. We=

Consumers Marketers Competitors Managers

Decision support requires tools beyond general-purpose search/information access

Search for Sentiment


Counting term hits, in one source, at the doc level, doesnt take you far...

Good or bad? Whats behind the posts?

Search for Sentiment


Counting -clicks, not even keywords -leaves you wondering Why? and So What?

Search for Sentiment


Sentiment analysis is the task of identifying positive and negative opinions, emotions, and evaluations.
-- Wilson, Wiebe & Hoffman, 2005, Recognizing Contextual Polarity in Phrase-Level Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis or opinion mining is the computational study of opinions, sentiments and emotions expressed in text An opinion on a feature f is a positive or negative view, attitude, emotion or appraisal on f from an opinion holder.
-- Bing Liu, 2010, Sentiment Analysis and Subjectivity, in Handbook of Natural Language Processing

Search for Sentiment


Sentiment analysis turns attitudes into data. Ingredients:

Structured and unstructured sources. Subjectivity WW&H used over 8,000 clues. Polarity: positive, negative, (both,) or neutral. Intensity.

Search for Sentiment


There are many complications. Simplified:

Sentiment may be of interest at multiple levels.
Corpus / data space, i.e., across multiple sources. Document. Statement / sentence. Entity / topic / concept.

Human language is noisy and chaotic!

Jargon, slang, irony, ambiguity, anaphora, polysemy, synonymy, etc. Context is key. Discourse analysis comes into play.

Must distinguish the sentiment holder from the object: Greenspan said the recession will

Search for Sentiment


Sentiment sources (broadly):

News Social media Enterprise feedback

Consumption models:
Push Pull (a.k.a. search)
1. 2. 3. 4. General search engine Siloed/vertical search interface Application embedded Widgets/gadgets

Rated negative?

Manual focus


Search for Sentiment


An accuracy aside: [WWH 2005] describes an inter-annotator agreement test.

10 documents w/ 447 subjective expressions. The two annotators agree on 82% of cases.

Excluding of uncertain subjective expressions (18%) boosts agreement to 90%.

(Wilson, Wiebe & Hoffman, 2005, Recognizing Contextual Polarity in PhraseLevel Sentiment Analysis)

Search for Sentiment


Claim: You fall far short with (only) -Doc-level analysis. Keyword-based analysis.

For text, you need strong natural language processing (NLP) for information extraction:
A direct opinion is a quintuple (oj, fjk, ooijkl, hi, tl), where oj is an object, fjk is a feature of the object oj, ooijkl is the orientation or polarity of the opinion on feature fjk of object oj, hi is the opinion holder and tl is the time when the opinion is expressed by hi. [Liu 2010]

index at will!

Search for Sentiment


Boost accuracy via ratings & classification:

Search for Sentiment


Next slides have a few more examples.

A Jodange embeddable gadget., a now defunct media portal from the Financial Times Group.

Search for Sentiment


Search for Sentiment


Beyond polarity: We present a system that adds an emotional dimension to an activity that Internet users engage in frequently, search..
-- Sood & Vasserman & Hoffman, 2009, ESSE: Exploring Mood on the Web

Search for Sentiment


Happy Sad Angry Energetic Confused Aggravated Bouncy Crappy Angry Happy Crushed Bitchy Hyper Depressed Enraged Cheerful Distressed Infuriated Ecstatic Envious Irate Excited Gloomy Pissed off Jubilant Guilty Giddy Intimidated Giggly Jealous Lonely Rejected Sad Scared ----------------------The three prominent mood groups that emerged from K-Means Clustering on the set of LiveJournal mood labels.

Search for Sentiment



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