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Dr. Ram Chandra
Professor & H.O.D.
Deptt. of Environmental Microbiology
BBA University, Lucknow-226025
Jitendra Mishra
Research Scholar
Deptt. of Environmental Microbiology
BBA University, Lucknow-226025
A seminar
How to search literature and Citation
index (CI)
1. Literature search
Identify your concepts.
Make a list of search terms for each concept.
Specify the logical relationships among your search
Apply Boolean AND search methodology

Search methodology step by step narrated Using
Google search engine

1. Type the exact word in query box
2. filter your search result by using one of the
From where we want to retrieve information
such as academy.
Government web site.
Commercial organization.
blog for this we can see carefully to domain URL.

File extension is another choice ,common file
extension are.
doc (document file type)
.pdf (portable document file or print direct file type)
Xls (Microsoft Excel file type)
.pdb (protein data bank file)
.swf (shock wave file for animation)
.mov (movie file for quick time movie)

Some open access research plate form

BioMed Central (BMC)
BioMed Central is an STM (Science, Technology and
Medicine) publisher of 220 open accesses, online, peer-
reviewed journals.
PubMed Central (PMC)
free archive of biomedical and life sciences journal
literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health's
National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM).
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
Free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly
journals, covering all subjects and many languages.

2. citation Index

Simply define as "who cites whom.
The first citation was Shepards Citations; a legal
reference tool (1873).
Eugene Garfield first outlined the idea of a unified
citation index to the literature of science in 1955 and
established institute of scientific information (ISI) in
Now owned by the Thomson Corporation of Toronto and
company acquired the name Web of Science.
Thomson publishes .
Citation Index is a bibliometric a based analysis proved
and efficient measurement tool.

New information produced by a scientist or researcher
may be in form of
new facts
explanations of existing knowledge
as the number of times this new information is cited by
the authors of later publications is the basis of
measurement of citation index and confirms impact of
their work (impact factor)
Science Citation Index Expanded
Fully indexes
over 8,300 major journals
150 disciplines
Social Sciences Citation Index
Fully indexes
over 2,900 journals,
out of them3,500 of the worlds leading scientific and technical journals.
Arts & Humanities Citation Index
Fully indexes
over 1,600 journals,
6,000 scientific and social sciences journals.
Conference Proceedings Citation Index
Fully indexes
over 148,000 journal
book-based proceedings in science and social sciences and humanities,
256 disciplines
Book Citation Index SM
Fully indexes over 30,000 editorially selected books in the sciences, social
sciences and humanities, with 10,000 new books added each year.

Deduction of CI

More than 5,600 institutions in more than 100 countries
rely on it to support research excellence

CI service offered by the "Web of Science.

Analyze tool
Citation report
Citation map
Research integration
Author identification tools
Alerting and RSS feed
Endnote Web

CI service offered by Scopus

SciVerse Scopus is the worlds largest abstract and
citation database
peer-reviewed literature.
Contains 47 million records, 70% with abstracts.
Over 19,500 titles from 5,000 publishers worldwide.
Includes over 4.6 million conference papers .

CI service offered by Google scholar

Developed by Anurag Acharya.
freely-accessible web search engine
Here work of my supervisor Dr. Naveen Kumar Arora is
used for illustration purpose. And following procedure has
been shown.

Other methods of evaluation

ISI's Impact factor
Decide usefulness of a journals
Those who read and cite the paper in their publications.
Year specific
average number of citations to articles in the journal during the
preceding two years from all articles published in that given year
(in the particular collection of journals indexed by Thomson
H- index
Given by Jorge Hirsch . The h-index can be explained as follows.
Suppose a researcher has 15 publications. If 10 of these
publications are cited at least 10 times by other researchers, the
h-index of the scientist is 10, indicating that the other 5
publications may have less than 10 citations. If one of these 10, out
of the 15, publications receives, let us say, 100 citations, the h-
index still remains 10.

The Eigenfactor

percentage of time that library users spend with
that journal.
Calculated from a mathematical algorithm.

Online Page Hits

most journals have gone online, with open access.
tracking the number of visitors to the journals

comprehensive approach should be used to evaluate the
research work of a scientist.
90% of papers that have been published in academic
journals are never cited.
50% of papers are never read by anyone other than their
We should not rely excessively on a single metric such
as peer review
some newer methods which not only contain better
assessment capability but also easy to use for research
group should we welcomed.

Thanking You

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