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Development and

Planning Ethics
Ethics, Morales, Values
Definitions of Ethics
Ethics is the science of the principles of morality
(ahklak) (Indonesian Dictionary-Poerwadarminta).
Ethnics are the principles of morality, or field of
study on morality, or right conduct, the rules of
conduct recognized in respect to a particular class of
human actions (The New Grolier Webster International
Ethics is a subject matter concerning human
behavior that is moral, even though the offense can
not make a person hit by a prison sentence, but was
able to give a strong influence for the good of their
fellow human beings (George A. Soper-ASCE - 1920)
Ethics is the name we give to something that
concerns good behavior. We feel an obligation to
indulge, not just for our own personal welfare, but also
for the welfare of others and humanity as a whole
(Dr. Nobel Peace Prize winner Albert Schweitzer in
Ethics (Bertens, 1999:6)
Values or moral norms that hold
true for a person or group in
regulating behavior.
Set of principles or moral values.
The science of good and bad.
Definition of Moral
Moral means the same as ethics (ethics of
the Greek word, moral from the Latin
word), which means custom, customs,
behavior, habits, character, way of life.
Ethics = moral, namely the values and
norms that hold true for a person or group
in regulating behavior.
Moral and Morality
Moral is a set of beliefs in a society
with regard to the character or
behavior and what should be
attempted by humans.
Morality is a system of values about
how we should live as a person or
Definition of Norms

Norms are the size, line guides, or

rules for consideration and
Norms always contain sanctions
and reinforcement.
Definition of Value
Value (UK) or Valere (Latin) means useful,
capable of will, power, force, strong.
Value is the quality of the things that makes it
be preferred, desirable, useful, appreciated, or
it can be the object of interest.
Values are what give meaning to life, the
starting point, content, and purpose.
Value is something that is upheld, coloring and
animating one's actions.
Ethics is always associated with the value.
Code of Ethics
Definitions of Code of Ethics
The code of ethics (conduct) is a system of
norms, values and professional rules written
expressly stating what is right and good, and
what is not right and not good for the
The code of conduct states what actions are right
or wrong, what actions should be done and what
should be avoided.
The purpose of professional code of ethics in order
to provide best possible services to users or
The existence of a code of ethics will protect the
unprofessional actions.
Three Functions of Code of Ethics
Codes of ethics provide guidance for every
member of the profession on the principles
of professionalism outlined;
The code of ethics is a means of social
control for the community for the
profession concerned;
The code of ethics to prevent the
interference of outside professional
organizations about the relationship of
ethics in the membership of the
Characteristics of
Code of Ethics
Clear and consistent;
Make sense;
Practical and can be implemented;
Comprehensive and complete;
Positive in the formulation.
Orientation of Code of Ethics
Customer/ user;
Country; and
What Profession? (Kohlers 1983)
Vocation requiring advanced training and:
1. generally recognized by universities and colleges as
requiring special training of an advanced
character leading to degrees distinct from the
usual degrees in arts and sciences;
2. requiring principally mental rather than manual or
artistic labor and skill for its successful prosecution
by reference to a common body of knowledge.
3. recognizing the obligation of public service and of
the public interest;
4. having a code of ethics generally accepted as
binding upon its members.

