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(A study made with special reference to JUSCO, Jamshedpur)



To study the satisfaction level of the employees(officers) who are using SAPHR portal. To find out the STRENGTHS & OFI areas of SAP-HR portal.

1. 2.

3. 4.

It had a random approach to the employees. Survey was done with the various employees(officers) of different departments working at different levels. They were asked to share their experiences while using the portal. They were asked for their honest & independent opinions regarding various parameters of the portal.




A Simple Random Sampling method was used to select the samples for the survey. Questionnaire method was adopted in order to get an unbiased feedback from different categories of employees. They were asked to rate their experiences on a 5-point scale:
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree


Strongly Agree


analysis was again done on the basis of different parameters like: 1. Portal Benefits 2. Personal Details 3. Leave Workflow 4. Payments 5. Performance Management System 6. Network Connectivity 7. Support

Paramete rs/Scale
Portal Benefits Personal Details Leave Workflow Payments PMS Network Connectivity Support

Strongly Agree
19.69% 24.73% 37.29% 42.52% 20.27% 25.42% 10.34%

62.05% 60.93% 54.57% 48.22% 64.77% 60.91% 62.79%

Neither Agree Nor Disagree

15.63% 10.04% 5.86% 8.08% 13.24% 11.03% 22.84%

2.39% 3.94% 2.00% 0.24% 1.62% 2.64% 3.59%

Strongly Disagree
0.24% 0.36% 0.29% 0.95% 0.09% 0.00% 0.43%

This is the graph of the parameter portal benefits in which we can easily depict that the satisfaction level is high (agree) i.e. 62.05%. So we can say that the services provided by the SAP-HR portal in regards with the portal benefits are good. Portal Benefits
70.00% 60.00%

40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% Portal Benefits


5 19.69%

4 62.05%

3 15.63%

2 2.39%

1 0.24%

Similarly to the previous graph this graph of Personal Details also shows that the level of satisfaction is high (agree) i.e.60.93%. So we can say that the services provided by the SAP-HR portal in regards with the personal details are good. Personal Details



40.00% Score 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% Personal Details

5 24.73%

4 60.93%

3 10.04%

2 3.94%

1 0.36%

If we compare the scores of Leave Workflow with the above two parameters we can say that the % of the 4th scale i.e. Agree is low (54.57%) but the % of the 5th scale i.e. Strongly Agree is comparatively high (37.29%) which says that employees are highly satisfied with the services provided under Leave Workflow.

Leave Workflow








Leave Workflow

5 37.29%

4 54.57%

3 5.86%

2 2.00%

1 0.29%

Comparing with the above graphs we can conclude that the overall satisfaction level is low but the difference is very negligible but if we see the % of the 5th scale i.e. Strongly Agree is higher than the above parameters.









5 42.52%

4 48.22%

3 8.08%

2 0.24%

1 0.95%

This parameter has been rated with the maximum % of the 4th scale i.e. Agree (64.77%), which means the services provided in this parameter are satisfactory.




40.00% Score 30.00%



0.00% PMS

5 20.27%

4 64.77%

3 13.24%

2 1.62%

1 0.09%

This graph shows that the network connectivity of the SAP-HR portal is overall good (60.91%) but it has a scope for improvement. Network Connectivity



40.00% Score 30.00% 20.00%


0.00% Network Connectivity

5 25.42%

4 60.91%

3 11.03%

2 2.64%

1 0.00%

According to this graph the support which the employees get on various issues regarding portal from the HR managers and IBM helpdesk are satisfactory (62.79%) but it has some more scope for improvement. Support




40.00% Score 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% Support

5 10.34%

4 62.79%

3 22.84%

2 3.59%

1 0.43%

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.



Some raters rated too high or too low on almost all questions. Some of the employees tried to hide the true facts due the fear of their superiors. Some of the higher level executives were so busy in their work that they used to postpone the questionnaire-filling sessions thereby resulting in the delay and waste of time. Some of the answers given by the respondents were not clear and reasonable. Work pressure had been the cause of hurried responses in some cases. Some showed disinterest, thinking that such an investigation is of no use to them and they are trifling. Problems in respect of conveniences and location.

STRENGTHS:1. Introduction of SAP-HR has eliminated unnecessary paper works. 2. There is a better tracing of all HR activities. 3. Easy access of attendance & salary slip along with leave application process. 4. Simple but effective layout along with user friendly navigation. 5. All the necessary information relating to concerned person are available on a snap shot in SAP-HR with zero error. 6. Any time we can get information like salary, PF details, etc. which time is saving. 7. PMS is a value added system which helps in each and every department. 8. Easy for record keeping purpose.

OPPORTUNITY FOR IMPROVEMENT:1. Speed is the main concern which needs to be improved. 2. The tabular form of KRA should be improved. 3. More features can be added to develop/improve the quality of services through more recent technology. 4. Personal as well as professional data can be made available from internet as well. 5. Linkage to other SAP systems can be made. 6. Accounts related after retirement funds need to be improved. 7. To edit the education details, there should be other columns so that inputs can be done if not present on the list. 8. May improve the details of pay slip which can be seen any time for any month, just like 12 months ago. 9. No clarity of attendance recording & super annual fund.


2. 3. 4. 5.


7. 8. 9. 10.

There can be an implementation of customer management request system by HR department in HR portal where the employees can write about their problems which can be immediately resolved. Profile of each officers can be made accessible over SAP-HR & it should be made available by every individual. Pay slip details for previous months should be made available and accessible at any point of time. Training must be given to know all the essential information of SAP-HR. A tool should be added through which any information of the employee such as their P No., telephone number, mobile (office provided) No., location of posting, designation, qualification, e-mail ID., etc. Tax statement (Form-16) should be available in SAP-HR with digital sign. Training and development data should be regularly updated. Wireless system should develop for SAP-HR. Carrier opportunity for improvement should be added. 10. Tata Steel career link should be made accessible through SAPHR portal.

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