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is a policy that emphasizes the unique characteristics of different cultures, especially as they relate one another in receiving nations.


Advantages of Multiculturalism
Lead Add

cultural exchanges

variety in the life of all citizens


the chasm of ignorance and arrogance


cultural exchanges


variety in the life of all citizens


the chasm of ignorance and aarrogance

Disadvantages of Multiculturalism

anxiety to stability of national identity national disunity loyalties




anxiety to stability of national identity


national disunity



Multiculturalis m in the Philippines: Boon or Bane?

Three Referents of Multiculturalism


ord multicultural refers to the existence of linguistically, culturally and ethnically diverse segments in the population of a society

1. Demographic-Descriptive


usage of multiculturalism constitutes a specific focus to ards the management and organization of governmental responses to ethnic diversity

2. deological-!ormative


of progressive social rupture, detaching group and individual from social relation and institutions and preventing them from full participation in the normal, normatively prescribed activities of the society in hich they live.



acts committed for the purpose of establishing and maintaining domination by one racial group of persons over any other racial group of persons and systematically oppressing them



attempt to create ethnically homogeneous geographic areas through the deportation or forcible displacement of persons belonging to particular ethnic groups.

"thnic %leansing


deliberate and systematic destruction of a group of people because of their ethnicity, nationality, religion, or race.


#illing members of the group$ Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group$ %eliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in hole or in part$.

$cts of &enocide

&mposing measures intended to prevent births ithin the group$

'orcibly transferring children of the group to another group


of multiculturalism refers to the specific policies developed to respond and manage ethnic diversity



recognizes the importance of Canada)s multicultural heritage and states that the heritage must be preserved and promoted$ Canada$ the rights of Aboriginal peoples in

recognizes states

that hile *nglish and 'rench remain the only official languages of Canada, other languages can be spo+en$

%anadian Multicultural Polic'


that all Canadian citizens have equal rights, regardless of any differences they might have and regardless of s+in colour, religion, country of birth, ethnic bac+ground, etc.$ and the right of ethnic, linguistic, and religious minorities to +eep their cultures, languages, and religious practices.


Multicult ural "ducation


of study and an emerging discipline hose ma,or aim is to create equal educational opportunities from racial, ethnic, social class and cultural groups

Multicultural "ducation


transform school so that male and female students, exceptional students from diverse cultural, social-class, racial and ethnic groups experience an equal opportunity to learn.

(ames Ban)s* &oals of M":


help students to acquire +no ledge, attitudes and s+ills needed to function effectively in pluralistic democratic society help students to acquire +no ledge and commitments needed to ma+e reflective decisions



promote democracy and democratic living !o help students develop more positive attitudes to ard different racial, ethnic, cultural and religious groups.

+our $pproaches in $chieving Multicultural "ducation


ethnic heroes and holidays are included in the curriculum.

1. %ontri,utions $pproach

-hat*s -ith The Pic?

'ebruary ./

0ovember 12

unit or course is incorporated but no substantial change is made to the curriculum as a hole

2. $dditive $pproach

$dd a !ame


are taught to vie events and issues from diverse ethnic and cultural perspectives.

.. Transformation $pproach


not only learn to vie issues from multiple perspectives but also become directly involved in solving related problems.

/. 0ocial $ction $pproach

Multicultural "ducation
is a progressive approach for transforming education that holistically critiques and addresses current shortcomings, failings and discriminatory practices in education.


student must have an equal opportunity to achieve her or his full potential student must be prepared to competently participate in an increasingly intercultural society


0hared deals


must be prepared to effectively facilitate learning for every individual student must be active participants in ending oppression of all types must become more fully student-centered




activists and others must ta+e a more active role in reexamining all educational practice and ho they affect the learning of all students

ma ny te a t mu hin+ cher s lt o ed icultu f u ca r t i o al n

"roble matic

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they say, math and science are the same regardless of the culture or the +ids.

Multicultural education is a ,road concept 5ith several different and important dimensions 6Ban)s7 288/9.

%ontent ntegration

The :no5ledge %onstruction Process

0cientific racism influences interpretations of mental a,ilit' tests in the 30

Pre;udice Reduction

$n "<uit' Pedagog'

$n "mpo5ering 0chool %ulture and 0ocial 0tructure


refers to cultural patterns that set apart some segments of a society)s population. &t can be based on4



must identify

ith the subcultural group

- subcultural group can develop around any number of social activities 5family, or+, education, religious, geographic region6
7pportunities Also

to communicate

ith one another

form of occupational groups, socio-economic groups, age group

0u,culture to e#ist:

"ermitting specialized activity

+unctions of 0u,culture

&dentity in mass society

Cultural adaptation and change


8 imply the transmission of ideas from generation to generation by significant members of the older generation 5parents, teachers, religious leaders, etc6.
9 &t is important to remember that different is not :deficient; 9 !o or+ effectively ith students from various cultures, teacher must understand those cultures.


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