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1. The development of new materials exhibit
superconductivity at temperatures that
can be maintained with liquid nitrogen.
The boiling point of liquid nitrogen is 77 K.
What is the boiling point in oC?
A. 196
B. 350
C. -350
D. -320
E. -196
2. The relative randomness of molecules
in the states of matter is best indicated
A. solids > liquids > gas
B. liquid > solid > gas
C. liquid > gas > solid
D. gas > liquid > solid
3. How is a physical change different from
a chemical change?
A. The physical properties of a substance
are not altered during a chemical
B. The chemical identity of a substance is
not altered during a physical change.
C. A physical change involves changes in
chemical properties.
D. The chemical identity of a substance is
altered during a physical change.
4. What elements tend to form ionic
A. Elements found on opposite sides of
the periodic table
B. Any two elements of the same phase
can form an ionic compound.
C. Metallic elements
D. Those found in the upper right hand
side of the periodic table
5. The neon atom tends NOT to gain any
additional electrons because
A. of the repulsions they would experience
with electrons in the same shell.
B. there is no more room available in its
outermost occupied shell.
C. that would result in a positive ion.
D. its nuclear charge is not great enough.
6. Magnesium is found in the second
column of the periodic table. What
ionic state and charged particles will it
have after reacting with another atom
in an ionic bond?
A. Mg2+ , 10 protons, 12 electrons
B. Mg+ , 12 protons, 10 electrons
C. Mg2+ , 12 protons, 10 electrons
D. Mg2- , 12 protons, 14 electrons
7. How do isotopes of a single element
differ from each other?
A. ability to form ions
B. valence electron distribution
C. number of electrons
D. number of protons
E. number of neutrons
8. The reactive properties or chemical
behavior of an atom depend on the
number of
A. orbitals found in the atom.
B. electrons in the outer valence shell in
the atom.
C. valence shells in the atom.
D. hybridized orbitals in the atom.
E. electrons in each orbital in the atom.
9. Which of the following shows the
electronic configuration of Phosphorus
with an atomic number of 15?
A. 1s22s22p63s23p3
B. 1s22s22p63s33p2
C. 1s22s32p53s23p3
D. 1s22s22p43s33p4
10. Which of the following electron
mnemonics violates Pauli Exclusion
A. 1s2 2s2 2px2 2py2 2pz2 3s2 3px1 3py1 3pz1
B. 1s2 2s2 2px2 2py4 2pz5
C. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p3
D. 1s2 2s2 2px2 2py2 2pz2 3s2 3px2 3py1
Which of the following shows the correct
order of reactivity of the halogen
A. I<Cl<Br<F
B. Cl<F<I<F
C. F<Cl<Br<I
D. I<Br<Cl<F
2. How many lone pairs are present in
the central atom of the molecule
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
E. 4
3. The given elements X and Y have 6
and 7 electrons respectively, in the
highest energy levels of their atoms.
What is the formula and type of
bonding used in a compound formed
by these elements?
A. XY2 , ionic
B. X2Y, ionic
C. X2Y, covalent
D. XY2 , covalent
4. . In order to balance the following
chemical equation, the coefficient in
front of the water must be: __ Na3P
+ __ H2O __ NaOH + __
A. 12
B. 2
C. 3
D. 6
5. What is the name of the acid
A. hydrogen cyanidic acid
B. hydrocyanic acid
C. hydrocyanous acid
D. cyanic acid
6. What is the oxidation number of
Phosphorus in Ca3(PO3)2 ?
A. 1
B. 3
C. 5
D. 7
7. Which of the following gases would be
most soluble in water?
A. N2
B. NH3
C. CH4
D. CO2
8. Compared to solid and liquid
particles, gas particles have the
highest rate of diffusion because they
A. have a low density
B. easily move as convection currents
C. are made of rapidly moving particle
D. have low boiling points
9. Salt A and salt B were dissolved separately in 100
mL beakers of water. The water temperatures
were measured and recorded as shown in the
table below:
Salt A: initial water temp. 25.1C final water
temp. 30.2C
Salt B: initial water temp. 25.1C final water
temp. 20.0C

Which statement is a correct interpretation of these

A. The dissolving of salt A was exothermic and the
dissolving of salt B was endothermic.
B. The dissolving of only salt A was endothermic.
C. The dissolving of only salt B was exothermic
D. The dissolving of both salt A and salt B was
10. Which of the following shows the
quark triplet composition of a proton
A. udd
B. uud
C. usd
D. csu
1. Which of the following is NOT a
A. coffee
B. crude oil
C. air
D. gold
2. Which of the following describes the amount
of energy and stability of electrons in the
different energy levels of the atom?
A. Electrons that are closer the nucleus
contain the highest energy level and are
the most stable electrons.
B. Electrons that are closer the nucleus
contain lower energy level and are the
most stable electrons.
C. Electrons that are farthest the nucleus
contain the lowest energy level and are
the least stable electrons
D. Electrons in the different energy levels have
the same amount of energy and stability.
3. What factor distinguishes a suspension
from a colloid?
A. light reflects off the particles of a
B. the particles of a suspension will sink
out if left over time to rest
C. suspensions are clear
D. suspensions cannot be filtered
4. Which of the following is the reason
why plasma conducts and electricity?
A. Strong force of attraction between its
B. Unusual repulsive force among its
C. Ions formed from breaking molecular
D. Excitation of electrons brought by
high temperature.
5. In the reaction:
2 HCl + Na2CO3 ---> H2CO3 +
2 H2O , if 2 moles of HCl are used in the
reaction, how many moles of H2O are
expected to be produced after the
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
1. Which of the following molecule
would be polar and pyramidal?
A. CHCl3
B. NI3
C. OF2
D. BeCl2
2. Given the following substances:
CaF2 , HF, F2 , CH3Cl
Which substance would you expect to
have the highest melting point?
A. CaF2
C. F2
D. CH3Cl
3. Which of the following molecules is
A. H2O
B. CO2
C. O2
D. CCl4

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