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Jupanjot Singh Chugh CH 8222

Colloidal system are the ones in which one of three states (solid, liquid and gas) is finely dispersed in another. Colloids were named first in the early 19th century by the Father of Physical Chemistry, Thomas Graham (1805-1869). In 1920's and 1930's, the importance of colloids to industrial processes and biochemistry changed everything making it a hot field. A colloidal system consists of an internal phase (dispersion phase), which is the material of colloidal dimensions, and an external phase (dispersion medium) .Similar to the terms solute and solvent used for simple solutions.

As the particles of a colloid system become smaller and smaller, we go over imperceptibly from a two-phase colloid to a single-phase solution, and there is no definite boundary i.e. true solution.

Table 1: Characteristics of Suspension, Colloid and Solution

1. 2.

>100nm possible possible Settles under gravity opaque Not possible shows shows

1-100nm not possible possible Settles on Centrifugation Generally clear Diffuses slowly shows shows

<1nm not possible not possible Does not settle clear Diffuses rapidly Not observable Not observable

Particle size Separation 1)ordinary filtration 2) ultra filtration Settling Appearance Diffusion Brownian motion Tyndall effect

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Total interfacial area (NAp) per 1cm3 of colloid is given by, NAp = N4R2 = 4 R2/(4/3 R3 ) = 3/R Where R = radius, = volume fraction Number of particles per 1cm3 of colloid N = /Vp = / (4/3 R3 )

The large area emphasizes surface effects relative to volume effects, giving colloids different properties than those of bulk matter.
Because of their various properties, colloidal systems have many applications in various industries like food industry (diary products, chocolate etc), pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry (gels and emulsions), Photographic industry (films, carbon paper, ink etc), Electrical and electronic industry (liquid crystals, isolating materials etc), paint industry and agrochemical industry.

Classification of colloids:
Colloids can be classified mainly by 3 ways; Classification Based on the State of the Dispersed Phase and Dispersion Medium Classification of Colloids Based on Type of Particles of the Dispersed Phase

Classification Based on the Nature of Interaction Between Dispersed Phase and Dispersion Medium

Classification Based on the State of the Dispersed Phase and Dispersion Medium

Table 2: Types of colloids

Dispersion Medium
Gas Gas Liquid Liquid Liquid Solid

Dispersed phase Type of colloid

Liquid Solid Gas Liquid Solid Gas Aerosol Aerosol Foam Emulsion Sol Foam

Fog, clouds Smoke Whipped cream, soda water Milk, hair cream Paints, cell fluids Pumice, plastic foams



Solid Sol

Jelly, cheese
Ruby glass

Classification of Colloids Based on Type of Particles of the Dispersed Phase

a) Multimolecular colloids usually have lyophobic character. Ex: gold and sulphur sols

b) Macromolecular colloids resemble true solutions Ex: proteins, cellulose, starch and polymers such as polyethylene, nylon and polystyrene
c) Associated colloids type of micelle it forms depends on the nature of solvent (hydrophilic or hydrophobic) Kraft Temperature (Tk ) Critical micelle concentration (CMC) Ex: soaps and synthetic detergents



Classification Based on the Nature of Interaction Between Dispersed Phase and Dispersion Medium

Table 3: Distingustion between lyophilic and lyophobic colloids

Property Surface tension Viscosity Reversibility Stability Visibility Lyophilic sols (suspensoid)
Lower than that of the medium Much higher than that of the medium Reversible More stable Particles cant be detected even under ultra microscope Particles may migrate in either direction or do not migrate in an electric field because do not carry any charge. Addition of smaller quantity of electrolyte has little effect

Lyophobic sols (Emulsoid)

Same as that of the medium Same as that of the medium Irreversible Less stable Particles can be detected under ultra microscope. Particles migrate either towards cathode or anode in an electric field because they carry charge. Coagulation takes place


Action of electrolyte


Extensive hydration takes place

Gum, gelatin, starch, proteins, rubber etc.

No hydration
Metals like Ag and Au, hydroxides like Al(OH3), Fe(OH)3 metal sulphides like AS2S3 etc.

Preparation of colloids:
1) lyophilic sols - easy to prepare 2) lyophobic sols - unstable and irreversible, difficult to prepare a) Condensation or aggregation method b) Dispersion method

A) Condensation Or Aggregation Method

1) Chemical methods: By Reduction: Metal sols are generally prepared by this method.

Ex: HAuCl4 (aq)

AgO (aq)

H2, 50-60 0C

Au (sol)
Ag (sol)

By Oxidation: Sulphur sols are easily obtained by the oxidation.

Ex: 2H2S+SO2 2H2O + 3S (sol)

By double decomposition: Ex: As2O3 (aq) + 3H2S

As2S3 (sol)+ 3H20

By hydrolysis: To obtain sols of oxides or hydroxides of weakly electropositive metals.

Ex: FeCl3 + 3H2O Fe(OH)3 (sol) + 3HCl

2) Physical Methods:
By excessive cooling: used to prepare a colloidal solution of ice.
By exchange of solvent:
Ex: S (alc) + H2O S (sol)

By change of physical state: Sols of substances like mercury and sulphur are prepared

B) Dispersion Method
Mechanical disintegration: Colloidal solutions of black ink, paints, varnishes, dyes etc. and food products like concentrated milk, food additives etc.

Figure1: Pictorial view of colloidal mill

Peptization: The process of dispersing a precipitate in to a colloidal solution by adding small quantity of electrolyte is called peptization.

Ex: Fe(OH)3 + FeCl3

[ Fe(OH)3Fe3+] (sol) + 3Cl

Bredigs arc method: used to prepare sols of platinum, silver, copper or gold. Traces of KOH are required to stabilize the colloidal solution.

Figure 2: Bredigs arc method

Generally used methods to prepare other colloidal systems are; Aerosol is formed by passing gas jet to a liquid spray. Emulsions are usually prepared by vigorously shaking the two constituents together, often with the addition of an emulsifying agent . The phase in which emulsifier is more soluble forms the outer layer. lyophobic colloids . Gels are often formed by cooling lyophilic sols that contain large linear molecules and have a much greater viscosity than the solvent. Elastic and Rigid gels.

Foams are formed when gas and liquid are mixed together in a container and shaken along with a foaming agent.

Purification of colloidal solutions:

Colloidal solutions prepared by the above methods contain some soluble impurities and excess of electrolytes; these have to be removed to obtain pure sols.

Generally a) Dialysis, b) ultra filtration and c) ultra centrifugation are the techniques used Ultra filtration: colloidal sols are filtered through ultra-filtrers. pore size of filter paper is decreased such that it will restrict the passage of colloidal particles. Ultra-centrifugation: Centrifugation is carried out at very high speeds such that the colloidal particles settle down at the bottom of the tube and the impurities remain in the solution . It is important to note that above methods to purify colloidal solution do not produce 100% solution.

Figure 3: Electro-dialysis

Used for purification of blood in case of kidney failure.

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