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The Sales Bible

by Jeffrey Gitomer
Every once in a while, ONE book
defines a category, Jack Covert
Featured on PersonalMBA.coms
Recommended Reading list
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Slideshow put together by:

Colin Post
Web development and e-marketing campaigns
Import / export management for US-South America
Inmersiones ingleses en Cundinamarca
Freelance writing

I hope Gitomer approves. Buy his book.

Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Why is a salesperson the most
important person in the world of
Nothing happens until
someone sells something.
* A sale is always made either you sell the
customer on YES or he sells you on NO.
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
The Rules
1. Say it in terms of what the customer wants,
needs, and understands Not in terms of what
youve got to offer.
2. Gather personal information.
3. Build friendships, a relationship shield that no
competitor can pierce.
4. Establish common ground golf, kids, etc.
5. Have fun and be funny If you can make your
prospects laugh, you can make them buy.
6. Never get caught selling Dont sound like a
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
New Economy Strategies (selected)
1. Guard customers with your life.
2. Its the relationship not the price.
3. Eliminate anything that isnt BEST in class.
4. Network more than anyone, ever.
5. Make decisions based on what you want to become.
6. Study attitude and no whining.
7. Create a real (and perceived) difference between
8. Study creativity WOW!
9. Learn the joy of rejection.
10. Repeat aloud your goals twice a day.
11. Bet on yourself Invest in your mental self. ATTITUDE
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Post-It Note your way to success
Write down big and small goals on Post-It
Stick to bathroom mirror
You HAVE TO repeat them aloud every time
you look at them.
Doubles the affirmation

Seeing the note every day makes you think
about acting on it every day.
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Rules for Sales Success, pt 1
Establish a positive attitude believe in yourself.
Set & achieve short- and long-term goals.
Learn & execute the fundamentals of sales.
Understand customer & his needs sell to help.
Establish long-term relationships.
Believe in your product.
Qualify the buyer.
Be on time and look professional
Establish rapport and buyer confidence
Use humor
Master total knowledge of your product
Sell benefits, not features in customers terms.

Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Tell the truth, keep promises.
Dont down the competition.
Use testimonials.
Listen for buying signals.
Anticipate objections rehearse answers.
Get down to real objection, answer it.
After asking a closing question, SHUT UP.
If no sale, make appointment to return.
Follow up, follow up, follow up.
Redefine rejection.
Harness the power of persistence.
Find success formula through numbers

Rules for Sales Success, pt 2
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Sales Success Formula: AHA!
A: Attitude
H: Humor
A: Action

Attitude positive attitude is a daily commitment
Humor makes others look forward to talking to
Action or nothing happens
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Reasons for Attitude Failure
Watching / reading the news every day
Saying youve had a bad day, all day
Saying your job is a drag
Getting angry for an hour or more
Talking to negative people
Blaming others
Telling others when something goes wrong
Bringing personal problems to work
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
That guys a born salesman.

BULLSHIT! That is one of the biggest
fallacies in sales. Selling is a science. An
acquired skill. The salesperson you
thought was born to sell painstakingly
developed the traits and characteristics
to do so, then went about learning and
applying the science of selling.
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Personal Inventory - ATTITUDE
1. Ive set my goals in writing.
2. I have good self-discipline.
3. I am self-motivated.
4. I want to be more knowledgeable.
5. I want to build relationships.
6. I am self-confident.
7. I like myself.
8. I love people.
9. I love a challenge, and I love to win.
10. I can accept rejection with a positive attitude.
11. I can handle the details.
12. I am loyal.
13. I am enthusiastic.
14. I am observant and perceptive.
15. I am a good listener.
16. I am a skillful communicator.
17. I am a hard worker.
18. I want to be financially secure.
19. I am persistent.
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
How the Customer Wants to be Treated
Just give me the facts no long spiel.
Tell me the truth; dont use the word honestly.
Give me a good reason why this product is perfect for me.
Show me proof stats, testimonials, etc.
Tell me about someone in a similar situation as me.
Tell me and show me the price is fair.
Show me the best way to pay.
Reinforce my choice, make me feel confident.
Dont argue with me, even if Im wrong.
Dont confuse me. The more complicated, the less likely I am to
Dont tell me negative things about anything.
Dont talk down to me.
Listen to me when I talk.
Make me feel special and make me laugh.
Take an interest in what I do, be sincere.
Dont use time-worn sales techniques. Be a friend.

Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
The Elusive Hot Button
Ask questions about status and situation where
he vacationed, where his kid goes to college, how
business is performing.
Ask questions about issues of pride biggest
success, biggest goal.
Ask questions about personal interests hobbies,
free time, sports.
Ask what hed do if he didnt have to work.
Ask goal-related questions career, company, etc.
Look at everything in the office for something
outstanding. Awards, pictures, etc.
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Listening for the Hot Button
Listen to the 1
thing said or alluded to its
foremost in his mind.
Listen for the tone of 1
responses depicts urgency
or importance.
Listen for immediate, emphatic responses. Knee-jerk
reactions are hot subjects.
Listen for a long, drawn-out explanation or story if
told in detail, its hot.
Listen to repeated statements repetition indicates
its at the front of the mind.
Look for emotional responses.
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Push the Hot Button
Ask questions about importance or
significance How will that impact you?
Ask questions about the area you think is hot
take notes on what has generated heat.
Ask questions in a subtle way offer solutions
for the hot button.
Dont be afraid to bring up the hot button
throughout the presentation.
Use If I (offer solution) , would you (commit
/ buy) ? hit the hot button with solution.
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Hot Button Caution
The hot button is sometimes a very sensitive
The hot button is elusive the hot button, as
a bridge to the sale, is a prize you can win if
you listen with care.
The hot button is an elevator it goes all the
way to the top floor (the sale) only if you push
the button.
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
People dont like to be sold but
they love to buy.
The old business adage: All things
being equal, people want to do
business with their friends. And all
things NOT being so equal, people
STILL want to do business with their
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Ideas to boost business from current customers:
Sell them something new immersions.
Sell them an upgrade or enhancement.
Sell them more of the same in a different
Sell them additional products and services.
Get your customers to meet you for lunch.
Get them to give you one referral a month.
Give them one referral a month.
Your best new prospects are your present customers.
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Easiest way to sell: Top-Down Selling
1. Get ready for your one shot:
Have a written game plan
Be totally prepared w/ pitch, concept, samples
Identify leader by name and get as much info as possible
2. Use the right tactics:
Ask for help, get secretarys name and use it
Polite but firm, professional, and persistent
Get all personal info possible
3. When you get him on the phone, shoot quickly:
Have your opening line ready and get to the point
Make it COMPELLING, ask for no more than 5 minutes
Have five (5) comebacks ready if youre rebuffed
4. Make your 5-minute meeting the best ever:
Have a proposal in writing ready
Have notes on everything you want to cover
Have a list of anticipated questions and answers
Have samples and something to demonstrate
Have credibility builders
4-Step Plan to contact and score a CEO appointment
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
If you can get the prospect to laugh,
you can get him to buy.
Humor is one of the most important
communication strengths needed to master in
the selling process.
Nothing builds rapport faster than humor.
When youre on sales calls and prospects tell you no, start thanking them. Tell them
that by saying no, theyre helping you get one step closer to yes. Tell them how much
you appreciate it. Tell them it takes you five nos to get one yes and you still need
three more nos. Ask them if they know anyone else who might not be interested, so
that you can get the three more nos before someone says yes.
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
The WOW Factor
The WOW factor is what separates
you from everyone.

