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Topic Sentences Building a

Katy Ferrar
Kaplan International College London
Autumn 2015
What is a topic sentence?
The topic sentence tells what topic the paragraph is going to

The supporting sentences give details about the topic.

The concluding sentence summarizes the main point or

restates the topic sentence in different words.

Now look at the next paragraph and identify the topic sentence,
the supporting sentences and the concluding sentence.
Colours create biological reactions in our bodies. These reactions, in
turn can change our behaviour. In one study, prisoners were put in
a pink room and they underwent a drastic and measurable decrease
in muscle strength and hostility within 2.7 seconds. In another
study, athletes needing short bursts of energy were exposed to red
light. Their muscle strength increased by 13.5 per cent and electrical
activity in their arm muscles increased by 5.8 per cent. Athletes
requiring more endurance for longer performances responded best
when exposed to blue light. Other studies have shown that the
colour green is calming. Green was a sacred colour for the
Egyptians, representing the hope and joy of Spring. It is also a
sacred colour for those of the Muslim faith. Many mosques and
religious temples throughout the world use green (the colour of
renewal and growth) and blue (the colour of heaven) to balance
heavenly peace with spiritual growth. To sum up, colour influences
us in many ways.
Topic Sentence and Bullet Points
Colour creates biological reactions in our body. (Topic
These reactions affect our behaviour. (Development)
Examples of colour and their effects on behaviour,
performance and mood. (Development)
Colour has a significant influence . (Concluding Sentence)
Topic and Controlling Idea
The topic sentence is the most important sentence in a
paragraph. It has two parts a topic and a controlling idea.
The topic names the subject of the paragraph. In our model,
the topic is the effect of colour. The controlling idea tells what
the paragraph will say about the topic. It is called the
controlling idea because it controls or limits the topic to a very
specific point or points. In our model, the controlling idea is
that physical reactions are caused by certain colours.
Topic, Development and
Concluding Sentence
Gold, a precious metal, is prized for two important characteristics.
First of all, gold has a lustrous beauty that is resistant to corrosion.
Therefore, it is suitable for jewellery, coins and ornamental
purposes. Gold never needs to be polished and will remain
beautiful forever. For example, a Macedonian coin remains as
untarnished today as the day it was made 25 centuries ago. A
further important characteristic of gold is its usefulness to industry
and science. For many years it has been used in hundreds of
industrial applications, such a photography and dentistry. The most
recent use for gold is in astronauts suits. Astronauts wear gold-
plated heat shields for protection when they go outside spaceships
in space. In conclusion, gold is treasured not only for its beauty but
also for its utility.
Topic Sentence and Bullet Points
Gold has two important characteristics. (Topic Sentence)

Characteristic Number 1 (resistant to corrosion) and example


Characteristic Number 2 (usefulness in industry and science) and

example (Development)

Gold is treasured for its two important characteristics.

(Concluding Sentence)
Topic, Development and
Concluding Sentence
One difference among the worlds seas and oceans is that the
salinity varies in different climatic zones. For example, the Baltic
Sea, in northern Europe is only one-fourth as saline as the Red Sea
in the Middle East. There are two reasons for this. First of all, in
warm climate zones, water evaporates rapidly, therefore, the
concentration of salt is greater. Secondly, the surrounding land is
dry: consequently, it does not contribute much freshwater to
dilute the salty seawater. In cold climate zones, on the other hand,
water evaporates slowly. Furthermore, the runoff created by
melting snow adds a considerable amount of freshwater to dilute
the saline seawater. In short, differing climates can affect salinity
to a significant effect.
Topic Sentence and Bullet Points

