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Chapter 16
Linear and multiple linear regression

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What the test measures

Theory and rationale

Working examples

Demonstrations in SPSS

How to interpret output

How to write-up in results

See Chapter 16

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Slide 16.3

What does linear regression do?

Investigates relationships

Examines amount of variance in outcome scores (dependent variable)

Numerical outcome = scores or some kind of count

Income, exam scores, and quality of life perception scores

Outcome scores can vary as a result of several factors

Income may vary according to peoples qualifications

Exam scores might differ according to revision undertaken

Quality of life scores might fluctuate due to perceptions of physical


that can be explained by one or more predictor (independent


Or scores may simply vary due to random factors

The extent that the outcome scores vary is called variance

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Slide 16.4

What does linear regression do?


Linear regression helps determine how much variation is explained

By factors that we have accounted for

And how much is unexplained

Random factors or those which we have not accounted for

Linear regression is described in terms of a model

We use it to predict outcomes scores

e.g. qualifications, revision, and perceived physical health

From predictor variable values or conditions

We tend not to use dependent variable and independent variable to

describe variables

Instead we use outcome (dependent variable)

And predictor (independent variable)

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Types of linear regression

Simple linear regression

Examines variance in outcome explained by one predictor
For example
Outcome variable: quality of life scores
Predictor: perceived physical health
Multiple linear regression
Examines variance in outcome explained by several predictors
More realistic application of linear regression?
Quality of life may be explained by a whole series of factors
Outcome variable: quality of life scores
Predictors: perceived physical health, income, job
satisfaction, relationship satisfaction, and depression
We look at both types here
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Research example

Centre for Healthy Independent Living and Learning (CHILL)

Investigating what influences quality of life perceptions

Use questionnaire to capture those perceptions

Questions scored according to quality of life ratings

CHILL also measure other factors

Two studies

Quality of life (outcome) vs. perceived physical health

(predictor variable)

Simple linear regression

Quality of life vs. perceived physical health, income, job

satisfaction, relationship satisfaction, current level


Multiple linear regression

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Slide 16.7

Simple linear regression: How it


Line of best fit (regression line)

Data points are drawn on a scatter plot (graph)

We can draw a line through these points

Line is described in terms of the gradient,

One that approximates the average of those points

And where it crosses the Y axis (the intercept)

Correlation measures strength of relationship

But gradient determines if predictor significantly

contributes to variance in outcome scores

If gradient significantly greater than 0

Regression model describes how each score varies from line

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Line of best fit

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Line of best fit (Continued)

Use line of best fit to predict outcome score from predictor score

e.g. take line from where physical health scores = 40

Up to blue line and draw across to Y axis

Gives outcome of
roughly 35

Figure 16.1 Scatterplot: quality of life perceptions vs. perceptions of physical health
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Line of best fit (Continued)

But we can also use equation to plot outcome score more precisely

Yi = 0 + 1X1 + i

Y = outcome variable score

i = specific outcome score for participant (or case) i

0 = constant (where line crosses Y axis)

1 = gradient of line

X = predictor variable score

= error

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Line of best fit (Continued)

If we knew that gradient (1)= 0.776; and intercept (0) = 3.863

Then: Y = 3.863 + (0.776 x 40) = 34.903

However the error part of that equation is missing!

Strictly speaking, we have just calculated Y1 = 0 + 1X1

We would hope that best line of fit has little error (residual)

We can estimate this by finding (Y1 Y)

We will see how to find the gradient and intercept later

The smaller that outcome the better

We need a series of measures to examine the success of our model

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Components in regression model

Variance and correlation play central role in linear regression

Variance (R2)

Actual variation of scores either side of mean

Correlation (r)

Sum of squared differences between each case score and the

mean score

Standardised relationship between outcome and predictor

In simple linear regression, we are only concerned with correlation

between the two variables in the model
In multiple linear regression, correlation becomes more complex

Use semi-partial correlation to examine each additional variable

As we will see later

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Components in regression model


Regression model
Success of model
Depends on how closely predicted values match actual outcome
Remember the regression equation we saw earlier
Difference between predicted and actual outcome = error
Measured by F ratio
If F ratio significant model better at predicting outcome
than some random method
Gradient of slope
Measured by Beta values (1 or B is SPSS)
Indicates how outcome values change for each unit change in
And if gradient significance is greater than 0
Predictor significance contributes to variance in outcome
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Putting it all together

Ultimately a simple linear regression model has three components:

How much variance is explained (R2)

Whether model significance better at predicting outcome than

random methods (determined by F ratio)

Whether gradient is significantly > 0

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Assumptions and restrictions

There are only a few in simple linear regression

Much fewer than multiple linear regression

Outcome must be continuous numerical score

Preferably interval

But ordinal scores are frequently used

Categorical outcomes measured using logistic regression

Outcome variable scores should be normally distributed

Predictor variable can be continuous or categorical

If categorical, this must be dichotomous (two groups)

And must be coded as 0 and 1 in SPSS value labels

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Categorical predictors

If three or more groups

For example, if the predictor represented ethnicity

Predictor must be converted to dichotomous

British, Asian, and African

Would need to set up three new variables

British (0 = yes, 1 = no)

Asian (0 = yes, 1 = no)

African (0 = yes, 1 = no)

However, you would now have a multiple regression!