Characteritics of Professions
A profession requires extensive education
or training before entering the
Education or extensive training includes
significant intellectual component;
Educated and trained personnel
capable of providing services that are
essential to the community.
Definition of Proffesionalism
Professionalism is a notion that aspires
to do certain work activities in the
community, armed with advanced
expertise and by a sense of calling
with the spirit of devotion is always ready
to provide aid to a fellow who was dogged
by difficulties in the dark of life
(Wignjosoebroto, 1999).
The Character of Professionalism
The work of a professional is committed to the
realization of virtue for the sake of the honor
of the professions involved, and therefore not
paying much or expecting the reward of
material wages;
The work of a professional must be based on
high-quality technical skills achieved through
a long, exclusive and heavy educational
and / or training process;
The work of a professional - measured by
technical quality and moral quality - must submit
to a control mechanism in the form of a code of
ethics developed and mutually agreed upon
within a professional organization.
AICP Code of Ethics and
Professional Conduct
What is AICP?
The American Institute of Certified
Planners (AICP) is APAs professional
institute and provides the only nationwide,
independent verification of planners
Certified planners pledge to uphold high
standards of practice, ethics, and
professional conduct, and to keep their
skills sharp and up-to-date by
continuously pursuing advanced
professional education.
The planning process must continuously pursue
and faithfully serve the public interest.
Recognize the rights of citizens to participate in planning decisions;
Strive to give citizens (including those who lack formal organization or
influence) full, clear and accurate information on planning issues and the
opportunity to have a meaningful role in the development of plans and
Strive to expand choice and opportunity for all persons, recognizing a
special responsibility to plan for the needs of disadvantaged groups and
Assist in the clarification of community goals, objectives and policies in
Ensure that reports, records and any other non-confidential information
which is, or will be, available to decision makers is made available to the
public in a convenient format and sufficiently in advance of any decision;
Strive to protect the integrity of the natural environment and the
heritage of the built environment;
Pay special attention to the interrelatedness of decisions and the long
range consequences of present actions.
Planning process participants continuously strive to achieve
high standards of integrity and proficiency so that public
respect for the planning process will be maintained.
Exercise fair, honest and independent judgment in their roles as decision makers and advisors;
Make public disclosure of all "personal interests" they may have regarding any decision to be made in the planning
process in which they serve, or are requested to serve, as advisor or decision maker.
Define "personal interest" broadly to include any actual or potential benefits or advantages that they, a spouse,
family member or person living in their household might directly or indirectly obtain from a planning decision;
Abstain completely from direct or indirect participation as an advisor or decision maker in any matter in which they
have a personal interest, and leave any chamber in which such a matter is under deliberation, unless their personal
interest has been made a matter of public record; their employer, if any, has given approval; and the public official,
public agency or court with jurisdiction to rule on ethics matters has expressly authorized their participation;
Seek no gifts or favors, nor offer any, under circumstances in which it might reasonably be inferred that the gifts or
favors were intended or expected to influence a participant's objectivity as an advisor or decision maker in the
planning process;
Not participate as an advisor or decision maker on any plan or project in which they have previously participated as
an advocate;
Serve as advocates only when the client's objectives are legal and consistent with the public interest.
Not participate as an advocate on any aspect of a plan or program on which they have previously served as advisor
or decision maker unless their role as advocate is authorized by applicable law, agency regulation, or ruling of an
ethics officer or agency; such participation as an advocate should be allowed only after prior disclosure to, and
approval by, their affected client or employer; under no circumstance should such participation commence earlier
than one year following termination of the role as advisor or decision maker;
Not use confidential information acquired in the course of their duties to further a personal interest;
Not disclose confidential information acquired in the course of their duties except when required by law, to prevent a
clear violation of law or to prevent substantial injury to third persons; provided that disclosure in the latter two
situations may not be made until after verification of the facts and issues involved and consultation with other
planning process participants to obtain their separate opinions;
Not misrepresent facts or distort information for the purpose of achieving a desired outcome;
Not participate in any matter unless adequately prepared and sufficiently capacitated to render thorough and diligent
Respect the rights of all persons and not improperly discriminate against or harass others based on characteristics
which are protected under civil rights laws and regulations.
APA members who are practicing planners continuously
pursue improvement in their planning competence as well
as in the development of peers and aspiring planners.
Strive to achieve high standards of professionalism, including certification, integrity,
knowledge, and professional development consistent with the AICP Code of Ethics;
Do not commit a deliberately wrongful act which reflects adversely on planning as a
profession or seek business by stating or implying that they are prepared, willing or
able to influence decisions by improper means;
Participate in continuing professional education;
Contribute time and effort to groups lacking adequate planning resources and to
voluntary professional activities;
Accurately represent their qualifications to practice planning as well as their education
and affiliations;
Accurately represent the qualifications, views, and findings of colleagues;
Treat fairly and comment responsibly on the professional views of colleagues and
members of other professions;
Share the results of experience and research which contribute to the body of planning
Examine the applicability of planning theories, methods and standards to the facts and
analysis of each particular situation and do not accept the applicability of a customary
solution without first establishing its appropriateness to the situation;
Contribute time and information to the development of students, interns, beginning
practitioners and other colleagues;
Strive to increase the opportunities for women and members of recognized minorities to
become professional planners;
Systematically and critically analyze ethical issues in the practice of planning.
Kode Etik IAP
Mukadimah Kode Etik IAP
Kode Etik Perencana Indonesia sebagai kaidah
kehormatan diturunkan berdasarkan nilai-nilai
luhur masyarakat dan bangsa Indonesia yang
berlandaskan falsafah Pancasila dan UUD45.
Kode Etik Perencana Indonesia merupakan sikap
profesional dalam mengemban tanggung
jawabnya berkaitan dengan kepentingan
masyarakat dan negara, pemberi kerja dan
atasan, serta tanggung jawab profesi, rekan
sejawat maupun diri sendiri.
Tanggung jawab terhadap masyarakat dan
negara merupakan payung dari tanggung
jawab lainnya.
Tanggung Jawab Perencana Terhadap
Melayani kepentingan seluruh golongan dan lapisan
masyarakat (publik); mendahulukan kepentingan umum di
atas kepentingan golongan maupun kepentingan pribadi serta
berdasarkan keyakinan profesi berani membela yang benar
serta memberikan kritik dan koreksi terhadap terhadap hal
yang merugikan masyarakat.
Memberikan informasi kepada masyarakat dan pengambil
keputusan akan permasalahan, kemungkinan pilihan dan
dampak dari suatu perencanaan, serta mendorong
masyarakat untuk berpartisipasi dalam proses perencanaan
dan pengambilan keputusan.
Berperanserta dalam upaya menuju tercapainya
pembangunan berkelanjutan melalui pendekatan
perencanaan terpadu yang berwawasan menyeluruh dan
berjangka panjang, dengan meningkatkan efisiensi dan
produktivitas ekonomi, meningkatkan pemerataan dan
perluasan manfaat pembangunan, melestarikan warisan
budaya dan sejarah, serta meningkatkan kondisi lingkungan
Tanggung Jawab Perencana Terhadap
Profesi, Rekan Sejawat Dan Diri Sendiri

