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Ms. Jillian Myers

Third Grade Class
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Observe that light travels in a straight
line until it strikes an object and is
reflected and/or absorbed.

Light travels from

the flashlight in a
straight line until it
reaches the
Light travels from the surface of the
flashlight in a straight line door. The wood in
until it reaches the the door absorbs
surface of the mirror. The the light, so that
glass of the mirror reflects we are unable to
the light away from the see the light on
mirror’s surface. the other side of
the door.

The Earth turns in two ways. The first way that the
Earth turns is it revolves around the sun. It takes
the Earth 365 days or one year to completely rotate
around the sun. The second way that the Earth
turns is on an axis. To understand what an axis is,
look at a globe. A globe sits slightly tilted and spins
at an angle around a pole. In real life, the pole is
imaginary, but we call this imaginary pole an axis.
The sun appears The moon and stars in the night sky also seem to
to move gradually move every night. The moon revolves
everyday from around the Earth, making the moon have eight
east to west, different phases. It takes the moon a month to
because of the completely rotate around the Earth. The stars
way that the appear to move, because as the Earth revolves
Earth rotates. around the sun, the Earth’s position in space
Japan is the first changes making the stars seem to have moved
country to see when they have not.
the sun everyday
and the U.S.A. is
the last.
The Eight Phases of the Moon



To make observations of the moon:
• Take a picture of the moon every night for a
• Write a description about the moon every
night for a month
• Create a picture/poster of how the moon
appears for every night for a month
• Other ideas?
Think it over!!
**Why would it be important to observe the moon for an
entire month?**
Which is the correct order for
these four phases of the moon?
A. new moon, first quarter, full moon, third quarter
B. full moon, new moon, third quarter, first quarter
C. third quarter, full moon, first quarter, new moon
D. first quarter, new moon, full moon, third quarter
Approximately how much time does
it take for the Earth to revolve
around the Sun?
A. a month
B. a year
C. a week
D. a day
What happens when light strikes a
shiny object?

A. The light stops

B. The light bounces back
C. Nothing happens
D. It is absorbed
Excellent! You
answered correctly!
Which object revolves around
the Earth once a month?
A. sun
B. stars
C. moon
D. solar system
How many days does it
take for the moon to go
through all its phases?
A. year
B. week
C. month
D. day
What phase is the moon in
when we do not see the
A. new moon
B. first quarter
C. full moon
D. third quarter
North Carolina Standard Course of Study

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