For which there several additional assumptions and restrictions

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Measuring model outcomes

In Chapter 16 you can see how to calculate outcomes manually

Maths, formulae, etc.

Very much encourage you to do this

Meanwhile, we will now see how to do this in SPSS

Simple linear regression data (Centre for Healthy Independent

Living and Learnings first research question):

Outcome variable = quality of life scores

Predictor variable = perceived physical health scores

For both variables, higher scores indicate better outcomes

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Simple linear regression in SPSS

Need reasonable normal distribution

Examine via KolmogorovSmirnov or ShapiroWilk test

But we have done that to death now

So we will leave it for today

Using SPSS data set quality of life and health

Select Analyze Regression Linear transfer Quality of

life to Dependent: transfer Physical health scores to
Independent(s) click OK

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SPSS output

Model summary

Figure 16.7 Linear regression: model summary

Total variance explained by model R2 = .591

59.1% of variance in quality of life scores explained by physical

health perceptions

We could use adjusted R2

But that is generally reserved for multiple linear regression

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SPSS output (Continued)

Significance of model

Figure 16.8 Significance of model

Model significantly predicts the outcome variable

F (1, 8) = 11.572, p = .009

It is significantly better at predicting outcome than some

random method

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SPSS output (Continued)

Model parameters

Figure 16.9 Model parameters

Intercept (0) shown as Constant in SPSS: 3.863

Gradient for Physical health scores = 0.776
For every unit that physical health scores increase
Quality of life scores increase by 0.776 of a point
Gradient significantly greater than 0: t = 3.402, p = .009
But then it always will if model is also significant
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Simple linear regression results

Produce your own table

Table 16.2 Linear regression analysis of quality of life scores

Write something like this:

Table 16.2 confirms that changes in perceived physical health
scores were significantly able to predict variance in quality of
life scores. The linear regression model explained 59.1% of the
overall variance in quality of life scores (R2 =.591), which was
found to significantly predict outcome, F (1, 8) = 11.572, p = .

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Multiple linear regression

We still investigate how variance can be explained

But now we have several predictors

Outcome variable: quality of life scores
Predictors: perceived physical health, income, job
satisfaction, relationship satisfaction, and depression status

Model has several regression lines

Each with their own gradient

Regression equation now a little more complex

But constant will change each time another predictor added

Yi = 0 + 1X1 + 2X2 + nXn + i

Gradient for each predictor

1X1 for first predictor, 2X2 for second predictor

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Semi-partial correlation


Standardised relationship between two variables

Partial correlation

Relationship between two variables

After controlling for third variable (held constant for both

of the original variables)

Semi-partial correlation

Third variable held constant for only one of the original


Simple linear regression focuses on standard correlation

Multiple linear regression all about semi-partial correlation

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Semi-partial correlation (Continued)

We can illustrate with correlation for simple linear regression

Using SPSS file quality of life and health

Select Analyze Correlate Bivariate select Quality of

life scores and Physical health scores click on arrow by
Variables tick boxes for Pearson and Two-tailed click OK

Figure 16.10 Correlation between quality of life and physical health

Strong correlation quality of scores vs. physical health scores

r = .769, p = .005
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Semi-partial correlation (Continued)

Correlation also equates to the R figure in regression earlier

Recall the other outcome

Significant model: F (1, 8) = 11.572, p = .009

Predictor contributed to variance: t = 3.402, p = .009

But, what if we suspected that quality of life scores had more to

do with mood than physical health perceptions ?