Menjaga kerahasiaan informasi dari pemberi

kerja maupun informasi lain dari pihak
pemerintah yang masih perlu dirahasiakan serta
tidak menggunakan informasi yang masih rahasia
untuk kepentingan pribadi, sebaliknya juga harus
berani mempertanggun-jawabkan keputusan
profesionalnya berdasar kepentingan masyarakat.
Memanfaatkan wewenang, kompetensi
profesi serta informasi yang dimiliki untuk
memenuhi kepentingan pemberi kerja dan
atasannya sejauh hal ini sejalan dengan
pelayanannya terhadap kepentingan masyarakat.
Tanggung Jawab Perencana Terhadap
Pemberi Kerja Dan Atasannya
Turut serta mengembangkan profesi perencanaan
dengan terus menerus meningkatkan integritas,
pengetahuan dan kemampuannya, tanggap terhadap
kritik profesi, berbagi pengalaman dan pengetahuan
pada rekan sejawat, serta menyebarluaskan dan
meningkatkan pengertian profesi dan perencanaan
pada masyarakat.
Menghormati dan menghargai kemampuan dan
keahlian profesional serta hasil pekerjaan teman
sejawat dan anggota dari profesi lain serta
mempunyai sikap saling membina terutama terhadap
perencana pemula.
Menghindar menerima pekerjaan pada
waktu bersamaan dari pemberi kerja
lain bila hal ini dapat menimbulkan benturan
kepentingan antar pemberi kerja.
Ethical Decision Making Model
Determining an ethical action:
Seven practical steps
1. Is the actions legal?
2. How will it make me feel about
3. Is it fair to all concerned?
4. Is it the truth?
5. Will it build goodwill and better
6. Will it cause anyone personal loss or
pain, or violate confidentiality, or
harm somebody in any other way?
7. Is there a conflict of interest?
Thank You

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