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Adult Bradycardia with Pulse Algorithm Satori Continuum Publishing Acute Coronary Syndromes Algorithm —_aae EMS Assessment/Hospital Care ‘+ Support ABCs; Prepare for CPR/defibrilltion “+ Give aspirin, morphine, nitroglycerin, and oxygen if needed * Obtain 12-lead EC + IfST elevation: *+ Notify hospital; note first medical contact and onset time! + Hospital should prepare to respond to STEMI + prehospital fibrinolysis, use fibrinolytic checklist (Concurrent ED assessment (<10 min) immediate ED Treatment ‘check vitals/ 0, Saturation + if, saturation <34%, start O, at 4 access Umin, titrate Perform targeted history/ physical exam © Aspirin 160-325 me ‘Complete fibrinolytic checklist, check + Nitroglycerin spray or sublingual contraindications ‘+ Morphine IV if nitroglycerin not ‘Attain preliminary cardiac markerlevels, _offective

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