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Prolog is a general purpose logic programming

language associated with artificial intelligence and
computational linguistics.

The language was first conceived by a group around

Alain Colmerauer in Marseille, France, in the early
1970s and the first Prolog system was developed in
1972 by Colmerauer with Philippe Roussel.

Work Done


and Break functions.



Sentence Translation

function takes as input a sentence

in english and translates it into
order(order of parts of speech) of Indian


approach is to first drop the

articles and then reorder the remaining
sentence into Indian order of parts of

convert([H|T], L) :- drp_art([H|T], [H1|T1]), check(H1, T1, L).
convert([], []).
drp_art([], []).
drp_art([[H, a]|T], L) :- drp_art(T, L), !.
drp_art([[H, X]|T], [[H, X]|L]) :- drp_art(T, L).
check([H, a], T, L) :- convert(T, L), !.
check([H, n], T, [H|L1]) :- convert(T, L1), !.
check([H, v], T, L) :- convert(T, L1), append(L1, [H], L), !.
check([H, p], [[H1, _]|T1], L) :- convert(T1, L1), append([H1], [H], L2),
append(L2, L1, L), !.
check([H, _], T, [H|L1]) :- convert(T, L1).

Code Explained

Convert function is called first which calls function drp_art

which drops all the articles and passes the remaining
sentence to the check function.

Check function appends the parts of speech so that they

appear in Indian language order.

Used basic differences between the two languages to change

the order.

Nouns should appear first.

Verbs should appear at last.
Prepositions should swap its position with word immediately
after it.

Sample Runs

convert([[the, a], [doctor, n], [went, v], [to, p], [USA, n]], L).
L = [doctor, USA, to, went].

convert([[children, n], [play, v], [outside, n]], L).

L = [children, outside, play].

convert([[MI, n], [is, v], [the, a], [best, ad], [team, n], [in, p],
[the, a], [Ipl, n]], L)
L = [MI, best, team, Ipl, in, is].


If there are more than one nouns, the code

doesnt take into the consideration the ordering
of the nouns as in testcase-3. The proper
ordering should be L = [MI, Ipl, in, best, team, is]
and code gives output L = [MI, best, team, Ipl,
in, is].

Also the code doesnt take into consideration all

the parts of speech and concentrates only on
four(noun, article, verb and preposition).

Make and Break functions

Implemented and studied functions in to understand various aspects of


Studied cut operator to write facts which require

applying not operator on head of the fact.

Cut Operator

operator basically runs the code only in forward

direction from the point at which it is used and
doesnt backtrack to find out other possibilities.


mountain climber likes rain

mc(X):-like(X, rain),!,fail.


operator cannot be applied on the head to

represent no mountaineer.

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