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Using Energy the Maximum Way

Decreasing the Heat Loss

The Natural Way of Meeting

the Energy Needs of the
World and Sutaining it
Grace New Age Research

21/08/09 1
Energy and the Modern World
• The modern world runs on energy. The tool to exploit
energy is given by sciecne that is built on observation of
matter and methods developed to exploit it.
• Every time a car moves, or when a work is done, it
releases heat into the environment. This means through
human intervention the heat content of earth is
• When heat content of a system increases, we know the
disorder and destruction increases. Globally we are
witnessing aftemath of heat increase in the form of
Global Warming and Climate Change, increased natural
catastrophes, instability of human mind leading to war
and terrorism and so on. The earth the sun, the soalr
system and the whole cosmos is unstable. The stress is
leading the micro ogrganisms to mutate causing
epidemics and its fast spreading like atomic bombs that
can claim lives.
• With the direction of growth of Cyclic environment
favoring mutated organisms growth, and the fact that
21/08/09 the seeds of self replicating bombs already spread 2
Change in Vision – to Sustain the Modern World
Two Reason for the Disorder of the World

• The modern world would have collapsed long back unless

for its Living and Dynamic Design. – This is elabratly explored and
defended through two and half dacedes of relentless research – visit site
Awakening to Truth and the links there off
• When disorder sets in west, the east sleeps and goes into
ordering process. The earth is designed to counter the
Disorder. If not for this world would have collapsed.
• The two reasons for the state of the modern world are-
1] Wrong vision and perception of Nature – The modern world
understands nature as matterialistic. The truth is that nature is
Conscious and intelligent.
2] We have excessively interfered into nature and its working to
sustain the whole system. Our interference into the dark cycle
21/08/09hinderd the ability of the system to work and reapir and sustain3
New Vision and New Way to Use Energy
to Sustain the World
• On the outset, take my word that orginates from nearly two
and half decades of selfless communication and reserach
on nature and its truth – « You and me will not be alive to use
energy, unless we change our vison of nature and understand Nature as a
Living Thing»
• If you take time to understood nature as Living System,
Nature will show innumerable secrets in her belly that can
sustain the world in a natural way, bringing order, peace,
happiness,security, prosperity and so on. She can reveal
the True knowledge of nature and bring us back to Golden
Era or the Kingdom of God.
• Knowledge out have brought order, peace, happiness,
security, harmony and so on. But one look at the moden
world shows the opposite results. Very clearly we seem to
function on unreal knowledge. We need to explore the
real knowledge and develop new technologeis that can
sustain modern world without alleviating the problems of
21/08/09 4
Hint to Using Energy with least Loss
of Heat
• The hint exist in observing your self. Do you realize that an organ
that is the size of your left fist, drives blood and sucks blood
simultaneoulsy through the minute blood vessels covering the both
internal and external parts of all the organs of the body. The
cumulative length of these blood vessels of an adult human being is
estimated to be nearly 100.000 miles that amounts to encircling the
earth twice! The life does this work effortlessly 12-20 times every
• Have a physcist ever thought of what could be the design of the
heart and the veins and artieries that help do such work with least
loss of heat.
• It is time we go back to the foundation and revisualize the force,
action and reaction.
• It is beyond this slide presentation to discuss the whole truth. This is
explored in the site «Awakening to Truth» and the Links there off to
older sites where i have stored everything that revealed to my mind
in submission to nature.
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A Call to Act
In democratic and free world we the individual are
responsible for what is fashioning us. We are allowed
freedom to think and act. It is up to you to fashion your life
and world you live in. It is a fallacy that all the money you
have accumulated, fortress and defense you have built by
money and matter can ever defend you against the nature
and its vitiated forces turning violent against you. The air is
foul and is full of death forces. It is carrying bombs for
human destruction. We need to clean the air, fill it with Life
Force if we have to survive.

The site carries certain foundation for change in

human thinking. Please call the attention of your
friends and the people who govern your destiny in
this world such that the works comes up for
evaluation and debate
21/08/09 “Awakening to Truth” 6

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