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Medical Pharmacy

Dr. Harjono

The Prescription
The Prescription is The Key-Stone to
The Whole Arch of Therapeutic Endeavor.
It Rests on The Diagnosis and Prognosis of
The Case on the One Side,andThe Physicians
Knowledge of Pharmacology and Therapeutics
on The Other. Any Weakness on Either Side
of The Arch Reflects it Self in The Setting
of The Key-Stone. ( Bernard Fantus).

The Prescription

The Prescription is The Key-Stone to The Whole Arch of

Therapeutic Endeavor.
It Rests on The Diagnosis and Prognosis of The Case on the One
Side, and The Physicians Knowledge of Pharmacology and
Therapeutics on The Other. Any Weakness on Either Side of
The Arch Reflects it Self in The Setting of The Key-Stone.
(Bernard Fantus).

PRESCRIPTION (L-prae; scribo-literally-writte

before) is an order for medicine sent by phys
to a pharmacist.
The order is usually written, but in some in
it may be given verbally-the pharmacist u
writes out the order himself and obstains
prescribers signature at later time.

The order includes: * the name of drugs

* the dose of the drugs
* dosage form
* the amount to be disp
* directions for use of t
by patient

The objective:
1.To provide drugs and combinations of drugs
which the clinician desires the patient to have
2.To improve the relationship between the
clinician and the patient;
3.To discourage self-medication with home
and proprietary remedies;
4.To discourage word-of-mouth prescribing;
5.To promote interprofessional relationships
in the interest of patient care.

Prescripton are written in the language of the

country in which they originate;
Latin and latinized version of native words,
especially abbreviations of them, are used
Few prescription are still written in Latin.(Indonesia)
The local language is preferred-( other country)

The Prescriber is a doctor, must then incorporate

the necessary information into the written
prescription, but
can also be a paramedical worker,medical assintant,
a nurse
Every country has its own standards for the minimum
information for a prescription and its own law and regulations to define which drugs require a prescription and
who is entitled to write it.




Surabaya, 2007

R/ Remedium Cardinale mg



Remedium Adjuvans
Corrigen taste,aroma,color- m
Vehicle cc/
m f l a pulv / caps d t d

S 3 d d caps I


Pro : Patients Name


Do remember the phylosophy:



dispensing form
route of administration

The prescriber must determine:

1. the drug(s) desired
2. the dose
3. the frequency of administration
4. the dosage form indicated
5. the total amount to be prescribed.
The Drugs of choice: ~ causal
~ symptom
~ indication
~ accepted

The determine of Doses: therapeutic dose

number of drug by unit (mg;g;cc/ml; iu)
for adult
once --per oral
therapeutic effect

*Official dose; Initial dose maintenant dose

Children: 1. Special dose: -- mg /Kg bw/day
2. Dilling Child dose= -------- X A.D.
The dispensing form: ~

onset of action
duration of action

R/ Acetosal
300 mg R/ Acetosal
300 mg
aa 300 mg
35 mg
35 mg
m f l a pulv d t d No. X
m f l a pulv d t d No. X
S 3 d d pulv I
S 3 d d pulv I

mice campurlah; fac-fiat = buatlah; lege artis = menurut aturan ttu

pulv. = pulvis (pulveres) = puyer; da=berikan; tales= masing-masing
dosis= takaran;
No= sebanyak X ; S(Signa)= tandailah;
3 de die= sehari 3 kali puyer I

R/ Mylanta tabl. No. XV

S. 3 d d tabl. I h. a.c.
et I h. p.c.
R/ Mogadon tabl. No. V
S 1 d d tabl. I a n ( h s)
R/ Garg. Khan 180 cc
Acid. Salicylic
S 3 d d garg. I

R/ Tabl. Enzymfort
No. XV
S 3 d d tabl. I d c
S o 8 h tabl I

R/ Melanox cream
No. I
S a u c. ( a u e )
S a u i .... ?
R/ Sol. Kal.permanganat1/4000 500 c
S. a u e -- ?
collut oris

R/ Parafin Liq
S clysma

120 cc

R/Benzyl Benzoat emuls 20%100 cc

S u c (u n)

R/ Caps. Rifampicin 450 No LX

S 2 d d caps. I d. i d

R/ Tabl. Metformin No. XXX

S 2 d d tabl. I da in 2 plo

R/ Morphin inj
S imm

amp. No II

R/ Triaminic drop.
S 2 d d gtt. III

R/ Glibenclamid
S d c form


R/ Cendo Mycetine
fl. No. I
S 3 d d ggt.I o.d / o.s
R/ Sol Argenti Nitras1% 10 cc
S uc
rec. Par

No. I

R/ Tal. Zoloft
No X
S o nocte tabl. I
R/ Alupent spray
No. I
S p r n I ( s n s / s o s)


Golden rules for prescription.

