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Cuantos dimetro

Que gases tiene la atmosfera cuantas lunas tiene

Que lejos esta del sol

Tiene alguna marca la tierra

Dato curioso

Cuanto es un dia

Cuanto es un ao

Mercury (fun fact)

Mercuryis the smallest and closest to theSunof the eightplanets in

theSolar System

no tiene lunas

Mercury is Grey

Mercury orbtis

orbital periodof about 88Earthdays. Seen from Earth, it appears to

move around itsorbitin about 116 days, which is much faster than any
other planet in the Solar System.


Mercury's surface experiences the greatest temperature variation of the

planets in the Solar System, ranging from 100K (173C; 280F) at
night to 700K (427C; 800F) during the day at some equatorial
regions. The poles are constantly below 180K (93C; 136F).


Mercury is one of fourterrestrial planetsin theSolar System, and is a

rocky body like Earth. It is the smallest planet in the Solar System, with
anequatorial radiusof 2,439.7 kilometres (1,516.0mi).


There are two geologically distinct plains regions on Mercury.Gently

rolling, hillyplains in the regions between cratersare Mercury's oldest
visible surfaces,predating the heavily cratered terrain. These intercrater plains appear to have obliterated many earlier craters, and show
a general paucity of smaller craters below about 30km in diameter.

Earth fun fact

Earth, also calledthe world

less frequently,Gaia

is the thirdplanetfrom theSun, thedensestplanet in theSolar System

The earliest life on Earth arose at least 3.5 billion years ago

the diameter at the equator to be 43 kilometres (27mi)
The orbital speed of Earth averages about 29.8km/s (107,000km/h), which
is fast enough to travel a distance equal to Earth's diameter, about
12,742km, in seven minutes, and the distance to the Moon, 384,000km, in
about 3.5 hours


Earth's massis approximately5.971024kg. It is composed mostly

fur(2.9%),nickel(1.8%),calcium(1.5%), andaluminium(1.4%), with
the remaining 1.2% consisting of trace amounts of other elements. Due
tomass segregation, the core region is believed to be primarily
composed of iron (88.8%), with smaller amounts of nickel (5.8%), sulfur
(4.5%), and less than 1% trace elements.

Orbits and moon

Earth orbits the Sun at an average distance of about 150million

kilometers every 365.2564 mean solar days, or onesidereal year. This
gives an apparent movement of the Sun eastward with respect to the
stars at a rate of about 1/day, which is one apparent Sun or Moon
diameter every 12hours. Due to this motion, on average it takes
24hoursasolar dayfor Earth to complete a full rotation about its axis
so that the Sun returns to themeridian. The orbital speed of Earth
averages about 29.8km/s (107,000km/h), which is fast enough to travel
a distance equal to Earth's diameter, about 12,742km, in seven
minutes, and the distance to the Moon, 384,000km, in about 3.5 hours

The Moon and Earth orbit a commonbarycenterevery 27.32days

relative to the background stars. When combined with the EarthMoon
system's common orbit around the Sun, the period of thesynodic
month, from new moon to new moon, is 29.53days. Viewed from
thecelestial north pole,

The Moon is a relatively large,terrestrial, planet-like satellite, with a

diameter about one-quarter of Earth's. It is the largest moon in the Solar
System relative to the size of its planet, althoughCharonis larger
relative to thedwarf planetPluto. The natural satellites of other planets
are also referred to as "moons", after Earth's.


Its blue and Green

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