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Parasos Fiscais e Democracia

Nicholas Shaxson - Treasure Islands: Tax Havens and the

Men Who Stole the World:

There is a basic tension between democracy, on the
one hand, and free capital movements, on the other. In a
world of free capital flows, if you try to lower interest
rates to boost struggling local industries, capital will drain
overseas in search of higher returns. Investors hold veto
power over national governments and the real lives of
millions of people are determined by ... speculators...
Freedom for financial capital means less freedom for
countries to set their own economic policies: from this
particular kind of freedom, a form of bondage emerges.
Parasos Fiscais e Democracia
Offshore [the offshore financial system] is not just a
place, an idea, a way of doing things, or even a
weapon for the finance industries. It is also a
process: a race to the bottom where the regulations,
laws and trappings of democracy are steadily
degraded, as one arrangement ricochets from one
fortified redoubt of finance to the next jurisdiction,
and the offshore system pushes steadily, further,
deeper, onshore. The tax havens have become the
battering rams of deregulation.

Parasos Fiscais e Democracia
Hoje o 1% no topo dos pases em
desevolvimento controla de 70 a 90% de toda
a riqueza financeira e imobiliria. O Boston
Consulting Group avaliou em 2003 que mais
da metade de toda a riqueza controlada pelos
mais ricos est offshore.

Parasos Fiscais e Democracia
As duas maiores fontes de investimento na
China em 2007 no foram o Japo, os Estados
Unidos ou a Coreia do Sul, mas Hong Kong e
as ilhas Virgens Britnicas. Da mesma forma,
a maior fonte de investimento estrangeiro na
ndia, acima dos 43%, no foram os Estados
Unidos, Reino Unido ou China, mas o refgio
das ilhas Maurcio, uma estrela em ascenso
do sistema offshore.
Parasos Fiscais e Democracia
Offshore is undermining your elected government,
hollowing out its tax base and corrupting its politicians. It
is sustaining a vast criminal economy and creating a
new, unaccountable aristocracy of corporate and
financial power. If we do not act together to contain and
control financial secrecy then ... a world of suave
insiders, impunity, international criminal complicity and
desperate poverty, will become the world we leave to our
children. A tiny few will have their boots washed in
champagne while the rest of us struggle for our lives in
conditions of deepening inequality.
Paraso fiscal, em ingls: Tax haven.

Haven Heaven

Logo, deveria ser:
Refgio fiscal.

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