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HAS 3013

Topic 1

Homo Ergaster

Homo Habilis

Beberapa persoalan ?

Apakah benar bahawa manusia itu benarbenar wujud? Atau, mereka sebenarnya adalah binatang yang menyerupai manusia. Kalau benar, siapakah mereka? Bila mereka wujud? Bagaimana kehidupan mereka?

Soalan paling popular !

Apa kaitan mereka dengan Nabi Adam ? Apakah mereka mendahului Nabi Adam atau mereka adalah keturunan Nabi Adam? Kalau begitu, bilakah Nabi Adam mula-mula wujud di muka bumi ini ?

Objketif kursus

Kursus ini bukan untuk mengelirukan anda apatah lagi untuk memesongkan akidah anda. Yang penting kita harus memahami bahawa ilmu itu terlalu luas dan sebijak manapun akal manusia, ada perkara yang tidak terjangkau oleh akal kita. Kita harus faham dan terima hakikat bahawa hanya Tuhan sahaja yang mengetahui segalagalanya.

Bukti-bukti lain (Ban Non Wat)

Pyramid Mexico

Dongson Drum

Tinggalan alat batu (siapa yang buat?)

Artifacts remains from Indus


Bagaimana artifak-artifak tersebut boleh terbongkar dan seterusnya dapat menceritakan suatu kisah sejarah tentang manusia purba yang berusia ratusan tahun? Apakah ahli sejarah boleh melakukannya, atau ahli antropologi atau ahli geografi atau ahli teologi melakukannya? Tidak. Kisahnya hanya dapat dihuraikan oleh ahliahli arkeologi. Oleh itu, apakah bidang arkeologi ini penting? Ya! Untuk membongkar persoalan-persoalan tentang kepurbaan manusia.

So, what is archaeology?

Archaeology is the sole discipline in the social sciences concerned with reconstructing human behavior on the basis of the material remains left by our prehistoric and historic forebears. Fagan, 1996.

Archaeology, or archeology (from Greek , archaiologia , arkhaios, "ancient"; and -, -logia, "logy"), is the study of human society, primarily through the recovery and analysis of the material culture and environmental data that they have left behind, which includes artifacts, architecture, biofacts and cultural landscapes (the archaeological record).


Because archaeology employs a wide range of different procedures, it can be considered to be both a science and a humanity, and in the United States it is thought of as a branch of anthropology, although in Europe it is viewed as a separate discipline.


Archaeology studies human history from the development of the first stone tools in eastern Africa 3.4 million years ago up until recent decades. (Archaeology does not include the discipline of paleontology.)


It is of most importance for learning about prehistoric societies, when there are no written records for historians to study, making up over 99% of total human history, from the Palaeolithic until the advent of literacy in any given society. Archaeology has various goals, which range from studying human evolution to cultural evolution and understanding culture history.


The discipline involves surveyance, excavation and eventually analysis of data collected to learn more about the past. In broad scope, archaeology relies on cross-disciplinary research. It draws upon anthropology, history, art history, classics, ethnology, geography, geology, linguistics, physics, information sciences, chemistry, statistics, paleoecology, paleontology, paleozoology, paleoethnobotany, and paleobotany

Apakah bezanya arkeologis dengan antikurian ?




Arkeologis berminat terhadap kisah dan peristiwa terhadap tinggalan-tinggalan purba dalam usaha membina semula kehidupan silam manusia sementara antikurian berminat terhadap nilai ekonomi daripada tinggalan-tinggalan tersebut. Arkeologi akan mengumpul data sementara antikuarian menghapuskan data. Arkeologi mempunyai method sistematik untuk mendapatkan artifak tetapi tidak bagi antikuarian.


Archaeology developed out of antiquarianism in Europe during the 19th century, and has since become a discipline practiced across the world. Since its early development, various specific sub-disciplines of archaeology have developed, including maritime archaeology, feminist archaeology and archaeoastronomy, and numerous different scientific techniques have been developed to aid archaeological investigation. Nonetheless, today, archaeologists face many problems, ranging from dealing with pseudoarchaeology to the looting of artifacts and opposition to the excavation of human remains.

The purpose of archaeology

The purpose of archaeology is to learn more about past societies and the development of the human race. Over 99% of the history of humanity has occurred within prehistoric cultures, who did not make use of writing, thereby not leaving written records about themselves that we can study today. Without such written sources, the only way to learn about prehistoric societies is to use archaeology.

Many important developments in human history occurred during prehistory, including the evolution of humanity during the Palaeolithic period, when the hominins developed from the australopithecines through to the early homos in Africa and finally into modern Homo sapiens.

Archaeology also sheds light on many of humanity's technological advances, for instance the ability to use fire, the development of stone tools, the discovery of metallurgy, the beginnings of religion and the creation of agriculture. Without archaeology, we would know nothing of these evolutionary and technological changes in humanity that predate writing.

However, it is not only prehistoric, pre-literate cultures that can be studied using archaeology but historic, literate cultures as well, through the sub-discipline of historical archaeology. For many literate cultures, such as Ancient Greece and Mesopotamia, their surviving records are often incomplete and biased to some extent. In many societies, literacy was restricted to the elite classes, such as the clergy or the bureaucracy of court or temple

Sub-dicipline in archaeology

Historical archeology Ethnoarchaeology Experimental archaeology Archaeometry Cultural resources management

Historical archaeology

Historical archaeology is the study of cultures with some form of writing. Example: In downtown New York City archaeologists have exhumed the 18th century remains of the African burial ground


Ethnoarchaeology is the archaeological study of living people. The approach gained notoriety during the emphasis on middle range theory that was a feature of the processual movement of the 1960s. Early ethnoarchaeological research focused on hunting and gathering or foraging societies.