1. It must be wholly written in ink

2.Write clearly Prescription must be legible
3.Write the name of the drugs in full
4.Write The International Nonproprietary name(INN
5.Write the begin with capital letter
and Farmakope Indonesia. This is the shortened
based on the active ingredient.
6. Use official drugs if possible
7. Dont use chemical structure in prescription
8. Write clearly the unit of drugs mg, g, ml (cc) or i
9. Remember that g (Gm) = 1000 mg and 1 gr = 65
10. Write the number of dispensing form with Latin
11. Write Q.R. (quantum rectum) quantity is corre
after the dose.
12. Always use m f l a for certain dispensing form
13. Use S u c for complex administration

14.After the finish prescription add the sign; add th

after the Narcotic injection.
15. Give the finish line or seperate line after prescr
16. Prescription must not be ambigous inthe direct
pharmacist and the instructions for the patient


Latin term


ad ---------------------ad --------------------- to, up to

ad. Lib --------------- ad libitum ------------- at pleasure, as desired
alb -------------------- albus ------------------ white
alt. ------------------- alter -------------------- the other, alternate
alt. hrs --------------- alternis horis ----------alternate hours
amp. ----------------- ampulla ---------------- ampul
Aa--------------------- ana ----------------------of each
a. --------------------- ante -------------------- before
ac ---------------------ante cibo -------------- before meal
aq ------------------- aqua -------------------- water
aq. bull --------------- aqua bulliens ----------destilled water

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------aq des-----------------------aqua destilata ----------------destiled w
a d ---------------------------auris dextra -------------------right ear
a l-----------------------------auris leva ----------------------left ear
b ------------------------------bis-------------------------------twice; tw
b I d ------------------------- bis in die-----------------------twice a da
caps -------------------------capsula (e)--------------------capsule
chart -------------------------chartula -----------------------paper
coch. amp., coch., mag -choclear amplum (magnum)--a tablesp
coch med -------------------choclear medium ---------- a dessert
coch thea--------------------choclear thea--------------- a teaspoo
collunar --------------------- collunarium ------------------nasal solu
collut ------------------------- collutorium ----------------- mouthwa
collyr --------------------------collyrium----------------------eye solut
cong -------------------------- congius --------------------- -gallon
c --------------------------------cum ---------------------------with
d, detur, dentur -------------da, detur, dentur -----------give, let




dieb, alt------------------diebus alternis---------------------every other day

dil -------------------dilutus, -a, -m --------------dilute

disp------------------dispea, dispensaur--------- dispense
div -------------------divide --------------------------divide
et --------------------et --------------------------------and
e m p ---------------ex modo prescripto----------as prescribed
ft ---------------------fac, fit, fiat, fiant --------------make, let be
gr --------------------granum, grana ---------------grain
h s -------------------hora somni --------------------bedtime
h ---------------------hora ----------------------------hour
M /m -----------------mice ----------------------------mix, let




M dict -------------------modo dictu ------------as directed, as stated

m p ----------------------modo praescripto ---as directed, as prescr
noct., n -----------------nocte -------------------night
Non rep., n r----------non repetitur ----------do not repeat
o, o2 ------------------oculus -------------------eye, both eyes
o d ; o s ----------------oculus dextra----------right eye
omn hor ----------------omni hora -------------every hour
os ------------------------os, oris -----------------mouth
p o -----------------------per os ------------------by mouth
plac ----------------------placebo ---------------placebo
p c -----------------------post cibo --------------after meal
pro rect -----------------pro rectum ----------- by rectum, rectally
p r n --------------------pro re nata------------ as needed
pulv ---------------------pulvis ------------------ powder
q s -----------------------quantum satis ------ a sufficient
q d -----------------------quantum diem -------every day
q n -----------------------quantum nocte ------every night
R/ ----------------------recipe ----------------- take

s a --------------secundum ---------------------according to the
s s -- -----------semi, semis -------------------- half
sig---------------- signa, signetur ----------------write, let be writ
s -----------------sine -------------------------------without
s o s -------------si opus sit ----------------------- if it is neededsol -- --------- solutus---------------------------- solution
stat---------------statim ----------------------------- at once, immidi
Tab------------tabellae -------------------------- tablet
T -------------- ---talis ------------------------------ of such, like this
t I d -------------ter in die ----------------------- three times a da
tt-------------------triturate tabl ---------------------tablet triturate
Ung -------------unguentum --------------------- ointment
Us dict --------- ut dictum---------------------- as directed

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