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Remembering Some Bas

A little math for science

A little why to get

While organic chemistry isnt filled with
mathematics to the same extent as you
probably found it in General Chemistry,
there are still elements of mathematical
calculations that you will be required to
know how to do.

How far back should we

Believe it or not, at some point, someone is
going to break the rules of simple addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division that
you probably learned in first or second grade.
Remember that when you see a math
equation, things in parentheses should be
dealt with first. Multiplication and Division are
a second high priority. Any time addition and
subtraction are involved, you always start on
the left and progress to the right.
Lets try some basics

How far back should we

Try these:
1. 3 + 4 2 + 1 = ??
2. 7 3.5 + 1.5 + 2 = ??
3. 8 (18/3) + (6/2) +1 = ??
4. 10 (21) + (1) +1 = ??

How far back should we

How did you do?
1. 3 + 4 2 + 1 = 3 + 4 = 7 - 2 = 5 + 1 = 6
2. 7 3.5 + 1.5 + 2 = 7 3.5 =3.5 + 1.5 = 5 + 2
Be sure NOT to begin in the middle by combining
3.5 and 1.5. Addition and Subtraction rules require
you to begin on the left, not in the middle
3. 8 (18/3) + (6/2) +1 =8 6 = 2 + 3 = 5 + 1 = 6
Do the multiplication and division first, then begin at
the left
4. 10 (21) + (1) +1 = 10 10.5 = -0.5 + 0.5 =
0 +1 = 1

Basic Units you should

These should be relatively straightforward for most
everyone but conversion problems can be tricky
Masses are commonly weighed in grams (g) in the lab
Length may be measured in centimeters (cm) or
millimeters (mm).
Volume is most often measured in terms of milliliters
(mL), which is the same as cubic centimeters.
Density (the one with the most confusing units of all)
is always mass (g) divided by volume (mL): [g/mL]

Basic Units you should

While Im sure you remember these, sometimes
they are easy to confuse:
Milli-, as in milliliter means 1/1000 and there
are 1000 milliliters (mL) in one liter (L)
Centi, as in centimeter means 1/100 and there
are 100 centimeters (cm) in one meter (m)
Deci-, as in decimeter means 1/10 and there
are 10 decimeters (dm) in one meter (m)
Kilo-, as in kilogram means 1000 and there are
1000 grams (g) in one kilogram (kg)

Basic Units you should

Convert the following values:


1.456 grams (g) to kilograms (kg)


1.456 kg to g


0.234 g to milligrams (mg)


0.0567 moles (mol) to millimoles (mmol)


1.4 mL Liquid X to g (if the density of Liquid X is

0.70 g/mL)


3.0 g Liquid X to mL (if the density of Liquid X is

0.70 g/mL)

Conversion Factors
Convert the following values:

1.456 grams (g) to kilograms (kg)

? kg = 1.456 g ( 1 kg ) = 0.001456 kg
(1000 g)

1.456 kg to g

? g = 1.456 kg (1000 g) = 1456 g

( 1 kg )

0.234 g to milligrams (mg)

? mg = 0.234 g (1000 mg) = 234 mg


Conversion Factors
Convert the following values:

0.0567 moles (mol) to millimoles (mmol)

? mmol = 0.0567 mol (1000 mmol) = 56.7 mmol

( 1 mol )

1.4 mL Liquid X to g (if the density of Liquid

X is 0.70 g/mL)

? g = 1.4 mL (0.70 g) = 0.98 g

( 1 mL )
Remember that density is always some number of
grams in 1 mL.


Conversion Factors
Convert the following values:

3.0 g Liquid X to mL (if the density of

Liquid X is 0.70 g/mL)

? mL = 3.0 g ( 1 mL ) = 4.3 mL
(0.70 g )
Remember that density is always some number of
grams in 1 mL. When converting volume to weight,
you multiply by the density but when converting
weight to volume, you have to divide and that
means flipping the values over in the conversion
problem, as shown above.


Calculations and the

Significant Figures
Now that we are doing calculations and not just conversion
factors, we need to talk about how many significant figures
you should use in your answer. It should contain all the
digits that are known plus the next, which is an estimate
More often than not, we dont have a panic attack about
sig figs when doing basic calculations in the lab but
sometimes someone does something crazy and so a
reminder would seem to be in order.
When doing a calculation like 1.23 x 0.954, it is just as
wrong to write 1 as an answer, as it is to write 1.17342.
The first answer (1) implies little to no precision (reliability
of a measurement) and the second (1.17342) implies way
more than it deserves.
So here goes one more time, as a reminder


The Forgotten Rules of

Significant Figures
1. Non-Zero Digits are ALWAYS significant.
845 has three sig figs
1.234 has four sig figs.
2. Zeros BETWEEN Non-Zeros are also ALWAYS
606 has three sig figs
40306 has five sig figs
3. Zeros on the LEFT of the first Non-Zero number
is not significant (and they are considered only
placeholders for the decimal point position)
0.0000123 has only three sig figs.


