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Paper Chromatography
Column Chromatography
Thin Layer
Gas Chromatography
Size Exclusion
Ion Exchange


Characteristic feature of any form of chromatography is the ___

A. Use of molecules that are soluble in water.
B. Use of an inert carrier gas.
C. Calculation of an Rf value for the molecules separated.
D. Use of a mobile and a stationary phase.

Answer- D


A student sets up a paper chromatogram and places a spot of food dye

on the origin. After six minutes the solvent has moved 12 cm and a
blue spot has advanced 9 cm. After fourteen minutes the solvent has
advanced a further 8 cm. How many cm from the origin is the blue
spot likely to be
A. 26
B. 8

Answer- D


Thin layer chromatography can be used to distinguish between

different amino acids. If a particular amino acid has low solubility in
the mobile phase used, then the amino acid
A. Will have a low Rf value.
B. Will spend more time dissolved in the mobile phase than attached
the stationary phase.
C. Will move at a speed close to that of the solvent.
D. Must have a high molecular mass

Answer- A


Which of the following is the most suitable gas to use as a carrier gas
in a gas chromatogram?
A. Helium
B. Oxygen
C. Methane
D. Carbon dioxide

Answer- A


A new youth drink contains sugar, salt, alcohol and vitamin C. A gas
chromatogram could be used to determine the
A. Alcohol content only.
B. Alcohol, sugar and vitamin C content only
C. Concentration of all ingredients in the drink.
D. Alcohol and sugar content only.

Answer- A


Which of the following statements about paper and gas

chromatography is correct?
A. The Rf and Rt values of a substance are determined solely by the
interaction of the substance with the stationary phase.
B. A substance with a long retention time in gas chromatography is
likely to have a high Rf value in paper chromatography.
C. A high Rf value is indicative of a substance that adsorbs strongly
onto the stationary phase
D. A long retention time in gas chromatography is indicative of a
substance with a strong adsorption on to the stationary phase.

Answer- D


Paper chromatography is
A. Partition Chromatography
B. Adsorption chromatography
C. Electrical mobility of ionic species
D. None of the above.

Answer- A


In reverse phase chromatography, the stationary phase is made

A. Non-polar
B. Polar
C. Either non-polar or polar
D. Semi polar

Answer- A


Ion exchange chromatography is based on the

A. Electrostatic attraction
B. Electrical mobility of ionic species
C. Adsorption chromatography
D. Partition chromatography

Answer- A

Q10. Which would be best to separate a protein that binds strongly to its
A. Gel filtration
B. Affinity chromatography
C. Cation exchange
D. Anion exchange

Answer- A

Q11. The composition of Silica gel G is

A. Silica gel without binder
B. Silica gel + CaSO4
C. Silica gel + alumina
D. silica gel + MgSO4

Answer- B

Q12. Retention factor or Retardation factor (Rf) value ranges from

A. 0 to 1
B. 0 to 2.0
C. +2 to -2
D. +1 to -1

Answer- A

Q13. Sucrose can be determined after silylation using which chromatographic

B. Gel chromatography
C. Gas liquid chromatography
D. Paper chromatography

Answer- C

Q14. Which of the following can not be used as carrier gas in GC?
A. Hydrogen
B. Nitrogen
C. Helium
D. Oxygen

Answer- D

Q15. Retention time is defined as

A. Time needed for an individual analyte to be elute 50%
B. Time needed for all solutes in a sample to be eluted
C. Time needed for complete elution of analyte from the Column
D. Time needed for complete elution of analyte from the Detector

Answer- A

Q16. For better resolution which category of whattman filter paper is used
A. Grade No 20
B. Grade No 4
C. Grade No 540
D. Grade No 3

Answer- A

Q17. Which of the following is used as a detectors in GC

C. Both A & B
D. Katherometer
E. All the Above

Answer- E

Q18. LALLS Detectors used in

A. Gas Chromatography
B. Column Chromatography
C. Size Exclusion Chromatography
D. Ion Exchange Chromatography

Answer- C

Q19. Which type of chromatographic process requires that when materials

that cannot be readily dissolved in a solvent for chromatography need
to be heated or pyrolyzed to a high temperature?
A. Gas chromatography
B. High-performance liquid chromatography
C. Thin-layer chromatography
D. Pyrolysis can be used for any and all chromatographic processes

Answer- A

Q20. The higher the solubility of a gas in a liquid, the greater the tendency
of the gas molecules to:
A. Remain in the liquid phase.
B. Move from a liquid phase to a gaseous or vapor phase
C. Move from a liquid phase to a solid state
D. Disperse.

Answer- A

Q21. By adding SDS (sodium dodecyl sulfate) during the electrophoresis

of proteins, itis possible to:
A. Determine a proteins iso electric point
B. Determine an enzymes specific activity
C. Determine the amino acid composition of the protein.
D. Separate proteins exclusively on the basis of molecular weight

Answer- D

Q22. Nucleic acid can be separated on

A. Silica gel Chromatography
C. Agarose Gels
D. Polythelene Gel
E. All the above

Answer- E

Q23. Which detector is preferably used in for the identification of

halogenated compounds
A. Ultraviolet detector
B. Electron Capture detector
C. Thermal conductivity
D. Mass spectrophotometer-detector

Answer- B

Q24. The following is not an example of Partition chromatography

B. Gas Chromatography
C. Paper Chromatography
D. High Performance Liquid Chromatography
E. Both B & D

Answer- C

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