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Available Things of Equipment Can Be Used

By David Raja Marpaung SIP, M.Def
Integrated Logistics Support

Process Objective
Maintenance Planning Id e n tify , p la n , re so u rce , a n d
iImd epnletimfy e, np tlamn ,are in te
sonuarcen cea ncod nacecqputsire
Manpower and Personnel ap ne drsorenqnueilre, mcievinlits to e n su re th e b e st
Ipdoessi a n a n d m
n tibfyle, pe qlaunip, mre eson ut rce a n d ilita ry ,
Supply Support wim ith th ee ng tramd ae ns aagnedm ski ltlsare qounire d;
p le m
Id e n tify , p la n , re so u rce a n d e n cti s to
Support Equipment aimcqp uleire
m ere n tp am ira pn aa rts
g e m, sp
e nat\reascti
, aonndsa lto
cla sse
a cq u ires oafn su p pplyp o rt th e e q u ip m e n t
d su

David Raja Marpaung. Associate Lecture University of Indonesia, also Indones

Technical data Identify , plan , resource and
implement management actions
Training and training support to
, resourceand , andacquire
implement a
cohesive integrated strategy to
Computer resources support train military
Identify , plan, and civilian
resource , and acquire
personnel to maximize the
facilities, hardware, software,
documentation , of the doctrine
manpower and ,
Facilities Identify
manpower planpersonnel
, and , resource and
, ,to acquire
fight, and
facilities necessary
to enable for planning
training ,
operate , and maintain the equipment
throughout andlifecycle
the storage .to maximize
of mission critical
effectiveness of system computer
and the logistic support system at
the software systems.
lowest lifecyclecost (LCC).

David Raja Marpaung. Associate Lecture University of Indonesia, also Indones

Packaging , handling , storage , Identify , plan , resource , and
and acquire
Design influence/interface
Transportation ( PHST ) Participate in the systems
( PHST ) requirements to maximize
engineering process to impact the
availability and usability
design from its inception
throughout the life cycle,
facilitating supportability to
maximize the availability,
effectiveness and capability of the
system at the lowest life cycle
cost (LCC).

David Raja Marpaung. Associate Lecture University of Indonesia, also Indones

How To Ensure Everything
On Time
Implementation Task

• Project Management
• User training
• Technological
• infrastructure
• Change management
• Risk management.
• Top management support.
• Communication
• Balanced team
• User involvement
• Use of consultant
David Raja Marpaung. Associate Lecture University of Indonesia, also Indones

How To Ensure Everything
On Time

David Raja Marpaung. Associate Lecture University of Indonesia, also Indones

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