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Lung Tissue

List the features of the mammalian lung

that adapt it to efficient gaseous exchange
Describe, with the aid of diagrams and
photographs, the distribution of cartilage,
ciliated epithelium, goblet cells, smooth
muscle and elastic fibres in the trachea,
bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli of the
mammalian gaseous exchange system;
Explain the functions of cartilage, cilia,
goblet cells, smooth muscle and elastic
fibres in the mammalian gaseous
exchange system;
Lung Tissue
List the features of the mammalian lung
that adapt it to efficient gaseous exchange
Describe, with the aid of diagrams and
photographs, the distribution of cartilage,
ciliated epithelium, goblet cells, smooth
muscle and elastic fibres in the trachea,
bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli of the
mammalian gaseous exchange system;
Explain the functions of cartilage, cilia,
goblet cells, smooth muscle and elastic
fibres in the mammalian gaseous
exchange system;
Using textbooks and the internet, produce a
piece of work of your choice which meets the
following success criteria:
It must describe with the aid of diagrams and
photographs, the distribution of cartilage,
ciliated epithelium, goblet cells, smooth muscle
and elastic fibres in the trachea, bronchi,
bronchioles and alveoli of the mammalian
gaseous exchange system;
It must also have annotations (labels) which
explain the functions of cartilage, cilia, goblet
cells, smooth muscle and elastic fibres in the
mammalian gaseous exchange system;

Elastic fibres: aid in the expansion, contraction and stability of trachea


Smooth Muscle: smooth muscle contracts to constrict the airway,

reducing the flow of air to and from the alveoli e.g. an allergic reaction
like asthma

Ciliated Epithelium: contain numerous tiny, hair like structures

projecting from the membrane called cilia. They waft mucus up the
airway to the back of the throat- the mucus is then swallowed into the
stomach where the acid kills any bacteria trapped within

Cartilage: Plays a structural role. It supports the trachea and bronchi,

holding them open. This prevents collapse when the air pressure is low
during inhalation. It does not form a complete ring so there is some
flexibility for moving your neck etc.

Goblet Cells: Secrete mucus to trap tiny particles e.g. pollen or bacteria.
This reduces the risk of infection.
Using textbooks and the internet, produce a
piece of work of your choice which meets the
following success criteria:
It must describe with the aid of diagrams and
photographs, the distribution of cartilage,
ciliated epithelium, goblet cells, smooth muscle
and elastic fibres in the trachea, bronchi,
bronchioles and alveoli of the mammalian
gaseous exchange system;
It must also have annotations (labels) which
explain the functions of cartilage, cilia, goblet
cells, smooth muscle and elastic fibres in the
mammalian gaseous exchange system;

You should email your completed task- you have 1 double lesson to
complete this plus time at home.
Lung Tissue
List the features of the mammalian lung
that adapt it to efficient gaseous exchange
Describe, with the aid of diagrams and
photographs, the distribution of cartilage,
ciliated epithelium, goblet cells, smooth
muscle and elastic fibres in the trachea,
bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli of the
mammalian gaseous exchange system;
Explain the functions of cartilage, cilia,
goblet cells, smooth muscle and elastic
fibres in the mammalian gaseous
exchange system;
Lung Tissue
List the features of the mammalian lung
that adapt it to efficient gaseous exchange
Describe, with the aid of diagrams and
photographs, the distribution of cartilage,
ciliated epithelium, goblet cells, smooth
muscle and elastic fibres in the trachea,
bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli of the
mammalian gaseous exchange system;
Explain the functions of cartilage, cilia,
goblet cells, smooth muscle and elastic
fibres in the mammalian gaseous
exchange system;

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