The Forgotten Rules

4. For numbers greater than 1: All Zeros to
the RIGHT (Rule 4) are significant
2.00 has three sig figs
4.00520 has six sig figs (two zeros between nonZeros and one zero at the right counts also)
5. For numbers less than 1: only Zeros
between Non-Zeros (Rule 2) and Zeros to the
right (Rule 4) are significant
0.3050 has four sig figs (ignoring zero on left)
0.00305 has three sig figs (ignoring all zeros on left)
3.05000 x 10-2 has six sig figs (all zeros count!)


The Forgotten Rules

So how do you use this mathematical genius knowledge
of sig figs in your calculations?
When doing calculations:
1. Addition and Subtraction: The answer cannot have
more digits to the right of the decimal point than either
original number.
Example: 89.332 + 1.1 = 90.432, without considering
sig figs.
89.332 has three sig figs after the decimal place. 1.1
has one sig fig after the decimal place. The answer
should only have one sig fig after the decimal place in it.
Thus 90.432 should actually be 90.4.


The Forgotten Rules

90.432 was easy to chop off for sig figs. Essentially
you just ROUNDED
Remember when rounding: if the NEXT number is less
than 5, you do not round up, just chop off the
remaining digits. If the next number is a 5 or higher,
then round the digit up by 1.
90.432 becomes 90.4 with three sig figs (because the
fourth sig fig is a 3, which is less than 5).
How about this one?
Round 90.487 to three sig figs.
Three sig figs means 90.487 should become 90.5
(since the fourth sig fig is 8, which is greater than 5).


The Forgotten Rules

When doing a series of calculations,
remember to check sig figs as you move
through the calculations. Consider multiplying
A x B x C.
You technically first multiply A x B first,
adjusting your sig figs in your answer, prior to
multiplying by C.
Try it:
Multiply 3.66 x 8.45 x 2.1
What would be your answer?


The Forgotten Rules

Multiply 3.66 x 8.45 x 2.1
First multiply 3.66 x 8.45 = 30.927 (without sig
figs). Since both numbers have three sig figs,
30.927 must be corrected to three sig figs also
30.9 prior to multiplying by 2.1 (only two sig
Final Answer? 30.9 x 2.1 = 64.89 which should
also only have two sig figs so 65 is the final
One final point conversion factors between
metric units dont count towards determining the
correct number of sig figs. For example, 1 kg =
1000 g has no sig figs to worry about


Some random
Always in a reaction, organic chemists are
calculating the amounts of reagents required, the
limiting reagent, theoretical yield and percent yield
(because we never get 100%!) so these would be
useful for you to be able to do.
Consider the following:
Compound X has a
molecular weight of 100.0 g/mol and a density of
2.0 g/mL. Determine the number of moles in 30.0 g
of Compound X.
Then determine the number of milliliters in 30.0 g of
Compound X.
And to be sure you have it all under control,
determine the number of grams in 3.5 moles of
Compound X.


To determine moles, divide by MW:
? mol X = 30.0 g (1 mol ) = 0.300 mole X
(100.0 g)
To determine milliliters, divide by density:
? mL X = 30.0 g (1 mL) = 15 mL X
( 2.0 g)
To determine grams, multiply by MW:
? g X = 3.5 moles (100.0 g) = 350 g X or 3.5x102 g X
(1 mole)


Equation Calculations
Consider the following balanced equation:

Compound X


Compound Y

How many moles of Y will form from 1 mole of X?

If the equation is balanced, the coefficients (being 1
unless another number is shown) tell you the ratio.
One mole of Compound X will form one mole of
Compound Y.
How many moles of Y will form from 4 moles of X?
If the ratio is 1:1, then four moles of X form four
moles of Y.


Equation Calculations
Consider the next equation:

Compound A


2 Compound B

How many moles of Compound B are going to form

from 2 moles of Compound A?
Since 1 mole of A forms 2 moles of B, then 2 moles
of A form 4 moles of B.
? mol B = 2 mol A (2 mole B) = 4 mole B
(1 mole A)
Reverse the thinking If you need to make 6 moles
of B, how many moles of A do you begin with?


Equation Calculations
Since 1 mole of A forms 2 moles of B, then to form 6
moles of B you must start with 3 moles of A:
? mol A = 6 mol B (1 mol A) = 3 mol A
(2 mol B)
The equation must be balanced first before doing
these types of conversion problems

On to more types of calculations you need to know


Equation Calculations
Consider the following balanced equation:

Compound X


Compound Y

Compound X has a molecular weight (MW) of 80.0

g/mol. Compound Y has a MW of 50.0 g/mol.
How many moles of Compound X are in 5.00 g of
Compound X?