If you dont WOW em, its likely
you wont sell em.
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
10 Components of WOW
1. Be totally persistent No is a challenge
2. Be totally knowledgeable about prospect
3. Be totally prepared presentation, tools, etc.
4. Be 10 minutes early
5. Be totally professional clothing, cards, etc.
6. Get to the point quickly 5 minutes, then listen
7. Totally separate yourself from the competition
8. Be totally confident in speaking and acting
9. Dont be afraid to use sales tactics get tie-downs,
approvals, commitments, next steps.
10. Be WOW yourself positive, polished, enthusiastic.
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Separate Yourself / Be Memorable
How memorable are you?
Do something that says, I took the time to get to
know you AND Im acknowledging my
appreciation for your business.
Spend money on business cards, differentiate
No Gmail email addresses. Invest in a website.

Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Questioning: The Most Important Skill
The proper questions will make the prospect
tell you everything you need to sell him or her.
The most effective sales call is 25%
questioning / talking and 75% listening.
Questions are to sales as breath is to life.
Do you have 10 or 12 different closing
questions written down to rehearse and use
as the occasion arises?
(If not, make a list now)
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Types / Styles of Good Sales Questions
Require productive thinking that puts prospect on the path
toward your product / service
Force the prospect to evaluate new information / concepts
Make you seem more knowledgeable than competitors
(separate yourself)
Make them share things they are proud of
Provide a tie-down answer that move closer to the close
(dont you, isnt it, shouldnt you)
Relate directly to the prospects business / situation /
Draw information about how product / service will be used
/ expectations
Create an atmosphere positive and conducive to sale

Ask questions that:
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
3-Stage Question Set-Up
1. Make an inarguable factual statement.
2. Make a personal observation that reflects
your experience and establishes credibility.
3. Ask an open-ended question that
incorporates the 1
two stages.

Example: (1) You know, Mr. Jones, sales staffs rarely meet the sales
goals and quotas set for them by their boss or manager. (2) My
experience has shown me that when there is a lack of training
there is often poor staff attitude and an absence of goal-setting
and goal-achievement skills. Interestingly the staff tends to blame
their inability to sell on other things and other people rather than
take the responsibility themselves. (Now, and only now, is it time
to drop the question): (3) How are you ensuring that your sales
reps meet their goals and maintain a positive attitude?
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Close a Sale in 5 Questions
Identify the prospects real needs and harmonize
with his concerns.
Sequence Template:
1. How do you choose your products? - [Power
Question lead-in]
2. How do you define [feature]?
3. What makes [feature] important to you?
- Key here is to find out what is important and why
4. If I [deliver on feature], would you [commit]?
5. When can we begin / when is your next project?
- Key is to pin prospect down on date, time, or quantity to start
doing business. Pin him down.
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Power Question Lead-Ins
What do you look for ?
What have you found ?
How do you propose ?
What has been your experience ?
How have you successfully used ?
How do you determine ?
Why is that a deciding factor ?
What makes you choose ?
What do you like about ?
What is one thing you would improve ?
What would you change about ?
NOT What dont you like about ?
Are there other factors ?
What does your competitor do about ?
How do your customers react to ?
Make list of 15 25
questions that
uncover needs.
Then make a list of
15 25 more
questions that
create prospect
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Power Statements
Power statements make your product or
service outstanding, credible, understandable,
and buyable.
Power statements:
Are nontraditional
Use an energetic group of words
Persuade and motivate to ACT
Relates product in terms of benefits to prospect
Give a reason to buy
Are memorable opening lines
Generate interest and get appointments
Create Power Statements for your brand. See examples on pages 90 92 Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
30-second Personal Commercial
States who you are
States who your company is
Creatively tells what you do
Asks one or a series of Power Questions
Makes a Power Statement that shows how
you help others
Ends with why the prospect should act now
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Personal Commercial Delivery Rules
1. Be brief and to the point: 30 60 sec.
2. Be remembered stay in the prospects mind.
3. Be prepared rehearsed, practiced and polished.
4. Have Power Questions and Statements ready.
5. Get needed info by probing first.
6. Show how you solve problems in customers terms.
7. Pin the prospect down to the next action.
8. Have fun and move on.

