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Detailed class analysis of

music magazine NME

By Chloe Tierney-Martin

Colour scheme: The colour scheme for this Masthead: The masthead is called NME. It is
magazine is red, black and white. The colour red written in capital letters in a red bold
is an intense and exciting due to the level of typography with a black stroke surrounding it.
energy it gives out. Red draws attention so is a The colour red makes the masthead stand out
brilliant colour to use when wanting to grab the and the black stroke adds more detail to it. The
target audiences attention. The colour black is masthead uses the rule of thirds as it is in the
authoritative and powerful it connotes power, first third so its the first thing the target
sexuality and sophistication. The colour white audiences eye will be drawn to. The masthead
connotes purity and cleanliness. It helps people needs to be bold and stand out so it comes
clear their thoughts. All these colours are unisex across as different to the rest of the music
suggesting this magazine appeals to both a magazines out there.
Direct address: Dizzie rascal is using direct
male and female target audience.
address as he is looking directly at the camera
lens. This is to attract the readers as it creates a
feeling on intimacy drawing them in to buy the
Mise en scene: The mise en scene on the front
cover is the graffiti in the background. It has
been placed as the background to suggest that
Dizzie Rascal has been in a gang in the past but
has now changed his life around as graffiti is an
illegal offence to commit often done by gangs.
This is a subverted stereotype representation
because usually men in gangs who have been in
gangs look like thugs and have a negative
approach to life. However, Dizzie Rascal is the
opposite he looks very happy and has a positive
aspect on life as we can tell from the colour

The main cover line says "Dizzie Rascal" in a

white bold font. The denotation of the cover line
is that it is just the artists name but the
connotations complement the connotations of
the colour white. Dizzie Rascal got his artist
name from his violent behaviour at school when
a teacher named him "Rascal". The name
"Rascal" represents the madness he faced in his
youth as he use to fight with teachers and steal
cars. The colour white connotes purity,
innocence, goodness and virginity. As the main
cover line is very big and in the readers face this
suggests that there is going to be an interview
from Dizzie Rascal about how music helped him
turn his life around.

The target audience profile for this magazine

is well-educated fans of bands and new music.
They are men who live in the UK. The audience
will be dedicated music fans who regularly buy
the magazine. They will also be interested in a
wide range of subjects ranging from fashion to
Barcode: The barcode is very small and placed
in the left hand corner so it doesn't take up any
space, having a barcode is essential as it is the
law. The price is written in a very small
typography so the reader doesn't pay much
attention and because the target audience are
regular buyers so will already know the price.
The genre of this magazine is for fans of the
hip-hop music as Dizzie Rascal is the main
image, the main cover line is about him and the
background on the front cover relates to the hiphop culture. This suggests only fans of hip-hop
music would like this specific issue.

The niche target audience of this magazine is

men between the age of 17-30, who are well
educated. This target audience has a love for
technology, music and films. The target
audience belong to the social class ABC. The
target audience for this magazine is men who
like hip-hop music as Dizzie Rascal is a hip-hop
artist. The secondary target audience is women
because some women like listening to music
stereotypically made for males. Rather than the
target audience just be for hip-hop fans the
genre of the magazine changes each issue
making the magazine have a wide target

The strapline says "16 page autumn tour

special" this appeals to the target audience
because the adjective "special" suggests that
this is an exclusive story that you can only get
from this magazine issue and if you don't buy
you will miss out which makes the target
audience buy it.

The main image is a medium-long shot of

Dizzie Rascal. The main image represents Dizzie
Rascal in a positive way. The way his arms are
positioned shows he is welcoming this creates
intimacy with the target audience because it
suggests he is personally reaching out to them.
The main image fits into each third (rule of thirds)
which shows that this is a dominant and
important thing on the front cover. It also
suggests that the stories are predominantly
about Dizzie Rascal. The main image tells us that
the sub-genre is hip hop as Dizzie Rascal is a hip
hop artist.

Mode of address: The language used

on the front cover on this magazine is
very informal. A quote from Dizzie
spreading joy around the world, man!
The use of the personal pronoun I
makes the magazine appear to its
target audience because it creates a
relationship with them as they feel
Dizzie Rascal is directly having a
conversation with them.

The cover lines in this magazine all follow the same

colour scheme. One of the cover lines says "Rifling
through Coxon's record collection". This suggests the
magazine has a male target audience because the noun
"rifle" which is like the noun "rifling "means a gun and
stereotypically men own guns not women. It could also
suggest that Dizzie Rascal was involved in gun crime in his
past. The other cover line states "Kasabian Maximo Park
Yeah Yeah Yeahs Muse". This suggests that the magazine
has a wide target audience as these artists all come from
a different genre of music.

Main Image: The main

Anchorage: The text below the
image is a dominant part on
main image anchors the image as
the contents page. It also
it gives the target audience a
uses the rule of thirds rule
perspective and tells the readers
as it fits in the center thirds it Grab quotes: In the left third about what they will read in the
grabs the target audience it says " The UKs No.1 gig magazine. It also gives them other
attention. There is synergy guide" this grabs the readers information too.
on the front cover "16 attention because it suggests
autumn tour special" as that this is the best ever gig guide
cover line relates to the main which cannot be missed
image which is of a tour bus. making them impatiently buy Sub-headings: The subheading
are against a black background in a
The model in the main image it.
white typography which makes the
follows the house style of the
headings stand out to the target
NME magazine as she is
audience as the colours create
pictured in a medium long
contrast. The use of the larger sized
shot standing next to a red
font helps the reader as it makes it
tour bus with blacked
around images:
more easy for them to navigate
windows wearing The
a black
image has a white
around the magazine.
white t-shirt
background surrounding it
which makes it look like a
photograph this creates the
idea to the readers that this
Fonts: The fonts on the contents
is a picture that was taken
follow the same colour scheme and
on tour since the model is
style as the front cover which again
standing outside a tour bus
follows the house style. This
and the
headline says
appeals to the target audience
"touring special".
because it shows the magazine is
magazine memorable as they will
relate it to the magazine every
time they see the font and colour

Mise en scene: The mise en scene on the

contents page is being able to subscribe to the
magazine, it is placed in the right bottom hand
corner so it doesn't take up any important space.
The option for subscription appeals to the readers
because if they subscribe it is cheaper in the long
run for them. It is also very easy for the readers to
subscribe as all the information on how to do it is
them for them.