Equation Calculations
Conversion Problem: To convert grams to moles, you
must use the molecular weight
? mol X = 5.00 g X (1 mole X) = 0.0625 mol X
(80.0 g X)
Since Compound X is the only reagent in the
reaction, it must be the limiting reagent. How many
moles of Compound Y can possibly be formed from
5.00 g of Compound X?
Need to consider that balanced equation again


Equation Calculations
The ratio of this equation is 1:1 for Compounds X and Y.

Compound X


Compound Y

Conversion Problem: To convert moles to moles, use

the mole ratio:
? mol Y = 0.0625 mol X (1 mol Y) = 0.0625 mol Y
(1 mol X)

Now that you know the number of possible moles of

product Compound Y, determine the number of
possible grams (theoretical yield) of Compound Y that
would form.


Equation Calculations
Youll need to find that MW for Compound Y (50.0

Compound X


Compound Y

Conversion Problem: To convert moles to grams, you

must use the molecular weight
? g Y = 0.0625 mol Y (50.0 g Y) = 3.125 g Y
(1 mol Y)
With only 3 allowed sig figs, 3.125 g should be
rounded to 3.13 g of Y.


Equation Calculations
One more conversion problem:
If you use 10.0 g of Compound A, what will be the
theoretical yield of Compound B? (Show how to set
up the conversion problem)
In this problem, Compound A has a molecular
weight of 100.0 g/mol and Compound B has a
molecular weight of 200.0 g/mol.
Balanced Equation:

Compound A



2 Compound B

Equation Calculations
Solution: Keep in mind the 1 : 2 ratio between A and B.
? g B = 10.0 gA (1 mol A) (2 mole B) (200 g B) = 40.0 g B
(100 g A) (1mole A)

From here its a short hop to determining a percent yield for

a reaction. Recall:
Percent Yield = Actual Yield/Theoretical Yield x100
So if the reaction above, starting with 10.0 g A ended with
on 25.5 g of B, what would be the percent yield for the
Percent Yield = 25.5/40.0 x 100 = 63.75 or 63.8 %


Mole Ratios
So weve reviewed calculations for reactions. The
importance of a balance chemical equation should be
obvious, since that relationship between compounds
is a mole ratio that you need to know to complete
these calculations.
Just because its not obviously stated (or so it would
seem after all these years), its probably not a bad
time to point out that even a chemical formula is a
mole ratio, only this time its a mole ratio of
There are two types of formulas this applies to:
empirical formulas and molecular formulas.
Whats the difference between the two?


Mole Ratios
An Empirical Formula is the smallest whole number
ratio of elements in a compound (molecule). That
smallest whole number ratio is actually a MOLE ratio.
Empirical formulas are determined through a process
called combustion analysis (or elemental analysis)
where a compound is burned in the presence of
oxygen and the amount of H2O and CO2 that form are
measured and percentages of elemental amounts are
determined. Well review that later in the semester
when we need to.
For now, just answer this:
If the empirical formula is C4H8O, how many moles of
carbon atoms are in one mole of C4H8O?


Mole Ratios
If the empirical formula is C4H8O, how many moles of
carbon atoms are in one mole of C4H8O?
If you simply assume you have one mole (remember
no coefficient means 1 mole), then the formula is
telling you that in this one mole of C4H8O, there are
four moles of carbon, eight moles of hydrogen and
(look no number again!) one mole of oxygen.
Take it to the next level What if you have 3 moles of
C4H8O? How many moles of hydrogen would you
You can even set up a conversion problem, if it makes
more sense


Mole Ratios
What if you have 3 moles of C 4H8O? How many moles
of hydrogen would you have?
? Mol H = 3 mol C4H8O ( 8 mol H
(1 mol C4H8O)

) = 24 mol H

Again, its all about the mole ratios

The other kind of formula is the molecular formula
which is similar to the empirical formula because it also
describes the mole ratio of elements in a compound
but the molecular formula contains the actual mole
ratio of elements, not just the smallest ratio.
An empirical formula like CH2 tells you that for every
single carbon atom there are two hydrogen atoms.
C6H12 has the same general ratio but is more specific
about what is actually in the molecule information.


Mole Ratios
Unfortunately, you are still limited when you only
know a molecular formula. The compound C6H12 has
many possible shapes:

Notice the ring features and double bonds in these

possible molecules. Without some other sort of
identification tool, you wouldnt know which possible
structure is the correct structure.
Well, that should cover the basic information that
you need to remember for calculations at least to
get things started Good luck with those sig figs!


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