IMPORTANT: Dont say any words that arent integral to
your commercial, or not in customers terms.
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Rules for Handling Referrals
Go slow dont appear anxious.
Arrange a 3-way meeting having the referrer
present inspires trust.
You dont have to sell at 1
meeting the less
selling you do in this situation, the more credible
you appear.
Dont send too much info via mail / email.
Follow up with a personal note within 24 hours.
Write your customer / referrer a note of thanks.
The referral is the easiest prospect in the world to sell Professionals who get
100% of their business from referrals arent capable of making sales calls and rely
on the fall-in-your-lap method of selling.
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
On Cold-Calling
Do they listen to your pitch with a friendly ear,
or pitch you out on your rear?

Are you a sales professional or a professional

If you cant open, you cant close.
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Getting the Decision Maker
The key to getting the decision-maker in cold calls
is to make an indirect and nonassertive request
for information only.
Ask double-confirming questions, So youre the
person who decides on computers?
Be gentle but persistent until you get the name.
Hi, my name is *1
name only] and I was
wondering if you could help me. [Everyone wants
to help.] I want to leave some information about
[my product/service]. Who decides on that type
of thing?
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Opening is as Important as Closing
Your delivery, sincerity, and creativity set the tone
for the rest of the conversation.
The faster you get to the point, the better.
Opening lines on a face-to-face cold call:
Can you help me?
by far the most effective way to begin a conversation
Id like to leave (or mail) a brochure about (type of
product/service). Who should I leave it for?
Id like to leave some information for the person who
decides about (product/service). Who would that be?
bit more pushy, but actually seems to work better
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
The Cold Call is fun if you think it is
1. Be exceptionally well-prepared.
2. Dont apologize for anything never say Im
sorry to interrupt
3. How you deliver your 1
line determines your
4. Dont pay attention to reluctance or fear.
5. Not everyone you call is a sale. Be prepared for
6. Learn from those who tell you no find out
what caused them to not be interested.
7. Practice, practice, practice.
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Power Questions (again)
Power Questions:
Make the prospect think.
Let the prospect know you understand his or her
Make a prospect answer in a way that reveals info
that leads to qualification, appointment, or sale.
Are OPEN-ENDED questions.
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Power Statements (again)
Power Statements:
Make a prospect think.
Build your credibility.
Are nontraditional (non-boring) statements that
describe what you do and how you do it.
State what you do in terms of what your prospect
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Cold-Calling Guidelines
Opening lines / impressions are important: be smooth and
After the opener, make the prospect think with Power
Questions & Statements.
Get to the point FAST.
If asked for a price, give it immediately.
Determine needs.
Be prepared for resistance.
Theyll buy to solve a business problem or satisfy a need.
Focus on negative prevention get them to share
dissatisfactions & discontent.
Gain buyer confidence: testimonials, references, etc.
Attitude, humor, action, and persistence will whip fears.
Set goals: calls / day, appointments / day, etc.
Visualize it happening; seeing is believing.
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Checklist for establishing buyer confidence
Was I on time?
Was I prepared and organized?
Could I answer all product questions?
Did I make excuses or blame others?
Was I apologizing?
Did the prospect ask questions about my company?
Did the prospect ask doubting questions about my product?
Did the prospect ask doubting questions about me?
Did I name drop other happy, loyal customers effectively?
Did I feel as though I were on the defensive?
Could I overcome all objections confidently?
Did I down the competition?
Was my prospect uninvolved in the presentation?
Was I too anxious to make the sale?
When the prospect says NO, its most likely a vote of no confidence.
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Establishing Buyer Confidence
Be completely prepared.
Involve prospects early in presentation.
Have something in writing.
Tell a story of how you helped another customer.
Use a referral source if possible.
Drop names of larger customers or the buyers
competitors. (be careful w/ this though)
Have a printed list of satisfied customers.
Have a notebook of testimonials.
Dont bombard the prospect.
Emphasize service after the sale.
Emphasize long-term relationships.
Sell to help, not for commissions.
Ask the right questions.
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Group Sales
Dramatically different than one-on-one
Introduce yourself to everyone and learn their names.
Get info about the group in advance.
Find the power person, and the problem person.
Uncover all objections by asking questions early.
Anticipate objections and answer them in
Get interaction early, and get someone in favor to talk
early and often.
Address numbers for analytical types.
Win the group emotionally.
Give good handouts that are clear, concise, and clean.
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Top 10 Stalls / White Lies / Untrue Objections
1. I want to think about it.
2. Weve spent our budget.
3. I have to talk it over with [fill in blank].
4. I need to sleep on it.
5. I never purchase on impulse / I need to let it sink
6. Im not ready to buy yet.
7. Get back to me in [enter #] days, months, etc.
Well be ready then.
8. Quality is not important to me.
9. Business is slow right now.
10. Our ad agency handles that.

Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Real Objections
Doesnt have the money or is too cheap.
Cant get credit.
Cant decide on his / her own.
Doesnt have authority to spend over budget.
Thinks or knows he can get a better deal elsewhere.
Has something else in mind but wont tell you.
Has a friend, connection, etc. in the business.
Doesnt want to change vendors.
Wants to shop around.
Too busy with other more important things.
Doesnt need (or thinks he doesnt need) your product now.
Thinks (or knows) your price is too high.
Doesnt like or have confidence in your product.
Doesnt like, trust or have confidence in you our your

Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Qualifying Objections is just as
important as Overcoming them
1. Listen carefully to objection and determine if its
a stall.
2. Qualify it as the only true objection question
3. Confirm it again If not for __, youd buy?
4. Qualify objection to set up close: So if I can
[satisfy objection somehow], would that make
me a candidate?
5. Answer objection so it completely resolves
6. Ask a closing question, or assume it.
7. Confirm answer and sale.
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Objection Prevention
Identify all possible objections and write them
Script responses with closing questions.
Develop sales tools to support responses.
Rehearse scripts in role-play, and tweak scripts.
Try them on customers.
Make final revisions and document in master file.
Meet regularly as a group to discuss revisions.
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Overcoming I want to think about it.
Thinking it over is a stall, not a true

Is there anyone else you need to think it over
Why dont we think it over together so I can
answer your questions? What was the main
thing you wanted to think about?
- This should begin to get the real objection.
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Overcoming We spent our budget.
Only a real objection about half the time.
Sometimes you can find another budget category or
have a higher boss make an exception.
Key is to qualify objection by:
Offering deferred payment options
Ask to modify budget to include product that solves
prospects problem
Ask to set up a meeting with the authority to exceed
If budget wasnt used, would you buy? When is the
next budget meeting? What type of proposal should
I submit? Date due? Sample proposal? Letter of
Key is to qualify that the prospect wants your product.
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Overcoming I need to check other suppliers
Probably not the true objection
Your objective is to position prospect in a way to
buy today OR state the true objection
Can you tell me what youll be comparing?
Have competition details prepared (anticipated
objections w/ materials)
Or do comparison on your time
Tell prospect youll file a written comparison, and
whoever wins, wins.
Do you want to go ahead and sign up now or wait until
the comparison is over?
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Overcoming The price is too high.
You must determine what prospect really means:
I cant afford it.
I can buy it cheaper elsewhere.
I dont want to buy from you or your company.
Im not convinced.
Prove affordability: price is less than what youll lose
on current course
Challenge: What can you afford?
Get a feel for the difference: By how much is it too
Talk about value and tomorrow: pennies per day over
lifetime value.

* If price is true objection, you must creatively find way
to change terms, offer discount, offer credit, compare
price to cost, etc.
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Overcoming Im satisfied with present source.
Realize theyre saying the present source is
the best theyve been able to find.
1. Find out how relationship began.
2. Ask 2 open-ended questions:
What do you like most about current vendor?
What would you change if you could?
3. Stress your own long-term relationships and
willingness to slowly prove your
4. Go for a sample or trial order.

Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Overcoming I need home office approval.
This is a lie more than half of the time its
Ask pointed questions about approval process
How long? Does 1 person decide, or committee?
Challenge the prospect: Can I contact decision
maker? That way I can answer any questions.
If you dont believe, go back to questioning to
reveal true objection.
If you didnt need approval, would you buy?
Prevent this objection by qualifying the buyer.
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Overcoming I have to talk this over w/
Realize you didnt QUALIFY the BUYER!
Four action steps for this objection:
1. Get prospects personal approval.
Price OK? Service OK? Product OK? Im OK?
You want the product/service?
2. Get on the prospects team.
What do WE have to do? When can WE meet them?
Tell me about the other(s).
3. Arrange a meeting with all decision-makers.
4. Make entire presentation again.
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Overcoming Call me back in 6 months.
This is ALWAYS a stall because:
You havent established rapport, buyer confidence, need,
value, trust, desire, or urgency to buy today.
The real reason may be the prospect:
Isnt the true decider
Doesnt have the money
Doesnt like you, your company, or your product
Thinks your price is too high
Has a friend in the business to buy from
Ask the prospect:
What will be different in 6 months?
Why do you want me to come back in 6 months?
Whats preventing you from taking action today?
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Call me back in 6 months, contd.
Do you see yourself buying in 6 months?
How will the decision be made?
Could you purchase now and pay in 6
Show value earned back over 6 months.
Show delay will cost more than paying now.
Ask if hes looked at the cost of delay.

* The stall is due to your not having uncovered
the true desire, need, or objection.
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
The close is a delicate balance between
your words and actions and the
prospects thoughts and perceptions.
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Signals the Prospect is Ready to Buy
Questions about availability, time, or delivery
Questions about rates, price, affordability, or any questions
about money
Positive questions about your business or company
Wanting something repeated
Statements about problems with previous vendors
Questions about features and options, or quality
Questions about guarantee or warranty
Questions about qualifications
Specific product/service questions
Questions to confirm unstated decisions, seeking support
Wanting to see a sample or demo again
Asking about satisfied customers or references
Buying noises: I didnt know that, Oh really?, etc.

Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Recognizing buying signals is
critical to your success as a
salesperson. You will go past
the sale if you fail to recognize
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Avoid 2 Words: Yes and No
When a prospect asks a question, it is often a
buying signal. Your sales skills are called upon in
how you respond.
Use the prospects question to confirm the sale with a
follow-up question:
Do you have this model? Is this the model you want?
Are these in stock? Do you need immediate delivery?
Or answer directly while posing a closing question
Do you have references? Heres the list. If our references
are satisfactory, when would we be able to get our first
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Closing on Buying Signals
1. Recognizing a buying signal is the sales
2. Being able to construct a response question
(much more difficult) requires creativity and
3. Delivering the response soft and smooth is
the mark of the master professional
salesperson, and usually the one who makes
the sale.
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
How to ask a closing question
Closing = asking a question, the answer to which
confirms the sale.
Formulate your closing question in a way that
responds to the prospects main need or
Let the buyer decide, but dont give no as
one of the choices.
Ask for the sale in a sincere, friendly manner.
Dont push or use high pressure.
After asking a closing question, SHUT UP!

Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Examples of Closing Questions
Would you like these T-shirts in light or dark
How many shirts do you want in the darker color
you said you liked?
Would you like delivery before or after the first of
next month?
When did you want these delivered?
Are you paying by check or credit card?

* Self-confidence is important. The buyer will buy if
you believe he will.
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Puppy Dog Close: Type 1
The easiest way to sell a puppy is to let the
owner take it home for the night to see how
they like it. Examples:
Test drive the car
30-day trial membership
issue is free

* Ownership before the sale breaks down
resistance to the point of acceptance.
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Puppy Dog Close: Type 2
If you chase the world, it runs from you. If you
run from the world, it chases you. Hari Dass
Often we are so eager to sell, we dont give the
prospect enough room to buy.
The negative sale: stock salesman says I believe
all the shares are spoken for, but Ill give my
presentation and if anyone cancels then Ill give
you a call. Unethical? Yes.
The Can you qualify? sale: Instead of pushing
prospects to buy, challenge them to qualify to
Type 2 sales were instrumental to the success of
Bernie Madoffs $50 billion Ponzi scheme

Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Persistence, with the right attitude, is the key
to success.
If you believe in your product, and in yourself,
then you march to success.
Only you can stop you.
Your persistence must be as relentless as the
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
No follow-up system? No sale!
98% of sales are not made on the 1
call, so you
must have an organized method of following up if
you want to make the sale. Your options:
1. ACT Database all the bells and whistles
2. PDA
3. Card scanner well worth the money over card file
4. 3x5 or 5x8 card file good if many follow-ups are
5. Day-Timer / planner must be used in conjunction
with something else
6. Yellow pad not a good system.
7. Scraps of paper guaranteed to lose sales and your
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Vital Sales Tools in Follow-Up
Personal note w/ company name and logo
Testimonials youre not more persuasive than 3
Mutual friend endorsement incredibly powerful
Support articles better if about prospects business, best if about
personal interests
Video supporting product/service
Meeting at networking events
Invitation to facility
Lunch invitation
After-work meetings
Tickets: sports, concerts, etc. (Dont give them away, go with!)
Letters and faxes
Telephone calls

Sales tools build sales if you use them
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Most sales made after the 7
You better have what it takes to persevere through the
follow-up process for 5 10 exposures and not quit (or
take a job with a salary).
Follow-up guidelines:
Know prospects hot buttons
Present new information relative to the sale
Be creative in your style and presentation manner
Be sincere in your desire to help, money comes second
Be direct in communication; beating around the bush is
Be friendly; people like to buy from friends
Use humor. If you can make him laugh, you can make him
When in doubt, sell benefits
Dont be afraid to ask for the sale. Often.
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Commit Yourself!
Maintain a positive attitude.
Set goals and commit to achieving them.
Dedicate yourself to master the science of selling.
Design a networking plan and implement it.
Be a leader.
Get involved in your community.
Know your prospect and your prospects business
before you make the sales call.
Be memorable in all you do.
Help others.
Stay focused and look for opportunity.
Establish long-term relationships with everyone.
Have fun!
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Listening Lessons
2 biggest impediments to listening are:
You have an opinion before you begin listening
You have made up your mind before you begin listening, or before you
hear the full story
2 important rules of listening, in this order:
First, listen with the intent to understand
Second, listen with the intent to respond
Think about the way you listen right now:
Are you doing something else when someone is speaking?
Do you have your mind on something else when someone is speaking?
So you fake listening so you can get in your comments?
Are you waiting for a pause to get in your response, because you
already know the answer?
At some point you stop listening. When does that occur?
After you have formulated your response
After you have been turned off by the speaker
When you decide to interrupt someone to say something
When the person speaking isnt saying anything you want to hear

Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Guidelines for Effective Listening
Dont interrupt.
Ask questions. Concentrate on answers, not thoughts.
Listen without prejudging.
Use eye contact and listening noises.
Dont jump to the answer before you hear the ENTIRE situation.
Listen for purpose, details, and conclusions.
Active listening involves interpreting. Interpret quietly or take
Listen also to what is not said. Implied is often more important than
spoken. HINT: tone.
Think between sentences and during quiet times.
Digest what is said (and not said) before engaging your mouth.
Ask questions to be sure you understood what was said or meant.
Ask questions to be sure the speaker said all he or she wanted to
Demonstrate youre listening by taking action.
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at
Content not Covered
Ive left out a lot of good stuff from the book. However,
that stuff is definitely worth reading. Missing from this
presentation include:
The Book of Lamentations (behaviors to avoid)
The Book of Competition (how to deal with)
The Book of Customer Service (and its great value to sales)
The Book of Communications
The Book of Exhibitions (best practices for trade shows)
The Book of Networking
The Book of Leadership / Rules
The Book of Trends
The Book of Prophets
The Book of Exodus
Prepared by Colin Post - see my blog at

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