Despite strength of observed relationship

We can use semi-partial correlation to explore that

Examine relationship quality of life vs. physical health


But hold mood scores constant for physical health scores

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Semi-partial correlation (Continued)

Using the SPSS file quality of life and health

Select Analyze Regression Linear (in new window) select

Quality of life scores click arrow by Dependent select
Physical health scores and Mood click arrow by Independent(s)
click Statistics (in new window) tick Estimates, Model fit, and
Part and partial correlations click Continue click OK

Figure 16.11 Semi-partial correlation (and regression coefficients)

Semi-partial correlation quality of life scores vs. physical health

scores considerably weaker than initial correlation: r = .151
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Semi-partial correlation (Continued)

Now lets look at the regression outcome:

Figure 16.13 Significance of model

Still a significant model, but

Figure 16.14 Regression coefficients

Physical health no longer contributes variance: t = 0.858, p = .419

Despite strong relationship between predictor and outcome
But, mood scores do contribute: t = 2.488, p = .042
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Slide 16.29

Multiple linear regression components

How much variance is explained
But using adjusted R2
Adjusts for number of predictors and sample size
Success of multiple regression model
How closely predicted values match actual outcome
Difference represented by error (or residuals)
Illustrated by significance of F ratio
Each beta value (1 or B is SPSS) measures unit change in
outcome score for every unit change in predictor
But only significance contributes to variance in outcome if that
gradient significantly > 0
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Assumptions and restrictions

Reasonable correlation across outcome variable

Check outliers too many Type II errors
Extreme scores furthest from line of best fit
If too far from line they may be outliers
Examine in SPSS via standardised residuals
Range of values converted to z-scores
Can undermine strength of model Type II errors
Need to be related to some standardised cut-off points

Table 16.3 z-score limits

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Assumptions and restrictions


Ratio of cases to predictors

Avoid too many predictor variables

Mixed opinion about what is too many!

Some books say you need at least 10x participants as predictors

Others more prescriptive e.g. Tabachnick and Fidell (2007)

At least 8x participants as predictors plus 50

i.e. N 50 + 8m

m = number of predictors, N = sample size

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Assumptions and restrictions



At least moderate (r = .30 or higher)


Scores on outcome variable must be linear (straight line)

Particularly important if correlation weak

Nonlinear (curved or quadratic) relationship maybe

masking weak correlation

Examine with scatterplot

Might expect quality of life scores as income

This would be in a linear relationship

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Linear relationship

Figure 16.15 Scatterplot: quality of life perceptions vs. income ( 000s)

Clear linear trend cluster of data points bottom left to top right
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Nonlinear (quadratic) relationship

But maybe money does not buy happiness!

Figure 16.16 Scatterplot: quality of life perceptions vs. income ( 000s)

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Assumptions and restrictions



On other hand, correlation must not be too high

If two predictors perfectly correlated

They are no longer independent

Too much multicollinearity can increase Type II errors

Measured in SPSS via collinearity option (see later)

Correlations above r = 0.8 should be avoided

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Assumptions and restrictions


Independent errors

Residuals (error terms) should not be correlated to each other

We can measure this via DurbinWatson test

Ask for that outcome when we set up SPSS

DW produces a statistic between 0 and 4

Score of 2 = no correlation

Score <2 positive correlation

Score >2 negative correlation

We should reject anything <1 or >3

Anything close to 2 is good

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Methods of entering data

Several ways to enter, and examine, predictors


Although only two types

All predictors entered simultaneously

Hierarchical methods

Each predictor entered one at a time

This method should only be used when good rationale to do


Most common forced entry type: Enter

Most common hierarchical method: Stepwise

Generally best to use Enter method (model testing)

But Stepwise good for model building

See Chapter 16 for overview of all methods

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Slide 16.38

Measuring model outcomes

The maths and formulae for this are complex

Attempt this if you dare (see end of Chapter 16)
Meanwhile, we will now see how to do this in SPSS
The data set (CHILLs second research question):
Outcome variable = quality of life scores
Higher scores represent better quality of life
Predictor variables:
1. Physical health
2. Income (000s)
3. Job satisfaction
4. Relationship satisfaction
5. Depression: 1 = yes; 0 = no
Higher scores are better for predictors 1 4
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Running multiple regression in SPSS

We will only look at the Enter method here

Refer to Chapter 16 to see how to do Stepwise method
Using SPSS data set Quality of life
Select Analyze Regression Linear transfer Quality of
life to Dependent: transfer Depressed, Relationship
satisfaction, Job satisfaction, Income, and Physical health to
Independent(s) select Enter in pull-down options for Method
click Statistics tick box for Estimates under Regression
Coefficients tick boxes for DurbinWatson and Casewise
diagnostics under Residuals tick radio button for Outlier
outside set Standard deviations to 2 tick boxes for Model
Fit, Part and partial correlations and Collinearity diagnostics
click Continue click OK

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Checking assumptions

Is sample large enough?

Tabachnick & Fidell: N 50 + 8m
So, 5 predictors 50 + (8 x 5) = 90; our sample = 98
We refer to Casewise diagnostics output

Figure 16.22 Casewise diagnostics

No more than 5%

of z-scores should be > 1.96

Sample = 98, so 5% = 5 cases: we had 4 (so thats OK)
No more than 1% should be > 2.58
In this sample 1% = 1 case: we had none
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Checking assumptions (Continued)


Figure 16.23 Correlation

Needs to be generally between .30 and .80

We have achieved that pretty well


As correlation at least moderate not a concern

But we will check linearity for job satisfaction

Just to see how its done!