Article Titles/content: Along the left

hand side are the names of the bands
which follows the house style as the
typography uses the same colour
scheme especially as red is an eye
grabbing colour it makes it accessible
for the readers to go straight to the
article they desire to read.

Main heading/Title: The main heading says

"touring special". The adjective "special"
suggests to the reader that this article is not
to be missed. It creates the idea that this is
an exclusive article which you can only read
from this particular magazine. The adjective
"special" also creates the idea that this is not
just an ordinary story its different and

Page numbers: The page

numbers are next to pictures
and certain topics to make it
audience rather than reading
through the magazine. This
means the target audience can
go straight to the stories they
desire making the magazine
more appealable

Masthead: The masthead on

Date/issue number: The
the contents page is the
date and issue number are a
same as the one on the front
conventional aspect on a
cover. This is repetitive and
contents page as the target
professional so the target
audience will expect to see it
as it keeps them up to date
remember what magazine
with the issues of the
their reading. The editors also
want to create a magazine
that will stay in the readers
Editorial/editors letter: The modehead.
of address is informal, in the editors
Layout: The layout of the
statement the editor speaks in a
magazine is in columns
relaxed manner using word like "eh"
which makes the magazine
which is creating a conversation
appear sophisticated and
professional to the target
relationship . This makes the target
audience as it is easier to
audience feel comfortable with
read and appears neat.
reading the magazine which entices
them to buy another issue.
identity is the fact that they are
modern, different and exciting. This
is because the colour schemes are
dominant all the way through.
Throughout out the magazine there
is always lots going on which
suggests to the readers that the
magazine has as lot to offer.

Main Image: The main image is a

medium long shot of Dizzie Rascal.
The colours he is wearing is a
white t-shirt, black jeans and a red
jacket which again follows the
house style of the magazine. The
way Dizzie Rascal is positioned to
be standing suggests he is doing
something he shouldn't be as he is
holding a graffiti can the readers
know he is doing something illegal.
The way he is standing could also
imply that Dizzie Rascal is looking
back into his old life and how music
has changed him to become a
better man as the article is about
his new reformed life.

Mode of Address/Language:
The mode of address in this
magazine is very informal and we
can tell this by the clothes Dizzie
Rascal is wearing as they are very
casual and the style of the font is
very relaxed and graffiti like.

The overall impression is
this magazine is very
informal as the article is
written in a very friendly
style. The friendly style
creates a feeling of
intimacy with the readers
as it makes them feel like
thy are at the photoshoot
and included in the

Captions: The caption in

the top right hand corner
is in a small font and says
"Dizzie". This is there
because it tells the reader
what this article is about
and links it to the other
pages about Dizzie Rascal

By line: The by line gives

credit to the writer and

Large letter start of article (drop cap): The

letter 'Y' at the beginning of the article is in a
larger font then the rest of the article which
emphasizes the word "you". This creates a
feeling of intimacy with the reader as informal
audience: The target audience is
language is being used as if it was
males aged 17-30. The play on words headline"
From tags to riches" appeals to the 35% of the target
audience that are students because it is simple and
memorable. Having the main image as Dizzie Rascal
will help the magazine sell as he is very well known.
NME readers have a strong relationship with the NME
Representation: Dizzie Rascal is
magazine as the target audience are obsessed with
represented as to be a changed man
music. The magazine is a unisex magazine but
from music as the main headline
majority of the readers are male (73%) and the rest
states "From tags to riches". This
female (27%).
suggests music inspired to stop
participating in crime and look at the
Use of space: There is no
more important part of life.
empty space on the double
page spread however only
the right page contains
Font and type size: The
writing and this is because
headline has the largest font
NME don't want to put too
on the double page spread
much information onto the
which suggests that it is very
page because the reader
significant as it sums up what
will get bored and not want
the article is all about. The
to read it.
words "tags" and "riches" are
bold and emphasized which
shows the reader the massive
change in Dizzie Rascals life

Column width and positioning:

The text is in positioned into four
columns and the text is integrated
around the image as text is written
around the radio which makes the
suggesting Dizzie Rascal is a good
artist as his music has appeared on
the radio. The columns separate
the text making it easy for the
readers to read.

Page numbers: Page numbers

are a conventional aspect you
expect to see as the are part of
the codes and conventions in a
magazine. The page number is
in the corner of the page
because it is not the most
important thing the readers
need to see.

Use of images: At the

bottom of the double
page spread there are
images of empty bottles
denotation of this is
just they are empty
connotation of this
could be that Dizzie
Rascal lived an unstable
life before and spent a
lot of his time getting
magazine uses very vibrant colours
while also following the house style
of the magazine. The double page
spread isn't jam packed as only the
required information is on there.
This shows the magazine is
professional as they are not trying
to cram to much into the readers

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