Sea salinity differs according to region and climatic

zones. (Topic Sentence)
Reason for differences in salinity (Development)
Geographical examples of differences in salinity
Differences in salinity has significant importance.
(Concluding Sentence)
Topic, Development and
Concluding Sentence.
Genetic research has produced both exciting and frightening
possibilities. Scientists are now able to create new forms of life in
the laboratory because of the development of gene splicing. On the
one hand, the ability to create life in the laboratory could greatly
benefit mankind. One beneficial application of gene splicing is in
agriculture. For example, researchers have engineered a more
nutritious type of rice that could help alleviate the serious problem
of vitamin A deficiency. It is estimated that 124 million children
worldwide lack vitamin A, putting them at risk of permanent
blindness and other health issues. In addition, genetic engineers
have created larger fish, frost-resistant strawberries, and cows that
produce more milk. Indeed, agriculture has already benefitted from
the promise of genetic engineering.
Topic Sentence and Bullet Points
Genetic engineering has both positive and negative effects (Topic
New life can be created in the laboratory through gene splicing
Gene splicing is an example of a positive effect (Development)
Gene splicing has been effective in agriculture (Development)
Example of benefits of gene splicing in agriculture (Development)
Reason why this example is of value (Development)
Further examples of the positive effects of genetic engineering
Agriculture has benefitted considerably due to genetic
engineering. (Concluding sentence)
Write the topic sentence
First of all, athletes who wish to compete in an Olympic sport
must be physically strong. Furthermore, aspiring Olympians must
train rigorously for many years. For the most demanding sports,
sportsmen and women train for several hours a day, five to six
days a week for ten or more years. In addition, to being physically
strong, athletes must also be mentally tough. This means
demonstrating a total dedication to their sport, being able to
withstand the intense pressure of international competition with
its accompanying media coverage. Finally, not everyone can win a
medal, so Olympics must possess the inner strength to live with
Olympic athletes must be strong both physically and mentally.
First of all, athletes who wish to compete in an Olympic sport
must be physically strong. Furthermore, aspiring Olympians
must train rigorously for many years. For the most demanding
sports, sportsmen and women train for several hours a day, five
to six days a week for ten or more years. In addition, to being
physically strong, athletes must also be mentally tough. This
means demonstrating a total dedication to their sport, being able
to withstand the intense pressure of international competition
with its accompanying media coverage. Finally, not everyone can
win a medal, so Olympics must possess the inner strength to live
with defeat.
Find the topic sentence
According to Smith (2014), Dr Michael Karsten, a Dutch physician
states that he had prescribed anabolic steroids to hundreds of world-
class athletes. He states that if athletes are especially gifted they
might win once, but from his experience they could not continue to
win without drugs. He asserted that the field is too filled with drug
users. In fact it has been claimed that record-breaking performances
of Olympic athletes may be directly due to drugs. Charles Yesalis, a
Pennsylvania State University professor who has studied the use of
drugs in sports believes that a large percentage of athletes who have
set new records have done so with the help of performance-
enhancing drugs. It is also argued that a considerable number of
experts, at least in private, also add credence to this claim (Herper,
It seems apparent that if athletes want to win, they must consider
using drugs. According to Smith (2014), Dr Michael Karsten, a Dutch
physician states that he had prescribed anabolic steroids to hundreds
of world-class athletes. He states that if athletes are especially gifted
they might win once, but from his experience they could not
continue to win without drugs. He asserted that the field is too filled
with drug users. In fact it has been claimed that record-breaking
performances of Olympic athletes may be directly due to drugs.
Charles Yesalis, a Pennsylvania State University professor who has
studied the use of drugs in sports believes that a large percentage of
athletes who have set new records have done so with the help of
performance-enhancing drugs. It is also argued that a considerable
number of experts, at least in private, also add credence to this claim
(Herper, 2012).
Topic Sentence, Ideas and Sources
Topic Sentence The increased use of computers in business has been
accompanied by a costly increase in computer crime.

Main Point A Computer criminals cost business a great deal of money.

Source for Main Point A The financial losses to business from computer thefts will
(Bruce, 2005:21) exceed $45 billion in 2015.

Main Point B Computer criminals not only steal money but also
Source for Main Point B It is not just the money they steal, they steal data and data
(Bruce, 2005:23) is power.
Main Point C Attempts to thwart the stealing of data is problematic.

Source for Main Point C Computer crime is difficult to control as hackers are always
(Dunn, 2008:15) one step ahead of law enforcement agencies.
Look at the following examples that have written by students in
your class.

These students have attempted to paraphrase the text in the

previous slide and to write the citations correctly.

Read them carefully and ascertain:

If the students have used different vocabulary
If the students have paraphrased correctly and maintained the
same meaning
If the citation is correct
Student Example Elias ?
The increase use of computers in business has
been accompanied by a costly increase in
computer crime. Therefore computer criminals
financially harm businesses. As stated by Bruce
(2005), money stolen by computer criminals from
businesses will be more than $45 billion in 2015. It
is believed as well as money, hackers also steal
information. It is not merely the money they
steal, they steal data and data is power (Bruce,
2005:23). The prevention of the stealing of data is
a problem of much concern.
Othmane, Ammar, Zaina, Saad, Ali
The increased use of computers in business has been
accompanied by a costly increase in computer crime.
Computer hackers may cost businesses a great deal of
money. These thefts may exceed billions. By the year
2015, financial losses from cyber criminals are predicted to
exceed $45 billion (Bruce, 2005). These hackers may not
only steal money but also a considerable amount of
information. In addition, these criminals seek to steal
powerful data (ibid). Even though banks try to protect
their perimeters, hackers still find a way to access
information. As most are highly skilled, they are always
ahead of the police and government agencies (Dunn,
Mahmoud, Saul, Arash, Mohammed, Sultan

The increased use of computers in business has been

accompanied by a costly increase in computer crime.
Businesses have been recording losses due to cyber crime and
by 2015 financial losses will surpass $45 billion (Bruce, 2005).
Besides money, it is known that computer criminals also steal
information, and it is not only the money they steal, they steal
data and data is power Bruce, 2005:23). Problems have been
experienced in the attempt to prevent the theft of data. As a
result of hackers being pursued by law enforcement, computer
crime has been difficult to tame (Dunn, 2008). Cyber crime has
cost businesses a fortune and attempts to stop it has yielded
negative results.
Lina, Feras, Tina
The implementation of computers into the
business world has a new frontier of crimes.
Furthermore, cyber crimes has cost business
significant losses that exceed billions. For example,
by the year 2015, computer theft is expected to
cost above $45 billion (Bruce, 2005). In addition,
it is not solely financial losses that are expected,
data is also stolen as well (ibid).

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