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Descriptive Statistics

and Inferential Statistics

Data Preparation
Descriptive Statistics
Inferential Statistics

Data Preparation
Logging the Data
Checking the Data For Accuracy
Data Transformations

Descriptive Statistics
Univariate Analysis
Accesses properties of a single variable

Shows ties between variables

Univariate Analysis (distribution)

Univariate Analysis (Center)


Non-stable to extreme observations

Very useful in case of a normal distribution


Great for visual comparison between distributions

Very useful in case of skewed distribution

Most frequent value in the distribution

Univariate Analysis (Spread)

5 number summary

Min smallest observation

Q1 median of the first half of a distribution
Median median of a distribution
Q3 median of the second half of a distribution
Max biggest observation

1.5 IQR rule

Univariate Analysis (Spread cont.)

Standard Deviation
Shows relation of observations to the mean of a

Calculate a distance to mean for each value

Square the results
Divide a sum by the size of a distribution 1 (variance)
Take a square root from variance

Univariate Analysis (Spread cont.)

Standard Deviation
Empirical rule
approximately 68% of the scores in the sample fall within
one standard deviation of the mean
approximately 95% of the scores in the sample fall within
two standard deviations of the mean
approximately 99% of the scores in the sample fall within
three standard deviations of the mean

Need to determine whether there is a
relationship between variables

Correlation (cont.)

Correlation (cont.)

Test significance of produced value

Significance level
Degree of freedom

Correlation (cont.)
Situations when there is only 1 variable in
the model are rare in real life. Need to
compute correlation matrix.

Inferential Statistics
Used for drawing conclusion about the
population from a sample
Estimate true value of the parameter from a

Hypothesis testing
Determine if there is a difference in a parameter
value for two groups.

Inferential Statistics (General

linear model )
General linear model family of statistical models that
produce most of inferential statistics
y = b0 + bx + e
y outcome
b0 intercept
x predictors
b coefficient estimates
e error component

Inferential Statistics (General

linear model cont.)
Foundation for many statistical analyses
Checks if means of two groups are different from each other
on defined confidence level

Checks if there is a difference between more than two groups

Adjusts the use of ANOVA by including covariates into the

Regression analysis
Creates a model for predicting dependent variable

Inferential Statistics (Dummy

Define different groups.

Research design
Experimental Analysis.
Quasi-Experimental Analysis.

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