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Look at Chapter 16 for procedure

Relationship appears linear

Figure 16.25 Scatterplot: quality of life scores vs. job satisfaction (with line of best fit)
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Collinearity diagnostics

Figure 16.26 Collinearity diagnostics

No predictor should be highly correlated with any dimension

Ideally, each predictor should be located on different dimension
May be minor problem with Physical health: Variance = .92
Slightly above the ideal maximum
Depressed and Relationship satisfaction located on Dimension 6
Not ideal, but it is the only case
Overall, while not perfect, this is quite satisfactory
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Linearity and multicollinearity

Collinearity statistics

Figure 16.27 Collinearity statistics

Tolerance data should not to be too close to 0

Scores below .1 are of serious concern
Scores below .2 might cause some concern
No problems there
VIF figure should not be above 10
OK with that too
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Checking assumptions

Independent errors
There should be no correlation between the residuals
DurbinWatson outcome tells us this

Figure 16.28 Correlation between residuals

This outcome measured on a scale of 0 to 4

2 = no correlation
Avoid < 1 and > 3
So 1.906 is fine
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Slide 16.46

Checking model outcome

Explained variance

Figure 16.29 Explained variance

79.7% of variance in quality of life scores explained by

variations in predictors (in this sample: R2 = .797)

But we should also report adjusted R2 (.786)

Adjusts variance for number of predictors and sample


R is the multiple correlation in multiple linear regression

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Checking model outcome (Continued)

Significance of model

Figure 16.30 Significance of the model

We have a highly significant model

F (5, 92) = 72.310, p < .001

The regression model is significantly better at predicting

outcome than a random method

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Checking model outcome (Continued)

Regression parameters and predictor contribution

Figure 16.31 Regression parameters and predictor contribution

Constant = 6.100

This would be 0 in regression equation

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Checking model outcome (Continued)

Regression parameters and predictor contribution

We also need to report regression line gradients for each


Those gradients Significance > 0 shown in red font below

Depressed: B = 8.607, t = 2.490, p = .015

Relationship satisfaction : B = 0.520, t = 5.823, p < .001

Job satisfaction: B = 0.286, t = 1.279, p = .075

Income: B = 0.202, t = 2.490, p = .204

Physical health: B = 0.544, t = 5.165, p < .001

If gradient Significance > 0

Predictor significantly contributes to outcome variance

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Interpreting the gradients

Only the significant predictors need interpretation


Quality of life scores decrease (worsen) by 8.607 between

categorisation of not depressed (SPSS value code 0) and
depressed (1)

Relationship satisfaction

But see Chapter 16 for greater detail on all predictors

For every unit improvement in relationship satisfaction scores,

quality of life scores increase (improve) by 0.520

Physical health

For every unit improvement in physical health scores, quality of

life scores increase (improve) by 0.544
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Slide 16.51

Writing-up results

Produce your own table

Table 16.6 Multiple linear regression analysis of quality of life scores (n = 98)

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Writing-up results (Continued)

Write something like this

A multiple linear regression was undertaken to examine variance
in quality of life scores. Five predictors were loaded into the
model using the Enter method. The model was able to explain
79.7% of the sample outcome variance (Adj. R2 = .786), which
was found to significantly predict outcome, F (5, 92) = 72.310,
p < .001. Three of the predictor variables significantly
contributed to the model. Being depressed was related to poorer
quality of life ( = 8.607, t = 2.490, p = .015), while
increased relationship satisfaction ( = 0.520, t = 5.823,
p < .001), and better physical health ( = 0.544, t = 5.165,
p < .001) were significantly associated with improved quality of
life scores. Two other predictor variables, job satisfaction and
income, did not significantly contribute to variance

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Slide 16.53

Stepwise regression

We will not run through that here

But do read Chapter 16 to see how it is done

Interpretation of output is very different

You may need to know this some time

So do learn it

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Slide 16.54


We have been learning about linear regression

Explores how much variance in outcome variable can be explained

by a series of predictors

Simple linear regression: one predictor

Multiple linear regression: several predictors

Builds a model to best predict outcome

Outcome variable must be numerical

Predictor variable can be categorical or continuous

But categorical variable must be dichotomous

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Summary (Continued)

Outcome is described in three stages

How much variance is explained?

R2 for simple linear regression

Whether model significance better at predicting outcome than random


Adjusted R2 for multiple linear regression

Described via F ratio

Significance of gradient

For single predictor in simple linear regression

If independent t-test significance > 0 significance

contributes to outcome

With multiple linear regression

Determines which gradients significance contribute to outcome

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