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Transcrip t of Desi gn i ng you r school p ap er

tips on photographs
Tips on Photographs
tips on photographs
Thank you and enjoy writing!
tips on photographs
Desi g n in g you r sch ool pap er
rememb er.. .
Always have a reason for us ing color
Element s of a News paper
why d o we n eed
a g ood g rap h ic d esig n ?
It captures at tention
It c ontrols t he eye's movement ac ros s the page or sc reen
It conveys inf ormation
It evokes emot ion
News art icle - a st ory about an event that has jus t t aken place.
Feat ure artic le - a detailed report on a pers on, an iss ue, or an event
Headlines - brief des c ription of t he story
Banner- a headline st retc hing ac ros s the t op of a page.
Photographs - the main illustrat ion of t he news
Cutlines - tells t he reader what is going on in t he phot o, the names of persons in the frame and t he phot ographers name
The Text or Copy
The Text or Copy
J u lie An n e C. Vi llag raci a-Vertud es
Carmon a Elemen tary S chool
S ch ool Pap er Ad viser of "The Cen tral P oi n t"
Organize news hierarc hically:
Put the mos t important
news in the mos t
vis ible posit ions .
Organize news c at egoric ally: Separate the news into related sec tions .
Set a value, through pres entation, on the relative importanc e of news s tories .
You really have only three building bloc ks: VISU ALS, TYPOGRAPHY AND SPACE

Mas thead- Details of the publisher, plac e of publication, editorial staff and informat ion about the newspaper, generally plac ed on the edit orial page.
Flag- The print ed t itle (i. e. , name and logo) of a news paper at t he t op of the front page.
Folio- Newspaper name, date and page number that appear at t he t op of eac h page.
Subhead- an additional s um mary print ed beneat h the headline in smaller, but st ill large f ont as a way of bot h clarifying t he headline and as a way of leading the reader int o the st ory.
Byline - beneath the s ubhead (if t here is one) is usually the byline that list s the name of t he writer or organization that prepared the s tory.
Mugshot s - tight ly c ropped photos of a pers on's head that are used to ident ify the main players in the art icle
Creating Pages
Des igners work with f our element s: headlines , copy, art, and white s pace
Headlines : Any header f or an artic le
Copy: t he act ual text
Art: Photos , illust rat ions , maps, graphs , lines , et c; anything that is not t ext
Whit e or Negat ive Space: Any space that is not covered by one of t he three c omponent s mentioned above
The most bas ic element of a news paper is the s tory. (Wit hout stories , the newspaper would feel empty!)
The st ory tells the news of an event .
Text c an present the news completely and wit h all t he relevant nuances and c aveat s.
It provides the so-c alled fi rst -draft of his tory.
Keep target audience in mind when choos ing t ype
Generally, set body type in 9,10,or 11 point type, us e 8 point type f or c aptions, and s et headlines in bold
Headlines s hould be in a t ype most appropriat e for the s t yle of document
Provide a quic k s ummary of a st ory or event .
Call at tent ion on a page to a particular s tory.
Set the tone of how a reader should approac h a s tory.
Say what s new about a s tory.
Through their s iz e, headlines indicate t he s torys import ance.
Give information in layers.
Don t
put a pic t ure at the end of a s tory; put pic tures level wit h or above the beginning of the s tory
The middle of a column is
a good place for a pict ure
It is a physical block; readers may not jump it
If you do put a pic ture in the middle column, it s hould be at the top
Pict ures from diff erent s tories s hould NOT be plac ed right next to eac h ot her
Pick a c ouple of typef ac es and st ic k with them .
Don't make readers hunt for informat ion
Org an ization of Pages
Most important s tory goes at the t op; s hould als o have bigges t headline and biggest pic ture
Inc lude dominant photo and dominant headline
Dont jump s tories unless you have t o; always use jump- lines if you do
Anc hor bott om corners with photos or headlines
Headline, c opy, and phot o and c aption f orm a unit, c alled a s tory bloc k.
Need t o group thes e elements s o t hat the readers does not get lost
A headline c an be plac ed over pic tures if it als o covers t he story
Only if a phot o is plac ed on t he right of a s tory, the st ory may c ontinue under the pic ture
Other Things to Consider
Content is always supreme over design!
Always divide your page to t wo part s ( above and below the fold) f or high s c hool papers.
St ories s hould be plac ed in an S-Format (bas ed on the hierarchy of s tories )
Be c onsistent in all of your des igns , st yles and layout so t hat your c ampus paper will have its U NIQU E PERSONAL ITY
Avoid Tom bs toning
Avoid bad breaks
Avoid s eparating related s tories and pic tures
Avoid putt ing texts on bus y pic tures
Avoid heavy gray areas
Avoid us ing small types in long s tories
Avoid sc reaming banner headlines
Avoid making t he t op heavy
Avoid many headlines of the s ame s ize in the same page
Avoid plac ing s mall heads on long st ories
Keep your st ories to 6 to 10 only
Whitespac es are your f riend
Avoid or limit t he usage of Comic Sans t ypef ace for all s it uations
U s e Serif t ypef aces for long body copy
U s e Sans Serif t ypef ac es f or heads or f or s hort body copy
Avoid us ing Arial t ypef ac e
Avoid us ing sc ript typefac e for literary articles
U se only 4 font families
U s e the Grid layout
U s e the rule of t hirds for photos
Us e L ines , Shapes , Sizes to c ont ras t or s eparate the diff erent st ories
Avoid us ing jus tifi ed t ext over a s hort meas ure
Do not mix c entered and fl us h- left or - right text
Hindi para sa t amad ang pags us ulat dahil pag binis it a ka ng idea, gana o ins piras yon, kailangan mong itigil LAHAT ng ginagawa mo para lang di masayang ang pagkakataon. Walang s andali lang o t eka muna. Dahil pag lumagpas ang maikling panahong yon, kahit mag- umpog ka ng ulo s a pader mahihirapan ka nang maghabol.
-Bob Ong
Sir Aris Solis
Fac ult y, College of Com munication
Polytechnic U niversity of the Philippines

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