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Social Media

Your value doesnt decrease based
on someones
inability to see your worth
UID- 15 MBA 1323 1D

Program Objective
Understand what social media encompasses.
Know why you need to use social networks
to market your product.
How to effectively utilize social media.
How to run a successful marketing blog.
Comprehend the risks of social media
Learn different social networking websites.
Case study.


The use of a website for connecting with people

via the internet to share information, photos,
messages etc.

Social Media is a vital element for the online


It is an art of producing traffic to site for

generating business through online groups.

Social media marketing is used as branding tool

and can increase conversion, sales tracking, page
views and add exposure.

Famous Social Media









Laws of Social Media Marketing

1. The Law of Listening
Success with social media and content marketing requires more
listening and less talking. Read your target audiences online
content and join discussions to learn whats important to them.
Only then can you create content and spark conversations that
add value rather than clutter to their lives.
2. The Law of Focus
Its better to specialize than to be a jack-of-all-trades. A highlyfocused social media and content marketing strategy intended
to build a strong brand has a better chance for success than a
broad strategy that attempts to be all things to all people.
3. The Law of Quality
Quality trumps quantity. Its better to have 1,000 online
connections who read, share and talk about your content with
their own audiences than 10,000 connections who disappear
after connecting with you the first time.
4. The Law of Patience
Social media and content marketing success doesnt happen
overnight. While its possible to catch lightning in a bottle, its

5. The Law of Compounding

If you publish amazing, quality content and work to build your
online audience of quality followers, theyll share it with their own
audiences on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, their own blogs and
This sharing and discussing of your content opens new entry
points for search engines like Google to find it in keyword
searches. Those entry points could grow to hundreds or thousands
of more potential ways for people to find you online.
6. The Law of Influence
Spend time finding the online influencers in your market who have
quality audiences and are likely to be interested in your products,
services and business. Connect with those people and work to
build relationships with them.
7. The Law of Value
If you spend all your time on the social Web directly promoting
your products and services, people will stop listening. You must
add value to the conversation. Focus less on conversions and more
on creating amazing content and developing relationships with
online influencers.

Social Media Marketing




Focus on Brand promotions & micro blogging.

(140 characters)

Attractive bio about your company/product

increases popularity.

When we follow 100 members we will get at least


Post a product link and ask for opinions and


We can affiliate marketing & micro blogging.

Create banner about products, organizations etc.


Upload genuine photo, company logo or product logo.

Dont take the customer directly to the product page.

Give them details description before taking them to
the product page.

Implement cross selling in website (pack include coke

when we buy pizza ).

Build a personal relationship with the followers &

create a trustworthiness among them.

Through these techniques good traffic and sales can

be generated.

Social media marketing using


Side banner showing company details what we are ,

what we do, contact us etc.

We can publish notes and create groups.

We can create page for products, organization, celebrity.

Create advertisement about the new & existing &

upcoming products (add are paid based on click &

We can send links, products details to the members ,

groups for getting opinion , reviews etc.

We can create multiple admin for a page.

Running a successful
Marketing blog

Ideation, research and goal setting

Have a brilliant idea- As each campaign gets off the

ground, move the card through each stage of the
planning process, from Validating to Underway. Keep
a Done column as well so you can track your progress
and prove that youre getting things done.

Know your audience and what resonates

Ask yourself:

Which part of the marketing funnel are you targeting?

What sort of content or campaign will resonate with
those prospects ?

Marketing blog

Which topics are popular with your audience?

Which of your campaigns have resonated in the
past? Which ones have failed miserably?

What is there a need for? Are the same questions

appearing in blog comments, on social channels
and with your customer support team?

Be as specific as possible when setting goals.

Building (and testing) your campaign landing page.

Ask if video can add value.

Air Asia (Case Study)


is a low cost airline based in Malaysia. When they fi
rst launched flights to Australia, they had very litt
le brand awareness and were in a fiercely competitive
market.To help raise awareness, they launched a
Facebook campaign and gave away a plane ride.

One Facebook fan and up to 302 of their Facebook

friends would be flown to Kuala Lumpur and all they
had to do was choose who they would take. The
average Facebook user has hundreds of Facebook
friends, but how many of them would you actually
want to take on holiday? Once you had chosen, you
even could allocate seats and share a snapshot of

As a result of the campaign, AirAsia are on

track to double the number of daily flights
from Sydney. They also:
1. Generated press coverage with a PR value
of $1,627,593 .
2. Grew its Facebook fan base by 30%
Received 12,500 entries and reached
2,291,483 people on Facebook.
3. Doubled the amount of flights
4. Grew Facebook fan base by 30%


Open the window to a world of possibilities with Android KITKAT 4.4.2

#IntexiRist #Watchitude .

Intex iRist has been the most spoken topic

on social media with their recent campaign
#IntexiRist. The brand held a contest on
Facebook and Twitter, with the gratification
of an Intex iRist smartwatch.
The main objective of the campaign was to create
awareness around Intex iRist and create brand

Users had to participate in the contest and answer

questions around the features of the watch. To
understand the features, users had to view a short
video, creating further engagement. With the Internet
of Things fervor gripping internet dwellers, Intex
managed to create quite a stir across social
The posts on Facebook reached more than 1448.04K
users and received more than 50K impressions on
Twitter. Intex managed to garner over 90,000 likes,
comments and shares.

The hashtags used for the activity were #iRist

#Watchitude and #IntexiRist and the replies
mentioned were mostly positive. This activity
managed to create a buzz and an uproar on

H&M uses Google+ to engage its audience

H&M has integrated Google+ into its social media strategy,
making the most of its unique functionality to engage and
communicate brand messages to its target audiences.
At Google+ we have chosen to focus on inspiration, says
Miriam. Nice images, films, and, of course, a lot of fashion.
Video and photos frequently in posts, as visuals are an effective
way to promote fashion and lifestyle.
Impressive results
The effectiveness of H&Ms tightly targeted and tailored
Google+ communication strategy to engage its audience is in
no doubt when you review its results (no commercial results
Total followers: over 940,000
Average number of +1s per post: 72
Average number of re-shares per post: 11
Average number of comments per post: 22
22% CTR uplift in search due to social extensions

The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

If you havent heard of the Ice Bucket Challenge, you
probably live under a rock.
The campaign had one goal: raise awareness of
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (a.k.a. Lou Gehrigs
Disease), a progressive neurodegenerative disease
that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord
and eventually leads to death. Initially, participants
had to donate money to the ALS Association or
dump icy
water on their heads, and challenge their friends to
do the same. They ended up doing everything.
The campaign started in the U.S. but really took off
when celebrities and athletes became involved and
nominated other celebrities. From Bill Gates to Mark
Zuckerberg, Oprah Winfrey, Cristiano Ronaldo, and
Jessica Alba, the challenge united millions of people
around the world who posted videos on YouTube,

2008 US presidential election
US presidential campaign had a huge presence on social
networking sites.
Barack Obama, a virtually unknown Democratic
candidate, utilized 15 different social media websites
to form relationships with the millions of American cit
izens who utilize those networks. His social networking
profile pages were constantly being updated and intera
cting with followers. By the end of his campaign, Obama
had 5 million social media network supporters (2.5 mil
lion on Facebook and 115,000 on Twitter). The use of so
cial networking sites in his marketing campaign gave Ba
as posted
on social
network profile
rack Obamas


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