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Prediction and Assessment of Impacts on the Air

The Six main steps in the proposed model for EIA study on
air environment are : 1. Evaluation and identification of
sources and quantity of air pollutant emissions of different
phases of the proposed activity like the construction operation
and development. 2. Detailed evaluation of the project area
for the existing ambient air quality, emission inventory, and
meteorological data. 3. Examination of appropriate laws,
regulations, or criteria to be followed for maintaining ambient
air quality and / or pollutant emission standards. 4. Carrying
out impact assessment studies adopting mass balances ,
dispersion calculations, comprehensive mathematical models,
and/or qualitative predictions based on case studies and
professional judgment.

5. Assessment of significance of
anticipated beneficial and
detrimental impacts.
6. Development of appropriate
mitigation remediation measures for
the adverse impacts.

Step-1 : Evaluation and identification of

sources, types and quantities of pollutants
generated by different phases of project
In the first step one has to examine what types of air
pollutants are likely to be emitted during the construction
and/ or operational phases of the proposed projectactivity, and their quantities. One can use the emission
factor information based on the project type or activity.
An emission factor is the average rate at which a
pollutant is released into the atmosphere as a result of
some activity, such as, combustion or industrial
production, divided by the level of that activity.

Step-2 : Detailed evaluation of existing

ambient air quality, meteorological
conditions and natural air quality existing
in the project area
In terms of ambient air quality data, emissions
inventories, and meteorological information which relate
to atmospheric dispersion, the bare time air quality
information has to be discussed based on various
systematic approaches.

Compilation of Air Quality Information

Baseline ambient air quality data will be useful for
assessing whether the air quality before the project
activity exceeds, attains or does not comply with relevant
standards. Some relevant toxic air pollutants also have to
be examined in addition to normal air pollutants. Greater
significance and greater attention should be given to those
pollutants which do not meet the allowable ambient air
concentrations. If one or more pollutants are in a nonattainment area some additional air quality management
methods have to be examined.

Procurement or Development of Emission

A comprehensive emission inventory of the study areas has to
be prepared taking into account the following points : 1. All
pollutants and sources of emissions in the project area are to
be classified and considered. 2. Information on emission
factors for each of the identified pollutants and sources have to
be collected with average values. 3. Daily quality and quantity
of materials handled, processed, or burned, or other unit
production information, based upon the individual identified
sources have to be estimated. 4. The rate at which each
pollutant is emitted in to the atmosphere, and annual average
has to be estimated. 5. Specific pollutant emissions from each
of the identified sources have to be added.

Key Meteorological Data

1. Meteorological data which describe the general air
pollution dispersion characteristics of the study area. 2.
Meteorological data useful to describe the atmospheric
dispersion of air pollutants from a project activity
quantitatively. 3. Meteorological data useful and
necessary for air pollution dispersion modeling.

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