Ethnoarchaeology is the use of ethnography to increase and improve analogs, which are then used as analogies to interpret the archaeological record. In short, ethnoarchaeology is the application of ethnography to archaeology

Experimental archaeology

Experimental archaeology represents the application of the experimental method to develop more highly controlled observations of processes that create and impact the archaeological record Experimental techniques remain a crucial component to improving the inferential frameworks for interpreting the archaeological record


Archaeometry is a field of study that aims to systematize archaeological measurement. It emphasizes the application of analytical techniques from physics, chemistry, and engineering It is a lively field of research that frequently focuses on the definition of the chemical composition of archaeological remains for source analysis

Cultural resources management

While archaeology can be done as a pure science, it can also be an applied science, namely the study of archaeological sites that are threatened by development. In such cases, archaeology is a subsidiary activity within Cultural resources management (CRM), also called heritage management in the United Kingdom


Today, CRM accounts for most of the archaeological research done in the United States and much of that in western Europe and Southeast Asia as well. In the US, CRM archaeology has been a growing concern since the passage of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) of 1966, and most taxpayers, scholars, and politicians believe that CRM has helped preserve much of that nation's history and prehistory that would have otherwise been lost in the expansion of cities, dams, and highways.


Among the goals of CRM are the identification, preservation, and maintenance of cultural sites on public and private lands, and the removal of culturally valuable materials from areas where they would otherwise be destroyed by human activity, such as proposed construction. This study involves at least a cursory examination to determine whether or not any significant archaeological sites are present in the area affected by the proposed construction.

Dating methodologies in archaeology

Absolute methods Relative methods


Radiocarbon dating Dendrochronology Thermoluminesence Optically stimulated luminescence Potassium argon dating Numismatics

Apa bezanya antara bidang arkeologi dengan bidang ilmu lain ?

Arkeologi mengkaji kehidupan manusia purba, geologi mengkaji pembentukan dan perkembangan alam. Arkeologi mengkaji manusia yang tidak bernama, antropologi mengkaji manusia semasa. Arkeologi menggunakan data-data daripada artifak, sejarah menggunakan sumber-sumber bertulis Adakah arkeologi itu satu bidang sains? Arkeologi bukan bidang sains tetapi menggunakan kaedahkaedah sains. So, arkeologi itu apa? Gabungan kaedah2 sains, sosial dan kemanusiaan untuk mencapai objektifnya.

Zaman Prasejarah Asia Tenggara

It is first necessary to introduce the archipelago itself from a basically geographical and environmental viewpoint in order to understand some of these changes. To emphasize aspects of the environment, past and present, that are likely to have direct interpretative value for the human prehistoric record of the last two million years.. Manusia mempunyai hubungan yang rapat dengan alam sekitar.

Paleoalam Asia Tenggara

Tarbahagi kepada 3 kawasan utama iaitu: Daratan sunda Daratan Sahul Kawasan Wallacea

Daratan Sunda

Mencakupi kawasan Malaysia, Indonesia, Sebahagian Filipina. Termasuklah kawasan tanah besar iaitu Thailand, Laos, Cambodia dan Vietnam. Bahagian timurnya ditandai oleh garisan Huxley Sebahagian besar kawasan ini merupakan laut cetek


Semasa zaman pleistosen dan kemuncak zaman ais iaitu 20,000 BP, kawasan ini merupakan daratan kerana penurunan paras laut. Buktinya ialah terdapat alur-alur sungai dan sedimen di dasar Laut China Selatan dan Laut Jawa. Berdasarkan kepada garis kedalaman dasar laut terdapat 2 tasik berairtawar yang besar iaitu di utara pulau Jawa dan di Telukan Siam.


Terdapat satu batu karang besar (Karang Sunda Besar) di tepi timur daratan ini iaitu antara Kalimantan dan Sulawesi. Terbentang dari Borneo ke Selat Makasar sejauh 44 km. Ia disebabkan oleh garis pantai yang lama.

Daratan Sahul

Merujuk kepada kawasan Papua New Guinea dan Australia. Satu rangkaian yang cetek dan terbenam Secara tektonisnya, ia merupakan jambatan yang stabil dan menjadi penghubung antara kedua-dua wilayah.


Daripada nama seorang naturalis iaitu Alfred Russel Wallacea. Meliputi wilayah yang mempunyai perbandingan 50:50 antara hidupan oriental dan Australia. Kawasan ini telah berevolusi sebagai zon ketidakstabilan lapisan luar yang dahsyat. Telah muncul pulau-pulau yang dipisahkan oleh lautan yang dalam seperti Laut Sulu, Laut Sulawesi dan Laut Banda. Terbentuk oleh proses pengangkatan dan penurunan yang cepat.

Setiap kali aku berhadapan dengan bebatuan yang kuno ini, aku merasakan diri terlalu kerdil di hadapan keagungan zaman
Ahli geologi German

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