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Arachnids differs from insects in the

following ways;
a. Absence of wings, antennac
b. compound eyes
c. presence of four legs in the adult stage
d. fusion of the read and thorax

Order Acarina (ticks and miles)

Includes many parasites and vectors of disease of lunar and lower
Mouth and the capitulum ( their base) are attached to the anterior
portion by a wings
Sexes are separate
Sarcoptes scabiei
Differ from mites in its larger its size, hairless or short haired
leathery body exposed with hypostome and presence of a pair
of spiracles rear coxae of 4th pair of legs
Divided into argasidae (soft ticks), ixoddae (hard ti9cks)
Family Ixodidae
So called because of horny scutum, sexes are dissimilar
More specialized, more highly parasitic produce progeny infest
the host
Hard dorsal scutum on the anterior dorsal surface in the female
but lacking the entire dorsum in the male, capitulum is visible
dorsally in the anterior end
Both sexes are bloodsuckers. The female hard tick, dermancentor,
increase greatly in in size after an engorgement of blood fro 5 to 13
days. It then drops off the host to deposit in 14 to 41 days, 2000 to
8000 small, oval brown eggs and dies in 3 to 36 days after
oviposition. Hard ticks have a single nymphal may hibernate
unfed over the winter, after one more blood meals, most into adults
on the ground. The life cycle is usually completed in 1 or 2 years
occasionally in 3. During their larval nymphal and adult stage
intermittent parasite of animals and spend mist of their existence
on the ground. Favorable environment conditions include
abundant vegetation, moisture and numerous animals host. The
susceptible to sunlight. Desiccation and excessive rainfall,but are
resistant to cold are long-lived.
Ticks harm human and lower animals the
mechanical injury of their bites, the production of
tick paralysis and the transmission of the bacterial,
viral, rickettsial, and protozoan disease after the
chelicerae have a cut the skin. Its insertion produces
an inflammatory reaction of the perivascular tissues
o the corium, with local hyperemia, edema,
hemorrhage,and thickening of the stratum corneum.
Tick paralysis occurs in sheep, cattle, dogs, cats and
occasionally in humans. Sometimes severe in
domesticated animals. The disease manifest itself as
a progressive, ascending, flaccid motors paralysis
that is due to a neumuscular blocked at the
presynaptic level, with electrodiagnostic evidence
of peripheral verve involvement caused by the tick
toxin is elaborated by the tick toxin ovaries and
secreted by the salivary glands.the disease has a
rapid onset, with malaise ,vague body pains,
lassitude, cephalgia, irritability and slight or o fever.
Family Argasidae
The soft tick are primarily ectoparasites of birds, less commonly of
mammals and humans. Cosmopolitan distribution but are more
abundant in warm climates. Sexes are similar there is no dorsal
plate, the capitulum is not visible dorsally the spiracles lie in
front of the third pair of unspurred coxae, and the tarsi bear no
pads or pulvilli. They are nocturnal feeders and seldom travel
far from their local habitat. Argus persicus, a natural parasite of
fowl and a semitropical countries, occasionally bites humans,
are producing painful wounds that are subjects to secondary
infection. The bites of both nymphs and adults produce hard red
wheals that the remain painful for 24 hours. It is an important
vectors of endemic relapsing fever
In a few hour an ascending flaccid paralysis ensues with muscular
incoordination, ataxia, dysphagia but sometimes localized. Sensory
sign are very rarein tick paralysis. injury to people or transmit human
disease. The parasitic mites are chiefly ectoparasites, but a few are
Death occurs from respiratory paralysis, although most affected; sons
recover. Children are usually affected; occasionally aged adults are
affected. Children under 2 years of age succumb rapidly. The paralysis
subsides after the removal of the tick. Other types of human disease
associated with exposure to ticks ar a illness with skin lesions, erythema
chronicum migrams (ECM),and with arthritis , so called lyme disease .
ECM is characterized by chronic annular erythematous skin lesions fever
and constitutional symptoms including aseptic meningitis. Lyme disease,
or lyme arthritis also begins with a skin lesion. But goes on to involved
the joints direct the proof is lacking that tick bites cause these diseases
are very strong epidemiologic data to support the hypothesis that the
disease are somehow related to bites of Ixodes ticks.
In some species the causative organism pass not only
through the metamorphic stages of the tick, but also through
the eggs to transmitted among domesticated animals cause
heavy financial loss. An incomplete list of the vectors tick
for the various human diseases is given below the painless
bite of the tick seldom calls for treatment. Removed from
the skin by gentle traction after applying chloroform, ether,
alcohol, gasoline, kerosene, glycerol, ethyl chloride, or a
glowing match or cigarette to the tick. Paralysis, if present
soon subsides after the removal of the tick and care should
be taken not to contaminate the hands with the fluids
secretions the tick during its removal.
Argacid ticks are best combated by destroying their nests or lairs. Infested
native huts should be burned, or the floors and walls should be plastered
to eliminate the crevices. More than one application is required, since
Controlthe egg. Redent proofing of
these insecticides are ineffective against
building is desirable. Ixodid ticks maybe eliminated by exterminating their
rodent host and destroying their habitats. The infested grounds, house and
animals may be prayed with Diazinon, DDT, chlordane, Dieldrin, or BHC.
BHc and diazinon have the most rapid immobilizing action but less
residual toxicity than the otherswhich give good control within a few
days and prevent reinfestation for a month. Ticks may be brought into
houses on or clothing animals,and the dogs tick, R. sanguineus, may pass
its entire life cycle indoors. Those traversing tick-infested areas should use
tick-proof clothing, and after removing the clothing , a search should be
made for ticks on their bodies. Repellents applied to the skin provide little
protection, but clothing treated with diethyltoluamide gives protection for
from several days to a week..
Parasitic Mites

The term mite is usually applied to members of the order ACARRINA other
than the ticks and do not have a leathery covering. Spiracles are present on the
idiosoma of some mites asn the hypostome is unarmed. The parasitic species
infest plant and animals and some cause direct injury to people or transmit
human disease. The parasitic mites are chiefly ectoparasites, but a few are
Family Sarcoptidae (Scabies)
The eggs are deposit in the soil or on the skin of the host. The six-legged larvae
which feed on blood or plant juices metamophose into eigth-legged nymphs,and
finally into eight-legged adults
Family Trombiculidae
(Red Bugs and Chiggers)
the larvae of the trombiculid mites, known as harvest mites, red bugs or
chiggers, are annoying pest to picnickers, hunters, berry pickers, and campers

The orange red or brilliantly spotted adults mites are usually scavengers. The
body is partly covered with minute hairs and has four pairs of legs

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